Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XII
Within the Light-Communities, especially in the island of salvation of Aurora, within its three areas, three specific bases of rescue should be set up in which residents, the consecrated and collaborators will go through a formation in first-aid and, in some cases, a technical deepening in nursing.
In the three areas, three houses or rooms should be built where there would be a consulting room, a clinic and all the equipment that a lifeguard should have available in the time of the rescue; this includes rescue ropes, a boat, special flashlights, safety belts, fire-fighting elements, tools for saving lives within water, etc. All of this equipment must be correctly ordered, as well as the three consulting rooms that will be built for use as emergency bases in the face of any situation.
These three rooms must have shifts which will be relieved each week by the residents, the consecrated and especially by the nursing technicians that will be trained. For this reason, members of the Figueira Community that specialize in the area of rescue, surveillance and nursing must have periodic rhythms within the Community of Aurora to be able to form and accompany the building of the three emergency bases or modules.
This preventative measure will assist everyone to become more prepared for taking care of any necessity. Within these modules, there must be medicines, nursing materials and emergency implements that are kept up to date monthly so that they comply with the norms of hygiene, safety, and quality.
Nothing must be done precariously or poorly; these bases will also serve as a support for the local and regional community, especially in the unpopulated areas where assistance is more scarce. I declare this as a necessity to construct the bases, as a priority, and it will move forward with the support of all members of the Light-Network.
Uruguay needs to improve its emergencies infrastructure and Aurora will be in this proposal. For this reason, the means will be sought for the residents, the consecrated and the collaborators to learn how to swim and protect themselves from possible fires, and to be knowledgeable about earthquakes, tsunamis, and unexpected large floods.
You know that the planet and the nations will be purified by the elements of nature and, for that, you must be properly trained and updated.
The doors of the Community of Aurora will be open to receive doctors and technicians in emergencies and this formation must be academically supported by the corresponding entities.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The elements of Nature, the air, the water, the earth and the fire, as well as the devic elements, will be the great referents of humanity for the planetary purification.
The elements themselves will put into place what was modified and no one will be able to oppose them, because the elements of Nature are based in the terrestrial laws that rule the planet, which have been modified and altered by the human beings of the surface.
This millenary chain of transgressions to the essence of the Kingdoms have come to an end.
For this cycle of purification, the elements of Nature will be those who will not leave one stone upon another, as the impetus with which they will manifest will correct the space and also the duty that the same elements had towards Creation. This correction will not come as a punishment, but as Justice.
The continuous aggression upon the Kingdoms of Nature and their elements has generated significant changes in these last centuries.
Now, for this cycle of purification and cleansing of the degenerated humanity, the elements will take charge of the forms and laws to put everything in its place, even if it is later destroyed.
This destruction will be a correction, it will be to return to the space which, in this case, belonged to the water or to the earth and was taken away from them or modified.
Permanent prayer will balance the elements and will help them to live their re-adaptation within the laws of the planet.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Lord of Kindness,
placate the injustice
that is shown
before Your Eyes.
Relieve the inner pain
of those who truly suffer.
Place Your consoling Love
into the sick souls
and do not cease to guide me,
not even for a moment.
Beloved Jesus,
You know we are weak
and fragile of spirit,
You know we wound Your Heart
time and again with our
indifferent acts,
You know we do not do what we could
but rather we do what we should not.
Patient and beloved Jesus,
enter deeply
into our hearts
and tear out from us
all pride and arrogance
so that, free from the prisons of life,
we may humbly learn
to console You and adore You.
Sustain us during our falls.
Protect us in our weaknesses,
and always liberate us from ourselves
so that we may be worthy
of honoring and glorifying You
as the Savior and Redeemer
of our lives.
May we not abandon You.
May we abandon ourselves in You, Lord,
so that Your Sacred Will may be fulfilled.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Seventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Beloved Jesus,
may my confidence, although it may be poor, unite to Yours
so that Your Presence may strengthen my heart
in the tests that I will soon go through.
Beloved Son of God,
Servant of the Unchangeable Father,
make me small and simple in everything,
let me know the deepest mysteries
of Your Heart.
Reveal to me, Lord,
the intimacy of Your Soul
and the greatness of Your redeeming Love.
O Lord of the Universe!
that in the emptiness of my being
I may find the absolute surrender of my Soul
so that some part of this imperfect being
may represent You on Earth
as a new apostle of Your Heart.
Beloved Jesus,
make me cherish and love my fellow beings,
just as You love me in an unconditional and eternal way.
