Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My time in the world is coming to an end before I prepare My definitive Return to humanity. The clock strikes the great moment, there is still much to be done, there is still much to be redeemed, there is still much to be converted.

Who has defined themselves before this great hour draws near and marks the final period and the beginning of another stage, the culminating stage for humanity and the planet?

For this reason, I come from Heaven once again to gather you in My Name and so that, through My Heart, you may reach God, the Celestial Father, Who, in His Silence, still awaits  the mature response of His Children.

The Plan that I offer to souls is a Plan that does not belong to this world. It is a Plan that cannot be reasoned out with the mind, that can only be understood with the heart, with the heart that loves God without exceptions; with the heart that offers itself for others, without anything in return; with the heart that deeply knows what the Will of God means and does not reject it.

This is the heart that I seek in many of Mine, especially in this hour, when you must walk with your own feet through the pathway that I have opened to you, through the Purpose that I have shown to you, through the Commitment with Me that you have signed.

Behold the sample of a mature Heart, a Heart that sacrificed itself for you up to the Cross, a Heart that did not deny your salvation and the salvation of the planet, a Heart that continues to pour out Blood and Water for the world and humanity, although many do not feel or perceive it.

Behold the Heart that is an inexhaustible Source of Love for the whole world, a mature Love that needs to be imitated, that needs to have its example on this surface, that needs to reflect itself in the souls that say yes to Me.

This is the time for the mature hearts of My companions to assume the Plan, for them not to retrogress in the face of the challenges, for them not to fear darkness, because the one who is with Me, is in My Light, and will not perish.

But now is the time for you to do your definitive part, and for Me to just accompany you as a Good Shepherd, as a Shepherd that takes care of His entire flock, regardless of the responses of each one.

Therefore, it is important for love to be the center of your goal, and not so much your skills.  Therefore, it is important for love to be the center of your purpose, and not so much your ideas.

Because in God’s Love and through God’s Love you will go very far, if you really open to live it, not in the way you wish or intend to but rather in the way that God has thought of, that God has determined it, just as the Father determined it through His Son.

In the face of the Agony of the Garden of Gethsemane, He offered the Chalice of Love and Renunciation to Me. I could never have denied it, because otherwise you and your brothers and sisters would not be here today.

Now, do you understand how important it is to comprehend the immensity of this Love, which does not have limits or borders in any plane or consciousness, in any dimension or space?

God’s Love is a Fountain that is never extinguished and never ends. The Father has so much to give to you through Me that His Arms are still open so that more souls may come to Him without anything in return.

From this month of August on, it is the moment to demonstrate to God that you want to live of His Higher and Infinite Love; that you want to take your steps through His Merciful and Eternal Love; that you are willing to assume, out of love, the part of the Plan that you are supposed to assume so that your Master and Lord may work in this world and in this humanity in this definitive time when many situations are at stake and millions of souls are under this vulnerable condition.

Therefore, this is the time for the action of the apostles. It is the definitive time to abandon mediocrity, guilt and denial. This is the time for you to become free of yourselves and allow the spirit to fly high until it can unite to God in eternal communion, just as His Son united to God in eternal communion during His last expiration on the Cross, when I said, “Father, into Your Hands I commend My Spirit.” And you, do you commend your spirits to the Lord every day?

He intends to make works of Mercy through souls and through the apostles of Christ, who are decided to be a bright star in this world of darkness and in this sea of hostility and terror.

These are no longer moments for emotions. These are moments for decisions, for a mature and peaceful decision, a decision that can be in surrender to God unconditionally, with your hearts ready for whatever comes, for whatever has to be, according to what is written.

In this month of August, meditate and reflect:

Where does the boat of my soul head to?

Am I seeing from afar the safe harbor of God’s Heart?

Do I aspire to reach this harbor despite the tempest or the tribulations?

Do I have clear within my heart what I have decided for my life and for the rest of my evolution?

Do I have my feet upon just one path, the Path of the Lord?

Now, where is the boat of my soul? Where does it navigate?

Have I stopped for any reason? Have I slowed down? What am I doing?

Ask yourselves, companions. In this way, after August you will be able to enter a new cycle with a broader view, rather than a restricted one, with deeper wisdom, rather than a limited one, with a clearer purpose and not being confused.

Because the Flame of My Heart is the torch that illuminates your paths, it is the Light that will lead you to God’s Heart, because I Am the Truth and the Life, I Am the Way and the Love for My companions.

The decision lies within you, rather than in your words. The decision lies in the center of your souls, rather than in your minds.

Make room for your inner universe to expand and for the Holy Spirit to work through Its Gifts and Graces in the souls that, with faith, follow Christ step by step, regardless of their imperfections or regardless of their errors.Because I come to seek that which in truth you can give Me, rather than what you promise to Me.

Peter, the apostle, promised many things to Me and fulfilled just a few by himself. Until one day he realized by himself that what I needed was his heart and his life to be the cornerstone of My Spiritual Church in this world. Just as each soul is a precious stone for Me, it is a shining crystal that I polish with My own Hands when you allow Me to and do not resist, for Me to present My offering to God through your hearts.

