May peace reign in the hearts that pray.
May this peace expand beyond the inner world.
May this peace reach great regions of the planet and may everything be redeemed.
May all believers celebrate the victory of the Redeemer because this is the day of the Joy of God since His Plan has been fulfilled through His Beloved Son.
May no one take a step backward today.
May the brave continue following the Pathway of My Son so that someday they may meet Him, face to face.
May this day represent for everyone the moment of His Ascension.
May the apostles of Christ already be able to manifest their commitment to the Master and Lord, for the Earth needs redeemed beings, selfless souls that carry their own cross with love.
May every essence be filled today with the spirit of the Resurrection of the Lord because it is now time for those walking in Christ to live and carry forward the preparation for His awaited and second Return.
May all be called to experience eternal Peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
And now that I have come to meet you, rest your head on My Chest and feel all the peace that I can offer you at this time, a peace that no one else can give you, or bring you.
Now feel My living Heart, which beats internally near your ears. This is the Heart that has suffered for the world and for humanity.
It is the Heart that has shed Its Blood for souls, for the forgiveness of errors and which still does so, for all of your companions and for your enemies.
But today, My beloved, do not think about what you are suffering or what you could suffer. Think of Me, unite with My Consciousness and feel My paternal embrace because I take care of all of My sheep, one by one, and I never forget anyone.
Surrender to Me, and yield as I have asked of you so many times.
Do not fear what will come but rather, what is not happening in your life.
Now, have your soul take refuge under the Rays of My Heart and feel the breath of the Spirit acting in each moment, within each breath, as well as in each word.
I can restore all things. I can supply all things because it is not I who does it; it is My Father who is in Heaven, it is He Who works, Who carries out and manifests the Higher Will.
Leave behind what you do not comprehend, what you do not accept or what you do not understand.
Trust in this Love that I am gifting to you because it is a Love that must be fulfilled in you so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled on Earth.
Rest like John the apostle, upon My Chest, and feel the pain and the agony of your Lord, in the silence and in the calm.
God does not offer souls to suffer; it is the souls that seek suffering because in the Kingdom of the Heavens, from whence I came today, pain or guilt do not exist. Be glad for resting your head on the Chest of your Master.
I know that you will not understand everything at once, but this does not matter to your Lord. What matters is that you experience it fully, united with Me, in spirit and in essence.
Do not confirm your sins, do not affirm your errors, uplift your heart and place it in Mine so that I may transform and polish it like the hands of a potter. And thus, you will be in perfect freedom and in a deep calm, and overnight you will not know what has happened to you, because everything will have transformed, just as I have thought it, according to the designs of God.
Receive the Love of My Heart as a balm and surrender. My Heart will not be bad for you, My Heart will not harm you. My Love is of the good and is a peace-bearer for souls.
Avail yourself of all that I can gift to you and trust because everything is appointed; everything has its hour and its time.
Just as today you are on My Chest, feeling the fire of My Heart and the gentleness of My Soul, the activity of My Divinity and of My Spirit, I would like to have many more emulate this example of union with the Lord.
Calm your heart of all anguish and accept what I give you because everything has a greater end and a purpose that you are still to discover someday.
Leave behind what you have suffered, what you have not understood; submerge in the ocean of My Light and everything will dissipate, because who trusts their Master, trusts in God, the Almighty. And their life, day by day, step by step, with effort and sacrifice, will become free.
From your soul, I want a new being that may be part of a new humanity, conscious and awakened, responsible and worthy with Creation.
There are so many treasures in Heaven, dear soul, that I have for revealing; My Hands are full of designs and I still cannot pour them out over the world because I cannot find a place nor refuge within the entire humanity.
But if you, My brave one, today, takes the step for many others, someday many others will recognize My Name and My Glory and will make it worthy in their lives so that the Love of God may thus triumph.
Now, embrace Me and feel the warmth of My Spirit; feel the protection of My Arms and the breathing of My Body as a renewing breath that sanctifies all things and renews all things.
There is nothing that can be lost. Everything is transformed according to My Will.
Become one of the holy women of Jerusalem, or like the apostle John, in complete surrender and selflessness.
Everything that you experience, My soul, has a reason and a meaning for God; there is nothing out of place, everything has a meaning and a time to be fulfilled. Be it in the good or far from it.
