With the sky-blue Mantle of their Divine Mother upon their bodies, their consciousnesses and their hearts, a Child of Mary is someone who represents the Celestial Mother within this world.
Seeking to love their fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, with the Love that comes from the Mother of God, a Child of Mary is someone who in prayer discovers the path for transforming their human condition and opening the door of their heart so that the Most Holy Mary may find Her dwelling place.
By looking at their fellow being with pity, humility and compassion, a Child of Mary is someone who makes an effort to purify their mind and thoughts, and to make of their eyes the windows through which the Mother of God observes, watches, accompanies and supports Her children.
A Child of Mary is someone who is ready not only to recognize their miseries, but also to transform them.
A Child of Mary is one who learns to pray from the heart and who, with their experiences, discovers the simplicity of the path to unite with God.
A Child of Mary becomes more aware, everyday, that they are an instrument, so that the Mother of the World may be present on Earth, so that She may act through their hands, intercede through their prayers, understand and support through their feelings, remain humble and not judge; through the pure heart and the essence united with God, they know how to see their fellow being as a doorway to the Creator.
Everything that I say to you is a path and an aspiration that in a short time becomes alive within the hearts that pray, becasue the one who prays gradually discovers and experiences what it is to be a Child of Mary.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For Me, it is not important that you make mistakes many times, what is truly important is that you try, again and again, to come out from the point where you once were, although many times you do not know how to begin to change.
Attitude and inner effort alone are worth much more than hundreds of words. Therefore, persevere with faith. With faith, cry out and never lower your arms.
Your Lord God deeply knows your being and He, who is infinite in Pity and Mercy, will help you.
Allow, then, that inner change begin to take place within you, no matter the results or delays. Just place in your heart the aspiration that someday you can live My Divine Attributes.
Keep yourself firm in prayer and strong in faith. Thus, day by day, you will conquer new results; because in truth everything starts in the small, in what is invisible, simple and truthful.
Everyday, give yourself more and more to God because, in this way, your consciousness will be within the revelations of His Mystery.
In the end, everything ends in love, because it will be love that one day will manage to free you and lead you to the goal.
Trust in Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today, at least for once, I would like you to step out of yourselves, your small miseries and see the great miseries of humanity with Me.
Therefore I make you apostles of the word, in truth, in fidelity and in service, and even if often you do not reach these attributes, I know that you try to experience them every day.
For this reason, by approaching your lives to these attributes, you will be part of the stream of My Mercy as servers in all corners of the Earth.
Today I have come with all the hope and Mercy in My Heart to make a special request to the missionaries who in a few months will experience the humanitarian mission in Lebanon.
My request is that as My servers you may not only expand Mercy in that place, but also for the first time, this Mercy may piously reach the African continent, especially Luanda, Angola.
I would like the suffering and extreme pain that is experienced there and reflected on the faces of My poor lambs, to be relieved.
Truly, I come to ask the group of missionaries that after visiting Lebanon, they go to Angola to carry all love and Mercy possible to the suffering and marginalized hearts.
I consider this day special for Me, because the Father of the unfathomable Mercy granted this very important Grace to my flocks from Angola.
I wish that through service, pity, love, healing and Mercy you may reach everyone, because it is through you that I will be able to bring relief and light to the forgotten souls.
I thank you for considering my appeal!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
The revelation of the mystery is approaching the human consciousness. This is the moment of knowing the Truth deeply and of being able to penetrate this mystery through the revelation of its divine and cosmic knowledge.
Today I come again from the Sun because this is the universal star that rules and illuminates you, day by day.
In spite of what may happen, and before any event, the Sun, as an essence, gives you life, regeneration and healing.
For this reason, today My Message also comes from this place, from this Sun that governs this solar system and that concentrates many universal and cosmic Laws for the evolution of life and consciousness.
The Sun will be the witness of the events of the end of times on this planet and in its humanity, and in it, all the principles will be poured so that the solar system may be regenerated again and everything may start from scratch.
The Sun that rules you is not only a physical, material or cosmic element; it is an energy that has been placed within this system of life so that all could learn from it throughout the cycles and seasons.
Each element, just as each event, has its place and its hour. The Sun that rules you will enter a new state and a new form through its divine self-purification and that of its laws that are part of this Material Universe; laws that are also part of hundreds of Suns in other regions of the vast Cosmos.
In this Sun, you will find power plants for the regeneration of human essences and of their spiritual counterparts that will still have to live their redemption, purification and, lastly, their rehabilitation.
The waves that it will emit for these times will be intense and decisive. A part of humanity will identify this as a punishment, as a global imbalance, or as part of a universal event; although this is true, the intention and purpose is another, the Universe never stops and has never stopped, it lives in a constant dynamism and a permanent acceleration.
You, as humanity and as a planet, are within this system of life and within this system of evolution that reaches the deepest of your bodies, matter, cells and atoms.
The acceleration of these times is part of the acceleration of the Universe and of this solar system that prepares to enter into a new time that, spiritually, will not be so perceptible to all but that it will be visible in the movement of the laws of material life or, even, in the hands of a clock. Time seems to run and not be enough.
The transition of humanity and the apex of its great purification are approaching in order to enter the real time of the Universe, in which only the eternal present exists.
For this reason, the Hierarchies, throughout times and generations, through all ages and decades, have prepared the preamble for the entrance of this new time; otherwise, humanity would have suffered the acceleration of time too much, within its consciousness and spirit.
Universal assistance comes to the aid of all, the approach of the Hierarchy comes to the aid of all. It will only suffice to live the rules in order to fulfill the Plan and carry it out according to the Divine Purpose.
It will be worthless to do much in humanity if the mission is not based on love and truth, on transparency and obedience, fundamental attributes for the current times, when many spiritual and human manifestations will be presented and will convince the majority that they are real and autonomous.
Following the Hierarchy has a single meaning and a single aim, a single purpose, a single goal, which is to achieve the fusion in brotherhood, unity and with faith; attributes that promote the materialization of the Plan on the surface of this planet and in others.
The humanities of this Universe are offering themselves to help this current humanity, this race that comes from the Adams and the Eves and from a continuity of mistakes and faults that have taken place throughout the times and ages; but the end of the Law of Suffering is drawing near so that the doors to healing and relief of pain may be opened.