I want to leave this Message, not as just one more Message but rather as the great and ultimate reflection of your consciousnesses at the doors of this month of August for the Brotherhood.

Although this world is in darkness, war and pain, may hope, faith and love awaken in those who believe in Me. Because I promised you in Pentecost that the Consoler, the Eternal, Holy Spirit of God would come to bless and guide you until the end of times.

I will send the Spirit of God once again so that you may prepare My Return through your paths, so that you may prepare My Return through your definitions, so that you may prepare My Arrival through the giving of your hearts. In this way, that which is written will continue to be fulfilled, regardless of what the world may be experiencing at this moment.

Be brave and do not become discouraged. The strength of My Love can do all in you and in your brothers and sisters.

Behold the Merciful Heart of the Lord, which let itself be pierced by the spear in His Side to pour out the Fountain of Life upon all souls.

Thus, at the beginning of this important month of August, I bless you and give you My Peace again so that this Marathon may grant the world a just and balanced peace; a peace that may bring relief to the suffering of many hearts and families; a peace that may remove guilt from many consciousnesses; a peace that demonstrates to all My Truth, the Truth that I love you more than what you imagine, because My Love does not change.

I wish you all a reflective Marathon of prayer, because I will be by your side to hear each bead, each prayer, when you tell My Father to deliver His Mercy for the sake of My Sorrowful Passion, for the sake of the Sorrowful Passion of Christ, which saved and will save the whole world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


If I smile at you, will you smile at me?

May God bless you in the name of His Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I want you to bring Me a Menorah and a candle, for humanity is entering its important last seven cycles; and I invite you, companions, to consciously pray for these cycles, so that all that the Celestial Universe expects to carry out in humanity may be possible.

The Menorah has been an ancient symbol of Judaism since the times of the patriarchs. It is a symbol of divine inspiration that consciously prepares consciousnesses and souls for what they will live in the coming times.

For this reason why the first candle that we will light today in the Menorah represents the first cycle that humanity will live after the Sacred Week, for which you must pray very much, because they are great planetary events that will come to correct humanity, not with justice, but with Love and Mercy.

Therefore, we will light this first candle in the Menorah so that, from today on, it may be at this Altar of Mine, which you have conceived for the arrival of your Master and Lord.

I will wait.

Accompany your Master and Lord in this spiritual exercise that I teach you to consciously live so that you can enter the coming cycles with maturity, commitment and responsibility, virtues that the Holy Spirit will give you for these times.

And we will light the first candle of the Menorah, asking for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to descend at this moment, just as, at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon My companions and upon My Most Holy Mother, who at this very  moment accompanies with Love all that Her Beloved Son is doing.

“Come, Holy Spirit,
and blow with Your Fire upon the consciousnesses of the world
and, especially, upon those who follow Me
and dare to prepare My path,
thus paving the way for My Return.”

Within the Gift of Science of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Holy Spirit, invoking, through the Gift of Science, for the Gift of Discernment to be established at this culminating moment of humanity, when the lineage of the Governors must be lived and understood widely so that the entire surface of the planet may be reconfigured and reorganized according to Divine Will.

Now, let us place the Menorah at the altar.

And thus, until Sunday, the great moment of the Resurrection of the Lord in the hearts of the world, the Menorah will gradually become completely lit, inviting, through the Holy Spirit, all its Gifts and Virtues, so that them may guide all the consciousnesses that are postulants to the Plan of God in these times.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment for all causes of the world.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment for all unjust situations throughout the world.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that the rulers of nations and peoples may make consequent and beneficial decisions, in accord with what the Celestial Father expects in these times.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that wars may not be fostered and the sale of weapons may not be justified, lest they place humanity itself in great danger.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit for its Gift of Discernment so that the minds and hearts that are closed to God, that live the evil of the world, may be exorcised and liberated from their spiritual and eternal prisons, so that they can be redeemed.

On this day, let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that this humanity may be truly rebuilt, through peaceful dialog and beneficial action for the most miserable among humanity.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that the trafficking of people may end, so that the exploitation of the poorest nations may end and so that the poorest and the slaves of these times may recover their human dignity.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Discernment so that a spirit of fraternity may be established in this world. Amen.

For you to live the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, I will give you a great key: no longer have personal will. Allow the Holy Spirit to embrace you at this moment and to tear, dissolve and transmute what is most resistant in your consciousnesses.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit with faith and confidence, because this is a promise that I have made to you from the moment I was on Earth: God will send His Spirit and renew the surface of the Earth throughout the times and generations, through those who say ‘yes’ to Christ.

Open up to the mystery of the Holy Spirit, conceived in the Sacred Fount of the Feminine Energy, because not only you, but also your brothers and sisters throughout the world, cannot take spiritual steps without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Let us then invoke the Mother of the Holy Spirit, so that She may send, through Her Heart, the deepest ray of Her Original Purity, and the inner worlds may be liberated from their spiritual prison, from slavery to the forces of chaos, so that they may be reborn in the Holy Spirit, the Eternal, inexhaustible and unchangeable Fire of God, which comes on this day to renew all things, renew them once again. Because in this way, through your lives, I will fulfill the promises that I have made to God for each one of you.