But today, I want you to feel the beating of My meek Heart, an inexplicable and Redeeming Love which yearns for good and worthy souls that may fulfill the Will of God in this time of difficult tests.
Embrace Me tightly and feel My consolation, which is basic and immediate. Let Me nurture you with My Peace and with the flame of My Faith, which is what brings Me to the world to seek those whom I have called by their name so that they may accompany Me in this era and in this cycle, in which the world will experience its greatest challenge of all time and of all eras. I cannot tell you the contrary.
My souls, it is time to live My Plan and to not wait any longer.
Sometimes your Lord and Master needs to feel the warmth of the love of His children in order to be able to keep moving forward. However much I am in Heaven, it does not mean that I do not feel like a human being does because I was among you as a human being so that you might experience and understand Me.
You will thus be embracing your Celestial Father, Who also needs consolation, upon seeing the offenses and the wrongs of the world.
How much Love can do in the hearts that decide to live it fully, the Love that comes from the High and that can spring from hearts, causing New Christs to be born!
I want you to offer your embrace to me today because I need it, just as you need Me to continue walking on this path, the most difficult of all times, one which no other humanity has experienced, in any other age.
You came here, My souls, for a greater purpose and design that you will come to know someday.
But today I do not need you to understand My mysteries, but rather that you feel the agony of your Lord and the request for consolation that is made to valiant hearts.
Now, feel how I cover you with My Mantle, that mantle that was torn by the hands of My enemies during the Passion and that covered My Body, stricken with wounds and injuries.
These are wounds that I live for the world and I want to share them with My servers, with those who are willing to follow Me unconditionally.
I want to offer you My sacrifices and My sorrows, because who suffers with their Lord, suffers with God, and the Love that never ends transforms all things, even what is most impenetrable. May My Wounds be a reason for your sanctification, for your persistence, and for your renunciation.
Because I have a precious plan for each one of My servers, which must be fulfilled in this critical hour of the planet, in which everything is being precipitated, hour by hour.
For this reason, I consecrate sons and daughters, to have armies on Earth that may be firm in Me, in spite of what may happen.
I have no more to give, only the Love of My Heart, which is what has brought Me here, throughout times and generations.
A Love that testifies to the presence of the Body and of the Blood of Christ for the reparation of errors and all deeds not under the Law of God. I once again tell you, My souls, that I need your hearts open even more so that I can enter with My Consciousness into the deepest corners of your souls, where the Kingdom of God must be fulfilled, so that the world and humanity may still exist.
For this reason, on this Holy Wednesday of retreat and prayer, I not only ask for your prayers, but also for your embrace so that a consoling spirit may be present and souls dare to say “yes” more each day.
Today I bring to you the most sacred moment of My life which was the entrance of the Last Supper. I come to speak with you with the same love with which I addressed My holy Mother and the women of Jerusalem, as well as My apostles. It is this unrestricted and infinite Love that never ends because it comes from and is born of the Fount of God for His creatures.
You need to finally be like Me and surpass Me because I come here so that you may one day do greater things than those I did. This will demonstrate to the Universe that a New Humanity is possible, which will have repented and will ask for forgiveness for everything it did, that will not be ashamed of confessing its errors and will be open to receive the Mercy of God, which is unquenchable and eternal.
I want you to live in the joy of My Celestial Love and you, little soul, that is learning to love Me, do not cease to do so. Dare to cross the thresholds of human resistance because I will help you be truly free you of yourself forever.
Do not cease to feel the Love that emanates from My Heart today and vivify it as if it were for the last time, because what I come to give today I will not be able to give again; the time is now ending and the definitive hour is approaching.
I do not want to crown you with flowers but rather with thorns so that you may surpass Me in Love, knowing that the human being is an unpredictable being throughout this Universe, just as I was, testifying to My Passion, Death and Resurrection.
I offer glory and honor to those who have decided to be by My side, but I also offer My pain and My agony to those who have confirmed themselves before Me during this afternoon of eternal Grace.
And now, I return your soul to the center of your being, in which exists the sacred Temple of Love, that must always be lit by the light of the Holy Spirit.
And My Heart retreats to offer itself again to other souls in the world that also need Me.
Blessed be the ones who received My Words with gratitude because they will understand everything within the coming times. And when I am no longer here among you, in a short while, you will deeply know everything that I have wanted to do in this place and in this house, and mainly, in you.
