Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I have come from Heaven to be with My most humble children, and in this poor place, I find a place so like the Manger of Bethlehem, where My beloved Son was born two thousand years ago.

Into this oratory which is being built today in your hearts and souls, the Lord pours out His Mercy, His Rays of kindness and of love over those children of Mine who have most need of God.

Through you, dear children, your Mother brings all the Graces from Heaven to be able to strengthen your hearts, spirits and souls in the definitive times that will come.

And with simple, but very loving words, words that are born of My Immaculate Heart, I build the Celestial Church of My Son in all My children of the world so that He, when He returns, may find a dwelling place, a place where He may rest and be, so as to unite with souls in communion and in life.

Once again, your Heavenly Mother gathers together all Her children, of this city and from all parts of the world, to be able to consecrate you again to My Immaculate Heart, placing My Celestial Mantle on each of you, placing My Holy hands on you so as to be able to plead with My Son for a last and sacred opportunity for this humanity.

I would like all of you, dear children, to open your hearts even more to be able to feel the presence of My Divinity, which emerges from an Infinite and unknown Source from where everything has begun, from where God thought of creating the universes and everything that exists in them.

You, My little children, are integrated into a universal life, into a macrocosm where this planet also emits its vibration and its light, beyond the confines of this universe.

Thus, when your prayers are true and done from the heart and with love, the waves of those prayers reach the whole universe and great mirrors of Light, which your Heavenly Mother manifests, use them to radiate Love to the whole universe. They capture your simplest prayers and onto the Earth refract the Love that humanity needs to be able to heal and thus expand its consciousness in these times.

For this reason, beloved children, today not only your hearts and families are benefited, but also the whole universe, everything that exists in the universe. And in this way, the Sacred Alliance between souls and God, between the Heavens and the Earth, between humanity and the stars, is established.

I come to teach you in these times what your beloved Celestial Mother learned more than two thousand years ago; when She was among you, praying for the world, imploring the Celestial Father, and through the sacrifice of My beloved Son, in which it was granted I could be present, throughout time and the centuries to guide My children of humanity on a correct and sure path that could take them to the Heart of God.

In these times, dear children, in which humanity suffers too much, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature that are suffering silently for the world, I invite you to experience this simple celestial knowledge through which  today, your hearts, and especially your souls, have changed into sublime mirrors of prayer to be able to heal the deepest and most inner situations in yourselves, and also to be able to help humanity of the surface, in each place of this world that, on this afternoon of light and love, received it from each of you.

I invite you to lift up your consciousnesses and imitate the path of your Celestial Mother, not only through experiencing the Sacraments and your presence in the Holy Church, but also through the prayer of the heart, which will protect you in these times, will bring you discernment and wisdom, and through it, you will solve impossible things, because in the simplicity and the humility of your hearts, you will be united with My maternal Heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

There are many things, many mysteries, that My Heart must reveal to you in this time. But for that, My children, I need you to unite with Me in a simple way, through your most sincere prayers, not only so that you may obtain material things, health in illnesses or intelligence.

I ask, My children, that in these times you unite with My Heart to pray for the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for this city and for all the cities of the world that are so far from God.

Today, your Celestial Mother comes to this place rejoicing, in fullness, because from Heaven, I saw your open hearts, preparing the way so that I could reach here. Although My Presence is a great mystery to you, I want to be visible to the eyes of your hearts, I want to be in your homes, among your families, making of your lives a great cenacle of love so that, through you, a greater time of peace be granted to the world.

Today, I awaken the mirrors of your hearts. This is one of the mysteries I come to reveal to you. Rather than to seek to understand, feel, My children, that Divine Light that is ignited before your hearts, that strengthens your essences, that brings a healing that does not come from this world because it seeks to heal the roots of human errors.

Feel this little mirror which is ignited today, in some for the first time, but which I hope, My children, will not be the last, because I want to make of you true suns on this Earth, that illumine the hearts of your brothers and sisters when they are dark, and that you will be able to show the path when humanity is blind and lost, without managing to find God.

May this little light that I ignite today in your essences and make reflect in the mirrors of your hearts, be perpetuated and transform into a bridge that unites your hearts with Mine so that, in this way, beloved children, you know to come to My Heart, although My Voice no longer resounds in this world.

I want to make this city an example for the cities of the planet, because it is with simple hearts that God performs the greatest miracles, as He did with Mine, My simple and humble Heart, when I was on Earth; as He did with Saint Joseph, a humble carpenter of God; revealing the greatest celestial mysteries to Us and making Us guardians of a Plan that God has for all of humanity.

Today, My children the Books of the Universe open to re-write a story, a new beginning in your lives. All you have to say is 'yes' to Me, for in this way, I will erase that which was written in twisted lines and of your lives, My children, I will make a story of redemption and of rehabilitation to be written in the Sacred Books.

