In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When the twilight is about to disappear and the night arrives, this will be the most culminating moment for humanity and the planet.
Everything will have been unleashed within and outside of the beings, and upon the surface of the Earth, there will be nothing more to learn nor anything to teach.
Everyone will know the truth.
Everyone will be able to see it and participate in it, because the end of times will have been consummated and the New Earth will cease to be a promise, because the old Earth will have been purified.
But before this promise is fulfilled, which God eagerly awaits, the Earth will have yet to go through its transition. Duality will also experience its definition and fate will be changed.
After the most difficult parts have taken place, the Aurora will come, causing its Light and its Consciousness to shine forth. The Son will come and then His Mother will come, and with Them, all the angels and archangels, and the great laborers of the Plan.
The trumpets will have already been played and Truth will resound in the hearts of the righteous.
The unrighteous will be set apart and sent on to their new destiny. The chaff will have been separated from the wheat, the wolves from the sheep, the pure from the impure, the turbid from the clear, the darkness from the light.
And no one will be able to complain, no one will be able to justify themselves, because they will have received everything from Heaven and from the Universe.
The Words of the Hierarchy will no longer slip by like the wind or the breeze that can caress your faces.
The Word will be fulfilled and no one will be able to omit it.
No consciousness, no nation, no government, no one will be opposed, for opposition and duality will no longer exist, there will be no past nor will there be future.
The eternal present will descend to the Earth and the planet will enter into its new dimension, the dimension from which it was separated due to learning and experiences.
It will enter into the real dimension, into Real Time, where only the eternal exists, the visible and the invisible.
Thus, the consciousnesses that will stay and remain will no longer be far from the Truth, because the Truth will be part of them for having persisted in their tests and in their learning processes, for having believed in Christ, in His Word, for living obedience and a strict adherence to His call.
When I am no longer here among you, know that everything will be unleashed.
The walls of the resistances will no longer be personal fortresses, there will be no divisions or barriers, obstacles nor challenges, because everything will fall by its own weight.
Truth will prevail in the clean and humble hearts. The lies will be seen in the hearts that became soiled through their evil words.
The true faces will be seen. Some, full of gladness and the joy of Heaven, others full of fright, encountering Truth and repenting too late.
This is why you must always be careful with what you decide about your lives and your paths.
The Plan of God is not something transitory nor is it something that can be used to one's own advantage.
If the Son of God descended to Earth, it was because of the highest Will.
If the Son of God came to meet you, it was because of the highest Will.
Do you understand?
You cannot discard the Plan of God because it is not convenient for you or you do not feel it. Assume the responsibility of your purification and soon you will be free of yourselves.
You cannot distort the story that is being written in your hearts and lives.
You cannot turn aside the pencil of God for your faults. Reconsider and you will grow.
Do not make small what is truly grand and comes from Heaven.
Do not be like the world, which insults the Plan of God, day after day, without being aware of it.
Because when the laws strike the world, all will learn, and those at the center of the Purpose will not suffer, because the Law will not be a punishment, the actions of humankind will be their own condemnation.
You must recognize within yourselves what the Kingdom of God has given you, and do not contaminate it with your way of life.
Thus, invoke, implore and appeal for a pure heart so that your minds may be pure, so that your actions may be pure, so that your paths may be full of light rather than of suffering, the suffering that you can cause and experience for yourselves.
God aspires that all be able to live in His Joy and that nobody else condemn themselves in this humanity.
Seek to be what God really needs and everything will transform.
You cannot cease to be part of My New Gospel.
You must be part of what is descending from the Universe.
This is why, in these last days, I have brought you so many keys and so much knowledge, because it is time to live the spiritual maturity that the Father of the Universe needs to be able to continue to fulfill His Plan and His Will.
You cannot consider the Plan of God and your mission as something transitory, as if nothing mattered anymore.
Repentance will come to show some the place that they have put themselves in and from where they cannot manage to get out on their own. My Mercy does not reach there, neither does My Grace nor My Light. I cannot transgress your free choice nor your will.
I taught My apostles to be true, but also simple; to be honest and transparent in Truth, because that will always protect them.
But now is the time to place your consciousness upon the decisions in life and how that influences your evolution and mainly, your spiritual life.
Everything that has been given in these last times must be testified to on the day of the Final Judgment and after this life for all.
The treasures of Heaven will never be lost.
The treasures of Heaven must be testified to by each disciple of Mine, even though they are no longer with Me.
The signature of your commitment is your salvation and to remember this every day is also your salvation.
You must learn to perceive the reality beyond yourselves and never allow yourselves to harm the Plan.
You cannot let time go by as if nothing will happen. You know, better than I, that the planet is suffering and is very wounded.
This is why it is in the most culminating moment of the tribulation that I will return, and nobody will be able to escape this event, no matter how much they have denied Me, no matter how much they said I am not here.
The true Hierarchy does not have the children of God waste time. Be aware of this and reconsider.
I express this especially to those who have distanced themselves and were confused by My enemy. I pray for their repentance and their humiliation.
Human pride can be as large as a sea and drown you without you perceiving it.
The blindness of the unjust will be removed when they allow the Heart of the Master to touch them with His Light.
The lepers of spirit will be healed when they open from the heart to the divine healing and the reality of the Universe.
All of you have a place in My Heart, which you already know.
All of you have a commitment with Me and that is unforgettable, because the time has come for assuming the reality and not setting it aside on your paths as if it did not exist.
Learn from My Sacrifice and you will survive.
Be capable of truly and warmly loving.
Be true ambassadors of peace for these critical times, for in this way you will gladden My Heart which has many anxieties and a great many sorrows, caused by those who have not understood Me through this medium.
Now the Light will come for those that want to live it and want to participate in it.
That Light that I will propagate will protect you and you will love each step of your purification for Me.
Re-live your commitment that you once signed in the Cosmos and enter into the true dimension of the Brotherhood.
The locks of the Sacred Books have already been opened to begin to pronounce the great revelation of all times and of all eras.
Universal Life will become present in the hearts that cry out for it, for in this way the Plan will be vivified.
Do not waste time in what is transitory.
Accept carrying the planet upon your backs, for it cries out for relief.
Have the Star of loyalty and Confraternity stamped upon your chests. Re-ignite that inner Sun that must never die or go out.
Let what you truly are shine and you will be able to step out of superficial things.
Because what is small-minded will cease to be small-minded, pride will be purified, and arrogance will die so that the light of the spirit may emerge, which will always fill you and lead you toward peace.
I thank you for cooperating.
I thank you for listening and for bringing relief to the Heart of God.
May the Purpose be accomplished in you and may it always be remembered so that in the moments of greatest tribulation you do not doubt in following My Path, in this way, you will free yourselves of the confusion and the appearances that are around you.
Embrace this cross that I offer to you and, in this way, the seed of a New Humanity will be sown.
I do not ask the impossible of you. I only ask that after so many experiences in Heaven and on Earth, you learn to live Truth and, in simplicity, that which will cause you to find the great Ocean of My Love, of My infinite and expansive Love.
