In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Feet of the Resurrected One touch the surface of the Earth to bless, heal and redeem it.
Today I also have the special Grace of spiritually contemplating the path of those who have decided to follow the Footprints of the Redeemer anywhere on the planet, carrying My Presence in the human heart that is transfigured by My codes of Light and Love.
I would like you to contemplate with Me the greatness of the miracle of Love in your lives. Even if you still feel imperfection, contemplate for a moment, beyond all this, what the eyes of your Master and Lord contemplate.
Behold, behind Me, the Kingdom of the Heavens, with its angels and archangels, especially the celestial choirs that today surround the Glorified and Resurrected Lord, as well as each one of your consciousnesses, so that, through the Book of Life, which is preciously kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the experiences of love may be written, those which you were able to live in this last Sacred Week and, above all, the reconciliation and forgiveness between brothers and sisters.
Because in truth I tell you that if no one reconciles and forgives themselves or others, what will become of the destiny of this humanity, in the face of so many disasters and wars and so much suffering?
I come here for the last time, on this last day of the Sacred Week, so that you may be witnesses of My Presence in the world and in hearts.
Very great and unknown is the debt of this current world, but greater and more powerful can be the work of Mercy in hearts that respond to My Call, such as your hearts.
Today, the Lord of Israel, the Glorified and Resurrected Lord, cries not only for Jerusalem, as it was in the past, but He also cries for the innocent and those who are tormented in spiritual, moral and human captivity.
My tears become Light for the innocent and today your prayers, not only of this day, but of this entire Sacred Week, including the Spiritual Trilogy of Devotion, Contemplation and Prayer, have become an important spiritual cause for the marginalized, innocent and poorest among the poor, so that they may be helped in this next cycle. Thus, your prayers become roses at the Feet of the Creator.
Your souls prostrate themselves before the Kingdom of the Heavens, just as the holy angels do at this moment, so that the Son of God may be glorified in Heaven and on Earth, and especially in the hearts that seek relief from suffering and peace, just as it was at the doors of Jerusalem.
Today, in the face of the painful scenario of the world and humanity, I come to remind you again of the importance of love, and I come to pray for those who need it the most, so that My healing and redeeming Hand may touch the head of all those in need of love and redemption.
Carry My Graces of this Sacred Week in your hearts and lives. You can now be witnesses of My redeeming Love.
The Lord listens to the prayers of those who cry out. The Lord contemplates the pain of those who suffer, and His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy placates the human miseries so that everything may become redemption and forgiveness.
Today, I come to leave to you the spiritual seal of your union with Me and the union of My Heart with your hearts, so that you may hold on to the Presence of the Lord, who wants to lead you along the path of peace and goodness.
My spiritual task does not end here, in this Sacred Week. The coming times will bring challenges to all, but also promising opportunities for growth, surrender and self-giving, so that the grave errors committed in this time by humanity may be justified by the self-giving and surrender of the consistent ones, and Mercy, instead of Justice, may be poured out.
As an example of all of humanity, there are souls present here today who fulfill an important parable, the parable of the prodigal son. Because the Eternal Father is not severe to the one who makes a mistake out of ignorance or unconsciousness; His Mercy and Love transform the mistaken heart.
Just like the father of the prodigal son, the Father, with His Arms open, places His miserable and mistaken Son on the path of return toward His Heart, where all offenses and errors are diluted, the soul attains forgiveness and Mercy and once again starts from scratch, as each one of you does.
On all the days that will come, you must have the courage, the bravery and the strength to begin anew every day, just as your Master and Lord did at each step of the Calvary. At each moment, although I could not, I started anew, because the power of the spirit united to God is very great, there is no evil in this world that can overthrow the ardent aspiration of hearts.
However, everything has its moment and its time. The triumph of the Love of God in souls has its time and moment. Therefore, you must no longer become bitter or sad. You must cross the door of this place renewed by the full conviction that you have glorified the Lord of the Universe and of Peace, and entrust your lives again in the Hands of God, just as I Am Life in the hearts that surrender to the Lord.
I want you to carry with you what is most precious that I have, the most precious among all treasures, gifts and Graces. I want you to carry with you, in Spiritual Communion, the Love of the Redeemer, which will help you to continue on in these unknown times. It will bring you the hope of renewal. It will help you even in your self-esteem, because your souls and those of your brothers and sisters of the world must no longer be depressed.
Although this difficult time does not help humanity, because humanity becomes compromised outside of the Law of God, you must feel the renewal that I bring, and the absolute certainty that you have found Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I want to thank all those who made the effort to prepare these meetings. Everything, on all planes of consciousness, even on the material plane, must be aligned with the Purpose of the Redeemer.
The prize that awaits those who have truly surrendered to collaborate with this Sacred Week, is very great. But what is greatest, companions, is that My Love may transform you into what I so much expect and aspire to.
Therefore, before I close this Sacred Week, through the Holy and Divine Communion, I come to give you once more, the Anointing through My Spirit, so that you may carry within yourselves the visible sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will accompany you until the end of your days, until it is the moment to conclude this experience on Earth.
Remember that what I give you is inalterable and unchangeable, because it is an eternal and incalculable Grace.
May My Peace encourage you to live in My Peace, so that My Peace may be in you, and My Grace may be in you, so as to be in your brothers and sisters of the world.
Feel yourselves anointed by My Light.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Christ, at this moment we will conclude with that with which we began this Sacred Week: confident and renewed by His Presence, transformed by His consoling and redeeming Love, purified in soul, spirit and consciousness, anointed by His Grace and His Light, and by each one of the merits of our Redeemer.
Thus, we will unite through the song of María de los Inocentes (Mary of the Innocents), asking, from what is most intimate in each one of us, that the Grace of the Anointing of Jesus may reach those who most need it and those who suffer the most.
