During the Hour of Mercy, while the greatest flow of the Fount of My pitying Heart opens, everyone has the unique opportunity to be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love so that the most serious faults committed may be forgiven and the deepest wounds may be healed.
At the Hour of Mercy, companions, the Wound of Light of My Side opens to pour out the most potent flow of the Pity of God upon the sinners who sincerely and truthfully ask for Mercy.
At the most culminating hour of Mercy, while every day the sorrowful Death of the Lord on the Cross is remembered, souls, and the whole world, have the opportunity of purifying their heart of every spiritual stain and of being able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, simply by remembering the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.
Announce to the world that the deepest depths of My Mercy are still open so that souls, during this definitive hour of humanity, may achieve spiritual salvation and universal forgiveness.
May your lives be a testimony of My Mercy.
May your examples and acts be merciful, so that in the great universe of My Mercy, souls and the world may achieve peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Heart is like the flame of a blue fire that re-ignites in spirits the Flame of the Original Purpose, and those who have the grace of receiving this impulse are led to experience the purification and the consecration of their lives.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that offers Itself for the intervention and the healing of the errors committed by all beings throughout the ages.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because the Light of My Flame penetrates the depths of the spirit so that creatures may learn to live the Law of Love.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that, in an offering to God, gains the action of forgiveness and of Divine Mercy in the heart of beings.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because, through My Heart, souls will be able to reach the path to live the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
And today I come showing My Wounds to the world, to each one of the souls, as an offering for the wounds that Argentina has today, as a spiritual and material nation.
Today I come to offer My Blood as this perfect testimony of love for you and for each nation of this planet, especially for the nations that suffer the most, which are submitted and colonized by projects that do not come from God, but rather from humanity.
But this will end. It will not last for a long time.
I have come here, to Argentina, for all of this to begin to change from now on.
I have chosen this nation for this start to happen, just as My Father has asked.
For this reason, I offer My Wounds, not as a symbol of suffering, but rather of victory, pouring out the Light of My Spirit from each one of them, for those who want to be bathed by My Grace.
I come here to testify that the Kingdom of God is possible, inside and outside of beings, and on the surface of the planet, which, in spite of the chaos of the end of times and of the immediate purification, the Lord invites you to prevail in peace; invites you to build inside of you a path which is still unknown.
This path that I offer to you is toward the Universe, where the Brotherhood is found; where a purpose is lived during the entire lifetime, until it can be fulfilled.
For this reason, you must seek inside of you, companions, the essence of what you truly are and of what you have come to accomplish in these final times, where the next Kingdom of God in humanity and on the planet will be defined, where many more things will happen, things that you must live to be able to learn and to experience the degrees of love and of forgiveness, in order to achieve, finally, the so awaited redemption.
For this reason, I invite you to be consequent with Me, as you have been in all these last days, where in each detail, in each labor and service, I have seen your love and your effort for Me, with the aim of the Work of the Divine Mercy to be accomplished in humanity, and especially in Argentina.
As I told you yesterday, here there are very valuable souls that have arrived in this time to experience the great change of consciousness, by means of strong experiences and deep livings that try to lead you to the comprehension of the reconciliation and of faith, of unity and of fraternity, in this beloved people.
Here is the preamble of a new race, as is in Brazil and in another parts of South-America.
Everything that happens in these times on the surface of the Earth is part of the objective of My adversary which is to imbalance and destabilize the humanities, peoples and nations. But do not enter in this field nor into this energy of discord and of dissociation.
Nourish yourselves, day by day, through the word of prayer and you will be able to reach the sublime spheres, and the sublime spheres, as guiding stars, will indicate the new path to you, the new direction that you must travel through your lives and experiences.
Do not fear to face the end of times nor the purification.
Do not fear to offer yourselves to suffer for Me, because what I will give you is what you really need, beyond what you would deserve.
Trust in My Heart, because in it lies the Sacred Temple for your spirits, so that your souls may live the communion with Me, time and again.
For this reason, today I come again from Andromeda, to emit My proclamation of peace, to make of this peace a reality that many would like to live but cannot. But if you, companions, decide to be My instruments and not the instruments of the world, I will be able to continue working through your lives and consciousnesses.
Thus, in spite of what happens or what may present itself in these times, I will build in you an unbreakable fortitude that will have its base in spiritual life, given by the fortitude of faith and of the trust in the One, Our Celestial Father.