Re-experience all these impulses that I have given to you these days, because I know that you cannot manage to remember them.
You must pay attention to what I say to you because My Words will not be repeated.
Be good students, dedicated and disciplined, in this way you will defeat inertia.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May good intentions towards your fellow being never cease to be born within your heart.
May this goodness that you should experience, day by day, lead you to understand, beyond forms and senses, the Divine Plan of God.
Profess the goodness in your fellow beings as part of the Divine, as a real union with the sacred Purpose.
Be good wherever you go and to whomever you are with.
In your life, may your heart learn to overcome duality, thus you will enter the perfect balance of the universe.
Practice good, as My Son taught, so that, in the depths of your cells, feelings contrary to goodness may purify.
Let goodness be the inner impulse that guides you, that leads you to experience the degrees of love in higher proportions.
In good, you will find the healing you need from all the evils that you ever experienced.
Good will lead you to be at peace, and in peace you will be able to submerge in love.
If you want to be a peace-maker, submerge in the chain of good, thus you will help rebuild this world and you will change the human standard, that of doing evil all the time, thus you will help move your neighbor apart from suffering.
When the soul does not carry out its actions in accordance with good, it enters suffering, because good teaches you to think and do everything for your neighbor and remove you from the first place in which you had placed yourselves.
Good does not battle nor compete.
Good reminds you that you must always return to love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I come to the world for a spiritual and universal reason.
I come to open the consciousness of My children even further, so that you may feel the Truth in your heart, the Truth that I profess through My presence.
I come for a world that agonizes and despairs.
I come during a time of intense purification.
I come to bring you what you truly need, that which will grant you freedom, the opportunity of living what God has thought and what He has planned for your lives.
In the meantime, stay within My Heart, relive every moment of prayer as an opportunity for renewal so that the divine codes come into your lives and you receive the wisdom you need in order to make the right decisions.
This is why I come here, again and again, until what God needs is fulfilled, until what God has thought is accomplished.
In spite of it being a time of chaos, if He decides that everything is to be carried forward, it will be.
This is why your trust is essential, and especially the adhesion of all, so that what is written can be fulfilled.
Perhaps you feel that you have heard this many times, but if you are hearing it again, it is because it has not been fulfilled.
It is necessary to place your feet on one path.
It is necessary to bow your head in order to enter through the door of humility, just as We did when We were here on Earth as the Holy Family.
The attributes that are necessary in humanity cannot be lost.
You must be keepers of these attributes, you must be guardians of God's Rules so that everything remains on course, despite the events that are now happening within humanity and also the events that will happen.
When everything is very intense, there will be nowhere to run. Only in My Heart you will find the refuge you need, the breath you are waiting for so long, the relief you are so much looking for.
But I invite you at this time to follow this path of faithfulness, as We follow it up to the present and for all eternity.
This path of faithfulness that I invite you to live will lead you to transparency because, despite the miseries, your hearts will be transparent and pure and one day you will be able to live the Truth, even though the world is in its great transition.
I wish you could drink from the Light of My words, listen and keep memory of everything that I tell you, because then there will be no one to remind you of what I am telling you today and what I have already told you in other times.
The Instruction that comes from Heaven is like the spring that emerges from a mountain, it is inexhaustible and endless. But for this spring to last it must be taken care of and protected, because it could unexpectedly end.
You must take advantage of the Words of the Hierarchy.
You must build within yourselves this path to the true reality that in the near future will free you from yourself.
Many thought they understood everything I needed and everything I said, but they did not understand, because whoever lives the Word of the Hierarchy transforms, even though they must try, again and again.
Therefore, I pray for those who are no longer here, because they did not understand that they had not sincerely opened their hearts to God.
The Truth is one, there are no two different truths; this is why it is so difficult for human beings to live Truth when they must face it to recognize and accept it.
We are in a time of great internal movements.
We are in a time in which hidden things are coming to light so that everyone can see them.
There will no longer be deceivers or liars.
There will no longer be manipulators or consciousnesses that can take advantage of everything, because the Law is already descending even if it does not seem so and My Motherly love comes to help you, to tell you: "Children, do not remain there, nor be like that."
You cannot go against Divine Will. You cannot oppose it, because the Divine Will is invincible.
The Love of God never lacked.
The Grace of God, in many cases, was abundant and few realized that.
I do not need you to be sad, nor to be offended.
I wish you could feel how My Heart feels and that you could live as My consciousness lives.
I am not saying that you will be illuminated or elevated beings. Humility, obedience and surrender will transform you, but you should always take the step towards that constant search for the Truth that is in the Heart of the Father, just as it is in the heart of His children.
The world agonizes, by itself, having come out of Truth and obedience. The Laws of Grace are no longer able to touch the Earth as before, only when the heart surrenders and cries out in sincerity.
God created you to always be happy and to be in His Celestial Wholeness.
God did not create you to suffer or endure.
Therefore, many errors are stored in the Universe and on the planet. Many stories are still indelible and no one has managed to fade them from the inner consciousness of beings.
But the time will come when this will happen, when My Son returns to put an end to human captivity and the destruction of souls, to finish transmuting humanity and redeeming it, and thus creating a new civilization, with a few Christs.
Humanity is not perceiving that it is losing the opportunity to love and find God, and that He expects His children to be consistent with Him even in the smallest details.
The Work is sustained by faith, prayer and service of all.
There is still time to reverse many situations, before the Universal clock marks the end of time and everything is triggered.
Souls do not believe that they can lose evolution and many of them laugh at this, because they do not know it, because of their ignorance, because of their lack of knowledge of the Truth.
The Spiritual Plane is a commitment of all; before, during and after this life.
The Spiritual Plane does not end here, nor does it end later.
On the Spiritual Plane is the divine decision, the Decree of God and His Affirmation.
If the souls of the world do not live the Spiritual Plane, they will die out on their own, they will be erased, just as the sun disappears in the horizon, without warning.
The current time determines a severe decision on the part of souls, being aware of commitment and responsibility, knowing that there is no longer room for mediocrity.
It is time to grow and forge the inner Christ to rule, to act and participate in God's Plan.
Do not let your inner child disappear. Do what you must do and everything will pass.
God deeply loves workers of His Plan, but don't forget that it is necessary to pray and help the planet.
The Prayer for the Nations has been the refuge for My Heart and also My consolation, but that commitment must be sustained and not weakened by comfort, fatigue or for other reasons.
It is no longer the time to justify your lives, it is time to remedy the sins and grave insults that nations commit, day after day.
A bit of the Love of God must still reign on Earth through the hearts that profess their faith and communion with Christ.
We are not in times of rest or little work.
We are not in the time of thinking about whether the Plan is to be fulfilled or not, or if it is to be left for tomorrow or for next month.
Children, awaken, awaken and get out of your fanciful convalescence!
Look at the sky, the Universe waits to intercede and thus carry out the Plan of Rescue.
No one promised you glorious times; you were called to experience the Apocalypse and you committed to that.
You cannot waste the pearls of Creation, nor the treasures of Heaven. Everything, absolutely everything, will have its final account, it is part of the great calculation of the Universe and the universal balance.
