Marathon of Divine Mercy

Second Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold My Promised Land, the Land of Galilee, the inner Call of Christ, which resounds throughout the times and is inexhaustible.

Listen to this Call, which resounds from the Heart of the Universe, from the great civilization of Andromeda, and prepares, in the inner worlds, the next coming of the Lord, His expected Return.

Today, it gladdens Me to be here. I was yearning for this moment, of meeting those who follow My Steps, despite their difficulties and tests.

It gladdens Me to meet with Mine, those who do not tire of saying ‘yes’ to Me. Even not understanding what this means, that ‘yes’ moves all the universe and the Creation.

For this reason, I am here to present to you again My Spiritual Retreat, alive in the heart of the Holy Land, which I invite you today to internally enter in spirit, essence and soul, so that you may receive the codes that I sowed and deposited in this place through each one of My deeds and passages.

What is most important in all this, companions, is that today your inner worlds may remember again that which many lived in these far-away lands, through the Word of the Lord, through the Presence of the Lord, through the closeness of the Lord. Each one of these moments rises again on the horizon in the heart of each one of Mine.

I could not wait for a long time to return to Brazil, because this place was worthy for receiving and accepting Me, recognizing My Call and following it, since the foundation of this Light-Community of Figueira.

Here the Lord of the Tree of Life, who comes to renew the Tree of Figueira, who comes to bring you, at this moment, its origins and principles, the foundations that were established through the self-summoned, those who listened to the call and message which, through Instruction, has permanently resonated throughout the ages. And although you are not aware of this, that resonance has been echoing in the stars since the ascension of your Instructor and Master José.

He is here today, present with Me, so that you may glimpse, and internally contemplate, that it is possible to experience transformation and redemption.

Through José, I was present here for a long time, at each moment of Instruction as well as at each moment of manifestation of this Light-Community and others, at each daily work and at each shared moment.

Today, My companions, My Spiritual Retreat in Galilee unites to the Spiritual Retreat of this place, blessed by the Graces of the Eternal Father, so that your souls and the souls of the brothers and sisters of the whole world may experience an inner synthesis and a moment of renewal.

For this reason, I tell you that all has not been concluded yet. In this Work of the Hierarchy, which has expanded in the world through service and the humanitarian missions, at this moment you can glimpse the fruits of the efforts of very few, albeit true efforts that God alone knows in His Heart.  

Therefore, I invite you to no longer fear. The times you and your brothers and sisters are going through are complex and painful. But do not forget that I am here, and I will always be in your lives when you call Me, when you seek Me, whenever you want to find Me.

To Me, this place will always be a Sacred Temple where God, through His Hierarchies and all His tools, will deposit hope for the world, a hope that brings the Love of God, consolation and renewal for souls.

For this reason, you must be open to receive all those who come. Never close the doors to anyone, because I might be behind each one of them.

Be compassionate, and the Wisdom of God will not be lacking for you.

Be merciful, and peace will not end, because the triumph of My Love is near.

Before My Return, this victory of My Love must be completed in you and in your brothers and sisters. Remember what I told you: love one another, just as I love you unconditionally.

I come here to bring you My most precious Spiritual Relics, the Relics that I deposited in the Holy Land for each one of Mine, and that I spiritually present to you today to give you the strength of renewal, the power to continue, overcoming these times, transcending the forms, deepening into the degrees of love.

In this second visit, which I make to you today, I come for the Spiritual Purpose of this country and of the other nations, so that the Purpose of each nation may be protected, and the people of each part of this region of the planet may find the meaning of being here, in this world, and the reason why they are here.

What I would like to do the most today, companions, is to be here with those who listen to Me, with those who recognize My Voice, those who follow My Steps, surpassing themselves to bear witness of the Christification that begins within each one, in that which is smallest, that which no one can see. That is where My Work starts being fulfilled, in the transformation of brave hearts, in the willingness of the consistent, in the hope of those who experience My Call.

Remember that the Ark of the Holy Covenant has come with Me, and has reverently been deposited in this place, in the heart of this Light-Community. Because all is kept in this Sacred Ark, the past, the present and the future, all the codes of Creation experienced throughout the times and civilizations in the universe and on Earth, in the surrender and in the inner life of all My companions.

Let us celebrate this moment with joy and bliss. On your faces, I want to see the smile of this sacred moment, for all those in the world who cannot live it, for those in the world who cannot receive Me.

May this inner communion with the Master and Lord of the Universe multiply in blessings and Graces, not only for you, but also for your brothers and sisters in the world, especially those who experience persecution, war and conflicts.

I want this Marathon to be a Marathon towards your inner worlds, towards the incessant quest for your Inner Christ.

It is My wish that in this Marathon you may be within your Inner Christ, so that you may be in unity with Me, for all that your Redeemer will carry out during this month of May together with the other Sacred Hearts.

I will thank you for paying attention to this request and to keep following the impulses of the universe, spiritual impulses that will place you in the right attunement and at the right moment, to understand all that the Hierarchy will do. You know how to do it, just start doing it.

Today, I want to deliver to you a merit that was not foreseen in My Plans, because I have seen the dedication and also the true effort that you have offered to My Heart during the last Sacred Week, even going through all the tribulations.

Can you understand that all is possible by being in My Love?

Today, you are all here safe and sound while listening to Me, and you have the Grace of being before Me, just as I have the Grace of being before your inner worlds.

The merit that I want to grant you is a special consecration so that, from the beginning of this next Marathon of Divine Mercy, you may enter more deeply into all that the Hierarchy will do, knowing that in these times you are learning to sustain that which the world cannot sustain by itself. You are learning to support what the rest of humanity cannot consciously support, and that especially, you are learning to love what the rest of the world neither loves nor considers.

Therefore, recognize in this Marathon that it is time for you to decide to live My Christic School, because there is no time left. And in My School of Christification and Love you will learn quickly if you accept it. You will grow in gifts, virtues and sanctity, and your miseries will no longer be a problem; rather, your objective and purpose will be to serve others, those who are near and those who are far away, through the incessant life of prayer, so that this world may find balance and peace again.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Christ says that, with the permission of the Council of this Work, He convokes here, at the foot of this altar, the postulants to be helpers.

Let us bring Christ the elements of consecration: the rings and the veils.

We stay before the Lord in attunement and unity.

And we will accompany this moment, at the request of Christ, through the song “Consecration.”

Availing ourselves of this moment, which Christ offers to us, to renew our vows with the sacred law of consecration and the law of life of the spirit. Availing ourselves of this moment so that, before the Heart of Jesus, we may renew ourselves in our vows, in our principles and, above all, in service to His Plan of Love.

