Father, in the desert of the hearts of men, build Your Temple. Find, among the fragile and wind-susceptible sands, the rock of consolidation of the union between Your Love and the human conscience.
In the middle of the distractions of the world and the endless noise that men cause, in order to not hear Your warnings, receive, O Lord, the cry which is emitted in the silence of a sincere heart.
Your children, many times, do not have the strength to elevate their verb and lift their voice, but in the depths of their interior, where Your Cosmos finds the microcosm of the human heart, there is lifted, in silence, the cry of the souls that seek You.
You, who listens to what screams in silence, receive the prayers of those who are weak and make them strong in You, so that they may rise in Your Name.
To those who recognize their nothingness and find themselves prostrated in their smallness, You, Lord, will raise them, because they gave you space and permission so that in them no human power dwell, only the Power that comes from You.
Pull out, from the core of those who cry to You, their most retrograde human condition, and the sin that lives in their cells, convert it into Original Purity.
Demonstrate Your Grace through the humble, and that in them the proud may find inspiration and surrender to You.
Learn to break those who are full of themselves. Learn to surrender to the Lord and you will see the Spirit arise from the dust and from the Spirit, the New Life.
So be it.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Origin of the Sacred Feminine Source
Beloved children,
Who in these last eleven years spoke and shared with you the Love of God, comes from a peculiar Source that was created by the Ultraterrestrial Universe before the Material Universe existed.
In that Source, the Divine Essence, of Who later would be Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was gestated, conditioned and lovingly prepared to carry forward the great mission in the humanity.
This Ultraterrestrial Source of the Spiritual Universe, was characterized by its highest level of purity, of love and for its immaculate essence.
The Father, after the fall of the Project of His first children, Adam and Eve, He thought to create a way and a sufficiently pure, immaculate and humble Consciousness, which with Her invincible Love could embrace all human error and convert it through forgiveness and the sublime Maternity.
It was thus that the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, received the request of God and, in the elevated Celestial Universes, each Archangel began to contribute with the best of Themselves, so that the Feminine Essence, which would emerge from the Creative Source, would come to Earth to begin as soul and divinity with Her special mission.
The Sacred Source of the Feminine Energy was translucent by means of the Principle of Maternity.
In past times, the Eternal Father thought that it was necessary that His children have a Mother capable to receive them, understand them, help them and guide them on the right path of good and of peace.
Thus, from two human beings, from Anne and Joachim, the Consciousness of Mary was born, the One who from a young age would carry forward the mission of gestating in Her Most Pure and Immaculate Womb the Child Jesus, the Redeemer.
A special universal conjuncture, cosmic and spiritual, happened during the gestation of Mary, as during the gestation of Jesus.
The Archangels achieved to manifest, and attract to the Material Universe, creator currents of energy which contained high voltages of Love-Wisdom, as of essential and virginal purity.
At that time, the Idea of God was fulfilled and again, by the Presence of the Mother of God and of the Divine Son, evil was defeated, just as the fallen angel was once defeated by the Archangel Michael in the Universe.
The existence of the Consciousness of Mary, a simple mother of Nazareth, was the result of a divine and angelic experience that overcame all times.
The Eternal Father, through Mary, has shown us His Consoler Love, taught us how great is His Mercy and how infinite is His Forgiveness for His lost children.
God has taught us, through Mary, the universality of His Love and the presence of His Paternal Heart at all times.
From this special Divine Conception comes Mary, the Mother of Christ and Mother of everybody.
She is the unconditional and eternal advocate between humankind and God.
She is who waits in the silence and who prays for Her children in the stillness of Her Immaculate Heart.
She is the one that comes to the help of those who sincerely repent and She reaches to all the poor and humble of heart.
Mary is the Mother who consoles all, who repairs all and who heals all.
Her Heart suffers when Her children are separated from the Truth and submerge themselves into the lie.
She is the Mother who will never say "no", who will always say "yes" to whoever calls Her.
God gave us a Mother that we many times offend, hurt and omit with our indifference and ignorance.
She is the patient Mother who always expects us to reach beyond appearances, that we can feel the heart of the brethren who searches for peace and comprehension.
Mary teaches us how to truly love so that, in Christ, we may walk towards the goal of being in God, forever.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace Rose and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Second Series of poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Liberate my Soul, dear Jesus,
from all the inventions of the world,
may it awaken
to purity and compassionate love
by means of Your divine
and powerful intercession.
Lord, make me free
of resentments and guilt.
Build, through my service to You,
all the plans and gifts
that You, Beloved Lord,
have thought of.
Consecrate me to You, Lord,
even in the moments of test
and the challenges of life.
Make me a partaker
in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
and that every day I may
confess to You openly
so that my small spirit may be renewed
for as long as You,
Master of Love,
may consider.
Embrace me, Lord
during the cold nights.
Shelter me upon Your lap, Lord,
so that close to Your kind Heart
I may be able to adore You as the Great living and
divine Temple of God.
I give You thanks
for granting me Your eternal Peace.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
To the singers of My Heart
Dear children,
Universal life, which is infinite and unknown, can reflect itself on Earth by means of its great Mirrors of Light, as well as through the mirror-souls.
In this day of a new celebration and offering, your singing souls will participate, together with the Heavenly Mother, in a planetary task that will radiate through music.
The music offered for the healing and upliftment of humanity has its own science, which allows it to contact higher universes of consciousness where powerful currents of healing and harmony flow and circulate, which are in this time, of great help and support to humanity.