Feel the Breath of the Holy Spirit so that the Gift of Discernment may also be established in your consciousnesses, because if in these times there are no souls with discernment, there will be no New Humanity.

And you, who are co-creator creatures before God, remember your origins, return to your sources of origin, remember your true spiritual names, those which are written among the stars of the Cosmos, and allow the Gift of the Holy Spirit to establish itself so that this planet and its humanity may be removed from danger, from violence, from  wars, from persecution, from famine, from the lack of distribution of resources; that they may be removed from the danger imposed by My enemy, the one that you must not forget that I defeated on the Cross, for each one of your lives and existences.

Do you understand now that you are conscious at this moment, before the Doors of the Heavens, that you can return to your origins and make the Gifts of the Holy Spirit reemerge in you? Gifts that you will not only need to serve Me in these definitive times, but that you will also need to live them and infuse throughout the world the Purpose of God, the one that must still be fulfilled in this world, the Purpose that has still not been fulfilled since Adam and Eve.

Although this may seem impossible in the face of the sufferings of the world, elevate your consciousnesses; My Heart is open like a Temple for this to happen.

Enter My Celestial Church on behalf of your brothers and sisters and of all those who do not believe in God so that, in time and before it all happens, before the nuclear weapons may, unfortunately, be activated, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the same Gifts that were in the apostles in Pentecost, may transmute and liberate these conditions of evil, through the offering of the hearts that offer themselves as empty tabernacles so that the Holy Spirit may rule their lives and definitively establish the Will of God.

Let us pray, the way I taught you.

Let us pray together, invoking the Holy Spirit, at this delicate moment of the planet.

Come, Holy Spirit,
Illuminate the hearts,
so that they may achieve
the Transfiguration of Jesus.
(four times)


And now, you will sing with Me “Adonai, Holy Spirit.” 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We stand up at the request of the Lord, and we will sing as one voice, infusing this Holy Spirit into the whole world.

We will stand firmly upon the ground, at the request of Christ, so that this powerful energy of the Holy Spirit may descend upon us and the world. And we will place our hands in a gesture of reception and gratitude.

Let us sing.

Song: “Adonai, Holy Spirit.

We may sit down.


And we will place our hands in a gesture of reception upon our laps, for the Lord, through the priests, will give a blessing to all through the water that is being offered, so that, through the Light of Christ, the Holy Spirit may be infused not only in us, but also throughout the whole world, through this blessing.


“Father of Mercy,
Unfathomable Spirit of Love,
Inexhaustible Fount of Grace,
Immensurable Truth, Justice and Healing,
listen to the Voice of Your Beloved Son at this moment,
who, just as in the Garden of Gethsemane,
has offered to drink the Chalice,
in reparation of Your Heart
and for the salvation of humanity.

Contemplate, Adonai,
the offering of hearts,
the effort of consequent souls
and the perseverance of those who say ‘yes’ to Your Beloved Son.

O, Celestial Father!
do not contemplate the adversities of wars,
the impunity of some hearts,
the evil that is established in the world.

Today, My Heart, like a reliquary,
offers itself between You and the world to redeem humanity.

Send Your Holy Spirit, Lord,
and that through this water that You have created
to quench the thirst of Your children,      
souls may be blessed and renewed
through the Presence of Your Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing a few more times “Adonai, Holy Spirit,” so that the Holy Spirit may be infused at this moment into those present here and into those who are united to Christ at this moment.

Song: “Adonai, Holy Spirit.”


And before I bid farewell, before you enter the Spiritual Communion, in which you have the opportunity to renew your commitment to Me and to My Work of Redemption, I have come today to also ask for the Sacrament of the Washing of the right foot, as in other Sacred Weeks. This is so that, through the consciousnesses that I have chosen, and on behalf of all, personal will may continue to be dissolved, so that the Will of God may be established within you, that Supreme Will, which has the destiny written for each being.

The best way to live this moment is by singing to Me, by loving Me and recognizing Me, not only at this moment, but also in your lives, as a Christic and redeeming particle of Love, which has touched your lives forever. The song that I have chosen for this moment of Sacrament is all that you have lived for Me.

Christ is referring to the song: "All that I have lived."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will call here, to the altar, for this moment of consecration and of Sacrament, the following brothers and sisters, who the Lord has mentioned, which I will ask Christ to repeat, as there are many names:
Igor, Zimra, Martha, Tseguereda, Cristiano, Sister María Templaria, Guatami, Vanessa from Finland, Irene Almeida, Sister María de Fátima, Augusto and Vanilda.


Have a good spiritual exercise!

I bless you, giving My Peace to you again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I have you cover your heads, just as I am doing at this moment, and I invite all those who can, to do so as well so that your souls and especially your consciousnesses withdraw into the Heart of God, the safe and the favorite dwelling of the children of the Father.

