Dear children,
Believe that in apparent chaos you can live in unalterable peace.
When your hearts have deep faith, the Universe of God descends and helps you, no matter where you are.
Maintain calmness in the face of everything that surrounds you because, despite the circumstances, the divine Protection of the Creator will be around you, and all that which is not light and love will vanish from the moment there is a peacemaking heart capable of loving all human condition, beyond themselves.
In this way, dear children, in these times I come to teach you how to be in the chaos without belonging to it, to be before all human adversity so that, through your hearts, other souls may receive the Grace of a deep and inner awakening.
Through the unconditional apostles of Christ, the Earth and its humanity will be increasingly redeemed and set apart from all that which is illusion and chaos, bringing a new consciousness to the current humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Four Keys
First key: neutrality.
May your spirit, mind and heart become peaceful, because the coming times will be incredible, but challenging.
Cultivate within yourself the key of neutrality because you will greatly need it so that the clashes, tests and challenges do not overcome you, but rather that, with a brave spirit, you can transcend, in silence and prayer, everything that you will live.
The key of neutrality will make of your mind an unshakable fortress and build within your heart an unmovable castle because nothing similar to you will be able to agitate or disturb you.
Neutrality will be the master key among all keys because it will make available to you the courage and inner strength to help yourself and others.
May neutrality enter into the essence of your being and neutralize all forms in order for the peacemaking and unalterable spirit to always reign before everything that you will see of yourself and of the world.
May this key lead you to the goal and, at the same time, set you aside from any indifference; because neutrality is not indifference nor omission, but acceptance of changes, maturity of spirit and inner growth of consciousness.
May the key of neutrality align your whole being and may this alignment be reflected in feeling, thinking and acting; because in this way you will build a state of permanent elevation, capable of benefitting your brothers and sisters and, above all, the planet.
Second key: silence.
Above all things, love the key of silence and this sacred key of silence will awaken in you; because silence itself will transform you, and there will be no mutism at all nor will it make you different from others.
Silence will spontaneously connect you with the Heights and then your thought will rise.
The key of silence will internally end human noise and will contribute with the expansion of inner senses, just as the capacity to perceive beyond appearances, the capacity to prevent events, the capacity to anticipate concrete results and, above all, it will awaken premeditation within you.
If silence works in humanity, it will be able to awaken silent spirits that will invisibly learn how to balance the disorder on this planet caused by the noise of this humanity.
Silence, as a key, nurtures the spirit with high vibrations that come from the Universe and allows consciousness, in any place and under any circumstance, to be in touch with its inner world.
The key of silence is capable of penetrating spaces of the inner consciousness which the human being regularly does not know due to being immersed in everything that is superficial.
Silence is considered a powerful prayer that acquires a very broad potency of action.
The key of silence heals, it is regenerative and conceives in the consciousness a state of profound receptivity.
Silence is capable of neutralizing wars, of dissolving conflicts and strengthening the essence that must fulfill its inner and spiritual purpose.
Silence awakens the spirit of the guardian and promotes the correct use of words; it builds inner unity and dissolves the tendency for competition and everything that is petty.
Silence, as a key, allows the soul to internally capture the impulses of its superior universe.
Third key: compassionate love.
If there is no love in everything, there will never be compassion. Love and compassion, as positive energies, walk together.
Therefore, love in this time is everything and will always make the difference to be able to solve what is impossible and liberate what is in darkness within the consciousness.
We were born to express love; therefore, when love is absent from a human being, they live hatred, indifference and bitterness.
Love, as a key, essentially conceives all things and is able to solve what would seem unreachable.
Love brings comprehension, understanding and, above all, it awakens wisdom.
Love stimulates the need for service and compels the consciousness to seek Instruction.
Love, as a key, reconstructs life and generates, within the whole spirit, order and silence.
Love can clear any sorrow or human incomprehension, from the very moment that the consciousness feels loved.
Love creates evolutionary bonds among souls and awakens consciousness to the path of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Love heals the wounds of the unconscious and brings degrees of hope and motivation; it unites what the humanity of the surface separates through hatred, resentment and fear.
Love, as a key, will always bring the spirit of renovation and it will deliver healthy joy for serving the Creator.
Fourth key: humility.
A principle that will protect the emergence of a new humanity.
Humility will allow the manifestation of the promised New Earth and will remove from the way the obstacles that, until now, have set humanity aside from this source of humility.
Humility, as a key, awakens resignation and isolates the consciousness from all obstacles that the capital energies impose.
Humility creates a fortress for the souls that wish to liberate themselves from their frequent errors.
