Since the beginning of life, while the Creation was still a feeling in the depths of the Heart of God, your Celestial Father had already manifested the principles of Healing and Redemption, Gifts that come from His Love, for all that was being generated within Him.

The Creator knew, My children, that by sending His children to learn, experience and grow, among the dimensions, He would also need to create the forms, by  which they could return to His Heart.

Therefore, upon manifesting life, the dimensions and all forms, for beings to be able to evolve, your Lord also drew upon your paths the return to His Sacred and Infinite Heart. For this reason, He filled the hearts of humanity with occult gifts, and filled the planet, in which they dwell, also with occult sacred spaces; spaces that hold the Gifts of God, the fruits of His Love, those which allow creatures to return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Aurora, beloved children, is not only a place of peace. Aurora is a Consciousness of Healing and Redemption in which your hearts can experience, to return to God. Aurora emerged from the Heart of your Creator, even before your lives were manifested.

Contemplating the challenges of the planet and the veils that would be covering the eyes of His children, preventing them from seeing and knowing who they truly are, the Creator manifested the Consciousness of Aurora; a Consciousness that supports you within It, as the womb of a mother supports her children. Aurora gives you all that you need; within its Heart, the veils are torn, so that you can contemplate the truth about yourselves.

Aurora, My children, reveals to you your more impure human condition, so that you may first come to know the wounds that are to be healed, and know where that which must be transformed lies. But then, from the Heart of Aurora, emerges the balm that assists you, that closes that which was open, that heals even the deepest parts of your beings, liberates that which was impure and prepares you so that, through your surrender and service, the Consciousness of Aurora may expand and reach the four corners of this world.

Contemplate, beloved children, the Consciousness of Aurora within you, but also feel that you are inserted within it. In the Heart of Aurora, all life finds Healing and Redemption to discover the truth about itself, and thus return to God.

Open your hearts, so that not only this place may express Aurora, but that your lives and this planet may also be fruits of the Gifts that your Creator deposited within Aurora.

Just as this place is sacred, the whole planet is sacred, dear children, but in order to recognize the mysteries of God upon the planet that receives you, you must first live them within yourselves. In order for the veils to be torn, those which cover the sacred that exists in the world, first the veils that cover your own eyes must be torn.

Allow the hands of Aurora to extend, in front of your faces, and pull the veils that were making you blind, so that you can see, feel, experience and live who you are and, more than that, what the purpose of this life is.

All that I tell you is filled with a profound and inner truth, which is a truth you can come to know through the surrender and relinquishing of your lives.

To live Aurora, you must surrender before God and cry out for His Gifts, for the Gifts that He gave you, through the sacred places that hide in this world and in all Creation.

The Time of God has come, beloved children. A time in which, not only chaos will be fulfilled as it was predicted, but Redemption will also be fulfilled.

With My words, I lead you to live the Scriptures, I lead you to be live the prophecies, because it is through you that everything will be fulfilled.

I carry you in My arms to the desert, because you still do not know who you are. The moment will come when you will have crossed the desert, and I will show you the Truth of God upon the horizon, and you will discover, My children, that not only can you be in My arms, but you can also walk with Me towards the Promised Land.

After the desert, I will show you the New and Eternal Jerusalem, which is in Heaven as on Earth, and as two realities that unite into one, the Promised Land will emerge and everything will be fulfilled. Everyone will know who they are, everything will become clearer, and what weighed in your hearts before, as doubts and fears, will dissipate.

From the lights of Aurora will emerge lights of a new life, and from Heaven the principles of the New Humanity will also descend to Earth. This will be the Kingdom of God, beloved children; an ever present Kingdom, revealed to the children of the Supreme, those who know that they are His companions and fruits of His Love.

May My words resound within you, not just as a promise, but as a truth that leads you to cry out to Aurora, for Healing to take place and Redemption to be fulfilled, so that your eyes may be worthy to see and your hearts may be worthy to feel everything that I have told you today.

I bless you with the power of Aurora and the Grace of the Spirit of God.

I love you and thank you for coming to meet me with your hearts.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May peace reign in your hearts today, My children, so that you may approach God and thus your inquietudes and fears, your abysses and anguishes may dissolve.

May faith reign in your souls and love reign in your spirits today, so that you may know that when you respond to the celestial call, in spite of all battles, all miseries, doubts and fears, the Love of God will always triumph.

Today, I come, with the rosary in My hands, to ask you to keep praying for this world. My eyes see things that you cannot imagine, that you would not accept nor believe that they exist in humanity. But your hearts and your prayers can actually reach, My children, not only the lost souls, but the deep and unknown situations that have their spiritual roots in the innermost core of the consciousnesses of the nations.