I ask you to do this exercise, at this time, to accompany your Master and Lord in this spiritual and also planetary task that today I carry out, together with you, and you carry it out together with Me, in withdrawal and reflection.

Today, on the eve of Pentecost, I gather you together as My apostles of the past so that the Holy Spirit and all His divine Gifts, prepare you in this time for what is to come.

I do not come to impart fear to the world, because the world itself already lives many fears, I come to ask the Holy Spirit to lead each one of Mine towards reflection about the importance of maturing and growing internally, the importance of humbling oneself and of surrendering outwardly so that adversity will not cause My companions defeat at this time, but rather that their spirits may be brave warriors of peace, who firmly follow the steps of the Redeemer.

Also, on this day, when the inner Aurora shines in the heart of each being, through the Presence of the Celestial Mother, a cycle is closing in this month of May. And, today, your Master and Lord humbly deigns to come to meet you in order to close this cycle.

The times of the Hierarchy before were longer, they were more prolonged and lasting cycles. When this twenty-first century began for you, those cycles shortened and they were quickly presented to all of humanity in a more decisive and rapid way.

The cycles that the Hierarchy live today and the cycles that your internal worlds can live today are daily impulses, second by second, before those cycles were throughout the years, or even throughout decades.

I abruptly stop so that you are concentrated and drink from My Words that lovingly only want to give you impulses for your spirits, for all your souls; because these impulses that I bring you today are the last of this cycle that I have lived with you in the last seven years of My Apparitions.

You accompanied Me for some time in the daily cycles, then you accompanied Me in weekly cycles, after, you accompanied me in monthly cycles, as it is up to now, and finally, for the coming time, you will accompany me in annual cycles. These cycles, which will be the last to come, Christic cycles for all humanity, will consist of seven cycles.

When that is fulfilled, other situations will happen on the planet. And it will be at that moment, and at that time, within that cycle, that I will deliver to you, in some way or another, where your spirits will be able to live the last cycle of redemption; so that I find you ready when I return to the world and reappear to search for Mine, for those who in the surrender and resignation of their lives and their consciousnesses followed the steps of the Words of the Lord, Words that may be within you for your whole life.

In this withdrawal, but also in this synthesis, that we live today, your Master and Lord teaches you to read the events, to learn through the events and to grow through the events.

Because your lives and above all your minds can not understand what the Celestial Hierarchy is doing and carrying forward at this time.

The impulses that Divine Messengers give are unrepeatable, it is time for you to understand and also see that, in what seems to be the same, the impulses that we give you are never the same, because they come to place you upon the step of evolutionary life that each of your spirits must reach, in union with the dwelling of the Heart of God, where His whole Will, all His Principles and all His Intentions are kept.

Companions, on this day of synthesis of the impulses of the Divine Messengers for the month of May, have you asked yourselves:

Have I already taken one more step towards the Heart of God?

Have I understood how to face the transformation of my life?

Do I cling more each day to the Tunic of the Redeemer so that with His unconditional and loving support, no opposing force can take me from His path of love and redemption?

On this day of synthesis, have your consciousnesses wondered:

How can I give more of myself, from my inner world to my outer world?

How can my consciousness, but, above all, my cells and atoms transcend to illuminate life and everything that surrounds?

Have I learned how to deepen the degrees of love?

How charitable am I towards my fellow being?

How much more have I been able to learn to love, without conditions and without rules, just as I love you, even if you fall at My feet or often fail to follow My steps?

And finally, in this planetary scenario of suffering and adversity, have you asked Me:

Lord, am I ready?

Is my heart ready to experience the driest deserts for You, no matter what that means or represents?

Would I be capable of drinking the bitter gall that You drank on the Cross, feeling a deep thirst for all souls?

As never before, companions, beloved of My Father, I have given you all the tools, internal and external, so that you can move forward in this planetary transition and learn to one day surpass Me in love, as some have already learned to surpass Me in love.

For this reason, My Holy Mother, who is your beloved Mother of Heaven and Earth, yesterday invited you and called you to live in love. That is not something that can remain stationary or static.

The Love that I bring you is part of a cosmic dynamism, of a universal Law, it is the Love that has created you, in the image of the Father. Because He only needs you to love Him as He loves you so that you learn to live an invincible love and not a stingy, possessive love, or even an indifferent love.

At this moment, I need the New Christs on Earth, just as many Christs are in Heaven, in the stars, and throughout the universes, giving impulses to your inner steps as part of this humanity.

How can I reverse this chaos of the world without having My companions?

Who will walk by My side, taking with them the torch of Light and entering the deepest darkness of the world, no matter what happens?

When darkness is very great in your lives, it is when you must most ignite in My love.

How do you think you will overcome your own deserts?

How do you think you will reach the most remote places of the world to appease the suffering and sorrow of humanity?

I only ask that you continue to be part of My chain of Love, which is a universal, spiritual and divine chain.