Humility can make this world a more positive state of consciousness.
Humility guides the consciousness on the path of instruction so it awakens to universal commands.
Humility builds the new humanity formed by the situations and experiences that radiate love, consideration and respect.
Love, as a key, not only opens the heart to transcend forms, but also, together with humility, souls see themselves filled with new principles.
Humility is the portal that will lead you to know God within each human heart.
The four keys try to correct the attitude of the human being and of your humanity.
The keys provide souls with the simple art of self-knowledge and redemption, to awaken the new consciousness throughout the world.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My presence among you is a call for you to transform your lives into true instruments and models of sanctity for the end of times.
My presence among you aspires to redeem the deep aspects of the old humanity and that it be changed for the common good.
My presence among you wishes to leave the Love of God recorded, the infinite and immeasurable Love that the Celestial Father has for all His little creatures.
My presence among you expects to make of every human heart a peacemaking heart full of God in order to carry forward the conversion of humanity.
My presence among you yearns to be able to find many more souls that are able to experience their paths of rehabilitation, just as your souls are experiencing this in these very hard times.
My presence among you only seeks that you live in peace, in brotherhood and in communion with life so that the human decay may be purified and hearts may finally be healed of all of their errors.
My presence among you is to aid the current humanity.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The power of faith is capable of conceiving in hearts high degrees of devotion and of trust in the Creator, because faith conceives a state of unity with the Supreme Source of Creation.
Faith is capable of drawing to itself a state of Grace that allows converting and redeeming all things. In this sense, faith goes hand in hand with the energy of Grace, because the two principles represent the possibility for the human being to achieve union with their inner universe every day.
Faith also is the bearer of the essence of love, because the spiritual foundation of faith is to be found in love and unity. In this way, faith, as an energy, permits the correction of corrupt states of consciousness and places the soul on the path of peacemaking, the good and the positive.
Faith allows the generation of a condition of upliftment of the consciousness and balances the lack of trust in Divine Will.
Faith is everything for planetary life, since faith, as an attribute, lifts up the human consciousness again.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Each prayer pronounced with love is like a flower that opens itself in My garden. It is a Grace that can be shed upon some consciousness of this planet.
So, each time that one prays with the heart, new Graces and affluents of Mercy rise to be shed upon some situation of the planet. See, therefore, the importance of both a life of prayer and of union with God.
No matter how difficult something may seem, prayer has the power of changing the destiny, following the principles of the Celestial Laws.
Prayer can straighten and correct what is deviated or even what is not clear.
Prayer is the hope of the meek and the burning fire of the peacemakers. It is the form each soul has to communicate with God and to convert each moment of prayer in an opportunity to be in communion with the Highest, as well as to make flourish in My maternal garden, many, but many more Graces.
Prayer is the food that should never lack to the spirit and the water of life that the soul should always have.
Prayer is the portal that will lead you to peace and to awakening.
It is the greatest medicine to heal any spiritual necessity.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While My feet walk in Venezuela, I ask you for more inner prayer, that your power of prayer be concentrated in the proclamation and in the spiritual request so that this situation may calm down.
Especially to the Venezuelans, I ask that you be peacemakers of Christ in this moment; this will be your test and your exam before the Father and in the face of so much inequality.
I am making a request for piety, My children; do not try to confront or to oppose all that My adversary generates; the essence of everything that he causes is to tempt souls so that they may miss their chance of evolving.
This is why the time has come to prepare the islands of salvation, so that the immigrants and the castaways may find a place where they can begin their life again.
It will be the mission of the children of Mary to activate this network of prayer for Venezuela, offering all possible efforts to your Heavenly Mother; above all, My children from Brazil have this task so that this nation that is so dear to Me not be colonized by chaos, which is experienced in many nations.
Now we are entering the hard tests for the nations in these times. With hope and love, raise up your prayers, despite all that happens; thus I, as the Mother of all, will be able to be closer to receive you and guide you toward the Purpose of Light.
I love you and want you not to get involved with evil and with all that it does; evil has its end, because it does not know or understand love; on the contrary, Light wins because Light is in the Eternal Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Pray for the Americas,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To the priests of the Americas and the world, favored children of the Most Holy Mother
Unite in heart and in the essence of Christianity, and have My call of Peace propagate all over the world.
Do not spend your time slandering My Name or talking about whether or not I am truly present with you or in your peers, whom some of My favored priest children persecute.
I am calling on you to be peacemakers with all beliefs and to care for the flocks of My Son. Do not allow the discord of My adversary to enter into your minds and be stronger than the love and the faith that move mountains.
