Parents of the Earth,

As Your Mother and Guide from Heaven, I take care of all the details in the same way that I take care of and protect each soul.

Give Me your children, and I will take care of them as I take care of you all the time when you are in prayer with Me.

Entrust your children on Earth to Me so that someday they too may come to an awakening and redemption.

My motherhood follows your children with a tender look, who for you are the living experience of love, compassion, and understanding.

Beloved parents, God has given you a learning, a livingness, and an experience through the birth of your children; an experience that in this life, and at this moment of the planet, oftentimes has caused you to endure, to love, to understand, and especially to forgive.

Each one of you, parents of the Earth, have had to learn how to relinquish, to accept the decisions of your children and of your families.

The prayer of the heart will lead you to understand the decisions of life, and those of your children, just as I understand yours, and accept them in deep motherhood.

Do not expect to fulfill dreams of this world through your children, aspire that they be in My arms of a Mother just as you and your families are, especially when they are far from their loved ones.

All are souls in redemption and transformation, but My sacred motherhood grants you all the Graces. For this reason, today I invite you to place your children in My arms just as you often are, both in the moments of inner happiness and in those of pain.

Know, My beloved parents of the Earth, that you and your children belong to God and that one day you will return to God in spite of what you experience in this world.

I prepare you so that you may deliver your children to the Will of God in the same way that I trustingly delivered Jesus to the Celestial Father.

I encourage you to grow inwardly.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who accompanies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Unite your prayers with My supplications of light and let Me take care of all things.

Unite your aspirations with My plans of peace, thus you will realize how much there is to be done for this humanity.

Work with Me, and through My Heart with all those in need; through simple works, carry My divine Love to everyone.

Consolidate My twelve celestial attributes in your spirit and follow the Universal Mother along the pathways I indicate for souls.

Embrace charity and service as a legacy, thus you will see how many prodigies will happen through all those who give themselves to the rest and to My Heart.

With your hands, weave with Me the mantle of mercy, and through each act, restore what needs forgiveness and compassion.

Embrace charity and service as a legacy, thus you will see how many prodigies will happen through all those who give themselves to the rest and to My Heart.

Build you sacred temple in Me. May your life and your heart be the true oratory in these times, so that the lack of love is overcome and indifference is erased from the hearts that do not live God.

With your hands, weave with Me the mantle of mercy, and through each act, restore what needs forgiveness and compassion.

Do not fail to see around you the needs of your fellow humans, for My Beloved Son might be hidden within the suffering hearts.

Live My project of peace every day; that both in joy and in sorrow you see the Will of My Lord, and thus will learn to live your own cross not as a burden, but as the liberation from all error.

Trust, I am Your Mother. I do not abandon My little children, I pray next to you so that some day you do more humble things, just as My Son has done.

I love you and I pray for everyone in the Sacred Temple of the Heart of God.

Who blesses you in glory,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From the Flagellation to the Cross

Dear children,

Follow Your Mother of Calvary through the path of Calvary. Accompany the martyrized Jesus to the foot of the Cross and pray with Me for all those who dishonor the victory My Son achieved out of Love.

I am Your Sorrowful Mother because I see the indifference and human actions that cause souls to succumb.

I am Your Sorrowful Mother because I feel the weight of the sin of the ungrateful humankind that does not love the Cross of My Son.

I am Your Sorrowful Mother because at this time I see the path of death that many of My children travel, far from the true path of the Cross.

If My Son lived and sustained all the suffering, human indifference and cruelties, how do souls not dare to see Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life?

Let us follow the silent steps of My Son to Calvary. Those who denied Him, reject Him today; those who flagellated Him, are indifferent today; those who crucified Him, mutilate humanity today.

Where is the forgiveness amidst humankind?

I am Your Sorrowful Mother and in the silence of prayer, I teach you to forgive before everything happens.

Dear children, let us climb Mount Calvary and today relive the Passion of Our Lord because Christ, in His Kindness, shows you the power of His Sacrifice and of His Peace, above all adversity.

He triumphed silently, and you should imitate Him.

I thank you for responding to My call!

At the foot of the Holy Cross,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Calvary



Contemplate today the invaluable Grace of being in My Presence and in deep union with My Immaculate Heart. Clamor to God for an opportunity for this world.

Yesterday, when you reconsecrated your souls to My Plan of love, I removed from your lives the roots of all suffering, of all anguish, of all that had been keeping you from finding God, despite your faith and devotion.

And today, My beloved, I will ask you for a spiritual intercession in the name of all those who do not know Me, who deny Me and who do not accept My maternal Love out of fear, out of insecurity, out of ignorance or because they are blind and with their hearts closed.

I will ask from all My children a greater depth in their own surrender, a greater openness to the experience of love and forgiveness, and also for communion with the Kingdoms of Nature. Because you, children, among the majority of human beings, are few who are living a greater awakening to love and higher knowledge.

