Learn to be in My Peace, in spite of the chaos and the conflicts of the world. Learn to look at the events with eyes of mercy and with a heart full of pity.
Learn to be before a planet in transition, maintaining the harmony and the peace of your small heart, because – even if the “stage of horrors and of human fear” - is formed on Earth, your heart must be in peace.
Learn, child, that you are in the world at this time to be the instrument of a Higher Will, of a Greater Life, which will be instituted on Earth once it has been purified. This Life will emerge from within the beings and will spread around them. It will be the result of the fortitude of the human heart that knows how to express what it truly is: a small living part of the Divine Consciousness.
Each day will forge, within beings, a greater fortitude. Everything will happen, for some, little by little, and, for others, abruptly, but the changes and the tests will dictate the growth of the hearts and the strengthening of their commitment to the Plan of God.
Each day it will be more necessary to serve and to donate from yourself that which seems not to exist in your own consciousness, because there will be those who will urgently need of the donation from the servants of God. For this, child, prepare your hands and let your heart grow without fear.
It will not always be simple, easy, or pleasant for you to serve. sacrifice removes the human consciousness from its point of comfort and spiritual childishness, the so-called “world illusion”; however, this same sacrifice elevates the human consciousness and leads it to the Will and to the Divine Thought, to what it is in essence and in spirit.
Let yourself, then, be elevated and guided by the changing of the times, because the very consequences of the transformation of the Earth will make you take steps, if you do not resist and if you do not close your heart.
I will be with you.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Work of God manifests on Earth through instruments awakened by the Will of God.
Each instrument that works for the Divine Will receives the learning it needs to pursue, so that finally it may learn something within the school that is was supposed to experience.
In this sense, to work for the Plan of God requires an absolute giving of self, an absolute surrender of life, and an absolute sacrifice for others.
When the instrument of God is protected under certain spiritual and monastic conditions, it is very evident that the results of Divine Will for this consciousness will be something different.
When the instrument of God is involved in unstable conditions and does not have the necessary spiritual protection around it, the repercussions of Divine Will in this consciousness will be few.
With this, I want to tell you, dear children, that all souls hold the potential for consecration.
For this reason, throughout time and throughout My various Apparitions, the majority of the visionaries had to choose which path of learning they would tread: that of consecration, or that of the world. Neither is better than the other, it is just that the souls of Earth are responsible for taking certain steps, so that the Divinity may maintain Its Work on the surface.
While at a place where the Most Holy Mary has appeared for many years, if this vision is not kept clear, it is necessary to protect the Work from humanity itself, for the hands of humankind, because of temptation, manipulate and take advantage of the divine events that the Celestial Universe carries forward in some places upon the planet.
This profit that many extract from the essence and the energy of spirituality, for example, from the Marian Centers in the world, sooner or later becomes an unpayable debt, because the human being is using an Energy and a divine Principle for their mental and spiritual benefit. This is what your Heavenly Mother struggles with because, in the end, those who took advantage of this spiritual Energy will come to an unhappy ending.
Let us pray then for all the hearts that dirty themselves every day with those manipulations, and that make the Marian Centers of the world commercial places of money and business, for Justice will consciously fall upon them.
As a Mother, I pray to the Father to have the greatest Pity, and I invite you to do the same along with Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who walks in silence, helping to free the cross of this world.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who sees souls become lost in superficial things.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who contemplates the suffering caused by the wars and the bombs.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who observes how the nations oppose one another and lose the sense of their existence.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother with Her beloved Son in Her arms, Who through this symbol, delivers the message of spiritual Piety.
Look here and now at your Sorrowful Mother, Who contemplates many of Her children who do not want to change.
Accompany your Mother on this Calvary of the planet, with the aim that everything be freed forever.
Let us pray.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Holy Cross
Dear children,
After twenty-five years of My work, of My Mission with you, are completed, the work will be known throughout the whole world, and this will be the moment when humanity must take the final step towards its total redemption.
Today I watch you with eyes of Mercy and I wish, as I have already told you, that you may be in My arms so that the Glory of the Father embraces you and makes of your souls free beings in the Light.
My Children, I need you to follow Me with immense joy in your hearts at this time, for in this way, the suffering of your lives will disappear overnight.
Trust that My Grace draws closer to you to fill you with the gifts of the Mercy of God.
My wish is that your souls govern your lives at each moment so that in everything you are able to see the Love of God manifested in planetary life.
You are in a culminating cycle, at the door of a new stage that will begin to show you the important moments of your transformation.
Continue forward, no matter what happens, the Lord has pity on each one of you.
The time has come for you to decide, there is no longer any time, and the Father and the whole universe call Us to a greater task. Go forward!