Some of My favored priest children do not perceive that they are neglecting My Church, that true Temple you must protect and safeguard in each heart, as shepherds who were called by My Son.
Persecution among members of My Holy Church is very great, and also beyond this; do not allow the Sacred Heart of My Son to lament or be saddened; embrace your cross with love and do not make the cross of your brothers and sisters heavier.
I need you to look beyond yourselves, your ideas and your purposes, in some cases destructive.
The Work of salvation and of faith that your Heavenly Mother performs in this time, outside of the old Church, is so that you may learn beyond everything to embrace the purpose of conversion of all hearts.
Watch your actions so as to not fall into temptation, as some already have, generating human contention and division among souls.
Do not cling to the things of the world; let your priesthood be of value and entrusted every day to the Work of the Redeemer.
We are already in the time of unifying the Church with all those who in some way seek the Love of My Son, because what matters in this hour is that the angels lead souls to their redemption and conversion.
My Son taught you how to do it and it is not through twisted words, which make souls doubt the path they must travel.
My Holy Image is finally honored outside of My Church, for if at one time your Heavenly Mother fled to Egypt, because of the imminent danger of King Herod, it was to not only protect the Work of the Sacred Son, but to also allow Egyptians to feel in their depths the loving power of My Motherhood.
See, in this simple example, how always throughout time, I am calling all the sheep of My Son to lead them through the same portal, the portal of Love.
Do not, My favored children, let the flame of your faith go out because of your judgments or comments; the Lord expects to find you united with each other, in the greatest respect and love, and this also must be outside of My Church.
Thus I come to free you of your sins, so that My Son may give you absolution and you repent in time; in this way, you will renew your vows, and with Faith and Mercy, you will give everyone the Holy Sacraments to awaken love and salvation in their souls.
Occupy your lives with the sacred office, and just like the apostles gathered together in the Cenacle, obey the guidance of your Heavenly Mother.
I desire the best for each child of Mine, I aspire that peace not be lost among the priests of Christ and the people through the work of My adversary.
We are already in the Apocalypse, and I want to guide you, so you experience kindness and compassion for others. No longer persecute the sheep with your judgments nor waste time showing them your consecrated countenances for defamation and public revolution.
I love you and want you to help Me institute peace.
I thank you for taking in My sacred and last call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
All is fulfilled when the heart is humble before God and the neighbor.
All is fulfilled when the consciousness comprehends the importance of each Kingdom of Nature and of each living essence in the manifestation of the Plan of God.
All is fulfilled when faith transcends appearances. All is fulfilled when love overcomes individuality and selfishness, and beings understand and live the principle of unity.
All is fulfilled when the mind becomes silent and gives space to the voice of the heart.
All is fulfilled when ignorance yields its place to the truth, and doubts are dispelled in face of the expression of the light.
All is fulfilled when the search for happiness gives space to the encounter with the true joy of fulfilling the Divine Will.
All is fulfilled when matter surrenders and, giving up its apparent limitations, discovers Infinity within itself.
All is fulfilled when transformation reaches the consciousness, and the spirit finds itself ready to remember its origin.
All is fulfilled when beings learn to forgive, and this forgiveness opens the doors to planetary redemption.
All is fulfilled when peace triumphs within beings and the peacemakers establish it on the sacred land of the Earth.
All is fulfilled when prayer becomes the only language, the only form of expression of the human word, eradicating from their mouths and consciousnesses every criticism, every judgment, and every separateness.
All is fulfilled when human beings listen to the Voice of God and respond to His Call.
All is fulfilled when hearts recognize they are gardeners of the new life in this world and, with virtues and divine Laws, they prepare the fertile soil of the Earth.
Children, all will be fulfilled when you read My words and experience them. You will one day be able to look at yourselves and understand that the living book which, at the request of God, I wrote in the human consciousness is to be found there.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions and servers of Christ,
Today I ask you to reflect upon everything that I have told you in the last times and that within yourselves, you seek to perceive if you are trying to live the instructions transmitted by the Sacred Hearts.
With the simplicity that is characteristic of the Consciousness of God, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Saint Joseph and Mary are leading humanity to a great awakening; however, it will depend on each one for this awakening to be able to come out of the sheets of paper and the word that the visionaries pronounce to the world, when they repeat Our words, and become life and a source of awakening for other beings of this world.
At this moment of the planet, we are looking to awaken not only prayerful beings, but soldiers of prayer: consciousnesses that are capable of immediately obeying the indications of God and who understand that love, forgiveness, unity and fraternity, which are achieved when hearts pray, are the most powerful weapons of current times.