There are other children of Mine in the world who follow Me and who respond to My Call, but who are also conditioned by their lives and their cultures. Therefore I cannot ask them the impossible for the human mind, as I venture to ask you.

Your hearts, My dears, have opened to manifest the impossible, to respond to the higher designs, even if this often means that you seem to be crazy in the eyes of the world.

My Heart can count on that space of your consciousness which - despite understanding, respecting and valuing life on Earth - knows that, in truth, this is only a path, a way to something higher.

I tell you this, My children, because I am preparing your hearts for a deeper and more complete surrender to the experience of an ever holier madness – sanctified by the fulfilling of My Plans.

As the human consciousness is so far removed from the plans of God and clinging to material things, it will cost you a lot to understand the spiritual designs of the Creator, and this is why you will appear to be crazy in the eyes of the world. But those who respond to Me, even without understanding, will see the fruit and the manifestations expected by God and only then, children, you will be able to confirm the truth of what I have been telling you for so many years.

When chaos permeates the whole world, but not the hearts of My children, humanity will understand what I wanted to tell you when I promised the establishment of My Peace in your lives.

When the nations I have visited manifest, in times of trouble, the response to the operation of Grace delivered by Me, through the awakening of the spirits, everyone will be able to see that My pilgrimages were not symbolic and what I was trying to show you was not so invisible.

Children, when the conversions of those who make contact with My words multiply and radiate to others through example, you will understand the power of My maternal Word and that there is something more than simple phrases full of love in what I tell you.

Maybe you do not really understand what I ask of you today, perhaps the dynamics of the transformation of the Plan and its constant adaptation, according to the response of everyone, causes you a lot of doubts and confusion. But this time, My beloved, just fix your eyes on what I have built within your hearts and measure the truth of My presence through the love that I deposited in your beings and not through what your minds can comprehend. Because the logic of the Plans of God and the Laws on which they are based are not the same which are comprehensible to the human mind.

Those who want to understand the Plans of the Most High, before loving them and following them, will be confused. For this reason, trust the Law of Love and remember that the victory of My Son seemed to be a failure for many. In this way you will see how the plans of God are incomprehensible to the human mind that does not know how to love.

Focus today on what I will tell you and open your own hearts, not to reason but to absolute love. In this way, I will be able to teach you what is the true keynote of these times and you will know how to think and feel as My Immaculate Heart does, so that at the end of everything you know how to guide your brothers and sisters as I have guided you.

I love you and bless you always.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

On this day, I invite you to prepare yourselves for the prayer meeting that is coming. This is a reason for your lives to be available for the fulfillment of the Divine Will.

I wish, My children, that your hearts would always walk in faith so that from now on you will be prepared to be touched by the flame of the Holy Spirit.

At this time, may your hearts be in prayer and in communion with My Son so that, strengthened in faith, you can take steps towards the consecration to the Celestial Father.

Children, as Your Mother I guide you through the path of sanctity and service to those most in need.

Many spiritual wounds still must be healed by the balm that prayer itself provides.

In tune with all that will happen in the coming prayer meeting I hand you, My children, the keys of forgiveness and mercy so that everything is under the shelter of the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In faith and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day of My Immaculate Conception, may the desperate hearts of the Middle East receive a ray of My Grace through the works of charity and service being carried out by My missionaries of peace.

Dear children, on this day when your Heavenly Mother revealed Her Immaculate Conception to the world, I would like to ask each one of My children to remember their latent original purity deep within their spirit. It is this sacred original purity that most of My children lost as a consequence of wars and of the exile to distant regions.

Yet, My children, all those who pray in this world to My Immaculate Conception are still keeping alive this purity that God conceded to each one of you from the beginning.

Dear children, work every day without delay, so that one day your surrender and offering of self be the testimony of your original purity on facing My Son.

My wish is that through the humanitarian missions, not only the values of human dignity are recovered, but also the spiritual values of the original purity. This you will achieve when the spiritual presence of the Celestial Father is reflected in your beings through love, service, fraternity, and the surrender that all are called to live in the name of My Son.

My children, while the mission in Turkey continues, I wish the missionaries of peace to carry engraved on their hearts the pink flame of My Love, the Divine flame of your Mother, which will guide them into finding the original purity in their beings.

While the world is being purified, it is necessary that there exist peacemaker souls that radiate the original purity of the Creator through fraternal acts of service and love of others.

There is a great purpose in all of this: to recover the innocence lost by humanity through ignorance and error. It is thus, dear children, that the humanitarian missions will be a direct bridge to the experiencing of love and forgiveness that is lacking in the whole world.