The more you cry out for My Mercy and for the Piety of God, the more the doors will open.
The more you demonstrate that you are understanding what We say and what We speak, the more the doors to Mercy will open and each one, in spite of where or how they are, will receive what they need. Trust in what I Tell you.
The Sun, for humanity, represents this spiritual fusion between souls and God, a fundamental principle that once had to be lived in the existence of the Adams and the Eves, but that did not succeed due to many different circumstances.
Now history will be recalculated and the Plan will deepen itself in the human consciousness so that every being on the Surface of this planet may keep clearly in mind what the Will of God means.
Do not fail to open your hearts to the mysteries. Drink from this Nonmaterial Fount that I bring you today so that your lives may be renewed and you may never, never be thirsty; because communion with higher life is possible while one lives this lower life on the surface of the Earth.
The School of the New Christs will be ruled by this master, the Sun of the Local Universe; the one who imparts many more energies and principles for human life, for the planet and the Universe.
From this Solar Fount, the New Time will be born and it will fill all Hierarchies and their disciples, all their servers and collaborators.
Now it is the time to take this leap and this step towards the fulfillment of the last part of the Plan, which is a responsibility of all, which is a responsibility of each one with God and the Universe.
The signature of your spirits has been conceived, the permit has been granted and the time is approaching for this event in which all, congregated in love, will internally prepare the emergence of this New Humanity that will cease to be mental so that it may finally be spiritual and divine, just as the Father has thought it since the Origins, since before the Universe and all of its life existed.
This Marathon means the passage into a new time and into a new spiritual energy conceded by the Hierarchy.
The past will remain in yesterday, the present will begin to be part of the future and the doors will open to a new cycle so that human consciousness may participate in the impulses that will come from the great master Sun.
May My Words be converted, in you, into a source of wisdom and clarity, into a source of discernment, healing and love; because the goal of all of this impulse is a greater goal, based on the Love of God and on the unity with the Supreme Source that rules you, since the origin of your essences in the Material Universe.
So that, finally, companions, you may be this spark of light for the world during the time of darkness and tribulation, so that more veils of the consciousness may fall from the faces of beings and the doors to knowledge and awakening may open.
Receive, then, all the assistance from this Solar Fount that will reveal itself to the world in a short while through its principles and signs, through its higher emanations and energies.
Come with Me to the Fount of the great Sun and let us commune, in essence, with the new life that will be free of errors, suffering and pain.
In the essence, the new being will be born, that will become like a Sun to illuminate the new times.
Receive My blessing and My understanding, My Grace and My Mercy for the times that will come.
Under this Sun that governs this part of the universal life, under the stars of this Universe that are witnesses of many experiences and lives, under the existence of the Material Universe and its powerful currents, attributes, rays and energies that are part of the elevation of consciousness and of the unity with God, I bless you for this new cycle, which will be sustained by your love and faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Like the water that falls with the rain, this afternoon, this is the way I bathe and wash you with My Mercy, for the souls to be able to purify themselves from all the wounds of the past.
Through My Mercy, I bring you to the Source of Divine Pity, so necessary for these times of definition, because it is through Piety that I guide you by your hand to live and experience the Compassion of God.
Companions, your lives, in service and love, can reach, in some time or another, this Source, so necessary for your transformation and redemption.
Day by day, while asking for the Mercy of My Heart, remember that you are not only praying for My Name, but that you are also imploring for Mercy for yourselves, for humanity and for the world.
Gather from the Source of Pity and Compassion, all the light that you need for the darkness of the world to be transmuted, even more.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
During the Hour of Mercy, while the greatest flow of the Fount of My pitying Heart opens, everyone has the unique opportunity to be able to submerge in My Ocean of Love so that the most serious faults committed may be forgiven and the deepest wounds may be healed.
At the Hour of Mercy, companions, the Wound of Light of My Side opens to pour out the most potent flow of the Pity of God upon the sinners who sincerely and truthfully ask for Mercy.
At the most culminating hour of Mercy, while every day the sorrowful Death of the Lord on the Cross is remembered, souls, and the whole world, have the opportunity of purifying their heart of every spiritual stain and of being able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, simply by remembering the sorrowful Passion of Jesus.
Announce to the world that the deepest depths of My Mercy are still open so that souls, during this definitive hour of humanity, may achieve spiritual salvation and universal forgiveness.
May your lives be a testimony of My Mercy.
May your examples and acts be merciful, so that in the great universe of My Mercy, souls and the world may achieve peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children:
When you exalt God with joy, an important affluent of Piety and Mercy opens and sheds itself spiritually upon all of humanity.
When you exalt God with joy, the most deep-rooted sinners receive the balm of atonement they need to be able to attain forgiveness.
When you exalt God with joy, His Merciful Heart reaches, spiritually, all those beings who were condemned to death and the light frees them from this situation.
When you exalt God with joy, His Peace is irradiated from Universe to Universe, until it encompasses the whole consciousness of humanity.
When you exalt God with joy, the world is coated in a color more blue and shiny, and it is relieved from suffering.
When you exalt God with joy, extensive hells are closed and doors of liberation are opened to transmute humanity.
When you exalt God with joy, such as in the beginning of the Marathon today, impossible and difficult situations are solved because, from your hearts, only the real love of God emanates.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Baptize yourself, once and again, in the Lake of My Mercy, so the impurities of the soul may be purified, and the gift of the purity of Spirit may be reborn.
How many times do you need to submerge yourself in the Ocean of My Mercy, so the Divine Piety may rejoice in your being and encourage it to go forward?
Let My infinite Water of Mercy reconsecrate all of your being and lead you to love the mysteries of the Universe more and to understand better the designs of Heaven.
Allow My Mercy to generate in you the effect that it needs.
Surrender to it and be peaceful so that day and night your soul can count on this powerful spring that will renew your being and bring the necessary graces to be able to carry forward the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third day of the Novena
Carrying My Mercy to the most lonely and forgotten souls, you will allow them all to be granted the peace and the inner Grace of feeling loved by someone; because in love lies the foundation of life and the redemption of hearts, in love the spiritual healing of the whole consciousness is achieved.
The most lonely souls that are taken towards My Mercy will find meaning and motivation for living on Earth because there is nothing more important in the life of a being than to feel loved and protected by their fellow beings.