May, equipped with the Power of God, His Armies be able to cause Light to triumph through the descent of Divine Light into the hearts that pray.
The armies of the adversary do not tire, do not stop and are not distracted not even for a minute; but the victory of God must be the only certainty of the hearts that respond to the celestial call. With this inner conviction, you will encourage other souls to transform their lives and convert into the peace makers of this time of planetary chaos and damnation.
My dear ones, awake to an immediate transformation and never think that you are already in a good place, that you have reached the goal and that now you can rest, for the rest of the soldier of God will not be in this life.
You are now here, to permanently transform yourselves, every day a little more, until you merge with Christ in your heart, soul and spirit. Do this for those who ignore the existence of God and His Plan and that are surrendering their souls to the abyss of this world, believing that they are experiencing the best that the Earth can offer them.
I love you and wait for you in prayer.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While we were finishing the devotional of Saint Joseph, I saw that the portals started to open, but this time I did not see Heaven, but I saw a place of the Earth. Saint Joseph approached and I saw that behind Him a war was occurring, and He was coming from that location, in which He was trying to help.
Saint Joseph remained in silence for a while, with a pure gaze, though a little sad. Then, He started to say the following prayer that He asked us to write down, and He delivered us the daily message, speaking very slowly. Although His words were simple, we felt that Saint Joseph made a plea to the world for Peace.
Prayer and Petition to the Most High God for World Peace and for Redemption
Lord and Most High God,
full of Mercy and Pity,
under the intercession of Saint Joseph,
Your humble servant, we beseech You:
End the conflicts, the disagreements, the wars and the curses.
Forgive the sins of humanity and take them to Your Holy Light.
Calm the suffering of the afflicted,
the loneliness of the abandoned and the sorrow of the sick.
Placate the anger of the ignorant and the craft of those who do not believe in You.
Establish Your Peace in the world.
Establish Your Divine Mercy.
Redeem and consecrate Your beloved humanity and Your sacred Kingdoms of Nature.
Make this planet similar to Your Kingdom of Peace.
What I most want today is that you may be peacemakers in your lives. All that the Lord needs from the human hearts, on this day, is that you live peace and sow peace in the world.
My beloveds, the planet can no longer bear the conflicts of the world; therefore, balance this evil with your own actions of peace.
Do not allow yourselves to enter into conflict with your neighbor, with yourselves or with God and His Plans. Seek the essence of peace.
Do that for the world in which you live, because it is agonizing.
Peace, peace, peace for this planet.
I leave you My Spirit of Peace and My most sincere request that you awaken to the eternal peace of the heart.
Your beloved Father and Peacemaker of Christ,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
The true love of the heart is capable of undoing any knot in the consciousness.
Love is capable of making you accept the condition of life of your neighbor, and of opening the doors to charity.
Love is the direct path to compassion and to the sacred understanding of the whole human reality through the wisdom of the love of the heart.
Children, the humble love heals because it is a love without restrictions, free from attachments, and full of maternity and paternity.
The Love of God, when invoked, liberates and transmutes the conditions of a material and superfluous life.
Dear children, today I invite you to get to know the Love of God, and this will occur when you will take the first step by means of prayer as an offer of reparation. In each brother or sister of yours exists a seed of love, but few make it grow towards Heaven and others bury it so that they will neither see it, nor make it ripen.
God gave you to Your Mother of Heaven so that you would get to know the essence of the love of the Universe. Accept this summoning, live love and feel united everyday through it, because love breaks barriers and unites the inner bridges between the hearts.
Whoever lives in the Love of God rejects neither their own sorrow nor that of the others because they learn, through it, to give testimony to the whole world. The source of your love is in Jesus, and Jesus is in the heart of the meek and of the peacemakers.
To be a peacemaker is a school, it is a preparation for the times that are to come.
Seek My Love saying the following prayer:
Prayer to live in the Love of Mary
You, Who are the beauty of the Love of God manifested.
You, Who through love and silence
reached the foot of the cross for our sake.
You, Who out of love for all, guided the apostles.
You, Who out of love live eternally in the Glory of God.
You, Who made Yourself small and a servant amongst women.
You, Who out of love accepted the Will of God in humility.
You, Who out of love, are love, maternity and compassion,
convert my heart into the living flame
of Your Immaculate Love
so that I may see through Your eyes
the living love in my brothers and sisters.