We prepare ourselves.

Celestial Father,
Who has conceived life in this universe
so that Your Children and Creatures
may recognize You within them
and may praise You.

I ask You,
Most High Lord of the Universe and of Infinite Mercy:
to bless these elements which, as from today,
will represent renewal for these hearts,
which prostrate before the Universal King,
to serve Him unconditionally until their last days
through the vows that have been granted
to all helpers.

May these elements represent union with Me.
But above all, may the inner worlds of these souls
establish their Alliance with me,
espousing Christ, the Redeemer.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


 Song: “Consecration.”


Today, Christ is consecrating this sister with the name “Bethlehem.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “María de Judá.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Sinaí.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Betania.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “María del Cenáculo.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Qumran.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “María de Betsagé.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Eloheinuh.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Consuelo de Jesús.”

Christ is consecrating this sister as “Estrella de Israel.”


And you, who have been faithful from the beginning and will be faithful until the end, who has pleased My Heart with your works, who have rejoiced the Heart of My Mother with your generosity, today I want to give you a name in this consecration, a very sacred name to Me and to My people of Israel: “Menorah.”

Your name to Me today will be “Emmanuelle,” in honor to the Creator.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And to consummate this Consecration of the sisters, we will say the Prayer of the Advent of the New Race:


may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype. 
May the Word be alive and build Your temple.
May Your mystery expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the perfect unity.


Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I speak to the hearts of all, on this night that withdraws, yet is illuminated by the Presence of the Living Love of God.

I have called you here and you have responded to My call, and for this reason I thank you. Even if you do not deeply understand what this means, I do know what it means and what it will represent in the next stages of the Plan of Rescue in humanity, in the next tasks that your Master and Lord will carry out in Israel and, through Israel, in the whole Middle East.

Because in truth I tell you that tonight, by being with Me and able to enter My Merciful Heart, you are again living what you lived with Me in the past, when your Master stepped with His Feet on the surface of this planet, to preach, heal and cure, to announce the Good News, which, in these times, I hope will echo beyond the material life of the planet, beyond all ignorance and indifference, because My Voice and My Word echo when souls live Me and feel Me, when hearts trust Me.

This is why tonight I Am here with you and with the world. I Am here for all refugees and exiled, for all those who tragically disappeared in Turkey and Syria.

But today I assure you that all those souls are being contemplated by the Eternal Father so that they may achieve their path of liberation, and also their path of reconciliation with the Heavens, because the Eternal Father has listened to the prayers of His children, of all those who, in these times, decide to respond to His Call, in the face of the tragic planetary reality.

However, once again, through the ocean that lies before you, I bring you the reflection of the Great Mirror of God’s Love, the Eternal Love of the Source, from which all of you come, and so do all your brothers and sisters. The Supreme and Immaterial Source which is being forgotten by the world, due to indifference, due to the wars, due to the lack of religiosity or all spiritual connection.

For this reason, through My serving and paternal Presence, I come to congregate all My sheep, call them by their names on the inner planes, because the moment of the final times has come, when all My companions must be firm, available and whole, to sustain with Me this moment of the great Armageddon.

However, do not despair nor be frightened, because if you trust the Mercy of My Heart, nothing will happen to you. If you faithfully follow My precepts, you will be protected from yourselves and, just as I did to My apostles in the Sacred Cenacle, in these times I will send the Holy Spirit of God to guide you and lead you toward the concretion and the experience of living Divine Will, a Supreme Will that is also being forgotten and, in some cases, is despised by the men and women of the Earth.

But when I return, I will show the whole world all that they have abstained from living with the Eternal Father. Because the signs that I will give will be concrete, and all that is kept as a treasure on the inner planes will be revealed, so that the signs may redeem the planet and human consciousness. Because it is the time for these signs to begin to descend upon the whole world, upon those who are asleep and have not awakened, and those who must again find the path of redemption.

This is why this is the time of immediate preparation. This is the hour to give all for the Plan, so that this Plan may be concretized on the surface of the planet, even if this begins to happen in the smallest things, or in the transformation and rehabilitation of your lives.

This is what the Eternal Father needs in these final times: that souls may decide to be His Great Mirror, that the lives of His Creatures may reflect His Divine Attributes, in the face of a world that, more each day, moves away from the truth and loses the path toward the Kingdom of Peace due to living everything that is petty and indifferent.

This is the time for your eyes and the eyes of your brothers and sisters to open, so that you may understand that, through the current planetary situation, a change in consciousness is necessary, and also in the material life.

For this reason, I am here once again, not only to bring with Me to the Heavens those who have died in this Mediterranean Sea, but also to warn the world and, above all, Europe, that it must mend its errors and correct all its indifferences to those who suffer and are subjected to slavery, because this planet, which the Eternal Father has given to you, has a Spiritual and Higher Purpose that has not yet been fulfilled.

Therefore, companions, it is time to mend the errors and live the change. Once and for all, it is time for peoples and races, nations and cultures to consider themselves as one spiritual family, because although this may seem distant to the majority, it is not so for your Master and Lord.

Thus, dedicate your life to a life of service and prayer, do not allow uncertain doors to keep opening on this planet. Through your prayers and your act of surrender and sincere self-giving, you may maintain the doors of Mercy open for humanity, because otherwise the world will continue to be purified intensely.

I only want you to grow in wisdom and understanding, because I do not want to see anyone else suffer and have to endure that which this world does every day, outraging the Laws of the universe, moving away from Love and Truth, failing to fulfill Divine Will.

For this reason, I will raise again, upon the ether of this planet, all the merits that I attained through My Public Life, My Sorrowful Passion, My Death and Resurrection, through My Presence in the Holy Land. For not only does the Middle East need it imperiously, all of humanity also needs it, because if I do not carry out this task in Israel, humanity would be headed toward a dead end, and no one would manage to remove it from that place, not even the angels.

Therefore, you must continue to pray for this great mission in Israel. I invite you to be with Me, in heart and in essence. I invite you to accompany each step of your Master and Lord during the days of the Holy Week.

In this preparatory Lent that you are living, I also ask you to truly live it, with introspection, with deep reflection and penitence, for the great indifference that the world lives, for not being able to see the Light of God.