At this moment Our Lord says that each one will know, in the silence of their heart, what soul known by you needs the Grace of His spiritual Anointing.
For this, we will sing as one voice and one heart, giving thanks for the Presence of the Lord in these eight days.
The Lord will draw near His friends and companions.
Let us sing.
Song: “Healer of my soul.”
May Light, Grace and Mercy accompany all hearts as a special Anointing of Light.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Listen, brave heart, do not tire of persisting. You must always remember that there is a Higher Love that blesses and embraces you, even under the severest conditions.
Today I come to remove from you the weight of your cross a little, so that you may rest in My Arms and may feel the infinite greatness of My Love, the same Love that I taught when I was on Earth.
What do you fear, if you will not lose anything?
I need to build, in you, My Victory, still not revealed to your human eyes, the ardent victory that your soul has waited for since your conception in the womb of your mother.
I need you to learn to dissolve in My Love, because My ocean of Grace is infinite, it purifies all impurities and sins.
Remember that each drop of My Blood touched the earth, and each drop of My Blood, which was shed upon the surface of the Earth, was permeated with a high code of Love, which did not become known to those who were blind in soul and spirit, to those who were against Me, even those who crucified Me without any pity.
But you, My soul, listened to My Word on the top of the Mount, as well as in the desert and on the boats in the high sea.
How many followed My footprints, which I would leave marked on the ground! How few waited for My Resurrection! But many kept watch at that moment.
Today, I bring that which overcomes all adversity and all tests. I bring you the essence of My Origin, which impelled My manifestation in the Life of the Spirit, in Divinity, in Soul and in matter, until I was born here, in this world, in a humble manger.
Why do you fear your falls, if I fell for you on the path of the Cross?
Why do you fear your wounds, if I was flagellated for you so that you could be healed by My Wounds?
The price of My martyrdom was very great and is still unknown to the whole world. This is why I come to demonstrate it to you through the essence of My Origin, which is the very Source of God’s Love, which impels life, elevates the soul, consecrates the spirit, which opens up the Grace of redemption.
And this does not mean that, throughout your human life, you will not continue falling or suffering. But you must extract a lesson from each fall, to learn not to fall again in the same circumstance or situation. Because I have taught you to stand up, not only through My Will, through the most difficult moment of My Life, which was the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, but I also taught you to stand up and persist through My Love, a very great and unknown love that is capable, even in your life, to forgive any situation, under any circumstance.
If I forgave you, even while nailed to the Cross, praying to the Father to forgive you all, because I knew that you and your brothers and sisters did not know what you were doing, by any chance, My soul, do you not believe that God has already forgiven you?
So that you do not fall again under the same circumstances, you must truly live My Word, with dedication and justice, until each one of My Words may be part of your life, just as I Am a part of you in the Communion, breaking Myself and sharing of Myself with Mine, through the consecrated Bread and through the transubstantiated Blood.
My beloveds, at each Communion lies the deep renewal of your being, of each atom and each cell, because your Master and Lord renounced for you, did you know that? In the same way, the Lord renounced for the whole world, assuming, on His Back, all the sins of the world, without complaining or condemning. Because it was the Living Love of God, through His Son, that amended all the errors, from Adam and Eve to the end of times.
This is why I Am here once again, to remind you of this. You cannot leave here without keeping My Words in mind, because the world provokes great thirst in Me, a very bitter and severe thirst, like the one I felt on the Cross, when they gave me gall to drink. Who would be capable of enduring this with Me?
In what is apparently unjust is the great key to overcoming, the key that opens the doors of love to someday live compassion, the compassion that perpetually shone in all My masters of the East. Remember that they visited Me in Bethlehem and found Me through the signs that the Sky gave them.
Out of love and reverence for everything that is sacred in the Far East, I returned their visit, and learned and remembered wonderful things, so wonderful and important as the ones I remind you of in these times, especially through My last Christic impulses.
I do not come to place you before your own reality. My soul, which still belongs to Me, I come to place you before the truth, because, as I once told you: “The truth will always set you free.” And you will be able to live the truth, if you live justice and transparency, recognizing that you, My soul, are still neither perfect nor pure. But My Love can consecrate you and transform you into something pure and true, by your simply living fidelity to Me.
Dare to take steps toward Me and allow My Love to rapture you completely. Do you, by any chance, fear the power of My Love or losing the control of your life?
In truth I tell you, My soul, that there is no greater Love that you can come to know, as the one that many Saints have known and comes from the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Help Me for Christs of the New Time to exist, in the simplicity of the spirit, in the communion with the soul, in untiring service to those who suffer the most and to the poorest among the poor.
If there were more charity in the world and if more souls practiced it, I assure you that it would not be necessary to purify the planet, because the one who responds to the Will of God is free from their own prisons and agonies.
Today I come to speak to you with the sweetest Love of My Heart. Do you dare, My soul, to experience it?
Do not just say ‘yes’ to Me, because you must demonstrate it until the end of your days when you have left here.
Christic Love is not unattainable, it is close, tender and secure in simple and humble souls, in those who do not allow themselves to retrogress, but rather move forward with bravery, courage and determination, just as I taught you at each passage of the Calvary.
Today I confess to you, My souls, that when I fell, and My Most Holy Mother came towards Her suffering Son, the flame of Her Love pushed the contrary forces aside and raised Her Son again. In the same way, I raise the dignity of each one of you again.
Because if you have been struck on one cheek, you must, in humility, offer the other cheek. Because if you have been offended, you must have the courage to forgive. Because if you have been hurt, you must have the bravery to see the Lord disfigured, and remember that Love is capable of everything, it is capable of renewing all things.
I leave this lesson to you, because it will be essential for you in these critical times. Because when I Am no longer here to speak to you, you must be My own Living Word on Earth.
Today, My Spirit will baptize, through the Sacrament, the souls that have asked for it, the souls that have been chosen by Me and need it.