Now that you have learned to be in My Heart, to love Me and to recognize Me as your Mother and Protector, as the One who accompanies, not only the cross of Christ but the cross of each child of God, now, My beloveds, be more aware of your mission with Me.

May each day lead you to deepen, not only into the transformation and the surrender of your lives, but also in your service to this wounded planet and to its sick humanity that lacks love. This takes place by means of increasingly deeper prayer, of increasingly more sincere singing, of more selfless service, of a more complete surrender of yourselves, each day.

Pick up your rosaries, every day, and pray with Me. Pray, pleading to the Father for this world, for that which your eyes cannot see.

The Time of God now draws near toward the Earth, and the promises of a new world now approach their manifestation, in which the Kingdom of your Father is expressed. The promises now approach their manifestation and will soon become alive, the promises that together unite all true religions and allow them to become fulfilled, in one truth.

But before that, beloved children, the Book of the Apocalypse and everything that was taken out of it, by the hands of humanity, will also be fulfilled.

Many hard and deep trials will touch the consciousness of nations, like that of humanity, and in order to make of each one of these moments true triumphs of God, and not of chaos, you must be in permanent prayer.

It is possible, children, to experience the cross and allow a new Love and Divine Mercy to triumph within it, just as it is possible to live the Apocalypse and the Armageddon and make of this a confirmation of your souls before God, of the potential that is in your hearts, as His children.

You were created to love and to renew Love, and this happens beyond all circumstances of the world. It is just necessary, children, to pray from the heart, to serve with love, to surrender, to be in God, to seek the Father, each day, in each instant.

My Heart inspires you in silence, guides you to this purpose and accompanies your steps. My Love sustains your cross, My Grace helps you in your falls, My Peace renews you and makes you discover who you truly are.

Therefore, on this path, pray, My children. Pray for the world, pray for peace.

I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus

Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.

My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.

Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.

My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.

It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.

In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.

Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.

First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.

The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.

Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.

An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.

Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.

Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.

My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.

On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.

The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.

The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.

Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.

Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you. 

Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.

To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.

I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Walk and go ahead, nobody will impede the concretion of the Plan of Christ.

Walk and go ahead trusting the Major Designs.

Walk and go ahead carrying in your heart the Love Fire of Christ.

Walk and go ahead having total assurance that the Plan will triumph beyond everything.

Walk and go ahead, follow the Master of Love and all His angelic hosts towards the objective of the realization of the Plan.

Walk and go ahead knowing that, above all, the Divine Will shall be fulfilled.

Walk and go ahead having present in your heart all promises of Christ.

Walk and go ahead carrying on your shoulders the cross of redemption.

Walk and go ahead looking at the infinite, searching and feeling within you the return to the Origin.

Walk and go ahead because a lot will be done with just a few.

Walk and go ahead making the Plan of Love of the Creator triumph in you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Believe in tomorrow, and you will be born into a new life. Have hope, and you will be reborn as an essence. It is time to heal and not to resist. It is time that life detaches from its bonds through love.  Without love, nothing is worthwhile, nor is anything achieved.

Feel the peace that I once gave you within, take refuge in it and you will fear nothing. Do not give power to what does not exist. Help Me to dismantle the plans of My adversary with intelligence.

Believe once and for all that you will be delivered from evil, because where I am present, nothing opposed to Me can exist. I am the Mother of Light, and, where there is Light, there is God. Because the Father is Eternal Light, Infinite Love in constant expansion. And if you unite with this Love, who will separate you from It? Do you believe in Christ? He is your trust and He is your whole life, He knows who you are and whom you have come to serve.

Nothing is separate; only the human mind separates. Overcome obstacles with peacefulness, and may that peace be stronger than all storms. Place your senses, feelings and ways of being into the Hands of the Lord. He will know perfectly well what to do with each one of them. And, thus, purity will arise, and the treasuries will open so that virtues may emanate from the greatest depths of the consciousness. Darkness will dissipate and all will be renewed. To God, nothing remains inconclusive.

The Universe will show the true face of life. Believe in that Divine Face which is the Universe in its infinity of forms and expressions. You come from there and some day you will return with the baggage of a lived experience, of a concretized redemption and of a love communed with Christ. Your promise will be to transcend the challenges, day by day, without wanting any immediate result.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Souls will come to the surface of the Earth that will renew the planet in this acute cycle and they will bear within themselves the impulse of Christification.