In this way, you will finish your preparation for the culminating times to come and nothing, absolutely nothing will take you by surprise, because what you may have to live in these final times will only impel you to be the New Christs. These Christs are the ones that My Eternal Father hopes to see present on this planet, within this humanity, converting all through faith and prayer, selfless and simple service that may erase, once and for all, the stigmas of this planet, and heal the still open wounds of this humanity, stricken by wars and conflicts, inequality and also by the madness of that which the modernity of these times offers, leading the majority to live an artificial god.

But do not forget, companions, that the Blood that I once shed upon the surface of this Earth has a price, it has an incalculable and inexhaustible value. And it is this Powerful Blood that you must invoke and aspire to spiritually receive so that your lives may be healed, redeemed and liberated from error and sin and, through a powerful communion with Me, you may be born again and renewed.

Therefore, may this Lent be a conscious Lent, which may spiritually prepare you to enter the Holy Week. In this way, you will be able to accompany Me, as I need and expect, in all that which your Master and Lord will do in Israel and, through Israel, in the whole world. Thus, your hearts will be ready and in the place where I want them to be.

May you receive My blessing tonight, just as My apostles received it many times, and in each place that I had visited, in each space where I had preached, in each heart where I had worked a miracle in the name of the Eternal Father.

I want your lives to be a miracle of love so that this miracle in your lives may transform the world. Many more souls can achieve the Grace of being worthy of this miracle of love, just as you are living it.

I anoint you with My Spiritual Light, and in this month of March, I prepare you for the Holy Week. Know that this month of March will be the month of the great preparation, as has never happened in the history of humanity and in any other Holy Week. In this way, you will understand the importance of all that I Am saying to you at this moment. I Am here, also for this reason, so that this Purpose may be fulfilled as it is written, and you may  once again be partakers in the Mercy of God, which humanity and the planet need so much.

I thank all those who are present, for having worked with the souls and essences of the refugees.

In the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, I wish for you to wholeheartedly pray to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, for all those who are discarded and oppressed, for those who have disappeared on land and in the oceans, for those who do not have the opportunity to live hope, in themselves and in their families.

Pray for all this and thus you will relieve My Heart of the evil spirit of indifference.

May Mercy convert miseries.

May hearts receive peace and may everything be renewed. Just as it is renewed in the Heavens, may it be renewed on Earth, and just as it can be renewed on Earth, may everything be renewed in your inner worlds. For what I wish the most in these times is that you may be part of the Kingdom of the Heavens, just as the angels and blessed ones are a part of it.

I withdraw into the hearts that adore.

I Am strengthened in the souls that pray.

I renew Myself in the hearts that serve.

I make Myself present in those who commune with My Body and My Blood. In this way, I establish the Light and the Love of God.

I thank you for being with Me tonight, and although it is late at this moment, know that your Master and Lord, in the deepest nights, would make His great decisions, elevating His Gaze to the Heavens or seeking, in the infinite, upon the horizon, the Presence of the Eternal Father, to feel His embrace and His solace, because it is He who comforts us and renews us through his Love and His Truth.

I thank you and once again invite you to pray during this Marathon of Divine Mercy, for all that I have asked of you, with the honesty of My Heart.

May Africa, Europe and the Middle East be blessed, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Some have already dared to enter the desert I am offering you during this week. I walk beside those who persevere and who, however much they know it is unknown, keep going forward, knowing that I do not wish any harm for you, but rather the victory of My Kingdom in each one of your hearts and lives.

For this reason, I am here, offering to you this spiritual exercise of entering into the very depths of the inner desert so that, in the void and in solitude, you may only find God, Who will give you His abundance and His spiritual riches so that, in the coming months, your hearts may be more ready and more decided to follow the paths that the Lord has planned for these times.

Do not forget that here My Sacred Heart is exposed, the Heart that emits the Rays of Grace and Mercy at this very moment for all painful situations of the planet, for the regions of the world where darkness and evil reign. This is the opportunity you give Me when you respond to My Call, in this second preparatory meeting with Me, because the aim of all this is to establish My Peace.

I want to leave three keys to you today, three keys that will always open the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens so that your souls, in spite of what they may live or go through, may be elevated. Three keys that are important in these definitive times, when great spiritual pressures meet in the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.

Your Master and Lord used these three keys during His Passion, during His Calvary and above all at the moment of His Death: the key of meekness, the key of serenity and the great key of the peacemaking spirit.

Without these three keys, companions, it will be very difficult for you and your brothers and sisters to go through these times because the unknown comes to meet you not to confront you or harass you, the unknown comes to meet you so that you may learn to overcome yourselves in Love, in the same Love that I lived for you and that I live today for the whole world.

So keep going forward, in this intensive and preparatory week, crossing this desert that each one knows within and that God contemplates with immensity and Mercy because, in the end, My Sacred Heart will attain victory in those who say ‘yes’ to Me.

The Universe is attentive to the movements of the inner worlds, to the steps of souls, to the self-giving of hearts, to the surrender of each one of the spirits that join Me at this hour, to be a part of the great Network of Mercy for this planet and this humanity.

May that which you cannot transform no longer weigh on you. Come to quench your thirst in the Fount of My Heart, which is Living Water, through the Words and the Messages that I deliver to you in these times.

In this Hour of Mercy, at three o’clock, when you contemplate the moment when your Master and Lord expired on the Cross, may this not signify a defeat, but rather the possibility, through Me, for you to love the symbol of sacrifice and surrender to what is Greater, knowing that the Father has planned all that will happen in these times, and that He needs souls in order to carry it all out.

It gladdens Me to meet you, once again, at this special moment when the Celestial Father has given Me permission to come here to contemplate the souls that make their efforts to live Christic Life. But have faith and a lot of perseverance, patience in the transformation, solidity in the decisions, temperance in the battles, love in the agonies, silence in the tests, confidence in the storm, bravery in the challenges, unity in the harassments and much Light in times of darkness, because in this way you will open the correct door for Me so that I can help and assist you, both you and your brothers and sisters.

With the keys of meekness, serenity and a peacemaking spirit, may your consciousness climb one more step on this stairway of Light that I offer to you toward the universe, toward the higher worlds, so that the Christs of the New Times can awaken and be in the place where I need them at this moment.

In the next Sacred Week, once again, I will give you the Codes of My Passion so that, on that occasion, you may see the Victory of Christ through the attributes that I once revealed to you in the Spiritual Trilogy.

Drink the impulses of the Spiritual Trilogy, nourish your consciousnesses with the Spiritual Trilogy, and I assure you that you will have the same strength and the same courage that I had when I lived here on Earth; all that I lived for you and all that I keep living for you until the current times.