I consecrate myself to the eternal love of Your Heart.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who unites you to the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A universal call for peace and good in the world
From the center of the universe, in the Heart of Our Eternal Father's Light, My voice proclaims a request to all souls today: that they listen attentively to the Words of the Mother of Heaven.
August the 8th already marked the change of a cycle. This great change which includes your small planet is being guided from the Spiritual Universe. The entire universe, all galaxies, stars and suns of this and other universes are entering the new gateway that will lead you to find the final and profound awakening. This will demand from your world the balm of serenity, of meekness and mainly of peace, while you participate in its purification.
Perversity will be purified by Divine Justice. The lie will be purified by the Power of God. The annihilation of innocent souls and subversion will be purified by the Wrath of God. The destruction of a fruitful life, in this and other Kingdoms of Creation, will be purified by Redemption.
All causes that disturb the equilibrium of humanity, and those that became fashionable and control entire regions, will be purified by the Rays of the universe and by all its root energies such as Liberation, Transmutation, Redemption, Transcendence, Transfiguration and Light as an autonomous synthesis of all.
The new cycle which has already begun will demand from hearts a life moderately consecrated, a life totally surrendered and of a spirit of unity and not of selfishness, if indeed anyone is to be saved from the imperious light of the rays of the Central Sun.
Through omnipotent Truth, I come to prepare you for all that you have never before seen, for what you have never before believed, and for what you have never before known in your reality of the world. Therefore, your Mother of the World will give the last signs, which will indicate the culminating moment of your preparation before the times of purification to come.
What was hidden for decades will be known. What was the secret of a few will be revealed by the Law itself. What was poorly done will be news everywhere. Nothing will remain the same as before. For those who have not sought the Kingdom of God, it will be too late.
Whoever has persecuted and offended the Servants of Christ will fear to see the great Hand of God. Whoever has slandered and cursed the Sons of God will have no cave or corner in which to hide. Whoever has loved material life and disbelieved in the existence of spiritual life will not be able to be present at that time. Whoever has doubted will believe for what they will see. Whoever has instilled rules or regulations conditioning the union of the faithful with God will be removed from the throne upon which they sat.
There will be no one and nothing that can stop the descent of the true reality. The lamentations will be of the false, for they will lament for not having listened. The tears will be of the perverse for having wronged the lives of so many.
The only dogma will be that of the Coming of Christ and the meek will see the Great Lord. The indifferent will be removed to another universe and the Earth will be restored during the thousand years of peace.
Therefore, My children, purify what you are, do not keep anything that makes you falsely strong, and do not be skeptical, for the Wrath of God will be just. The cup is no longer just overflowing, it is overflowing so much that even the Blood of the Chalice is despised by humanity.
It will not be enough at this time to have good faith, to go to church and go to confession; whoever does not truly seek a clean, dignified and fraternal life will not be able to be happy. Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will inherit the Promised Land, and this will cease to be an emblem, it will become truth and reality within all those who will repopulate the New Earth.
There is no time to lose. Accept that you never changed and that your humanity preferred to grow old quickly rather than wanting to change in the name of Love.
I come to give you the Design of God, but I also come to make you rethink before the new time that has already begun.
I am your Mother and I desire that you listen to Me with the ears of the heart, thus, you will understand the essence of everything and soon you will be columns of Light in a time of great changes.
I thank you for accompanying My call!
Who reveals to you the book of the Apocalypse,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The time has come to break the chains of inertia and of constant evil.
May the veils of blindness and impunity be ripped away.
May the doors to evil be closed and the abysses of consciousness be dissipated.
May the ties be released and may souls walk toward their expected awakening.
May the impious be transfigured and all those who have transgressed the Law of Adonai be redeemed.
May the innocent be gathered and the meek be reunited.
May the peacemakers surrender to God and may the fearful smile because My mighty Light has come for their salvation.
May the impure be defeated by the action of My Mercy and may all the executioners be purified.
I will repeat:
May the impure be overcome by the action of My Mercy and may all the executioners be purified.
May the condemned be freed from their own prisons so that the eternal Love of the Creator may arise, now and always.
May hearts be restored and the Kingdoms of all Creation be forever glorified.
May the angels of the universe participate in the great Final Judgment.
With My Hands, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and bring forth the new clay, the new divine design for every being.
May those who have not repented do so, and may all hear the cry of the mutilated.
May wars end.
May not even one more body be martyred, because the manifested Law is descending onto this Kingdom called world.
May the unjust be converted and the sinners surrender to the infinite Mercy of My Heart.
May the causes of the past be transformed into wonders for the future.
May the truth come to light and may the blind and deaf of heart hear the Call of the Universal King.
