In the face of celestial mysteries, My child, you must be like the holy women of Jerusalem, who did not need to be recognized to deeply live Christ.
It was their own silence and humility that allowed them to cross the thresholds within so that they could experience the mysteries of God, even without it being necessary for Christ to speak any word to them.
The inner depths that the holy women learned from Mary allowed them to read the Wisdom in the Eyes of Christ and to understand all mysteries with His Love.
The humility and the fidelity of the holy women were kept as a treasure in the Heart of the Lord.
In silence, they found Christ Himself in their own heart and, at the same time that they were unveiling His mysteries and experiencing a profound transformation, their inner steps and the faith with which they walked repaired and supported the Divine and human Heart of the Son of God.
The holy women of Jerusalem did not need to do great things to experience what was truly great for God. It was their exact simplicity that allowed them to learn about the Purity of Mary and to awaken this purity in their own hearts. In this way, pure, in spite of being imperfect, little by little they became one with Christ and, through Him, one with God.
Learn today, My child, about the simple but true things, of the great treasure that is cultivated in the secret of your surrender and in the depths of your heart.
And in the times of the Passion and the definition in Christ, may your spirit live the example of the holy women and, in this time, take another step, not only in supporting the Cross of God in silence, but also of knowing how to carry your own hidden cross.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the sacred places of the planet, collect the deepest and most hidden history of humanity. Let this history awaken in your hearts like an ancient memory that remained silent in the depths of your souls.
May this record, revealed today, be an impulse for you so that your hearts may return to purity, to the sacred and to the aspiration to be a living part of the Plan of God.
There is still much about this world that remains merely a memory in the souls of those who experienced it and in the consciousness of the planet and its Kingdoms.
It is time to remember, not to stay in the past, but so that all that you have already experienced as humanity may propel you today into taking new steps. Humanity needs to know what it has already done and what it has already experienced in order to understand what it still awaits.
In very ancient times, purity carried you into transfiguration, and surrender led you into participating in Laws that transcended matter so that you could participate in what is invisible and seemingly unachievable to you.
May purity emerge again within you today so that you may discover other Laws and, through surrender, not only be participants in subtle worlds, but also allow these worlds, in the material dimension of the Earth, to find their space, the sacred place to manifest what was promised from the beginning.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Father, in the desert of the hearts of men, build Your Temple. Find, among the fragile and wind-susceptible sands, the rock of consolidation of the union between Your Love and the human conscience.
In the middle of the distractions of the world and the endless noise that men cause, in order to not hear Your warnings, receive, O Lord, the cry which is emitted in the silence of a sincere heart.
Your children, many times, do not have the strength to elevate their verb and lift their voice, but in the depths of their interior, where Your Cosmos finds the microcosm of the human heart, there is lifted, in silence, the cry of the souls that seek You.
You, who listens to what screams in silence, receive the prayers of those who are weak and make them strong in You, so that they may rise in Your Name.
To those who recognize their nothingness and find themselves prostrated in their smallness, You, Lord, will raise them, because they gave you space and permission so that in them no human power dwell, only the Power that comes from You.
Pull out, from the core of those who cry to You, their most retrograde human condition, and the sin that lives in their cells, convert it into Original Purity.
Demonstrate Your Grace through the humble, and that in them the proud may find inspiration and surrender to You.
Learn to break those who are full of themselves. Learn to surrender to the Lord and you will see the Spirit arise from the dust and from the Spirit, the New Life.
So be it.
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray so that the Plan of God is fulfilled; contemplating, in the universe, the perfect purpose that the Creator has for each one of His Creatures.
Reuniting with the Divine Messengers and being in the presence of the Eternal Father, through the Door of Light and Peace that we open to the world, means recovering the purity and the potential of love that was given to the creatures in the beginning of all and that, one day, in the hearts of many, was lost.
The task of the Divine Messengers in this time is more profound and, sometimes, incomprehensible and invisible to the human mind, because the definitive moment for the planet has come when the evolution of all will be defined according to the answers you give to the opportunities you receive.