Today I universally bless you from the Sanctuary of Notre Dame of Lourdes.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

A group of monks from Aurora gathered together to pray the Rosary and wait for the coming of the Divine Mother. When we were on the last mystery of the Rosary, I saw clearly that the Middle East was being spiritually worked upon by the prayer, and I saw the Most Holy Mother above all those countries, pouring out an intense white Light that was coming from the palms of Her hands, from Her Heart and from all of Her aura. The Most Holy Virgin was stretching out Her arms towards that region in an attitude of constant offering and, at the same time, She was supplicating for all of those nations through a profound silence, while observing everything that was happening there. 


When the Virgin Mary appeared where we were praying, She showed Herself enveloped in a Mantle that had the flag of Syria imprinted on it. Mary embraced this mantle with love and fervor, supplicating to the Father.

Like a great Mirror of Light and of Love, I descend to the world to withdraw it from the evil in which it lives, because the world is absent from the Love of God.

I descend in glory toward the darkest areas of the planet, so that My Mirror of Light can dispel the ideas and forms about a frightening war. Thus, your prayers will always be the lights that will shine and will not allow evil to reign in the hearts of humankind, an evil that has expanded throughout the world.

The victory and the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will take place through all the souls that, in the most critical hour of the Earth, when the great abyss is completely open, will be the consolation for despair, will be the inner strength for transformation, will be the living word in the essence of those who seek the union with their Heavenly Mother.

In that hour, when everything will be evident and never again hidden, firmness and prayer done confidently will be the path for finding the way out. Souls will have nowhere to run to during the time of the purification of the Earth.

We are already in the first hour of the Judgment; the whole Universe will know on which side each soul from the Earth will be. The harvest has already ended; the straw and the wheat are spread all over the field. The time has come for the angels of Heaven to present the offerings of the fruits of the children of God and the result of what each soul has sown for these end times.

Your Mother is in permanent prayer, waiting for the last trumpets to be sounded by the seraphims in the direction of the Earth, a time when the winds will blow strongly and the Earth will be purified.

I know that many of My children do not believe this will happen; what was written in the Sacred Books is being fulfilled and this is the proof that there are very few who have taken the step towards the Lord. But there is still time for true repentance and forgiveness; your lives should already be corrected and aligned with the principle of the Lord of the World.

In this very critical hour, faith must be the unbreakable pillar, the immovable structure, serene and meek, which can support other consciousnesses when everything happens.

God, in His profound silence and reflection, did not expect so much human indifference and such little response on the part of His children to the call for a great change.

The Servants of Adonai have already decreed each of the words entrusted by Their God, few have heard and it is already late; hearts still sleep in their castles of mud and the great current of the cosmos is drawing closer with strength to the planet and to the solar system.

For this reason, your Mother descends like a great Mirror, so that you may understand that it is time for the majority of the self-summoned to reflect good things, following the principles of the Law and the Truth, so as to be protected from self-deceit.

Heaven knows that souls know nothing about the Apocalypse, because this is an experience that unfolds in the end times that all are going through.

If you transform yourselves, you do not resist and you make My true Heart triumph in each of your lives; maybe, beloved children, many will not suffer what they have not sown well.

Be those mirrors so necessary in these times, mirrors that must be as an offering in the Hands of God so that He may reflect His principles of Love and of Unity, something that all of humanity has forgotten.

Thus, be consistent with the call and in this way, you will not deviate because of your own human impulses. The Father awaits you with His open Arms to make known to you the power of His Love, a Love that in these times is not sought.

I hope that in this time of definition and of Judgment for the whole planet, your hearts may be raised to the Lord; thus, He will receive a true response of love from your inner beings.

Today I am praying and observing the spiritual Judgment that all of the Middle East is going through; thus, you will understand, dear children, that something is about to happen.

All we can do is pray, pray and pray and never fail, thus your hearts will be protected.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer and vigil,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


My children,

While wars spread throughout the world and in the minds of many, the desire for a great global conflict reigns, My Immaculate Heart calls you to disseminate a spirit of peace, to make the great chaos, expanding each day, the reason for your immediate maturity and promptly taking your rightful place in the Army of Peace  and  of Love, guided by My Heart.

I call you to make the blood shed of the Christians in the world to be the  reason  for strengthening your own faith and proclaiming even more loudly that  Christ  reigns within you.

The battle is already occurring: there are no rules, there are no limits.

Just as there are no limits for the evil that occurs in  the  world, you should also not place limits on your capacity to love. Love without limits, without conditions. Bring hope to the hearts that have lost faith.

It is not that you will be naive about what is happening in the world or indifferent to the wars and the suffering of others, but rather, you will be aware of the battle and will participate in it, proclaiming peace, defeating the cunning of the enemy with acts of love.

Faced with religious wars, live in peace among the different religions. Disseminate respect for the path chosen by each one for reaching the One God.