I must announce this to you so that you awaken, so that drowsiness does not embrace you, does not make you indifferent nor mediocre.
The need of the planet will be assumed by very few, just as My Son assumed it with very few.
There are souls that will immerse themselves in their own regrets and their own desires, but there will be no time to wait.
The warrior is forged with the experience of the Plan and its fulfillment.
The soldier is sustained in the confidence of the Purpose and its goal so that the fire of transformation will never be lacking and they will be able to free themselves from their chains, to be reborn as a bird of fire that decrees the realization of the Plan.
Let the door of your consciousnesses open.
Let your hearts feel moved and not shaken.
May your spirits recognize the task and fulfill it with the best possible will and with the greatest love that you can express for these times.
In this way, the new race will manifest and will cease to be a promise.
The new Christs will inhabit the Earth and fight together with the Master to overcome evil and to establish the thousand years of peace.
I wish for you to remember this message, every day of your lives, because you will need it.
Blessed are they who believe without having seen and without understanding, because the Holy Spirit will not abandon them.
I rejoice, My children, with those who are consistent with the Law and comply with it.
My fullness reaches those who are most confused and need guidance because My Love will always be for everyone, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.
I thank you for welcoming My words and for not losing them, for recognizing them and humbly accepting them, for the Glory of God.
Do not lose faith and the conviction of living in Christ; He awaits you.
In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Feel the Presence of God in your heart and do not leave it.
Strengthen yourself with the powerful fluid that prayer provides, with the potent shield that prayer creates.
Stay within God and live each moment, so that your spirit may grow.
Be guided by the Laws and sublime Rays that come from the Universe; thus, you will learn, with that help, to overcome the last times.
Dare to transcend the obstacles with love and the trials with forgiveness so that the New Christ may awaken in this humanity.
Thus, you will be able to be an example for others and many more will learn to transcend and spontaneously donate to the Plan of God.
Overcome any contrariety through love and intelligence.
Do not let anything opposite take you, just as the river currents.
Take the Mantle of the Pastor and He will free you.
Stay in His Peace because, in Christ, everything is possible.
Go ahead with the certainty of belonging to God and being part of His Kingdom.
I thank you for responding to My call!.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Third Series of Poems
Ninth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Lord Jesus Christ,
when anguish comes,
may I not fear my own purification
or that of my fellow beings.
May the glorious flame of Your Love
fill us completely
so that we have the inner strength
to overcome ourselves.
Lord Jesus, teach us to live
in the same way that You lived
the Eternal Father in each moment.
That we be able to be ambassadors of Your Legacy.
That we be able to represent You on Earth
just as You deserve it, so that
we may cease to disappoint Your Heart
and we may fill It with bliss and joy
through fulfilling
Your Designs, step by step.
Make our hearts brave,
willing to suffer for You,
and thus that we be able to repopulate the Earth
with new values of brotherhood
and mercy.
May each test that You send us, Lord,
help us to confirm our fortitude within You.
We ask You, dear Jesus,
to make us like You in humility,
true in charity and peaceful
in the face of the attacks of life.
May we not fear to humiliate ourselves before You, Lord,
as many times as You need it,
because some day we hope to be nothing
and in this nothing merge ourselves into God forever.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
To those who have already awakened - Part 1
To those who have already awakened corresponds, within the Plan, the greater commitment, solidarity, cooperation, and the effort to always do the best.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, giving greater support to those who do not support themselves; it is up to you to do the impossible so that each stage of the Plan may be fulfilled.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, to unite and fraternize more with fellow beings; you are responsible for making a greater sacrifice for those who do not truly do so, to be able to compensate for the inequality that exists between what has been received from the Universe as a treasure and those who do not surrender sincerely to God and create conflicts.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, to always keep in mind that you are serving God and not someone in particular; that the Work is not personified in any consciousness, sympathizer, or leader, because the Work is of the Hierarchy and not of humanity.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, being conscious that everything you do, think, or express will influence in favor or against the Plan, depending on the pure or impure intention that is placed upon it.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, to safeguard, shelter, and protect those who have just awakened and yes want to live the change. They must be protected from those who have become crystalized in time and space with their forms, ideals, and projects which are not merged to the Will of the Hierarchy.
That protection of those who have just awakened will allow the renovation, in a permanent way, of the Work of the Hierarchy.
To those who have already awakened corresponds, to know that everything that is done or said, be it evolutionary or negative, will influence in favor or against the Projects of the Divinity, and that it will help or hinder the realization of the Purpose.
This attitude, in one way or another, will weigh positively or negatively in the consciousness of who emits it. Therefore, to those who have already awakened corresponds, as a discipline, to never forget that you are in a place that does not belong to you, that it was granted by Grace and Mercy, and that this place, task, or mission cannot be in vain, but rather must receive the value and the respect with the love and the reverence that the Hierarchy deserves.
To those who have already awakened will correspond, remembering that everything that happens in this cycle will be registered in the Universe and that one day everything will be evaluated by Divine Justice.
To those who have already awakened corresponds; having more humility, resignation and much gratitude, thus the Work will remain alive in time.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Adonai, Eli, Olam intercede for your children at this moment. Intercede for the world and its humanity. Intercede for those who are not part of Your Mercy yet. Allow them to know the sacred values of Your Spirit. This is why I come here to show it, presenting Your Second Person to humanity.
I come to a land where many wounds were caused, where many martyrdoms were lived, stronger situations than My Passion.
For this innocent blood that was shed, for those that moved away from love and caused many sequelas, today I bring the Holy Chalice in My Hands so that in this redeeming Supper, Germany may receive the atonement it needs, so that the power of Your Creator Heart triumphs.
In this Sacred Chalice that I bring today from South America, where it is preciously kept and protected, I bring the spiritual Blood of the Lamb, that was immolated by the injustice of humankind; the Lamb of God that offered Himself to put an end to the evil of humanity.
And even though many generations did not understand this message, and evil continued being generated in humanity, it was the same error of the beings of this land that caused great outrages in the civilization of the Earth itself.
But through the codes and the merits of My Passion, I have the joy of arriving in Germany with the Mother of God, to grant souls and essences the rehabilitation that they need on the spiritual level. And thus, once again, I will be able to renew everything within and outside humankind, in the essence and in the expression of this race.
With the authority that My Father has conceded to Me since the beginning, I come to put an end to the past, I come to erase with My Light the suffering lived, and by means of My Mercy, I come to offer you My Heart of Peace so that the men and women from Germany and from the world may recognize the value of the Love of this Heart, that from time to time offers Itself to the world to be able to supply it with the Love of God and heal it with the essence of His Heart.
This is the Heart of Jesus, the Christ, that has been offended by humankind and that in Its innermost holds the flame of His Love that comes to be poured out upon the world and humanity so that it may be redeemed and forgiven.
Before the Celestial Universes, today My Presence is upon Germany and the Hands of the Son of God write, in the Book of Light of the Father, a new story that today will begin to flourish in the most intimate of the souls that by means of this meeting have responded to the call of the Son of God, of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
Germany has always been in My Sacred Heart. Germany must find its spiritual path to be able to rise as a redeemed civilization that awakens to the values of fraternity and love, of hospitality and hope.
