May your heart always be clean so that you may receive God within you, hear His Words and follow His steps.
May your heart be pure, a human and divine heart, where the Spirit of God can dwell and guide you at each instant of life.
To consolidate a sacred dwelling place within you, child, you need to learn from determination; not the determination that is the result of human will and impulses, but rather the determination that is the result of love, the dialogue and communion with God, the determination that is born of the will, to reciprocate with Divine Will and fully be Its dwelling, Its instrument.
Spiritual determination must be born within you so that you may mature and consolidate the Purpose of God for your lives, every day. This determination comes from the love for Christ and forms ever more intensely as your heart becomes more united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Confession to God every day strengthens the determination within you to follow in His footsteps. Confession renews your heart and gives you the impulse to begin anew, in spite of the falls, and to not desist, in spite of challenges.
Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ will fill your being with Divine Grace and strengthen the determination within you, to know how to say 'no' to the temptations and stimuli that repeatedly cause you to fall.
Thus, understand, child, that to develop holy determination within your heart, which leads to a pure heart, you need to fill it with the Grace that a sincere relationship with Christ brings into your life by means of daily confession and adoration, because these two moments will be like drinking from the Fount of the Love of God so as to love His Will and His perfect Thought, to listen to His designs and renew your commitment with Him, so that you may know how to be in this world and defeat its stimuli.
In these times of many battles, that become stuck in the invisible field of the human mind, feelings and senses, the spiritual determination will be the necessary gift for you to manage to stay on your feet. For this reason, seek this Grace and cultivate this gift within your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XX - The Healing, Forgiveness and Redemption of Christ
A soul that had commited many mistakes felt impure and unworthy before God, and facing the sins they had experienced, the soul questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, I have sinned many times; I have fallen and, instead of standing up, I submerged even more deeply into the abysses of life. Today I stand before You; You have called me to sit at the table of redemption. Tell me, Lord, is it possible for a sinner like me to be called by You? How will I be able to take the steps that You need? How will I heal the infidelities and the deepest sins of my being?"
And with eyes of Mercy, the Lord responded, also with a question: "What did the leper do to be healed by My Son when he saw Him approach among the multitude? What did the woman with the flow of blood do to be freed from the weight of her impurities while, to her despair she saw My Son walking by? What did Zacchaeus do to be seen and, in spite of all his errors, be worthy of a single gaze of the Son of God?
The leper, little soul, exposed and humiliated himself before the multitude. With his bad scent, with his wounds, with his broken heart; hopeless in a world where there was no salvation for him, the only solution was to resort to Christ; dirty, impure, sick, rejected.
The woman with the flow of blood also risked herself among the multitude. She did not want to be humiliated, but knew that the only way to be healed was to resort to Christ. This time, it was the Lord Himself who made her noticeable, not to humiliate her, but rather to let the world know that to be healed and become clean,the sinner must to expose their sins and wounds to God. It is through the doorway of humility that one reaches the Feet of the Creator.
Zacchaeus knew of his bad behavior; he knew of his sins and imperfections, but within his soul, the need for forgiveness spoke loudler. This is why he exposed himself and, in front of the multitude, humiliated himself, climbed a tree where everyone could notice that despite all his errors, he was there, facing all the judgments and criticisms, simply for the need for being before Christ.
And when the Lord sees that sinners go beyond their sins, He also goes beyond in His Love, in His Mercy and in His Grace. For this reason, little soul, nothing is impossible. All illnesses have a healing, all sins can be forgiven; but for this, you need to set aside your pride and vanity and humiliate yourself before God. Be transparent and sincere, show the Lord your wounds and allow that with a single compassionate gaze, He may heal you."
May this dialogue, children, inspire you not to fear being exposed, humiliated, and thus, healed, forgiven and redeemed by Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you have no strength, offer God your weaknesses, your human feebleness, your smallness.
When your heart seems empty, offer God this space, so that it may be Him, and not the world, who fills this emptiness within you.
When your song has been muted, offer God your silence and pray with your thought, so that it may be Him, and not the world, who fills your mind.
When your body is tired, offer God the steps taken, all the service experienced and each merit attained, and perceive, in this way, My child, that there is always something to offer your Creator, the One who awaits, not only for your triumph, but for your whole being, from smallness to greatness, from what you know to what is still a mystery to you; place everything in the Hands of God.
You have my blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Remain at the foot of the Cross of the Redeemer so that you may understand where the Alliance between your heart and the Heart of Christ began to be sealed.