By means of the offering that will be made today by the choirs of the Communities-of-Light, the Spiritual Hierarchy will attract, as a cosmic magnet, these necessary currents so that the planet and humanity may reach in some plane, a process of spiritual and inner healing.
Thus, singing children, each musical piece and each presentation that will be offered today, will contribute so that the Source of the Sacred Feminine Energy, in its greatest state of Original Purity, may intercede for the consciousness of humanity, so that new attributes may awaken in the souls.
From the higher universes, a network of Greater Mirrors will start working, so that by means of them, and of the inner attunement of each singing soul, a spiritual communication may be established, which will open an internal door for these impulses to descend from the spiritual orbit of the planet, toward humanity.
In order for souls to be able to approach Universes of this level, the channel of music will build this condition, and thus, the spiritual impulses will reach those hearts, which with sincerity, are connected with the development of the whole task.
Therefore, the meeting of music today will be different and even deeper in its spiritual counterpart, as from these levels, non-material Laws will activate to help humanity and in consequence, the planet.
Each meeting of music that has taken place, with effort and love on the part of My children, has demonstrated to the spiritual Universe a possibility to deepen in the scope of the Plan of Rescue of the Hierarchy, as well as in the healing of humanity.
In this gala night, in which your souls will be clothed in the best attributes of love and brotherhood, may all that is offered today resound again in the spiritual level of the planet, so that more positive effects of healing and redemption continue to manifest in this race.
As Mother, I wish you a gorgeous meeting of love and of upliftment.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First Series of Poems
Ninth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Lord, although my soul
is poor and imperfect,
I beg You, beloved Jesus,
to avail Yourself of it
so that You may carry out
Your infinite and prodigious
Work of Love and Redemption.
Dear Jesus,
may this weak
and fragile soul be strengthened.
May Your Divine Fire, Lord,
lead me to some day find
the sacred Gift of Your innocence
so that,
according to the designs,
I too may be able to awaken
the Gift similar
to Your inner Purity.
Make me meek, Jesus.
Make me humble
and above all truthful
so that in these imperfect eyes
may be reflected Your loving and peaceful Gaze,
so that the most lonely and suffering Souls
may find, through my offering,
Your powerful Celestial Presence.
For this, Lord,
liberate me from my desires,
liberate me from all ostentation and want.
That my heart be as simple as Yours.
Because my only wish, dear Jesus,
is to please You and share with You
the heavy Cross that You
still carry for the world.
Hear my supplication, Lord,
and make me once again
worthy of being before You.
Because, even though
I still do not understand
the power of Your mysteries,
I accept with love
all of Your Divine Wills.
May today Your Celestial Project
be fulfilled in me, Lord,
so that some day You can testify,
through me, Your Work of Redemption
before the Celestial Father.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Cathedral of Peace
Dear children,
Today I approach you to present, from the inner planes, the Cathedral of Peace, a divine space that was conceived by God Himself in honor to the Divine Lady of Heaven, in order to generate an enclosure for the elevation of souls and the continuity of Her service for humanity.
The Cathedral of Peace rises within the Consciousness of Fatima and as a spiritual counterpart it acts on the inner levels of the essences, bringing to them the essence of the Original Purity.
The Cathedral of Peace receive the great souls that were victims and witnesses of the Love of Jesus, through their holiness, dedication and unconditional service.
Inside of the Cathedral of Peace the angelic presence, in its different levels of hierarchy, sustain and raise the Consciousness of Light of the Cathedral of Peace.
This sacred space, which is present in the inner planes of Fatima, awakens in every human being who visits the Sanctuary of Fatima, an aspiration to find their inner truth and, above all, their state of purity.
The Cathedral of Peace is nourished by the Source of Creation and, consequently, the other levels of consciousness that are below it also receive spiritual and internal assistance.
The Cathedral of Peace itself attracts the Principles of Creation to the center of its celestial vault, which might be understood as Gifts that awaken virtues and foster the inner manifestation of talents in the souls.
In this sense, the Cathedral of Peace, which was elevated in honor to Our Lady, is the spiritual magnet that attracts to itself the divine attributes that humanity will need to go through the final stage of its transition.
From the Cathedral of Peace emanates the sacred impulses of the Mother of the World for all of humanity, and the angelic and human consciousnesses that accompany the mission of this Cathedral are intermediaries so that everything that the Celestial Mother radiates can reach the souls, regardless of their degree of awakening and commitment.
The Cathedral of Peace reminds humanity, from the inner planes, that it must return to the House of the Heavenly Father and find in it the spiritual values that will make all consciousnesses worthy.
The Cathedral of Peace is a bridge that leads us to Ascension and to the encounter with our infinite inner universe, a place where God is present so that we may commune with His Divine and Paternal Presence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Cathedral of Peace
Let the Kingdom of Lys dwell within you; surrender with confidence to its original energy.
Let it reawaken in you the Sacred Original Purity.
Let the Kingdom of Lys work in you and let your soul be taken to its inner gardens, so that the degrees of love are activated from the flame of the devotion of Lys.
Enter the Kingdom of Lys as a pilgrim, as a fervent lover of prayer.
Let the Grace of the Kingdom of Lys invade your consciousness and let its inner angels heal the deep aspects of consciousness.
Let the Kingdom of Lys awaken its gifts in you and let the field of service and love for humanity be expanded.
Be a part of Lys.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through this song, I come to cry out to the world to not lose its innocence, because otherwise, it will greatly suffer, worse than the last century.
May innocence not be lost from the hearts so that they never lack Peace.
Yesterday I spoke to you about hope, but today I speak to you about the true consciousness that many eyes do not want to see, for being afraid, for fear or for anguish.
