May peace reign in the hearts of humankind so that, through this peace, you may come to know how to find the Wisdom and the Love of God, to manage each situation in life.
Children, while the world is in agony and cries out for support and real love, most of humanity loses itself in distractions and indifference, in conflicts and in the constant stimulation of technology and chaos.
May peace always reign in your hearts. Do not allow yourselves to be stimulated and influenced by the individualistic and egotistical speeches of these times, but instead always remember to serve and love unconditionally; remember to look at your neighbor with love and move beyond their errors and miseries so that, in this way, you may mutually help each other to arrive to God.
Before correcting, you must first love, so that your correction does not transform into judgment, but rather it may be an instrument for souls to resume their path to God. When looking at your brothers and sisters, before observing their defects, seek the perfection of God and ask for the Grace of feeling the Love of the Father for His creatures.
In the final test of humanity, when each being will be tested in their love and in their faith, seek always to have the Eyes of Christ within your eyes, and the Heart of the Redeemer in your hearts. Let Him live in you more each day; yield space for the Lord and fervently ask that He may live in your inner dwellings.
Remember that, with your lives, you write the Gospel of the Return of Christ, with your lives you prepare His way, with your lives you light the torch that shows the world where there is Light in the middle of darkness.
For this reason, pray, and do not tire of praying. Serve and do not tire of stepping out of yourselves for a neighbor. Love and be compassionate. With your own lives declare the power of Mercy.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cultivate persistence, inner strength and peace.
To step out of yourselves is the key that will allow you to make of the cross, of these times, a triumph of the Love of God within His children, as it was with the One who first carried the Cross and showed you the way.
Self-pity and excessive concern about yourselves, children, will prevent you from seeing the need of the world, of the Divine Creation and of the Plan of God as a whole.
You are no longer in times of experiences and mere learning. You are before the final tests for this humanity and, oftentimes, your trial will not be to stay in the world, amidst the chaos and human madness, but to deal with your own inner chaos and transcend yourselves, out of love for a Higher Plan.
The time has come to use the determination that you use to maintain your resistances, to break them. And this will not happen by mistreating yourselves, but by serving and loving your neighbor unconditionally.
Transformation is not only about taking care of yourselves, children. Transformation happens when you step out of yourselves and let your own life be conducted and supported by God, while you busy yourselves with serving and loving your neighbor in the smallest details.
You already know what I tell you. Release your desires and aspirations, your goals so human and insignificant in the face of the greatness of the cycle that you live as humanity. Recognize where you stand, what you are experiencing and what is the Divine aspiration for your lives. Thus, you will be on the correct path in the correct way.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
Look to the horizon and walk toward the new Sun that begins to rise. Let your heart be fixed on this Light and on the path that leads you to it.
Go with firm steps so that you inspire others. Go with your heart in peace, so that you may help those who have lost hope.
Let the sieges and the darkness of the path pass with the cycles and the old time of this Earth, and continue walking toward the new Sun.
To walk toward the new Sun is to love in spite of the mistakes, the fears and the human condition.
To walk toward the new Sun is to forgive, knowing that within each being there is an essence that is waiting to express itself.
To walk toward the new Sun is to serve those who are far away and in the same way, learn to serve those who are around you. Let there be no distinctions between the hearts in need because the need for love is unique in every place.
To walk toward the new Sun is to search for God within oneself and, in prayer, dive into His mystery.
To walk toward the new Sun is to see that the old time ends and that, with it, all illusions collapse, but still do not lose hope of a new life.
To walk toward the new Sun is to begin to be new, practicing what you already know of the new life. If you know it is born from love and it exists to be an expression of the Love of God then, child, begin now to be a part of this life. Be love for a world that is thirsty for renewal and peace, be water in the desert of the last days.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the hearts of the nations are oppressed and clamor for peace, unite, children, to this request and elevate your voices to God, asking for wisdom and light for humankind, so that through them peace is established.
I know that many people think that we repeat again and again: “Pray! Pray! Pray!”. And it is so because beings have not yet discovered the true potential of prayer. If you prayed every day with your hearts, you would notice that prayer transforms you, transforms life around you and transforms this world.
It is not the wars, the protests and the conflicts that will bring peace to the nations. It is prayer that unites the human heart to the Divine Wisdom, so it can deal with the specific imbalances of these times.
Prayer is what calms the human impetus of impulsivity and places beings into a state of peace to make the correct decisions, according to God’s Will and not their own.
It is prayer that makes you see the events of the world with neutrality and with wisdom, in order to know how to help.
Prayer is what opens the doors of the world for new Laws, new standards of living, that give you the opportunity of participating of a new time.
It is prayer that dissolves, from the mental planes of the planet, the ideas of destruction, wars, malice, outrage, so that they do not manifest in the world; even if all this happens within silent levels of consciousness, where only the heart can reach.
Prayer is an exercise of humility and therefore allows beings to lose their human arrogance in order to allow God to guide and lead life within this world, because He created it and only He can lead it to His Purpose.
Prayer, children, is much more than everything I have said to you. But, to enter this mystery, you need to pray with your hearts and to deepen each day in the communication with God.
I bless you and inspire you to pray with your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Supreme currents descend from the Heavens in this new cycle, Rays that come directly from the Heart of God, and which are unknown to men and women, vibrations created to dissolve the old time and unite Earth with the Time of God, called the Real Time of the Universe.
The Mirrors of the Cosmos converge their energy into specific points of the planet, which are receptacles of the sacred, they are called Enclosures of Love. Those vibrations will accentuate the purification, both of beings and of the Earth, and everything will move inside and outside of men and women, so that, thus, all become worthy of being called Children of God.