Remain at the foot of the Cross of the Redeemer so that there you may remember His call and know why today He calls upon you again, within the depths of your heart.
Remain at the foot of the Cross of the Redeemer, where there is no honor except that which is hidden in His Blood; where there is no glory except that which is held in the mystery of His Sacrifice.
And it is in this way, My child, at the foot of the Cross, that you will begin to understand the Will of God for yourself. He wants you there, always in adoration of His Heart, always united with His Sacrifice and following in His footsteps.
He wants you there, where you disappear and He shines; where the glory of the world fades away and leaves room for the Glory of God; where the anxiety for honor dissolves into the one need of justifying His Blood with the renewal of love in your own life.
Remain at the foot of the Cross of the Redeemer, and all your questions will be answered. You will know that the fear of the cross is in reality the fear of surrendering in madness, of losing this world to gain Infinity, of ceasing to be one in order to be All.
Remain at the foot of the Cross of the Redeemer, because the time has now come to fully resume what He had once began on Calvary.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the sacred places of the planet, collect the deepest and most hidden history of humanity. Let this history awaken in your hearts like an ancient memory that remained silent in the depths of your souls.
May this record, revealed today, be an impulse for you so that your hearts may return to purity, to the sacred and to the aspiration to be a living part of the Plan of God.
There is still much about this world that remains merely a memory in the souls of those who experienced it and in the consciousness of the planet and its Kingdoms.
It is time to remember, not to stay in the past, but so that all that you have already experienced as humanity may propel you today into taking new steps. Humanity needs to know what it has already done and what it has already experienced in order to understand what it still awaits.
In very ancient times, purity carried you into transfiguration, and surrender led you into participating in Laws that transcended matter so that you could participate in what is invisible and seemingly unachievable to you.
May purity emerge again within you today so that you may discover other Laws and, through surrender, not only be participants in subtle worlds, but also allow these worlds, in the material dimension of the Earth, to find their space, the sacred place to manifest what was promised from the beginning.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be in the desert like Mother Teresa of Calcutta who, in spite of being in the void and in solitude, knew how to find the Lord in her neighbors.
And everything she sought in inner compensation faded away. Her faith became stronger and was consolidated in simply fulfilling the Will of God and comforting the poor, in body and spirit.
It was in this way that Mother Teresa found God and merged into Him, even though she did not entirely perceive Him.
Be in the desert like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, strengthening yourself inwardly, neither in the sensory world nor in a mystical union with God, but rather in a palpable faith and a constant overcoming, proving and experiencing the Presence of God in those most in need, being nothing to the world and to the self, and everything to God, everything to the Heart of the Redeemer, Who tiredly beat in the poor and the oppressed, in the lonely and the lost.
Seek, child, to live your desert, consolidating your faith. Know that each desert brings a leap into infinity and this happens in many ways.
If you thirst for sensations and inner experiences, thirst for self-realization and seeing God, and yet He keeps you in the void, discover that maybe the Will of God will be revealed to you where you least expect, in that space where it is hard for your love to reach, where your resistances block your steps and do not allow you to enter, where your weaknesses prevent you from discovering the need for love. There is God, waiting for you.
In the desert, leave your desires and aspiration, your needs, your deepest anxieties. And when you have nothing, the Creator will show you where He is hidden, calling for you, seeking your gaze, your faith, your heart.
Who knows, child, maybe your desert will be the desert of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, where God is revealed from the outside inward and from within your fellow being to your inner being.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a being enters the desert, even if they have simply touched its sands and felt its heat, they can no longer turn back.
The desert can appear to be dangerous, full of sufferings and woes. But today I tell you that there is no greater suffering for a soul than to enter the desert and not deepen into its experience, to not surrender to God and discover its mysteries.
The soul that steps upon the desert but does not walk in it and rather remains imprisoned by its fears does not let go of the crutches that supported its steps, nor does it discover its true support or know what it is like to walk on its own feet.
This soul, defeated by their fears, without wishing to let go of affections, sensations, the past within themselves, ends up seeking more crutches and more chains; the sensations they did not find with the crutches they hold in their hands and the chains fettered to their feet.
The soul becomes a prisoner of itself, each time emptier, more enslaved and more fearful, simply because they did not manage to yield to the infinity of the desert that appeared before them.