My Father sends Me, not only to call you to understanding and comprehension, but also to the necessary correction that is vital for these critical times; a correction that will try to lead you always along the path of the Purpose and of the Truth, so that you do not lose the objective of what God needs to build in humanity and in all peoples.
Through My Wounds, I illuminate your lives.
Through My Consciousness, I ennoble your spirits, because they are old spirits, originating from other stars and from other universes. Spirits that have congregated to accomplish a purpose in the name of the Son of God, a purpose that has not been accomplished yet and that has not ended, which is in the apex of its transition and of its definition.
Thus, everything you do for the good of God will build the new and the eternal, which will be invincible and will not be defeated.
Over you is the Hand of Grace. A Grace that helps you, a Grace that fills you, a Grace that leads you to live peace in times without peace.
Be builders of the New Humanity. Postulate yourselves as pillars that will be the bases for the new race by means of attributes, of examples and of an unconditional service for humanity and the planet, as well as for all its Kingdoms.
Elevate your thought toward the High and unite your thought to the Thought of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel and here there will not exist interferences nor disturbances, your attention will be fixed in the Purpose and in all that must happen in the next times.
Argentina must achieve its transparency; it must manifest its equality. For this everything will be purified.
Do not fear to know that everything will be purified. Do not fear to find the reason for this purification and of this moment. Know that everything is already foreseen and that your land has been called to live a new state of consciousness that will first be born in the human beings who live in the Lord, who accomplish His Designs and His Divine Will.
From you the new being may be born and the old being will be left behind, because you will have accepted to live the Principles of God, which will not only constitute new consciousnesses in you, but which will form the new peoples, the new race, the New Earth.
From the heart of the Universe, I emit My Voice, so that My Voice may be heard by all.
I leave for you the Love that I have for your Motherland and for your nation, knowing that God has given you the best that He has so that your people, from its origins, might learn to express its inner and spiritual virtue.
It is this virtue that I come to seek from the Argentinian people, and it is this virtue that will not be dissolved from the essence of all those who live here.
Therefore, everything is in a battle and in definition, just as it is in Brazil.
In the principles of the Earth, this region was preserved from much interferences.
Here was the Eden of God, in its exuberance and splendor, in its beauty and loveliness, through all Kingdoms of Nature. Humanity has destroyed it and keeps destroying it.
So that everything can be reversed and change, so that the Eden can flourish again and express itself, from Argentina there must born this state of consciousness of restoration and of healing which not only its people need, but also a great part of the world.
The Celestial Brotherhood is setting its instruments on a region that has been called to express an important Will of God.
Although My Message is symbolic, My Words are clear, because I talk to your hearts and not to your minds. I talk to what is beyond your physical being and what is internal, which listens and knows everything that I say.
It is here where the new consciousness will be sown.
It is here where the seed of the new consciousness will be sown.
It is here where what God expects so much will sprout, so that human beings finally may know their freedom and leave behind their constant captivity.
Be similar to the People of Israel. But you must not spend forty years to find the Promised Land and your true freedom, you are more conscious about the end of times.
Just follow My steps and enter into My Heart, in faith everything will be accomplished. Because among few the greatest thing will be done, among few the planet will be led to a new state and you are invited to participate in this.
From Andromeda, I convoke you and I call you to unite, in love, to the grand Confraternity.
I thank you for everything you have offered to Me, because this multiplies Grace, not only for your beings, but also for your country.
May the Kingdom of God be in your hearts and in your spirits.
May the Lord of the Universe show you His Sacred Face and may you contemplate the splendor of His Existence so that you may feel blessed by His Divine Spirit, by His powerful Current of Mercy and of Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Songs of Figueira - "Ascension"
This canticle places us consciously before higher realities, and in a especial way, reveals to us the existence of aspects of the human being that still are unknown to the majority.
This canticle brings us closer to a truth that already exists in the Universe, something that is part of the principle of universal life and that is conducted through inner levels that already know where our next cosmic destiny will be.
This canticle reminds us of the basic conformation of our being, that we are not only matter that is born, lives, and dies, but that all the experiences, which occur on Earth, including the daily ones, are part of a great chain of learning marked by acts of love, of forgiveness, of redemption and of reconciliation.
The Holy Spirit is revealed in this canticle as this powerful flow of divine energy that can express its Gifts through the terrestrial, as well as the spiritual, consciousness.