When the  enemy  overthrows you and leads you to perdition, do not be discouraged: trust in the Mercy that assembled you in this world and persevere, again and again, in the living of perfection, until your consciousnesses understand that it is time to grow up and set aside childish things, so that you may be true apostles of Christ in this world of darkness.

My children, so that humanity may recognize the times it is living, you must disseminate Mercy and peace. Open the eyes of  those who are asleep, make known the times of tribulation, the spiritual and physical Armageddon that has already begun in the world, and that little by little, purifies the Earth, so that you may learn to seek God.

So that humanity may wake up, you need to act and no longer be silent, but rather, announce to the world the possibility of taking acting through prayer and through acts of forgiveness and reconciliation requested by Saint Joseph, as well as through acts of service .

The world is in need of balance and peace, but this will be granted to it through the personal merits achieved by the human heart.

Today I will ask you to make your hearts one with the hearts of the missionaries, both in the Middle East and in Argentina. I wish to establish peace, but for this, it is necessary that you generate merits through prayer and through conscious actions in your lives.

If you knew, My beloveds, of the evil that is precipitating on the planet, you would not waste time on yourselves and with your personal aspirations, but rather you would move toward accomplishing the Higher Plan, to meet the greater needs of this world.

What God needs most from everyone at this time is your maturity, your true awareness of the times in which you live, that you are consistent with all you know and that you do not just be at My Apparitions, believing it is enough to listen to My Words.

While you say you are apostles of peace and say you want to establish peace in the world, yet you are not able to understand a neighbor and defeat your own pride to dissolve the conflicts with those that you have at your side, your Awakening will never be true, and you will not be able to call yourselves soldiers of My Army of Peace, for one who is a soldier in this army lives their peace in the smallest things in life, loves a neighbor in the small details, begins their service with those they have at their side, and thus, little by little, radiates peace to the world.

May My Peace be a reality in the lives of those who say they proclaim it.

Be true with yourselves and to God, for the enemy will use your masks to defeat your hearts with the pride and the vanity that you still experience.

Seek to have humble hearts, children, only as to defeat pride, which causes the wars in the whole world.

I love you and bless you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of My beloved Son, I bless you and give you the Grace of belonging, in these times, to the Plan of the Creator.

I open My arms and extend my Hands to you, so that My Rays of Forgiveness and Love fill your souls with the Spirit that sanctifies all forms and thus the colony of the new apostles of Christ may be established. It is they, just like the missionaries of peace in the Middle-East, that will see around them the human misery incarnated in the lives of the innocents and of those who suffer from the grievance of the wars.

It is through the silent apostles of Christ that it will be possible for a longer time of peace to be granted, when they devote themselves to the Plan of God, every day of their lives.

Dear children, while you walk towards transformation and sacrifice for the world, you will never be empty-handed, because you will always have the Spirit of Providence to give it, through works, to those who truly need spiritual help.

In these difficult days, you must reflect your sacred fidelity and your trust in everything you live, in gratitude to God for having allowed you to grow in consciousness and simplicity.

You will be able to help and serve the whole world, which suffers, when your hearts revere, day by day, the designs that descend upon you as a transforming Grace. 

My support and My Light will always accompany you. I am the Universal Mother who understands and loves all, as My only purpose is that you imitate My Son, and that one day you may resemble the Christ of the poor, loving everything just as He did.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the living Peace that emerges from the Heart of God, He blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Mother of the Refugees


Today I come to extend you My Motherly hand and help you because you are My son, you are My purpose of redemption. Therefore on this day I open the doors towards the fount of My Grace, which is the essence that concedes forgiveness to the souls that search for it.

I have come to extend you My hand so you may feel safe wherever you walk, thus I will take you away from the abyss generated by the sins of humanity and from where many are still not able to leave. Whoever prays with the heart and asks for it, will be safe, My Heart is a gift of atonement for all the souls on Earth.

Encourage yourself to take My Motherly hand; I come to encourage you, to take you along the safe pathway to redemption. If you come with Me you will purify yourself and become clean to present yourself before the Lord. Follow My steps in confidence, today I extend you My hand for you to take it tight; you will lose nothing, you will just leave behind the past that makes you grieve.

If you become aware of what you do, you assume to walk with Me through the path of purification. I accept your offer of giving your life. I accept your aspiration to serve the Plan of My Son.

The world is crossing the cycle of a tough battle; it is going through all the abysses to purify itself from the evil induced during centuries. Therefore I come to extend you My Motherly hand because thus you will find the path to your inner liberation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who heals you spiritually,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear Children,

While the doors to the Mercy of God are open, in this year of a new Jubilee I invite you to really be able to adopt in your lives acts of mercy to replace the acts of indifference and of rejection in the human consciousness.

As the doors of the new Jubilee of Mercy are piously open for all souls, Your Mother of Mercy wishes to see your hearts full of the Mercy of God.