Now that I have purified you through My Words, feel the strength and power of My Spirit. And, in this Ocean of Mercy that I show you today, through My Heart, go up to My boat so that your consciousnesses be part of My Mystical Body, so that, one day, your lives be part of My Eucharistic Body, precious instruments in the Hands of God that live the universe of virtues and that express the Gifts of the Father through service, an unconditional, permanent and tireless service.

I have entrusted to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph that, at this moment of synthesis, during the last days of May, and throughout the days to come, His Holy Heart will teach you to love humility, so that your missions may be established and fulfilled, just as it is written in the Sacred Books of Creation.

I wish that My apostles, throughout the whole world, be souls in consolation, souls in reparation for humanity and for the planet.

I have said to you at this moment all that I had thought of saying, but not with My Mind, but rather through My Heart, through the Rays of My Heart, I have given you the divine impulses that come as a flow of Graces to consecrate your more each day to My Wills and Principles.

Today I come to close, in the name of the Love of God and for the planetary situation, this cycle of impulses of the month of May by means of the Sacred Eucharistic Celebration.

But before that, I want the impulses of My Heart to be seen by the whole world through the Blessed Sacrament and, before beginning with the Eucharistic Celebration, I invite you to adore the Most Blessed Body of Christ for peace in the world, the end of wars, the end of conflicts, the end of indifference, the end of pride and, above all, the end of the evil that I come to transmute today for you and for your brothers and sisters so that your souls may be elevated in adoration of the Creator, the One that is in the Heavens and to Whom we owe honor and reverence, loyalty and Love, above all things.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lord has knelt down at this moment, so that we may adore the Blessed Sacrament in reparation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We may bring here the Blessed Sacrament and the Altar.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thus, I bless the world so that it may fully enter My adoring Heart, the Heart that eternally adores God.


Fiar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thus, we respond at this moment to the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for all His intentions.

At the sound of the bell, we will begin this small adoration for the aspirations of Christ.

We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your Grace may descend to Earth.

 We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your Mercy may be fulfilled
in each one of us. 

We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your supreme Light may descend to the planet
and all may be renewed, within and outside of us,
throughout all of humanity.

We adore You, Lord of the Universe,
We recognize You, we love You,
and accept to live Your Will.

On this day, of Your unfathomable Mercy,
may Your Design be fulfilled
In each one of us.

Make us small, humble,
Empty our hearts of all personal will.

May our souls, Lord of the Universe,
and the souls of all our brothers and sisters of the planet,
merge into the Source of Your Creation
to return to our origins.

At this moment, at the request of Christ, before the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, everyone will carry out their inner offering so that our consciousnesses may be filled with His Faith.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.


I am here to celebrate with you the Sacrament of Life. Of a life that surrendered for you, much more than it surrendered when this life was on the Cross so that the souls of all My companions might be a part of the redeeming Christic Legacy that I offer to you again today, in an unconditional and pure way.

Just as I gathered the twelve at the Cenacle, so that they might afterward be blessed by the Spirit of Pentecost, on the eve of this great day of the Holy Spirit for the whole world, and as it was in Emmaus, I come to share My Life with each one of you, holding the bread in thanksgiving and raising it to the Father for Him to convert it into My Body so that, in this end of cycle of the month of May, the souls, together with the Angels of Redemption, may reconfirm their inner vows to My Heart.

Thus, I break the bread again and I offer it to you, saying, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that was surrendered for humanity and for the forgiveness of sins.”


We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.


In the same way, before concluding this supper, which out of love I celebrate with you and for peace in the world, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to God for the redemption and forgiveness of souls so that the wine may be converted into My precious Blood and transubstantiated by the Angels of Redemption. Thus, I offer it to you again, saying, “Take it and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which was shed by Your Redeemer for the remission of all sins. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”


We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.


Behold, companions, children of My Father, the Body and the Blood of Your Redeemer, sensitively wounded and outraged by the sins of the world, and which, in this third eucharistic trilogy, I invite you to repair.

In union to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I invite you to consummate this Consecration together with Me through the Prayer of the Our Father:

Our Father

May My Peace, which is the Peace of God, descend to Earth.


“Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
But only say the Word, and I shall be healed.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And we announce, in the name and in the Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Spiritual Communion, the reparative communion today for all souls of the world, for all our brothers and sisters of the planet, through three bell sounds.


“Celestial Father, Who leads all,
 accept our offer of surrender to You,
 guide us through the path of love, so that Your Will may be done.


We commune, Lord, with Your Sacred Heart, so that You may give us strength and bravery, hope and renewal.



Today, I leave, companions, with a task concluded. I invite you to continue in faith, for the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Before bidding farewell, I invite each one of you to elevate your intentions toward My Heart. And by means of a song that is very special for Me, which represents the elevation of your consciousnesses, I invite you to sing one of the most important hymns of the Community of Figueira, called “Breath of the Spirit.”

I thank you and you may go in Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

At last, the day has come for the liberation of this place, from the roots of evil and from its persecutions.