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who sanctifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today your Mother of the World contemplates humanity with serenity and compassion. With My eyes full of tears and anguish, I see many of My beloved children in worldly blindness and hypnotized by indifference. Where is the Christ who was born a few days ago within you? I ask you, My beloveds, do not forget Him or turn your back to Him, because this Christ who lives in you waits patiently to be attended and filled with much love.
To all those who today elevate their thoughts and hearts to Heaven, I ask: pray, pray and adore My Son in the Blessed Sacrament. May this year that ends, a year full of misfortunes and unconsciousness, be liberated so that next year will be one with more light and more mercy. Therefore, I ask all of My children of the world to have God present, at least do this for all those who will distance themselves during this night of their true and most pure innocence.
I would like you to celebrate with Me the triumph of the Sacred Hearts, more than the change of one year and the end of a cycle. Let us pray, dear children, because the year that is approaching will be harder than the past one, and I see how many consciousnesses decide for other things and resist more each day. Give, not as the world gives, but give a beautiful smile to the Mother of God, give love, mercy and compassion so that the ignorance of the world may be balanced.
Love and understand each other a little bit more every day and no longer close your hearts. I am teaching all My servers to love sacrifice, for this sacrifice to be at least similar to the one that My Son offered in solitude, abandonment and silence.
Dear children, let us pray so that next year your Holy Mother of Light might not have to cry, although My supplications and My petitions will be continuous, relieve My Heart from the serious sins I see being committed every day throughout the world.
At last, forgive yourselves, and you will be forgiven, and humanity will miraculously be forgiven when on this night somebody may feel encouraged to tell Me “Yes, my Mother, today I will be with You at all costs for the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart.” Thus, God will have infinite pity for all nations, for all the continents and for all consciousnesses that on this night will spiritually confirm their alliance with evil. But know that, in spite of all, dear children, it is your lives and your acts that make My Heart triumph, day by day.
And if you have come until here on this pilgrimage with Me in prayer and to all these nations, it is because only the Grace of God allows for some things, only sincere love conceives and generates a sacred opportunity for souls.
Dear children, I apologize for this declaration that I bring you today, but I promised, since My Assumption, to only tell the truth to the world.
For all efforts and for all renunciations, I thank you for following Me throughout this planetary Calvary.
Who loves and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
The inner silence strengthens the outer silence, and this heals the spirit, restores the consciousness, and vivifies the soul that lives in that silence.
In the silence, God is found, as well as His most intimate desires that His children live in the Divine Will.
This inner silence can permeate the whole planet, and mainly, help it to elevate more and more toward the Consciousness of the Father.
Silence leads us to a deep reflection about all the events that occurred throughout the day, and it makes us find clear keys to transcend our own obstacles.
It is this silence that strengthens the inner relationships of fraternity between beings, thus removing them from the common familiarity.
In the sacred silence, knowledge is poured out for the awakening of souls, and the silence itself holds the keys to produce an alignment in the consciousnesses that perhaps would have taken years to build; moreover, it allows the inner being to draw closer to the spiritual currents of healing, something that every soul needs in order to take its steps toward redemption.
In silence, many inner situations are resolved, because whoever enters the Law of Silence recognizes their mistakes and, at the same time, restores them in order to attract forgiveness as essence, and reconciliation as a path of ascension.
Silence does not allow superfluous words or distractions to be nourished; this makes the silence itself keep the consciousness focused on the Divine, and so that in a spontaneous way, it is elevated toward that higher reality.
Silence has the power to welcome any suffering and to transmute it through the essence of love and pity because silence leads the soul to meet elevated principles of Creation.
A good recollection of silence to all.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who elevates you through Divine Silence,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
By the Power and by the Motherhood that God has given Me, I come to meet you.
By the Grace and by the Divinity that are part of My Holy Spirit, I bless you.
By the Piety and by the Mercy that live in My Immaculate Heart, I shelter you under My mantle and I invite you to awaken to My Plan of peace and of love on Earth as it is in the Universe, for all Eternity.
Beloved children, as Mother and Lady of Creation, I have come to this place so that from now on I may awaken in your hearts the purity that emanates from the Kingdoms of the Nature.
I have come so that with the assistance of all the Kingdoms – which are expressions of Divine Consciousness – humanity can awaken to the spirit of unity and of peace.
Nature in Costa Rica, children, not only preserves within itself its beauty and its life, but also preserves divine principles of unity and of purity, which sustain a large part of Central America.
I have come to this place so that you may understand the role of each Kingdom on the planet; when observing nature here preserved, may humankind be touched and led into finding God again within themselves.
I have come because, in spite of all the divine expression that is within the reach of all, humanity is distracted by the pleasures and by the capital forces that obscure eyes and hearts, and do not allow you to see the great mission of the Kingdoms of Nature, do not allow you to cooperate or learn with these Kingdoms.