Dear children, there is still much to be forgiven and redeemed within you; be more intelligent than My adversary and submerge in the ocean of Mercy of My Son in time, so that soon your faults will be more balanced in the eyes of the Law of the Lord.

Truly, I am inviting you to have your souls, day by day, recognize the time of the Mercy of God, which comes to a meeting with a perverted humanity that is distanced from the essence of its true purpose. But if there are more and more hearts that, in repentance and forgiveness, ask for this Celestial Mercy, human pride and arrogance will be replaced by divine and holy humility.

Dear children, take advantage of this moment of important atonement; many things will be able to be repaired through the prayer of the heart, and through your prayers, the Heart of Your Celestial Father will have a reason to help you and set you on the path to the good.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who raises you through the Mercy of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all the groups of prayer and to the dearest families of the praying groups

Dear children,

On the eve of the birth of Christ in your hearts and in the new cycle that has already begun for all, I would like to ask you, for this Christmas that is arriving, that each one of the groups of prayer and their respective families send a greeting of peace and of hope to the next nativity of the Lord.  Through the offering of your greeting of peace, My Heart will be able to attract new principles of love and of fraternity for all of the families of the world.

For that, dear children, on the 24th and 25th of December you will be participants among many children of Mine of the delivery of this greeting of peace and of brotherhood so that love be sown in the human consciousness again.

You shall send your Greetings, those that may be recorded and filmed, to Mercy Mary TV, which will organize and later on will transmit them on the 24th and 25th of December.

This work and greeting of peace shall be made in a simple and loving way, really radiating the hope that many need in this time.  This greeting of peace is meant to reach those children who on those dates will be alone, sick in the hospitals and in the nursing homes, and those who need much the power of faith.  In this way, dear children, I will be congregating all around the sacred manger that will bring Light to this world in these times of tribulation.

Dear children, I ask that you prepare this work with great care but with simplicity so that it will promote the renovation of faith and of love in the souls of the world.

Children of Mine, on this Christmas Aurora will be dressed very beautifully in order to receive the Spirit of Christ in each praying or not praying heart.

For that, all of the pilgrims and consecrated children of Mary that will be in Aurora are also called by Your Mother of Heaven to prepare the stage where this holy and simple celebration will take place.  The auditorium will be covered with all of the Christmas symbols as to create the inner environment needed for all of the families to feel welcome, and in this way the Sacred Spirit of Christianity will be sown in each consciousness.

All of My children, those who lovingly and under a spirit of peace are willing to collaborate in the preparation of the Christmas setting in Aurora, are invited to participate.  This Marian Center works with healing through simplicity and beauty, which allows for attracting the souls that need redemption and forgiveness.

In union with each child of Mine, I wish a good Christmas task of peace to all!

I thank you for answering to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

This coming Christmas, I wish for the spirit of reconciliation with God to be established in your hearts, so that the act of constant reconciliation with one another is not lost in the world, thus attracting the spirit of Peace.

This will help register, within your memories, a moment of reconciliation and forgiveness; this will allow you to never forget the essence of the love that can do all. Be patient with your own difficulties.  

This upcoming Christmas, may souls experience the Birth of My Son, as something truthful and deep. In this way, dear children, your hearts will become receptacles that are prepared to receive the same codes of light that the Sacred Family received in those times, from all the angels of the universe, when they gathered around the Sacred Birth of Jesus.

My children, as Your Mother and Protector of the spiritual life, I wish that each one of your essences start, from now on, preparing to be able to spiritually enter into the manger of Your Lord. For this, may your daily acts no longer be of conflict or disagreement, may your gestures and actions be permeated by the Love of God.

Remember, dear children, that in this month of December, the month of the Lord Jesus, the families will be the perfect motive for the work that is spiritual and of unity among beings.

The war is not over yet, and together we must make possible the prevalence of the values that make of the family of Earth a hoped for model of consecration and spiritual life.

For all this, the Sacred Hearts will work, in this month of December, for the realization of the project of the new family, which in essence and consciousness will repopulate the New Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer and preparation for the birthday of the King,

Who greets you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When a soul emerges from the Source of God, it is sent as an emanation of a cosmic experience towards some place in the universe. When it finally reaches its thought destination, it begins to evolve as divinity, then as spirit, and finally as soul.

The soul of each being is the expression of that divine life that is gestated in the greater universe, and it is the cosmic experience of this soul that enriches the life of the whole cosmos and that of other consciousnesses, just as Jesus ennobled the universe through His Presence in the world.

The soul that travels through the cosmos from experience to experience always finds something to learn throughout time until it finally cannot avoid passing through the main school of love that is this planet, where the Son of God taught about higher love.