All evil is removed from the spaces of the world so that the Source of Purification may spring forever.
May no one fear the end of time.
May the merciful give Mercy, and may the good praying beings pray much, pray much for peace.
Now the King is preparing to give his principality to those who were faithful.
The Son of God comes to end any disturbance and to re-establish the thousand years of peace. But still much must pass for all this to happen.
Open your eyes of the heart and banish from your cells the imperfect badges of evil.
I Am your Love, I Am your Light, I Am that I Am in every soul and heart that knows, humbly, how to recognize My only Truth.
Mercy to those who deny Me.
Pity for the unjust.
Peace for all humanity.
Under the Universal Decree of the Supreme Creator, be living witnesses of My final Message.
Who blesses you,
The Glorified Christ Jesus, the Redeemer
I want to call by the name those of My soldiers who must answer to the commitment that they have with Me and for this, My voice echoes in the interior of your beings as an unknown impulse that invites you to prayer, to service to the most in need, to reconciliation with your families, and to the understanding towards the other. These, children of Mine, are the manifestations of My impulses in their hearts.
I want to build in My children the principle of the new life which will not be in any way unattainable by the souls of this world.
I just ask you for prayer, to strengthen the spirit, to purify the past and to generate merits for the redemption of the souls and of the whole world.
I ask you for fasting to balance the injustices of the world.
I ask you to be peacemakers, to break for good the chain of evil that ties humanity and impedes the evolution of all the kingdoms of nature.
I ask you for reconciliation, to open the doors to new opportunities for the souls.
I ask you for fraternity, to build the basis of the new life upon the Earth.
I ask you for love, so that it may be the air that will breathe the new world and without which this universe will not be able to exist.
I ask you for conversion so that you may stop being what you are and abandon the impulses that this world has built in yourselves, in order to be just like what the Creator has thought, living in this way all the principles that today I have delivered to you.
Is it too much what I ask you?
With everything that the Celestial Universe has delivered to you, just follow the words of those who were sent by the Lord and, in this way, all the Graces that I have deposited in your essences will be able to sprout, grow, bloom and bear fruit so that other souls may reach the same awakening or an even deeper one.
My beloveds, listen with attention to My words and seek between the lines the truths that in other times I did not reveal to the world.
This humanity has already been in evolution for a long time. The moment has already come that a new and very great step may be taken by the consciousnesses of this world, and for this, it is necessary to be open of heart and to know that you know nothing.
Trust in what I tell you and in what I will tell you in the times that will come. I want to prepare you for this end of cycle so that the events may find you ready.
Do not despair. Do not seek for solutions outside of the heart. The only preparation that I ask you is prayer, fasting, peace, reconciliation, forgiveness, love, and fraternity among the beings. Thus, you will be able to cross the old time and to enter into the new time that will lead you.
Do not forget, My dears: pray, serve and act always with love.
These are the keys for the times that will come.
I love you and bless you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
I will always be at the side of those who cry out for My Presence. I will always accompany those who work day and night so that My Marian work may be a reality in this world.
My sacred eyes are always fixed upon those who allow Me to reach the most forgotten and allow My call to be spread throughout this world. My Mantle will always be over those who allow My Presence to be a reality in the life of all beings, because through your lives, bear witness to the Divine Presence in the world.
My beloveds, I am always present in your lives, in spite of only a few being able to see Me. I always accompany your prayers, for each one of them is precious to God. I am in each letter you write while you work; in every word you utter when you seek solutions for the difficulties in life and in this Sacred Mission.
I want to be in your hearts, telling you how to move forward. I want you to hear My voice and not distrust that it is I Who is talking, because even though My Presence will shortly withdraw, I want to withdraw into your hearts, and even though My visionaries will one day not repeat My sacred Words anymore, My wish is that in this time, this Divine Word to be already pulsating in your beings and to be renewed every day in your hearts.
I came to the world and was so close to all of you so that you could know Me and learn to feel My Heart and know when I was present.
My beloveds, I will never abandon you, because My Immaculate Heart is omnipresent and wishes to live within each of your hearts, just like My Son. I want to make of your hearts the simple and sacred dwelling place of Nazareth, a dwelling that was the refuge of the Sacred Family, that saw the Child Jesus grow and transform into the Living Christ; a dwelling where the Sacred Family lived in perfect communion with God and managed to live the divine archetype, even while being on Earth.
My dear ones, be joyful, because today a new cycle is beginning and each time I withdraw a little more from this world, the more present I must be in your hearts. Each time you cease to hear My voice echoing in the voice of My visionaries, the more the voice should be echoing within you.