Do not leave me stagnant in the shortcomings of the neighbor.
Rather, Lord, show me my shortcomings
so that according to Your Word and energy
I may be able to transform them.
I wish, Lord,
to see You reflected in the heart that suffers,
in the soul that despairs.
I wish to see You everywhere
and thus be able to participate in You
so that even the smallest gesture of my charity
may be able to quench the thirst that You feel
for the souls that do not accept You.
Give me bravery
and I will abandon myself into Your Arms.
Make me the instrument that You need.
Make me the project that You so much hope for
so that I may not interfere in anything, Lord,
but that it be You, Christ,
who works through this small life.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
May the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard today, because there is a people crying for liberation, piety and redemption; there is a people crying for justice, mercy and peace. And it is not for lack of divine help nor of supreme help; this is part of what humanity generates among peoples and nations, among races and cultures.
From the Sahara Desert, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard, Who today presents His Throne of Wisdom and Power to bring Justice to the world, the Justice that will balance the planet and humanity.
That is why you should pray as you are doing, every day.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to bring Justice to the world, for the requests of its people and its culture; for the pleas of the simple and of the humble.
May differences no longer exist between races and religions, between beliefs and doctrines.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to unify everything, from the beginning to the end; it comes to reveal to you that in essence you are all one. And from that unity, you all come from God; from the same Father who has created you; from the same Universe that has manifested you, from the same Love that has expressed you in an infinity of forms and manifestations.
All are one in essence, and in this unity there is the Love that transcends borders, cultures and peoples.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to reveal to you a time of great planetary purification; a time that no other race has lived in another era or in another century.
I come as the Lord of Egypt to speak to you in the name of Love, and also to show you that I am in everything, not only in Christianity.
I Am part of God and from God I come.
I Am part of His Divine Emanation and of His Purpose for this and other Universes.
This is the Voice that speaks to you, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, the One Who was with you before and the One Who is with you now to give continuity to the Purpose of God.
May no people, culture, race or nation forget that each being first is an essence, before being matter; that they are part of an original Source and of a principle that must be fulfilled in you so that it can be fulfilled in the world.
Those who believe that they are powerful and make wars, will not win.
Those who are oppressed and suffer the consequences are the ones who will triumph.
Because Love will always be able to do everything. Love will renew everything and beliefs or religions will not be important, but rather the essence that will unite peoples and nations, where there will be no distinction of culture, race or color.
I come to show to My Church that I am also in those who would not believe in Christ. Because they do not really believe because they do not know Me, they have not felt Me and they have not lived Me, as you once lived and knew Me.
Expand this Love that I bring to the world, so that the world can have an opportunity and reconsider.
Therefore, from the Sahara Desert My Voice is proclaimed so that Christians, Arabs and Muslims listen to Me as the only God, as the emanation of the Firstborn Son, as the One Who has renewed all times in the past, through the Cross.
A moment will come when everyone will find themselves on the same path, and together, as peoples, cultures, religions and nations, they must cross the last portal, because there will be no other; there will be no portals to choose or door to cross, but one, which is the door of My Heart. There everyone will understand one another and will have clarity in the end times that I have always been the same, from the Alpha to the Omega, and that My Divine and Omnipotent Presence has been in everyone; although in the majority it has been hidden, even in order to awaken.
If I come as the Lord of Egypt, it is for you to know that My Christic Love is in others, and not only in so few or in those who believe they can retain Me by proclaiming My Name.
I Am the Son of the Living God, but also God is in Me, as in My brothers and sisters.
God, Abba or Allah is in everyone, as it is written in all the Sacred Books.
Because a day will come when the knowledge written in the Sacred Books will be one, when humanity receives the revelation that only one God was always in all creation, as in all times; going through all generations, all cultures and all peoples. And they will know that He has tried to express and show Himself in all places, as in all the corners of this planet.
And so, knowing this revelation, they will understand their filiation with the Father and they will join the Source. In that moment it will no longer be necessary to make wars or create conflicts, for material goods or for spiritual dogmas. At that moment I will already be present in the world and within humanity.
But, as in the past, the Living God in the Beloved Son will show Himself to small groups before showing Himself completely to the world and everything that will have happened through religions and this Work will be understood.
Those who did not accept it, will recognize it. Those who have stepped aside, will be ashamed for having abandoned Me. Those who persisted and will persist to the end, will enjoy My Spirit, something that will be unknown.
It will be the last impulse revealed by your Master and Lord to His disciples, in all those who have faith in My Name and in My Word.