But I, My children, as Your Mother and Mother of the World, must always tell you the Truth.
We are trying to build something new in a difficult time, in which each second and each minute is definitive; in which each step to be taken must be taken with forethought and discernment, so that no one precipitates into the abyss.
With this I want to tell you, dear children, as I told the shepherds in Fatima: Do not lose your innocence; because if you lose your innocence as humanity and as a people, you will lose the power of your original purity, your essences will be stained and God will not be able to draw close to you to bring you what is new and renewing.
But as I Am Mother of all and Mother that comes for all, for those who are present and for those who are not here, today I make this plea to you from the depths of My Spiritual and Maternal Heart; that your innocence may be able to shine in these times in spite of the mistakes, of the tests and of all that happens in the world, day after day.
I need, children, that through your innocence, you return to the path of your essential purity, because the world greatly needs it in order to continue forward.
In spite of all the manifestations of these times, My children, remember that I will always be your Patroness in this nation, and I wish to be the Patroness in all the nations of the world, no matter how they may know Me or call Me. I Am the Divine Mother of God, the Sacred and Feminine Spirit that emerged from the Source to come to the world and hold all of My children in My Arms, just as I held Jesus, the Supreme King.
I invite you, through the path of prayer, to not only seek the hope of God, but also the inner innocence that must reign in these times, so that things may be kept in balance and, above all, nations may remain in harmony.
Because if your innocence is available to the world, permeated by a deep gratitude and love, many things that would be about to happen in the coming times could be stopped, very difficult and very large things that your Heavenly Mother observes, day after day.
For this reason, everything you do and everything you offer to God will be important in this time; you must be creators of sources of reparation so that many things may become balanced in the world and many events that have been foreseen may not occur.
Through this call, I want to lead you all to the essence of Love and of Truth, so that the world may also awaken to that.
But that essence of Love will first begin in you, in discovering it within you in a simple and humble way, so that it may then awaken in the world and in humanity.
Humanity has lost many values, has lost many principles and also many designs that your Heavenly Mother comes to reestablish in this time through the pilgrimage and the call to all Her children of the world, irrespective of their religion, their nation or their people.
With this I wish to tell you, dear children, that I Am the Universal Mother, the Mother that embraces each one of the children of God: the perfect and the imperfect, the sinners or the believers, those who have erred or those who have been correct, all are My children in the same Original Source.
That is why I come to call you and I come to find you, so that the transformation of the consciousness may take place in this time and serious events may not happen as has been foreseen.
But the path of prayer of the heart that each one of you offers Me day after day, gradually dispels all the bad influences so that the Light may reign a little more in the world, reach more sleeping hearts and awaken more consciousnesses that must find their inner truth in order to continue following the path to the Source, the path toward Divine Will.
While I speak with you, I pray for the world. I hope that in all the days to come, you will imitate this exercise of your Heavenly Mother, because in each second of your lives, as well as in each daily task, it will be necessary to place the mind and the heart in prayer, so that many, many more negative forces may be dissipated and the powerful channel of prayer may triumph in My children and consequently, in the world.
Unite in constant and continuous prayer with your guardian angels; more critical times will come to the world and they are not only just words, but realities that your Heavenly Mother decrees to you at this time.
Because the world chose to follow the path of lack of love and withdrew from the truth.
But even here, on this Earth, there are many brave hearts, that God will fully avail Himself of to carry His Work to the world.
There is still a little time to resolve what is happening in humanity.
That is why I call you, My children, to accompany Me at each step of a new pilgrimage, because your Heavenly Mother needs to establish new realities in the world; what I call "Principles of God," which come directly from the Source to aid humanity.
God needs instruments, many more instruments that may want to donate their lives to the Plan; for a Plan that is still unknown and of which humanity knows only a small percentage.
But there is no Mystery that cannot be revealed; your Heavenly Mother will always bring you the truth, the guidance and the path for your lives, so that this Divine Plan may be fulfilled as it is foreseen.
Know, My children, that we are reaching the great moment of great efforts that each one of your souls must live. Greater efforts than those you have lived up until now, because it is necessary to change many more things in the world.
With the sweetness of My Voice, today I bring you the Truth; with the calmness of My Heart, today I bring you hope; and I pronounce the call of God to the world again and again, until finally all souls may listen and realize that it is necessary to change.
I thank you for your perseverance and your faith; through those virtues, I can also do many more things in the world.
Perseverance will always make you brave; hope will always build the future, inside and outside of yourselves and over the surface of the Earth.
I want you to make the Plan of God triumph in humanity, with each daily effort and dedication, with each opportunity of service and of surrender, to relieve the Heart of God that is much offended by men, also by His church.
I want you to relieve the Heart of the Father together with Me, with that joy that you live and that you have that will never be erased, with that devotion that you have built through each daily prayer bead, with each service that you have lent to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
All, all of those virtues transform the world and repair the Heart of God, although you are sometimes very tired. Everything is valued by the Highest and recognized by His Angels from Heaven.
There is no testimonial of love that you make that is not written down; everything is recorded in the Book of the Heavens; every good work done, every work of Peace that is spread, every service rendered that is unconditionally surrendered to the Universe, is recorded in the Books of the Heavens and, in this way, many more Graces can return to the world, such as the Grace of the Presence of the Mother of God in these critical and difficult times.
The sweetness of My Heart will always be close to you, even though the time will come in which I will withdraw to Heaven, as My Son will; I will be here, in Spirit, with you, making the Graces that many more souls will need in the definitive times blossom and emanate at the Marian Centers.