The work of Love is capable of banishing human suffering, the feeling of being forgotten, and of abandonment that the most lonely and innocent souls endure from their most beloved ones.
The love that any soul may come to feel means everything and leads it to the fullness of the union with God.
It is so that, in the life of the most suffering souls in the world, the key of love is the path that will open the healing of the past and the renewal of life in Christ.
The message continues:
Fourth day of the Novena
By submerging into the Fount of My Mercy, for the sinners that traffic human beings, a state of purification and redemption is generated in them.
The first steps in redemption are taken through the consideration and infinite pity that a fellow being may have for that soul that commits grave errors.
In this sense, the infinite ocean of the Mercy of God reaches the lives of sinning souls in order to dissolve the codes of evil and grant them the purity of spiritual and human salvation.
It is in this way that the action of Divine Mercy withdraws the soul from eternal condemnation, and the merciful Law itself replaces the sins and errors committed for the state of Grace and pity.
At this time when human exploitation and trafficking has become uncontrollable and immeasured in all senses, prayerful hearts that invoke My Mercy will help the abyss of the Mercy of God to carry sinning souls toward the principle of forgiveness and redemption through the simple act of thinking of those who are already condemned.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I do not only come for the love of Poland; I come for your Church and for the Church of all Central Europe, also there many more things can be restored; that is why it is also important for My Son, knowing that there is still time for His Mercy, to be able to enter into His Pity and His Compassion.
Just as yesterday My Son gave you the blessing of His Kingdom, today I give you the blessing of My Grace, the Grace that, in spite of the events, has always permeated all the hearts of Poland and of Central Europe.
It is that Grace of Faith that has allowed all of your people and all of Central Europe to continue forward, in the spirit of perseverance and constancy.
So today I present Myself before you as the Virgin of Czestochowa, bringing the Child Jesus in My Arms so that He, from the bosom of His Purity, from the center of His Heart, may impart His Mercy on the whole Church of the world, and especially, on all the believers.
The healing of this planet is still necessary, and through your prayers and supplications, that spiritual healing can descend to humanity. That is why I am here, dear children, to remember once again the power of the Virgin of Czestochowa in all your homeland and in all your people, to remind you of the importance of this spiritual and divine icon, which unites many souls in the world, not only through your color or your race, but also through your souls; through the souls whom God has granted to be here to carry onward a part of His Divine Plan.
With this spirit, I invite you to the renovation of your Church and of your people, to the conservation of your culture, to have your faith expand, and thus the world receive a little more peace. Not only peace in hearts, but also in the nations that have need of the prayer of their beings, in order to be able to establish peace.
I invite you to take that step, dear children, to be able to conceive of the need of all humanity and the entire planet in your hearts, knowing that you are a single civilization that needs to be reborn not only in the life of the spirit, but also in material life, through works of service and unconditional charity.
I want Poland to carry this working spirit to the world, to teach other peoples how to be reborn in the spirit of faith and of devotion, because there are many nations that have need of this in order to be able to continue forward spiritually, to be able to establish the Designs of God in their Kingdoms, in their culture, and their people.
With that love that My Heart brings you today, I invite you to the renewal of your commitment with Me, because I will always be the Mother of your Homeland; I will always be the Light for your hearts; a Light that will lead you to Christ, My beloved Son, so that you may enter into communion with His Divine Consciousness and always receive the blessing of His Spirit knowing that it is necessary, My children, to wake up the gifts and talents in your heart, essential attributes that Christ will need from you to prepare for His second return to humanity in this part of the world.
That is why I want to always have you in My Arms, My children, just like Jesus, so that you may feel the beating of My Maternal Heart; so that you may feel the joy of My Spirit and the gladness of My Soul for being close to My Children, not only of Poland, but also of the entire world.
Through the Virgin of Czestochowa, I come to unite all cultures and all peoples, so that each nation may continue to know me as their Mother and their Patroness, because in that way, with the devotion of My children, I will be able to continue interceding not only for Poland, but also throughout Central Europe.
I invite you to follow in the footsteps of the Redeemer. Slovakia is a country that needs a miraculous healing, especially in its spirit; that's why I invite you to follow Christ, so that His works may manifest in the world through your collaboration and your cooperation with this Work, which on the inner planes builds Cathedrals of Light where souls can take refuge to meet again with the Celestial Father.
I want to bring you back to God, reconciled by His Grace and blessed by His Mercy, so that this same Grace and Mercy may reach the souls that most need to awaken in this part of Europe.
Through the Lady of Czestochowa, I bring you the Wisdom of God necessary for these critical times, essential in the essence of all souls, so that the nations of the world, after all they have lived, learn to make correct and wise decisions that contribute with the solidarity and the good of souls, rather than with exploitation or slavery.
That renewal, through the Wisdom that the Virgin of Czestochowa brings you today, will happen in simple hearts, will take place in humble souls, will reverberate in meek hearts.
This is the promise that I bring for your people; and this promise, which hopes to descend to the world and become live in hearts, is a reason for the visit of My Beloved Son to the Homeland of Slovakia, so that more spiritual and inner values may be recovered.
Again I say to you, my children: follow the footsteps of Christ to rediscover the Path to the Celestial Father.
May the spirit of the faith of Poland always be preserved; may the spirit of the devotion of Poland one day become eternal, so that souls may be carried to God and feel the Mercy of the Celestial Father. A Mercy that restores souls, a Mercy that restores hearts, a Mercy that submerges nations in the ocean of the Compassion of God and in the Spirit of His Pity.
May these Gifts of the Spirit, which should continue to be cultivated by Poland as a people, awaken new vocations to the life of Christ and especially to the Spirit of Sanctity, which will make it possible to change the world thanks to the souls that renounce their self to live in God and fulfill His Will, just like all the Saints who fulfilled it throughout time.
Today, at My side I am accompanied by Saint John Paul II, and as He has always done with all of humanity, in a simple but true way, today He will give you His Blessing, in the name of the Virgin of Czestochowa.
John Paul II says: "May God always give you Goodness and Charity so that you may know the imperious spirit of His Mercy and so that the Fount that pours out of the Heart of Christ may bathe all creatures of the Earth, so that they may reach the Celestial happiness and the Inner Union with the Divine and Sublime Son.