And everything that will have been difficult, hard and sacrificed for those that are Mine will be understood and will have a meaning.
The anguishes lived; the sorrows that oppressed; the bitterness felt by the hearts that have separated themselves will be understood; because it is part of a purpose and a history that I am writing in this world and, mainly, in your hearts.
When everyone has conscience of what My Work has done through souls, many will regret too late; but those who are with Me will rejoice because they had full confidence in My Message and in My impulse of Light.
That is why I settle My Work in the most difficult places, so that it may be fulfilled and, at least, peace may be sown in the spirit of each place.
Therefore, everything you offer to your Lord for this Work will be invaluable in the eyes of the men of the world.
Because at this time it is written: The Lord of Egypt, the Lord of the East, will take away the power from those who believe they have it, and will give His treasures to those who have suffered for injustice and inequality; and the Promised Land, which dwells in the Heart of Christ, will be revealed to those who with effort have followed His steps, towards the path of Light and of unity.
And at that hour I will unite everything, cultures, peoples, beliefs, religions and races; and everybody will listen to the Master and Lord in one language, in His original language, which reverberates in the Universe and echoes in the deepest spaces of the Cosmos, like a mantric melody that, in an impulse of vibration and light, renews everything that it touches and transforms everything that is impossible.
The Voice of the Son of Man, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, will be like a thunder that will illuminate the cusps of the Churches of the Earth, without preference of place or people.
Because at the least thought moment the Lord of Egypt will show Himself and in His Heart, as in His Divine and Trine Face, He will bring the synthesis of all His experience lived on Earth as in Heaven, so that a New Humanity may begin.
In the meantime, listen to the Voice of the Lord of Egypt that tells you: do not tire of working for God, because God always will give His Treasures to those who live His Word truly and without prejudice.
Therefore, may love abound in these times so that millions of wounds may be closed in hearts that suffer for different reasons and motives.
When they understand the essence of the Purpose of God many will be surprised by what they will know, because they will know something they have never known; because something that they never saw will be revealed, and it will be clear to all; there will be no doubt, interpretation or mirage. Because when the Lord of Egypt returns to the world with His true Face, everything will be consummated.
May each prayer be valued. May each bead offered be contemplated. May every prayer offered be placed at the Foot of the Creator, for those who turned away from Me without understanding everything; because the only thing that I want for all of My companions is that they always see the truth and in truth live to someday be free of themselves.
I thank those who persist; those who are sincere and transparent; those who are not afraid to accept their mistakes and ask forgiveness to their brothers and to God.
I thank those who accept without understanding, because someday they will understand everything and, without realizing it, they will be transformed into what I have so much desired with ardor in My living and patient Heart.
May everybody learn from this moment and benefit this opportunity so as not to lose the Grace of awakening and renewing times, just as the Father expects from His creatures.
May the Gift of Wisdom be in the open hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom illuminate the closed hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom reconcile those who have moved away.
May the Gift of Wisdom restore the unity between the souls and God.
May the Gift of Wisdom impulse you to live the Purpose and the transformation of times; because who aspires to the Gift of Wisdom will know My Face.
I encourage you to continue materializing My Work.
I encourage you to continue fulfilling My requests; because I tell you again, companions, that everything will be clear at the end of these times.
Remember that My Kingdom is for everyone.
Second Message
The time has come for the great transition in which times will unite, where the old human will be left behind, so that the New Human can be born.
For this moment you must be prepared, because you have never lived it and have never felt it.
I am here as the Master and Lord to be this bridge, to take you first to My Heart and later to live what you have to live.
Because it is already written, everything is written, from the beginning to the end.
As I Am the Beginning, I Am also the End and everything will pass through Me, so that men understand it.
If the soul is united to My Heart, nothing will happen because it will have guidance, it will have understanding and wisdom to comprehend everything that will happen in this next time.
I come as the Lord of Silence to speak to the inner worlds, because it is there where everything resonates, because it is there where everything is heard, because it is there where everything germinates and flourishes for the Grace of God.
I come to call the men and women of the Earth to look inside themselves and not so much outwards, because outwardly everything will get worse, you know it better than I do, you can see it every day in the events of life, in the news, in all communications.
But I come to use all these media to redeem them, just as I come to redeem the men of the Earth for second time.
Everything you do in My Name will have an incalculable value for this time, but you must do it as I wish and not as you think.
To know how you must do it, you must first be in My Heart, in a true and transparent way. Second, you must assume a true commitment and not a tepid one. Third, you must fulfill My Will in a decisive way, affirming in your lives the realization of My Plan on this surface.