God calls on you to mature in the desert, to set aside human emotions so as to discover and consolidate your heart into Christic Love. But for this, children, you need to let go of your crutches, break the chains, experience the void and walk through it, even though you do not feel support under your own feet.
This is called experiencing faith.
Do not be slaves of yourselves. Recognize that there is no other executioner but pride, vanity and ignorance of hearts that believe they are safer when they are full of themselves, but do not perceive that they do not even know themselves.
I leave you My blessing so that you may cry out for freedom and live it.
If you feel that your feet are on the sands of the desert, walk and do not pause your steps. Consolidate the union with God and strengthen your own faith. This will allow you to be truly free.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Surrender your heart and your life into the Hands of God so that your inner suffering may end.
Allow the rays which descend from Heaven for the definition of beings not to cause pain within you, but rather to free you from your resistances, from the walls of stone which separate you from that which you are, which prevent you from reaching God.
Let the barriers of resistance be broken; allow your forces and your love for the Plan of God to be renewed.
All opportunities for the ascension and enlightenment of consciousness are to be found in your daily life; the key lies upon your posture before the events, trials and needs which lead you to overcoming.
Your feet are now upon the calvary of this world; therefore, do not delay your steps, but embrace the cross which was given to you, with peace in your heart.
Remember the embrace of your Lord on the wood, when the cross of your redemption weighed upon Him; and today, when you are called to imitate His steps and give all of yourself out of love, do the same: embrace the cross, for the redemption of the blind of spirit and hard of heart, for the indifferent and ignorant, for those who have not received Mercy because they believed their state of miseries to be the treasure of their lives.
When you embrace the cross, from Heaven will come the help for you to carry it.
When you embrace the cross, you will experience the revelation of the Love of God in Christ.
When you consummate your surrender on the cross of these times, you shall see the Love of God become renewed within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Every time you get tired of something in you which must be transformed, and you finally surrender your being, realizing that your actions are fruits of your own inner world and not the consequences of attitudes of your neighbor, then, child, you take a new step towards spiritual maturity.
Even though it may seem that you always repent the same things, it is never the same. Transformation keeps deepening within your consciousness.
May your heart not be anguished for confessing the same things, but rather may your soul rejoice for perceiving that which is there to be transformed, not remaining in ignorance, in illusion nor in darkness.
Do not grieve when perceiving the same miseries that need to be liberated, but rather pull more deeply at the roots of human atavism which dwell in you, until this can be liberated from your consciousness and, in consequence, from the entire human consciousness.
I do not say that you will find joy as you perceive the mud that exists within you, but it will relieve your soul and your heart with the determination of transformation and the victory of surrendering to God.
Walk with love towards the goal that you see before your eyes. I will always help you get there.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To take a step in your spiritual consecration, children, you must love God and His Plan above all things. If there is no love, there is no surrender, no renunciation, no emptiness of self, no elevation of consciousness.
To love God more, you must seek God more, concentrate more on being with Him, in His Presence, under His Sight, within His Heart. And this can be done in prayer, but also in contact with His word. This is done with silence but also with confession.
There are many paths for you to be in the Presence of your Father, but for all of them you must strive, want, search, assume a commitment with yourselves and with humanity, and provide the service of being in God so that the entire humanity may achieve peace.
Superficialities of life can be defeated with love, because the more you love God, the more you will replace what is superfluous with His Presence. However, children, as everything in life, you must start, take steps and persevere on that path. Effort will bring you faith, faith will bring you love and love will bring you the wisdom that you need to go through in these times.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Remember within yourself all the impulses received within the recent days, in recent times, and let them generate results within you. Mature these results, meditating upon all that you have lived, allowing your consciousness to move to a different place from where it was before, receiving all these Graces of God.
Reflect upon all that you are to experience from now on, the steps to be taken, the tests that await you, and how your heart is to prepare for new cycles and impulses that have never been received or experienced by humanity.
Let Divine Grace permeate all that you are so that even the smallest of your cells may be conscious of what it receives and what it is called upon to experience as from now on. In this way, child, without wasting anything of the divine impulses that descend to the world, your being will always be worthy of greater impulses.
Learn to reflect on, to meditate upon and to love the steps that you are to take as a human person, as a soul and as consciousness, as a creature and as a part of the Divine Consciousness.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Accompany, with your heart and spirit, the steps of your Lord through this world.