At last, the voice of the pilgrims rise up to the Heavens and the Father of the Universe hears the voice of His children who cry out for His Mercy and for His Pity.

At last the uncertain doors are closed and a door of Light opens in the heart of humankind so that Divine Energy may enter, this energy which will transform everything when hearts open to receive it and make it part of their lives forever.

At last, Divine Mercy has triumphed again and lost hearts find the path which, due to different circumstances, they had never found.

This is the time of revelations, this is the time in which the Divine Consciousness will approach humanity to remind it of its commitment with the Source, just as it was in Genesis, in the beginning.

After having deviated and it became corrupt, humanity can, through the sacrifice of the Son of God, achieve the Mercy of the Father and justify its existence, in spite of errors.

It is for this reason that I am here today, among you, and with many more who are not here today, I am also them, to transmit the joy of My Heart, the Grace of My Spirit, and the Sovereignty of My Soul to you, which in light of the Celestial Father, will redeem you and justify you so that you may go through the door of redemption.

Today not only the past is purified and sublimated, but also the present is redeemed and contemplated by the Mercy of the Father so that His children may achieve true Peace, which they lose in these times because of the modernities of this cycle that blinds the consciousness of souls and, little by little, separates them from God.

But I come to offer Myself, as that bridge of Light, upon which everyone can cross toward the House of the Celestial Father Who, in spite of the extremely serious mistakes of His children throughout time, sends Your Savior so that you may find and feel Him again, so that you may again draw closer to the Fount of His Love and of His Wisdom, which descends from the Celestial Universe to fill you and to bless you.

This is the time, companions, of experiencing a change in consciousness, of living the Plan of God with joy and of completely adhering to that Divine Plan so that your lives may receive new attributes, and these attributes of God may be radiated to the world just as I radiate the Light of My Heart to you now.

Thus, here today, the doors of Heaven and of the Universe are opened so that not only the fallen may be freed and redeemed, but also your souls may experience communion with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, in order to establish again the alliance which was once lost through the action of humankind, who believed they had more power than God and more authority than Divine Justice.

But today, I do not come to remove the past, neither your history. I come to awaken within you the commitment of joyfully living a union with God and the existence of the whole Universe, because all that was created, companions, is not only material and concrete. Everything created is profoundly spiritual, lovingly thought of by the Divine Source so that all creatures that exist beyond this Universe and which have a filiation with God, may learn from Love and from Wisdom. Because the mistakes within Creation not only occurred here. The errors of humanity are distant and unknown, they have their origin in other stars, in other ways of thinking, in other ways of feeling, in other ways of acting.

With My Consciousness, I come to interrupt this timeline, chronological and concrete, which has lead the world to its self-destruction many times.

That is why I come to correct these defects from the origin, which are not only human or material, but also spiritual, and which are far from God because they do not have love or unity and, even less, wisdom.

That is why I come to correct in this time what no one has managed to correct by themselves, knowing that millions of souls, not only in Europe but throughout the world, were interfered with by that spiritual deviation of humanity.

A corrupt source is today replaced by a Source of Light and Wisdom, so that in the origin of the human essence, which goes beyond anything intellectual or mental, which goes beyond the reach of humankind, may be able to regenerate this current race which came to the Earth with a purpose and has not yet fulfilled it, since the origins of Adam and Eve.

This is why I sacrificed Myself and died for you on the Cross, because if I had not been here, as your Master and Lord, humanity would not exist at this moment, even after all it has done over the course of time and having transgressed Universal Laws, again and again.

I come to speak to you with the clarity of the Wisdom of God, with the momentum of the Spirit of My Eternal Father, because this is the time of an extraordinary Grace which not only is being received by Berlin today, but also the whole world that was a participant in those past events, which left indelible traces in souls and in hearts.

But I come to summon the newly redeemed, those who opened their hearts to listen to God and to feel in the depths of their spirits the loving and powerful voice of the Son of God; a Consciousness that knows you deeply, since before you existed, since before you were essences of light in the Creator Sources of My Father.

Today I return, companions, to place Europe and specially Germany facing the opportunity of returning to the Source of the Creation of God so that the attributes of love, of compassion, of forgiveness, of unity, of healing, and specially of light may be within the consciousness of this people, which must be reignited in the Love of God, having a deep and infinite gratitude for all those who have cried out at this moment through this prayer of today, for their people, for their culture, and for their nation so that, through the divine intercession of the Son, all may be transfigured with the loving and compassionate help of the Archangel Michael, who has once again removed the essence of evil at the request of the Eternal Father.

Feel renewed, then, and freed. Feel yourselves baptized again by My Spirit, by the Spirit that descended on Pentecost and that, in the past, brought the apostles a strengthening of their faith and of the apostolate.

So, I invite you as a nation and as a people, as a culture in redemption, to be apostles of Mine in this time, not only through the prayer from the heart and through supplication, but also in expressing inner love to your brothers and sisters, to those who most suffer, to the Kingdoms of Nature that silently transmute the condition of the human being all the time.

