To heal is to attract, from the depths of beings, the Divine Laws and Principles that manifested life at the beginning of all things; it is to make the being find, within its own cells and consciousness, the original Thought of God for its life and for life itself; it is to attract from the Heart of the Father and from that which is hidden of beings all that is most perfect that their bodies, minds, souls and hearts must express.
To heal is to return to the Celestial Origin.
To heal is to allow the being to discover the truth about itself.
Illnesses hide the perfection of the cells, mind, soul and heart, but this perfection does not cease to exist because of that. To heal is to go beyond what is damaged and bring back to light that which is perfect.
The planet needs healing. Souls need healing. Cells need healing. Life needs healing.
Pray and see the truth emerge within yourselves and in the world. Be healers, in essence, of yourselves and of life. Seek the Origin and create the conditions so that others may find it.
One day, children, the Lord told you: "The Truth will set you free". And today I say to you: "The Truth will heal you".
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The more you contemplate and adore God in the Eucharist, the more He will be in you and will reveal Himself within you.
The Eucharist is not just the Lamb given up for Love to repair the sins of the world. The Eucharist is the complete and perfect Heart of Christ, where the mysteries of Creation and the essence of the Love of God are kept; a Love that, containing all things within, multiplied so that life could have form and spirit, renewing and recreating Divine Existence.
The Eucharist is the revealed presence of the Most High. There lies Who God is, His mysteries, His Love and His hope. Contemplate and adore the Eucharist and within It lies the Portal for returning to the Origin, to the Truth, to the Light
God hides in His mysteries and reveals Himself to those who seek Him. Seek your Creator and Redeemer in the Eucharist and, in silence, let Him guide you to His Heart, into perfect unity with His Truth and Love.
The mystery of the Eucharist is revealed to the humble, in the silence of their hearts. In humility, stand before this consecrated element and, in the same way that God filled the bread with all that He is, let Him also consecrate and transform the elements of your being into unity with Him.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be merciful with those who most need redemption and who become lost in their arrogance, pride and vanity. Remember that perfection dwells in God and that everything that exists on this Earth is in the process of evolution.
Love the growth of your brothers and sisters so that they may find in you an impulse for transformation and not a wall of where to stop.
Be merciful with those that least deserve it, for this is the essence of Divine Mercy.
Be merciful with yourself, not in order to indulge in your faults and miseries, but so that you, as a miserable being, may also receive Divine Mercy, and be a bearer of that grace toward the Earth.
Mercy is the essence of life. God created humankind with an act of Mercy and, by the same action, He makes them walk the path of return to His Heart.
In this life, in order to reach God, it is enough to open oneself to receive Mercy, to allow oneself to give Mercy and, above all, to become an instrument of this Divine Source.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The path to the New Humanity should not be long, in spite of being very laborious for the current human consciousness.
Looking at human beings of today, many ask themselves: “Where will the New Human Race emerge from? Where is the new world? Will it emerge from one moment to the next, unexpectedly?
The New Humanity is called “new” because we speak to a human consciousness that is completely unaware of the truth about itself.
From the moment in which humanity was created by God, and this divine and archangelic Project became active, everything was already fulfilled, and perfection was already manifested in matter.
Perfection is hidden, covered by layers and layers of deep illusion, which cause the consciousness to suffer for not being able to find itself in essence, in truth.
The most illusory suffering of all is that which you experience when you are lost of yourselves because this is now the time for grace, the grace to discover the truth.
Why do you suffer because of your imperfections instead of looking for the essence, the truth?
Why do you fear losing something that has never been yours, in order to finally know that which you are, as children of God?
Many ask themselves how they will experience, in this world and in their so common and human lives, the principles of a Plan that, in reality, is cosmic and universal. Children, those principles are internal. Their expression and manifestation are that which transforms life on Earth.
Do not wait for the planet to change so that you may then find favorable conditions for your own transformation, because it is you that must change the world. And I do not speak to you of an ideologic, political or social project; I speak of small things; I speak of acts of fraternity and true love; I speak of a sincere gaze and gesture towards those who are forgotten; I speak of an act of peace for those who are affected by the chaos of the world; I speak of actions that cut the growing chain of evil on the planet because social projects are as human as everything you have built as humanity up to now.
In order to reach something truly great, spiritually great, transform the small, the simple, the profound. And it is there, with your own example, that you will move the structures of the unbelievers and you will make them reflect, those who are searching for the truth and do not find it.
It is with the example that you will mark the path; it is with love that you will ignite a torch in this world of darkness so that those who walk blindly can find a way out.