The Holy Spirit of God helps to gather all experiences, so that, lived on the different levels of the consciousness, they may serve as a legacy and learning for the New Humanity, as well as for the remembrance and knowledge of the universal Dwelling Places.
At a universal level, certain Solar Regents are the ones who take care of and protect the evolution of these learning experiences that cause the human consciousness to awaken to the fulfillment of its purpose and its mission.
These Regents gather together all the evolutionary and spiritual legacy that a consciousness has been able to experience on Earth so that it may serve as knowledge for the awakening of new inner virtues.
This is the reason why the experiences of life unavoidably lead the human being to achieve the meaning and the reason for their having come here to this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Alleluia"
In this song, the inner invocation is centered upon the receptivity of the consciousness when faced with the teaching and the knowledge given by its Master, that is to say, the Instructor; and in the openness to hear the Truth, in order to learn to follow the Law and to fulfill it.
This love for the Law will allow the soul to awaken even more to service, because it will lead it into seeking the good in all places and will give it the impulse towards the ardent aspiration of achieving, through devotion, the union with universal life.
The song also reveals that the disciple has no uncertainties about the great Hierarchy. This is because the faith of the disciple is concentrated upon learning to live and to love the Law of the Hierarchy.
This brings inner security in the steps, that must be taken, to someday concretize the experience of the mission to be accomplished in this world.
To carry out this experience, which will change the life of the disciple, the song indicates the way, saying that habits must change so that this experience of living the mission upon the Earth be real and have no oscillations.
All this surrender that will be achieved will be in the name of the Lord and for His Glory. This will lead the disciple into detaching from riches through the living of the Law.
So that this total experience may be reflected in the life of the disciple, he must gauge his strength during purification and not challenge evil.
Thus, in this resignation and surrender, he will emerge as chosen, among so many, to reflect only gratitude before the Messengers who fill Heaven with signs, determining for the spirit and profound for the transformation of the soul.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
And someday, you will come to Heaven to be with Me, and you will tell Me how your experience of love and forgiveness on Earth went.
You will tell Me, step by step, what you have lived for My cause, and I will bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thus, your wounds will be healed and you will no longer remember anything about suffering. You will enter through the main door of the Kingdom of the Heavens to unite with and join the blessed.
There, face to face, you will find those you have truly loved, and those you once loved will approach you to give you the warmth of their fraternal embrace.
You will feel unknown happiness within your spirit and you will no longer remember the struggles you once lived to be able to overcome yourselves. You will only have the memory of the true affection you once felt from those you loved wholeheartedly and with all your strength.
You will be placed in the Fount of Purification so that your head, hands and feet may be washed, and thus, right after, you will enter the House of the Heavenly Father alone, you will come to know His Seven great Golden Portals and, before you, the majestic humility of His Kingdom will be revealed.
Therefore, I tell you that it is worthwhile to continue sacrificing yourselves for Me because, after this whole story of life, which you are going through at this moment, you will find the powerful joy of having lived in God and for God.
You will help to recreate Creation with your example of renunciation and redemption, and in your spirit, you will build the result of a long trajectory of love and service for humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
After everything defines, some will think that I was never here nor will they believe that in these last years I have been talking to you directly so, in spite of your miseries and imperfections, you should let the world know that I am already returning.
For this reason, stay firm without hesitating and trust in Me, because from My Heart will come the correct words when you and some of your companions may have to testify because of My cause. But in that moment, and in that hour, everything will already have been said and the world will be at the apex of its great and last purification.
Thus, as from now, do not feel regret or distress. All who serve Me for some reason, must be tested in their faithfulness, obedience and love, so that, in My servers, in those whom I have chosen, the transformation that My Word brings about and the miracle that My Message produces, may be represented.
Keep on as you have been until now, close to Me, in simplicity and love, and tell your companions to do the same, because the time to protect the Work from the enemies will come.
Those who oppose will come to know the greater heat of My Fire.
Those who unconditionally adhere will come to know the celestial marvel of My Love.
Thus, continue forward for Me and for no one else; the world is full of personalities, and to all of them the moment to disappear for being full of fantasies and illusions will come.
But you, who are with Me and that, for My Mercy, I have taught you to be so, never cease to make Me known.
Imitate Me, even though you may not manage to do so; seek Me, even though I may not call you, because, from that spiritual communion with Me, you will receive the strength you need in order to defend My Word and My Message from those who will try to deny them.
