Third Series of Poems
Ninth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Lord Jesus Christ,
when anguish comes,
may I not fear my own purification
or that of my fellow beings.

May the glorious flame of Your Love
fill us completely
so that we have the inner strength
to overcome ourselves.

Lord Jesus, teach us to live
in the same way that You lived
the Eternal Father in each moment.

That we be able to be ambassadors of Your Legacy.

That we be able to represent You on Earth
just as You deserve it, so that
we may cease to disappoint Your Heart
and we may fill It with bliss and joy
through fulfilling
Your Designs, step by step.

Make our hearts brave,
willing to suffer for You,
and thus that we be able to repopulate the Earth
with new values of brotherhood
and mercy.

May each test that You send us, Lord,
help us to confirm our fortitude within You.

We ask You, dear Jesus,
to make us like You in humility,
true in charity and peaceful
in the face of the attacks of life.

May we not fear to humiliate ourselves before You, Lord,
as many times as You need it,
because some day we hope to be nothing
and in this nothing merge ourselves into God forever.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 61st Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the house of My Father there are many dwellings; all were created for each one of His children.

Each one has the dwelling belonging to them; one day they will return to it with all they have learned and lived; that is why it is time to keep memory of everything that the being experiences on Earth, everything that comes from the Universe and from God.

It is time to get rid of the suffering and the agony, because in the Dwelling of My Father will enter all your wonderful learning, everything that you have lived here in My Name.

Everything that you do and experience here is concomitantly written in the Universe.

Each decision that you make in your lives, also has an impact in the Universe.

Each step that you are encouraged to take for Me is something that also has an impact in the Universe.

This is also what allows the Plan to be realized on Earth and is what makes that which God so wants to manifest for His children to descend from the Universe.

Today I come to remind you of the importance of this Dwelling of God, because you must preserve it and protect it from everything that will happen in the coming times.

If you still do not know that you have a place in the Universe, know today that you have it. That place will allow to recreate Creation, toward that place will go all knowledge lived and experienced.

For this reason, you must persist, because in the Dwelling of My Father all the good that you have learned, not only in this life, but also in other times, will be kept.

I want each being of this planet to know that the experience does not end here, nor on this material plane.

The infinite awaits you so that you may live new things, go through new experiences.

All that you sow in this time will be harvested in the future. That is why you must know well what you do and what you live, so that the treasures of My Father are not wasted.

The time has come for becoming aware of all the riches of Heaven and how many times they descend to Earth and try to unite with souls, so that they may live new experiences of love and of redemption.

All that you cultivate in this time will have an impact in the immediate future.

It is not necessary, companions, that I give you examples, because you have already seen them with your own eyes.

Those who cultivate bad things on My Earth will always come out losing, because Love is Wisdom and Wisdom is the Love of God.

Where His Son is, God is, and if you are in Me, truly, you will be able to be in the Father. The Laws are always fulfilled equally for all.

Each one knows what in truth they must do in this time. All that I need is that you always sow good things, because this will not only help you, but also the world.

Humanity has forgotten, to cultivate true attributes, for having distanced itself.

Humanity has become perverted and has deviated, that is why I come from the immaterial Source of My Father to remind you about the sacred attributes which are essential to live in this cycle.

It will be those attributes, like Laws of Light, that will protect you from yourselves and from others.

The time has come to unmask the wolves that are disguised as sheep.

But it will not be necessary for anybody to do, the Law itself will demonstrate it, as it has demonstrated in this last cycle.

Faithfulness to Me is not a passing thing. Neither is obedience a passing thing.

What I ask of you is permanent, true and immutable.

Therefore, if your paths are well seeded, you will cultivate good fruit, it does not matter that your lands are miserable, dry, arid, or empty. Through the Fount of My Love, everything is possible for your lives only when you are sincere with Me.

Today I need you to take that step toward a definite Truth because thus you will be able to be more brotherly, you will be able to live in more fraternity and be considerate with the fellow being.

The attributes of which I speak to you are not of this planet, nor of this universe, although there are other humanities that know them.

The attributes come from My Father and from His immaterial Source and this renews all things for those who truly want to live them.

Because through My Fire I bring you the illumination of your cells and atoms, so that in the deepest of your beings you may learn to live in the Brotherhood through the attributes that I bring you for this time.

That is why I repeat to you again that your first attribute is to love as I love you, and to love the other as you love God, in an immeasurable and infinite way.

If you have not yet achieved this attribute, keep on trying every day: forge in yourselves an unconditional love that goes beyond your miseries and your tests, beyond all the limitations and all the obstacles, and so you will be able to be New Christs that represent their Lord here on Earth.