I tell you all that today, through the symbol of the Sacrament of the Baptism, to renew, before God and in a spiritual way, your first Baptism, so that, through this Sacrament, the lost souls may be rescued in different parts of the world, and the union of these souls with God, the Creator, may be re-established.
Let us then prepare ourselves now for the Sacrament of Communion.
And so that My Words may enter even more into your hearts and essences, I ask you to sing to Me again, so that God’s Love, inexhaustible and inextinguishable, may be poured out upon you and the world, especially upon those who suffer the most.
I bless you and encourage you: Forward, New Christs! There is still very much to be done.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Our Lord has just removed His Heart from His Chest and placed it to levitate over the public.
Why do you do this, Jesus?
Behold the Love that never ends, the Love that burns with Love for the souls that dare to be victims of My Love until the last days of their lives.
Behold the Sacred and Pierced Heart of Jesus, which does not retrogress, but rather moves forward, and transfigures, with Its Fire, all those who let themselves be touched by My Light.
My Heart lives for you. This is the reason for My Life.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now, His Heart has returned to His Chest and beats strongly, strongly, through the fire of His Redeeming Love.
We thank You, Jesus, for this moment, and because You always demonstrate to us that it is possible to continue moving forward.
Do not distance Yourself from us, Jesus. We need You.
I Am here to give you life in abundance.
May peace fill you and renew you, so that peace may be renewed in the whole world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Jesus Christ will stay a little longer to listen to us singing. Those who feel like it, may kneel down.
We will sing: “Everything I have lived.”
And we make our offering, through this song, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, inexhaustible Source of all prodigies, miracles and mercies.
Account on the Apparition, made the following day:
I want to make a little synthesis of the Apparition of Christ, as several brothers and sisters asked me about some moments, and I would like to explain to you what Christ clarified about these moments.
I will begin with the end of the Apparition. You remember that Christ, at a certain moment said that He had removed His Heart from His Chest, and placed this Burning Heart levitating over the public, over you.
As much as Christ’s Presence is in Divinity, Soul and Spirit, and His Presence is real and impactful at each moment, on these planes of consciousness there is also life, just as it exists on the physical plane.
And Christ made this movement so that we might meditate upon how it is possible for a Consciousness such as Christ to remove His Heart and continue alive? Because I know that many wondered: Why did this happen? It is an attempt at understanding the Message through this symbol, because He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
So, as He is one of the manifestations of the Most Holy Trinity, He, in a simple, yet also powerful way, comes to manifest what God really is, above all through Love.
Some asked me: “Friar, to whom was Christ speaking?” He was speaking to each one of us. Because when Christ is present, He can see everything: what we feel, what we think, what we live, what we silence, everything. We know that we cannot hide anything from Our Lord.
And when He speaks sometimes in singular form and sometimes in plural form, He gradually builds the path to the extent that we allow it.
His Christic Energy, which is a very high energy, as you were able to feel, is an energy that gradually enters us according to our openness. Because He, who is the King of the Universe, will never transgress our will and our permission. This is why He is the King, do you understand?
So, He gradually works in us as we give me permission. Most of the times, He manages to reach those spaces of the consciousness in which there are situations that are not well solved and we do not even realize it by ourselves.
And He knows it, He does not judge it, does not condemn it. On the contrary, He raised our human dignity above the different situations that each one of you has lived in this lifetime, even with someone close or distant, which seemed very intense to me.
So, when He says “My soul,” Christ speaks to that aspect of our consciousness that has the possibility to unite to God. Because He speaks to souls, not to minds. And the soul of each one of us knows what Christ is saying. Therefore, each moment that is lived with Christ goes beyond any emotion, it is a deeply inner movement, which our souls express and many live.
And thus, when Christ works with our soul, He also works with our spirit; with our spirit, which knows divine life and knows what it is about, although it may seem a little abstract to us. It sends its impulse to our soul and our soul and our soul discharges this energy upon our human being, and then, at this moment, when the Christic energy enters, we feel liberation.
To conclude, I want to tell you something that I always tell my brothers and sisters who travel with us all the time, because it is something that we have lived for sixteen years, every day: that the Divine Hierarchy, as much as we live the same ritual, the same prayer, the same Apparition, never manifests itself in the same way.
Because Christ, just as at so many other moments that we live with Him at each Sacred Week, has demonstrated to us, once more, how infinite His Love is.
And each time He demonstrates this infinite Love to us, what He tries to do, in this instance that we give Him, is not only to liberate souls from their prisons, but also unite souls in communion. And when this happens, brothers and sisters, there is no contrary force that could prevail. Because at that moment, we make Christ triumph on Earth.
Thus, I invite you to stay motivated. We still have a few more days in this Sacred Week, until the Sunday of Glory. Give yourselves the opportunity for Him to do what He wants to do to each one of us, at last. Ok?
Thank you! I wish you a good work!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the face of what is happening in the world, God is silent and, once again, He sends His Son to help those who need the most and, especially, those who are going through war, slavery and the trafficking of people.
Today, your Master and Lord is in these places, on the inner planes, and He avails Himself of this potent channel of Light of the Marian Center of Figueira to bring, to the neediest souls, consolation and peace, love and hope, which, among brothers and sisters of the same humanity and planet, are dissolved through wars and conflicts.
See now My Thorned Heart, horribly outraged by those who go unpunished and do not accept to live the Law of God, by those who subject their brothers and sisters of nations and peoples. I come for all of them. I come for the last and for the most lost, because, for My Heart, all are rescuable, although in appearance it may seem impossible.
In this third impulse that today I bring to you, I not only prepare you for the next Sacred Week, but I also prepare you to assume the Plan of God with responsibility, so that you may know that the most important thing now is that each one of your lives may be confirmed to Me, because I no longer have resources to justify the errors of the world.