My children, My Heart places itself today by the side of the Heart of My Son and of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, over the great Eden that dwells here, safeguarded by God. And with Our Hearts exposed, we awaken the origin of unity among all the existing life on Earth. We awaken the purest records that the human consciousness has been capable of expressing, especially in the originating peoples of the Americas. It is in this way that we generated the correct balance to heal the past.
Today it will be enough that you open your hearts and are willing to receive the purity that I bring you.
Today it will be enough that you say yes to express in your lives something sublime and no longer backtrack on this evolutionary climb, that the human consciousness has such trouble with.
Today it will be enough, children, that you observe nature with the heart, and in humility, recognize that this world only exists through the balance generated by the Kingdoms.
Give thanks to Creation for having conceded you the Grace of cohabiting with the Kingdoms, and recognize that if they have sacrificed themselves throughout all human history to sustain you and to keep you standing, the time has come for responding, and with love offer a little of your lives to generate peace and balance all that the Kingdoms have lived for you, when in truth, it should be humankind being an example in the evolution of the Earth, because it is from your hearts, children, that the love that transforms everything comes.
Today give thanks to the Kingdoms of Nature, and be willing, from the heart, to commune with all life. As the Mother of Supreme Nature, and as Rose of Peace, I reveal My Presence to you in all that was Created and I thank you for cooperating with the life on Earth, generating peace and preparing the planetary consciousness for a new life, a life of unity with God.
I love you and again I thank you for being here and for opening yourselves from the heart to have My Love in the world triumph.
I bless you today and always,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While My feet walk in Venezuela, I ask you for more inner prayer, that your power of prayer be concentrated in the proclamation and in the spiritual request so that this situation may calm down.
Especially to the Venezuelans, I ask that you be peacemakers of Christ in this moment; this will be your test and your exam before the Father and in the face of so much inequality.
I am making a request for piety, My children; do not try to confront or to oppose all that My adversary generates; the essence of everything that he causes is to tempt souls so that they may miss their chance of evolving.
This is why the time has come to prepare the islands of salvation, so that the immigrants and the castaways may find a place where they can begin their life again.
It will be the mission of the children of Mary to activate this network of prayer for Venezuela, offering all possible efforts to your Heavenly Mother; above all, My children from Brazil have this task so that this nation that is so dear to Me not be colonized by chaos, which is experienced in many nations.
Now we are entering the hard tests for the nations in these times. With hope and love, raise up your prayers, despite all that happens; thus I, as the Mother of all, will be able to be closer to receive you and guide you toward the Purpose of Light.
I love you and want you not to get involved with evil and with all that it does; evil has its end, because it does not know or understand love; on the contrary, Light wins because Light is in the Eternal Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Pray for the Americas,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To My beloved and hurting Venezuela
My beloved and suffering children of Venezuela,
With the voice of My Immaculate Heart, in the highest and most elevated Heaven, your Heavenly Mother implores for Mercy and Pity for all the leaders of that nation.
The universe implores for Mercy and consolation on seeing so much suffering, hunger and pain in all My children of Venezuela.
The door to Grace and happiness was closed in Venezuela and the angels pray at all the borders of this beloved country, to support the crisis generated by the surface human being.
Do not forget that I appeared in Beatnik and there, at one time, all Venezuelans could find me and I asked all your people for real order and true social justice.
Venezuela is one of the first nations of America that is going through the most severe cycle of the tribulation, in which everything is in play.
I request that sister nations welcome all My children of Venezuela into their cities, towns, homes and farms who are escaping from the national hell placed there by My eternal rival.
Know, My children of Venezuela, that I am praying to My Son for those who are still present there, who are thousands of souls, so that He does not impose His Sovereign Justice in this loved country that always welcomed Me.
It is time, My children, for all the Servers of the Plan of God on Earth to provide refuge, living space, food, and most especially all your love, to calm this continuous and very hard suffering.
With My Eyes full of tears, I do not cease to see the crying of those who cry out for Mercy and Pity.
Venezuela is the representation of human chaos, placed through a lack of love and equality.
Dear children, with profound love, embrace all those who are refugees on the border with Brazil. Help them and do not demand anything from them. Those souls, at all times, know only despair and horror.
I ask the Venezuelans who still survive in their country, that you come together more often to pray for everything happening to you and beyond yourselves. I ask that you consecrate an altar to My Heart in your homes and that, at the foot of this, implore without ceasing together with your Heavenly Mother.
If there were a great stream of charity between Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Paraguay, many things could be avoided.
I am inviting you, from now on, to be a spiritual family that comes together to transcend the end of times.
Pray, pray for all those who suffer from the chaos, May the Grace that many of you receive today be multiplied and poured out upon all.