Accept the cycles that are coming and never, not for a second, stop surpassing Me in love. Thus, for your service, you will allow Me to win over the obedience that I expect from many more hearts that are disobedient to Me.
Today I do not make you shine like gold nor diamonds; you are the most imperfect stone that has been molded by Me. Let Me continue to penetrate in the depths of your spirit, for that is where the Supreme Will will be done.
Be an example of constancy, just like some of Mine are.
Believe, above all things, in what My Love can do, in this way everything will be transformed.
I will be your breath in the times of trial. I will be your hope on the days of great planetary darkness.
I Am what I Am.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Beloved Jesus,
make me brave in each moment.
May the tests serve
to purify my consciousness.
May the challenges that You send me
help in the transcendence of my being.
May each transition of life
be the passage towards a new
state of consciousness.
Help me, Lord,
to be persevering,
humble and dedicated.
May I be able to feel within my heart
the Ray of Your Mercy
and the divine and supreme Grace
acting and working throughout my being
because thus Your divine Light will triumph
before the inner darkness
of these times.
Lord Jesus,
strengthen me day after day
in the union with You,
make me small and similar to You
so that I may perfectly imitate You
in each step.
Empty me in every moment, Lord.
Rejoice my Soul
while being in Your glorious Presence.
And I ask You, Lord,
to relieve the weight of my cross
so that, with Your merciful assistance,
I may surrender completely
at the Feet of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses and renews you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Ninth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Lord Jesus Christ,
when anguish comes,
may I not fear my own purification
or that of my fellow beings.
May the glorious flame of Your Love
fill us completely
so that we have the inner strength
to overcome ourselves.
Lord Jesus, teach us to live
in the same way that You lived
the Eternal Father in each moment.
That we be able to be ambassadors of Your Legacy.
That we be able to represent You on Earth
just as You deserve it, so that
we may cease to disappoint Your Heart
and we may fill It with bliss and joy
through fulfilling
Your Designs, step by step.
Make our hearts brave,
willing to suffer for You,
and thus that we be able to repopulate the Earth
with new values of brotherhood
and mercy.
May each test that You send us, Lord,
help us to confirm our fortitude within You.
We ask You, dear Jesus,
to make us like You in humility,
true in charity and peaceful
in the face of the attacks of life.
May we not fear to humiliate ourselves before You, Lord,
as many times as You need it,
because some day we hope to be nothing
and in this nothing merge ourselves into God forever.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
bathe me inside and out
with the fount of Your Grace.
Purify each aspect of my being
so that I may always be able to renew myself
through You.
Purify me of my thoughts
and of my feelings.
I ask You, our Lord,
to be part of my being.
Teach me to be patient
and persevering in every moment.
Teach me to be humble
and simple before others
so that my personality
may not seek to promote itself in anything
but rather be willing to serve
when I am needed and called.
Lord of Truth,
may my feelings be ennobled,
may my word rise in vibration
and may each prayer that I offer You
be able to be received in Heaven
as a drop of light in the vast Universe
so that the Graces of God
may continue to descend.
Teach me to offer my life to service.
Teach me to offer my heart
as an instrument of healing.
Teach me, dear Jesus,
to empty me of myself day by day
so that each step that I take
may be blessed by Your consoling Love.
May my life be guided
and protected by You, Lord,
and may the Holy Spirit descend
so that I may fulfill,
within Your majestic Work,
all the Designs that You have thought of
within Your humble Heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today My Words must resound in the depths of beings, so that beings may understand what is happening.
From the Great Council of the Hierarchy, today I come to visit you and to emit My message to you for the world, for all those who follow My Steps and also for those who have stopped following me.
Today I do not come to talk about anyone in particular or about any specific situation that corresponds to the planet or to humanity.
Today I come to talk about the Project of God that must be fulfilled through all those who are self-called by the Hierarchy.
As in other moments, I come from a special place where the Great Council of the Hierarchy is gathered together at this moment and for the evolution of this planet and this humanity.
We are at the doorway of a new cycle, we are at the doorway of a next August 8th, in which Heaven, the Universe, descends to Earth and to humanity to do its synthesis again and meditate upon the next steps to be taken.
Humanity has changed the events, so meditation is necessary to perceive what is really happening.
Today I come from a place in the Desert of Chilca, in Peru, where the great Councilors of the Universe are gathered to prepare for that moment.