I no longer want to see a spiritually miserable humanity.

Some of you must achieve much more than I achieved on the Cross and in the Passion.

You must and you can surpass Me in love.

No longer wait to be able to do it; live it with an unconditional effort every day; thus, your hearts will be similar to Mine, even though you do not believe it.

If I descended to Earth and was human and transmuted the human condition, what will the creatures of My Father be able to do, more than what I once did, being direct and intimate children of His immaterial Source?

You do not yet know your virtues, you only know your capabilities. But I come as the Lord of the Universe for each one of your capabilities to transform them, someday, into sacred virtues.

You must only surrender everything to me. Each one according to their time, even though there is no longer time.

It is time to surrender everything to Me and to trust in what I have foreseen for you.

The moment has come to close a cycle and to begin a new one.

Everything that you were not able to live before, you will not be able to live in this new cycle.

Encourage yourselves to unveil the mysteries of the universe with the expansion of the love in your consciousnesses.

Because to the humble will be revealed the Mysteries of God and from the arrogant and the prideful will be taken all the powers they think they have in a personal and human form.

The Law is again fulfilled and again written.

I come to teach you the path of redemption through love; this is what will make your dwellings fruitful and eternal.

And it will not be necessary to live in this world, nor in another what you have already lived, because you will have learned it as a life lesson and a lesson in humility.

I want your hearts to become peaceful, to be small, just as I was small in the arms of My Mother; in this way, the Project will not be lost, because it will not be in the hands of the arrogant, but rather in the heart of those that are humble themselves before God every day and who truly do penance, transforming all things, overcoming all times, vivifying the Sacred Spirit of the Lord.

Only the humble will enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Only the peacemakers will know the Kingdom of God.

All of them will never return again to the Earth, because they will know new dwellings and will remain in them to advance in their evolution and in the awakening of their spirits and a new Earth will begin with christic beings.

The law of suffering will be forgotten, and pain will no longer be remembered.

Love will reign and peace will be abundant in those who were unconditional with the Lord in spite of their miseries and their tests.

I need you to be clean of heart, not only at this moment, but also for the coming times.

I need you to be in ample resignation and in strict obedience, so that you may come to know other mysteries of the Universe that will not try to glorify your spirits, but rather make them more humble, more humble than I once was, as in the simple manger of Bethlehem.

Thus, companions, you will be able to love what you have never loved, forgive what you would never manage to forgive, because you will be in another state and in another vibration.

Thus, you will help those who most need and those who have nothing, spiritually speaking.

I will thus be able to withdraw and say that My task with you and with the world has been fulfilled.

I will thus be able to prepare to return without shifting My Consciousness so much through this Universe.

But I will never abandon you. Who is with Me will never feel abandoned.

Who is with Me will never lack love because they will have understood the mysterious Will of God, that from time to time tries to be written in the heart of men.

Empty yourselves before the Lord of the Universe so that I may place the new in you and withdraw the old from your consciousnesses.

Today you have offered Me a marvelous day through your songs and prayers; that is what gives Me the impulse, that moves Me to come back here all of the time, to be at the side of those who truly hear Me and activate, in themselves, My Words one by one.

From the Solar Source I have come , from the Spiritual Universe I have descended, from the House of My Father I have arrived, to bring you what you need today with all of My Love; so that you may remember, companions, that I will always renew you so that thus the mandate of God may be fulfilled; that you love one another, just as I have loved you and continue to love you.

That is the deepest mystery of Creation.

Love will make your abode luminous and your spirits clean.

Let us celebrate this moment with complete confidence. Let us thank God for all that has been received and let us rejoice in His Heart so that His Word may be fulfilled in the People of God.

May the mystery of this existence be revealed.

Father, send the Breath of Your Spirit
to those who are still sustained in You.
Send the Fire of Your Love
to transform all things.
Send the balm of Your Peace
to appease hearts.
Send, through Me, Your Mercy
so that creatures may know
the great happiness of being in You,

Today, spiritually, I will not only consecrate new adorers, but also those who will adore Me someday, as those who have adored Me until now.

Remember, companions, that there is a dwelling place of light for each one of the children of God, and that dwelling place waits to find you and receive you, so that in it may be kept the greatest experience of His Love on Earth, so that the angels of the Universe may elevate that experience to the Father, in order to re-create this Creation.

My word is like living water and comes to quench the thirst of those who are disturbed, of those who suffer, of those who for some time have been in their desert, asking God for a Grace and an opportunity.

Today I offer you the Word of Life like living water for your souls, so that the balm of the Love of the Lord may unify consciousnesses and banish the enemies, so that the Plan may triumph. Amen.