Therefore, I need decided and defined souls. I need souls that offer themselves to be victims of My Love and that not only let themselves be pierced by My Love, but also by My Will, because it will be through small groups of souls that your Master and Lord will carry out His Return to the world.
For this reason, at this moment, I need you to be brave, to assume with Me what needs to be assumed and endured. I do not speak of something external, but rather of something profound, in which your Master and Lord works for souls and essences, for all those who need an opportunity.
This should be your rule: that you work for Me, that you serve Me and that you surrender to My Heart, so that at this acute moment of the planet, when everything is allowed, souls may have an opportunity, just as you have had with Me since the beginning, when I summoned you to be by My side.
For this, I invite you to offer each one of your tests, each one of your deserts, even each one of your discomforts, for one reason: so that, before the Eternal Father, your Master and Lord may have a way to justify the grave sins of humanity, so that this situation of the end of times does not become uncontrollable and unsustainable, but rather that, through small groups of souls, of the souls that offer themselves to be victims of My Love, I can, once again, intercede for the world in the same way that I interceded two thousand years ago.
Take the example of what happened two thousand years ago with humanity and the point humanity was to be found, not only from the material, but also from the spiritual standpoint.
Now, humanity is in a more serious and complex situation, and the Thorned Heart of your Master and Lord needs brave souls willing to endure the cross of this world, an invisible, imperceptible and silent cross, which can only be sustained out of love; so that those who are condemned and lost may have a last opportunity.
This is why I asked you a little while ago to have a ready heart. This is not a poem, it is a statement of a consciousness that is responsible in Christ and for Christ; of a consciousness that has the wisdom and the discernment to realize that humanity is precipitating quickly and that many of the situations that happen in the world and in nations today are created by humanity itself, by those who go unpunished and who believe they have power above God.
In the face of a war like that of Ukraine, in the face of a war like that of Yemen, the war of Ethiopia or the outraged Syria, I know that many have wondered in these times, “where is the Power of God to defeat these impious human beings?”
Here, God does not challenge anyone, God does not flaunt anything before anyone, otherwise He would not be God. He is a Father of Love and Mercy, Who, through these attributes, traces Justice for the world at the right time and the opportune moment.
Therefore, all that is happening today in the world will end someday. You, as My confirmed apostles and companions, must keep praying with fervor and not allow your prayer to become cold or even fade away; because, at this moment, the union of souls through prayerful word is fundamental for all that will happen.
Have trust and faith in all that I am telling you, understand that I cannot tell you more than this, because the Will of God is only known by God Himself, by His own Son and the Holy Spirit. But if you keep loving the unknown, that which is immaterial, the assistance that you and your brothers and sisters need will come from these levels of consciousness and I assure you that you will know where to be and what to do at the right moment.
This is a time of an increased and sharpened pain, of a suffering caused to humanity and to peoples through impunity and corruption, which the Father had never seen. Because the Eternal Father Himself has realized how far His children can go when they are vitiated by power and impunity.
But have in mind that all these situations or actions cannot go beyond that which is material; that above all these things is the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, of all their Angelic and Archangelic Hierarchies, which, at this moment of humanity, untiringly work on the inner planes to protect the essences of the whole world, as many essences as possible.
Do you now understand the importance of your prayer in these times?
The true victory that Christ achieved on the Cross did not happen in an external but rather in an internal way, and this victory was built through silence, by radiating Peace and Love to those who crucified and condemned Him.
I invite you to love this mystery, but do not expect this mystery to be revealed; live this mystery in your lives and you will unveil it by yourselves, because you will learn to love as I have loved, you will learn to forgive as I have forgiven you, and in this way you will know how to heal the deepest wounds in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters.
Today, I come to say all of this to you because My Father has seen that there are souls who, having received everything from their Master and Lord, have not valued it; they have turned their backs to their Redeemer due to their own resistances and fears and, despite being by My side for so long, My Love did not touch their hearts.
Who will pay this debt?
All that comes from the Universe must not be wasted. Learn to live in the spiritual economy, which leads you to manage, with wisdom and understanding, the impulses that come from the Hierarchy, precious and determining impulses that only try to elevate your consciousnesses more and more each day, so that someday you may understand and know about the Will of God.
Today, I rejoice for being here with Mine and with the consistent, with those who, in spite of their own imperfections, try every day to follow My footprints, the footprints of Light of the Redeemer, daring to deepen into the degrees of love and surrender, daring to be the Christs of the New Time.
For this reason, beyond everything that happens in the world and is very painful, both for Me and for you, always see the Light, the Light of Christ beyond the darkness; follow this Light, have the Light of My Heart as your purpose. And, through this concentration on the Light of Christ, close with Me the doors to evil, and lead the darkest souls of this world to find again the ocean of My Mercy, because only through Mercy will the world be redeemed.
This Thorned Heart of Christ, which I expose to you today, is now a Luminous Heart, a Heart filled with the Love of God for souls, a Heart that heals and cures, a Heart that redeems, that brings you the peace and consolation that each of you needs.
Thus, dare to keep carrying the cross for the world, dare to be brave and to follow the steps that I am indicating to you, because, as I told you a while ago, you will do more things than those that I did, greater things than those that your Master and Lord did. For this reason, I also tell you that you must have your hearts ready to do greater things than those that I did; and when you are living them one by one, you will remember what I told you today.
Thus, I invite you to love simplicity so that this world can recover its innocence. I invite you to love purity so that this world can recover love. I invite you to adore Me, to recognize Me in the Sacraments and in the heart of each brother and sister, so that this world may recover the hope that has been conditioned and buried by those who go unpunished.
But when I return, as I will return during the next Sacred Week, each one of your souls, each one of your spirits will have the opportunity and the Grace of living their synthesis with Me. A spiritual synthesis that will remind you of all the impulses received from My Heart throughout times.