As Master among masters, as a Guide among guides, as a Messenger among messengers of the Hierarchy, I come to announce this important moment to you, so that you may not only be aware, but also responsible before the Plan.
Each one knows what they can give Me. Each one knows what they can contribute for the manifestation to take place.
I do not look for the perfect, nor the imperfect. I do not look for what is advanced, or modern.
I seek the truth of every human heart, of each servant of this Earth, of each of the self-summoned who has been called through the ages to serve and unite with the Hierarchy.
You must keep on the path of the next events. You must not allow leaving the Hierarchy, because the Hierarchy needs to be in these events in order to accompany humanity and the planet.
Today's times are not the same times that took place yesterday.
Day by day events change, within and outside of beings.
Day by day you face a new definition, a new step.
The spiritual Hierarchy does not ask for what is possible. The spiritual Hierarchy asks everyone for what is simple, and what is birthed by the heart, which is what helps to manifest the Work; the pillars of that manifestation must be supported by the collaboration of all.
As in the coming 8th of August, so important and decisive, the self-summoned must be where the Hierarchy is, where the Universe has chosen, the place for giving the impulses so necessary for humanity through Instruction and Grace, through Mercy and healing for all souls.
I would like to know where the attention is of those who say they are with Me.
I would like to be able to understand, beyond all things, the feeling of the human beings of this period.
You know, companions, that My Consciousness has no limits, but still, after all I have experienced on this planet and with this humanity, I am learning with you, time and again.
You must embrace the Truth that reveals the Plan of God to you; you must be sustained by this Truth in order to be able to move forward.
You must not deceive yourselves, you must not create mirages with yourselves. You must come to know that each new cycle that begins on August 8th is an opportunity for renewal rather than inertia.
The instability of these times will be transmuted by the responsibility of all, by obedience, and especially by adherence.
These are the reflections that the Councilors of the Hierarchy are studying and meditating upon, because if the knowledge in the essence of human beings is not clear, it will not be so in the manifestation.
You must learn to live as the Hierarchy lives.
The Graces of Heaven have already been given. Undeserved merits were devised for many hearts.
Now it is time to reconsider and truly know what you are participating in together with the Hierarchy.
Purification is not just a moment of pain or discomfort.
Purification forges a definition and a constant transformation in human beings.
Remember that the scale of this planet must always be in balance, who will support it?
Do not just make the effort to seek the good. Do not make the effort to seek your own convenience or your own satisfaction.
The ministry of the New Christs should be as crystalline as water and as pure as sunlight.
You must build in yourselves what the Universe needs in order to create the new race, to be able to manifest the New Humanity.
The need for consciousness is a concern of the entire Hierarchy, on the part of the human beings of these times.
The Plan of God is not something one can use because it is convenient or only as long as one needs it.
I came to teach that to My Apostles and to all those who ever listened to Me.
The legacy of the Project of God is immaculate and sublime, and we owe everything to Him, because it was He Who created us and manifested us to be present in these times.
You must forge in yourselves the determination to persist.
Many human beings in these times are surviving, but those who are with the Hierarchy do not need to survive, they need to persist, they need to build and to sustain together with the Brotherhood.
Thus, sacred knowledge will not be lacking and divine impulses will not cease to descend; because each being receives what they need, according to their moment and their time.
For this reason, companions, we are gathered together as Counselors of the Hierarchy to reflect, learn, and meditate.
The Plan must continue to manifest as foreseen, through the adherence of all, through the constancy of all, and mainly, through the love of all.
The Plan of God cannot be lived with tepidity or coolness.
You must seek in yourselves that fire that once awaken you and called upon you to serve, and in that fire you must always renew yourselves.
After all that has happened in Europe, the time has come for you to clearly hear what I have always wanted to tell you; I have waited for sixty meetings to be able to say it, so that in you could mature that seed that I once placed there when all this began.
You must place your love in what really exists, beyond all of this, of all that is physical or material.
The Universe waits for a true response to be reflected in you that is in accordance with what you have received and experienced through the intervention of the Hierarchy.
Thus, the legacy will not be in vain and there will be simple but true receptacles that will hold the essence of the Plan within themselves.
Be supported by the words I am giving you today, fortify your faith in the vibration that I bring you today, and let your hearts live temperance, just as I lived it to carry out what My Father needed to occur, when I was once present, here on Earth, together with you and for you.