To My children of Venezuela, I say that I share the pain and suffering that each one is experiencing through bad human actions.
May the Mercy of God illumine you and may Holy Peace finally be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who prays without ceasing,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not fear! Do not fear! The truth is announced to the brave hearts, that they are capable of knowing the end times and, even so, accept to live them with the peace of the heart and in deep surrender to God.
Children, why do I reveal to you the final events? Because it is part of your redemption and of your path of transformation in Christ that you are aware of these times, just as My Son knew the Cross He would carry, not only to Calvary, but until the present day.
The passion of these times will be long for many and will forge the inner strength of those who have yet strengthened themselves to fulfill the Will of God.
Nothing will be like the battle you will live after the one thousand years of peace; however, the transition of times and the expiration of ties will allow you to overcome obstacles that will come from beyond this life and beyond this world.
My soldiers are ready to overcome the temptations of the adversary, but what will cost you more, My children, is to overcome within yourselves that which still aspires to live these temptations. Temptation itself will not be your test, but rather the battle with your most human nuclei, which tends to respond to this temptation.
In the previous cycle, you found yourselves in the first hours of Gethsemane, learning to overcome the temptations, to renounce, to surrender your own lives. Now, you are in the last hours of the agony in the garden, in the moment in which My adversary presents to you the temptations of the world and the Creator presents to you the cross.
The great test of these times will be to renounce the worldly pleasures to find in the cross a hidden joy, a victory that is found hidden in the transcendence of self, of suffering, of pain, of the apparent failure; the victory that is found in the experience of forgiveness, humility, compassion, pity, in the abandonment of self; a victory that begins when you say yes to the higher will and you embrace the cross of these times, which is your own purification and transformation so that, through persistence, you can overcome the darkness of your own bodies and of human consciousness as a whole , so that light can emerge and triumph in every space of your beings.
My children, the Bread has already been broken at the Table of the Lord; you already know the need to surrender your own life, for the love of your brothers and sisters who live in ignorance, and for the triumph of the Creator in each human essence. The first temptations have already been overcome. Many can now stand the solitude of this Gethsemane of current times, and others are learning to find the true fortitude in God, and not in humankind, nor in humanity itself.
Now, the time has come for you to say yes, the last yes, the definitive yes.
Soon the Pharisees will come into their lives, into the planetary consciousness, represented by the currents which will descend through the battle between chaos and Divine Light, and they will definitively place the human consciousness in its passion, in planetary transition, in the moment of carrying the cross and transcending all appearances, to overcome, through faith, the tests that will present themselves.
My beloved soldiers and children so dear, always strengthen yourselves in My gaze, in My presence because I will accompany the Calvary of these times.
It will be My Pity that, united with the forgiveness of your hearts, will open new doors for human evolution; it will renew the principle of Mercy in a new Divine Attribute, which will not only convert the errors of consciousnesses and individuals but of entire civilizations.
This Divine Attribute will generate merits not only for the redemption of the human race but also of all consciousnesses that, in all the Cosmos, open themselves to this supreme transformation and reconciliation with God.
The triumph of the Creator in the human heart, in an entire race, will announcement the greatest miracle of love in all Creation. This triumph will generate a universal redemption.
Finally, the trumpets of the one thousand years of peace will sound, so that the new army can be formed and, under great degrees of love, may prepare itself for the final battle, before the supreme Triumph of God.
Feel within My Words the importance of life on Earth, the importance of life for each of you, and go forward proclaiming the Will and the Plan of God, accepting this Plan with love, beyond the appearances and the challenges through which it will place you.
Always say yes and do not look back. Find the strength to go forward in the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.
I will always accompany you from calvary to the resurrection and in the thousand years of peace.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
The Grace of God is what permits all things, it is what permits the manifestation of miracles in the life of souls.
It is the Grace of God that conceives the spiritual life and at the same time the renovations of hearts.
The Grace of God brings the sane joy and the jubilation for living in His Divine Plan. It is this Grace that permits you to know His Will, but before that, it has to be loved with all the heart.
In the Grace of God new paths are built and the doors open for the consciousnesses to live their redemption.
It is the Grace of God that brings the Divine Mercy to the sick world, the one that generates in the consciousnesses the opportunity to live its rehabilitation. In the Grace of God is kept the essence of the divine compassion, the possibility of experiencing mercy and piety for one’s own mistakes or for the mistakes of the fellow beings.
The Grace of God deposits in the souls the memory of plenitude and at the same time motivates the consciousnesses to take a step with confidence within the Plan of the Redeemer.
It is this Grace that can embrace spiritually whoever needs it the most, because it represents the indispensable engine for the souls to be able to liberate themselves from their debts and thus reach a state of profound forgiveness.