My beloveds, the closer the end times come, the more you must be prepared and strengthened to live what you must experience as humanity, and whenever you see that one of your giving up, the greater your efforts must be and the hope that one day this brother or sisters will return to their original mission.
Each time someone stops working on this Plan, you must multiply your efforts and not let the love in your hearts go out, but rather, grow in love and understanding, which dissolve the darkness and supports in difficulties.
In this time, My beloveds, I tell you that if there is no love in your hearts, there will be no peace. Love so as to always be peacemakers and understand so as to know how to love.
I thank you for opening the door of this sacred house to Me, which I come to every day, but where many still have not perceived Me.
Know that I am here all the time and want to find you in prayer and faith. Speak with Me and ask Me for advice in difficulties. I will speak to your heart.
I love you and bless you,
Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira
May the Glory of God live and reign in each one of your hearts.
Dear children, with deep joy I traverse the world and My pilgrim steps conduct Me to those most in need, so that they may awaken the eternal Faith in My Immaculate Heart and the Love for it.
I come as Queen of Peace to establish My Kingdom in the world, because this Earth needs to awaken for Peace, and above all because the human heart needs this universal and divine attribute.
I come today bringing the Peace of My Heart as a primordial attribute for life on Earth, because those who have become peacemakers will not perish before the tribulations that the world already lives.
By the Lord's request I traverse all the nations pacifying the souls so that before the greatest test, the last threshold to be crossed by the consciousness, His creatures may take the steps they need to take, in profound harmony.
Those who have eyes to see and heart to feel know how much the world needs Peace to balance the many conflicts that there are among the beings, among the nations, and between humans and God.
I return to the world once and once more, to give testimony, through My presence, of the existence of a Greater Universe that is alive and full and that awaits the awakening of all beings.
Despite not having the permission to show Myself to the eyes of all My children, still, I can show Myself to the heart of all of those who open the doors to Me. My presence in your lives does not happen in the mind, My dears, but in the depths of the heart.
Each one of My little children will receive the touch of My Peace, in the form that they need it, and in the form they permit Me to do it.
To the simple souls, devout and of open heart, My kingdom will be shown, but it will not be out of favor to them but out of their own merit. Their faith will open the doors of Heaven, and the key that blossomed from their hearts will show them the entrance to this Kingdom.
Today I want you to understand that the primordial reason for the existence of all is the awakening of true Love, the Love that donates all of itself, and becomes empty before the Universe. My Heart, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus come, in this time of changes, to show you the path that must be traversed, that unlike what many think is a path of simplicity and humility.
It happens that My children are so separated from Divine life, that many have lost the link with the celestial attributes that were infused in them at their origin. But today I call you to not be discouraged, because each one of the virtues to be lived is latent in the interior of each one of you, and little by little you will be able to find them, as you seek them.
Awaken, My little ones, awaken! Because higher life awaits you, and My presence calls you to experience this sublime reality. For this I am here today among you, and I welcome you into My mantle, protecting you and leading you always.
I thank this city for opening to Me the doors of the heart.
I thank each devout soul that clamored for My presence in this place, and today I say to you:
Here I am, My dears; your Divine Mother has come to the encounter with you.
May Peace reign in your lives!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
A Celestial Salutation of Jesus Christ to all of Argentina on the occasion of the third marathon of Divine Mercy.
Dear companions of Mine:
Praised be Your Father in the Heights!
Today I want to salute especially from My Most Sacred Heart all the souls of Argentina, mainly this whole ecumenical group that was disposed from the beginning to carry out My requests of Mercy.
Now that Heaven chose a Christian patriot of your Nation, Pope Francis, Argentina will now have the divine opportunity to remedy her faults through the portal of prayer to My Divine Mercy.
I want to dedicate the days of My celestial Presence in Argentina to all the beloved children of this nation. For this special reason I invite you to unite yourselves with My Unfathomable and Powerful fountain of Mercy during these next two days, the 5th and 6th of October; in this way all the Argentinean provinces and cultures will be able to receive the same fruit of love that I will deposit in your little hearts.
My friends, I talk directly to those that are the simplest and are neither literate, nor theologians nor philosophers of spirituality, because the science of My Merciful Love is, in truth, not yet known.
For this, in this time of changes and of opportunities for the awakening of Consciousness, I ask of you that you be good peacemakers and praying beings; unite yourselves with this spiritual and ecumenical flock that will wait, in the next night of vigil, for the coming of the Humble Shepherd and Fisherman of hearts.