Because I must appear in other places in the world that also need Me, that also thirst for My Word and for My Verb and, above all, for the Love of God.
With that solemnity that I am trying to build in your hearts through this meeting, I want you to dignify yourselves today before Our Celestial Father, undertaking this commitment to Me until the end of days, knowing that everything that you will experience will be a great school for the soul and the spirit.
I only need you to give your love to the world, regardless of who it is, regardless of their belief or religion, their poverty or their wealth, their illness or their health.
I want you to love as I love you, because the test that is coming to the world will be very hard. And not all will bear this moment. For this reason, I strengthen you in this time and through My unconditional service to souls, I give you My Body and My Blood so that you may survive, just as your Master survived at each step of the Cross, and of His Agony.
This is no time to be divided, distanced, nor indifferent. Place your hearts within Mine and all will pass. Because what I wish from the world is very great and this may happen when I return for the second time. So, My souls, let us offer this moment to our God Almighty, Who has, on this day, again allowed this spiritual Grace for an unfaithful world. But Love will always overcome all these things. Everything will be fulfilled as God has thought it.
We can stand for the blessing of these elements.
I have called you here because I never forgot you and because everything has its time for God and for the Universe (*).
As well as these sacred elements that are at the feet of your Master and Lord, today I will also offer your consciousnesses to God so that He may fulfill His designs within you.
The Lord Almighty, our Eternal Father Who is in the Heavens, may He bless with His most infinite Light and Wisdom.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you for truly embracing Me.
Today I have chosen a song that testifies to the Work of the Celestial Mother, of how each soul of this Earth, as well as the Most Holy Mary, can respond to the call of God when He sounds it.
Today I have chosen such complementary voices, one with another, so that you may offer this response of souls to My Heart, this offering that hearts have made to My Spirit.
(*) Christ calls two people to the stage.
Rest your soul, your mind and your body in the arms of the Celestial Mother, so that after the sacred rest you find the inner strength necessary to carry forward.
In these definitive times, souls are defining for their lives the next stage of their awakening and walk.
The more adhered and united the souls are to the need that the Universe presents, the greater will be the reason, for all, to respond to what is urgent and immediate.
Then, in this cycle, the fulfillment of the Plan of the Father will depend on this true and unbreakable alliance that must exist between hearts and God.
Thus, the Almighty will see that the action of delivering His most important Designs to the souls, who in this time must take charge of greater responsibilities, is just. A deep and sincere openness will be enough to carry it out.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Who persists in his faith will never break down because they will have built inside of themselves a true alliance with God.
May this inner faith be renewed and expanded time and again, because this will help the planetary consciousness have spiritual resources capable of sustaining the Earth.
Child, may this faith be unalterable, lasting and invincible.
May the faith of the heart build within you this constant affirmation to live God's Plan and to be part of His Kingdom.
May this faith establish principles of unity, love and compassion between beings so that the awakening to true spiritual life may exist in all human consciousnesses.
Merge your consciousness into the essence of faith, and everything will be renewed.
Assume each new time and each test under the renewing impulse of faith so that each learning is experienced as an opportunity of loving, more each day.
May this faith build within you the path towards inner redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Image of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
The Image of My Chaste Heart must be contemplated by those who seek humility, simplicity, the maturity of spirit and the awakening of the spirit of service and charity.
This Image represents the moment in which My Chaste Heart pronounced Its “yes” to God and accepted, despite Its imperfections, to fulfill the Mission that God had entrusted to it.
This Image is the symbol that in order to serve God it is not necessary to be perfect, children, because Perfection, which comes from the Father, manifests in the soul and in the heart, as the being decides to walk.
Before this Image, you must ask the Father for the Grace of knowing to say “yes”, despite the apparent audacity of His Plans. Because today I tell you: it is not God Who asks you great things, but it is you who do not know your own potential, do not know yourselves and think you cannot give what God asks you.
Before this Image, pray the “Novena to begin the New Spiritual Cycles” and let My Heart inspire you so that you can say “yes” and know what is hidden until today and is unknown to you about yourselves.
The Reliquary of My Heart represents the Plan of God consummated in human imperfection. I will place in it all the Graces that the Father granted Me to fulfill His Will and before it, children, you will pray not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, so that these Gifts of Surrender and Rendition, which made this Heart become a Divine Triumph, can reach each one of your brothers and sisters, in the four corners of the world.