It is this Grace that I bring for My children at this time, a life raft before the world purifies itself; it will be this infinite Grace which will sustain the New Christs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who elevates you to the Grace of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
An Invocation of the Soul
My Lord, purify my soul and every part of my consciousness so that being transformed by You, I may find the fortress and the healing for life.
Pour, Lord, Your Holy Spirit and illuminate each atom and particle of this consciousness, so that in Your Grace, I may vivify Your Love and Your Peace in me.
Help me, Lord, to correspond to Your Holy Will and soon, empty me completely to the point that I will not want anything for myself.
Show me, Lord, Your holy Humility and teach me to resign myself before Your universal Majesty, that is present in each one of my fellow beings and companions on the path.
May Your paternal gaze not cease to observe me, but when I am about to fall in the abyss of my poor ignorance, send me, Lord, Your Holy Angels to help and assist me in all adversity.
Teach me to live in the poverty of Your Spirit, in the Love of Your words, in the Mercy of Your Heart.
Unveil Yourself, Lord, and show me Your merciful Face in each soul on Earth and reveal Yourself in compassion for each brother and sister on the path.
Allow me, Lord, to know Your profound Love and pull out with Your hands the pride of my person. Naked before You of all property, pride and error, make me, Lord, Your instrument of peace on Earth.
Show me the values of Your Sacred Sovereignty of humility and leave me empty so that nothing of my own will dwell in me, but only You, Lord, who gives strength to the weak ones, and surrenders Your Peace to the disturbed ones and who sheds Your Mercy to those who are blind and lost.
Teach me, Lord, the science of Your Divine Love and establish the Gift of Your Grace in this consciousness.
Remove one by one the human aspects that condemn me and make me free and pure like the birds in the sky.
I wish with all my heart not to be lost from Your blessed Path, keep me in Your Arms until Your holy Will sends me out as one of Your disciples.
No longer allow, Lord, my blindness to dazzle me, but may the light and love of Your Holy Spirit resurrect me forever.
Make me the smallest among my brothers and sisters, make me the most donated and sacrificed in the absolute silence.
Do not allow, Lord, anything that comes from me to show itself, hide me in Your Heart, so that in the nothingness I will be the receptacle of Your silent work and of Your repairing Grace.
Forgive me, Lord, for what I have not done well; deliver me Your Divine Piety because I need it.
Pour Your Love so that I may strengthen myself until the end of days, when after this life we will be one in Your Divine Eternity.
Let it be so.
Dear children, I leave this invocation for all the souls that may feel encouraged to live their sacred transformation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who heals and redeems you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When the Grace of God, which is My Grace, touches the hearts of humankind, everything may revert and all may happen. It is only enough that such a Grace, which redeems and saves all things, be accepted with the greatest humility and gratitude of the heart.
Sincere prayer will always bring you closer to this perfect state of gratitude and of love for all that has been received. Hearts that pray must not get used to receiving Graces as if They were bread delivered into their hands.
The Grace of God is something greater, which goes beyond human understanding and reason.
The Grace of God is an extremely powerful balm of reparation and of healing of impossible causes.
That is why the Father consecrated Me as the Lady and Dispenser of all Graces, so that My children in all eras of the Earth and in all the stages of humanity do not forget that there is a greater Grace above all adversity, a Grace that My enemy does not know and fears.
My children, may your hearts be searchers for the Grace of God, not only for yourselves, but also for the world, which greatly needs It at this moment.
As the Mother of Grace, I give you knowledge of the power of this flow of the Grace of God, which is not well understood by all human beings; but if It were properly loved, miracles would keep on happening like rain falling from the sky.
Dear children, the Grace of God, just as the Grace that comes from the Most Holy Son, can vindicate souls and save them from their constant errors.
Grace is a Fount that synthesizes the powers of mercy, piety, and compassion, expressed in this case through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
May the Grace of God always shelter and fulfill you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who dispenses upon the world all possible Graces,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While the majority of the human beings remain in the illusion of forms, few are the ones who open themselves to true love, to develop the potential of their own heart.
Humanity, children, is more committed to the development of the mind, of criticism, of judgments, it is more willing to affirm itself in the mistakes of the neighbor than in discovering their own essence and the reason why the Creator sent them into the world.
This is the era of the blooming of the heart, of the spiritual life, of the sense of maternity. Therefore, children, I am at your side every day, to teach you about Piety, Compassion and Mercy of a Mother towards Her children.
If you only observed My examples of love towards the human heart, you would have a thousand possibilities to imitate Me, to leave the point of decadence in which you are as human consciousness.
The one who lives in the Love, in the Piety, in the Compassion and in the Mercy of God enters in His Laws and is sustained by them. Their joy will no longer depend on the successes in this world and they will discover, in their own essence, that the true plenitude is within themselves, in the union kept with God.