Remember that within the Communion always lies the opportunity of forgiveness and reconciliation, not only with the Eternal Father, but also among yourselves, brothers and sisters of My Path.

I infuse My Peace in the world and I make, of this humanity, rescuable souls, redeemed spirits, Christic consciousnesses that work for peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am here. I Am the Sun of God and I come to the world to illuminate this dark night, to remove from darkness all those who suffer the injustice of these times.

I am here. I Am the Sun of God. And I come to the world to awaken healing, peace and renewal within hearts.

I am here. I Am the Sun of God. I come to give to each human heart the Love of My eternal eart so that souls may not lose hope nor joy of being present at my Return to humanity.

I am here. This is why I am the Sun of God and I bring to the world the message of the Advent of Christ, the preparation of the inner worlds for the expected Return of the Redeemer.

I know that, for many of My companions, at this planetary moment, it is difficult to live this transition, which is unknown to all humanity, but I ask you not to become desperate. I come to ask you not to give up, but rather to open your arms to receive My celestial embrace.

Many nights, when darkness reigns, when the pain is unbearable for all those who suffer in these times, not only their purification, but also this situation of humanity and the planet, I come as the Guard of the Celestial Tower, to bring to My companions the watchful consolation of My Heart, My unchangeable Presence, which is unmovable, which is non-transferable and eternal for all those who have faith in Me.

This is why I come as the Sun of God, as the Sun of the Divinity, first to announce within the inner worlds the near coming of the King of the Heavens. I also come to prepare you to keep being My apostles of the end of times so that you may learn to love My Will, and you may carry forward My Will, just as it is written within the Heart of God for each one of you.

During many nights of these times, I have heard the prayers and supplications of My children, of My servants and My prayerful beings, especially of those who have had to experience the departure of some loved being for different reasons, for various motives, and I say to you, that I have contemplated all this with My Heart, from the needs of the little ones to the situations of the more adult ones.

My Heart is here as the Sun of God, as the Eucharistic Sun of God, to again give you this eternal Communion, which is immaterial and divine, which, in essence, the impulse of My merciful Heart so that you may have inner strength, bravery and much courage; so that you may not be taken by the injustice of these times, by the incoherence of the nations, by the lack of discernment of the rulers of the world.

I ask you, be My Gospel in life. Do not just read My Gospel, be My living Gospel and, thus, you will be a part of My living Word, of My living example of Redemption, which I impel for all hearts and souls.

Remember that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Word will always remain, eternally resounding, as an impulse of light, in the hearts that trust Me. And even if to your right or to your left all may fall, stand firm, and you will not perish. Stand firm, with the firmness of the Love that I give you to face your own purification and the purification of the planet because the Sun of God is here today in Fatima, as this great sun once danced, danced in the skies of this place.

But the Sun that I bring to you today is the Sun of the Divine Source, the Sun that will always illuminate the times, situations and generations. Be brave and do not give up. When your heart aches, when your soul aches, when you no longer have strength to continue on, do not forget to say to Me: “Jesus, I trust in You”. 

This is the great key, the master key that will sustain all those who believe in Me, and, even more, all those who experience the Sacraments.

These times of planetary transition have led you to strengthen your immaterial faith, in these times you have often not been able to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist physically, but this is the time for you to deepen in this union with Me, through the Spiritual Communion, because I am also present in it, when a heart simply opens up to the certainty that I am in it, and that it is in Me.

The world and humanity have not yet understood what the Father needs. Know that God, the Father who is in Heaven, suffers for all that you experience and do, for all who have moved away from Love, from the Path and the Truth. But I come to make you return to this Path. I come as the Sun of God, to give you the Love of God, and I also come here to make you live the Truth.

Being here today with you feels like more than two thousand years ago, entering the cenacle of the heart of My companions so that you may feel My Presence, feel My strength, so that you may enter My Peace because what is still to come to this humanity will be very painful, but if hearts do not forget the vow of prayer, of sacrifice and renunciation, many situations will be avoided, especially by those who adore My Eucharistic Heart.

My faith lies within them, and they will be the flames of Light for this dark world. It will be the deep inner light of the adoring hearts that I will place available, in an unconditional way, for the inner worlds that most need it, for the regions of the world that have lost peace. And these hearts, converted into flames of Light of the Adoration of My Eucharistic Light, will transmute, with Me, the incoherence of this humanity, the injustice, the offenses, the sufferings and the sorrows of many hearts, especially of the families that emigrate to other nations, seeking a new opportunity that they have not yet found.

Because the indifference of this world is so great, that you have not realized that it has been Me Who has knocked on the door of many nations, seeking refuge, relief, shelter and food to survive.

Who will be willing, in this end time, to go with Me to the hells, and to not fear evil, without challenging it, but rather confronting it, with the supreme strategy of prayer, Adoration and Eucharistic Communion with Me?

I will never give you swords for you to fight against sword, because the one who fights with a sword will be wounded by a sword.

You have to learn to live as I lived for you here on Earth. Would you be able to do what I did for you and a little more? Would you be able to act just like your Master, who, in the Last Supper, knowing all that He would live and suffer for you, did not fail to give His Love and His divine Compassion to His apostles?

I only need you to have the courage to place your heads upon My Chest when you can no longer move forward: it is so simple, that many do not dare to do it.

I come here to teach you how to surpass your own limits. I come here to teach you to transform your resistances to the point that I need, in which you can come to thoroughly live My Will.

I want to tell you that I am with the whole world at this moment, and that I carry, within My Heart, all needs, however small they seem to be, because all is important to me, even that which is most imperceptible and silent, even that which only I can see; all is considered by your Master and Lord.

But I come to teach you that, through love, everything has its time, and all that which you may be experiencing as injustice or suffering has a spiritual reason that, in this cycle, you must learn to access, to know and deepen into, so that you do not see yourselves only as victims of something, but rather as active participants in the transformation of evil into Love, in the triumph of Love in all things.

The Sun of God comes to celebrate here, with you, the first Eucharistic celebration, so that souls may live the Spiritual Communion, especially all souls that are here in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. This consecration will reach these spheres, as an act of compassion and spiritual benefit for those who most need of it.

Before this moment, I want to send a special message to a daughter of Mine in the United States, who I know has emigrated from Lebanon to this country, with her family, especially with her sick little son, who, just like many children at this moment, on each day that passes, offer themselves as victims of My Love, for the redemption and transmutation of humanity.

Little brave souls, who make great sacrifices, in the same way that the shepherds in Fatima did, so that one last opportunity may exist for all those who are already condemned to the day of Final Judgment, this is why these souls are victims of My Love.