Cry out, on behalf of humanity, for the roots of corruption of human consciousness to be pulled out from the depths of beings and of the Earth. Allow the Divine Hands to plunge into the ocean of the records of humanity, to liberate and purify you, removing from the consciousness of men and women of this world, the weight that does not allow them to walk.
Beg for Grace and liberation.
Let Mercy descend upon the Earth as a transforming flow, and offer your heart so that it may be the first one to be healed and transformed by God. Because thus, child, with your own example, you will open an even greater door so that the Mercy of God may descend to the world.
Cry out and be an example of the action of Divine Mercy. Ask God to transform the world and let yourself be transformed. Ask the Father to sublimate human corruption and let Him tear out from you the corrupt roots, the ancient energies and hidden forces that hinder you from deepening your steps toward God.
Look at the world, child, and feel yourself as a mirror of it. If you transform what is inside of you, that which is outside of you will also transform.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep vigil, in prayer with your Lord, so that in these times He may find His companions and apostles awake, aware of the agony and the passion of the planet, truly ready to surrender their lives for Christ, through the small and big sacrifices that bring them closer to God.
Make an effort every day to offer something more of yourself to the Father, in the name of the whole of humanity. Let your prayer, your song and your surrender deepen and each day become more sincere and unconditional because of being the instruments and the vehicles of your union with Christ, of your service to His Plan of rescue in this world.
Pray and be in vigil with the Lord, because it will be in this way that you will be accompanying His steps. It is in this way that you will be consistent with His spiritual presence in this world. It is in this way that you will prepare His path of return to Earth and will be worthy of being with Him in the institution of His Kingdom.
Let prayer be the water without which your soul cannot live, and let sacrifice be the food for your spirit. In this way, child, every day you will be closer to God, and as a result, you will elevate this world and its humanity with you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to accompany the Lord in the calvary of these times.
But now, you will no longer be the Cyrenean who accompanies His steps; you will no longer be the holy women who wash the Blood of the path with their tears; you will no longer be the executioners who try to contain their souls in the middle of so much hate that they do not know where it comes from and then, at the end of everything, they are healed by the potency of the Love of God; you will no longer be those who live the Passion of the Lord with their eyes and heart.
Today, Christ will be the Cyrenean who accompanies your paths. Your tears will wash the wounds of the Earth and quench the thirst of those who live in the desert of their own cross. Now, children, it is you who must take this step.
The cross of the world will not be like the Cross of Calvary, because its merits must be others. Its purpose is to renew and overcome all love already known on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Therefore, live the present moment with gratitude and be attentive to each new day that brings with it a step with the cross.
Know how to say "yes" to the Chalice that the Lord gives you to drink and, like His Son, know how to say: "Thy Will be done and not mine."
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Taking a step in love and representing God on Earth means to enter into the Divine Consciousness and abandon your own plans, wills and goals, to allow the Creator to show you His plans, His Will and His goal, not just for you, children, but for the human consciousness.
Taking a step in love and representing God on Earth means to raise one's own comprehension of life, your concepts and patterns, to enter into a universal and divine pattern of life in which only the Love and Wisdom of God becomes your guide.
Begin, then, to observe life on Earth as a whole, and each heart, as well as each being, will gain importance in your lives, because the Divine Will embraces all Its children equally.
You will learn not to compete, but to help; you will learn to renounce, so that others can grow; you will learn to silence, to find God; you will learn to live sacrifice, to repair His Heart and, above all, you will learn to love, to renew His Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the book of your own lives in your hands, write with awareness, each new page, each chapter, each story.
With consciousness, build your own destiny and the destiny of this humanity, not in the sense of controlling your own existence, but rather in the sense of giving God permission, through your behavior, your actions, so that He may guide your steps and His Laws may govern your lives.
To write in the book of your own existence is to know that in all things the Universe respects human free-will, and even though the Lord, your Father, has the authority to transform all things with a single breath, He waits in silence for the definition of the steps of His children.
Thus, today I tell you that you must write in the book of your own life, conscious of each decision, of each definition, action, and thought, because everything that you emanate and manifest opens the way for certain Laws to act in your lives.
Life is creation and vibration. The Universe and the Cosmos move based on living Laws and Rays, which come from the Thought of God, to give life to the Universes and the dimensions.
In this time, be more aware of the Whole, of Life, of your fellow being, and in all that you may do, know that you are attracting a new chapter, a new experience to your stories and to the story of Creation.