The material life, My children, will be the vehicle of transformation and of redemption of everything that separated itself from the Creator over its existence. The material life will be for you the challenge to demonstrate to the Creation the greatness of Love of the Father that converts everything and redeems everything, transforming the most distant essence of the divine Source into an essence filled by the Heart of Christ.
Many think, My beloved ones, that what I am saying is impossible and unreachable, but they fear to launch themselves into the discovery of love and to surrender, handing in the false reign of their minds to the government of the heart that unites itself to the Father.
Others do not understand My words because they are so distant from the truth of their own hearts and because they ignore almost completely the life of the spirit, believing that the fact of knowing concepts and philosophies approaches them to the Truth.
What really approaches you to the Truth, children, is Love and Unity, that are the experience of Truth itself. All the attributes of the Highest God are saved within these divine principles: Love and Unity. But, to unveil and to know them, you should first take the risk to live them
The first step of everything is prayer; then, the prayer practiced in service and in sharing.
Cry out for Mercy, but also be merciful.
There are no secrets on this path, My beloved ones. You do not need to fear the change of times or the purification of the world. Concentrate yourselves in transforming your hearts and in becoming true instruments of God. Concentrate yourselves in unveiling the mysteries of your own essences and in loving your neighbor as they are, making an effort to overcome the layers of matter and to reach the essence of each being.
Dispose yourselves, beloved children, to be real soldiers of prayer, those who surrender their will to the Will of God and who make theirs the divine Thought.
I love you and I want to see you consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, so that, by means of your consecrations, I can consecrate the Americas and impregnate, in its sacred soil, the new life.
Today I renew you, I bless you and I thank you for responding to My call.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Every day in Heaven I hear the voice of those who on Earth cry out for Me, so, under the authority of the Father, I descend in light and love to help those who are most in need, especially those who are deviating from the path that My Son calls you to live.
At this time there are many hearts who cry out for Me and I respond to all of them through the wisdom of the Celestial Father, for them to be safe under My protecting mantle.
Dear children, it is true that I do not get tired of calling those who definitely have to be with Me. Therefore, throughout times, I have been delivering visible signs so that none of My children doubts that it is I who knocks at the door of their hearts.
I call so that you may open your hearts to Me and so that I can transform each life into a perfect gift for God. Still at this time I come to unite and consolidate your hearts in Christ, the Lord, for Him to be remembered every day and for souls to be in perfect communion with His divine Spirit.
My children, as I am the Mother of all, I meet your requests and I do not fail to respond to whosoever requests something from Me, something that is in the Holy Will of God. I respond to the petitions that are fair and that benefit everyone, the whole planet.
My intercession for humanity has no limits, therefore I have open arms for you so that your hearts may reach Me and rest in My maternal arms.
It is still a time of Mercy, Pity can still reach the whole world.
Ask the Celestial Father for this entire Kingdom so that the Creation may concede extraordinary help for those who need it most.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union and love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Peace for the world and an end to war.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to absolve you in the name of Love and Forgiveness, in the name of the infinite Piety that exists in the Universe and which is lived in the angels and archangels, in all the beings of goodwill, that in the Universe and on Earth live the Plan of God.
Today I come as the King of the Universe, as the living Presence of God for this humanity, still very asleep.
I come to awaken you from the dream of this material life so that your souls may be uplifted to Me, and in communion with Me, follow My steps, that are the steps that God asks you to take in this definitive hour of humanity, at the beginning of the apex of this transition, that many will not know how to face.
That is why I have come here, not only to bless you with My Mercy, but to unify you with My Plan and with My proposal of peace for the world.
Today, My wish is that you leave at My Feet what you should no longer live, what does not belong to My paths, nor to My Work.
I want you to transform in Me and I will transform in you, so that you may be new christs; a new race that will colonize humanity when the 144000 emerge, that each day more, you may approach in the spirit of awakening and of the mission that you are summoned to live in this final time.
I know that many of those who are present today do not understand what I say.
I do not need, companions, that you understand Me, but that you live Me, that you keep My Words in your heart, because they are not only words.
My Verb is vibration and energy, it is a principle of manifestation and of all Law for this Universe, of which you form part in this solar system.
That is why I need you to open your hearts and not your minds, because what I am saying today, I said two thousand years ago, in each one of the parables, in each one of the signs, and even so in My Passion, which was the most visible sign for all of you that My Work still continues, in the Victory of God, the Most High.
I have brought the guardian angels for you, so that you may pay a little more attention to them, because they serve you since your origins and they expect that you may be able to perceive them. Only the angels and no one else, that may make himself look like an angel.