I do not want you to remember the suffered Germany. I want you to remember the renewed Germany that must fulfill its mission before the Celestial Father.
Just as My Heart has offered Itself to consecrate many nations of the world, such as Ecuador, today I offer My Heart to consecrate Germany to the divine Plans of God that will be gestated and created by very few, but that just like two thousand years ago, with only twelve people, this Plan of God in Germany will be able to flourish and silently awaken in many hearts.
Today before My Presence I bring you the spiritual archetype of this nation, the one which God thought since the beginning, since its conception.
May this principle awaken in the hearts that listen and, by means of the Sacred Chalice of the Lord, may the codes infused by the Mercy of God, the codes infused by Divine Grace, the codes infused by sublime healing, erase the suffering generated throughout the times, and may the joy of serving God, of fully living Him in Heaven as on Earth, be reborn in hearts.
For this you must work much, but My Trust will strengthen you because what I expect from Europe is very big and everything will begin in the small so that afterwards this may be reflected in the big.
Commit yourselves to live of the Blood of the Chalice of God's Lamb so that your inner codes may be renewed through the Sacrament of Communion that today I will offer you so that the times may be renewed and so that the spirits may renew themselves in My Grace.
With special dedication and with a spirit of consolation, today My Heart reflects Its Rays upon Germany, and very unknown and profound experiences are dissolved.
Souls, in their spiritual universe, receive by means of My Intercession, the help they need for liberating themselves from the chains of errors, and for living the Will of God, by means of the balm of Love of My Heart.
I have chosen Cologne because you have opened the door to Me. And when just one single soul opens the door to Me, this soul will open the door to many more souls.
Look around and you will understand what I tell you.
I draw to My Mercy those who need it the most.
I draw to My Light those who live in a deep darkness.
And by means of the most suffering souls, I renew the times and recreate the Project of God in all those who answer Me.
For the Lord of the Universe it has been a great universal and spiritual movement to be able to arrive at this moment, at this hour and under this circumstance.
But see that when the Love of God is present, nothing is impossible, because the Love of God is what conducts hearts and does not separate them from Me, on the contrary, it merges them with My Spirit so that My Spirit may feel the eternal joy of living in communion with souls.
This is why today I will raise this Spiritual Chalice in the name of Germany and the world, and I will take you all to My Divine Mercy so that you may live in My Divine Mercy and so that you may learn to find it at each moment.
In this hour, when My Heart fully expands Itself to the world and to all the souls of the Earth, I will offer this plea to our Creator, not only for Germany but for all those who listen, so that they may be invaded by the intimate Spirit of God, and the profound flame of love may sprout again in the simple hearts, in the hearts that are open to reencounter the essence of love in their lives.
Let us offer this moment for those we know and do not know, for the unveiled mysteries and not yet unveiled, so that the energy of Divine Grace acts and proceeds according to the Divine Will.
May today this whole scenery be converted into an altar so that more souls may enter it and submerge themselves in the fountain of My Grace.
For this reason I have not asked you to come up on it, because it will already be blessed for when the Queen of Heaven and Mother of the whole Earth comes.
I want you to know My profound simplicity because the Lord of the Universe is simple and His simplicity is to be found in the essence of love, which is what renews everything from time to time.
And now we will reach the most culminating momento of this day, in which souls and God will unite, in which Heaven will descend to Earth by means of the consecration of this offertory.
Today this sacrifice that is renewed by all humankind of the Earth and by means of the Body and the Blood of Christ, is preciously offered for the inner and spiritual healing of all Germany.
More than two thousand years ago I taught you something very simple but very great. And today I ask you again to innerly imitate Me and unite to Me by means of the Spiritual Chalice of the Lord that I have brought today with all My Love so that this sacred teraphim may radiate to you.
When I was among My ones in the Last Supper, in the profound opening of My Heart that emanated love to all the beings of Earth, I asked the Father to bless the bread and His Spirit descended upon it, and I told them: Take and eat all from it, for this is My Body that will be delivered by humankind for the forgiveness of sins.
And thus, the apostles ate from My Body and the Wisdom of God entered their souls for them to carry the testimony of My Presence until the end of times.
And today I offer this material chalice in the name of the spiritual Chalice, that today has specially come from South America to make the boat of the Hope of God, which no one will be able to stop, flaunt among the continents.
The Father blessed the Chalice with His Spirit and the wine was converted into the Blood of the Lamb and I said to My apostles: Take and drink all from it for this is the Chalice of My Blood that will be shed by humankind and today especially upon Germany, for the remission of sins and healing of every wound in the innocent hearts.
This is the Son of God present in Body and Blood that sheds His Mercy from time to time to offer humankind the profound testimony of His Love.
In the end, the mission that I have come to fulfill in Germany has been consummated and will continue forward by the response that souls may give Me.
Now I will be able to return to Heaven to carry in My Heart this feeling of love that hearts have given Me and thus show it to the Father so that He may rejoice His offended Heart.
Most Beloved Lord of Creation, infinite and sublime Spirit, make Your Mercy spring in the hearts of Germany so that all may recognize their filiation with You and thus Your divine Project of Love may be fulfilled. Amen.
Before leaving to the Universe from whence I will come to Earth for a second time, I would wish you to bid Me farewell with a song that moves My Heart, so that your hearts are moved for rediscovering the path of deep union with the Primordial Source.
I want Germany to listen to this song as one single voice. I wish all those who know it to sing it so that more souls may be moved by the power of My Spirit, which renews you and gives you redemption.
The song is called: “The reason of my existence.”
I thank you.
There must never lack hope in the hearts, because a life without hope is not a life in God.
Therefore, children, have hope present in your lives, so that this world may ask for forgiveness and be redeemed.
May hope be the flame that illuminates all.
May hope be the reason for the accomplishment of the Plan of God.
Do not move away from hope. Become the hope that manifests and shows itself to the world.
Be that hope which renews faith and builds the bridges of love between hearts.
Children, do not forget hope.
Hope will give you peace and in peace you will see the wisdom that humanity needs in order to learn how to make correct decisions.
Seek the flame of hope in God and within yourselves, because in this way the most critical situations will be alleviated and the Love of My Son will triumph again.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Equality among Peoples – Part II
And a New Humanity and a new planet will be built, from the moment in which human beings fraternally share everything they possess and distribute everything they have in perfect harmony, unity and equality.
This will create the condition for the current race to build, within the beings, the New redeemed Humanity
All who manage to accompany this movement and all who carry out this goal will deserve more Mercy and forgiveness, because they will be stepping out of themselves, of all that is petty and mediocre, to begin to live a new state of consciousness.
Thus, there will no longer be the poorest among the poor, but rather a true civilization that will manage to approach the living of the Attributes of God and the manifestation of His Divine Plan.
In this sense, all those who promote in the world balance and equality among peoples will be deactivating the occult groups who instigate and promote, in a perverted way, imbalance and inequality.