Many open themselves from the heart, even if only for a tiny moment, and this is enough so that the seed of a new being can be sowed within them. There lies the eternal hope of God and of His Messengers: knowing that, despite such numbness in humanity, there is also the possibility of awakening and this awakening happens in a simpler way than what you imagine.
The Divine Messengers are heading towards Central America so that those who have lost their bond with God can recover it. May those who have committed themselves with the manifestation of His Plan in the beginning be able to fulfill it. May those who must become new Christs and who walk behind the Lord, in this and in all times, be able to remember their mission.
There are missionaries spread around the whole world and the time has come to call them by their names, one by one, so that they may fulfill their mission.
New potential Christs will awaken in this time: consciousnesses that will live love and unity with God beyond themselves; that will love their neighbor and that will give their lives, sincerely, for their friends; consciousnesses that will share the bread with Christ and that will join you at this table to share the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender to God and thus make the plan of the enemy disintegrate and the souls no longer lose themselves from God.
I warn you of these events and I thank you for praying so that this Plan is fulfilled.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Each mission will bring you a new learning and a new form of understanding life.
The real reason for the existence of the group of missionaries of peace is not so much the material service that you do, but rather the act of going towards the need of your neighbors to heal the roots of evil that placed them in this condition of needy.
The most important is acting with the heart, and the experience – that you place in the human consciousness – of this learning of service. With your indigenous brothers and sisters you have learned about meekness, a meekness that transcends the material reality in which they live.
These brothers and sisters of yours had everything – because they were united with all things, with the whole life, with the Creator – and everything was taken away from them, because they lost almost all their possibility to express themselves, and in many cases they no longer have a vehicle to unite themselves to God, that is, a natural environment, preserved and harmonious; they only have their own inner world.
The indigenous consciousness, in spite of everything, does not cease to teach something to the human heart, because at this time, children, even if they are not able to express themselves as a people, as a culture and as an essence, they are placing in the consciousness of humanity as a whole, the principles of perseverance, of strength, and of peace, independently of the state the world around them is.
I do not say with this that your brothers and sisters do not suffer with the state of degeneration of the planet, because the sorrow of these hearts and what they carry as pain in the indigenous essence are not understandable for the modern human being of nowadays.
What I tell you is that peace inside them – in spite of the suffering, misery and oppression – is something that remains. The fight for not being corrupted by the present forces is constant and hard for everyone, but they do not lose faith in remaining as a people on Earth, and even in being able one day to return to the origins and recover the purity they are losing.
Learn with this faith so that when time comes to rebuild the Earth you do not lose peace and the certainty of being able to keep standing and to recover the likeness with God that you have lost along so much waywardness.
I leave you My Peace and My wishes that new missions might arise.
May those who committed themselves with service and with living the Christic charity wake up.
Your Father and Companion in missions,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Worthy of glory and praise is the Most High Lord, Who sent his Son to the world to redeem humanity! May all creatures dwell in the Lord now and forever!
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,
Today I open your eyes to the spiritual and planetary reality that has wounded the Heart of God very much in the last century of the existence of humanity.
With the mission to Chaco, the Universe of God was before the opportunity of redemption of many situations that refer to the indigenous consciousness, the original peoples of the planet. However, so that this liberation does not overload a few, it is necessary prayer and conscious collaboration from all.
Throughout the last centuries, your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness suffered from the cunnings of the enemy of God, which have manifested in the planetary and material life as that which you call social injustices. These injustices are actually encouraged by the one who fights against the Divine Project on Earth and that, not only seeks to dispel the indigenous consciousness through the shortages and miseries that they live but also causes resentment to appear in their hearts.
This resentment was being transmitted from one generation to the next until very few remained in their original pacification and purity. It was in this way that conflicts and fights for possession and material resources led many souls, that should be guardians of sublime realities of the planet, to the hells and purgatories of this world.
With this humanitarian mission in Chaco, many hellish doors were opened to the rescue and rehabilitation of those souls, not only from Argentina but from all of America.
This fact, children, commits you as humanity because the loss of those souls was also caused by human actions.