Your prayer will raise you to that consciousness, to which I need you to approach, to the Ultra-terrestrial Consciousness, to the Divine and Universal Life; because humanity is very densified.
Your actions weigh heavily, your feelings, thoughts and the works that go against the Plan of My Father, against humanity and the souls.
Today I reveal to you, through My Heart, the Plan of God in this era of the Earth, in this moment of humanity, in which each one of you, companions, must be that living principle of My Presence in the world; you must be that soldier that responds to the commands and that apostle that takes the word of salvation and of truth.
In order for all that to be possible at this moment, My companions, transform yourselves, transform yourselves a lot and do not fear transforming.
The time has come for all of you and the world to be purified, not with fear, but with valor, to let go the ties of the past, dismiss what is not of the Plan of God and embrace the cross that the Father has given you in this evolutionary trajectory of humanity.
Thus, you will be with Me living My Principles; because I will help you to get up from the ground, to raise your eyes to the Universe so that you may recognize your star and so, unite again with your God.
Adore the Father, Who continues offended, and offer a reparation on this day for the whole world.
Thus you, companions, will receive what you need at the exact time and not when you look for it; because everything has its time, within and outside of you.
Today I offer you My Constancy, for each one of your souls and for the souls of the world that still do not live Me.
Today I bring you this reality, because I want to share it with you, and thus you will share it with Me, in this eternal silence that I promote today for everyone, the silence that lives in the silence and that allows the discovery of what truly happens within the hearts.
Embrace this moment as something unique and reconfirm your vows of collaboration with the Plan; that Plan that today you do not know in depth, but that I deliver to you today so that you may follow it in prayer and in vigil, in fraternity and service.
I need you to continue fulfilling what I asked you two thousand years ago.
The souls are very lost and hearts despair for not knowing the Love of Christ, your Lord.
If I come here today to ask you these things, it is because in truth you can do it, in a simple and honest way, without so many concepts, or forms. Because in truth I say to you, companions, everything is born from the heart, and it is the heart of each soul that rules things, and it is what helps everything to be fulfilled, under the Will of Adonai.
As I told you yesterday, companions, the discipleship must awaken in the youngest ones, the discipleship of Christ, Who will guide their lives and will lead them by the correct path of redemption.
Be awake to what I tell you and do not miss a word, because I will not be able to repeat it.
I say all this before everything happens, for the time has come for the hearts to be converted by the fire of prayer and by the principle of peace; and may all be more brothers, united in a great spiritual family governed by Christ, for this Redemptive Work of the end of times.
This region and this city must be the cradle of new things, of elevated patterns of behavior, of fraternity, and of brotherhood.
The young people must know My christic energy so that they may be redeemed. And just as the apostle John did, they may follow My Steps to the mount of the Cross, where I will share what I expect to share with all, at this hour of the planet.
I come to heal in you what is still not scarred; I come to heal your wounds.
Through My wounds, I purify you; through My Blood, I consecrate you; and through My Body, I glorify you in the name of My father, so that finally the New Humanity may be fulfilled.
Let us pray.
(The Our Father in Aramaic)
And today you will wash your feet, as I washed those of the apostles, who at that moment did not understand the humility of the Master of Light.
Because in the humiliation and in the renunciation of those who wash the feet of their brothers, is found the existence of love and of life, which unifies them with the Universe and thus, everything is renewed, as I renewed it on the Cross for you and for the world.
So, I want you to do it always and that you live it all the time that you can.
Because who washes his feet, wash his past, heals his wounds and re-ignite his soul in the Light of God, expelling the impure, exorcizing everything that is not of the Light, under the Christic Energy of Jesus.
Song: For the Wounds of Jesus...
Through My Sacred and Glorified Heart, companions, I give you My Kindness and My Grace and I make you participate of My Spirit, in this perfect Communion with My Eternal Father.
Thus, I bless you, renew you, heal you, and I raise you up close to My Heart, so that you may be between My Arms and may continue to feel the confidence that, since the beginning, everything was fine.
In the name of the Light, I thank you and I bless you under the luminous sign of the Redeeming Cross of Your King.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now, I can leave in peace from this place, because I know that you have heard Me at this moment and in other times, My beloved apostles in redemption!
Piety is the essence that lovingly supports everything. The heart is the dwelling place that takes in all misunderstandings and dissolves them in the source of love. The soul is the refuge that sustains and supports all real spiritual structures and it is the temple that suffers the consequences of the concrete mind the most.
The spirit is the fire that gives impulse to all things; it lives and governs by the Will of God, that which is fulfilled from cycle to cycle. Miseries are the result of lack of love and honesty with yourselves and in the face of others, and everything is liberated through the action of transparency and by higher love, which unties the knots of the consciousness.
Loving others is a double but victorious work, because in transcendence the new paths for everyone are outlined.