The moment will come in which none of these consciousnesses will be able to go ahead by their own means, due to the immense darkness that will absorb them; for this reason, they will seek help, consolation and much aid.
Thus, those who are sovereignly working for equality among peoples will be conceding, without perceiving it, an extraordinary Grace for these souls, and they will receive, although they do not deserve it, the Mercy of God.
At this moment, and in this hour, the Mother of Heaven will intercede and all these souls, lost due to abuse of power and pleasures, will be converted by the imperious Love of the Heart of the Father.
A Divine Ray of Justice will disarm all the world system and everything will change overnight.
Thus, I come to Switzerland to ask for the restorative Communion of the first five Saturdays, so that here, and in the world, many more souls that are lost may receive the spiritual help needed to repent from their errors, and to ask for Mercy and forgiveness.
In the meanwhile, I wish to establish in Switzerland the true devotion for My Maternal and Immaculate Heart so that someday, and from here arises the imperious necessity of definitely abandoning the superficial life and the pleasures that make the souls of people die for not having God.
I need those who decide to accompany Me in this purpose to establish groups of prayer in Switzerland, in order to generate a potent column of redemption and of Light that will spiritually communicate you with Me.
I hope this request will be fulfilled, so that the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of All Peoples and Virgin of Schoenstatt, can intercede to establish the living Love of the Source in the hearts that are hardened and empty of God.
I thank you, from now, for your cordial and loving response.
After the groups of prayer in Switzerland are created I will say, in a short time, a new request.
I thank you for listening to Me with attention!
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstatt
May the voices elevate today in a single intention and for the same purpose.
By means of the meeting of music, may cultures and peoples, nations and continents unite.
May everyone feel in their heart the Love of the Mother of God, so that the souls awaken to their purpose.
Today, may the Temple of Compassion elevate within each one and, through the voices and instruments, may the incandescent flame of the devotion for the Plan of God be lit in the inner worlds.
Today, may you unite hands as brothers and sisters, so that the world equality may be established, for the Source of Love to nourish the beings with hope and joy.
May everything that will be given today by My singing children, reach to the Feet of the Almighty as an offering, so that, as the most sincere donation, the souls of the world receive inner healing and elevation of the consciousness.
May the music of today close the doors to human suffering.
May the melodies that will resound today in the singing hearts, establish the peace that millions of human beings need in order to move forward.
May each piece that will be lovingly presented, through the effort of each of My children, attract to the nations the Wisdom of God, so that noble decisions be made, which will benefit all peoples.
In this gala night, may each singer be clothed with their best inner energy, so that everything which will be offered may shine beyond the inner universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Rest your heart in Mine, so that you may always achieve peace.
Rest your life in My Arms, so that I may always comfort you.
There is nothing in your existence that does not make sense.
Everything you experience is part of a design and everything you choose is part of the path of suffering, because you may not be fully choosing the path of God.
Everything you give to God will always be recognized by the Universe and by Creation.
Everything you do for the Plan of God and its fulfillment, no matter how small it may seem, is recognized and honored in the Heavens.
Thus, at this crucial hour of the planet, let Me completely shape your life so that you may learn to live My Will and thus, learn to fulfill it as it is written.
Therefore, in your surrender, let Me renew you and show you the way; that I may change your preferences and tastes for something greater and more evolutionary.
I know it is not easy, but it is not impossible if I am truly your Master rather than another.
I want you to feel My purest truth in these words, without offense or judgments.
I want you to be able to walk by My side, seeking every day to be a little more transparent with yourself, with life, and with everything that surrounds you. In this way, you will be a true apostle of My Mercy and of My Piety, and you will not have a tepid or hard heart.
Believe, beyond yourself, that I can do all things.
Open the door so I may enter and thus transform your life according to My designs.
Dare to lose control of what is material and what is spiritual.
Surrender to your Lord every day.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Return of the Mother of God
Silent as the breeze and brighter than the Sun, the Mother of the Sun, the Morning Star will also return.
First, children, it will be My silence that will prepare your hearts and let you mature and live those experiences that confirm your spirits in adherence to the Plan of God.
Before everything happens and the triumph of God manifests, you will see within yourselves the fruits of the last years of Graces and of teachings, and the very expression of your lives will be the testimony of this Work and of the Divine Presence that has guided, led and instructed you for so many years.
The day will come when Our Sacred Hearts become silent, so that the prophets, the apostles, the saints and the Christs of the last days and of the new times may manifest themselves.
Our Hearts will become silent because it is part of the Plan of God that you can grow for yourselves and make the seeds of Grace and Love bear fruit.
Just as God became silent in the Heart of Christ for Him to manifest Love and Christification in His human Heart, so will God become silent in the hearts of those who listen and respond to His call today.
But this is not to punish you, My children, this is so that there may be born within you a unique love, which arises from the human potential when it faces a great need of love.
Before Our Hearts become silent, we will have given everything to humanity, and nothing will be lacking for you to fulfil the Plan of God.
The silence of God will have a time and during this time it will seem eternal and painful. You will look for the Father within and outside yourselves and you will seem not to find Him, even though He will always be there.
His silence is the symbol of the dark night that the whole planet will experience, because it is necessary.
There must be night so that the sun may rise again.
There must be darkness so that light may have meaning, and so that daytime can exist.
So children, do not fear, but have faith in the new promises of Christ and in the revelations of your Heavenly Mother.
When the night comes upon the world and silence and solitude take over the hearts of humankind, remember what I will now tell you: brighter than the Sun, a Star will be born in the firmament, which will be the announcement of the return of the day, of the physical and spiritual day, which will illuminate again the inside and the outside of beings.
This Star will bring with it a deep feeling of peace, of support and of hope; it will bring the relief that hearts need to go through the last and most intense moments of this dark night.
It will remain silent in the sky until the Sun can be born again, until the Son of Man has the permission of His Father to return to the world and, as the Great Farmer, to seek the fruits that were born in the hearts of beings, and multiply them.
The Morning Star, which announces the arrival of the Sun for this moment will remain silent. But, after everything is fulfilled, My Feet will also touch the Earth and, with My Son, I will come to concretize the Plan of God and reveal My true Face to you.
The mystery of My return, My children, is to finish uniting peoples, races and religions and to bring toward My Immaculate Heart those who through ignorance denied My universal Motherhood.
I will return to receive from My Son the most lost souls, I will wash them in the Fountains of Grace and lead them so that they may have a new destiny and may receive a new opportunity.
The return of the Mother of the World will happen to seal the union between Heaven and Earth, between the different Faces of God and His creatures.
And there, My children, will be revealed to you all the truths that are hidden today, because I will cause to reflect in the mirrors of your hearts the true story of Creation and only then, when everything is fulfilled, will you understand the true meaning of this experience on Earth.
From that moment, the Scepter of God will be placed upon Earth, and a new world and a new being will be established.
Feel the Grace of My words and awaken your faith in the new and eternal Prophecies of God, for they will be fulfilled as, from the beginning, all that the Creator said through the prophets was fulfilled.
I bless you and thank you for listening to My words and responding to My call!