This will prepare you for what will come, and thus I will be able to have you where I need you, in different places of the world to transmute with Me, so that souls may be liberated from their material and spiritual slavery, and thus, when I return in Glory, showing My true Face, the Face of the Solar and Cosmic Christ, all souls will be able to recognize Me.
Because at this hour, I promise you that there will no longer be anguish, suffering or despair, but rather there will be a joy that will spring from simple and humble hearts, from the hearts that have persevered in Me and through Me; and I will gather them to give them to eat of My Glorified Body and to give them to drink of My Precious Blood, from the Chalice that will mark the great hour of planetary redemption, when evil will be removed and the Kingdom of God will descend again through My Heavenly Mother and through all the Hosts of Light that will celebrate with the New Race the emergence of a New Humanity.
So that you can physically understand this third impulse that I bring you today, I invite you to celebrate the Eucharist with Me. And today, in a special way, I will invite to this altar all the Mothers of the Order that are present here, for them to offer themselves for all mothers of the war, so that these mothers who suffer conflicts and persecution may have the strength and hope to move forward.
Let us celebrate in peace.
At the foot of the destruction of this world, we offer ourselves as victims of God’s Love so that My Sacred Heart may triumph on this planet and in all the souls that, at this moment, most need consolation and forgiveness. So be it.
Just as it was at the night when I gathered My apostles to reveal to them the Mystery of My Love, today I gather all the apostles of the end of times before the preamble of this next Sacred Week so that, through the institution of the Eucharist and through the celebration of the Mystery of God’s Love, as many souls as possible may prepare themselves for this important meeting with Me.
Lord, bless this wine, which will be converted into My Blood.
Lord, bless this water, which, in perfect union, will bless souls.
Adonai, You who are Holy,
Loving, Powerful and Invincible,
do not look at the horrors of this world
but rather the fidelity of souls,
of those who, despite their tests
and uncertainties, steadily follow My Path,
the Path that leads them to My Peace,
and may this Eucharistic celebration
serve as communion with all souls
that always say yes to Me.
May this console Your Heart, Father.
Before the Celestial Universes, just as it was in the Last Supper, Beloved Father, I again take the bread to offer it to You, so that it may be transubstantiated into My Body by the angels of Heaven; and thus, I break it again, to offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take and eat it, because this is My Body, which will be delivered for humankind, for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
In the same way, I again take the Chalice in My Hands to offer it to the Eternal Father so that the wine may be transubstantiated into My Blood; and thus, I offer it again to My companions, saying to them, “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world.”
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Behold My Body and My Blood; happy are those who avail themselves of this Sacrament and offer it for those who do not live it, who do not adore it and do not recognize it, so that My Divine Mercy, unfathomable and inexhaustible, may reach as many souls as possible.
Let us offer this Sacrament for the mothers of the war, so that the sacred spirit of motherhood, conceived by the Sacred Feminine Energy, may be rebuilt and re-established, so that all children of God may feel loved and protected by their mothers of the Earth.
Let us pray:
Our Father, in Aramaic.
Just as My Peace is in this place, may this Peace expand and multiply on the whole Earth, so that the inner worlds may recognize the Living Christ. May Peace descend to Earth.
I invite you to strengthen your faith just as the Roman centurion strengthened it, because his own faith healed his servant. I invite you to think about this.
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.
With the joy of this meeting and of this reencounter of the souls that are postulants to be victims of My Love, we announce the Spiritual Communion to all brothers and sisters on the planet, to all the devotees of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Let us pray, as the Angel of Peace prayed:
Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.
I have fulfilled My promise. Through the three impulses received, your hearts are ready to live a spiritual synthesis with Me in the next Sacred Week. I only ask you one thing, never stop being brave for Me, in this way you will learn to overcome and transcend yourselves every day.
I thank you for this welcoming and inner love. Today the Sacred Figueira illuminates the world again.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We close this work with Christ in silence and withdrawal. And we prepare, with great joy, to receive our beloved Instructor Saint Joseph tomorrow.
We may go in peace.
Bow down before My Father, for He sees you.
I come this evening to give freedom to the world, for My Heart will not keep anybody imprisoned anymore, for I have never placed anybody in captivity, but rather, I gave you the freedom of this material life, the power to recognize My Countenance, My wonders, and My gifts, which I gifted you from the first moment on the Cross.
Live My Passion in these difficult times. Do not erase from your memories all that your Redeemer has done, for the appointed time is drawing close. The inner clocks are being activated, to feel the coming of the Master and Redeemer. He will come in a Spirit of Divinity and Glory to seek fallen souls, to rescue the innocent from the injustices of evil, for nobody will be free of being purified. It is necessary for these difficult times.
Humanity has distanced itself from God and created its own condition, even in the deepest level of the spirit. But I come to remind you of the communion with Me, so that your sins may be forgiven.
Be pure and crystalline before My glorious Eyes, for I come in search of your humility and simplicity. I will not place My Kingdom in vain souls. I will place My Kingdom in the hearts that transform themselves through My Heart.
I come to give you the last key, the last sign for humanity, for I need all to listen to Me attentively; for today I am making you prostrate before My Father, because My Father sees you through My Merciful Heart and all the Angelic Hierarchies surrounding My Glory and My Aura, to give testimony of the Presence of God.
That is why I come to be consequent with each one of you. I need your stars to awaken in the innermost depth of your hearts, for that is what will illumine the darkness of the times when you are truly united in Me to pray.
Now look at Me with eyes of detachment and surrender, for I come to rescue what is not rescuable in this world.
Your hearts are worthy of My Glory, therefore I record My Face on your countenances, so that you may be like Me until the end of times, where everything will have been accomplished in the name of Adonai. And thus I lift you from the ground every day, because I need you to walk at My side in this time of tribulation, when souls judge themselves and lose the path of redemption.