May the powers of the Grace of Christ, may the inexhaustible spring of his Mercy, descend upon Poland and all of Central Europe, and in this way, the Grace of Redemption be established.
So be it".
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Let us continue walking for Peace, so that Peace may be established on Earth and in all humankind. Amen.
Take My Mercy to all those who need it.
These days, there is no soul that does not need the ocean of My Pity.
Therefore I ask you, at this time, to offer yourself as a justifiable victim of My Heart, for My Mercy to be able to reach the world and penetrate the obscure abysses of the innocent souls. Take all souls towards the ocean of the infinite Mercy, recognize in each of them the perfect Virtue of God.
For you to be a victim of My merciful Love you must surrender at the Hour of Mercy as the Lamb surrendered for all, to be taken to the slaughterhouse.
But you, who should not live the same sacrifice that the Son of God lived, surrender into My Arms and let the flow of Mercy purify your consciousness so that peace and forgiveness for sins will be given to you.
In this harmless surrender, merge yourself into the essence of My Divine Mercy, and this way you will build with Me a New Humanity.
Make known to the world the immensity of My Mercy because there is still time for souls to drink from My Fountain so that they may save themselves.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
The one that is My rival will never manage to separate My flocks, no matter how much he agitates or disturbs them. The Faith of My Heart will prevail because it is a real Faith that comes from the Heart of My Father, is projected in My Heart and I project it over those who are Mine.
That powerful Faith of My Heart will always be invincible and that Faith, I invite you to testify in your lives, in your paths, in your coexistence, in your brotherhood.
It is the Faith of My Heart that will triumph in the world, through the powerful flame of My Love and of all those who love Me in the world, unconditionally.
I come to transform your love in the name of My Higher Love, so that you may live Christic Love someday.
Behold the Lord of Divine Mercy before you, the One Who announced the salvation of the world to Faustina, so that she could contemplate His Divine Image at the feet of Our Lord.
Behold the Rays of Pity and Grace, which are poured out today upon the world to generate atonement in the souls and true justification before all the committed errors.
Behold the Lord of Divine Mercy of the Nations, The One That has no frontiers, nor divisions, race, color or society.
Behold the Lord of Life Who penetrates all souls with His Divine Power, Who comes from the twelfth celestial dimension and descends to the Earth, to this third dimension, to generate the great awakening.
Behold the Defeater of Death, the One Who rose for you, so that you could rise in spirit.
I am the Lord of Mercy and the Lord of Peace. Where I am present, no evil can abound or surround, because the victory of My Heart is realized in those who open to recognize Me within themselves.
Behold the Second Person of God manifested before you, the Firstborn Son, the Only Born Son, the Redeemer, your Savior.
Behold the One Who sustains the Sword of Justice, so that it may not be buried in the planet and cataclysms come about.
Behold the Lord of Justice, of Equality, of cooperation and of understanding.
Behold the One Who expurgates the evils of the world and defeats the hells with His Love, with the powerful Light of His Heart.
Behold the One Who transmutes the world, Who transmuted it and will transmute it, the One Who sublimates laws and unifies dimensions in the hearts that open to this sacred knowledge.
Behold the powerful flame of My Heart, which is revealed to the humble and shows itself to the simple to conceive in them the Glory of God, the Grace of the Father and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
Behold the One Who breaks the chains of evil, Who dissolves human inertia and awakens the consciousness of human beings to the real spiritual truth that emerges from the heart of the Universe for all of this solar system.
Behold the One Who governs after the Father and is seated to the right of the Almighty.
Behold the humble Servant of God, Who died, suffered and endured for you, so that you might know the dimension of My Higher Love.
Behold the One Who opens the doors of Heaven so that all may enter into the House of God. Although you remain on Earth and are not in Heaven yet, you may enter through My Heart to the Kingdom of God, to His sublime dimension.
Behold the Lord of the Truth and the Life, the Way and the Kindness, Who decides, together with the Archangels, on the continuity of this race and of the Universe in which you are today.
Behold the Lord of the Milky Way and of all the local Universe.
Behold the Lord of the galaxies, Who contemplates with love even the smallest particle created because everything is part of God, of His Heart, of the kindness of His Love and the purity of His Spirit.
Behold the One Who will judge the fallen angel through Redemption, Who will stop the times so that there will be a single time, Who will grant the world the one thousand years of peace.
Behold the risen Lamb, which will free souls from suffering; which will give hope back to the world so that all may know the happiness of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Behold the Servant of Humility Who will renew the Church when He returns to the Earth for the second time and will destroy the oppressors, so that the good news of the Kingdom of God may be fulfilled in those who have been faithful and unconditional to My Heart.
Behold the One Who carries the Scepter of God in His Hand and the great Star of the Confraternity that unites all creatures of the Universe under the same condition, which is the higher condition of the Spirit of the Source of Creation, from where all come, from where all emerged once as sparks of this universal experience, which must be recreated through your sacrifice and redemption so that love, truth and unity may triumph in the hearts of the Earth and in all those that exist in the Universe.
Behold the Lord of all humanities, That One Who deeply knows the Project of God, after having incarnated as a man and as a Divine Consciousness on Earth.
Behold the Lord of fraternal Love, Who gave Himself for you to correct the Project of God, to turn this Project into a divine dignity in the Eyes of our Creator.
Behold the Lord who calls you to correct this Project through the transformation of your lives, the love for service, the redemption of your hearts, through your path of conversion.
Behold the Beloved Shepherd Who will always give you His Gifts, Who will show you the way and will point the path out to you to merge with the Creator.
With all of this, I want you to know My spiritual Aspects and the power of the omnipresence that the Father has granted Me since My Ascension, so that I could be present in all places and with all creatures, no matter what their condition or their evolution.
With My Mercy I come to renew the world and grant souls the Graces they need in order to know how to go through these times without losing the way to My Heart.
Through the Sacraments, I come to give you peace and the conception of good in your lives so that this higher good may reverberate not only in your lives but also in the world, which will need to awaken to cooperation and fraternity.
Everything that is offered from the heart has its reward in Heaven and furthermore, acquires an immense power when it is offered with humility and simplicity.
May these Sacraments that you will receive today renew your lives, so that the Kingdom of God may be established in you.