What I want to tell this mother from Lebanon, who has recently lost her son, is that she may no longer suffer, because her son is with Me in Paradise. The little ones are those who reach My Heart the most, due to their innocence and their purity.

This is why I tell this mother from Lebanon to rejoice and offer this moment to God as an act of reparation and mercy for all that her little son has suffered at this hospital in the United States, that I have visited many times.

Jean is here with Me, be at peace.

Let us celebrate.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We offer, Lord, this incense, so that You may elevate all souls to the heart of Your Celestial Church. Amen.

We offer this water, Lord, so that You may purify our hearts and souls, so that we may be accepted and received as a model of redemption and reconciliation in the Hands of God, for the triumph of the Love of Christ. Amen.

Responding to the request of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we unite, at this moment, to His Divine Will. We ask Him to grant the inner Grace of living it every day, so that His Plan of Love may be manifested on the surface of this planet.

Before the Presence of Jesus, we unite to Him in spirit and consciousness, and we celebrate this moment under the joy of the renewal and peace that He brings us in these times.

For this, for a moment, in the silence of our hearts, we recognize our faults and ask Him for forgiveness so that His reconciling Spirit may enter within us and so that, with our hearts clean, we may live the joy of this Spiritual Communion.

O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.



On that night, before Christ was handed over, He gathered at the Cenacle to institute the Eucharist, the greatest Legacy of His Love for all humanity and the planet.

Thus, at that hour, Our Lord took the bread, raised it to God and offered it to the Father so that the bread would be converted into His Body. Then, Jesus broke it and, offering it to His apostles, said to them, “Take it and eat it, because this is My Body, which will be handed over by humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise, You, Lord, and we bless You.

Then, before the Supper ended, Jesus took the Chalice in His Hands and, offering it to God so that it would be converted into His Blood, He offered it to His companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by Your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ. May the hearts that avail themselves of this Divine Sacrament rejoice so that Peace may be established.

United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we say the prayer that Jesus taught us, to consummate this consecration and this offering at the Altar.

Prayer: “Our Father.”

We announce Peace within all hearts of this planet. May the Peace and the Love of Christ descend to Earth.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

To all our brothers and sisters throughout the whole world, we announce the Spiritual Communion with Our Lord.

The powerful form of Light enters the inner worlds of souls, so that souls may merge into Christ. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

Today, the Sun of God, in Fatima, can retreat in Peace, with the perfect conviction of having delivered the impulse to as many souls as possible.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in My Peace.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (in Latin). Amen.

Let us greet the King of the Universe.

I ardently wished that this day would come because the triumph and the victory of My Heart are near and nothing will prevent it.

Happy are those who trust in My Word. Fortunate are those who follow it. Blessed are those who fulfill it, because Heaven and Earth will pass but My Word will remain in the memory of My chosen ones.

This is the time to give everything for Me. It is as I said in the past: I want you cold or hot. Far from Me the tepid at heart because in them My Work is not built.

In the tepid ones My Work does not evolve. It is in the warriors that I build My Truth and in them I leave My Message, My Flame expresses itself, My Love penetrates and transforms all that is corrupt. This is why I wished for this day to come and that you would be exhausted and tired, in order to be able to represent and to live what I lived for you in the culminating moment of My Agony, in which solitude abounded and the strength, despite the darkness, was in God.

I know it is not easy to live what I ask of you, this is why I respect the timing of each one of you. But it is up to Me, as your Master and Lord, to observe you and contemplate you so that you learn to follow My Path, so that you do not lose sight of My Purpose, that goes beyond the material and the spiritual. Purpose of which you are all part. Purpose in which you were all congregated, to fulfill it and to live it in these times, for a greater and widely unknown goal.

What I need from you is something more than material and, I could say, something more than spiritual. I need you to deepen into this existence that is within you so that the world may, day by day, continue to learn how to overcome mediocrity, indifference and all that omits the Truth of My Heart. This omission comes from humanity for being blind in the illusion and for not having heard, not even once, everything that I have said in these last times.

I still await the redemption of these human beings and the collaboration of the souls who, beyond their possibilities, their sacrifice or their surrender, are ready to suffer for Me.

But I do not bring you the suffering of the Cross, not even the tiniest cells of your body would bear it. Because what I lived for you was very great and it still has not been reported in any sacred book. The time will come in which I will tell all the truth.

I hoped that, on this night, those with an open heart would be preparing for the next encounter with Me, which will be a determining Sacred Week, in which many definitions will be made, steps will be taken and many will determine what they will make of their lives, based on these impulses of light that will come from My Heart.

All that I tell you today, companions, is to encourage you to continue forward, it is to encourage you to burn in love for Me, in a love that is capable of doing anything, under any circumstance or situation, in a love that lives in silence the aspiration of meeting Me day by day, and of someday seeing My Sacred Face.

If today you are not pervaded by this love for what you are living or for what you are learning or suffering, what are you doing here?

I need a real and sincere truth, I need your hearts to be torn for Me and your souls to be surrendered for me, day by day.

My Cross had an incalculable weight, a value not yet valued, a surrender still unknown. May My Cross be your breath, your strength and your aspiration. And when you feel the weight of your cross, feel that you will be in My Truth, and My Spirit will blow in you and I will inspire you in the Sacred Word, I will give you the answer and you will reach the aim.

Not everyone is prepared to live what I need. But if I ask, companions, it is because it is possible and only something within you could prevent it. But whoever surrenders at My Feet surrenders to God, to His Will and to His Purpose. And this surrender is priceless, it cannot be measured nor is it conditioned, because it is a surrender that donates the heart of each being who clings to Christ.

Today is a special day, but also a decisive one, because all the souls that hear My Call, after these last times, are for the first time before two paths in order to choose, and this answer will emerge from within you.

This is why I contemplate you. This is why I pray. This is why I adore My heavenly Father so that His deep and infinite Wisdom may be in you, within you and in your essences at the moment of deciding, of confirming yourselves or of defining another path.

At this moment, in the face of your spiritual and universal decision, I cannot intervene. My Father and My Mother made you free in spirit, in action and in word.

As before I surrendered to the Cross, before I was martyred and humiliated by those who were cured and healed by Me before My Blood was shed, and although up until today it has not been recognized, it was in that time and in that hour that the apostles also lived their great definition for their following stage.

My disciples must cross this threshold and learn how to cross it as I crossed it for you when the Father presented Me the Chalice and I said: "Thy Will be done."

This is the Chalice that I am offering you today. Beyond your possibilities, your limitations or your trials.