Through the Image of My Chaste Heart and the Reliquary of My Heart, the Creator grants you two new and unique Graces so that you may know that all you need in order to become a celestial victory is within your reach.
Today I ask you for a small replica of the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart to pilgrimage around the world and to be at all altars of My Apparitions. Because in this Reliquary I will place the Gifts that humanity needs to renew itself, the standards of conduct for a new life, which will be irradiated in the nations and on the continents, as a teraphim of the New Humanity, so that those who contemplate it and pray before it may achieve the Grace of knowing and living who they really are.
I love you, I bless you and I thank you for manifesting this Work of Miracles and of Graces in this world.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Time to confirm the Commitment – Part II
It is time to confirm the commitment for the planet, for the civilization and for the future of the New Humanity.
In these critical times, the confirmation of the commitment to the Plan of God will be the master key that will open other doors for inexplicable opportunities to present themselves, but it will also be the master key for other events not to happen.
The time of confirmation of the commitment has come for all, because humanity is in a phase where everything is allowed, for the souls to define themselves and to choose, from their intimate freedom, the Kingdom of God or other paths.
The time of confirmation of the commitment has come, because this confirmation will bring you more consciousness and, from now on, souls will know the repercussion of the consequences of each decision in the life of every being.
Nothing will be kept hidden any longer, the choice will be determinant because one’s own consciousness will delineate its next step, depending on the confirmation of the commitment before the Plan of the Creator.
In this phase of the planet, the confirmation of the commitment will bring with it many more events and humanity will be immersed within two realities. First, the reality of those who will confirm themselves and will go forward, and second, the reality of those who will condemn themselves and will not realize it because they will not have placed interest and love in the Word of the Hierarchy.
For this reason, the time of confirmation of each being and for the life of each being will mark a before and an afterwards. This will generate great movements in the inner consciousness of the creatures.
The time of confirmation will generate a response, but, at the same time, a sign that will remain imprinted in the consciousness.
The time of confirmation will delimitate the cycles, the times and the events on the planet; for this reason, it is important that, at the time of living the confirmation before God, there be a discernment and that hurried decisions, empty of wisdom may not be taken.
This time of confirmation will promise important changes in the planetary consciousness, thus also the degree of its importance at the spiritual level, since this time of confirmation will define the next steps of the present humanity.
This time of confirmation will gather self-summoned, will strengthen servers and may build in the consciousnesses the true spirit of unity, to be able to leave behind the division and the mean competition of centuries.
In truth, the time of confirmation will develop new principles, will conceive new understandings, and those who will confirm themselves to the Plan of God for life, will have the inner Grace of understanding it all someday.
For this reason, when time comes for the inner confirmation before the Plan of God, you must be attentive not to be distracted, but rather receive the help of the Gift of Wisdom. Because you will be defining your lives for the next stages of the future spiritual life, which will not be like the present moment of the human race, and will be impregnated by Christic codes and expressed by new degrees of love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My child, find in your heart the essence of these times and your strength.
Understand the tests of the planet not with sorrow, but with Peace. Finally, it is being fulfilled on Earth as was prophesied from the beginning.
May your faith be on the Plans of God and on nothing else. Let His Victory be a deep certainty in your heart, in spite of the apparent defeats that are to come.
Divine Victory does not manifest itself like human victory, and in order to know how to understand the Plans of God and allow yourself to be guided by Him, it is necessary to love Him above all things.
Remember what I tell you today so that you do not regret before the cross. Just as the Son of Man knew everything He would suffer before those events were manifested in His Life, God makes you aware of the tests of this planet through the words of His Divine Messengers.
Place these words in your heart and let them forge that strength in you that you will need not only to endure the times that will come but so that you can make of each test the reason to multiply the Love within your heart.
It is of no use merely to bear the cross, for many were those who died on the cross throughout human evolution. The sense of your surrender must always be Love. There too lies the reason for your existence and the mystery of human Creation.
Love, in spite of all things, and see, in everything, the opportunity to serve and of surrendering for Love of God. Do not lose a single second of the school of this world. May everything be to make worthwhile the Grace that the Creator has given you, of being upon the Earth.