Now, I will return to the world, first in the Spirit of Love, of Mercy and of Humility; because I want to demonstrate to the world, as I did with My Little and Holy visionary Segatashya of Kibeho, in Rwanda, that in truth My christic Love is for all of humanity.
I will now leave from the sanctuaries that are closed to the thirsty souls, so that in truth My Spirit be in all the hearts of the Earth, because in them I shall find Myself comforted, free, and united with My disciples.
Dear souls of Argentina: I thank you for your sincere effort of praying for the fulfillment of My plan for this Nation and the entire world.
This Third Marathon will represent the favored union of your lives with the Holy Spirit of God, since He will help so that My Son, Pope Francis, may realize the mission that the Heaven is entrusting him with, which is to unite hearts and religions prior to the glorious return of Christ.
Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you Argentina for opening the door of your heart!
Your King, Christ Jesus
Among the simple and true sheep My Sacerdotal Consciousness helps the great planetary consciousness.
Among those who pray and those who adore My Most Holy Glorified Body I construct the path for the New Humanity.
Among the silent ones, the reverent ones and the devotees, I construct the Source that will give to drink to all those who have thirst.
Among My ones I accomplish all of the works and to all of them I give of My Sacrifice so that they may be formed as new Christs.
Because with the humble and the peace makers I manage to get deeply into the abysses of this world and I collect essences that have fallen into mortal sin. For this each new day My Heart will ask for a little more from My servers because it will be necessary to reverse the planetary situation and as I have always said: amongst My ones I will make My Great Works.
For this say yes to Me because I will always accompany you.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thanks for being in My Sacred Heart of Peace!
Christ Jesus
Blessed be those who pacify the souls in My Name by means of the Divine Mercy because at this time occurs the great miracle of love.
For this go with Me to the encounter of the pilgrim and of the solitary because at this moment My Light will come to the aid of those most in need of My Spirit of Light. I ask you that in this journey My Apostles be the living testimonial of conversion and of redemption because, if it were like this, the path to be travelled would be open and those who that need Me would listen to the love from your words.
In this time the flocks will be regrouped so that they may be conducted towards the stable of the single and true Shepherd. But now it is necessary to go and seek the sheep that are forgotten or that are hurt by the old incomprehensions of life. It is time to unite and not to separate.
It is time, for those who claim to be with Me, to recuperate the most injured sheep or those that are most separated from My Path, because, in the end My Divine Mercy is for all without preferences and without partiality.
My Pure Love defeats error. My Pure Love opens new doors and new opportunities for those who in trust are surrendered to Me every day. It has come the time to reunite those who are lost as souls and those who must, before the new cycle, be in My Sacred Redeeming Heart.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for being in My Eternal Heart!
Christ Jesus
While the world and humanity define their path towards the eternity of God, the time of Divine Justice approaches to reverse all the causes that have been generated in this humanity.
Therefore, dear children, in these times of emergency, I call you all to be peacemakers and propagators of the Purpose of God on Earth. In this way and through the prayer of the heart, there will be more time for Mercy to continue to work in the hearts of all My children.
As the Mother of Divine Justice, I ask you, dear children, that you do not waste time and that you open your hearts because, just as in Medjugorje, these are My last warnings so that the consciousnesses of all My children may reflect and awaken to the reality of this time.
Dear children, do not see Justice as a punishment. The Divine Justice will put in order that which humankind has deviated from the Will of God.
Therefore, little children, pray, pray and only pray! So that the Love of God may touch all My children. Know that your honest and sincere prayer from the heart will define, as it was in Fatima, the next path of humanity.
As Mediator, I ask that your praying voices help humanity, placing each one of your supplications at the feet of the Creator.
Dear children, My Son Jesus is a great mediator. Therefore, unite your souls to the will of My Son so that your hearts may find a true guidance. In Jesus you will resurrect to life. In Jesus you will remedy the pain of the past. In Christ you will follow the pathway of Mercy and Redemption.
Do not feel fear because today I am among you and with all the hearts of the world, calling you to pray for the peace and the conversion of all this humanity.
Redeem, through forgiveness, all the past and, in joy, together with My Son, quench your thirst for love. Be responsive to each other because for the end of this cycle in the world, the time has come to manifest the sacred teachings that My Son left you:
I thank you for responding to My call on this day! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
The Virgin Mary continues the transmission saying:
My children, I have seen and I have considered, within My Plan of Love, that for the times of emergency, My Voice must go on, echoing in the hearts that still do not hear Me. This is why, from today on, all the monthly apparitions will be public and open to everyone so that My message may reverberate in the consciousnesses.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more