You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Through this song, I come to cry out to the world to not lose its innocence, because otherwise, it will greatly suffer, worse than the last century.
May innocence not be lost from the hearts so that they never lack Peace.
Yesterday I spoke to you about hope, but today I speak to you about the true consciousness that many eyes do not want to see, for being afraid, for fear or for anguish.
But I, My children, as Your Mother and Mother of the World, must always tell you the Truth.
We are trying to build something new in a difficult time, in which each second and each minute is definitive; in which each step to be taken must be taken with forethought and discernment, so that no one precipitates into the abyss.
With this I want to tell you, dear children, as I told the shepherds in Fatima: Do not lose your innocence; because if you lose your innocence as humanity and as a people, you will lose the power of your original purity, your essences will be stained and God will not be able to draw close to you to bring you what is new and renewing.
But as I Am Mother of all and Mother that comes for all, for those who are present and for those who are not here, today I make this plea to you from the depths of My Spiritual and Maternal Heart; that your innocence may be able to shine in these times in spite of the mistakes, of the tests and of all that happens in the world, day after day.
I need, children, that through your innocence, you return to the path of your essential purity, because the world greatly needs it in order to continue forward.
In spite of all the manifestations of these times, My children, remember that I will always be your Patroness in this nation, and I wish to be the Patroness in all the nations of the world, no matter how they may know Me or call Me. I Am the Divine Mother of God, the Sacred and Feminine Spirit that emerged from the Source to come to the world and hold all of My children in My Arms, just as I held Jesus, the Supreme King.
I invite you, through the path of prayer, to not only seek the hope of God, but also the inner innocence that must reign in these times, so that things may be kept in balance and, above all, nations may remain in harmony.
Because if your innocence is available to the world, permeated by a deep gratitude and love, many things that would be about to happen in the coming times could be stopped, very difficult and very large things that your Heavenly Mother observes, day after day.
For this reason, everything you do and everything you offer to God will be important in this time; you must be creators of sources of reparation so that many things may become balanced in the world and many events that have been foreseen may not occur.
Through this call, I want to lead you all to the essence of Love and of Truth, so that the world may also awaken to that.
But that essence of Love will first begin in you, in discovering it within you in a simple and humble way, so that it may then awaken in the world and in humanity.
Humanity has lost many values, has lost many principles and also many designs that your Heavenly Mother comes to reestablish in this time through the pilgrimage and the call to all Her children of the world, irrespective of their religion, their nation or their people.
With this I wish to tell you, dear children, that I Am the Universal Mother, the Mother that embraces each one of the children of God: the perfect and the imperfect, the sinners or the believers, those who have erred or those who have been correct, all are My children in the same Original Source.
That is why I come to call you and I come to find you, so that the transformation of the consciousness may take place in this time and serious events may not happen as has been foreseen.
But the path of prayer of the heart that each one of you offers Me day after day, gradually dispels all the bad influences so that the Light may reign a little more in the world, reach more sleeping hearts and awaken more consciousnesses that must find their inner truth in order to continue following the path to the Source, the path toward Divine Will.
While I speak with you, I pray for the world. I hope that in all the days to come, you will imitate this exercise of your Heavenly Mother, because in each second of your lives, as well as in each daily task, it will be necessary to place the mind and the heart in prayer, so that many, many more negative forces may be dissipated and the powerful channel of prayer may triumph in My children and consequently, in the world.
Unite in constant and continuous prayer with your guardian angels; more critical times will come to the world and they are not only just words, but realities that your Heavenly Mother decrees to you at this time.
Because the world chose to follow the path of lack of love and withdrew from the truth.
But even here, on this Earth, there are many brave hearts, that God will fully avail Himself of to carry His Work to the world.
There is still a little time to resolve what is happening in humanity.
That is why I call you, My children, to accompany Me at each step of a new pilgrimage, because your Heavenly Mother needs to establish new realities in the world; what I call "Principles of God," which come directly from the Source to aid humanity.
God needs instruments, many more instruments that may want to donate their lives to the Plan; for a Plan that is still unknown and of which humanity knows only a small percentage.
But there is no Mystery that cannot be revealed; your Heavenly Mother will always bring you the truth, the guidance and the path for your lives, so that this Divine Plan may be fulfilled as it is foreseen.
Know, My children, that we are reaching the great moment of great efforts that each one of your souls must live. Greater efforts than those you have lived up until now, because it is necessary to change many more things in the world.
With the sweetness of My Voice, today I bring you the Truth; with the calmness of My Heart, today I bring you hope; and I pronounce the call of God to the world again and again, until finally all souls may listen and realize that it is necessary to change.
I thank you for your perseverance and your faith; through those virtues, I can also do many more things in the world.
Perseverance will always make you brave; hope will always build the future, inside and outside of yourselves and over the surface of the Earth.
I want you to make the Plan of God triumph in humanity, with each daily effort and dedication, with each opportunity of service and of surrender, to relieve the Heart of God that is much offended by men, also by His church.
I want you to relieve the Heart of the Father together with Me, with that joy that you live and that you have that will never be erased, with that devotion that you have built through each daily prayer bead, with each service that you have lent to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
All, all of those virtues transform the world and repair the Heart of God, although you are sometimes very tired. Everything is valued by the Highest and recognized by His Angels from Heaven.
There is no testimonial of love that you make that is not written down; everything is recorded in the Book of the Heavens; every good work done, every work of Peace that is spread, every service rendered that is unconditionally surrendered to the Universe, is recorded in the Books of the Heavens and, in this way, many more Graces can return to the world, such as the Grace of the Presence of the Mother of God in these critical and difficult times.
The sweetness of My Heart will always be close to you, even though the time will come in which I will withdraw to Heaven, as My Son will; I will be here, in Spirit, with you, making the Graces that many more souls will need in the definitive times blossom and emanate at the Marian Centers.
Everything you do for God, you do it for humanity and, as a result, the Kingdom of Heaven will reward you with His Graces.
Today I can say, dear children, that the Spiritual Mission in Europe and Africa will be accomplished; but much more help will be needed for it to be able to end as has been foreseen by the Universe.
For the first time, dear children, and by the Will of the Most High Father of the Universe, the Divine Messengers will embrace many nations at the same time and with them, all the souls that are in them, in order to avoid a universal catastrophe that could encompass a great part of the world and above all, many, many lives.
But now that you have responded to Me and will continue to respond to Me in the days to come, I Myself, at the request of My Son, will prevent what could happen in that part of the world and that could bring about great consequences for the rest of humanity.
When your faith is sustained in the Purpose, the Mission is accomplished and the Graces return to the world to aid the most lost hearts and the nations most in need of Mercy, although it would not seem so.
Today I ask God for humanity to recover its inner innocence and that this innocence may prevail and reign in this time.
As a testimony of this request of Mine, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, who will actively form part of My celestial armies, to carry forward this work of Redemption and of Forgiveness in humanity, which the world must awaken to.
Let the Children of Mary, who today will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, stand at the foot of this stage.
Today I will ask you again to repeat the song you have sung, as a call of Mine to the world, so that many more of My children may hear Me and find Peace.