This is the Chalice that witnessed for you the Love poured out in each drop of Blood, as well as in the Water that flowed out from My Side.

This is the Chalice that witnessed the descent of Mercy, of pity, of compassion and of redemption in humanity.

This is the Chalice that I offer you so that the world may not destroy itself, so that the continents may not suffer, so that the wars may end and so that the enemies and antichrists may be defeated by My Light, the Light that comes from the Love of My Heart.

I warn you and I call you to awareness. Everything that you truly offer Me I recognize, however simple and small it may seem, however silent it may be, even if it is between you and Me and no one else; everything is recognized, contemplated and accepted by My Heart.

It is there, in this small offer, that you will find strength, impetus and determination. It is there, in the small and in the simple but true, that you will find the key of the love which will transform your being and all of your consciousness as I still expect so much, according to My Projects.

Keep these Words as something that will never be repeated again. The Lord of the Universe also has His time for saying things because this prepares you and guards you from the danger, the perdition and the deception that My adversary can propagate.

But I will step on his head and place My Sword. I will transfigure his essence and all the essences of evil. And My Celestial Kingdom will descend on the four points of Earth, the great Mother Star will come and the Masters will descend to regenerate and heal the Earth, and thus the New Humanity will emerge.

Offer this moment of decision at the Altars of God. He is attentive to the voice of your pleas, just as He was attentive in Fatima through the heart of My Celestial Mother. We are in a moment similar to that one, beyond your matter or your bodies, your mind or your intellect, beyond the spirit, the soul or the essence.

Offer to God this moment of decision. This will allow My Work to expand in the world and My Love to continue to triumph above the adversity in the hearts that congregate to live My Brotherhood.

Let us stand up.

Lord of the Universe, Creator Father-Mother, participate in the Communion with Your children at this sacred moment of definition in which Your Doors open and the souls cry out for Your Love.

Light in them Your Trust, the gift of Your Wisdom, the infinite Compassion of Your Heart, so that all the Christs of the New Time may awaken and take part in the victory of My Kingdom in humanity. Amen.


Let us now invoke the Celestial Father, His Sacred Name Adonai, so that His Wisdom may descend on the planet and on all those who participate in the Communion with His Spirit.

Song: Adonai.

Let us inhale.

Father, convert this element into My Body so that the souls may nourish themselves from the essence of Your Spirit and of the Universe, of Your Truth.

At that time I raised the bread to the Father so He would bless it and give Me His Grace, and I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

Father, convert this element into My Divine Blood so that the souls may drink from the essence of redemption through the infinite Power of Love.

At that moment I also raised the Chalice, the Father blessed it and gave Me His Mercy so that it could be poured onto the whole Earth through My Blood up to the highest point of the Cross.

At that time I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and drink from it, for this is My Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed for all human beings for the forgiveness of sins."

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ. Blessed are the merciful because they will live in the Mercy of God. Amen.

 Prayer: Our Lord in Portuguese.

Whoever lives in My Word, lives in My Love. I taught you to love yourselves, one another, beyond the flaws and the differences. May this Love spread in the world, the Christic Love of My Heart, in all peacemakers, in all missionaries and collaborators of the Work of God.

May the Peace of God be in your hearts and may He always make you partakers of His Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In fraternity and love, gratitude and joy, you will give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Write My Words in your heart and may they not disappear, because they will be necessary Words for the coming times.

I Am so similar to this Light, that whoever follows Me will never be in the dark. Happy will be those who follow My Light and recognize it within themselves, for they will not miss the opportunity to feel the power and strength of My Love.

When My Light is present, there is no darkness. The dark ones and the demons fall into hell, because My Holy Father, Archangel Michael, has defeated them one by one. This is why you do not have to fear anything now, but for not converting your hearts; a conversion that must be consistent with My request, at this final time, in which all is defined within and outside of beings.

Whoever searches for this Light will not perish. Whoever lives in My Light will be light in the dark of the three days of darkness.

My Light is the essence of love and My Love is the essence of life, the life that God has given us from the beginning to all His creatures. Most beautiful is His Light in the universe, for it is triumphant and cannot be defeated.

You will see the hells moving. You will feel the Earth tremble. You might see terrible things in the times to come, but know that it will be the moment of great definition, and the decision and freedom to do it will be in you because I need souls that shine with My Call. I need warriors to fight against immense things, against that which they have never fought. Therefore, I integrate all of you into My Light, that is the eternal Light of God; it is unity, it is omnipresence and it is the universal science.

Woe to those who do not enter the Light of My Heart. How will you be able to persist in these acute times?

I come to give something to the world, to which most people pay no attention, but only give attention to the superficial and petty. You will see men and women beating their chests for not having done it, for not having searched for My Light, the eternal Light of the Creator.

My Essence is being delivered until the last drop. I am giving an account of you and the world to My Father. Do not reject or miss this opportunity, because it is one of the last, and in you, all the treasures must be alive, which month by month and from time to time, I have been delivering to you through this simple meeting of prayer.

It is time for you to place the keys of Heaven upon the table and to contemplate with gratitude the Graces that My Father has given you through My Glorified Heart. You, if you are My followers, have the keys to open the new doors and not to close them to those who need to cross into the new life, into renewal and hope. Define your paths, because the time is approaching and I invite you to be part of My Light so that, by being in Me, I may be in you at each moment and in each hour.

And if My Light is in you, My enemy will not triumph. He will not be able to defeat any of My souls, those that throughout times I have summoned to be part of the armies of the final time, of the preparation of the Return of your King.

Drink from the Source of Light that I bring you today because, in essence, it is Adonai who, with immense Mercy, is giving Himself to your spirits, souls and consciousnesses, for those who do not accept Him, for those who deceive Him, and especially, for those who do not experience Him.

I invite you all the time to be true, so My Light may be in you because nothing belongs to you. Your lives are part of an original Project that has been distorted throughout times and centuries.

I come to complete, at this hour, what I could not do two thousand years ago because My Father called Me and I had to ascend to the heavens to listen to Him, as a good son listens to his father and rejoices in his words of wisdom and love.

In the same way, I would like you, My companions and My friends, My servers and My servants, to listen to the Words of your Lord, your Master, your Shepherd and your Father as if they were the last ones for this last era because you must witness what you have experienced with Me and you may or may not be witnesses of this Truth that I bring you.

Today you will place your faces before your enemies to testify that I have been here, in these last years, with you and with all who have welcomed My Call in humanity.

