Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The angelic procession has arrived here together with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us revere the Glorified Solar Christ and allow ourselves to be invaded by the Light of His Divinity, which comes today to show itself as the center of all Creation.

It is that Light that never died and that defeated darkness, and still defeats it throughout time.

Let us participate in this moment with the joy of preparing for His Return to humanity.

Let us allow ourselves to be guided by the Consciousness of the Solar Christ which, dressed as a great Sun, shows Himself to us with the Power of the Glory of the Father around Him.

Let us contemplate this silent but powerful Light that He offers to us. Let us reflect this Light of the Divinity of Christ in our heart so that this whole period, which we have lived with Him during these eight days, may be sealed as a powerful alliance between His Heart and us. Thankful for all the Graces received and for the merits He has shared through the instruction, let us contemplate the Glory of Our Lord in His face of the Solar Christ.

Let us feel how the whole Universe stops because of His Presence, before this Universal event that the Master brings to us and all of Creation.

In His Presence, let us remember all that we have experienced in these last seven days and all the revelations He brought for a single purpose, the redemption of humanity, the awakening of consciousnesses, the fulfillment of the commitment of each one of His companions.

We are grateful for all the experiences that He had us go through and for all the moments of love that He shared with each heart, renewing the life of those who have hope in His Name and awakening what is truest and purest in each human being.

So today, this afternoon, on this eighth day of instruction with Christ Jesus, the Solar Christ comes to ask us for our divinity, the very depths of our being, the true light that we are in the eyes of the Eternal Father, so that it may be in service to His Plan of Redemption and preparation for His Return to the world.

May our divinity be placed at the Feet of Our Lord, in the same way that today our souls again place themselves at the Feet of Christ, so that we may be filled by His spiritual and cosmic Light.

Let us recognize this moment as something unique in the history of humanity. Heaven touching Earth, God summoning His children through His beloved Son.

And we see Christ cry in gratitude for the fidelity of those who are consequent, for the prayers of the persevering, for the service of the untiring, for the sacrifice of the humble, for the unconditionality of the obedient, for those who love God and their brothers and sisters as Christ loves each one of us.

In our very depths, our beings receive the Solar Christ and commune with the most non-material aspect of the Father.

Today I come to bid farewell to the world because this will be My last year of instruction with you, after the Sacred Week is accomplished in the month of August.

I will no longer come, but My Spirit will be your fortitude, because I have given you everything and, through My companions, I have been able to accomplish the work of Mercy that should continue resounding throughout the world, through the complete sacrifice of your lives, until the time comes for you to enter into Heaven so as to enter the Paradise of God.

I say goodbye now so that you do not feel My absence. I would like to spend more time with you, but My new time is approaching. A moment in which humanity will be universally judged so that it may recognize its errors and amend them by means of the results of the change and the Mercy that I have given to each one of your lives.

But do not suffer because I cannot be here anymore, because I will find you through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. And when the end of My task with you is done, everything will happen.

But do not be afraid; My Mother will be with you. Her Love will protect you and will raise you from the ground when you have no strength, because Her Love is unconditional. This is why I gave you the best that My Life has: the Mother of God.

While I do not speak with you and I am in silence, I remember the meetings we have had over the last six years. I remember the strength of the faith of each one of My companions and the fidelity of those who hold the fulfillment of My Work, through the Sacraments and each meeting of prayer.

The Light of My Glory descends to Earth to bless those who will continue My Work in the world, under the spirit of the Church and of ecumenism.

In the same way that I sent the apostles, two by two, today I send all of you to testify to My Presence in all nations of the world. Let the Word of the Glorified Christ be heard in all languages so that the heart of those most in need resound with the same strength and Grace that has resounded in your hearts during these last years.

Everything has been consummated.

In the same way that I surrendered My Spirit into the Hands of the Father, today I surrender your spirits into the Hands of God, so that you may never forget all that I have left you, so that My spiritual design may be accomplished in each one of you.

Today I leave with My Heart full of the love and the gratitude of My companions, of those who have not been afraid of transformation, of those who have not been afraid of proclaiming their faith and their fidelity to Christ.

My spiritual and celestial Church embraces you, in the same way that it embraces the whole world today, so that healing may be established in humanity and on the whole planet, because My Love will never leave you.

My last messages will be the most definitive, from now until August.

With all that you have learned from My Word and from the strength of the Love of God, you must always erect My spiritual Church on the surface of the Earth so that each soul may be the living temple that I need in order to return and fulfill the Scriptures, as the Scriptures were fulfilled during My Birth.

Christ is now standing with His arms stretched out in a Cross like the Redeeming Christ and the Light of His Heart illuminates the world and everything that is in it, to seal this alliance with the Divine Plan.

If it were urgent and necessary for the world, I could come under extraordinary circumstances to you, so that you could be guided and always led along the path of Truth.

Although My task among you is now finishing, as it finished among the apostles, I could reappear to bring and deliver the last instructions, as determined by My Eternal Father.

Carry Light to the world so that the world, through the Light, may find the love and hope of being reborn to life, every day.

Children, companions and friends of Mine, consummating this work on the eighth day of Christic instruction for the whole world, in the fullness of the thanksgiving of the heart, let us together softly say the prayer that I taught you in Aramaic.

Our Father (in Aramaic).

Blessed are those who cry, for they will always be consoled.

Blessed are those who persevere, for they will always find the Kingdom of God.

Blessed are those who serve, for they will see God.

Blessed are those who sacrifice themselves for Me, for they will be with Me in Eternal Life.

Today I will give the Easter blessing after the blessing given by the Holy Father, Pope Francis. Today I am under the ambassador of Christ on Earth, because the disciples and servers of Christ will always be able to take greater steps in love than those I took.

May the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit accompany you and bless you so that you may be in My Peace.

Let us celebrate this Eucharist of Resurrection within the Celestial Church.

Today, all those consecrated that are present here, representing all the religious orders of the world, as well as all the priests that are present here today, representing all the priests of the world, will come up here on the stage so that together we may experience the consecration of the Body and of the Blood of Christ.

"Father, You know that humanity has always been mistaken, but you also know about all those who have heard My Call and have responded to My Will. At this crucial hour of the planet, use all the surrenders and sacrifices of Your children, of those who never gave up nor desisted from fulfilling My Will."

"This is the greatest offering that My Heart makes to You on this day, so that your Grace, Your Love and your spiritual abundance may descend, and thus everything can be renewed. Amen."

Today I am with the apostles of the end times, and in the same way that I celebrated the Eucharist with My apostles after the Resurrection, today I come to celebrate this spiritual Communion with you, so that your consciousnesses may always be renewed.

Thus, I again take the bread, and offering it to God so that it may be transubstantiated, I give it to you, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which was given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

I offer the Father the Chalice of redemption and renewal, so that the wine may be transubstantiated into the precious Blood of Christ, and I again give you this Chalice, saying: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God, the Blood that was shed for humankind for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

In union with the Most Holy Trinity, for all the Graces and merits received, as a triumph of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus and for the urgent and necessary healing of humanity, let us say the prayer that Christ taught us, to consummate this spiritual and inner alliance and consecration.

Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

May the Peace and the Love of Christ descend to Earth.

We thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.