Souls will come that will awaken to universal life, and as a consequence, with their awakening they will stimulate the interest of other souls in the Christic path.

Souls will come that will emit the precise note, which will help transform a greater part of things and which will cause movement in the position of those who have spiritually become stagnant.

Souls will come that will help change the cycle, and the whole universe will give impulse to this awaited movement. Time will change and all consciousnesses will have the possibility of receiving this impulse and of converting their lives.

Souls will come that will modify the currents in a positive sense, and all the universal fluids will be spontaneously retransmitted through them.

Souls will come that will awaken the planetary Christic life and will, for a short time, attract a current of universal peace, before the world is completely purified.

Souls will come that will be able to change events and that through their youth will motivate the change and the true ascension of consciousness.

Souls will come that, guided by Myself, will manifest an inexplicable state of Grace, something that will benefit the rest of humanity; they will be free souls that will aspire to comply with the promise of preparing the awaited coming of Christ.

These souls are near and the hour already indicates this.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As the Lady of the Roses I want to bring you to My celestial garden so that all souls, gathered as roses, may be able to stay in the promised paradise of the Lord.

Dear children, these promises are beautiful but today I invite you to the conversion of your lives, to forgiveness of the past and to the reconciliation of your hearts with each one of your fellow humans. Remember, My children, that in each brother and sister, Christ, My Resurrected Son, is to be found. Therefore, I invite you to be responsive to the Kingdom of Peace so that it may be present in each one of My children.

Do not fear for that which still does not change in the world. The prayer of the heart is necessary to find the Light of the Father.

Little children, run as pure essences to the feet of the Creator, because if this gesture is sincere through the offering of prayer, the Omnipotent Lord will fill you with His Infinite Repairing Graces.

Today I observe you and place you inside the Celestial Kingdom. I place the entire great humanity that does not want to change by accepting the Plans of God because it lives its own decision of life, inside the Celestial Kingdom of prayer so that with My custodian angels We may pray for the salvation and redemption of all My children.

My children, it is up to all of you to respond to the requests pronounced by Our God in each one of your hearts. I want to make you grow from the heart so that many of My children may be able to imitate this simple path of consecration to the Most Holy Heart of Jesus.

It is time to repair the great causes that have distanced the souls from God. I come here to each one of you as a Mediator and Mother of Jesus, the Redeemer, your Savior.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children, day by day and without perceiving it, you distance yourselves from God. Especially those of you who renounce Heaven to enter into the life of this world.

My Immaculate Heart calls you, gathers you and cries out to all for much prayer so that the Light of the infinite Heart of the Father may be able to fill all.

For this reason, dear children, all of you in this time, and especially the most faithful devotees to My Immaculate Heart, must be in My Son igniting the flame of the heart to gather, in prayer and in vigil, with the Master of Love.

My Son calls you to prayer so that His Merciful Fire may be able to redeem you and reconcile you with the Eternal God of the Heights. While the world goes on, day by day My children must elevate their hearts to the Heights and to the Eternal in order to find the true Spirit of God.

Everything is right there, dear children, very close to you. Therefore, open the doors of your hearts so that My Son Jesus may be able to reign in you for all eternity. For this to happen, you must be in constant prayer, dialoguing with Jesus and, in Jesus, dialoguing with God. Thus your lives will correspond to the Will of God, and His Rays of Light and Pity will touch the heart of all creatures.

My children, it is time to sustain with steady hands the holy prayer and to multiply it for the good of the world. For this reason, My little ones, never forget how important it is to begin the day with the Lord so that your lives may be blessed.

Remember when you wake up that you are worthy children of God and that He awaits you from eternity so that your little hearts may merge into His Universal Light. If so, My children, the world will be able to be different and My Eternal Peace, the Peace of God, will be in the hearts of all My children for a while longer.

Live in the Mercy of Jesus and remember His precious promises for this humanity.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Today I want to see the maternal joy of My Heart rise up in My children, for everything that God has entrusted Me to give you with love and devotion throughout this time.

It is important that your hearts revere the Creator, My Son who will return, and the Holy Spirit, because if this is so, all of you will be inside the Great Spirit of the Holy Trinity.

My children, this simple act of love and reverence will keep you steady during the new time that will come.

I invite you to pray with the heart because in each day of prayer your lives must deepen more into the Kingdom of the Lord.

So that each one of your souls may find repose in God, you only need to say “yes” to Him daily so that His Merciful Love may guide you and accompany you, especially in this hour.