Everything you do for God, you do it for humanity and, as a result, the Kingdom of Heaven will reward you with His Graces.
Today I can say, dear children, that the Spiritual Mission in Europe and Africa will be accomplished; but much more help will be needed for it to be able to end as has been foreseen by the Universe.
For the first time, dear children, and by the Will of the Most High Father of the Universe, the Divine Messengers will embrace many nations at the same time and with them, all the souls that are in them, in order to avoid a universal catastrophe that could encompass a great part of the world and above all, many, many lives.
But now that you have responded to Me and will continue to respond to Me in the days to come, I Myself, at the request of My Son, will prevent what could happen in that part of the world and that could bring about great consequences for the rest of humanity.
When your faith is sustained in the Purpose, the Mission is accomplished and the Graces return to the world to aid the most lost hearts and the nations most in need of Mercy, although it would not seem so.
Today I ask God for humanity to recover its inner innocence and that this innocence may prevail and reign in this time.
As a testimony of this request of Mine, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, who will actively form part of My celestial armies, to carry forward this work of Redemption and of Forgiveness in humanity, which the world must awaken to.
Let the Children of Mary, who today will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, stand at the foot of this stage.
Today I will ask you again to repeat the song you have sung, as a call of Mine to the world, so that many more of My children may hear Me and find Peace.
I wish you to bring water before My Presence for blessing and consecrating, for My children who will be consecrated today.
I am listening to you...
I consecrate you and bless you.
I thank you for having responded to this important call.
May God pour out His Light in your lives, and especially in your hearts.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you!
Today I am crowned by the Most Holy Trinity, bringing to your hearts the Purity of God, that purity so original that brought forth all things, to the manifestation of life and the whole Creation.
In the Purity of God is the Love of the Father, that Love that regenerates everything, and makes it possible to rescue hearts and remove the lost souls from the hells.
Today I come clothed of the Purity of God and crowned by the prayers of My children, knowing that, in these times, it is essential to reinforce the prayer from the heart, not only for the transformation of life but also for the recovery and restoration of the planet.
Today I come filled with the Essence of God called “Original Purity”.
I come filled with that which is within you, that lives in your inner worlds and that will always help you to reconnect with God.
I come to close a cycle and to start a new cycle, thus I come filled with the spirituality of God, to purify your hearts and lives, to unify you to the love of God, and in the mystery of His great science, where once everything was originated for this humanity, as for other planets, for the whole Creation.
I would like you to know, dear children, that the original purity, that dwells in you, comes from the universe of God, gestated by the holy hands of the Angels of the Father, in His sublime Sources of Creation.
From there, dear children, comes everything, and there you must one day return, with the lived experience of love and redemption, with the lived experience of forgiveness and reconciliation; knowing that all human beings, no matter how imperfect they are, will never lose the original purity of their hearts.
That is why I invite you tonight, dear children, to look within yourselves, to discover your inner universe and to find yourself with God in the Living Flame of His Original Purity, where neither sin, guilt or perdition exists.
Today I come to cleanse your hearts, but I also come to heal your wounds, seeking in you the purity of the heart, that living and shining flame that will renew all things.
This is My main message for today, seek the Purity of God within you, and you will be able to enter to the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Relive in these times the Gospel of My Son, so that the purity in your hearts may awaken.
No longer seek, dear children, separation, division or criticism. Open your hearts to the Purity of God, and the Purity of the Father will be able to awaken in you at this time.
Do not complicate your lives more, dear children, make things simple day by day. Live and imitate the Sacred Family, so that the celestial treasures of the Purity of God, through the sublime mirrors, may be reflected upon the souls of the Earth; may darkness in the hearts vanish, may the Light and Love of Christ triumph in these times.
I invite you tonight, dear children, in a simple and maternal way, to rediscover the path to the heart where wounds, guilt and suffering do not exist. Believe in yourselves, believe in this Original Purity that is within you; seek it through the path of prayer, of a merciful life, of a life filled with service to fellow beings.
Thus, you will be repairing the wounded Heart of God, and you, dear children, will be this perfect balm of love that will grant the world that your Celestial Mother returns to everyday to help the lost hearts, to awaken the planetary consciousness, to grant in this last cycle a little more time of peace, especially in those places where it does not exist.
Give great value, dear children, to the prayer for peace in the nations.
This simple exercise that My Heart has granted you to perform every day of the week, praying for those nations that suffer so much, that live in darkness and inside the abysses of the planet, so that they may recover and move forward. Praying for cultures so distant, for brothers and sisters so far away, who feel and live, just like you, the greatness of My Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, in this cycle may everything be renewed, and that tonight you leave here living a true commitment with Me, so that I can return everyday, for a little longer, bringing the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Infinite Mercy of the Creator.
Because, if I am not among you daily, dear children, in truth I confess, this world would be unbalanced as quickly as the passing hours and the planet would move abruptly.
It is the prayer of your hearts, the prayer for the nations, service, charity and good, the communion and confession with My Son, that allows Me to come back everyday to the world, that allows Me to bring the Grace of God to this world that does not deserve it, so that everything can be stabilized, and, above all, the axis of the earth maintains in its balance.
Remember that I am the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother and Mother of humanity. I am the Mother of all people, who consoles all hearts and lives, the Mother who is with the poor and the rich, with those who are equal of heart and soul, the Mother who is also with those who are indifferent and still do not live God in their heart.
I come for the whole world, for all nations and all peoples.