Yesterday you washed your feet, but today you will wash your heads, anoint your bodies, for the Love that the Holy Spirit will grant you.
Each Sacrament is the profound symbol of the reparation of souls, the opportunity for dissolving inner suffering and for generating healing for the spirits that most need it.
Today the Light of the Holy Spirit will be ignited in your consciousnesses so that you may be blessed.
Today you will be anointed by the immolated Lamb, so that Its precious and divine Blood may sanctify your lives.
As the power of the water that baptized Me in the River Jordan, may today this power be imparted and registered in this element that is offered at the feet of its Creator so that more souls in the world may testify to the immensity of the Universe of My Love for all hearts, so that peace may be established.
The moment has come to relive the Sacrifice of the Lamb.
Let all who can, kneel, so that this sacrifice that will be offered today to God may continue to be a source of reparation and of mercy for the world.
In each new sacrifice there exists the emanation of the Love of God, which can be experienced and undergone by the hearts that receive the Sacraments.
Seated at the table, together with My apostles, I took the bread, gave thanks to God for the surrender that I would live for you, and in that profound sacrifice of love, His sublime and divine Spirit blessed it. And all the angels of Heaven prostrated themselves before the sacrifice of the Lamb and for the Blood that would be shed in reparation for the outrages, indifferences and omissions of all men on Earth up to the present time.
Thus, I said to My apostles and today I say to you: all eat of It, for this is My Body that is given up for men for the forgiveness of sins.
May this sacrifice be recognized by the whole world and throfoughout the times.
Having the first part of the Supper ended, I took up the Chalice, that sacred teraphim of the Universe, which is still reverberating throughout the times and generations. The Spirit of God blessed it and the Holy Father, the Almighty Lord of the Universe put His Head on the ground, as a sign of reparation for all of humanity and the whole planet. The Ray of His Heart blessed the sacred wine, converting it into My precious Blood.
And I said to the apostles and today I say to you: all take and drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, which will be shed for you for the forgiveness of sins and the atonement of all consciousnesses.
Do this in remembrance of Me.
Our Father...
This is the Lamb of God, Who has sacrificed for you. Happy will be those who avail themselves of it so that nobody else may be immolated in this world and no other being may shed its blood for the injustice of the world.
I will always give you My Peace so that you may learn to live in My Peace, knowing that peace opens the doors to the healing and the redemption of souls.
Before your Master and Lord be witnesses of this Peace that comes from Heaven and descends to the Earth to close and dissolve deep wounds, great spiritual wounds in humanity.
Through the Rays of Mercy that today emerge from My Heart, I grant you peace so that you may learn to put yourselves under Me, so that My Rays of Light and Love may continue to be poured out in your lives and over the planetary life.
May the Peace of God be with you and go in peace. Through this Peace, I dissolve your sins and your offenses, in the same way that I dissolve the offenses of the world at this very important hour of the memory and remembrance of the Lamb of God and of His Divine Sacrifice.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
You may give one another the greeting of peace in My Name.
I thank you!
May the ocean of My Mercy be your grace, be your future and your truth for these times.
Submerging into the ocean of Pity, may your soul be purified of all stains and thus be renewed by the imperative Love of My Heart.
May the ocean of My unfathomable and Divine Mercy assist those who need the most and await spiritual help.
In the ocean of My Divine Mercy is to be found the salvation and the reparation of the consciousness, after everything it has been able to experience.
May all consciousnesses most in need of forgiveness and redemption be placed in the ocean of My Mercy.
Through the unfathomable ocean, may souls receive the necessary inner strength to learn to surpass themselves in love and in service to humanity.
May the ocean of My Grace receive all those who will need to justify themselves through My Love so as to become saved and worthy in the Lord.
In the ocean of My unfathomable and Divine Mercy, may hearts find the encouragement so that any concern or despair may be dispelled from humanity, so that peace may be established.
The infinite ocean of My Mercy not only attracts and grants healing to the sick soul, but also grants the eternal Peace of the Lord.
I thank you for responding to My Call and for keeping My Words in your hearts.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today I come to the world as the Lady of Silence so that, in silence, humanity may hear the Voice of God, that sacred Voice that echoes throughout times and brings the announcement of the new and of the salvation of humanity.
For this to be possible, My children, and so that humanity can truly listen, today I bring you the Gift of Silence, so that it can be awakened in you and in your brothers and sisters, so that through this Gift you may comprehend all things and, above all, feel all the requests that our Sacred Hearts announce to the world, again and again.
Today I come as the Lady of Silence, so that many more souls may hear God within themselves, so that through the path of silence peace may be established in the world through the ears that listen to God with sincerity and fervor; because it will be this silence that will transform you, it will bring the renewal of your lives and consciousnesses.
From the Celestial Universe today I come to you as the Lady of Silence, because I know that most of My children still do not listen, and the Word of God, My children, cannot be wasted.
With this welcome that your hearts lived today before My Presence, I invite you, My children, to deepen into the path of silence for humanity; so that away from the noises, the distractions and the perturbation, you can glimpse into the inner Universe of each being the path of healing, a path that will lead you to the truth and to the elevation of consciousness.
If you now listen to the Lady of Silence, it is because Her words bring a potent energy which will permeate your cells and consciousnesses with the Gift of Silence that the Mother of God has lived on Earth, from the birth of Christ to His ascension, and a little more, after that event.
The Gift of Silence, My children, will lead you to reflect on the Passion of Christ and you will discover great mysteries that are kept in the Passion of Jesus; I would say, sacred celestial merits that humanity needs at this time to be able to live the redemption and conversion, the total transformation of the Planetary Consciousness to a Consciousness of compassion and love, not only for the Creation and the Universe, but also for the whole planet and its Younger Kingdoms.
The Gift of Silence will make you see the truth and the need of the planet and even more: if you unite silence and prayer you will see many more things, as the Mather of God sees in this difficult time.
It is this Gift of Silence, the one that I must take to Europe in this cycle, in order to take My children out of the great planetary distraction and illusion.
You, My children, who are here, have heard, by means of the Gift of Silence, at some point. This is why I need this Gift to echo through these times, may it first incarnate in your lives so that afterwards it may incarnate in the world.
The Gift of Silence will lead humanity and especially Europe to become conscious of what it is not doing well and of how urgent it is, My children, to change the planetary situation.