I could tell you much more than I have already told you, and renew you through My words, but when the father withdraws, the youth grows and faces life and its difficulties in a more mature way. There is no other way to survive but by practicing that which one has learned.
The fact that the Divine Messengers withdraw from your lives is not to abandon you, but to make you grow, because it is already time, children. And not only society but the whole universe will demand this growth from you so that you can endure what is to come and be a true triumph of God.
In this reparation of fraternity, unity, and love, may you cease one day to repair your own consciousnesses in order to reach the human consciousness, the Kingdoms of Nature and the planet, for there is much to be repaired beyond yourselves.
As a good carpenter and servant of the Lord, I will always accompany you.
Your father and friend, companion of all eras,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Patience in transformation and in your own purification is primary. Remember that you are before a human condition that degenerated throughout the centuries and you are before codes that emerge from your consciousnesses to be transformed, and they even go past life on Earth, for their roots are in the Universe.
Always remember that the One Who came to the world to give you an example was the Son of the Living God and He had to suffer the evils of the Earth and transmute the atavisms of humanity to open the path for you.
The transcendence of the human matter of Jesus started since His gestation until His last breath on the Cross. If the Living God worked in each instant of His life to culminate with His lesson of love, do not expect it to be different for you. How do you want to sanctify your bodies and souls if you are only beginning to understand this path now?
The Son of God was aware of universal life and its mysteries; He knew all the cosmic sciences because He was one with The One Who created them; and even so, in order to free the fear of His last Cell and experience love in full with all the levels of His Consciousness, He had to reach the Cross and forgive everything that He had experienced up to there.
Children, you have a long way to go to reach perfection. Do not be in a hurry, be patient. However, be constant and persistent and do not become comfortable in the fact that transformation will last you a lifetime.
Yes, the absolute transformation will take your whole life, but every day you must achieve a new step, so that at the end of this life you may be worthy of reaching other celestial worlds and dimensions that bring you closer to God.
The transformation will last a lifetime because evolution is eternal and not because you will always be in the same place. Each day, a new understanding and a new step must occur, based on permanent effort. Do not worry whether you take long or short steps, because each day and each cycle will lead you to a different step.
What really matters is that you do not stop and that you be constant.
Open yourselves every day so that the Love of God may transform you and withdraw a little of yourselves from your own consciousness so as to give space to Love and the divine Presence.
Each day, remove an object of your inner dwelling place to make room for the Celestial Dweller that will come one day. At some point, you will have the house empty and clean to receive Him.
Your father and long-standing friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Renew yourself everyday, even if life seems to go on and the years reflect in your face appearance.
Renew yourself in a time that does not go on, in the flow of the laws that transform only to generate new possibilities of evolution to the creatures.
Renew yourself in spirit and allow your being to rediscover the meaning of life each day, so that more and more you may approach to the Will of God for you.
Serving a God that is constant movement, permanent change and rebirth, you cannot be a prisoner of an idea or of an old thought and glimpse of what the Will of the Creator for your life is. Because of that, child, renew yourself; launch yourself into the new, renewing your plans according to the flow of the Divine Laws.
Do not be attached to the goals that you had when you were a child, in the body and in the spirit. Everything that is alive changes; transformation and renewing in the Creator are a law.
Renew yourself as a creature, as a soul, as child of God. Dissolve from your heart the impossibilities and search within you for the possible and achievable perfection in Christ. If you recognize yourself as a child of God as much as His Firstborn, live like Him, under Laws that belong to the Father and not to the world.
Renew yourself, beginning everyday as a little child: look at the world as if you had never seen it. Look at each human being as if you knew nothing about them and allow your heart to transcend the mistakes of the past, the fixed ideas about the conduct of your neighbor, and love each one in a new way everyday.
Renew yourself, breathing the air as if it were the first time, seeing the rain, the sun, the Kingdoms of the Nature as if it were the first time. For a moment, allow your being to find a state of renovation unknown to you and, even if it seems to be crazy or impossible, renew yourself.
Forget the time, the past, the goals for the future and even the present. Enter, for a moment, into the time of no time and renew yourself. Say: “Lord, make me again.”
If you do not renew yourself, child, the patterns of the old man will make your consciousness get old and you will die in life, not knowing about the existence of Eternity. You will live to comply with a goal that society put inside of you when you were still a child, while the life of the spirit, that is the truth, will always be for you an illusion, the second plan, the parallel universe.
Renew yourself and rediscover life everyday. Make yourself a child of God and not of humans. Live under laws that come from the Father and not only from the world.
The one who impels you to renewal,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Release your souls from the captivity of this world though love for the Plan of God. If you love the Plans of the the Most High for all that has been created, you will transcend the common understanding of all the events that are manifested in the world.