I would like this current of prayer for peace in the nations to grow, do not feel limited, nor hindered to learn to pray in different languages, in order to help the angels of the nations, so that they may accomplish their great spiritual task in these difficult times, with the loving support of all My children.
Today I would like for you to not feel grief in your heart, because if the Mother of Life is here, life can be regenerated and the most profound feelings can be healed. For God nothing is impossible, for the Servant of God nothing is impossible.
Today I come clothed of the Purity of God, to remind you of this commitment with Me, that through the prayer of the heart and the loving services to the world, everything can be renewed and repaired, and your lives can finally be other, when you simply take the step, just as I took it before the Archangel Gabriel.
Today, I do not come only to tell you that I will be with you a little time longer everyday, but of the joy that My Heart feels, the bliss that My Spirit feels in telling you that My Son will also be here everyday, to bring the world the last lifeline for all hearts, all religions, and all peoples, in order to prepare the world, for one whole year, for His return.
May nobody lose this opportunity to relive the Words of Christ, to relive in your hearts the simple words of the Mother of God, but also to study them again as spiritual impulses present for these times in which you will still have the key, the inner key to be able to transform yourselves, just as God wishes, for these final times.
Finally, I wish, dear children, that your lives may be Original Purity, and that this purity may be reflected to the world, so that souls awaken from their drowsiness and may open their eyes to the Kingdom of God, which still keeps the doors open so that many more souls may enter into His Heart.
Do not lose this Grace; receive this Mercy with the humility of your hearts, so that tonight all may be renewed, just as God has thought it since the beginning.
I come here to bring Heaven to Earth, the Consciousness of God to humanity, the Truth to a planet that lives in lies, in order to awaken the hearts to the great feeling of the Love of God, to the spiritual filiation with His Great Divine Consciousness.
Tell the world that I will be coming to you everyday for a little time longer, in order to prepare your hearts for the time that will come, which will not be an easy time. You know, dear children, that time will change, humanity will change and your planet as well.
For that, you must be prepared and firm. You must take My Words and My Instructions, the Instructions of My Son, as stairways to Heaven, so that you may be protected and safeguarded by My Heart.
May My Words be heard in every language; this is My most ardent wish for this year, may My Message of Peace spread to the world so that the souls awaken, so that bombs do not detonate in humanity, over all those planes that My enemy stimulates in a blind humanity, closed of heart, for not being able to see God.
I invite you to the time of the great awakening of the consciousness, to the awakening of your inner senses, to come out of what is superficial and embrace all brothers and sisters with an immense love and an infinite Mercy.
Thus, dear children, although everything is so hard and difficult in this humanity, everything will be fulfilled and I will be able to continue coming to you until God indicates, as it is written in His eternal Heart.
Place your hands in sign of reception, because today your Celestial Mother, clothed of the Purity of God, the Rose of Peace, comes to reconfirm in your hearts and in the hearts of all beings of the world, the reunion with its original purity.
Water to bless…
Receive from My Heart this Grace that should not be lost, because the Mother of God, Mother of the Universe and Earth, of the Angels and all souls, comes to reopen the Spiritual Source of the Original Purity, in the souls of the world that say “yes” to the call of the Creator.
May the Source of the Holy Spirit descend upon this element, and may everything be renewed, may souls awaken to their original Source so that everything may be redeemed.
May the water baptize the lives of the world, redeem the sins and heal the hearts of their most profound wounds.
Today I do not only come to consecrate those who have taken the step to My Immaculate Heart. Today, as Mother of all and Mother of humanity, I come to renew this consecration for all those who are present here and for all that listen to My Voice, on the five continents of this world.
May this water consecrate all of you, just as the water of the Spirit of God washes the most profound wounds, and may it reignite in souls the Flame of the Original Purity.
Today you will sing a special song for Me, that will make you, in this time, reunite with Me everyday.
Mirarte (To look at You)…
While you perform this song, I raise Myself to heaven to someday return and bring to your hearts the same Peace that I live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that this Peace descends to Earth in all the hearts of the world.
I bless you and consecrate you, to the Immaculate Heart of Love, to the inextinguishable Love, to the eternal Love, to the unconditional Love, to the perpetual Love of the Mother of God.
In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My call.
I thank you!
I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated, because when such a young soul, inexperienced and innocent, dares to take the steps and walk toward Christ, My Immaculate Heart pours joy and happiness over the world so that more souls dare to give their 'yes' to Our Lord.
Thus, children, I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated, because in young souls one can find the possibility of the Divine Countenance of Christ being reflected; a Divine Countenance that converts, redeems and consecrates what seems impossible.
I Am the Mother of those who become consecrated, because I protect and take care of those who are only beginning the pathway of a life consecration, so they may acquire inner strength and faith at the moment of taking new steps toward the Will of My Beloved Son.
I Am the Mother of those who become consecrated, at a young age, to a life of the infinite, to universal life, to the genuine search for the original purity existing in each soul and each being.
I Am the Sacred Mother of those who become consecrated to the knowledge of themselves and their own virtues, talents that My Son will come in search of in these times, to move forward with the preparation for His Return.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep all the divine and universal Knowledge that is still waiting to be revealed to the world.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the principle of divine Thought and the spirit of unconditional obedience, which has caused Creation to be concretized and manifested.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the sacred and sublime Temples of God, yet to be revealed to humanity.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the Triune Conception, which is to say, the creator Essence of the Father, the creator Essence of the Son, and the creator Essence of the Holy Spirit.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the fruitful principle of Life, the origin of Original Purity, the primary state of existence.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the integration and the union among universes, those which allowed the expression of the consciousness of wisdom, that the non-material Source expressed to all which is created.