It is because of this that each wayfaring soul of the cosmos reaches this sacred planet to learn about love and carry it back as a testimony of redemption to its greater origins. Every soul that goes through this school comes here to forgive and to learn something; there is no consciousness in this world that should not ask for forgiveness and redemption.

The Consciousness of Your Heavenly Mother brings all from different points of the universe so that the hearts may learn in the school of forgiveness and of love. Centuries may go by, as they already have, but until the soul learns to love as Christ loved, it cannot leave this planet. The Law of love is a precious one, because everything that is impossible to forgive, heal, or transcend becomes possible through the school of this love.

Thus, My children, if any part of your inner or outer being does not manifest love, reconciliation or forgiveness, it is because it has not yet learned to love as God needs it to. An essential key is patience, the science of peace, something which the majority of human beings does not pay attention to.

The lack of peace leads to error, to the excessive impulse of precipitate actions and decisions. But if through the power of prayer the Love of God is invoked, little by little all that wounds within and generates chaos will be healed.

It is the lack of real love that is placing humanity upon a dangerous precipice. It is because of this that the Mother of God is again drawing closer to the world to tell you:

“Children, do not love with arrogance, or possessively; search within yourselves for the pure love that God gave you. Humanity suffers and condemns itself daily, and My Son, filled with mercy, cannot pour out His liberating fount. Therefore, search above every error or sin for union with the Eternal; thus you will open the path for Grace to be able to convert the hard hearts.”

I thank you for answering My call!

Who loves you, just as Christ loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Remember each day that despite the sin or the cruelty of humanity, there exists the forgiveness of God.

Today I need you to accept My forgiveness, to feel it and experience it as an act of reparation and infinite mercy.

Today I need you to feel free from yourself, so that My powerful Light may act and keep silently transforming your little life.

Today I need you to live inside My Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God that comes to you to sanctify your life and your consciousness.

Today I ask you, My child, not to think of your incapabilities, but to today believe in your virtues, those that My Son sowed in your heart since the first moment that you recognized the King.  For this, be as free from yourself as possible so that the Laws of Heaven may transfigure your life to become an instrument of God.

You will not stop struggling within yourself, against all that you do not yet want to give up, but do not be afraid, the Kingdom of God is reached by climbing the steps of humility and trust.  God created you in His likeness, and you keep in your spirit this trust that renews and transforms everything.

From today on, send this message to your consciousness:

I am a worthy child of God.
I am part of His Most Pure Source.

My soul sprang up from His Spirit
and my spirit was born from His Heart.

Nothing shall set me apart from
the greatness of the Kingdom of God.

I have come to the Earth to redeem myself
and then return to the House of My Father,
to unite with Him forever.

I find my dignity in His Full Trust,
and His Infinite Love vivifies my little spirit.

Between Myself and God, there is no evil,
because I am a part of
the eternal emanation of His Love.


And thus, dear child, confirm before the Universe your true repentance, and do it for those who do not want to see nor hear God; thus at least the majority of the consciousnesses will be touched by the Love of the Creator, which is powerful and invincible. Remain close to My Heart, I come to help you.

So that forgiveness may descend and be made life in each heart, I deliver to you the Rosary of the Forgiveness of God, so that it may be the instrument of liberation from all the faults and ingratitude through all hearts that implore it.

Rosary of the Forgiveness of God

Union bead
I ask You for forgiveness, Lord,
for all that has been committed.
Grant me the Grace of liberation.

On the five decades, we pray
For the gift of Forgiveness
that springs from the Heart of God,
Lord, open the Doors
of Your Kingdom for us.

Thus all shall reach Peace.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Creator,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day I want to bring the flame of My Divine Hope to your hearts, a harbinger of faith in the hearts of the world.

Just like the Sun that shines in the center of the Universe, My Heart descends to the world to illuminate the abysms within and outside of beings, and thus be the guide for each consciousness moving toward the Most Sacred Heart of My Son and the Creator God.

I return to the world crying out to the hearts to live the awakening, because the Plans of the Most High God have still not been fulfilled on this sacred planet, and the majority of souls are not seeking the correct path to the goal that God has given them.

I ask you, My beloved ones, to go deeper into the path of prayer, so that you not be in a praying state only during your moments of liturgy and attunement. I want you to make your lives a permanent prayer.

If, in prayer, you ask for the Forgiveness of God for the world, then live forgiveness all the time.

If you cry out to the Father for His Mercy when you pray, then be merciful in each act, word, and thought.

If, in prayer, you ask of God for the Kingdoms of Nature, then take care of the kingdoms that are closest to you and radiate the love that you ask of God for these little bearers of Divine Consciousness.

If, in prayer, you entreat for the poor and for the helpless, for those who are in deceit and in ignorance, for those who live with lies and errors, then, dear ones, when you meet a sibling who lives all those things, love them and be as the hands of God that carry peace and celestial help for all those in need.

