Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

On this day, many of your hearts ask themselves how they could help Africa. I saw many essences that, with pure and real intentions, aspired to reach that continent, carrying their hearts and beings to lovingly help others.

But today I want to tell you, My children, that you still have not discovered the power of prayer, for many of those desires for action come from the lack of knowledge of your consciousnesses about the true power of prayer. Because on this night I tell you that powerful is the verb God has given you; that one who prays with the heart will be able to labor much more than if they were physically present on that continent.

My children, I do not tell you this to discourage you from going to Africa, but rather, I want you to discover that a Divine Power exists that acts beyond the power of matter. Today I show you, to My right and to My left, the results of your prayers, the souls that I lift up to the Heavens on this night, which will receive an opportunity through the prayers you spoke, which were so few and so simple, but that led to the opening of the Portals of the Celestial Realm.

My dears, if you fully trusted in what I tell you and truly heard My Words, you would know that your little hearts, even with all the impurities they show and with all the imperfections, could change the events of this world, could bring great relief to the suffering which so many souls, not only in Africa, but on the whole planet, are going through because of the lack of love and the imbalance this humanity has generated in the world.

As Lady of Kibeho, I contemplate all of humanity. My Heart is unique, and into it will enter each essence of this world; with the humility of My Heart, I permanently aspire to reach the simplest hearts.

And today I want to bring you this example of perseverance that My Maternal Consciousness manifested throughout the centuries. I do not tire of repeating the same instructions to you, in the hope that humanity will one day achieve its awakening.

But today I just ask that you listen to My Words attentively, that you definitely awaken to that power God gave you since the beginning of the Creation of this humanity. The power of the Divine Verb, My children, can move universes, can open the doors so that Mercy can descend over this world and stop the action of Divine Justice.

All the events taking place today on the planet are the result of human actions, and through the same human being, My children, represented in each of your souls, those actions can be changed, and the souls that today suffer so much, endure so much, will indeed be able to have a different destiny. In as much as this world can offer them nothing but suffering, My Immaculate Heart can carry them to a reality that will restore each space of those consciousnesses.

My children, unite with My Heart, unite with the Power of God that is represented in each of your essences, and every day go deeper in the prayer I give you. Let My Heart, My dears, teach you to pray. Never think that you have reached the goal God has proposed, but like children, allow yourselves to learn a little more each day, for the celestial teachings I must bring to this world are infinite.

The Three Most Sacred Hearts also pour out their Blood over the world, but it is not Blood spilled through suffering; it is the suffering of My children changed into Mercy. All the pain I feel in My Heart, My children, I convert it over this world as a Source of Infinite Mercy, in example and likeness to My Son, Who gives this world the way for the salvation of souls. With this, on this night, I also ask that each pain of your hearts may be offered to this world as Mercy for the salvation of all souls that suffer so much more.

The silence of My Heart speaks much to you. Know to listen to it.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Do not sleep while I am present, while I am revealing secrets; you could lose the impulse of My Instruction.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I am revealing that as a human consciousness, you are entering into the Way of the Cross, which at this time, invites you to imitate the path of My Son.

Who of you, My children, will suffer for the salvation of this world?

Who will offer their life for the rescue of this planet, of all souls as well as of all the Kingdoms of Nature?

My Heart comes to prepare you, each of your hearts, each of your souls, which long ago committed to Me and said 'yes' to all the tests that would come. Now, My children, once again, in My Consciousness, I ask you:

Who will renew this commitment?

Who will once again say 'yes', once again aware of their mission?

Will you be ready to surrender your all out of Love for God?

While the events of the world pass before My eyes, and I show profound realities to those who can see Me, I allow your souls and your small consciousnesses to awaken to the real time you are experiencing today, so that you no longer sleep.

At the end of this Way of the Cross, in the same way I supported My Son and held Him in My arms, I will hold all of you. I will accompany you always, and at the end of this battle, I will have you safe in My arms and will restore each of your cells, your atoms, each space of your consciousnesses, because this is the Will of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.