I wish you to bring water before My Presence for blessing and consecrating, for My children who will be consecrated today.
I am listening to you...
I consecrate you and bless you.
I thank you for having responded to this important call.
May God pour out His Light in your lives, and especially in your hearts.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you!
My patient Heart is comforted by the young hearts that offer their lives for Me and, although they are not conscious of the value this has for Me, I always give them an impulse for the renewal of their senses and forms.
Within the young lives that consecrate themselves to Me, I deposit My precious codes of ascension and transcendence for them to reach new spheres of consciousness and maturity.
My Heart is comforted because through the younger ones that consecrate themselves to Me completely, I can realize the planes of My Work without obstacles and everything renews itself as many times as necessary.
Through the young ones that consecrate themselves, a portal of consciousness and elevation can always be opened, because in them the Plan of God can gestate without the mind obstructing the Divine Thought.
My Heart is comforted in the young ones because all is possible to be realized within them, even more when there is an opening and they are without resistance.
With this freedom of souls that I reach, I can make prodigies not only in these consciousnesses but also in all of humanity.
My Heart is comforted and rejoices when the youth respond to the call because, in this way, I will always have permission to guide and accompany them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
The Plans of God and all of His designs can be fulfilled in humanity when true adhesion emerges from hearts.
This unconditional adhesion is what allows for the manifestation of the Plans of the Almighty and it is what grants humanity the opportunity to receive Grace and Mercy.
But when that adhesion on the part of souls is done honestly, what was previously a design, or even a Divine Purpose, converts into reality, because in the inner world of consciousnesses there exists openness and willingness to fulfill this which the entire Divine Universe programs.
This also allows the redemption and conversion of hearts. Thus, from the Universe are poured graces that are full of opportunities and will grant healing to humanity.
As soon as souls take the step and help to concretize the Plan after the Design is fulfilled, according to how it was foreseen and thought, this will be when hearts will become aware of the importance of always carrying forward the Will of God, which is a Will that covers many dimensions and many consciousnesses.
I thank you for responding to the Divine Purpose!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When God announces His designs and reveals His Will, ask Him for the grace of knowing how to respond to His Call.
Child, place yourself always before the plans of God with humility. Who are you to analyze the Divine Will and evaluate if that Will corresponds to your life or not?
These are times of definition, and you already know it. Therefore, place your head on the ground, as well as the desire to know everything, to understand and to control everything, and open yourself to the mystery of these times, which throws you into the unknown, not only externally, but also internally.
Do not hold on to what you already know about yourself. Do not remain only consolidating what you are and the memory of everything that you have already done for God's Plan and for the planet. Today everything must be new and tomorrow everything must renewed.
Enter with your heart into the rhythm of the new cycles and let Your Father and Creator make emerge from you that potential that today is hidden from you. Launch yourself into the new, launch yourself into service, launch yourself into overcoming and do not fear weariness, do not fear fatigue, do not fear the result of the Work that the Father fulfills in you, because only He, Who created you, knows the true reason of your existence and can lead you to it.
Ask the Father why and for what He created you and let His answer echo within your heart. Do not fear to know His Will and to walk toward it. Do not fear to get rid of your plans and embrace something superior.
Remember, child, that - after manifesting His Grandeur and the apex of His Grace - the Son of Man lived rejection and human incomprehension; He suffered all the resistances of the retrograde condition of humanity and revealed to you the key to the transcendence of all things: Forgiveness, Love and Mercy. And, to get there, he crossed the door of humiliation, of overcoming, and of faith in God and not in Himself. He surrendered His Will to the Father and, even knowing that His Heart was participant of all the Powers and Gifts of God, He chose the Will of His Father and remained in nothingness.
You, child, have the potential to achieve many goals. As a creature of God, you can do many things, but I tell you: nothing is more appreciated by the Father, at this moment, than your fulfilling His Will, surrendering yours; that you live His Mystery, surrendering what is known to you; that you defeat your human fear and be, for your brothers and sisters and for the world, a witness of the faith and love that is born within you.
Live the Plans of God with joy. Adhere your heart to His Will and inspire others with your example of faith. Because today God calls you to no longer seek spirituality for you, but to be a bridge of spirituality for the world.
I bless you and invite you to follow the footsteps and example of He who guides you.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children:
The spiritual Plan of God always sends to the material world countless impulses of Light that come directly from His Primordial Source.
These impulses that are sent by the Eternal Father through His angelical armies help to awaken the human consciousness, as well as to avoid events that would compromise the spiritual life of the planet even further.
By opening oneself to spiritual life, we can understand these mysteries that arise as impulses of Light from the Supreme Source to align and correct the current humanity.
In this sense, the spiritual Plan of God reaches the Earth, time and again and from cycle to cycle so that souls become conscious of their relationship with God and so that, having been conscious of the inner reality, souls may choose the path of Light.
At this time the spiritual plan unfolds its superior powers in order to help the humanity of the surface walk towards a great definition.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As in scrolls of light, God's Designs descend to the world and are delivered to the hands of men, through His Messengers.
The Creator Father told them: "Go and fulfill My Plan, without understanding, without analyzing, without resisting, go and fulfill My Plan with love, with courage, with the gratitude that is born of the spirit and manifests itself in human works and actions.”
The Creator, children, invites you, at this time, to manifest a truly fraternal Work renewed by His Spirit, where the sacred can dwell and all souls find their space, their place, unique and irreplaceable.
Contemplate the Will of God for this world, as well as for each being and you will understand that I come in this time to teach you to love and to transform this world of chaos and war.
Beloved children, with the portals open to Heaven, I come to invite you to allow this Celestial Kingdom, still hidden to the human heart today, to manifest itself on Earth.
I come to call you not only to prayer and to the awakening of a superior life that for many is still invisible; I come so that you to may learn to manifest on Earth what you seek in the highest of Heavens, and so that you thus no longer spend your lives seeking something that you will never reach, but so that you may be builders of what humanity is seeking to find, and so that you, children, may be the hands that are extended before the souls so that they may see and feel that what they have so much been looking for is palpable for them.
I come to invite you to be the ones who concretize My Plans, manifesting the superior life, and so that it may not only be spiritual but also palpable and be part of your humanity, and compose the spirit of what man manifests in matter.
In a world of wars, in a world of abysses inside and outside of beings, I come to call you to be the new, and to always be willing to be others, accompanying the flow of transformation of the Universe so that in all stages of the planet souls may find in you what they need.
I ask you, My children, to observe the celestial Designs, to understand how the Will of God moves because I won’t always be here to dictate the way to you, and for that moment your hearts should be one with the Divine Will and Wisdom, because you love it, respect and revere it, because you live and know it and experience it every day.
The time has come for the islands of salvation to fulfill their role. The world is agonizing and the life of the spirit must no longer be selective, everyone must be able to find their place and the door open to discover their way of serving God.
This cycle is a cycle of last opportunities for many spirits. Understand that your evolution and that of many of your brothers and sisters are defined at this time, in this cycle of the planet. That's why, everything that you can do for others to find God is little.