Therefore, between your hearts and as sister nations, there can be no differences or omissions.
The Gift of the Silence of God is for all, and on this special day I come to generate it within you, because the Gift of Silence will bring humanity to have more wisdom and, above all, discernment before the trials it will face.
If, My children, you still do not understand what to do with your lives and do not have a clear answer as to which path to follow, it is because the Gift of Silence has not yet penetrated your beings; your thoughts have not been silenced, your feelings have not been quieted, there has not been a moment of peace in order to be able to reflect.
Through the path of prayer of the heart that you experience in these times, I invite you, My children, to invoke the power of the Gift of Silence; so that not only your lives but also the planet is transformed, so that there may be a greater time of peace in humanity and especially in those who are more disturbed and immersed in darkness and evil.
By means of My Immaculate Heart, as the Lady of Silence, today I pour out the power of this spiritual Gift so that it may be propagated in the world, in order for My Immaculate Heart to triumph for many more centuries, by the help of My children, by the response of My apostles and the sincerity of the servants who are prepared in this time to build the Plan of God on Earth and, above all, to manifest it step by step, according to the designs of our Father-Mother Creator.
May the Gift of Silence, My children, lead you to the understanding, so that the flame of the Wisdom of God may spring up in your heart. And when you have to make a very important decision in your lives, the Gift of Silence can intercede and bring Light to the necessary answers.
I only ask you to help Me build the Work in Europe and in the world. Today is Europe, but tomorrow it will be another part of the planet; for example, Asia and Oceania, which are being specially prepared by My Heart, so that it first gestates internally in you and then becomes a reality and not an extensive and extreme request to ask for loving help.
Through the Gift of Silence, that today pours My Immaculate Heart into the world, I come to speak to you about the importance of fulfilling the designs of God, not only through the path of prayer and faith, but also through collaboration, unconditional and permanent.
Children, it is important that you clearly understand My words so that you do not get confused. Everything I say and decree comes from the precious Source of God for the world; and today, it is the Gift of Silence that acts through this moment, but tomorrow it will be another gift or other Virtue of God that will act because of the great planetary need, because of the great urgency of a true and not a tepid response, a response that can overflow with love in your hearts, to make them everyday wiser and worthy to be receptacles of the designs of God and to fulfill them, one by one.
I do not need you to make great efforts to fulfill My call. Through the Gift of Silence that I bring to you today, I ask that your effort be true and transparent so that My enemy cannot confuse you.
Remember that my desire for Europe is to step on the head of the serpent and keep on stepping on it, in order for many, many more souls in the world to be able to enter through the heavenly door that I am opening at this time, through My Immaculate Heart, that everyone may cross and pass through, so that no one is left behind, none of My children, however small a believer they may be of the Will of God and His designs.
I invite you to be precursors of this Gift of Silence, so that the Gift may impel you to carry out the Will of God, just as it is presented and displayed.
With this love that today I give you from the depths of My Spirit, and as I have done in other moments, I implore you for collaboration, because greater things must happen and this will depend on the response of My children and the sincerity of their hearts.
Again I say to you, My dear children: May the Gift of Silence show you the truth of all this, which goes beyond the power of men and the will of souls; it is a Higher design, which your Heavenly Mother is weaving and building in the world through the nations and the response of Her children.
I would like, tonight, that your immediate response, your unconditional collaboration and your greater dedication to God, were like this flowers placed at the foot of My altar; and that today I can raise to Heaven, not only your prayers and supplications, but also your confirmed response before the Mother of God.
I know that you will not reach full consciousness about the Mysteries of the Father yet, but believe, My children, that through the Gifts of God and the experience of each one of them, you will be able to reach it, because this is My desire of Mother, for your spiritual and inner growth in these times of emergency.
Europe needs a lot of help, like you.
I invite you to live, through the Gift of Silence, what the Holy Family of Nazareth lived in fullness and love; not only sharing what little they had, but also donating themselves unconditionally to those most in need, to the great Will of God, for it to be fulfilled, even though at some point our poor and humble minds did not understand it.
Love can do all, transform all and reach all. That is what opens the Gates of the heavens, so that the Graces may descend and the consciousnesses are redeemed according to the Will of God.
I invite you, My children, to pray for this cause, for the mission in Europe and Africa, because very difficult things could happen in those places and much more blood could shed, not only in the Middle East but beyond that region.
I do not want you to see My Face full with tears, but full of love, sweetness and light, reflecting the joy for the response of My children, who become aware before everything happens and who's hearts move more than their minds to carry forward the Will of God, the infinite Work of His Mercy and His divine Pity.
With all this, I invite you from tomorrow on to pray, with your Heavenly Mother, a novena, for the concretion of the Plan of God in Europe and Africa; so that each step that will be given and each effort that will be lived, can be realized by all in an unconditional and true way.
For this I ask you to invoke, through prayer, the Sacred intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph; and that through His presence and His divine intercession, this Work is fulfilled as planned, with the help of My children, with the sincerity of their hearts, with the truth of each of their lives.
On the ninth day, I will announce if this mission will be fulfilled or if the tragedy in Europe will be installed.
As the Lady of Silence and Dame of Justice, I would like to see the plates of the scale in balanced and not in imbalance, as it is at this moment.
Balance in the world is build, by the consciousness of the humanity of the surface, and this brings opportunities to the world and the plenitude of God in the hearts of the simple.
This is all I wanted to say today, thanking you for the love that I have felt in you today, the fervent devotion you have expressed and the peace that you have implanted through this offering to the Mother of God.
I would like these sacred expressions of love from My children today to be repeated, celebrating with the Heavenly Mother the triumph of the Plan of God on Earth, in order for the angels to spread throughout the world the infinite Graces from the Heart of God, which will transform those who suffer and heal those who are sick of spirit and body.
Receive now My blessing, placing your hands in the sign of reception and gratitude.
Let us raise all gratitude and honor to God; and also to all the angels of Heaven for transforming and transubstantiating all forms, within and outside of beings, and in all the planetary consciousness.
I would like that on this day of celebration and light, confirming your absolute 'Yes' to God and the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth, we offer to our Creator Father, on this sacred day, the song 'Hallelujah', as a praise to the Father and as a moment for each one of you to make an offering to the Creator, so He may welcome it in His bosom and thus, He may mightily express His Mercy.