It is for this reason that I ask you for greater awareness and prayerful spirit because, even though the acts performed in Chaco are simple, many evils can be balanced with the unity and adherence of everyone.
The planetary urgency calls on you to act and multiply your efforts. There is still much to be liberated on the planet and, with these two current missions, the consciousness of your group is beginning to understand the true performance of service, as well as of prayer.
If you live in the spirit of unity, many of your brothers and sisters that suffer in the underworlds of the planetary consciousness will be able to receive an opportunity to go through redemption in time.
Do not forget to dedicate some time to the true and heartfelt union with the missionaries; thus, many other doors will open for the liberation of the planet.
I love you and count on your prayers and your ignited hearts, as a doorway so that the Divine Mercy may descend to Earth.
Your father and friend, server and missionary of God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Devotional for Ecumenism
and Unity in the Human Consciousness
Union bead
for the union of humanity in Your Purpose of Love,
we beg for Your Presence
among the different nations, peoples and religions.
May the Universal Culture become a reality on Earth.
First decade
For the Power of the Divine Mercy
emanated from the Sacred Heart,
may all peoples, races, cultures and religions
reach redemption.
Second decade
For the sacrifice lived by Christ
and for the merits achieved by Him on the Cross,
may all nations awaken
to the experience of absolute Love.
Third decade
For the Power of Pity emanated by Christ
while descending from the Cross into the arms of the Virgin Mary,
may all cultures, religions, creeds and nations
unite to pour out the Grace of God
upon the most forgotten and lost
among humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.
Fourth decade
For the Power of the Pure Love
that resurrected each cell of Christ
and allowed Him to defeat death,
may all religions be reborn
in the Principle of Purity.
Fifth decade
For the absolute Grace that the Creator
grants us with the return of His Son,
may all peoples awaken, all hearts open
and all languages proclaim, in one language,
the Unity with God, through the Resplendent Christ.
Each day that passes by, humanity separates more from God and, as a result, from one another, strengthening individuality and the lack of love in a world that should emanate the Principle of Unity throughout the Cosmos. For this reason, I will ask you to pray for all religions, all nations, all races and all cultures.
May the creatures that were one day born from the Divine Consciousness be able to return to It.
May the different expressions of God on Earth find the purity of their original impulse.
May everything be according to the Will of the Creator in the new cycle of Earth; may everything be according to His Divine Principles.
Pray with love and with the heart because the two missions that you are currently experiencing are opening a door so that humanity may awaken to respect and unity with one another, and with God.
I love you and I wait for you in prayer.
I will pray with you every day and for all Eternity.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May each service rendered by the servers and the consecrated to the Plan of the Most High God be the reason for generating the necessary balance and heal the past evils of such transgressing humanity.
May your hands as from now begin to rebuild the world through acts of service, to repair the evil caused in the beginning and placate the chaos that is precipitating over the world.
There are many places on the planet that have not been destroyed by war or overtaken by armed conflicts, but they are as spiritually wounded as those that are at war.
Humanity, as consciousness, has assaulted planetary life so much that a large part of the spirit of the planet is being deteriorated and is suffering like a dying person, who takes their last breath of life.
The way to heal this sick world is only with love, love in all its expressions: love through acts of fraternal charity, love radiated in prayer, love radiated through silence, love manifested in the heart that is transformed for love of the Plan of God.
A server who is on their way to a mission requested by God must be like the laborer that carries in their hands the brick and cement to rebuild the planetary consciousness*. In each small act, there must be a full and absolute love, which transcends the conditions, the differences, the mistakes, the fear and the sorrow. In this way, you will shortly be able to be converted into true instruments of God.
Let the active and luminous reconstruction of the spiritual life of humanity be in the intention of every missionary.
The human consciousness was created based on divine and pure principles, which gave it the peculiarity of being able to directly unite with the Creator, without intermediaries. Those principles were attacked from the beginning of this Project, and the forces of the adversary tried to change them into what you know as capital energies, which today are many more than seven.