For this reason, I need you all the time, because I hope you will not become lost and not stop following My Footsteps of Light, that which I am marking for the last time in the world.
Recognize My Footprints. Feel My Steps and listen for Me within your hearts. I Am your Glory, I Am your Truth. I Am the manifestation of the living Love of God, which many are not seeking because of becoming lost in superficial things.
This is why I call you to prayer, for that will be your torch. You yourselves must light it through the fire of your heart.
I will no longer be able to give you the touch of My Light; humanity does not deserve it. But if you are seekers of My Mercy, you will always be in the ocean of My Heart, feeling My consolation and being bathed by My Grace, every day to the end of days.
With all that, I show you the Truth, because very few hearts want to listen to Me. I do not come to bring discomfort to your lives, but rather to remind you, up to the end of times, of your commitment to the Creator, to our Guardian Angels, which will be the witnesses at the Final Judgment, of your lives, of the world and of all that you have done, up to the last moments of these definitive times.
But it will not be enough that you be able to believe Me, but rather that you can feel My Words, which are transmitted by the Divine Energy of God, which transmutes and frees all things when pronounced by the Voice of the Son of God.
You will hold these moments with Me in your hearts. They will be what will strengthen you in the face of all the things you will see. But your hearts must not be surprised. What has been written for these times, has been multiplied by a thousand. Do you know then, companions, where humanity is headed? Because Our Voice will not cease to be pronounced. We know that Our Voice and each one of Our Words will be Light for the pilgrims. We will be faithful to each of those, when each one of them are faithful to My Heart, to the Heart of My Mother and of Saint Joseph, and mainly to the Heart of the Eternal Father, which is greatly blasphemed by the world.
I come to speak to you of these things, My companion children, because the world is experiencing these things. Divine reality cannot descend while chaos circulates throughout the world. But in this place, in the heart of the faithful, My Heart comes to create small Islands of Salvation, where My adversary will not be able to enter, as long as you are consequent with Me, on this path to Infinity.
I would like to tell you things of the universe, but humanity has not wanted to listen because it has surrounded itself with material things that distanced it from the Law of God. I come to demonstrate to you the equilibrium of the universe, which you must never leave, so that you may be protected by the Law of My Lord.
While I listen to your hearts, you confess to My Heart, for in this way, all will be repaired in time and nobody will miss the opportunity of re-encountering My Glorious Heart.
I come to bring you a definite offer, the incalculable opportunity of living in My Peace and in the Kingdom of My God, because, in spite of everything that will happen, you will not lose your calm. You will be in serenity and will be peace-bringers of My Merciful Heart.
Now I will make the offer to the Universe of God for you, at the Altars of Heaven and of all the Archangels.
Let us praise God in gratitude, reparation, and love; for My only wish is that some carry My Crown of thorns on their heads to share the pain the world causes to Me, because of so much ignorance and lack of love. This will be the reason, companions, for offering these Sacraments in the name of redemption and peace.
And when you do not see peace in the world, in these times that are coming, seek the Peace of My Heart, for I will only be found in the hearts that want to receive Me and this will be your peace for these times. To be in My Peace, to live in My Peace, and to seek My Peace. This, companions, will allow you to not be surprised or tormented by anything around you. Because, I tell you again, you will see inexplicable things inside and outside of beings. That is the time of Armageddon.
Friar Elías:
Before the angels of Christ, at the request of Our Lord, we will intone the melodic Kodoish, making this offering through the Sacred Heart of Christ.
Those who can, stand up to make the offering to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Companions, in the Name of Our Lord, we will pray to God, so that He may intercede for the world through My Blessed and Most Sacred Heart.
May this Communion that you will do with Me reaffirm and confirm your vows to My Plan of salvation.
Just as at the Mount of Beatitudes, we will remember this Mystery that I revealed to the world through the Our Father.
Our Father (in Aramaic)
Praised be God, glorious is His Kingdom, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
I want to find you in this peace every day, because many souls will avail themselves of your peace to calm their uneasiness in the face of the end of times, in which everything becomes so complex for the little hearts of humanity.
I wait for you here, in the prayer of Mercy, for I will come to see you here on October 5 and 6.
That is My promise to you. To place My codes in your hearts so that you can always resurrect in these critical times.
Come to Me and embrace Me. I always wait for you in the vigil of the Heart.
While I am here with you, I am with the world, mainly with the souls most in need and that, in this hour, experience their despair.
I observe you and contemplate you always, until the end of days, for the New Christs must awaken, to concretize the Plan of Salvation.
I thank you.
Remember those that suffer more than yourselves; thus you will see your pain is very small in light of the universal suffering that this planet and all its created Kingdoms experience. In this way, you will find the strength for when I am no longer here, among you, to blindly follow My path until going through the portal of My Heart, where everything will be consummated. So be it.
Thank You, Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, for all that You give us.
Do not be sad. I will always be your unbreakable strength. And even though the mountains may move and the seas are agitated in these present times, do not lose your calm. God already has your hour marked, for each of the beings of the Earth, who must not lose their direction toward the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
My last attempt is to engrave the story of My Countenance in your hearts. And in this way, you will be the relics, the spiritual relics in the universe of God and, in this way, you will be witnesses of this Work of Redemption. And even though you are few, the experience will be great for those that believe without having seen.
While I speak to you, I calm you, I make you serene, so that you can feel My Purpose for this entire existence, of which I am a part since the beginning of the Earth. Thus, you can be blessed when you follow My path every day; you get up from your difficulties and only yearn to find My Heart in each act in life that must be represented by the good example of your hearts. In this way, the codes that I give you will not be lost and it will have been worth the effort of coming here to tell you all these things.
And now My Eyes cry for the world, for the unfaithful world, for the unjust world. God has something special for all, except that everyone has always wanted to act on their own will and have forgotten the Will of God; that has distanced you from the love and the essence of all that exists.