I bless you and I thank you for responding to My call, up to the present.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Second Message
May the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard today, because there is a people crying for liberation, piety and redemption; there is a people crying for justice, mercy and peace. And it is not for lack of divine help nor of supreme help; this is part of what humanity generates among peoples and nations, among races and cultures.
From the Sahara Desert, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard, Who today presents His Throne of Wisdom and Power to bring Justice to the world, the Justice that will balance the planet and humanity.
That is why you should pray as you are doing, every day.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to bring Justice to the world, for the requests of its people and its culture; for the pleas of the simple and of the humble.
May differences no longer exist between races and religions, between beliefs and doctrines.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to unify everything, from the beginning to the end; it comes to reveal to you that in essence you are all one. And from that unity, you all come from God; from the same Father who has created you; from the same Universe that has manifested you, from the same Love that has expressed you in an infinity of forms and manifestations.
All are one in essence, and in this unity there is the Love that transcends borders, cultures and peoples.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to reveal to you a time of great planetary purification; a time that no other race has lived in another era or in another century.
I come as the Lord of Egypt to speak to you in the name of Love, and also to show you that I am in everything, not only in Christianity.
I Am part of God and from God I come.
I Am part of His Divine Emanation and of His Purpose for this and other Universes.
This is the Voice that speaks to you, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, the One Who was with you before and the One Who is with you now to give continuity to the Purpose of God.
May no people, culture, race or nation forget that each being first is an essence, before being matter; that they are part of an original Source and of a principle that must be fulfilled in you so that it can be fulfilled in the world.
Those who believe that they are powerful and make wars, will not win.
Those who are oppressed and suffer the consequences are the ones who will triumph.
Because Love will always be able to do everything. Love will renew everything and beliefs or religions will not be important, but rather the essence that will unite peoples and nations, where there will be no distinction of culture, race or color.
I come to show to My Church that I am also in those who would not believe in Christ. Because they do not really believe because they do not know Me, they have not felt Me and they have not lived Me, as you once lived and knew Me.
Expand this Love that I bring to the world, so that the world can have an opportunity and reconsider.
Therefore, from the Sahara Desert My Voice is proclaimed so that Christians, Arabs and Muslims listen to Me as the only God, as the emanation of the Firstborn Son, as the One Who has renewed all times in the past, through the Cross.
A moment will come when everyone will find themselves on the same path, and together, as peoples, cultures, religions and nations, they must cross the last portal, because there will be no other; there will be no portals to choose or door to cross, but one, which is the door of My Heart. There everyone will understand one another and will have clarity in the end times that I have always been the same, from the Alpha to the Omega, and that My Divine and Omnipotent Presence has been in everyone; although in the majority it has been hidden, even in order to awaken.
If I come as the Lord of Egypt, it is for you to know that My Christic Love is in others, and not only in so few or in those who believe they can retain Me by proclaiming My Name.
I Am the Son of the Living God, but also God is in Me, as in My brothers and sisters.
God, Abba or Allah is in everyone, as it is written in all the Sacred Books.
Because a day will come when the knowledge written in the Sacred Books will be one, when humanity receives the revelation that only one God was always in all creation, as in all times; going through all generations, all cultures and all peoples. And they will know that He has tried to express and show Himself in all places, as in all the corners of this planet.
And so, knowing this revelation, they will understand their filiation with the Father and they will join the Source. In that moment it will no longer be necessary to make wars or create conflicts, for material goods or for spiritual dogmas. At that moment I will already be present in the world and within humanity.
But, as in the past, the Living God in the Beloved Son will show Himself to small groups before showing Himself completely to the world and everything that will have happened through religions and this Work will be understood.
Those who did not accept it, will recognize it. Those who have stepped aside, will be ashamed for having abandoned Me. Those who persisted and will persist to the end, will enjoy My Spirit, something that will be unknown.
It will be the last impulse revealed by your Master and Lord to His disciples, in all those who have faith in My Name and in My Word.
And everything that will have been difficult, hard and sacrificed for those that are Mine will be understood and will have a meaning.
The anguishes lived; the sorrows that oppressed; the bitterness felt by the hearts that have separated themselves will be understood; because it is part of a purpose and a history that I am writing in this world and, mainly, in your hearts.
When everyone has conscience of what My Work has done through souls, many will regret too late; but those who are with Me will rejoice because they had full confidence in My Message and in My impulse of Light.
That is why I settle My Work in the most difficult places, so that it may be fulfilled and, at least, peace may be sown in the spirit of each place.
Therefore, everything you offer to your Lord for this Work will be invaluable in the eyes of the men of the world.
Because at this time it is written: The Lord of Egypt, the Lord of the East, will take away the power from those who believe they have it, and will give His treasures to those who have suffered for injustice and inequality; and the Promised Land, which dwells in the Heart of Christ, will be revealed to those who with effort have followed His steps, towards the path of Light and of unity.
And at that hour I will unite everything, cultures, peoples, beliefs, religions and races; and everybody will listen to the Master and Lord in one language, in His original language, which reverberates in the Universe and echoes in the deepest spaces of the Cosmos, like a mantric melody that, in an impulse of vibration and light, renews everything that it touches and transforms everything that is impossible.
The Voice of the Son of Man, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, will be like a thunder that will illuminate the cusps of the Churches of the Earth, without preference of place or people.
Because at the least thought moment the Lord of Egypt will show Himself and in His Heart, as in His Divine and Trine Face, He will bring the synthesis of all His experience lived on Earth as in Heaven, so that a New Humanity may begin.
In the meantime, listen to the Voice of the Lord of Egypt that tells you: do not tire of working for God, because God always will give His Treasures to those who live His Word truly and without prejudice.
Therefore, may love abound in these times so that millions of wounds may be closed in hearts that suffer for different reasons and motives.
When they understand the essence of the Purpose of God many will be surprised by what they will know, because they will know something they have never known; because something that they never saw will be revealed, and it will be clear to all; there will be no doubt, interpretation or mirage. Because when the Lord of Egypt returns to the world with His true Face, everything will be consummated.