I know that many do not understand what I come to tell you today, but keep My Words in your spirits, because when they are sufficiently mature, you will be able to understand what I told you here today.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, in you I come to build what you have never experienced, so that you may enter into a new life.

What I need, dear children, is that you open your hearts every day, just as you opened them today. Open the doors of your homes so that they may become oratories of light and this city be lifted up as the city of the New Jerusalem.

Today I am with simple children, and I would like to ask you, My beloved children:

Do you accept consecrating your city to My Immaculate Heart?

Do you accept that I make of this city a new city?

Do you accept, dear children, receiving pilgrims from the whole world?

For all that, we must pray, because shortly, your lives will be transformed, and you will not recognize yourselves.

Remember, dear children, that as of now and until I return here, on a new date, your lives will have changed a lot if you just pray with Me, as you have prayed today for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

Now you, at the Doors of Heaven, will together with your Heavenly Mother, experience the consecration of new Children. Let them approach so that I may give you the blessing, future Children of Mine, of My Immaculate Heart.

Into your hands receive and hold in your hearts the Grace that I will give you today.

Place your hands in the sign of reception.

"Celestial Father, today I not only consecrate those who wear My Mantle of Light, but all Your children, all those who have need of You to be able to live in Your Trust and fullness."

From this city, and especially from all your souls, I wish for new Children of Mary, just like those being consecrated today, so that in Brazil I may weave a great network of light, prayer and instruction that reaches more hearts that will be touched by My maternal Love.

"Father, to Your children and all Your creatures, grant this Grace to those who awaken to their mission, those that seek communion with My Son so that in this way, they can concretize a healing and redemption of hearts."

Dear Children of Mary, from My hands receive the Sphere of Light of the Celestial Universe. Carry your hands to your heart.

I leave, grateful for the many efforts, by the care and dedication of each heart that has given of itself to make this meeting with the simple souls of God possible.

I bless you, I consecrate you and absolve you, under the authority of My beloved Son, so that your hearts may live in faith, form groups of prayer and believe in this city as an Island of Salvation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I rise up to Heaven, listening to your voices and carrying in My maternal Heart the pleas of My beloved children.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Special Apparitions

Today I am here with all the angels of Heaven to bless you and love you.

And although the souls are spiritually lost, My Immaculate Heart never ceases, because My promise before God is continuous and victorious.

My Plan is fulfilled in all those who hear Me and I never stop opening the doors of My Heart for those who become lost.

And although the trust in God is no longer in the lost, I recover it through My Love, My Grace, and My Light; that is why, children, you should never give up.

What I offer you in this time is unique; it will never be offered again until the next world.

My Grace allows all things and the Grace of the angels allows all things.

That is why I Am that Aurora that shines in the heart of the self-summoned to follow Me in this co-redemptive Work with My beloved Son.

I Am that Star that never ceases to shine in the spirits that believe in it and admire it, because I, dear children, do not do things for Me, but rather it is God that does them through His faithful Servant and His pilgrims.

I come from the celestial spheres to find you and love you even more each day.

I come to build in you something new that is still unknown to you. For that I am here, dear children, for you and for My children of the world.

I come with all of My kindness, to shelter you, to listen to you and respond to you, in the presence of the Light of God and of His Kingdom.

I do not want, dear children, for anybody to miss this sacred opportunity. I cannot show Myself more to you because I do not have the permission.

My Graces have already been physically placed throughout time and you have been able to ascertain this.

Now My Divine Spirit comes to you to call your spirits, which have a special mission with Me.

I am not here, dear children, to have you waste time. That is why I still come to Aurora, because God sends Me as His Messenger, again and again, until you manage to listen in the depths of your hearts.

I hope that you fulfill My designs without delay, because the times are urgent for all and especially for those who suffer and receive no Grace.

It will be through the apostles of My Son that I will be able to prepare the world for the second coming of the Master. If you do not prepare the fields where I send you to work, dear children, how will new seeds sprout in the hearts that are closed?

Each one of you has a key for My Work and I gave it to you. That is prayer.

It is prayer that will form you, it is prayer that will unite you with Our Father Who is in the Heavens and Who always waits for you with His arms open, to receive you and have you sit in His beloved Throne of Light.

How many souls do not want to see that opportunity and delay, delay a great deal, dear children!

How many hearts still do not want to change their way of life and do not accept to find the real Love of My Heart, that comes to aid you in this end time!

That is why, in this century, I need committed soldiers, decided and strong, to respond to My call.

I come to have you grow in love and in brotherhood, in unity and in the spirit of this sacred task that I entrust to you.

Each Center of Light that I have founded has a purpose, it still fulfills a mission before the Plan of God.

Just as it is in Fatima, it is here in Aurora, as it is in Medjugorje, or in Guadalupe. Each nation has a key that I have given it through My different faces, so that the peoples may learn to accept Me and to receive Me in love.