Therefore, the time has come to commune not only with My Body and My Blood, which is the greatest gift of My Love and My Sacrifice for the world, but the time has come to merge yourselves with My Light and to never leave it again, to not lose yourself in the tribulation that this world will experience and that it will face in these times.

With all the Glory of Heaven, I bring you this Light that belongs to no one but the Primordial Source, where Unity and Love reign in all creatures. May this Light shine in the dark spaces. May this Light banish the emblems of evil. May this Light triumph in the pure hearts and may the New Christs, the new apostles, the peacemakers of the Redeemer finally be born. 

This Light, that I bring you today, comes from a profound and sublime place, from an unknown dimension of the consciousness, from which your Lord and Master of Love emerged, like His Holy and Virgin Mary, as well as all the archangels that exist in Heaven and in the universes, who praise Adonai eternally.

You are children of this Light. Awaken, awaken your brothers and sisters from world hypnotism. Remember that you are children of the Source and that you are essences that come here to experience the principle of redemption and forgiveness for all that has happened beyond this plan.

This Light of My Heart brings you Grace. This Light blesses and renews you because it brings you Mercy and grants indulgence to your hearts that need it so much in the whole world.

If you are around this Light, the Light of My Heart, you have nothing to fear. The purification of your consciousnesses, the rendition of your human aspects and the liberation of your atavisms will be difficult. But whoever is near My Light will never perish, for they will be contemplated by the universe for having been contemplated by the Son of God, who believes and has hope in a New Humanity, healed and redeemed of its eternal mistakes.

Raise to the Heavens and spiritually, the Light that exists in your hearts and essences. Offer to God this Light as reparation and recognize that without this Light you cannot do anything and will never be guided to the final goal.

Dignify your consciousnesses and receive, through this Light, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that should spread throughout the world for souls that fall into the hells of the planetary surface. Furthermore, I tell you that this Light is also granted by the angels of the universe.

Today, at My Father's request, I stop the actions of the evil in humanity and will no longer allow the innocent to suffer the attacks of hell, because My Light, which is invincible, will triumph.

Happy will be those who believe in this mystery, because, just by believing, they will be within My Light without perceiving it; and truly I tell you to commune with My Heart until the end of the days, until you see Me coming among the clouds, in the Glory of God.

It is thus that in this hour I stop the perdition of souls, the agitation of the hells, human injustice and sin in the humanity of the surface. This Light grants, at this moment, an instance of peace for those who need it most, for those who suffer most, for those who despair and have not yet found any way out.

Today you have communed with the Sacrament of My Light, a mystery that I am revealing to the Church on Earth because, beyond the communion of My Body and My Blood, you can commune with My Light, and thus you will be communing with My Divinity.

Now listen to the prayer of your Master, who kneels before the altars of Adonai, just as all the angels of Heaven kneel before the Primordial Source. And in this way, with this prayer, I will bless all the elements, because while I speak, My Divine Energy, that is the Energy of God, magnetizes all things and transforms them into something sacred and into worship. Everything transforms itself in a great ceremony when the Light of My Heart projects itself upon humanity.

"Listen, Eternal Father, to the Voice of your Servant, of Your Essence, of an immeasurable love, who kneels before Your Throne to beg You, to convert this moment into something sacred, pure and immaculate.

At the Feet of the Creator Fathers, of the Archangels, we beg with the angels of Heaven for the emergence of a New Humanity free of mistakes, free of suffering, free of bitterness, free of sadness, free of uncertainties, free of failures.

May Your Divine Light, Lord, which permeates and lives in all universes, descend now upon those who listen to Your Sacred Word, through the most beloved Word of Your Son.

May souls always find refuge in My Heart so that I may take them to You, and You, Father, hold them in Your Arms to protect them and to contemplate them with the sweetest gaze of Your infinite Love.

So, Father, at the request of Your Son, banish what causes indifference. Open the eyes of those who are blind spiritually. Make yourself be felt like a powerful Ray in the most closed hearts, so that all may experience the splendor of Your Celestial Kingdom.

I promise, Lord, until the end of days of this world, to rescue Your children from Your Holy Justice so that all may submerge into the ocean of My Mercy and in this way find peace, the hope of experiencing you and of participating with You in eternal Communion.

Now I send the angelical armies for them to fill the whole Earth with Your Light, and that the greatest sinners be liberated from perdition, so that they too may experience the Source of Your Love and Your Truth.

Bless, Lord, this moment with Your eternal Light and, in Your Source of Life, immerse Your creatures, the ones that You have conceived according to Your Divine Thought and Your Project; thus, with the surrender of Your Son on the Cross and with the cross of the New Christs, My eternal rival will be defeated, for his defeat is near. The triumph of Your Kingdom will descend upon Earth, the New Humanity will be born and it will no longer be indifferent to Your Words and Designs.

Believe, Father, and observe with the gaze of Your Love what I have done in Your children throughout times.

Listen to the praises of the saints.

Receive the honor, Father, of the blessed ones.

Hear, Father, the song of the angels, because You are always Our Light, Our Guide and Our Truth.

I offer the Light that you have granted in My humble and poor Heart, for those who do not experience You yet and do not even search for You.

Lord, have Mercy, and may no soul stop being able to kindle their inner light before Your Presence, before Your omnipotence and omniscience.

May Your Will be fulfilled, Lord, in the hearts that receive it today and that they may be forever aware of this sacred commitment with Your eternal Heart.

Today I ask You, Father, that by Your infinite Grace and by Your greater Love, the hells succumb in their hells and that You close the doors to evil, just as Your Son implores You, with all that You have granted in essence, in life and in divinity, in My Sacred Heart.

May Your Rays of Grace reach those who need it most.

May you grant the healing of consciousnesses and may joy return to all who have lost it for some reason.

May Your children, Lord, Your creatures rejoice to experience Your Celestial Kingdom because Your Paradise is approaching, and at the end, Lord, at last, the thousand years of peace will be fulfilled.

Today the inner lights of your creatures have risen to Your Kingdom. Today Your altars are lit by this Light. May your divine Light, Lord, make more humble, simple and meek those who follow Your Path with faith, hope and trust.

My Heart rejoices in You, Father, just as My Heart rejoiced, in spite of everything, in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing that this time would come and that everyone would know through these means, the power of Your Words, the decree that exists in the Heavens.

May the Light of God purify Your children and may each child, who comes from You, fulfill Your Will with joy."