The Plan of God is not a passing emotion, nor is It something that souls can reject on their own; around you there are examples of this and see how much you are unnecessarily suffering.
The consciousnesses of this world have no notion of what the Plan is, not only because of their ignorance, but also because they do not know, even though they sometimes think they know.
The Councils of the Hierarchy need your maturity and your adherence so that many more positive events that have been foreseen can occur and will not be interfered with by anyone.
My Merciful Heart waited until now to be able to tell you.
My Merciful Heart expects reflection from you rather than chaos.
Now the time has come for each one to assume their part, with transparency and maturity, without blaming anyone.
Each of you are precious pieces within this Plan and even though you do not know what that means, believe in what I tell you, because it has value and fidelity.
Know that everything that occurs is to mature consciousnesses and souls, to have them someday experience the sovereignty that exists in the Universe and in all the Brotherhood. This causes Creation to be recreated, this always leads to awareness and responsibility in the face of events.
In this Marathon, may all think about the step that is necessary to take in this time, without waiting for this to occur a long time later, because the hour has come to take that step.
I encourage you to live the Plan with greater consciousness and responsibility.
I encourage you to be part of a Spiritual Hierarchy that up to now humanity has never been a part of because of always remaining immature.
I tell you again, I do not need perfect beings, I need conscious beings who will always dare to transform everything and experience everything out of a love for God.
That will take the Plan up another step and to another level; that will bring down to Earth the treasures that have been kept for so long in the Universe and that wait to be revealed by the Hierarchy.
From the Great Council of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Desert of Chilca, we bless you and we await, as guides and masters, for your correspondence and loyalty; this will cause the Universe to entrust you with new things.
Take My Words as an opportunity for inner growth and not as a complaint, because My time among you is already ending, just as My time with My Apostles ended at some point.
Listen to My Words as many times as is necessary and extract from them all the impulses you need in order to be able to change, before everything is about to happen in humanity.
Be Mirrors of the Light of the Plan for these times.
Be what the Universe needs you to be in this cycle, because thus, everything will change.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Second Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be purified of my mistakes.
Hide me, Lord,
within Your Wounds
so that I may receive the Divine Codes
of Transfiguration.
hide me within your Wounds
so that spiritual Light
may invade me completely.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be protected from all evil
in order for Your powerful Peace to reign.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may receive all Your Grace
and be deserving of Your unfathomable Mercy.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that my soul may be a partaker
of the inner communion
with Your Divine Spirit
and all difficulties may dissipate.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may know the profound essence
of Your Love and Your Compassion.
hide me within Your Wounds
and make me a new instrument,
empty of everything and completely surrendered
to Your Sacred Heart.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that Your sacred Humility
may awaken within me.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Above all, beloved Jesus,
liberate me from the chains and from the ties of desires
so that my human condition may be completely purified.
That by means of Your Body and Your Blood
I may reach the ennoblement of cells and of all matter.
May I become ever crystalline within Your Hands
so that You, my Lord,
may be able to use my consciousness
as a sacred mirror,
and all the attributes of Your Heart
may be poured into the souls of this humanity.
May the Love of Your Heart become known to the world
by means of the sacrifice of my life and of my whole consciousness.
For this, Lord, faithfully make me a partaker
of Your Sacred Sacraments
so that in each one of them
I may find a reason to make my life
each day more sacred and elevated.
Remove from my consciousness, dear Jesus,
these inferior aspects that dominate me and rule my life,
because I only hope and await that Your Divine Light
may become present in the deepest spaces and corners of my being
so that You may reveal to me the true reality of my consciousness
and in constant offering I may transform everything.
Make me similar to the apostles,
in consecration and in surrender.
Allow me, Lord, to demonstrate to You,
even in the small details,
how it is that I love You and how much I love You
through my brothers and sisters.
That all this not be a way or form
to boast my consciousness
and even less to make it shine before others.
Empty me of myself completely, Divine Jesus,
that in everything I may serve You.
But grant me the Grace of an anonymous and silent service
so that other hearts may find You before I do
and that I may only be a model
according to Your Principles and Designs.
Blessed Jesus,
convert all that which I do not manage to transform
and guide me until I am able to walk by Your side
with total trust and surrender
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Empty me completely, Jesus,
even though my heart is not clean.
Comfort me during difficult moments
and reign everywhere with Your Power
so that it may be simpler for me to recognize You
in the brother and the sister who suffer,
in the sick soul,
in all those of whom You avail Yourself
so that within me may awaken the impulse of loving
in a way so similar to how You have loved.