You have been blessed with exuberant and precious nature, because the Kingdoms donated themselves before you did, to accompany you in your transition toward redemption.

And now that this moment approaches, and not only your souls but also the souls of Germany will have that opportunity of truly experiencing redemption, for all that was done and what happened, gladden your hearts, and again and again reconfirm your filiation with God so that the Angel of Germany, deeply offended by the action of humankind in the past, may receive the help it needs from the Angel of Portugal so that the one thousand years of peace may reign in this people and you be participants in the glorious coming of your Redeemer.

So be it.

God, through His Son, opens the doors of His Celestial Church so that souls may commune of His Divine Source, with the attributes of love and of unity, attributes that expressed the Creation of the spiritual, mental and material Universes.

And thus, in light of the Source of the Creation of the Father and the divine Gift of His Mercy, in the same way as the angels of Heaven, I invite you to bow down to the ground to receive from God the Gift of His reconciliation and forgiveness, no matter if you are from Germany or not, for humanity is one and inseparable.

When humanity understands that, wars, hunger, inequality, human conflicts and religious persecutions will no longer exist.

When humanity accepts that it is one and inseparable, everything will change forever.

Let us stand.

"Lord of the Universe, Who frees and transmutes all things, grant Your children the infinite Grace of Your Forgiveness so that all may be rebuilt, restored and reconciled with Your Spirit. Amen".

"For the sake of the Water which sprung from My Side, may souls receive healing and Mercy. Amen".

I celebrate the apostolate of My Eucharist with those who most suffer and have need of it, so that souls may commune of My Spirit, which renews them and brings them faith in these times.

Those who can, kneel down to carry out this consecration, a consecration that will renew Germany and all the souls that live here through the unfathomable Mercy of the Heart of Jesus.

In that time, when I was with the apostles celebrating the mystery of the Love of God, manifested through the presence of the Son, I brought all the Divine Attributes for the world, offering the bread to God so that it may be blessed and consecrated in the silent presence of the angels of Heaven.

After that moment, I said to the apostles, as I say to you today: "Take and eat all of it, for this is My Body that was given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. (Repeated three times)

In the expansion of that mystery of Love, which came from the Divine Source of the Father, in the same way He blessed the Holy Chalice. And in that moment I gave it to My apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Redeemer for the remission of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me".

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. (Repeated three times)

Prayer: Our Father.

This is the Body and the Divine Blood of Christ, happy are they invited to avail themselves of this Sacrament, for they shall achieve eternal life.

I taught you a long time ago to love one another, to support and accompany one another in the moments of joy as in the moments of sorrow, in the moments of life as in the moments of death. Now I ask you to do the same with whom you have beside you, day after day, for thus you will do it with Me.

Renew this request of your Lord all the days that will come, in this way, the Love of God will not be lacking in the world, and the nations of the Earth will learn to correct their paths and will place themselves on the path of God; a God Who has no religion or governor because it is the God of Love, infinite, wide, deep, healing, restorative and inter-dimensional, for it is an omnipresent and almighty God, it is the Source that loves you all the time and will never forget you, because His Love is real and invincible.

May this Love reach the souls of Germany today so that, renewed by the Sacrament of Faith, they may feel themselves to be worthy children of God.

May the deep Peace of My Heart be with you for, in this way, the Peace that comes from My Heart will be with your people and with all nations.

In unity and in love for Me, you will give each other the greeting of Peace.

I thank Germany, Europe and all My followers for having responded to My call, this important spiritual call for Berlin.

I thank you.

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We can give each other the greeting of Peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 54th Marathon of Divine Mercy, int the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today your hearts will be forgiven and your lives will be renewed, because the Almighty is coming after His Son, to liberate the world from darkness and perdition.

He comes to assemble the spirits that have loved Him and have honored Him, who have given praises to His Name and to all of His Creation.

Today I am before your deepest miseries, but I come to seek your greatest love, that love that today you have unconditionally given Me and gifted Me, so that I might be here, among My own, to give you communion of My Body and of My Blood, of My Spirit and of My Divinity.

Today, the Father comes with His Kingdom, His angels and archangels, with His celestial choirs, to bless the first Blue Cross. And the Breath of the Spirit will come to souls and will ignite hearts with an unknown joy they have never lived before.

Just as the Gifts of God descended in the Cenacle over the apostles and Mary, today the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit assemble here to descend into your hearts and essences.

So, companions, it is a great moment of renewal and of joy, in which the past must be erased from your consciousnesses and minds, because yes, now I will be able to walk with those who are firm, with those who have learned to step out of tepidness and of lack of love.

Now I will be able to walk with those who are to be just, with those who learn to carry My Work forward, with those who have said yes to My Sacred Heart. In them I will not lay the cross of bitterness and of suffering, but rather the Cross of Emmanuel, which is the Cross of victory and of the upliftment of the human consciousness to the Kingdom of God.

Thus, your spirits will be uplifted and must believe, My companions, that your griefs will dissolve completely, as long as you give permission for this.