Be willing to love the Plan of God above your own selves and you can then live what the Lord really expects of you.
When your self-love is greater than your love for the Plan of God, you run the risk of getting lost in your own limitations and lose the opportunity to discover the transcendence of all expressions of life, whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
When you love the Plan of God above all things, you are able to throw yourself into the impossible to manifest it and, then, you cross the threshold of the human limitations and discover new capabilities which are eternally dormant in the consciousnesses of all precisely because of the lack of love and surrender by the beings.
I know this is an unknown and unattainable love to many, because you have not learned to love the intangible, the Divine, the spiritual. In this world, love is always based on benefits and even the love for God and for the spiritual life has to bring some merit, even if it is holiness.
Those who seek the spiritual life, heading for holiness, begin their journey seeking a benefit, a recognition, a goal; but on the way, they discover that, in order to find what they seek, they must lose themselves. And thus lost, they leave little by little everything they have, all that they are and what they think they are, as well as their aspirations and even the pure intention of attaining holiness.
When the heart feels the most that it no longer wants anything and only walks towards God, when it seems to be even further away of any perfection, because to him nothing resembles the Perfection of the Father, it is when the soul arrives, without realizing, to the first step of its goal.
For this true love I call you: love that transcends the individuals, the benefits, the aspirations, the achievements; transcends the very needs of life and leaves the soul and spirit suspended in the hands of the Creator, so that they may be His instruments in the world, attracting His Peace into times of chaos.
What I tell you and that seems so distant would be the reason for the human existence; however, human beings gave it a name and placed it at a point unreachable to consciousnesses, because even aspiring to it causes you fear, shame or you think you are lacking in humility. This is holiness.
Holiness is the union with God, it is the manifestation of His Plan. Holiness is not an exception, it is a goal for all human consciousness.
To find holiness, it is necessary to love the Only One, but to love the Only One, it is necessary to leave behind the human loves, to discover the love for the Divine.
The world needs hearts that truly love, that attract from the universe the Love left by Christ, because only in this way will it balance such evil that expands on Earth.
I love you and invite you to love with the same Love.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Blossom in the gardens of the Creation, as well as God makes a wide garden of small and great flowers blossom before your eyes.
Bring to the world the time of the eternal spring in which each being can express the best that there is within themselves and, in this way, offer to God what belongs to Him and that has been given to humanity, in order that you could give life and shape to the Divine Thought with perfection.
Let the Gardeners of the Universe, who are coming to you with divine clothing, cultivate in your inner world that which is perfect and that you do not know, because it is still a small seed that your eyes cannot see.
May the principles of God, in the interior of humanity, grow and bear flowers and fruit, in order to sow in other hearts the universal life, the perfection of God and the eternal obedience to His Laws.
Those who, in the simplicity of My words, find the grandest mysteries, will be joyful and will be called blessed in the Kingdom of God, because they will have fulfilled His Plan of Love.
I bless you today and forever.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Peace can be a reality in the world, as well as it is in the Kingdom of God, where His Supreme Consciousness fully expresses itself. However, in order for this to be possible, it is necessary that the human beings want to be with God, as well those who live in His Kingdom want.
When a being aspires to be permanently with God, they seek Him in all things and expect to find Him in everything, in the certainty that the Creator deposited a part of His Consciousness in all that He created.
For this, in order that peace establishes itself, you must seek and find God in everything and in everyone, transcending the influences of the world and whatever people who transit through it appear to be.
Permanently remember the existence of the spirit of each being and that, to each one, the Creator has a perfect plan, an idea and a divine thought. Remember that, inside of each consciousness, in the its innermost, are the codes that it needs to fulfill its mission.
Today I want to reveal to you a mystery of the Kingdom of God, of His Plan for humanity. When He created the human beings, God deposited in each essence a divine attribute, called Universal Ray, which is a way of expression of His Divine Spirit, This one that creates all the things.
The Rays of the Creator are responsible for conducting His Creation to perfection, but, in the case of the human beings, there is a secret, a particularity: the experience of perfection in humanity depends on the expression of love, and that perfection activates itself not only when a being loves, but also when it is loved.
The love of which I speak to you is not the love that you know because the human beings are used to love what is convenient to them, what pleases them and what causes them some gratification, but that is not the Love of God.
The Love of God is that one which looks at a being and transcends its imperfections, finding thus the truth of the essence of each one, and this is what it loves: it loves the Will of God for His creatures; it loves the perfection of God hidden in the beings; it loves God Himself, by means of His creatures.