My children are lost in this world and I come to find them. For that, I must make of those, who already hear Me, My Feet that walk in the world, My Arms that guard the souls, My Hands that extend to help, My Eyes that find the lost, My Heart that welcomes those who feel abandoned and forgotten by God, and by the world.
Therefore, children, today accept ,more than the life of prayer, the life that leads you to be instruments of God in the world, and be part of My Heart and an extension of My Presence.
May this Work be the embassy of My Peace on Earth, and all of you proclaimers of My Presence.
I love and thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel in your heart the certainty of being in communion with God so that His Heavenly Kingdom may be expressed on Earth.
Feel in your heart His unfathomable Mercy, capable of repairing the most serious faults committed by humanity.
Feel in your heart the joy of serving Gods Plan and of being part of this magnificent, but unknown, Work of Love.
Feel in your heart the trust in the Infinity and in this eternal and divine Presence, which is the Celestial Father.
Feel in your heart the shelter of the Father through His word and the manifestation of the Love of His Kingdom.
Feel in your heart that path that the Universe itself has built in you, participating in each moment of your life, as well as in each step given by your consciousness.
Feel in your heart that you will never be alone, as His Divine Company will always please the humility of the heart.
Feel in your heart that you are part of Nothingness, where the All is the origin of the Source and the Infinity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the silence of the heart, may the Words of the Mother of God, the Mother of Heaven, be heard, Who speaks to Her children to lead them on the path of good and of peace.
But while a large part of humanity submerges into the illusions of the world, I come to call those who listen to Me, those who have been brave by My side, those who unconditionally follow My steps.
I come to speak to you with the Voice of My Heart and of My Soul. I come to express My Message to the world at the request of the Celestial Father.
You must be brave and move forward; you must continue to gestate in your spirits the second coming of Christ, for He still waits to be able to experience it together with you and with humanity.
However, as long as your efforts are poor, lacking in enthusiasm and dedication, poor will be the results for this great planetary moment. It will depend on you, My children, that everything may be accomplished.
There is nothing more Heaven can do, but to only wait for the response of the creatures of God; to only listen silently to the prayers of those who have committed with Christ for these times.
In truth I tell you, dear children, what is being done is still not enough. The consciousness of equality must reign in you, for this will protect the Work from the enemy itself; for this will balance all of you under the powerful impulse of Fraternity and of Good.
I dedicate this message to those who truly want to listen; to those who will dare to cross the thresholds of indifference and of human ignorance; to those who will risk transcending times, experiencing transformation within themselves and making Our Words come alive, one by one.
Children, the Universe needs a greater integration from you, and not only good or passing moments.
It is necessary that the Plan of God incarnate in your cells and you make It part of yourselves, for thus you will be able to represent Christ on the Earth and become His true followers, become His true Church, become His true testimony.
He hopes everything He did more than two thousand years ago has not been in vain and, even though humanity still does not know all of the Mysteries of Christ, one day humanity will be aware of what the true Surrender of the Lord meant, on all the planes of consciousness and in the essence of the spiritual plane.
I need, dear children, to shift you out of mediocrity, from what is tepid and unsafe; this is why I must talk to you with a celestial transparency and immediate clarity, free of confusion or of opinions.
I need you to understand and to comprehend what I tell you at this moment; the continuity of the Work is in your hands, because you were called to live it and you yourselves have taken it on, without thinking about what it would be or what it would mean; from there comes your responsibility and your commitment, from there comes the value of what that means for this time, so crucial in humanity.
I do not mean to say you will be the liberators of these times, because the only One is Christ, Our Lord and King of the Universe.
You must be multiplied sparks of that Divine Plan of God, that from time to time come to humanity to give it the impulse to change, to a redemption of its debts, and to a forgiveness of its sins.
The Graces that My Heart brings are inextinguishable, the Mercy that My Son brings is non-transferable, there is nothing that can change it; taking this step into total surrender will depend on you, as it corresponds to each one in this cycle.
Because God does not expect saintliness from everyone, but does so with consecration, the absolute experiencing of the commitment with My Beloved Son and to His Plan of rescue.
Each thing you can give to the Plan will be welcome; but not with what you have left over, but with what spontaneously comes from the heart, and is real.
The return of Christ will be a laborious task and the fulfillment of this Plan must be born from you, so that it may manifest on the surface of the Earth.
Thus, you will lack nothing, because in truth, humanity owes a great deal to the Universe, as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature, which still continue to suffer the consequences of these times.
It was said that after the last Sacred Week with the Lord, the cycle would change; here is this cycle that has now come, which your inner eyes need to see and your hearts need to feel, without fearing to know what this represents for Creation.
This is why you must work upon an immediate inner divestment, not wanting anything for oneself, but rather everything for others, sharing what one has and experiencing the love that others live within themselves.
In this way, the great current of Light will be transformed, the great current of Light will be renewed, and your feet will walk free of the past and the errors, because you will be at the service of Christ, in fullness and joy.
And in spite of what may happen in this world, you will not desist, but rather, each test will be taken as a confirmation of your trust in Christ, because you will not fear what you consider you might lose.
Everything that was given to you must someday return to the Father, and that day is near, that retribution is close, because now you are aware and you are not in the worldwide ignorance.
The Plan of God is a definitive consciousness that very few dare to cross with resolve; but now the moment has come for all, that they be able to cross this portal toward a total living of the Plan, making it a part of your lives and of your daily lives, and not setting it aside as something secondary or momentary.
The Plan will be fulfilled with the collaboration of all and I will not tire of repeating it, dear children, because it is necessary that your other cells awaken and be able to recognize the Truth that arises from God, through My Immaculate Heart.
In the name of My Beloved Son, I come to reinforce His requests and His pleas.
The planet must still sustain itself, although it may seem that it will sink and will then lose everything. But it is that strength of consoling love and of the commitment of humankind that will make it possible for the planet to sustain itself, with this indifferent humanity, that only seeks God when it needs Him and that does not cross the doorway of repentance.
I want you, children, in the freedom of the heart and the expression of the soul.
The end time approaches and it is time to take on your commitments, so that Christ may work in you, without limitations and without obstacles, so that He may fulfill the promise of His return to humanity, and everything may finally begin again, as it was thought of in the beginning, in the origin of this race.
And in that absolute surrender, you will participate in the Communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and will thus be renewed.
May My Words awaken you, may My impulses lead you to walk towards this objective of being true forerunners of the second coming of Christ, carrying it forward in the time left to us, so that the majority of humanity may be saved and recognize its filiation with God; and thus, evil may end in hearts and in the world, and peace, brotherhood, and goodness may reign, which are part of the project of this race and of the New Christs.
I thank you for listening to me with an open heart, living My Message and putting it into practice, applying it every day through effort and dedication, without allowing My Words to be dissipated from your consciousnesses, but rather, on the contrary, their being fire and light in your spirits.
I give you Peace in the name of My Son and in response to His request.
There is still much to be done and we await your responses, as you have done in other times, always giving a little more of yourselves, without fear of losing anything, but rather being a part of the Universe of Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more