I do not ask you to do great works, because a pure seeing and a true smile can bring the presence of God to beings in a way that no great work would do.

May each one, within your possibilities, live your prayers with acts, thoughts, feelings, and words.

May God find in you, My children, a doorway to enter the world.

Indoctrinate through the experience of the word and make the power of your prayers more potent through being a living manifestation of prayer in the world.

I love you and leave My maternal blessing for My beloved children of Venezuela, who in prayer and perseverance wait for Me, trying to understand what they experience in this time, and learn from it all.

Now, My beloved ones, strengthened by My presence, may you help others so that they may find My Immaculate Heart and the Most Loving Heart of My Son.

May Peace and the Mercy of God be in all the hearts of the world.

Never lose peace and the hope of seeing the Plans of God fulfilled on this blessed Earth.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When Mary arrived here to deliver the Message for the Apparition, She surprised us with a different aspect.  She had loose hair, with no veil; She had a dark complexion and an indigenous feature.  Her eyes were brown and She was wearing a white tunic and a blue mantle with some very tiny and different colors embroidered flowers.  

Mary talked as if She were in Colombia and we saw how She was uniting the times, and at the same time that She was talking before Me, She was making Her maternal energy enter in the hearts of all those who will listen to Her today, in Her Monthly Apparition.

Children of Mine,

May the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be always in your little hearts.

I am your Heavenly Mother, this one who arrives to the world in order to awaken the hearts to the Sovereign Truth of God.

I come to Colombia in order to transform the pure devotion of My most simple children into the source of salvation for the souls of the whole nation, as well as the whole world.

My beloved ones, for a long time I descend from the Heavens, in Spirit of Love, to show to the beings of the world the truth about the human heart. With My purity of Mother of the World and Servant of God the Father, I seek to make emerge in the hearts of humanity the original purity.  That is why I make you feel as little children, because it is in that way that you will be able to understand the greatest celestial truths – when the purity of your hearts be a reality in your lives.

I arrive to Colombia, My beloved children, to renovate an old commitment that it has with My Immaculate Heart and, as a consequence, with the Heart of Christ and with the Most High God.  I come to renovate your faith and the faith of all those who will come after you and who will awaken to the life of prayer, by means of your praying example of love and fraternity.

My dears, I seek, in this time, to make your souls return to simplicity and to love; may forgiveness be able to be born in your hearts in order to redeem the past and bring to the future the perspective of a peaceful and full of God world.

As the Mother of the World, the Mother of the Americas and the Mother of Colombia, I come so that each nation and each being of this Earth be able to fulfill the Plan that God has for His creatures.   And that, My Children, is reached in a very simple way, but with persistence and braveness.

It is for that reason that today I call you to unite to My Heart and to make of Colombia a praying nation and that, in this way, the whole world be permeated by your prayers and by the fount of peace that you may generate from here.

I ask you to unite to Me in prayer every day, to listen to the supplications that the Sacred Hearts daily delivered to the world so that a new humanity, permeated by the Spirit of God, be able to be born in the planet.

I keep today, in your little hearts, the devotion to the Holy Child Mary, so that, as well as My Immaculate Heart, you can be as children before God and, in simplicity and in purity, you may fulfill the designs of the Creator.

I love you and leave you My Peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Through My Grace I open a new door so that you will learn to love and forgive, liberating your hearts from all of the errors of the past and from the debts that imprison you.

Children of Mine, on this holy day Heaven touches the whole land of Colombia and the Condor Bird of Peace flies over the sacred mountains in order to announce that the time of reconsidering your actions and forgiving as an act of reconciliation and of peace for this entire Nation.

On this day I invite you, My beloved children, to trust Christ and His Unfathomable Mercy, which is the precious fruit that will liberate you from all evil and sorrow.

I come to Colombia as the Lady of Peace and of the Holy Rosary so that you will remember that on this 13th of October, Fatima in Portugal fulfills a cycle of My precious presence for the whole world.

Children, for this I ask that you remember the purity of Fatima, that divine essence that was expressed by the three little shepherds and that permitted peace to be established through the most absolute innocence.   Your lives, dear children, can enter in this source of purity and of love that today I bring to you in order to be able reconcile the peoples and the nations.

The whole world needs peace and you, being servants that are filled by My Immaculate and Pure Heart, will be able to help Me so that the times will not be precipitated, and that peace will reign, especially in those who do not have it.

Dear children, I have come to Colombia in order to call you to reconciliation.  May your devotion to Me be the reason for embracing each day more this proposal of forgiving and loving one another.  In this way Your Celestial Father will see with eyes of Mercy that your people can become sacred.

If you forgive, children of Mine, the souls will be liberated from error, and all of the past that caused the separation of the peoples will be able to be reverted through your correct intention of forgiving.