I come to remind you of this Purpose, so that you may always see the things beyond you. I would not want your hearts to grow cold, nor that they be tepid, for My desire is that you live in My Fire, which fosters peace, Mercy, and redemption.
While I am here, I am in tormented regions of the world, bringing relief to the scream of souls that cry out for pity and Mercy. But you, companions, are in the joy of My Spirit, while souls are being lost, without finding the Light of My Heart.
I had already seen this in the agony of the Garden of Gethsemane. This would be humanity's test, to surpass itself through love rather than through power. But My adversary has conquered many hearts. Thus, the time of Justice is approaching. And you have seen it, you have seen it happen around this humanity.
The times indicate new signs for those that truly want to see with the eyes of the heart, without ownership or attachment. In this way, you will be more aware of what My Sacred Heart sees of this world and of all things that get in the way of concretizing the project of this human race.
This is why I repeat to you: feel the Words, the vibration of My Merciful Heart. These will be the last, which will change the story of your lives.
I want you to already be different, so that I can dwell in the depths of beings.
Through this Work of the Divine Messengers, God wants to build a strong and invincible spirit in the souls that are being summoned in the different nations, for the armies must be ready to go into battle. The war in the world has already begun and this is not just a theory; you can see it with your own eyes.
But there are companions of Mine who turn their face away from all these things so as to not feel ashamed in the Eyes of God. Imagine, companions, what My Heart feels before the Creator, after all I did for you and for your brothers and sisters. Was the story of My Passion worthwhile?
I say yes, because I know there are hearts that will cause the Promised Earth to shine, and will fulfill the part requested of Moses, when all takes place, the waters calm, and suffering disappears in the new humanity.
Meditate on what I tell you and let My Words not blow away like the wind; let them remain in your hearts as life, until I return in Body, Soul, and Divinity.
And thus I say goodbye to the brave and consequent and I elevate to the Kingdom of God all the outrages and suffering, so they may be transformed through your offering of reparation for My Sacred Heart.
Peace to all, brotherhood for the end of times.
I bless you once again with My Light and today in a special way, in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
At the beginning, the video is shared in which Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón receives the Special Message of June 4, 2015.
Today My Feet will walk on your pathways to correct your paths.
Revere My Heart, which is the Heart of the Living God.
And thus, I want to see you always prostrated like the angels so that you may accompany My redeeming task in these times of chaos.
Sacrifices are the best petals of light that souls give Me and place at the foot of My Kingdom, like an offering of love and of restoration for the souls of the world.
These times that will come will be more demanding and thus, you must not fear. I need you united with Me every day so that you not miss the footprints that I leave you on the path.
In this way, you will know what direction to take and will not become lost over mundane things, but rather will be awake to perceive all things, all the needs to which you must respond in the name of sacrifice and for the sacrifice that I made for you at the beginning.
When I am here with you, I am with the world, contemplating you, observing you, feeling your hearts and lives, ardently waiting for the moment of your surrender to Me, for the hour is determined for each one of you. This is what My Father has determined through the Will of His Heart.
In spite of the tribulations, you will easily recognize the path I will leave for you and you will be open to finding the emergencies of the end of times, which will be revealed in hearts, in all the inner worlds of the beings, so that later, that great planetary need may manifest itself in all of humanity. Who will be prepared for that?
This is why I come in these times to comfort you, so that you may recognize My ancient Word in the Gospel and My new Gospel in these Words, which I write with My Lips of Light for all of humanity and the universe, pronouncing the Word of God, which you must know how to distinguish from the false words of this humanity.
My Heart is consequently with you, but at the same time, is very patient.
My Love can always help you. My Love understands all things, because it is the Love of God, which must be in you, just as it was in My Heart during the cruel hours of the Passion.
You will experience new passions through the sacrifice that God will send you.
In that so awaited hour, you must take the great step toward the Creator, without wasting a minute in all that He will give you during these difficult times, for the one who has trusted in Me will receive all the Graces they need from the universe to be able to meet Me again in the Paradise of God, the Paradise of the Lord.
Carry My eternal Light imprinted in your hearts. It will be useful to you. It will be very necessary and urgent for facing the transcendence of the times. The universe will register that universal hour and humanity will not escape seeing these things, for the universe will show itself just as it is, and all will be able to come to know it as it was in the beginning and as it is now, in this eternal and present time, in which all the Hierarchies of the Light congregate in order to be able to concretize the expected Project of humanity.
You are part of this Project, although you may often not believe it. Every part of your beings is a part of this greater Creation. Every cell of your body is a part of this divine spark, which allowed you to emerge in the origin, at the beginning, when everything was created and manifested by God.
This same beginning will have an end, and you must thus return with a true experience of love to the dwelling places of Adonai, where all the experiences of redemption will merge into a single one to concretize the great desire of the Father, that you be redeemed through love and forgiveness.
Lift up your hearts to My Kingdom. I am waiting for you.
While I am here, My adversary is with many. Who will help Me to remove evil from humanity with the fervent prayer that transforms and transfigures all things, as God foresees?
On this afternoon, I come to speak to you about the importance of returning to God, because when you leave here, having received My Graces and Mercies, I know that My adversary will tempt you.
There you must be strong and invincible, demonstrating to the world what I have taught, what you learned through My spiritual energy.
In this way, you will be saved and will have the dignity of belonging to God, because God wants to belong to you. He wants to be the great space in your lives, this divine science that transforms your lives among these so confusing paths humanity experiences.
While I am here, confess to My Heart. I listen to you in the silence of the spirit, in the depths of the soul, where in truth, all things are lived. You are clear to My Eyes; I have know your inner worlds since before you came to know Me.
And in the same way that I am with you, I was with the apostles and with all those who followed My Word in trust, in faith and in love.