In order to be as crystalline as God thought again and to achieve the Divine Purpose, the time has come to cause the divine principles to keep growing in your own interior and in the interior of your fellow beings and thus, gradually weaken those dark forces that have grown so much in the human consciousnesses.
This is why I ask you to begin each day of service by pleading with God for the Grace of humility and unity with Him. In this way, taking the first step of your days with the intention of being pure, you will be assisted by the angels to serve in a crystalline way and to be true instruments of the Creator of the world.
For the reconstruction of the spiritual consciousness of the planet,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Learn to find in the indigenous consciousness not the decadence of a people that once lived in the plenitude of this world, but rather contemplate before them the persistence of a people that resisted the colonizations and the persecutions and held on to their own culture even when the world sought to "educate" them and institute another way of life for them.
Contemplate the part of the consciousness of those peoples that is not corrupted, that is kept pure, simple and true. Perceive that something higher sustains them until today. Do not just see how modern life tries to reach into the different communities. Look for what you must learn and bring a different lesson to ordinary humanity, for human beings that call themselves civilized, in their majority, only see the native peoples as something lower and with certain indifference observe that they are disappearing in the world.
It is the forces of chaos that, little by little, manage to remove from the planet the principles that sustain it.
The few that knew how to love the original peoples many times fed the resentment and pain in their hearts for not being understood by the current civilization of the world, without perceiving that the true help that must be given to these peoples is to strengthen their purity and encourage them to be true.
In the mission to Chaco, you will find many lacks, poverty, hunger, abandonment. But besides providing them with the basic needs, you must fulfill a spiritual mission: strengthen the spirit of purity of these brothers and sisters and announce to the world the importance of living in fraternity and unity with the different expressions of God on the Earth.
I would like many others to feel encouraged to go on this mission, to continue carrying out services in other places of the world where the indigenous consciousness is in need of assistance.
To help maintain the native peoples on this planet is to help the planet itself to keep its balance.
If all nations awakened to serve the native peoples that is theirs to care for, many imbalances could be adjusted on the Earth.
The simple act of fraternallly and lovingly sharing assistance, will gradually heal the so wounded and forgotten group consciousness of the indigenous peoples.
It is for this reason that I invite all beings to a spiritual mission: to sustain, with service and prayer, the indigenous peoples and offer the Father your own service as an attempt to maintain the balance of the planet.
In a time of such great atrocities, all efforts on the part of the few that are awake will be like a lifeline for humanity.
If you do what I tell you, you will soon understand the importance of the indigenous consciousness for the planet and, crossing through the portals to the Kingdom of the Spirit, in the Sublime Worlds, perhaps you will see that the one pointing to the entryway of the path is that brother or sister that you once clothed, fed and healed in an indigenous village.
For the discovery of the value of each people and the expression of the different cultures of the Earth,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I know that the Apparitions of the Divine Messengers are a mystery to many, a mystery that in some, causes growth in faith and in others, the torment of doubt.
This world, children, is full of mysteries. The human consciousness itself is a great mystery both for the cosmos and for you yourselves.
On this planet, you must learn to live through faith; faith in the invisible, in the intangible, in the divine, in wholeness. It is only through the grace of faith that a heart can be before the different situations of life with the necessary clarity and understanding.
I tell you this because, as a group and as humanity, you are before two challenges, which are the two missions you are experiencing. Both situations that need to be unveiled have very deep and unknown roots to everyone. And so that you are not before them in a superficial way, you must open your hearts to the living of faith, for it is in this way, trusting in the invisible and following your hearts in things that may be inexplicable or not very obvious to your minds, you will be whole before those two challenges.
The two situations that beings face today, both in the Middle East and in Chaco, Argentina, needed to become extreme for humanity to look at them, and even so, those brothers and sisters suffer a great deal through indifference, because the human heart still has not opened to defeat its own conveniences and look to the needs of its fellow beings.
Your brothers and sisters of the indigenous consciousness tried to lead a certain part of the planet, especially the Americas, into an evolutive life different from the life of the rest of humanity. They found the Sacred thanks to their reverence, and it was precisely the lack of contact with material creations and the inventions of the human mind that allowed them to find a different evolutive path, based on love and simplicity.