Even though life may be to you a mystery still to be revealed, embrace the circumstances of your life with gratitude and everything will be fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Second Coming of Christ
The day will come in which human suffering will end and souls will come to know the full joy of being in God and God being in humankind.
False beliefs will fall and, in the depths of souls, the temple of the heart will be raised and will receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Gifts that will repopulate the Earth with true and evolutionary principles.
In that hour, the Return of Christ will be close. In the most critical moment of humanity, while Mother Earth is in her birthing process, bringing the New Human to light, the moment of the Return of Christ will come.
The times will stop and the cycle will stabilize so that the Son of Man may enter.
The real time will absorb the illusory time and a new time will begin after the Beloved Son has come to seek His followers of love, and judge those who, for a long time, have done evil.
In that moment, all will be revealed and the souls of the Earth will no longer have veils over their consciousness.
Many will realize all that they could have achieved, but it will be too late.
Others will repent, and on their knees before the Beloved Son, will ask for forgiveness and for Mercy.
But, in that moment, it will be God Himself Who will judge through the mouth of His Son, and the Beloved Son will only proclaim what His Eternal Father dictates in that instant.
Meanwhile, and with a little more time, repent from the heart and you will be safe, because those who accept living the school of Redeeming Love will manage to become a part of the New Earth.
When My Son comes for the second time to this world, everything in humanity will be unleashed, with the power of more than one thousand horses.
Nature will speak for itself and will come out of its constant silence.
The Kingdoms of Nature will express themselves and in each part of the Earth they will leave a significant message that no human being will be able to destroy or erase, because what is shown to them will awaken the consciousness of those who are asleep.
In the same way, many more things will happen. The Sun, the Moon, the stars and all of the firmament will give definite signs.
Natural and spiritual phenomena will show that Christ is returning to humanity.
The most asleep souls will awaken. Others will define themselves for the rest of eternity.
The majority of the men and the women of the Earth will realize that they had been lost and asleep for decades.
One last Grace will be granted to the world, a Grace that will arrive without anybody knowing it and will come unexpectedly to the world at the moment in which the seventh Celestial Trumpet sounds.
In that hour and at that time, that extraordinary Grace will come to men and to women in order to save them and, in this way, the Woman Dressed with the Sun will open the last door so that the last of the redeemed may enter, in consciousness, to the Sacred Enclosures of Love.
When the last door closes, everything will happen and it will not be controllable.
There will be no system, government, nation or people that will be able to stop it, because it will be the higher current itself of the Universe that will remove everything that exists so that the planet may become free of the weight of its atoms generated by the majority with their human and spiritual density.
For this reason, children, let us pray so that the majority of the non-believers and of the non-redeemed may repent from the heart and reverse their painful lives.
Let us pray so that the nations of the world convert to the Plan of the Creator and carry forward real actions in an equality of conditions.
Let us pray and not stop praying, because the unexpected Return of Christ is close and your hearts, in this hour, must be uplifted in worship in order to be able to recognize it.
May God bless you and grant you sacred discernment.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Cry out, little soul, for your sister souls who sleep in the illusion of this world.
Cry out so that the night may be deep, but not eternal. May it forge within beings the fortitude that will help them overcome tests greater than the darkness of the Earth, but that this night not be so intense that it darkens the hearts of humanity.
Cry out for Mercy to descend on Earth in times of Justice.
Cry out so that no punishment may be eternal and so that souls condemned by their own ignorance may be able to get out of the abysses of illusion and lack of love.
Cry out, soul of God, so that your Father, Who is Eternal and is full of Love and Grace, does not tire of pouring over the world these Gifts of His Heart, so that they be an eternal bridge between His creatures and the Source of Life.
Cry out, soul of God, so that your Father, Who is in the Heavens, but Who is in all things, may listen to your prayers, and if they are sincere, they may be answered.
Cry out for those who sleep in the dream of this world and cry out for those who believe they are awake, but are lost on confused paths that do not lead them to God.
Cry out for the One Truth to reveal itself and for Unity to emerge as a need in the hearts of men.
Cry out, little soul, for the soldiers of Christ to persevere in the four corners of the world. That they proclaim Love more than a doctrine, that they proclaim Love more than a religion, and that they recognize themselves in the Love that dissolves differences and reveals souls as sisters under one and the same purpose.