Make me patient, Divine Jesus,
that in each circumstance of life
I may recognize the opportunity and the Grace
of transcending myself every day a little more.
Keep in my heart the ardor of Your purest desires
that the souls of the world may be able to know You
so that they may know the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Participate, Jesus, in each moment of life.
Make Yourself present, Lord,
both in our joy and in our deserts.
Make it so that I can be a witness of Your Word
and the fulfillment of Your redeeming Word.
That I may find in my path
the reason of living for You and in You
so that upon this planet
may be manifested the Sacred Project of God.
I confess today, Lord,
my weaknesses, failures and sorrows.
Transform it all, Lord,
according to Your Principle and Will
because the only thing I hope for
is to be happy for being by Your side
and to always reencounter You in the bliss of Communion,
in the joy of service and in the permanent and
unconditional giving of my heart.
After Your Gifts have purified me
inside and out, Lord,
send me wherever You most need me.
That in my life there may no longer be the freedom to choose
but rather the obedience of strictly following Your commands.
In this way, You will make me free of myself
because You, Lord, will be working
through this imperfect life
that hopes, beyond its dualities,
to consecrate itself to Your eternal and Sacred kind Heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Baptize yourself, once and again, in the Lake of My Mercy, so the impurities of the soul may be purified, and the gift of the purity of Spirit may be reborn.
How many times do you need to submerge yourself in the Ocean of My Mercy, so the Divine Piety may rejoice in your being and encourage it to go forward?
Let My infinite Water of Mercy reconsecrate all of your being and lead you to love the mysteries of the Universe more and to understand better the designs of Heaven.
Allow My Mercy to generate in you the effect that it needs.
Surrender to it and be peaceful so that day and night your soul can count on this powerful spring that will renew your being and bring the necessary graces to be able to carry forward the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Sixth Day of the Novena
After having invoked Divine Mercy for all those who cause war and famine in the world, I will lead you, at some moment of your life, directly to the Source of intense purification.
It will be this way that I will be able to revert all that is provoked, such as feelings and agony, to other souls of the world; I will be able to dispel alliances with evil, but everything will happen in due time and when the consciousnesses least expects it.
Taking these souls toward the Source of My Mercy means removing them from the constant errors that promote habits of power and false sovereignty.
Everything is purified and released through the powerful Source of Mercy.
This is why, at this moment, while important nations are the focus of social and human imbalance, continue to ask and beg through Mercy that the Celestial Father have pity on all souls that cause inequality in every way.
Through the work and principle of Mercy, I invite you to join My Heart so that more uncertain doors be closed, not only in human consciousness, but also on the planet.
I thank you for keeping My words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third day of the Novena
Carrying My Mercy to the most lonely and forgotten souls, you will allow them all to be granted the peace and the inner Grace of feeling loved by someone; because in love lies the foundation of life and the redemption of hearts, in love the spiritual healing of the whole consciousness is achieved.
The most lonely souls that are taken towards My Mercy will find meaning and motivation for living on Earth because there is nothing more important in the life of a being than to feel loved and protected by their fellow beings.
The work of Love is capable of banishing human suffering, the feeling of being forgotten, and of abandonment that the most lonely and innocent souls endure from their most beloved ones.
The love that any soul may come to feel means everything and leads it to the fullness of the union with God.
It is so that, in the life of the most suffering souls in the world, the key of love is the path that will open the healing of the past and the renewal of life in Christ.
The message continues:
Fourth day of the Novena
By submerging into the Fount of My Mercy, for the sinners that traffic human beings, a state of purification and redemption is generated in them.
The first steps in redemption are taken through the consideration and infinite pity that a fellow being may have for that soul that commits grave errors.
In this sense, the infinite ocean of the Mercy of God reaches the lives of sinning souls in order to dissolve the codes of evil and grant them the purity of spiritual and human salvation.
It is in this way that the action of Divine Mercy withdraws the soul from eternal condemnation, and the merciful Law itself replaces the sins and errors committed for the state of Grace and pity.