The supreme currents that come from Heaven build the path of return to the Heart of God. Know how to see this moment as a grace and let yourselves be transformed and corrected.
Peace will reign in the hearts of those who trust in God, beyond the tests and appearances. And though your human side you will suffer with everything that will happen in the world, within you will pulsate the certainty of Eternal Life, beyond the Earth, of the life in God.
Pray and strengthen your own faith.
Unite with one another, beyond the difficulties and miseries that you will see emerge in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters. It is the power of unity that will be able to transmute and transform all those things.
True unity, erected on the basis of love and fraternal life, the unity that comes from God and is reflected in you, that is what will sustain you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Make your offer to the Creator to start this new cycle, which will be marked by new tests and greater definitions.
This new cycle will forge spiritual maturity, faith and responsibility within you, not only for your life, but for all life on Earth. Each decision you make, each action you experience, each word you pronounce, everything will be like ink on the paper of a painting of the end of times, and will have an influence on what the planet and humanity will experience in the time to come.
Each day will be an announcement of the next, and they will be built by you, because it is not enough to say "yes" to God, child; you must conform to your responses to the Highest.
Each day the laws will move with greater precision, and everything that you do will have an influence on your life, both positively as well as negatively, according to your choices and your attitude in the face of the events.
So, keep your heart in peace, seek a life of service, of prayer, being considerate of your fellow being, and not resisting in the face of the challenges that the Father places on your path.
Pray, pray a lot, each time concentrating your heart more on the Supreme Source that is God. And so, My child, you will be sustained in the good and in peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Gladden your hearts in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and permeates the depths of the Earth like the sap that nourishes the trees and gives them life.
The Peace of God is the sublime force that comes from Heaven and nourishes the consciousness of the planet, creating smaller fountains in the depth of the Earth, in sacred places called Centers of Love.
Commune with the Gifts of God that enter the planet and are available for those who open in gratitude to receive them.
Communing and living the Gifts of God is more simple than what you might imagine. It is enough for your hearts to be available for transformation and sometimes distracted from themselves so that, in an act of service to the fellow being, to the Plan, to life, your beings may be permeated by the Graces that come from the Father.
I gather you in the spirit of service not only for you to repair something or for service itself. I gather you in service so that, by forgetting yourselves, you may let the Love and Joy that come from the Father transform you, renew you and make you worthy of being called children of God, companions of Christ.
When you serve in a sacred place, however simple your service may be, the Love that comes from God and finds its dwelling place can also permeate your hearts and, beyond them, reach all human consciousness.
Today, children, I give you the key to healing, to transformation and to fraternal life. Serve in joy, knowing that, in these moments, God is observing you.
No longer look at Heaven to ask for healing, transformation or graces, because everything has been given to you in the form of opportunities to serve and to discover that superior life is within you and manifests when you distract yourselves from what you think you are and you open to become what you are, in truth.
Within you dwells the sacred, the divine. And if you do not see it, you must seek it, but not only within yourselves, but in service, in union with your brothers and sisters.
I have congregated you here because I want to lead you to a new school of love, even if you think and feel that nothing you do is new. Renew yourselves in this request of Mine of being together serving, building and maintaining this, which is your house and the house of God.
Let the joy, that children feel, arise in your hearts and in a little while you will see that everything you were crying out to God for has already manifested in you without you perceiving it.
My grace is in your lives. I just call you to find it.
Today, I bless you, I thank you for responding to My call for unity and I ask you not to lower your arms because you will see the fruits of your own effort be born.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Love of God, although hidden and intrinsic in the interior of all men, since its creation, does not develop in your hearts alone. The Love of God needs to be cultivated, multiplied and donated to grow.
The Love of God, within the beings, needs to be known and sought to express itself, needs to be donated to multiply itself, needs to be lived, so that in this way it may be renewed and surpassed within the beings.
The Love of God is within you, child; you only need to search for it and you will find it, you only need to ask the Father and He will show it to you, you only need to enter into a praying dialog with God so that He may let you know His presence inside of you.
When a being knows God, knows and experiences the presence of His Love within, all grief seems small, all desert becomes calm, turning into an opportunity to grow and to unite even more to the Father. The tests become small, not because they stop being difficult, but because the soul that recognizes the Love of God also recognizes its own smallness and the smallness of everything.
Therefore, child, in order to overcome these times with the heart in peace, ready for service, for surpassing yourself and, above all, for love, search inside of you for the Love of God and let your heart know the Father, as He knows you, let your heart love Him as He loves you and thus, in this divine dialog of prayer, you will serve the world and attract the Peace and Love of God to the Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Stay in peace and listen in the silence of the heart to My words, that are the words of God, expressed by His Messengers.
Enter into the Divine Consciousness in prayer and find there all that you need in order to take your steps towards the transformation of life.
Dear companions, in order to find God it is necessary to never lose peace in your hearts. Do not allow that the tribulations of the world disturb you and, whenever you feel that you are beginning to wander away from God, silence and enter into prayer. Remember, then, the presence of the Sacred Hearts in your lives and allow that all that was deposited into your essences be able to emerge and come in aid.
To keep yourselves in the path without hesitating and reach the goal established by God, never lose peace in your hearts and fight against yourselves so that peace may be established in your interior.
In the spirit of peace, you will find all the answers that you need and they will serve as tools in the Hands of God, to bring peace to those who have lost it and to those who have never found it.
May this attribute of peace, primary for these times, be the greatest treasure in the heart of those who follow Christ.
I love you, guide you and bless you always.
Your Father and Instructor, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more