I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the spirit of the purpose for each creature in this universe. It is in this way that, as Mother of the Sphere, I clearly know what the purpose of each being is and the conclusion of their destiny.
I thank you responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I have come to the world, crossing all times and eras, to ask humanity for true and sincere repentance.
Now, I come outside the Church of My Son, because as the Mother of humanity, I come to call and save those who distance themselves from God and His eternal Grace.
For this reason, I have decided, under the celestial authority and divine obedience, to reach each of the nations of the world, to recover the true values of cultures and the sacred spiritual principles that make each race or each people, one universal culture.
In the last decades, My adversary has managed to confuse and remove souls from that which is sacred, inspiring innovation in archaic minds and harmful progress throughout entire continents, through uncontrollable abuse of the Kingdoms of Nature and of humanity itself.
With this planetary reality, your Mother and Governor of the Sublime Mirrors of Creation plays on the board of the definition of times in order to remove, from the evil path, all peoples, cultures and religions that are being led to the absolute oblivion of the path of good and of the Commandments. Thus, the Laws are permanently outraged and each essence loses its original innocence.
This is why, at the request of the Almighty, I have chosen your group of souls which, in humility, surrender and the sacrifice for Our Lord Jesus Christ, in these times represent the synthesis of all Christian and non-Christian religions of the world so that in this civilization you do not lose the spirit of faith and reconnection with God.
This is one of the most complex missions in the end of times. For this reason, throughout all the media of this human society, I have managed that souls feel My Work, through you, in an ecumenical way, based on the Love of Christ.
In this sense, there is still much to be done until this Work can be presented in a neutral and autonomous way to all great international organizations in order to take the Message of Peace without citing religion or belief.
After the Church of My Son opens the doors to this Work, the Father will fulfill the last part of His Purpose.
This is how the Work of the Divine Messengers will be presented to the international organizations as a message of the universe for the entire human race, calling for reflection and not for human self-destruction.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come in search of fallen stars, which for various reasons, submerged in the abysses and lost their path of awakening.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which stopped shining and fulfilling their spiritual mission.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which left behind their legacy of yesteryear and have submerged in damnation.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which forgot about love, of recognizing it because of experiencing hate and pain.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, of the essences that lost their original purity, so they may recover it and become worthy Children of God.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, of souls that no longer search for God and have set Him aside, because of having chosen the paths of My adversary.
In a motherly fashion, I come in search of the unredeemed, to be able to finally and forever remove the blindfold from their eyes, so that in this way, they come to know reality and may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Like a Great Mirror of Love, I descend to the world to give back to it the divine codes it has lost, having not entered into the Source of Original Purity.
Thus, every day I attempt to have souls feel My Heart so they may inwardly contact My Mirrors, so that in the human consciousness, new patterns of behavior and evolution may be established.
And so it is, dear children, that your Heavenly Mother gives Her praying soldiers the keys of planetary redemption, in order that the release of evil from the planet and the consciousness of this surface civilization may move forward.
In this sense, everything that praying beings do that is evolutionary and service-oriented, will positively influence the planet and will help humanity recover the principles it will need to become part of the New Race.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
In the chaste presence of Saint Joseph the Laborer, we unite with the divine Original Purity present in the human heart, which in these times has lost the meaning of spirituality and supreme wisdom.
It is for this divine cause that today, the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph present Themselves to humanity, for the purpose of it renewing its inner vows of service and of surrender to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
Today, the Sacred Family, on this 19th of May, comes to your hearts and souls to remove them from the planetary inertia and indifference, so that in leaving this point in consciousness, your eyes may open to the infinite and supreme love of the heart, capable of transforming and of transmuting all things on the planet.
We come to humanity to let you know of the importance and the urgency of waking up inwardly to what you are; to finally manage to set aside world indifference.
Our aspiration is that through your simple and prayerful lives, you are able to reflect what the human race has lost, thus helping to restore the mind of humanity, permeating it with codes of love, of simplicity and of surrender.
God wishes Europe to have a more fraternal consciousness, that is able to rise above material life to the celestial designs that, through the Center of Love of Fatima, wait to descend from the universe and be revealed as a great inner treasure for your hearts.
In this time, when everything is allowed, the Sacred Hearts, the Celestial Messengers, come again to the world to remove it from the world hypnotism, for the planetary need is very great, from the spiritual levels to physical life.
It is for this reason that we invite you, just as some of the pilgrims present here are doing, to live the ministry of these times in Europe, without resistance and without fear. Because it will depend on the more conscious Europeans, on their spiritual path and their universal life, that all the Work of the Sacred Hearts is able to come, in a following stage, not only to Asia, but also to Africa, where My maternal promise of visiting some nations must be accomplished.
Your Messenger and Servant of God needs to reach the hearts of My beloved Africa, for I ardently desire that the Mercy and universal Healing of God reach each one of them.
That will be one of My last missions of peace on the planet, because after Asia and Africa, humanity will enter into its final stage, before the Return of My Son to humanity.
United, let us continue to fulfill the Designs of God, which are preventing the activation of nuclear wars and bombs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and once again thanks you for concretizing this mission.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and virginal Wife of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May at the end of this spring arise fruits of the conversion of the heart for Lys Fatima to be present in the essence of each being.
In this way, dear children, by living the original purity, your lives will reach peace and the end of all human disturbance.
The path of prayer will make you understand the meaning of your existence and all that happens in life will become clearer and more resplendent.