At this time when human exploitation and trafficking has become uncontrollable and immeasured in all senses, prayerful hearts that invoke My Mercy will help the abyss of the Mercy of God to carry sinning souls toward the principle of forgiveness and redemption through the simple act of thinking of those who are already condemned.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
For this new novena that will start next 14th of June, I would like you to dedicate each day of it to a certain group of souls, so that My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may penetrate in the abysms of these consciousnesses and, thus, grant them the maximum Grace of expiation of their sins and those of the whole world, by means of the merits reached by the Precious Blood shed by the Lamb of God on the Cross.
Thus on the first novena day you will submerge in the great Ocean of My Mercy the souls that live the mortal sin or the moral fault in their lives, so that the Source of My Mercy may relieve their spiritual and inner suffering.
On the second day, you will submerge in the Ocean of My Mercy the adulterous souls, especially all of those that take revenge and outrage My Heart with hate, lie and impunity. You will put all of them in the inner lakes of My Unfathomable Mercy so that they may be purified and repaired.
On the third day of the novena, you will submerge in the great Source of My Mercy all the lonely souls, especially the souls that are mistreated in the asylums, hospitals, orphanages and institutes for minors, so that the Grace of Divine Mercy may grant them peace and the hope of being loved.
On the fourth day, you will submerge in the Universe of My Mercy all the oppressors, refugees and people who traffic in human beings in the whole world, so that the greater state of My Justice and My Mercy may be witnesses and supreme justification of their sins before the Celestial Father, for that souls, condemned to the fire of hell, may be rescued by the very powerful Love of My meek Heart.
On the fifth day, you will submerge in the Ocean of My Mercy all the mothers of the world, especially those mothers that suffer for their children’s death or imprisonment. You will make enter in My Infinite Piety and Mercy the mothers who are slaves of abortion and instruments of evil in the world to promote genetic insemination and perverted maternity projects. You will take all of them to My Mercy so that I can intercede and grant forgiveness.
On the sixth day, you will submerge in My Mercy all souls that foment wars, persecution and hunger in the world and, especially, you will bring before My Mercy all souls that sign harmful agreements and carry out projects that transgress the peace and unity among nations and peoples. With immense piety, you will place all of them at the feet of the Altar of My Mercy so that they may be forgiven and redeemed.
On the seventh day, you will bring to the Source of Light of My Mercy all souls that are spiritually imprisoned and are object of mental and psychic torture, so that the powerful fire of My Mercy may help them and release them of this constant condemnation.
On the eighth day, you will leave inside of the universe of My Mercy all souls that suffer terminal disease or sufferings. You will submerge all of them in the Ocean of My Mercy so that I can heal them.
On the ninth day, you will leave inside the infinite universe of My Mercy all souls that follow Me and, especially, the clergy of My Church so that they may be purified and may be up to the events that will come, knowing that I need deep transparence and illumined truth to carry forward the preparation of the return of Your Master and Lord. I wish maximum fidelity from the Church, but especially I aspire for the conversion of those are in My Church and offend My Works, so that they may be redeemed.
During nine days, you will bring all of these souls to My Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy so that the whole world someday can repent and convert to the Love of My Glorious Heart .
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Divine Mercy in the heart of the family helps in the spiritual righteousness that souls must live in these times. It promotes peace among the members of the family and grants a broad understanding on what must be done in the life of each being.
At the same time, the Divine Mercy attracts balance and, in this balance, the family that experiences the Mercy of God can experience Justice.
In the ocean of the Mercy of the Father, the family is one of the models of these times that will be purified with greater intensity, so that the opportunity to experience a true inner rebirth may emerge from the family itself.
All those who for the first time come into the arms of the Divine Messengers will be inwardly assisted in their purification, so that they are more suited to serve and please God.
The family, as the main project for the end of times, will experience adjustments and important definitions so that, as from the emergence of the new generations, the future families may receive the spiritual treasures that once emerged onto the surface.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
It is on the inner planes that your Master and Lord builds all that is new in souls.
On the inner planes is found your true life history and everything it represents for the sidereal universe.
It is on the inner planes where your Master carries His Work of Redemption and Mercy forward, because on the inner planes is raised the temple of the spirit, a spirit that is perpetuated and aspires one day to merge with the Lord.
On the inner planes is found the way out of the planetary purification and of all adversity.
The awakening to sublime realities begins and ends on the inner planes.
On the inner planes is gestated what is new, that which leads to learning how to not be separate from the Divine Purpose that, from time to time, comes to souls so they may be able to take the steps towards God and thus fulfill His Purpose.
It is on the inner planes where I can act and where all matter is transubstantiated, and the new light is born from it.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more