But on a planet where everyone came in order to learn to love, the very tendency of the spirits present on it suffocated the natural expression of the guardians of purity, the original peoples. With the help and the incentive of the enemy of God, you were not able to understand the differences, and over the course of many centuries, tried to impose a form of mental material life, based on competition and struggle for power. Because the natives were not like that and because they had remained in their purity, you made them suffer, and up until today, you influence the minds of the little ones as you can, trying to make them disappear from the Earth, without realizing that with them will disappear love, simplicity, purity and the humility of the heart.
It is the same struggle to impose personal customs and ideas that generates permanent wars and conflicts in the Middle East. And I tell you that the incentive for those wars does not only come from the Middle East, and it is not only with the help of great Western economic powers that they grow and develop. I want you to understand that those evils have deep spiritual roots and one purpose: destroy the Plans of God. It is for this reason that we count more on the spiritual fortitude of a few than on the material resources of many.
One of the ways the enemy has of causing you to lose faith and hope is to place the craving for finding material results in the minds, but that search was what led Judas into suicide, because of not understanding that the victory of the Messiah was on the Cross.
You, who are more aware, must serve without seeking results, transform yourselves without receiving merits, strive without looking for returns or recognition. God has His Eyes on those who are true and faithful to His Plan. He will place His Cross on those, which for some may mean death and failure, but for those whose hearts are open and their consciousnesses awake, it will mean the triumph of God in the entire universe.
Serve every day with the certainty that the true battle is experienced in spirit and must be won there. That which takes place in the matter is a simple reflection of what is multiplied on the Higher Planes.
For this reason, I want to have you understand the events of the world from a broader point of view so that, in light of your service, you do not cling to that which you can do with your hands, but rather, to what is achieved with the heart.
For the discovery of service and the spiritual mission,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, in a divine and omnipresent way, My Chaste Heart descends to the world to gather the prayers offered by your hearts to the Celestial Father; thus, in a special way, I am present in the two Marian Centers, so that humanity may understand the emergency of being able to serve in these times.
Today, My most chaste Essence gathers all the lost essences of Africa and of the world, elevating them to the reparative Celestial Kingdom, so that the angels of the Lord may rebuild them and re-integrate them into the cycle of their original evolution.
Today, My Sacred Heart of divine lilies opens like a flower for you, so that you may hold the original purity that God granted everyone.
My companions and children of Christ, have faith, and the certainty that your holy service and effort will come to touch the heart of the whole universe, so that in this way, the Graces of Heaven can be poured out.
The Most Pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary has sent Me to remind you, on this sacred day, that you are to only seek the awakening of the original purity that will allow you to be transformed and redeemed.
As a faithful carpenter of God, allow Me to take your lives so that the new instrument, free from malice and hate, may be able to emerge and become a celestial gift for God.
My Chaste Heart promises immediate assistance for those who always remember to open the doors of their hearts so that God may labor. In this planetary hour, in which essences are distanced from their real purpose and mission, I come so that you also remember to pray for those who do not pray to God, nor do they remember the spring of divine existence.
After the last mission of charity carried out in Brazil, where My Chaste Heart granted a time of peace and Mercy for all the forgotten and displaced, for all of Africa, through all the servers of the Plan, I am preparing to gestate its great cycle of redemption, forgiveness and peace. So that this may be possible, I come to ask all My companions on the path and the Humanitarian Fraternity to dedicate three prayers a day to My Chaste Heart, so that I may intercede with God and grant the sacred mission in Rwanda and Angola.
I have come to the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit to ask all the missionaries to raise their inner offering to God the Father in order to help and to collaborate in Africa, in the coming year of 2015, in honor of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
If the offering of all the servers is sincere and firm, I promise to descend in glory in Africa and free what is still not free from the spirits of My children.
For this special meeting, I am grateful for the collaboration of all who, in charity and for the good, made the mission in Brazil possible.
From the Most Chaste Heart of God, I bless you.
Your faithful Instructor, Saint Joseph,
Father of Love and Unity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more