Cry out so that this Plan be fulfilled. Feel yourself a living part of the human consciousness and, being part of the heart that pulsates on Earth, raise your voice to the Heavens and cry out to the Father for the establishment of His Will, for the rebirth of His Love, for the consolidation of His Word, for the institution of His Laws, for the fulfillment of His Promises and, at the end of everything, so that His image and likeness be reflected in the faces, in the hearts and in the consciousnesses of all His children. Let your cry be eternal and true.
He who blesses you and cries out with you for this world and for creation,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a door of Light is opened so that lost souls may enter, another uncertain door closes so that souls may be liberated.
Therefore, each stage of the Plan that is concretized is an opportunity to awaken and assume the Divine Plan.
Within this realization there exist battles, challenges, and tests that confirm the soldiers; and all that movement also unblocks what hinders evolution.
In this cycle, the stages of the Plan will mark the different moments of concretion of the Work, which in critical and difficult times will fulfill the designs of the Almighty at any cost.
In this current of concretion, those who awaken and those who have already awakened enter; and this generates great movements, not only in the consciousness but also in the spiritual plane, where everything is defined.
It is necessary to live these times with neutrality, with a willingness to concretize projects, and, above all, to do so with love, because this will help make the most difficult moments more bearable, by being transmuted by the power of the love of the servers of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
Today I come to meet you as the Solar Essence of God, as this Immaculate Part that was born from the Source of Creation; the Essence which, under the Feminine Spirit, regenerates life and the consciousness.
My Solar Essence is what illuminates the inner worlds, it is the Essence that gives impulse to souls to take their steps within the Plan of God. This Essence is capable of recovering lost essences and helps in the transfiguration of the consciousness.
My Solar Essence comes from a spiritual sacred Source, created and designed by the great Creator Parents, those called Archangels or Elohim.
My Solar Essence is the one that always enters into the terrestrial planes to purify you and redeem you.
Who unites with My Immaculate Heart unites with My Solar Essence and, in this way, enters into communion with Creation and with the entire Universe.
My Solar Essence brings you the power of transformation and of change, as well as entry into the complete consecration of life, of mind and of spirit.
My Solar Essence takes you into finding the inner meaning, during the walk of the path of the spirit, until you are able to find Christ, as the great inner Master.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The triumph of Light and the defeat of evil
The silent triumph of the Plan of the Most High is approaching, and it is imperceptible to the world of illusion; but there exist essences that feel, in the depth of themselves, this moment.
It is the triumph of Light and the defeat of evil.
When the scene of events is stablished in nations and peoples, when revolutions and conflicts are installed, those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
The culminating hour is approaching and the Mother of the World places all Her children under Her invisible mantle of stars. She arrives to the most impenetrable places of the consciousness, since those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
Nothing and no one will be left behind. The veils of illusion will fall and the spiritual blindness of humanity will be healed; because the angels of eternal service will wash the eyes of human beings with the water of the Divine Fountain, and those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
After so many intense spiritual battles, the soldiers of good will be strengthened, and even though the great and last beast comes out of the abyss to the surface, those will be the signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
Meanwhile, the Universal Mother gestates in Her sacred Womb the New Humanity, the new planet which will be free from its millenary debts and that can be prepared to truly live the Plan of God. Those will be signals of the triumph of Light and of the defeat of evil.
You will then see the great Archangel of the Celestial Militia descend from the Superior Universes and, at the sound of the seventh trumpet, the end of time will come, not only for the enemy, but also for all the Universe that will learn about redemption.
The strength of the breath of the Sacred Spirit will open the doors so that everything is revealed; the most hidden mysteries will be unveiled, and the human race will become aware of the time it lost in order to be able to unite to God.
Those who have responded to the call without understanding will be happy, because an impenetrable protection will be in them; those who were distracted with the world will cry because it will be too late and even through the Divine Spirit has called them, they will recognize too late what the Universe many times wanted to dictate to their hearts.
But the most difficult time will cease because the New Light will penetrate the planet with all its Rays and, from nothing, all darkness will dissolve in any state of consciousness. This New Light will be the New Face of the Master among the Masters, it will be the Sacred Sun that will bring with It the thousand years of Peace and, then, the Earth will be populated by beings of kindness and love.