Forgive yourselves much and do not fear asking for forgiveness because you and the world need this forgiveness in order to reach the supreme Source of Mercy.

Today I give you a key so that this will happen:  always and forever remember the Sanctuary of Fatima.  There Your Heavenly Mother poured the rays that made possible to peace to be manifested among humanity and between humanity and God.

I thank you for the loving joy that your people reflects before My Immaculate Heart.

United in faith and in forgiveness, who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima


Dear children,

I wish that through this mission to Colombia and Venezuela the door towards Peace may once again open in the hearts that are in need.

This mission unites all through My Most Sacred Heart, and, beloved children, that is why I need you to be torches of peace for all those who you will meet.  I hope that the hearts that need healing, forgiveness and redemption recover faith and mercy.

Dear children, do not fear what you will find.  May your arrival sow the infinite joy of serving God and His Plan of salvation. Your Heavenly Mother finally congregates you through the spirit of love and fraternity, doors that you will always be able to keep open among brothers and sisters on the same path, the path of My Son.

While you are about to arrive at a land that needs forgiveness, discover the faith that exists in many Colombian hearts.  Unite in these days as one and only people of God, full of the Mercy of God and of Redemption.

Dear children, I wish to stay more days among you and My Son also wishes so, that is why we are inviting all the dear children of My Immaculate Heart to also receive the blessings of Christ.

It is for this special reason that on October 11, at 8 p.m., after having prayed and adored Christ, the Master, He will come extraordinarily to give the unction to the brothers and sisters of the groups of prayer of Colombia.

Dear Children, Your Heavenly Mother will also be present to accompany you.  Later on, this extraordinary meeting with My Son will be published by Mercy Mary TV so that from Colombia the whole world may also listen to the voice of the Master.

I thank you for answering My Call!

Good arrival to the nation that must consecrate itself to God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Kneel every day before the altar of God and clamor for Piety and Mercy.  Ask the Lord to awaken humanity from the dream that it lives and to be willing to follow His Celestials Designs, no matter what they are.Son of Mine, Daughter of Mine, listen to the voice of God that speaks directly to your heart, inviting your soul to take a new step and consecrate itself to a superior life.  I ask you to be worthy of living the Project of the Creator, and through your transformation, allow other souls to find a path to Redemption.

Child, if you listen to the voice of Your Celestial Mother, it is because time has arrived to surrender yourself before God.  Wait no longer for the suffering of life to bring an insuperable learning to your spirit so that your soul may realize that it was walking through paths that did not lead to God.

Look, the world around you agonizes and your siblings suffer, day by day, the submission to darkness.  Many are in the bitterness of the wars, with the fear of death and with the impossibility of even having a dignified life according to the laws of the world.  And you, son of Mine, daughter of Mine, I have called to be by My side, and it was not by chance.

My voice pronounces itself before your eyes and speaks directly to your heart, because you have made a commitment with God for humanity and for the kingdoms of nature, for the evolution of this world and of many others.

Know, My beloved child, that the time of learning through love has already arrived for you, because the time of the true suffering for humanity is still approaching and its cycle has recently started.  You still have time to learn to love and to forgive, to be a server or servant of God.  But be brave and not delay in responding, because the clock time is no longer being counted in the same way.  Then hands accelerate and a minute has no longer sixty seconds.

I am your Mother, the Universal Queen, the bearer of a Peace that transcends any sorrow and suffering and that can persevere in the hearts of those who accompany Me, regardless of the events of the world.

For this, son and daughter, feel in My voice the urgency of the times and in My calm the last possibility of awakening humanity.

Your Celestial Mother has already shed Her tears before God and has offered Herself for your salvation and for the salvation of your brothers and sisters; but the Lord is Righteous and expects from humanity the initiative of transforming life on the planet.

The human beings must become worthy children of God, and that, My beloved ones, your Heavenly Mother cannot do for you.

I wish, son and daughter, that My love alone would touch your heart and remove you from the ignorance of the material life in order to lead you to the sacred and to the consciousness that these are times of emergency.

I wish I would make you understand, with My Holy Peace, that this, which I give to you, as blessings and graces, must be poured, through your prayers, over the souls lost in the world.

I wish, son and daughter, that the events that make your brothers and sisters agonize were enough to make you come out of yourself and serve those that you have beside you, to make you forgive what you still have not forgiven in the others and in yourself, and reconcile with God.

Listen, My beloved son, My beloved daughter, because today I speak directly to you: awake and unite to My Peace Army, because your Divine Mother no longer knows how to warn the world, and clamors to the hearts of the humanity that accepts living the Redemption.

Today I leave you My Peace and I thank you for coming to meet Me, although you know that many of those that I have summoned are not here.

Disseminate My Message of Peace, announce My Presence.  Do not allow your brothers and sisters to lose themselves. If I am here, it is to take you to God.

I love you and I bless you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