I baptize with this Light all those who have followed Me through the ages and I institute on this day, among all, the new Congregation of Faith, under the guidance of your Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the peacemakers raise their voices to the Heavens, for the ears of the Father will hear their melodies. May the peacemakers of the Redeemer proclaim to the four corners of Earth, without any fear of saying that they are Christians until the end, until their Master returns to establish a new time in humanity.

Let us pray to the Father with gratitude and rejoice.

Prayer: Heavenly Father

Fray Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of our Lord let us sing together "Peacemakers of Christ the Redeemer" and let us invite our brothers and sisters from the Monasteries, from the Communities, from the groups of the Light-Network and all the praying beings of good will.

Let us offer to God this Light that He has granted us in our interior as an offer of repair and healing for humanity.


Marathon of Divine Mercy

Now I will address those who have belonged to Me from the beginning. Receive My Grace with joy.

Cleanse your past with the Water of Life that I offer you and be renewed. On this day I will go toward the most simple, for the Lord has asked me to do so.

I Am the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus; happy are those that receive Me within themselves.

Let your beings rest in My Arms, the time has now come. Come to Me and you will understand everything. Follow Me in trust.

Through My Heart, I bring you the Holy Spirit, and through the Holy Spirit, My Grace is poured out.

God draws near to your lives once again to remind you of the commitment that each of you has to Him.

While time passes quickly, My steps are slow in this world. Little by little, I have been calling souls so that hearts may assemble through My Spirit and not forget that I am present in the heart and in the life of each being.

When you do not feel Me close by, call Me every day. I am present in your essences. Throughout time, I have sown a special seed, which will serve you in the future so that you may be full servants of God.

Thus, I bring you My Mercy, something you have yet to know in depth. For this reason, the Father sends Me to visit you. While this can take place, My companions, it will mean that the Plan is being accomplished. But when I am no longer among you, and dwell only in the heart of each being, you must remember each of My Words.

Read My Messages; in this way, you will be able to understand and fulfill My great celestial request. My wish is that you just achieve a conversion of the heart for all those that do not convert to God.

When I return, My companions, each of you will witness a sign in the sky. But if any of you are not there at that moment, know well that you will find Me in My Kingdom, which is the dwelling place of the Most High God.

In this time, I bring you an unrepeatable opportunity. For this reason, avail yourselves of it, My companions, drink of the Fount that I am giving you; in this way, your lives will be satiated. Because in this world, you will only find the merciful Light of My Heart.

Everything that surrounds you, all of the time, is not something divine. My Heart wants to make your lives divine. Thus, I need to transform you all the time. Remember that when I ask you for some things, it is because everything has a greater purpose.

Through this very special day, in which you once again are assembled in My Love, I bless you, I heal you, I free you, I exorcise you and transfigure you in the way foreseen by My Heart, just as My Father has requested of Me, so that this Divinity may descend upon you, something that you still do not truly know.

Continue to fuse yourselves in the union with My Heart, for in this way, you will manage to take the steps that God expects. The world will not have you waste time and you will be redeemed. Listen to My Words of Light.

While I transmit My Words, pray to My Heart.

Prepare your souls for receiving My Body and My Blood and think, at this moment, of the Sacrament that I have offered you during the Last Supper.

Through the Message that I have given you, you will understand what My petition is for this time and what the important purpose is for My being here, among you, for such a long time.

Thus, prepare your hearts, after having prayed, to receive My Body and My Blood.

Wash your hands in My Fount of Love. Release your stains and faults, for My omnipresent Spirit has renewed you today.

Receive My blessing in gratitude.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Lord will give a bowl to each of the pilgrims, with the petition that you offer this Sacrament to God; in this way, the Body and the Blood of Christ will be consecrated.

At this moment, Christ is indicating the people.

Jesus asks that we hold the trays for the Consecration while He is present.

Brothers, let us lift up this offering to God in the name of all those who have been ungrateful to My merciful Heart, for all the souls that scourge My Essence of Light, so that My Sanctified Heart may be restored and all souls may again receive the Fount of My Mercy.

Song: Our Father (in Aramaic).

Let us now listen to seven bell strikes, at the request of Our Lord.

Let your hearts vibrate in My Energy and your spirits be renewed on receiving My Body and My Blood.

Blessed are they who commune with faith, for they will always be renewed through the action of My Spirit.

While My Spirit rises, let us sing, brothers and sisters; in this way, your hearts will leave this place once again, renewed.

I am grateful, apostles, for all that you give Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, Jesus, for all that You give us!

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, before sharing this special message of Christ, we will explain a little about what happened, at the request of the Master.

When He appeared as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, He was stamping that image upon our consciousness. It was a task He was doing with each of us, so that in the future, we would be able to recognize Him and feel Him when He returns.

And after a time, He requested that we follow Him, just as you heard, and we explicitly went to the place He indicated.

He appeared again, and there He began to give the message that we all heard. He transmitted this message we are going to share with everybody, and at the end, He asked that the pilgrims do the consecration, that they lift up the Body and the Blood of Christ to Heaven, as an offering in the name of humanity.

When that happened through the song of the Our Father in Aramaic, He worked with the whole consciousness of the planet, and all of us who have unions, one could say, ties with other people of the world, in this way, allowing those people to be helped by the Mercy of Christ.

But in that Consecration, today a very important event took place. The Kingdoms of Nature were helped at the moment of the Consecration. At that moment, Christ was showing how all the animals, plants and minerals, in any part of the world or on any continent, were touched by the Christic energy. And when the Sacred and Glorified Heart was performing this expansion through the Consecration, many situations in those Kingdoms were given relief, mainly the Animal Kingdom which He showed how much it was suffering.

Afterwards, the Special Message received (January 5, 2015) was read, in which Christ Jesus transmitted this special request.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

This is the petition of Our Lord; so we will get to work. He invited all the brothers and sisters to get together in a great campaign to manifest this Auditorium of Mercy. Just as the Lord requested, shortly, you will receive the necessary guidance to concretize this.

But the most important thing is that, through this request, in this Apparition, in each of us He left a spiritual intention. For this reason, he called it the humble Auditorium of Divine Mercy, because He wants it to be or that it be similar to His house of Nazareth.

I would also like to share with the brothers and sisters that He transmitted the idea of the project, just as the Divine Hierarchy has designed each space that was built here.

We understand that through this symbol, there is a message that the Divine Hierarchy is leaving us, so that we can perceive what in truth God wants of us. 

And what truly brought the most joy to our hearts this evening was that He promised that He would return during the course of the tribulation.

And so, dear brothers and sisters, present and connected, let's get to work!

We will say goodbye by singing and giving thanks for this Call of Christ Jesus.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