Let us lift up the offering to the Creator on this afternoon of Grace, while the world succumbs due to the action of its own evils.
Who will risk knowing the grandeur of My Love and being conquered by Me, without the fear of losing the personal structures that this superficial humanity creates?
For if you are in My Love, you will help the planet and I will be able to tell you that this Project was worth it for this world.
If you do not change, who will change?
I come to announce this Message to you because I know you listen to Me and that at some time you have listened to Me, in spite of the circumstances of your lives.
I come to awaken the new disciples. The armies must already be prepared for the battle. Commanded by the archangel Michael, the ranks of the evolution are forming so that the Resplendent Ones may descend to the world and can guide the new souls redeemed in the Lord, in the Heart of Christ, the Redeeming Master.
Let us make the offering with simplicity. God hears you and will hear you even more when you open your heart to live His Supreme Will.
And in this way, as infinite Mercy allows it, I will descend to give a part of My Love to your spirits and to all those that, in these moments, in the place where they are in each part of this world, are truly open to hear My Message and understand My Christic energy, the same energy that redeemed the world during the Passion.
I come to give you these gifts so that your lives no longer be the same, but rather be totally open to respond to the Plan of God.
In these holy places, where I have appeared and come to visit you, there must be true Light-Nuclei. God has entrusted this work of the Communities to you.
Your signature is written in the Books of Light, in this sacred commitment to this part of the Plan that I come to remind you of in this difficult time. Because when things become tempestuous, you must be fully aware of what you have received. Thus, you will be able to correspond to God.
Support and help this Work.
Here your true inner dwelling place exists. It is what God needs you to live. Nothing else exists. It is what God destined for your spirits from the beginning.
Woe to those who left here without having perceived this!
God asked Me to descend here to remind you of this sacred commitment, which is not an obligation to Adonai, but rather an inner fusion with the true purpose of this sacred task of the Light-Nuclei, of which the Divine Messengers avail themselves to help humanity and mainly you all, perfect models for redemption.
I appear in this sacred Cenacle to remind you of the vows, the same vows that the apostles made in the past and that, in this life blessed by God, you also must make, giving a testimony of your absolute trust in My Most Sacred Heart.
Lift up your lives to My Spirit. That is all that is left for you to do. In this way, I will be able to work through your lives, amidst an intense purification.
I will not let you go, I will cover you with My Mantle in the most urgent moments of the world. In this way you will know, companions, that I have always been with you, just like with My apostles, in spirit.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of our Master, we will consecrate the elements. He will do the blessing on this afternoon, among all of us. Some brothers will hold up these sacred elements for the consecration.
Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).
And in this way, I am over you and the world to consecrate you, and My priesthood is for everybody, for those who may wish to live My Christic ministry, renew their spirits through My Heart and My sacred Words.
In this moment of Mercy, in which My Rays radiate to the world, and under this priestly ministry of your supreme King, we will bless the elements and your lives, renewing the vows for the Divine Plan of God.
Song: "Pater Noster".
And just like at the Last Supper, I renew you, giving you My glorious Body and My precious Blood, sacred gifts that wait to live eternally in the tabernacle of your souls.
I bless you and again absolve you, under the power that God has granted Me, out of Love and Mercy for this humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen (twice in Portuguese and once in Latin).
Go in peace and I wait for you tomorrow, because your spirits will be renewed through the sacraments that I so lovingly have given the world, that it may always return to the Kingdom of God.
Song: "Prayer for the Restoration of the Heart of Christ" of the Prayer of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Brothers and sisters, through this consecration of the Communion done by Christ today for us, He took us to a part of the Last Supper and brought new codes for each one of us.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
I will not leave without first marking My Footstep of Light in your steps, because the one who dares to follow Me without understanding anything, without having divine knowledge of My Supreme Will, will not perish, but rather will continue to walk firmly at My side, because My Voice will echo in your hearts to show you the steps of Light, the steps that many must take towards Me. Because it will be necessary, My friends, that many be consecrated to reverse the evil that exists in the world.
Be consecrated to Me in service, in prayer, in daily life, in the dialogue among your brothers and sisters, and also in gestures of love and of peace.
For in this way, I will be able to be silently present, marking the new times and drawing all My friends very close to the threshold of peace, to the portal that leads to Paradise, to the life of a new consciousness that many in these times do not know, because your little lives are full of other things, and My Light cannot enter. But the one who wants to change their life must first surrender it to Me, and in this way, I will provide them with My healing, liberation, My peace and My Love.
In these so difficult times, just see the path of Light, allow things to falter around you, remain firm without looking back, just look forward, toward My merciful Heart; glimpse with your gaze through My Eyes of Light, and accept My inner embrace in this last hour.
I bless these statues you have brought Me, but the real symbol is to be found in the union of your essences with Me.
May this symbol of the statues be the faithful symbol that reflects My Light and My Peace in your homes and hearts.
If you open your door to My Mother, I will then enter and dine with you; I will speak to you of new things to nurture your spirits; thus, nothing will perturb you and no one should fear, because you will be with Me in the Temple of My Heart.
I thank you, My brothers and sisters, old companions of the path, for following in My Footsteps, and especially for praying for this humanity that is in need of a lot of help.
If you open the door to Me, Heaven will descend and you will then be able to identify My Rays and will come to meet with Me to be united in one Heart, in one unity that is God, your Father, Who is offended by this world.
Alleviate His Heart through your love for Me, because upon you I will pour out My supreme Grace, My eternal Love.
I bless all the elements that are here and those that are not here, because on this very special day, My apostles will wash their feet to erase the past and begin again in faith, renewed by the Holy Spirit and by the Light that comes from God.
After this washing, you will also receive My Body and My Blood as a symbol of the covenant with My Greater Consciousness.
Joyfully commune with My redeeming codes, accept the cross that I give you and follow Me, as I once told you, follow Me in faith.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more