Thus you will be doing everything in My Name; because many do things in My Name but not in a true way, not as foreseen by My Will and the designs that My Father has given Me for each of your lives.
I need, in this way, strengthened servers; I need servers within My Fire to help concretize everything that is written and that has not happened yet.
For that reason, I come from the Universe to generate the great awakening; because there is still time, although most do not listen, there is still time.
As the Lord of Silence I come to reverberate the Words of God within the inner worlds where the new humanity will be built, from where the New Human and the new consciousness for this planet will emerge, which will be far from self-destruction and abandonment.
I come to build new bridges for souls, so that hearts can cross them and meet what is eternal, visible and true in the divine.
Therefore, I will count on the help of the angels and the Archangels to carry out this last spiritual impulse.
Therefore, as Lord of Silence, I also pilgrimage in search of the flocks that have been away from Me for a long time and that now have the Grace to return to My Heart in a conscious and true way.
To all those flocks that I will gather again, I will give My Banner of Peace to represent Me as ambassadors on this planet.
It is still necessary to continue generating peace on this planet, in the face of everything that happens every day.
It is still necessary that My Voice continue resonating in the hearts so that all may open to My Divine Will, which is supreme and invincible.
Today I come to talk to all the inner worlds of beings on Earth.
Today I come to talk to all, without exception, because it is there where My seeds of Light will be kept; some will germinate in the next times, and others in the next life, in the next world, in the future humanity.
Everything is part of a silent, patient and sensitive construction.
Nothing is for now, because humanity is not yet ready to live the total surrender that God needs.
But I come to encourage you to make the necessary efforts, to change the ways of daily life, to acquire evolutionary and healthy customs, to have prayer and Communion with Me as a foundation for spiritual life so that you are protected from everything, and above all from My adversary.
Because if you take those foundations as something sincere and essential, you will not perish, despite the obstacles and the tests you will know how to go on transcending the barriers, the abysses and all disturbance.
Do not miss the opportunity to strengthen yourselves in these times.
Do not miss the opportunity to mature in these times and to be true servers, just as God needs it.
In your inner worlds you will always find the answer. Do not look for other guides or teachers, because you will not find them. Humanity is sick and everyone is sick in some degree, in a spiritual or physical way.
Humanity enters fully into its time of purification that is something that is profoundly unknown, no other civilization, no other race in any other era has lived what you live in these times. Therefore, everything is new for you.
But if you maintain your trust in My Merciful Heart, if you meet the requirements that I have dictated for an evolutionary and true life, you will not perish, you will have inner strength to be able to live everything, no matter how hard it may seem.
It is necessary that the old garments be torn so that may be born the pure spirit, that spirit of truth that is within you and that has been trapped for centuries, due to lack of love, to lack of mercy, to lack of peace.
I come as the direct Messenger of God, so that in your inner worlds My Word may resonate, for, the time of definition has come and in a short time everything will be allowed for humanity to choose the next stage of its evolution.
Meanwhile, I gestate merciful and simple hearts through the Love of My Heart.
I do not come to ask the world for anything difficult and distant.
I come to ask humanity to surrender, once and for all, since its ways of life, its way of thinking and acting is deteriorating the Universe and the next stage.
I would like to tell you, in truth, the very opposite, but My commitment is to dictate to you the truth, as it is, however difficult it may seem.
There is still time to surrender, there is still time to repent and to release the human power so that the Light and the Plan may triumph.
There is still time for you to place at My Feet the swords and shields that only bind you to battle and that imprison you to pain; those are the symbols of your most difficult aspects that must still be surrendered to My Heart of Light.
I bring you the Source of My Mercy to allow you all the Graces, although many do not deserve them.
I suffered for you on the Cross, and at this time I also suffer for you, in another way, which is unknown to the world.
I come to point out with My Hand those whom I have chosen, to follow a single path, which is the path of Christianity and not of spiritual diversities.
I come to redo the primitive Church in these times. I come to reconstruct the Creed in all the men and women of the Earth, because it has been distorted by many of My followers, throughout the centuries and the times.
I can only remove some things. I just need you to pray with Me so that everything can be sustained in these critical times.
I will not offer joys to hearts, but sacrifices and great pressures.
Only those who are willing to be in Me all the time, I will not let go and I will guide their path step by step, so that they do not fall into the abysses of these times.
I will be like a torch of Light in front of their chest, I will be that incandescent flame before all the darkness of the Earth, and I will illuminate with My Fire and with My Mercy all the steps that will be given by My new apostles, the apostles of these times.