For this reason, with this tenderness that now flows out from My Heart, today I do not come to see the sinners but those who redeem themselves and those who tread the path of inner transformation every day.

Do not believe, companions, that you will gain Heaven while you are on Earth.

You have come here, as humanity, to learn to love and to forgive, to learn to live compassion and justice in each detail.

When this is achieved, all of humanity will be free from adversity and from sin, and the doors of the hells will close as many times as God has closed them through His Son and His Faithful Servant, as well as Saint Joseph.

Drink of this moment as a unique moment that will never be repeated again. To unite Heaven and Earth, the Universe and humanity is something grand that does not happen every day.

The Father does not descend to the world since I ascended to the Heavens. Imagine, companions, how much time has passed for this moment to come in which the merits of My Passion and of My Cross may be engraved in the radiance of the Blue Cross.

For this reason, today I have halted darkness and My adversary. Here present before your eyes is the manifestation of the Will of God and of His divine Purpose. And you, at this moment, companions, are being led to enter the spirit of Emmanuel, in which are to be found peace, harmony, healing, and the forgiveness of all of your mistakes.

To this is added the Light of Aurora and its divine Ray of Liberation, which today works silently without moving so many laws nor energies, except within consciousnesses and the hearts that open in order to find it.

See therefore, companions, how at this moment, the time of illusion is halted in a part of this planet and the Real Time of God enters, to make you feel in Its silence a unity with all of the Cosmos and with all of Universal Life.

For this, the Shining Ones, the Elohim, are the ones that open the doors between the planes, so that the Father may descend here with His Spirit.

The wind comes to clean the bad thoughts of the ungrateful, so that they do not affect you, but rather that the Breath of the Spirit of God may prevail over your consciousnesses in this moment.

In introspection and prayer, let us move to meet the Father and the blessing of the Blue Cross.

Follow Me.

Hear, Lord, the voice of Your people. Hear the voice of all this race, which today prostrates itself at Your Feet to praise You and glorify You.

Hear, Emmanuel, the voice of Your children and come to this world with all of Your Power and Splendor, so that the most impenetrable darkness may be dispelled, so that hearts may be liberated from the chains of perdition and of illusion and the Christs of the New Time may be established; those who will come from different parts of the world and will place themselves at the foot of Your Cross to await the coming of Your Son.

Let us listen to the Voice of the Father, who today is not only in the Heavens, but also here over Aurora, as the Wise Creator of all that exists, as the Father of Mercy and of Goodness, Who in His divine aspect of Emmanuel comes to His children to bless them with His redeeming and cosmic Light.

While the Heavens open before You, Beloved Lord, descend with Your Rays the power of Creation and of all divine manifestation, so that Your divine Thought may be fulfilled on this planet and souls may finally find the path of love and of reconciliation.

The Voice of the Eternal Father:

Beloved children, listen to Your Father.

I Am the beginning and I Am the end.

I Am that I Am and I come from the spiritual Universe to assemble you in My Love and in My Justice.

The seven Regent Angels who were convened, may they now descend and let the Cross be lit.

Today, the Father of Love blesses this symbol, which will unite the peoples and the nations; which will bring hope to the unredeemed and which will bring redemption to all evil, so that the Love of the Source may triumph; so that Truth and Justice may reign.

Beloved children, I love you and I wait for you with My Arms open so that My Beloved Son may bring you toward Me and you may be seated at the foot of My Throne together with the angels, so that we may sing Glory and Hallelujah.

While your guardian angels prostrate themselves on the ground, the deepest griefs are forgiven and by means of this Blue Cross, one more Purpose of God is fulfilled on the surface of this planet.

The Voice of Christ:

My children and companions, in order for the Light of Emmanuel to become visible among consciousnesses, let us intone His sacred Name, so that the angels may pour out the codes and the merits attained during My Passion and thus the doors to opportunities and to Graces may open for all souls that seek unity with the Father and Creation.

Today, together with you, I will sing the holy Name of Emmanuel.

All intone Emmanuel.

Feel your hearts freed from the past, from the restraints and from the perversions of life.

Feel your hearts full of the Light of Emmanuel and commune of the Father, Who is here today with His divine Consciousness to bring Peace to this world and also the Fount of His Compassion.

And now, let us call out the Names of God, so that the Regent Angels, who were appointed by the Universe, may fill this Cross with the codes of the Divinity of His Beloved Son.

All intone the holy Names of God: Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, Eli Eli, Yahve, Shekinah, Elohim, El Shaddai, Yod He Vaud He.

May this renewal bring to consciousnesses the expansion of their paths, in consecration and in faith, the entry through the doors of Mercy to the Kingdom of Emmanuel so that they may always learn to live and to fulfill His Will no matter how small it may be.

I have asked this night that a prayer be recited, which synthesizes the expression of all of the Work of the Father in this Universe and on this planet. A prayer that you will hear through uniting your hearts to God in this moment.

I bless you, under the Powerful Light of Emmanuel opening in this Sacred Center the descent of His divine Spirit so that souls may find Him within themselves.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