But I Am the same, dear children. I Am the Mother of Jesus, of your Redeemer.

I Am the One Who ascended to the Heavens to implore God for this world and Who will return after Her Son, opening the doors to the Kingdom of God for those who have persisted throughout the times.

I Am Who with My Son will help to resurrect the dead, to uplift spirits, and to assemble those who have become lost to live in the Love of God.

I Am the governor of the new race.

I Am the One Who ignites the flame in hearts that invoke My Presence, because it is the Presence of God in My virginal aspect.

I need you to understand and comprehend, dear children, who you are receiving!

I Am a spokesperson of the Universe, that comes to warn the world, so that it may not become lost in the darkness.

You must help Me so that evil does not triumph in any human heart.

Each time that you pray with Me, an uncertain door closes upon darkness and a soul is uplifted to the Kingdom of My Love and of My Peace.

In this way, dear children, I wander through the world to call those who are asleep; for those who have not been able to see Me, nor feel Me in their hearts.

Aurora has a fundamental task with Me, which is non-transferable. And it must be accomplished no matter what the cost, because in spite of the times of battle, I will give you the fortitude and the support through prayer of the heart.

I gave you, dear children, the great tool of humility for souls and the shield against all adversity.

Although the beasts are about to walk over humanity and among the peoples, do not be afraid. Who unites with Me becomes a great Mirror of prayer for the world and radiates peace, when they accept living it in their heart and in truth.

What I need, dear children, is for you to open your hearts to self-forgetfulness, because the world is full of itself and does not want to accept that this causes it to sink, day after day.

I need you to open to the Love of God, so that you may know the majesty of His Plan and of His redeeming Work in these times.

Count on your angels and call them all the time. They still yearn to be able to serve you in this end time. It is time, dear children, that you perceive that you are not alone in this world and that you can count on the Celestial Universe.

Each time that I come here, as in each Apparition, of Saint Joseph or of My beloved Son, or of My Heart, We open the doors of the Cosmos so that each day you may be uplifted and abandon this old matter, which corrodes the spirit and hearts.

That is why the Aurora will free you, although its presence is silent in these times.

We are a Celestial Brotherhood that calls upon you to serve the Plan of God and to manifest its designs in this time, so that more hearts may consciously participate in their redemption and rehabilitation.

I wish that you could see the Universe, just as I see it all the time.

God will not punish you for not being able to respond. But know, dear children, that today you know My Truth, which is the Truth that I wish for each child of Mine, which is the love that I need you to experience and to practice, so that humanity does not fail through its lack of love and because of its indifference.

My Eyes observe you in contemplation and in unity with the Father. My hands pour out their Light into the darkness of the Earth, in order to dispel it.

My Heart shines like a protective shield for hearts that accept it.

And the triumph of my co-redemptive work with My Son is established in the hearts that are redeemed and say "yes".

This is the message, dear children, that I want you to attentively hear today and to hear again in these next days, in order to be able to feel each one of My Words, and even more so, My Energy, which is the Energy of God, your Father Who is in the Heavens and awaits you.

In this hour, feel the embrace of the angels and their Grace, and give thanks to God every day for having awakened to My call in this end time, which is so critical.

There are souls that despair and that are tortured.

There are souls that suffer in loneliness and in silence, without anybody contemplating them.

There are souls that die without feeling love and Kingdoms of Nature that suffer the consequences of humankind.

Who will alleviate the pain of your Heavenly Mother?

Who will accept living this affliction with Me and transform it into love and light so that the Celestial Father may triumph?

I ask you, children of the world, to not close the doors to God, for He sends Me so that you may hear and accept Him.

Do not fear the tribulation, the failure. Live penitence, prayer, and repentance, and with My help, dear children, you will achieve holy humility on the last day of your lives.

And thus, when everything finishes here, in this beloved Aurora, I will lift up to the Heavens the Scrolls of Light, where your experience with Me and the offering of this sacrifice of love for humanity will be written.

There are souls that believe it is not necessary to make an effort for this suffering and lost world. Is it not so, My children, that when God sends Me, I have shown you the constancy of My Love, of My Mercy, and of My goodness towards all?

If for you I Am your whole Grace, why do you not do the same that I do for each child of the planet?

I only ask you, as My Son asked you, that each day you learn to love each other more, because who does not go through that Law will not be able to bear their purification.

I invite you to feel united all the time, through My Immaculate Heart, which is the home that opens up so that you may enter and feel peace. In this way, dear children, you will please Me, and as in other passed Apparitions throughout time, I will be able to lift up to Heaven the Scepter of the triumph of the redeemed hearts.

And again I say to you, that through this sincere effort, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you and bless your Mother here on Earth, with the breath of My Love and of My Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Our Lady, we will listen to "Meeting with Mary in the heart".

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