Those who have not incarnated these principles in themselves will no longer be on the planet; they will have, in the next world, their dwellings prepared for them to learn again to be beings of good, beings of Light. And the Earth will live its maximum joy when the Solar Son, together with the Resplendent Ones, bless the beginning of the New Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With all the choirs of Heaven, your Heavenly Mother comes to meet you to fill you, spiritually, with impulses of light and love, so that each song that will be offered may be an element of healing and redemption for humanity.
From Heaven, I came full of the joy of the Holy Spirit to pour it upon all of My children, so that the same joy and the same happiness that I have for serving the Plan of the Creator may awaken within them.
Dear children, today, may your voices echo with the melody of love, with the melody of healing, with the joy of understanding in your lives the true meaning of your existences within this Creator Universe.
May today, not only the music heal the hearts, but may the souls also open to be able to recognize, within themselves, the ardent aspiration to live the Plan of God as the main mission of love for their lives.
May, today, your voices rise in glory together with the voices of the angels of the Universe so that, in this sacred offering, humanity may receive again, through the impulse of music, the divine atonement that it needs in order to be able to heal its heart and its life.
Dear children, today and in this cycle, I gather the precious souls, the singing souls that will help Me to establish the Principle of Healing, of Reparation and of Forgiveness in the human race.
Children, I need you to continue walking by My side with the strong impulse of being closer, day by day, to the Creator; because your Father, who is in Heaven, will always fill you, will bring you the inner strength to have firmness and determination to be able to take the steps towards forgiveness and redemption.
Beloved children, today, with eyes of goodness and with a smile of light, I contemplate those who approach for the first time to be part of this sacred task of helping to uplift the state of consciousness of the suffered humanity.
Today, especially, I bless the souls that take the first steps in the consecration of their lives to the Plan of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
May on this evening, not only Aurora shine, but also the inner suns of those who awaken.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the light of the heart unify the servants of Christ so that His Divine Will may be fulfilled.
May the light of the heart bring peace to lives so that they may be guided by the spirit of Love.
May the light of the heart gather consciousnesses together so that each one of them may reveal its sacred virtue.
May the light of the heart dissolve wounds so that evil may not be installed or exist in anyone.
May the light of the heart awaken an awareness within all beings of continuing to accomplish the Sacred Plan of God.
May the light of the heart build within hearts a unity and the principle of Higher Love.
May the light of the heart neutralize contrary currents.
May the light of the heart uplift consciousnesses to the permanent state of brotherhood.
May the light of the heart grant each being spiritual freedom.
May the light of the heart be able to keep the doors open to solidarity.
May the light of the heart give each being a Ray of Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this day, My children, may the prayer be offered and dedicated to those who still do not live the Plan of the Creator because, although they are on this planet, they do not know of the immensity of their commitment to the Creator.
Therefore, in a spirit of supplication and of hope, intercede through the prayer of the heart for all of your siblings that still may be imprisoned by material life and by all of the illusions that the world offers.
These lost souls are the last of which I will work with during the last times of My Work amongst you.
Meanwhile, My children, continue praying from the heart so that the Merciful Father may continue hearing the sincere offer of His children.
Each prayer spoken with love and devotion, on large scale, grants opportunities for inexplicable redemption and healing in the souls of the world.
So that all of this may be possible and may be granted to humanity, there must be souls in unconditional prayer so that, in spite of these critical times, the doors to salvation and redemption of consciousness may be kept open.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If the Father, Who is in the Heavens, withdraws into His Silence, His Daughter and Servant will also accompany Him, as well as all the guardian angels.
That silence is the only exercise of premeditation in the face of the events that lie ahead.
That silence speaks in the depths of consciousnesses, especially of those who deceived the Plan of God and were very unjust.
That silence will cause an unknown justice to descend over the world and over those souls that, with contempt, tempted the wrath of God.
The reason for this silence will speak in the heart of the humble and will strengthen the spirit of the peacemakers.
Nothing that has happened will remain without justice; on the contrary, now at this moment, the angels of the Judgement will be the ones who will act according to what is indicated by the Eternal Father, since there is a great imbalance because of the fraud of those who had previously been entrusted with the Kingdom.
The Father knows that the human being is weak, but He also knows that they can be sincere and just, in spite of sins, and when both situations are in opposition through the will of the human being, the Law of Divine Justice must be applied, and we can only pray for it to be gentle and just.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Remove all anguish and sorrow from your heart, and do not think you will not manage to do so.
