Surrender your heart and your life into the Hands of God so that your inner suffering may end.
Allow the rays which descend from Heaven for the definition of beings not to cause pain within you, but rather to free you from your resistances, from the walls of stone which separate you from that which you are, which prevent you from reaching God.
Let the barriers of resistance be broken; allow your forces and your love for the Plan of God to be renewed.
All opportunities for the ascension and enlightenment of consciousness are to be found in your daily life; the key lies upon your posture before the events, trials and needs which lead you to overcoming.
Your feet are now upon the calvary of this world; therefore, do not delay your steps, but embrace the cross which was given to you, with peace in your heart.
Remember the embrace of your Lord on the wood, when the cross of your redemption weighed upon Him; and today, when you are called to imitate His steps and give all of yourself out of love, do the same: embrace the cross, for the redemption of the blind of spirit and hard of heart, for the indifferent and ignorant, for those who have not received Mercy because they believed their state of miseries to be the treasure of their lives.
When you embrace the cross, from Heaven will come the help for you to carry it.
When you embrace the cross, you will experience the revelation of the Love of God in Christ.
When you consummate your surrender on the cross of these times, you shall see the Love of God become renewed within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May each instant of your life be a mission offered to the Creator. Find in each event an opportunity to serve, renounce, love, understand, so that the Christic principles may flood your acts and be installed within your consciousness and thus, child, enter into the depths of human consciousness, there where thoughts, feelings and actions are generated.
Understand each moment as the right moment to be offered as an instrument to the Father and, even if it is to those who are next to you every day, be a source of peace, of grace, of healing, through which the Rays, that come from God in help of humanity and all life upon the Earth, can flow.
Remind your consciousness of its purpose in this world. You already know that you have come to the world to live a Greater Law which restores life and the evolution of all creatures of God.
In your smallest actions, imprint this purpose of peace. Thus, child, you will be in God and He will be within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Devotion: A Door to Liberation
Devotion, children, is a Gift of God in the hearts of human beings, a Divine Ray placed inside beings so that, when active and awake, it may lead you to return to the Heart of the Father.
Devotion activates in human consciousness its potential to unite dimensions, to dissolve all barriers which separate hearts from God and to open doors so that beings may be liberated from all that impedes them from reaching the Father.
Devotion is like a magnet that raises the consciousness towards God and, at the same time, purifies it so that it may reach the Father.
Devotion allows hearts to recognize the need to be in God and, when this devotion is mature and evolutionary, beings are conscious of the need to create a condition so that those who do not manage to, may also have the possibility of reaching the Father.
Devotion, which is born in the heart and rises towards the consciousness, allows beings to mature their lower nuclei and transmute them, because the energy itself allows you to understand that it is necessary to transform oneself in order to reach God.
Devotion is a door towards planetary liberation and a safe path to awaken and activate the mirrors of your hearts.
Devotion must always deepen within beings, raise their vibration and stop being an emotional process to become an experience, a spiritual and inner condition of beings.
Devotion must keep rising from the heart to the consciousness so that you always know how to open the doors to reach God.
Allow devotion to express itself in your hearts. Do not be afraid to transform yourselves and become pure before God, for this is what will make you return to the Father.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time of this world goes by and, in the Universe, the Time of God is approaching.
The cycles are transformed, the laws are exchanged so that other laws will be the impulses received by life.
Within the beings, spirits scream, and those who realized strong commitments with God can no longer remain in their ignorance and in the common living of their days.
The rays that spiritually descend from the Heavens moves, within the souls, the need to awaken; moves within those already awakened, the need to mature; and moves in those who are mature, the need to deepen. Nothing will remain as it is.
The Time of God will bring restlessness to all beings because their cells will be changing vibration, their essences will approach their origin, their spirits will see in the horizon the possibility of returning to God. Everything will move you towards evolutionary life.
Listen to the voice of your hearts. Know how to respond to your souls and, before a divine call, always say "yes".
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Everything in the life of those who surrender to God can become a service even if their minds do not know it.
Let the Father make of your being His instrument in the world, so that your prayer may be liberating, that your renunciation is repairing, that your surrender is healing, that your love to God is the motor that makes the Divine Mercy an unending source for Earth and for all of life.
The human heart is full of mysteries and one of them is that almost all the Laws and Divine Rays can manifest themselves in your lives, even if there is no knowledge about Them. In this way, children, your actions are pure and sincere, your intentions are turned only to the Divine Purpose.
Today be a little more conscious of this higher reality and pray, allowing the doors of liberation to open in this world and so the ties and oppression that suffocate the souls and the Kingdoms of Nature will be dissolved.
Renounce with joy and let that action be like a balm for the Heart of the Father because when you renounce your human will to fulfill the Will of God, you are repairing the Heart of the Father of all the wounds that human indifference and self-will cause Him.
Serve and surrender your heart to the Greater Law so, child, your actions will attract the Sublime Laws of Heaven which will make the Heavenly Source pour graces and Mercy upon those who do not deserve it but that, in spite of their mistakes and sins, are profoundly loved by God and were created with the Divine Purpose from which they deviated.
May your life be as a light in the world, lighting up the path of those who have lost themselves and giving peace back to them.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more