Take flight to the Heights and allow the Universe to show you the next step that you must take, because in obedience everything will be resolved.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you and forgives you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Let us be today at the foot of the Tomb in the internal silence of the holy women, contemplating the corporal and spiritual restoration of Our Lord and, consequently, of all of humanity.
Let us be in vigil and prayer, waiting for the great moment of the Resurrection of Christ in the hearts of the world.
Let us remember and honor My Beloved Son, together with the angels of Christ, so that once more His infinite Mercy and Piety will save the lost ones.
Let us live the mystery of Redemption not only through the Cross, but also through the Tomb and internal union with Jesus.
Open your arms in donation and receive in your hearts the restorative healing of Christ on this Holy Saturday, in which the hosts of the Father gather in adoration and glory to bless the Beloved Son.
In this act of piety and of mercy, those who want to know nothing about Christ will come to know Him in some moment of their lives and will recognize in Him the great universe of love that His meek Heart of Love holds.
I thank you for responding My call!
In adoration at the foot of the tomb,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Calvary
In silence, I pray for those who become lost and for those who do not know how to find God because of their suffering. I gather you all in My Grace so that you may discover My infinite Love, My celestial Love.
Grace is the living of Mercy that is granted to souls and to all little hearts. I need your hearts to feel like Mine, that you love as I love, and that you dare to offer your suffering for the world because many souls are worse off than those around you.
My Heart consoles and mends all things. My Voice pronounces the salvation of hearts. My motherhood gives shelter to the inconceivable, that which nobody can understand or accept. It is for this reason that today I pour out an inexplicable Grace.
My Heart never abandons you. I live your passion just as I lived the Passion of My Son in silence. I am the Mother of pities and I carry everyone in My arms, and even more so those who do not listen to Me, do not understand Me, do not accept Me.
I am the Mother of the Mercy of God, I am the perfect consolation for all afflictions and for all tests. Love overcomes all obstacles and I teach you about My motherhood, which is not just accepting the human condition, but rather it is loving the error in order to transform it into Light and Mercy.
I want you all to know that My inexplicable Grace may be given in the end of times, sporadically when souls cry out for it.
What is most important, My children, is the victory of My Heart in those who are fallen, not in those who persist. I come through those who persist to those who are fallen, and in those who are fallen, I build the Temple of My Son, little by little. I hope you have been able to understand Me.
I am the Mother of impossible causes; God gave Me this authority after the Cross and today I present it to you in truth and trust, with simplicity and humility.
Let your hearts not stop being meek, because in meekness you understand each other, you love what a fellow being is experiencing, you forgive the mistake of the neighbor.
I want you to understand, My children, that this work is important, and each of you are important to Me.
I am who governs you, I am who rules you, I am who universally loves you, just like all creatures. I do not fail to be present where you need Me, I do not stop looking at what is necessary to take care of and protect.
But beyond your bodies lies the true existence, which is the one you must learn to love more each day, rather than the indifference, the rejections and the denial.
I want you to learn to love as I love you and as I have always loved you, because My Love is renewed in My Son, because My Son is renewed in Me and I renew My children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The act of humanitarian service for the lost souls who suffer or are sick, sooner or later leads to the total consecration of the life into the hands of God.
The humanitarian service in Turkey awoke in each Missionary child of Peace the gift of a deeper and more conscious service in union with the Celestial Hierarchy.
Dear children, the inner work carried out during so many days in Turkey has permitted all the souls received into the heart of the Missionaries of Peace, and therefore into the Heart of the Celestial Hierarchy, to once again find a material and spiritual meaning to life.
The path of humanitarian service performed by the Missionaries of Peace in the Middle East, travelling through each region of Turkey, required an effort and especially an adaptation of each Missionary of Peace to the state of transmutation that until now continues to take place with the close and inner support of the Mother of the World.
A server is not only in service to find Divine Piety at some moment of their life, but they also offer in these critical times to collaborate openly in what the Universe will need to liberate from suffering humanity.
During this mision taking place in Turkey, the Celestial Hierarchy, in union with the service of the Missionaries of Peace, has extensively transmuted states of indignation, of fear, and lack of love.
Each act of missionary service, which presented itself day by day, opened a little window through which spiritual light could enter the consciousnesses of the Middle East that had been victims of the adversary and of the lack of spiritual light.
The triumph of My Immaculate Heart was gradually woven like a new network of spiritual love in each region of Turkey through which the Missionaries of Peace passed, and mainly, dear children, this network was woven in the hearts of the refugees who had lost hope. Thus, My children, the Regent Angel of Turkey was liberated from the prison to which He had been subject through this humanitarian mision of peace and through the prayers of all.
Once again, the Light of My Immaculate Heart has sown new seeds for the future.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more