Although it may seem unknown, dare to say 'yes' to the Universe in complete trust.
Take your steps toward Christ. Even in the moments of greatest tribulation, let My motherly Hand draw close to you so as to guide you.
Let that which is oldest in you gradually die while in your essence what you really are and what you came to fulfill on this blue planet awakens.
Trust that you will be able to carry on walking. Let the Sacred Flame of My Heart illumine your path and thus you may carry forward the inner purpose that the Father entrusted to you.
Meanwhile, my child, recover your hope from the beginning of your awakening, from the moment in which your heart had the feeling to follow this sacred but unknown path. From there, you must gain courage and inner strength to learn to transcend yourself, to learn to be uplifted and to find the justifiable sense of having to be here.
Now your life is like that moment in which Peter, the Apostle, had to confirm whether or not he was with Jesus, since, in spite of his denial, within the essence of Peter there existed that trust hidden by fear.
Open your heart and go through that threshold of fear that does not exist and say 'yes' to the Sacred Heart. Always say 'yes' even though you do not understand.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If a part of your being still does not believe that I am here, why are you still here?
By chance, am I not here, Who is your Mother?
Firstly, be grateful for everything that you live and for everything that you experience.
Do not try to escape any longer from the reality that surrounds you, because truly, child, you will be escaping from yourself, and where you choose to be, you will always be with yourself, carrying the same cross everywhere.
Have the inner awareness that you will not be able to change the world, and not even people, overnight.
Accept with joyful resignation the test that Heaven sends you in this time.
You will not be better or worse by being away from the reality that could be disturbing your heart.
Live each experience as a unique possibility for expanding your love and your renunciation.
Do not allow your mind and My adversary to deceive you.
Distrust everything that comes from you and what your mind processes, because if you stay in that place, you will always find a great obstacle.
Start by making the change that you expect so much, first inside of you, and do not try, in any way, to change the Plan, the destiny, nor the events.
Do not believe that in this world you will find perfect things. Be truly intelligent, and do not allow doubts to erase and dissipate the faith of your heart.
Accept, above yourself, the destiny in which the Universe has placed you. And if you want so much that people and things be perfect, as you need them, begin by being the example in patience, in effort, and in service, without wanting to escape or hide from the true need so as not to feel tired.
Live your Gethsemane with intelligence and let only the constant love of your fellow beings invade you, a deep love that you have never lived before.
Search, child, for the truth in what is simple and easy, and not in what would delight you as perfect and complete. If you have surrendered your life into the Hands of God, His own Hands put you in this place, where you must serve unconditionally; and today your Mother from Heaven tells you this, I declare it without intermediaries.
Have gratitude and expand it, so that others may recognize in you a New Christ who accepts, understands, and loves beyond self and of any expectation.
Work every day for your redemption based on profound acts of love and of service, and I assure you that the doubts, or even the disagreements, will no longer be in you; but they will die in the mouth of the one who utters them: My rival.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
When the times and events become difficult around you, these will be the signs that the Plan of God and His Purpose are being materialized.
Therefore, with a charitable and ardent spirit, continue to carry forward the Plan of the Creator, so that souls may perceive that they have denied the last and great opportunity of being able to repent and to serve.
Children, this is the time of great events and of great challenges for all beings; this is the time of knowing how to adapt to the constant changes and hasty challenges.
This is the time of really discovering within yourselves that inner part, which is God, and which will help you to survive in this cycle, but with a renewed and expanded faith. Children, I come propel you into experiences that will make you strong and invincible in Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the strength of the love of the heart never end, because it will give you the inner strength to carry forward the Plans of God.
May the strength of the love of the heart make you peaceful, so that in these times you may accept and understand the most difficult and complex situations.
May the strength of the love of the heart gather you together and unite you as brothers and sisters, because in this way you will awaken the gifts and the virtues of the new apostles of Christ.
May the strength of the love of the heart guide you and illuminate your paths, so that the truth and the transparency between consciousnesses always reign.
May the strength of the love of the heart assemble you, so that in these times you may celebrate communion with Christ, the unique re-encounter with the Mercy of God.
May the strength of the love of the heart unify you, so that the Consciousness of Christ may accompany you till the end.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more