But I will not promise recognitions, vainglories or greater prizes.
My friends are very few, but My servers are many, and in them I have the foundation of My Infinite Mercy.
I do not want the world to go through a next cycle without knowing the truth. But I say this to all continents, all nations and all peoples, and I hope that My Message reaches all possible languages in order to be able to save many more souls who hope, one day, for My Return.
Although it may not seem so, I am returning.
My Hour has arrived, just as My Hour on the Cross arrived. But now I will come to liberate the world, and I will come to expel the demons that have incarnated on Earth to make it succumb.
The planet will finally be the New Eden and the souls will never suffer again, they will not know what pain is and neither guilt; on the contrary, they will know what is the joy and bliss of being in the Kingdom of God forever.
May God sanctify these elements so that the souls may be sanctified, someday, by the Sacred Spirit of God.
May God sanctify this space so that prayer may have a planetary effect at this time and beyond this country.
Because, in spite of the rise of nation against nation, nations will also be united, hearts will be united in the Purpose of Christ for the triumph of Redemption.
Beloved Celestial Father, sanctify everything You have created in the image and likeness of Your Consciousness.
Sanctify all that exists and all that is offered in Your Highest Altars so that in these times the Love of Your Heart may triumph, and the souls that are suffering the most may be redeemed. Amen.
Sanctify Lord, the first thing that You have created in this world, water, so that the souls learn to quench their inner thirst and are always nourished by Your Spirit.
May it be established here, Beloved Father, the Communion between Heaven and Earth, between souls and Your Heart, so that Your Sacred Will may triumph.
And now, I will leave here blessing Ecuador and the world, so that these days of prayer that we will share together, may be flowers in My Garden of Mercy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The time of universal Justice will come.
Therefore, I come to call the most sinful and imperfect so that, in honor of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, they may receive the last chance to live conversion and redemption, because not one stone will be left on another and no one will be able to prevent it.
Your judgment before the entire heavenly and angelic universe is near, but if my good souls continue to pray from the heart and without obligation or commitment, I promise, before the last hour, to render help to those souls who have stained the Heart of My Eternal Father with their pride and denial.
I will send My Custodian Angels to help you so that, in the most difficult times, when the Earth will be intensely purified, They may guide your steps and the all cenacles of prayer where the Holy Trinity is glorified.
Receive the help you need; My true Church, full of simple apostles, has already fulfilled its part before the Law and the instruction.
None, in this material world, will be able to say that they did not know the Son of God, He who will come among the clouds bringing the scale of Justice and the Scepter against impunity and suffering.
The Son of God will come in the omnipotence of His humility, of His attained humility, and there will be no one who will not see Him coming in celestial splendor and merciful Love.
The sacred scriptures will be fulfilled in a way unknown to the impious and the cruel.
But My sovereignty belongs to the Greater Universe, from which the Glory of God and the Kingdom of His eternity will descend.
Prepare yourselves, repent, and pray with luminous love so that the last shadows of human horror may not touch or influence your hearts.
That who is not humble and meek will not bear it. Therefore, now that you are in time to be able to reverse everything, be intelligent, seek a life of confraternity and purity, thus you will be protected from the interferences of the adversary and from yourselves.
I send you My Peace, and I give you My Peace, there is not anything better to do in this life than to pray and serve.
Accept the time of the apocalypse that you are going through, feel protected by My fatherly Spirit, and do not waste time or space with misunderstandings. No longer be doors of the past, be instruments of My unfathomable and infinite Mercy.
Remember what I am telling you today, these are already My last Instructions and Messages for humanity. Live in faith and come out of the world of despair and disorderly restlessness.
Pray, pray, pray with Me, and be vigilant.
Seek Me in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar and you will be worthy to one day return to My Kingdom of Peace and Love.
Tonight I bless those who would not deserve My blessing, thus you will be able to feel the magnitude of My Love for all of you.
I leave you My Peace.
Under the Mercy of God be blessed. I thank you for accompanying me.
Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus arrived here with His splendor as the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His luminous and loving Presence was surrounded by six angels who carried in their hands a Blessed Sacrament that they projected as mirrors of light on our beings.
And there, the Master was working within us, seeing the need of each one of us, of this city and the planet.
My Heart is the Living Eucharist for the souls of the world. My Heart dispels the shadows that live within humankind.