It is time to begin to build the new life, and that begins with you being aware that the builders of this Work are you yourselves.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Give thanks to God for each moment of your life, for each word received from His Sacred Heart.
Give thanks to God for each blessing and each trial, for each experience lived on Earth, which makes you grow and give new steps on the way of evolution and of return to the Heart of the Father.
Give thanks to God for the cycles experienced as well as for the present moment, and always build with Him the steps of the future; not just your future, but the future of the whole humanity, the future of this planet with its Kingdoms and its life.
Be thankful, at each moment, because gratitude will open the correct door toward the evolutionary path for you.
Gratitude will convert the growing adversities into love, and even the harassments that come your way will, under the spirit of gratitude, be transmuted.
May your thoughts and your heart be constantly in God, in an eternal movement of gratitude toward Him. This way, child, you will find the way back to the Heart of the Father.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Look to the horizon and walk toward the new Sun that begins to rise. Let your heart be fixed on this Light and on the path that leads you to it.
Go with firm steps so that you inspire others. Go with your heart in peace, so that you may help those who have lost hope.
Let the sieges and the darkness of the path pass with the cycles and the old time of this Earth, and continue walking toward the new Sun.
To walk toward the new Sun is to love in spite of the mistakes, the fears and the human condition.
To walk toward the new Sun is to forgive, knowing that within each being there is an essence that is waiting to express itself.
To walk toward the new Sun is to serve those who are far away and in the same way, learn to serve those who are around you. Let there be no distinctions between the hearts in need because the need for love is unique in every place.
To walk toward the new Sun is to search for God within oneself and, in prayer, dive into His mystery.
To walk toward the new Sun is to see that the old time ends and that, with it, all illusions collapse, but still do not lose hope of a new life.
To walk toward the new Sun is to begin to be new, practicing what you already know of the new life. If you know it is born from love and it exists to be an expression of the Love of God then, child, begin now to be a part of this life. Be love for a world that is thirsty for renewal and peace, be water in the desert of the last days.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See, child, the world starts to enter a new cycle, a new time, and the heart of the Earth will no longer beat to its own rhythm but rather to the rhythm of the Heart of God.
See that your heart also starts to beat in a different way. The impulses that come to your soul are no longer the same; the light intensifies, its rays illuminate or blind, according to what there is inside of the beings.
See, child, that the layers that separate the planet from the universal reality begin to dissolve. The seasons will not be the same any longer, the air will not be the same and everything inside and outside of humanity begins to transform.
This is not a time to fear but rather to awaken. A time to deepen into your inner life and recognize that which brought you here; a time to look inside and recognize oneself, and then recognize the infinite; a time not to think, but to be.
See, child, each step of yours today defines your history and part of the history of this world. You have in your hands a pen that writes in the book of the history of human evolution, through your acts, feelings and thoughts.
Allow your mind, always so childish, to understand the reality of these times as they are. No longer see the spiritual life as if you were watching a film that will end at some moment, and then you will return to your ordinary life, because the Laws will no longer allow you to see evolution in that way.
It is time to discover. This is a cycle of revelations and, more than that, a cycle of internal and planetary definitions.
After traveling for so long through this path of mistakes and corrections, of deviations and renewals, the time has come to concretize the divine thought. This will happen with those who know how to say "yes" until the end, overcoming their retrograde conditions every day, sublimating with the light of the spirit that which is reluctant to change and wants to remain in the cycles that have already passed.
Meditate on what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The first step to concretize a request from God is faith.
The second is love.
The third is unity with your brothers and sisters and of everybody with God.
The fourth is perseverance when facing the first tests.
And the fifth is overcoming, in the face of each inner resistance and each external challenge.
Trust and have faith in the Divine Will. Love the Plan of God, even though you do not understand it. Allow yourself to be surprised by the magnitude of the Will of the Creator, and how he traces the path of human redemption.
Those who know how to obey the Father fulfill their souls in the concretization of His Plans.
For this cycle, children, invoke the protection and the support of Saint Teresa of Jesus, because her pioneering spirit knew how to respond to Divine Will in each instant of her life. And the difficulties and the challenges did not matter: her adventurous soul always continued forward. In this way, the inner steps taken by her spirit opened the doors for humanity to continue having an opportunity to live and experience Christic Love.
In this cycle, the Creator asks great things of you, because the time has come to forge in you not only an experience of love, but also the manifestation of the Christs of the New Time. This begins by loving the Plan of God and unconditionally obeying His Will.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more