From here, in Fatima, I come for a wounded world incapable of regenerating or of reaching healing, therefore I offer you My Immaculate Heart for the souls to live the union with the Eternal and the reconciliation of their lives.
At this hour of the planet, humanity defines its path of redemption or perdition, and your Heavenly Mother once more comes to help you for you to be able to find Jesus soon and to live Him fully in the Holy Eucharist.
I fervently wish, dear children, that even the last soul may enter the Kingdom of Lys, Kingdom of Love and Redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Your Heavenly Mother is to be found ever closer to the Center of Lys-Fatima and its mirrors are preparing to move forward with a planetary radiation, in order that the majority of souls feel the resurgence of Lys and its Original Purity.
In that sense, the angels also work to make the planetary consciousness be more elevated, so that hearts awaken at some moment to their true inner reality.
Thus, the Center of Lys-Fatima generates the conditions which will make the planet, and especially this part of the world, a place chosen to receive the source of Original Purity, something that must allow consciousnesses to be true participants in their real essence and their deepest inner consciousness.
On this path, the bases of the Center of Lys are being prepared so that, at the time of the movement of the epicenter of Light, souls will be liberated and at the same time, helped to feel and to rediscover their essential purity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
On Her pilgrimage, My Mother's steps go toward Portugal, where I will find again beloved children, ready to serve Me.
In this way, your Heavenly Mother will enter by the greater door of Fatima, to celebrate the Eucharist together with the Holy Father and all the angels.
Thus, your Heavenly Mother will carry out a great universal task on the whole European continent, in order that many situations can be avoided in the coming time.
The angels, through their unconditional spirit, are ready to follow with their protection at each moment so that each stage of the celebration in Fatima will be a reason for jubilation and joy, a time in which the doors to the Mercy of God will reopen.
And so, your Heavenly Mother prepares for Her arrival on the coming 13th of May, when consciousnesses will be able to again contact their state of original purity.
We meet on this path and on this path we go toward the doors of Fatima, the Great Inner Sanctuary.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Like a great ray of Light, I come to bring the world the liberating Light that it so needs so the peace and the harmony in the consciousness of humanity is not lost.
I am finally here among you, dear children, once again fulfilling My promise, in the name of the Almighty, Who allows this Grace of finding you in My Heart so that you may feel My Love and the happiness of living in God.
I come here today to bring you good news, a very special reason for your lives and hearts, which is the path of redemption which your consciousnesses are experiencing today for the first time, together with the Glory of My Son that also allows this special Grace.
For the Celestial Father, this means that the doors of the Light in Central America will not close and that the Celestial Kingdom will continue to descend, together with all His Angels, to help humanity, especially those who are still not redeemed.
As I told you today, dear children, I come as the Mother of Nature so that you remember the importance of observing the lower Kingdoms as your siblings, as part of the great Creation of God, so that all of you on this planet are able to evolve.
Today I also come to give you My Immaculate Heart as a symbol of peace for the whole planet, as a profound healing for souls, as Mercy for all hearts.
My wish is that on this evening, dear children, each of you should inwardly confirm yourselves on My path of Light so that, besides your loved ones and family members, souls are able to be touched by the Light of Heaven that I bring all of you today, which is a redemptive and liberating Light that will bring you peace and trust in the Creator.
But I am not here alone among you today, but also with all the angels who accompany Me and with your Guardian Angels, that come here at this moment to remind you they exist to be able to guide your lives, as a non-material service they provide for all of humanity. Unite with them in heart and soul. Pray together with them every day, so that you may be freed from a spiritual captivity and thus the nations be constituted into nations renewed by the Holy Spirit of God, which comes in this time to pour out Its Seven Gifts into simple and humble consciousnesses that open to this great Mystery.
Today I feel a special joy in My Heart and in My Soul, on being able to consecrate new Children of Mary, seeds of light for the new humanity that are healed and protected by Me, that are bathed by My Divinity and from the Celestial Father receive the Infinite Love of His Heart and His forgiveness. For this reason, My children, with the trust which must incarnate in your lives, on this evening, dare to take that step toward God. You must not fear anything. I only want to see you in a life of prayer, if possible in family prayer.
You know, dear children, that not only children suffer from separation in the families of humanity, but also the adults. In this place and in all Central America, I want to constitute a network of family prayer so My Heart, through your prayers and all your pleas, may also care for the beings most in need of peace in this time. It is through this network of families, of praying families united with God, that I will be able to bring peace to the nations of Central America. And as I told you today, the wounds of the past will close and forgiveness established when your hearts and souls say 'yes' to the Forgiveness of God, to the establishment of love among all creatures and among all the nations of Central America.
Thus, on this day, I come to erase from your memories that which you have experienced since the beginning of the colonization until today, because by forgiving the white man and allowing the original purity to emerge in your hearts, the purity of the original peoples, in these nations the spirit of fellowship and love, of brotherhood and union among human beings and the Kingdoms of Nature will be able to emerge again.
As your Mother of Guadalupe, I come to unite what is separate in the core of your beings, motivating your hearts to be able to achieve the purpose. It is very simple, My children, the purpose of serving God, your fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, protecting all that God created so that you could be in peace, united with His eternal Love.
Thus, what I want, dear children, is that on this day, this consecration awaken many more souls to this commitment with Creation, to this commitment to your peoples and nations to first come to peace and then to a love and unity among beings. In this way, I will happily be able to leave Central America, seeing that My Purpose was accomplished in your hearts.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this evening, I come to imprint My Divine Aspect in your spirits, in your souls, just as I once imprinted it on the garments of Juan Diego.