Through a union with the power of this Sacrament, consciousnesses are redeemed and sanctify their walking toward God. Blessed is the sincere heart that communes with this Eucharistic Sacrament, for it will have eternal life when every day it only seeks the path of perfection.
I send My celestial angels so they may pour out the Christic codes all over the world that were gained by Me during the Passion; in this way, My Grace avoids the power of the Laws falling upon the just, because even on Earth dwell souls prized by My Father.
Thus, through My Eucharistic Body and Heart, I will establish devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the world. In this way, those consciousnesses that every day of their lives, have sincerely sought Me, overcoming and transcending the limits of matter, on the day of Divine Justice, these souls will not be the cause of My Justice, but rather, will be mediators for the salvation of other souls that in these times will be prisoners of evil.
Happy are all those who have sought the path of Adoration. The temples of the heart will be prepared to move forward with universal works of peace in the misery and the chaos, because I, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will carry out My last magnificent works on the consciousness of humanity; in this way, many will know Who in truth has been the Son of God.
So, before the great universal moment, My Spiritual Source will prepare the flocks. When the time of the great celestial revelation arrives in the whole of humanity, those who will follow the course of My Paths will be as lances of flame, that will pierce the evil, and just by their presence, will release all darkness. But nobody will know who will do it; I will place a veil over this whole mystery; only the love and humility in the simple will demonstrate the power of this great creator mystery.
And even though impure spirits are released like fierce wolves in the current world, the worshipers, who are part of My Mystical body, will defend the power of My Glory and My Return.
The angels of Heaven will be the shining stars that will guide the path of the watchmen and guardians of the Gospel of Christ; thus, the time will come in which My Spiritual Church will be only one.
It will not be necessary that any person or being on the Earth reign in My Name, because when I return, I will reveal the power of the Kingdom of Emmanuel to those who heard My Words with the ears of the heart and the soul.
So the just must be compassionate with the unjust. The time will come to execute works of mercy and charity, which will free the innocent from becoming involved with the confrontations many will experience. Those who will have become worshipers of My Divine Mercy will be victorious.
The Kingdom that approaches will change the spiritual misery and the unjust destitution of the corrupt imbalance that humanity experiences. For My Celestial Light, with the power of Divine Fire, will wear away all the acts and the ways of being that led to the damnation of millions of essences in humanity.
In this time, nothing will remain hidden; life between brothers and sisters will become as mirrors that will reflect the truth that has always been hidden. Thus, I ask the brave for a quick resolution in their surrender; in this way, you will quickly be freed from the corrosive code of human passions, and the immaculate spirit of each being will establish the Divine Kingdom in all things.
The true step to consecration is to be found in the path of the permanent faith of the heart, which will give you the confidence and total fulfillment to live an unknown universe. The most simple will survive the disasters that will come as a purification and fire over a rebellious humanity; in this way, after everything has been purified, like the grain that is crushed in the granary, I will come to re-establish My Greater Kingdom, which perpetually beats in the heart of this Celestial Universe.
Now, My petitions are offered to all those who want to hear what the world has generated. The coming time indicates the path of overcoming the self and this will be more real when the steadfastness to live My Kingdom is the true purpose of servers. In every step and overcoming, I will be interceding and radiating My Celestial Peace.
I will return with the purpose of recovering the lost and confused paths of all those who once remained behind through the actions and attitudes of others, of those who believed they were doing everything correctly; but now they must pay the same price of what was broken, ground and wounded in the spirit of those who were deceived.
My Kingdom is of Truth. Through My Love, I teach you to be a supreme light for the world, thereby releasing the corrupt codes held in the cells of human inheritance. Thus, I gather you together to live a path of transparency and of immediate service to the Plan of the Celestial Father. I need the righteousness of servers, who in themselves will forge the fruits and the potentials that resist giving of themselves through an act of extreme appropriation. But little by little, like a Good Mother, I wake up the divine talents that will serve as an aid and be of help for the current cycle of humanity.
Today I speak to you with this righteousness, because all the beings who have already responded to My Commands are ready to listen with a maturity of consciousness.
Be watchful with Me and you will find the answer in all that may be necessary to clarify. Today, the Wisdom of My Heart pours out infinite Mercy over you. Remember that My Love for you is immediate and unmistakable.
I embrace those who once gave Me their 'yes' and carried My Words to the center of their heart, which will now be the path of liberation from the self.
Love one another Christically.
Unite cosmically.
Work fraternally, and thus you will please Me.
I thank you for accompanying Me in the Eucharist, together with the greater angels.
Peace to all, the Peace of God.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
The Merciful Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more