This love is not impossible to be lived, but to find something that is lost in the other, you must find what is lost in yourselves, which is the possibility of truly loving.
For this I am here. For this I descend every day to the world, to make simple the spiritual life, to make simple what, for humanity, has always been so complicated. Because what difficulty there could exist in truly loving, if you were created exclusively for that?
Seek inside of you the truth about what you are. When you take the first steps, I will help you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the awakening of love in the human consciousness
Learn to feel in your heart the sorrows of the world and to make as your own, the suffering of the Most Sacred Heart of God.
Contemplate in your hearts the Creation and all that it manifests, how it expresses itself in the universe. Contemplate the perfection and the harmony of nature, of the sun, of the cycles of the Earth. Feel in your hearts the potential of the Divine Perfection that is latent in your interior. Ask yourselves every day what is the path to manifest this potential.
I wish that, in the heart of human beings, the love to the Divine Creation were greater than the love to the human creation, but you are much more clung to what comes from your own ideas than to what comes from the Divine Thought.
The human beings learned to love and admire what was created by their limited mind, and the pride gained was so big that they remained closed in their own smallness and in stinginess, and they could not love something superior or even believe in its existence.
With grief in My heart, I tell you that many do not transform themselves because they do not truly believe in the existence of God, of His Plan and of His Messengers.
The consciousnesses observe chaos and evil progressing in the world and prefer to think that it has always been like this or isolate themselves in the small problems and concerns of their lives, as a way to not realize that the true boat that is sinking is not just in the Middle East, but in the whole world.
It is the human consciousness, My dear ones, that is submerging ever more profoundly in the darkness. And, when the times need to see you more awake and prepared, surrendered and confident in the invisible, you are hiding from the truth and diving more and more into illusion, to not realize that the final times have already come.
Heaven will always thank your prayers and, with the little effort of all beings, it will try to remove the weight from the scale of Justice that leans towards the disappearance of humanity.
You, companions, are living cells of the Heart of God; for this His grief for this world is so great.
The Project of the Creator is perfect and everything has already been delivered to you in order that you can live it, but you need to decide to stand up from the bed in which you sleep in illusion every day, to act in favor of humanity.
I love you; for this I warn you.
They are already times of emergency, it is time to awaken.
If you walk by My side and listen to My words, as well as to all the words of the Divine Messengers, you will realize that you already have all of the keys to open the door to a new humanity.
May you be in peace, but always attentive and vigilant, awake and ready for the transformation.
I love you and bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the awakening of all of humanity
Dear companions and servants of Christ,
Today I want to teach you something that I learned from My Son Jesus, when He was still a child.
Jesus began to discover the essence of the Divine Plan of God for humanity at five years old and He was capable of seeing in the hearts of humanity the Perfect Thought of God to each one of them. That was how the little Jesus would seek seeing in each being only their perfection and, even if this being resembled in nothing the Thought of God to him or her, Jesus would only see the Divine Thought. And it was so much love that would be born in Jesus on seeing the Perfection of God in each creature, that this love, by itself, would start to expel from the hearts of humanity that which was separating them from God.
To this mystery, I want to invite you today, because, throughout the centuries, humanity only responded to the capital stimuli and very little to the divine ones, and it was in this way that in the human heart only grew the habit of always searching for the worst in the neighbor, as a way of feeling better than the others.
For this reason, the beings do not known the Love of God for His creatures, because the consciousness that only glimpses the miseries of each being cannot understand how God loves such miserable beings, and wonders from where the redeemed humanity will emerge, if everyone around is lost in shrotcomings.
Today I tell you that inside of each soul are latent the Perfection of God and the possibility of living and manifesting that perfection. You must learn to seek what of the most wonderful a consciousness expresses, because there are the eyes of God.
It is because of this possibility of uniting to the principles of the Creator that He aspires incessantly that from this humanity be born the new man and the new woman, capable of transforming all of His Creation.
Learn to banish from your own interior the need of observing and seeking the shortcomings of others, but, on the contrary, rejoice with the manifestation of a virtue in the neighbor and imitate them on what they express with perfection.
Find in the attribute that each being manifests the possibility of the emergence of a new race and aspire from all your heart that each one be able to grow in virtue. Help each other so that you may mature under the spirit of fraternity and love, and erase from your own consciousness and from the human consciousness the evil of the permanent competition.
If you follow such simple examples, little by little you will learn all that Christ taught the Sacred Family and you will be able to attract the Christic Spirit to the planet.
I love you and bless you, under My Divine Humility, so that you may be fulfilled by this celestial balm and may understand and live what I tell you.
Your Father and Companion, Saint Joseph, Humble and Chaste Worker of God
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more