In this way, I come to unite the peoples, to unite the cultures and the religions in the Love of My Son, which is the true path to finding God.
I come, My children, so that you may experience a re-encounter with Me, so that you know that I accompany you and brought you here by the hand, confirming the commitment of your spirits to God with the manifestation of His Plan of peace and of redemption for the Earth.
I called you to My meeting, My children, not only so that you could hear My voice, not only so you could feel My Peace, but so that you proclaim this Peace, so that you announce My Presence among humankind through a living testimony, through a peace-bringing example.
I come here so that you announce the Return of My Son, so you prepare a safe dwelling place for Him in your hearts and so that you clean and wash your spirits through the fire of prayer and the living water of the Holy Spirit; thus, in this way, My children, I am able to make you be reborn, I can bring to this world a new life through the renewal of your lives.
Today I come here as the Mother of Nature, as the Lady of Guadalupe, confirming to Central America this commitment to the Kingdoms of Nature.
From the beginning, My children, the Americas have had the mission of uniting with God through all that was created and of finding the Divine Presence in each Kingdom, of understanding the mission of each species created by Him.
The human heart, especially in the Americas, must understand it is part of a Law of life, must be a part of that balance, which is not only planetary, but also universal. And through that unity which you live with Nature, you be able to draw to the world a unity with the Heart of God; and in this way, children, open this door to the whole universe which unites creatures with their Creator.
Today I come to speak to you in a simple but profound way, because I hope to awaken your spirits for the mission you came to accomplish on Earth.
I come to erase from your lives all the errors you have made until now; so that, renewed by the Love of My Immaculate Heart, you are able to establish peace, love and forgiveness among human beings.
Children, as in other times, I come to ask for the establishment of peace so that wars can end, and just as I asked the shepherds of Fatima to pray for peace, today I ask each one of you to cry out for peace with the faith of your hearts, and that you draw this peace to the world; because it is possible, children, to stop the wars and conflicts that are precipitating on Earth and bring a truce to the places of the world that no longer know peace, which are permeated by hate and resentment, by rage and the need for vengeance.
With Me, children, forgive the past of this world. Forgive those who through ignorance, through not knowing God, subjugated their brothers and sisters and the Kingdoms of Nature, causing a wound in the consciousness of the planet that up until today needs to be healed.
Unite with Me in prayer for peace. Unite with Me through acts of forgiveness. And thus, just as I forgave those who scourged My Son, those who crowned Him with thorns, those who placed a cross on His back and crucified Him; forgive, children, those who scourged the world, who scourged souls, who crucified them with martyrdom and suffering, a suffering that until today many are living as souls on dark planes of the planet.
Free those dimensions of the Earth with Me, so that this planet may shine in the universe with the Light of Love that dwells only within it.
May this divine attribute be a living spring for the whole Cosmos and may all the creatures created by God avail themselves of this Divine Principle. And in this way, My children, may peace be established in all of Creation.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
It is through My coming to Central America, dear children, that I am able to bring My Grace to you. It is that Grace which will form the new armies of Light so they may correspond to My call.
Today, here in Costa Rica, I will consecrate new Children of Mary who will be part of that army of Light which will commit to praying for peace with Me, with the main objective of allowing My Heart to triumph in souls and in all nations.
With that Love of the universe that I bring you today, which is very unknown to many, I want the Children of Mary to come up here. Remember that all of you, in essence, are children of My Divinity, of My Motherhood and of My Love.
Today I come especially to consecrate you, for you have confirmed to My Immaculate Heart the realization of the great mission of bringing peace to the planet and to humanity.
Place your left hand on your breast.
Let us repeat:
Feel the peace of the angels of the universe. Comfort your lives through My Holy Spirit, and thus, in this time, carry out the preparations for the glorious coming of Christ and the redemption of humanity before the Thrones of God.
With this Grace that emerges from My Heart like a spring, I consecrate you, My children, as sparks of Light of My Spirit, as souls in redemption, in profound rehabilitation, as examples of living prayer for the world, especially for those who do not know the prayer of the heart.
And thus it is that here today, in Central America, I establish the original purity of your hearts as the fundamental principle of God in your lives and in your consciousnesses, with the aim and the purpose that you always remember the purity of your hearts, for it will be the purity of the heart which will carry you eternally into peace and love.
Dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now sing the hymn of your consecration, as representatives of the armies of Light of your Most Holy Mother.
I thank Costa Rica for having responded to My call, in this first part of the Sacred Mission.
I thank you!
May the Divine Peace be established in times of chaos.
May this Peace attract meekness to all hearts.
May love triumph in times of battle and may this love recuperate and redeem all that seems lost.
May souls glorify the Father and may His Holy Spirit liberate them from all evil.
May consciousnesses strengthen themselves during the transition of Earth so that they can see the opening of the doors of the glorious return of Christ.
May everything be determined at this hour of definition so that the Plan of God will manifest itself in the consciousness of humanity.
May nobody lose hope or inner strengths, may you rise the flag of the announcement of the redemptive coming of Christ.
May the divine and supreme Heavens open themselves above your heads for the holy angels to pour out the Mercy of God.
May the impure be purified.
May the purified become more pure and, in the essence of the original purity, may all live inner peace.
May the legions of Light formed by all human beings of good will follow the realization of the Divine Plan and may all the navigating servers row and row for the boat of victory to arrive at the port of the Great and Supreme Liberator.
May nobody fear the final time, may everything take place according to the divine Thought.
May the hearts not lose peace.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In vigil.
Your Mother, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more