I want your lives to participate in the Kingdom where My Immaculate Heart is to be found. For this reason I talk to you today about the importance of living a life of prayer, as a service to all this humanity.

As souls, which you are, you are in time to reach the arms of My Son who, as a Good Shepherd, wants to make you know the essence of the Celestial Peace. Live and be participants of each one of the promises of Christ through the act of the prayer of the heart and also remembering the passage of the Beatitudes.

When My Son spoke about the blessed ones, He was inviting you to sanctify your lives in the Lord. Therefore, little children, if all of you give the example of humility and charity you will walk towards the state of true consecration.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts for all eternity!

Today I invite you to contemplate in gratitude the Sacred Heart of My Son, because He will give you the necessary strength to convert your hearts into precious instruments of love and truth.

Therefore, dear children, always keep in your hearts and in your lives a moment of prayer, to talk to the Almighty God. Thus your souls will be able to be partakers of the Mercy of the Redeemer.

Today My arms of piety are extended and radiate My Light of Love to you in the depth of your spirits. So that this may continue to happen, My children, you must live the sincere and true act of the prayer of the heart, because in this way you will discover how the spirit of the prayer of the heart will help you to forgive and to reconcile your own hearts with God and, especially, among your dearest ones, your family members, relatives, friends and other souls known to you.

Therefore, My little ones, it is time to live the act of the prayer of reconciliation so that all My children can be partakers of the promises of Christ.

The commitment of your little hearts that are on this Earth is to vigil in prayer, vigil for those who do not vigil and for those who distract themselves with the modernities of this world.

In this way, My little children, your hearts will be as the hearts of My cherubim angels that vigil in the essence of love for all those who, day by day, easily distance themselves from God, the Creator.

Therefore, in the end of these times the task of the groups con- secrated to My Immaculate Heart will be to vigil, in constant prayer, because in this way the strength of My children will be the Word of Love, guided by the Holy Spirit.

I thank you, My children!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

To those that are fallen, I will raise them. To those that are sad, I will cheer them. To those who have lost hope, I will give them hope. The ones who suffer, I will relieve them. Dear children, these are promised from My Son.

For this, pray, pray with the heart so that all My children may receive this precious and merciful act from My Son.  My Heart serves you as a support, as a guard and as a salvation, so do not fear the falls of life.  Today I invite you, through the Divine Spirit of Christ, to rise from where you are and walk again, held by My Beloved Son’s Hands of Light.

You dear children must build in your hearts through prayer the promises of the Live Christ as a preparation for the new time of peace and in honor of the return of Jesus, which is awaited by all.

Today each one of My little ones must see themselves as a disciple who having received the instruction of the Master of Love, now awaits in vigil the coming of the next call.

Thus My children, My Heart of Mother in this time brings you again to the call of prayer, to forgiveness, to reconciliation and to mercy; may your hearts purify the feelings and all intention become pure and crystalline as the water of a charming river.

Open your hearts, day by day, before the Voice of My Heart because know well that God calls you so that your lives manifest the gift of peace and of meekness for this time.

The world may receive from you the prayers, but even more it may receive the effort to transform life into an instrument of My Peace.

I prepare you with love and I guide you with immense maternal love.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Dear children,

Peace will be reached in the devotion to My Immaculate Heart, and the world will live some more time of Grace. See emerging from your hearts the presence of My Maternal Love and your lives will be closer to God the Father.

Dear children, My Heart cries out for the redemption of the world and of so many children that your little hands could not count them. My beloved ones, the universe to which your hearts belong is full of Light and Grace, but little has humanity learned how to live from God. For this reason, raise your eyes always towards the Kingdom of the Most Holy Father so that on the path that you are traveling you may see My Son at your side. He is the One who returns for Love, Redemption and Peace. Find God in your lives through prayer.

Dear children, accept to enter the path of My Peace so that My Heart may guide and protect you. While the world still believes that it is living well in the way that it has been formed through generations, I tell you that all souls must surrender themselves before the throne of the Creator so that He may see them with eyes of Mercy.

Beloved children, fulfill the promise that your hearts have made to My Son. First of all, live in Him perpetually so that later, drinking from the Fount of His Heart, you may merge yourselves with His Holy Spirit of Love.

Today I invite your consciousnesses to return to the union with My Son that each one of your lives had in the beginning. For this, dear children, reach the redemption of your lives through prayer, through communion with Christ and through the reconciliation with the Most High.

In each new conversion you will be helping to alleviate the world so that the Eternal Love of the Heavens may reign over the sorrowful Earth.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Divine Mercy for those who have not yet achieved it.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