May each prayer be valued. May each bead offered be contemplated. May every prayer offered be placed at the Foot of the Creator, for those who turned away from Me without understanding everything; because the only thing that I want for all of My companions is that they always see the truth and in truth live to someday be free of themselves.
I thank those who persist; those who are sincere and transparent; those who are not afraid to accept their mistakes and ask forgiveness to their brothers and to God.
I thank those who accept without understanding, because someday they will understand everything and, without realizing it, they will be transformed into what I have so much desired with ardor in My living and patient Heart.
May everybody learn from this moment and benefit this opportunity so as not to lose the Grace of awakening and renewing times, just as the Father expects from His creatures.
May the Gift of Wisdom be in the open hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom illuminate the closed hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom reconcile those who have moved away.
May the Gift of Wisdom restore the unity between the souls and God.
May the Gift of Wisdom impulse you to live the Purpose and the transformation of times; because who aspires to the Gift of Wisdom will know My Face.
I encourage you to continue materializing My Work.
I encourage you to continue fulfilling My requests; because I tell you again, companions, that everything will be clear at the end of these times.
Remember that My Kingdom is for everyone.
Today's rain is formed by the tears of the great angels of the nations of the world; a cry that spills from the faces of the angels, from seeing the seriousness of the planetary reality and, above all, from the lack of response and consciousness after humanity was warned, several times, that it should follow the path of repentance and penance.
The cry of the angel that governs Uruguay is very meaningful and great since that population condemned itself and favored that its representatives take their own nation to spiritual condemnation.
This is why, during these days, a part of the Consciousness of the Divine Messengers will be here, supporting the Center of Aurora so that it can continue sustaining itself, waiting for an inner response from those who live in this nation.
The tears that come from the eyes of the angels are not for the errors committed, but for the absence of Mercy that these people will have at this time since the Source will be retreating to give space for the descent of the Divine Justice, that which will correct and place everything where it belongs.
It is an unknown Justice for all humanity; this is the reason why the angels of heaven, the ones that govern the nations, are crying. And they cry even more for those that were conscious of all reality and that, by their own opinions and decisions, turned their backs on the Master, forgetting the essential principles of the spiritual and evolutionary life.
Today is a day in which those who pray, more than ever, should pray in order to attract to the Earth the Consoling Spirit of God for those who no longer have a return, not even an opportunity.
I wish that you could understand deep within your hearts what it means to never again receive an opportunity.
Therefore, I ask you to pray for My closest children, those who were by My side and now have left Me because they got tired of Me.
May God have Mercy for the nations of the world and for the ungrateful.
I thank you for accompanying Me from the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today, I bring a shower of Graces to an unfaithful world so that everything may be purified and transformed, so that the most lost souls may find the meaning of being alive, and so that they may fulfill their spiritual mission upon this planet.
The shower of Graces is poured out upon the world to relieve it and to generate in humanity a greater responsibility and more consciousness of love during these times.
With eyes of pity and Mercy, your Master and Lord today observes the entire planet and its humanity and expects that, by means of the infinite Grace that is poured out through the rain, everything may be repaired and renewed.
At least a minority of souls should become aware of the difficult time that will draw closer, and how this difficult time will present itself and take by surprise those who are asleep and distracted, those who, at that moment, will not know what to do and will realize that they have forgotten the essential: God.
Therefore, in this time, I come with the Principle of Grace to try to renew the times so that more souls may be participants in awakening.
It is time to prepare the heart, the definite time is drawing close and will place each being of this Universe before its reality.
I thank you for considering My Words with your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Offer every difficult moment as a sacrifice and as reparation to the offended Heart of God and of His Beloved Son, for the indifference of those human beings of the Earth and the religious who secretly outrage the Laws of Creation and life.
Although the internal and external pain may be unbearable, offer yourself in sacrifice, reparation and prayer for those who, having received everything, demean the Name of Christ with their outrages, falsehoods, and their insults.
Offer yourself in sacrifice and reparation for those who will deny the Glory of the Father and His descent into the holy places chosen by Heaven.
May nothing surprise you or bother you. Offer yourself for those who will betray the truth behind one's back and for those who will join the essence of lie and show their puppet faces, moved and manipulated by the hands of My enemy.
Offer yourself for those who will not be able to offer themselves, for those who will not manage to forgive; have at least a little pity for those who are miserable of spirit and for those who do not live poverty of heart.
Offer yourself without conditions, again and again, for those who will betray the Heart of Christ and His Work.
Even if you do not understand it or do not accept it, offer yourself, because when the time of your dark night comes, you will ask for someone to offer himself or herself, out of mercy, for you and, at that moment, you will receive consolation, because the Father never forgets the sacrifices and renunciations of His children. He rewards them all with His Comforting Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My child:
At every moment, seek to live the charity of the heart and do not allow anything or anybody to force this inner virtue, nor that they demand you to give of yourself, because charity of the heart must spring forth and arise like you breathe.
At each new step that you are called to take, may the charity of the heart emerge from within you so that you may learn to find spiritual piety, a principle that will lead you to someday love the sacrifice of giving your life and your unconditional service for others.
May the charity of the heart not be a thought formula. May your soul impel you through intuition to be charitable at each moment and to center your purpose on the realization of good for others.
It awakens in you the charity of heart and it is something spontaneous, something that leads you to understand that the Mercy of God is also found in service; thus you will be confirming your vow of true union with Christ.
Within the charity of the heart may you find the meaning of evolving because in the charity of the heart you will develop degrees of love, more than in self-attunement or in the redundant human inertia.
May the charity of the heart be the essence of the New Christs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As Mother of the Sun and Mother of the Universe, I come to the world to pour out, upon souls, the fundamental principles of redemption, the same principles and attributes which My Beloved Son once experienced during His public Life, His Death, and also during His Resurrection.
In the form of precious codes of light, I bring these principles from in My Maternal Heart, so that souls who come into contact with My Immaculate Heart, may receive this most powerful Grace of conversion and of pity.
In this time, the path of prayer will help the souls that are determined to regain this important Christic legacy, which will shape them for the coming times.
That is why, children, it is important to bear in mind that each new moment of prayer and of communion in your lives may be climactic, since you will have the Grace of re-contacting with these very high degrees of Love.
Today I leave to the world the latent memory that the divine merits, once achieved by the Sacred Heart, will cause this humanity to be rescuable.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you from soul and heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more