Today I will deign to consecrate these elements with special gratitude, so that the fruits of My Spirit in the souls may also reverberate in the sacred dwelling that you will come to know some day.

For this reason, I wish to hear "Your Word is Living Water", so that your souls may be worked upon at this moment by the essence of the Divine Sacraments.


For those who are able to, we will stand.


Song: Your Word is Living Water.

Here is kept one of the greatest treasures of the Dwellings of God.

Blessed will be those who avail themselves of it to feel the Universe of God in their hearts while they are here on Earth.

That is why I offer you My Body as a symbol of reparation and of healing for souls.

I also offer you My Blood as a symbol of purification and of renewal for all the spirits of the planet.

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, which gives you Eternal Life.

Here is the symbol of those who unite with Me through the offering of each new adoration; in them is built the Temple of God, which one day will become immaterial and eternal and will be especially kept in the dwelling that God has destined for each being.

Receive this symbol of adoration, as an act of gratitude on My part, and a renewing blessing for your souls.

I now want the adorers here, who will be consecrated today.

Most Holy Trinity,
that descends through the Divine Son,
unify these consciousnesses with the Eternal Father,
unify these consciousnesses with the Divine Son,
unify these consciousnesses with the Sacred Spirit,
so that in their essences may be established
the realization of the Plan of God
and the perpetual triumph of the Love of God,
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My God,
I believe in You, I adore you,
I wait for You and I love you,
and I ask pardon for those who do not believe in You,
do not wait for You and do not love You.
Amen. (x3)

And now that My Mission is accomplished in you, I expect it is already reverberating through the times, by means of your adoration, your prayers, and your acts of love, so that the evil in humanity may be removed from this world, so that the Kingdom of God may be established in each human heart, and many, many more may know peace.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for this day and for the day that will come tomorrow, in My Name, fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you.


To the Youth of Peace 

Dear children,

With joy and gratitude, we offer the youth meeting of today to the Universe, so that new seeds of Light may be sown in all beings that must awaken to a new state of consciousness, as a form of inner preparation for the times that will come.

Each activity that was offered today with enthusiasm has contributed to the spiritual manifestation of this state of consciousness that the present-day humanity needs to acquire for the current times.

For this seventh Youth Festival, the city of Buenos Aires was chosen as the host of the ecumenical youth meeting; the preparation for it, with effort, love, service and dedication, has demonstrated to all youth that it is possible to carry out the Work of the Hierarchy and make it part of their lives in this cycle.

The seventh Youth Festival represents a cycle of maturity, of learning and of experiences for the pioneering youth that gave the first impulses for the materialization of the Youth Campaign for Peace.

In this sense, the number seven means that all youth have passed by seven cycles and seven schools of learning, which helped strengthen the commitment of love for the Hierarchy and for humanity.

Today, an internal and spiritual synthesis has happened in the inner world of each youth collaborating with this Work of love, which goes beyond the meetings of peace, integration, service, prayer and humanitarian missions.

From this seventh Youth Festival for Peace, which has preciously taken place in the city of Buenos Aires, an integration has been established among the youth of different nations, who, together with the Hierarchy, and from this new cycle onwards, will be encouraged to spiritually rebuild the consciousness of the planetary youth by living the new patterns of conduct, co-existence, fraternity and service for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Youth Festivals for Peace represented for the Celestial Hierarchy an opportunity of healing, of renewal and of service for a planet that suffers and agonizes day by day.

From the Spiritual Universe, new virtues and new talents will be placed in the heart of each youth, in order to keep constructing this network of love and service so as to relieve the human and internal pain.

We encourage you all to continue working, to live each learning and each experience as an opportunity to grow internally, knowing that such old spirits, as those of the youth, must resume their places within this Plan of Love for humanity.

My dear children and youth, let us celebrate this day as part of a celestial victory in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter into My Heart of Peace so that your steps to God may be safe.

Enter into My Heart of Peace so that I lead you to that perfect Will that the Creator emanated by thinking of your little heart.

Enter into My Heart of Peace so that there is peace in your little life, and the conflicts, obstacles and difficulties are dissolved.

Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I teach you to be a peacemaker on Earth.

Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I transform you into an announcer of the Presence of Christ in this world, a living witness of His Eternal Presence, and of His coming return.

Enter into My Heart of Peace, so that I may teach you, in My silence, many things and may My Love supply you and nourish your spirit, so that you do not seek in the world or outside of yourself, what only God can give you.

Enter into My Heart of Peace in a sincere prayer, in a true prayer, in a confession between Mother and child, because, as your Universal Heavenly Mother, here I am to listen to you, to understand you, to correct you and to shelter you.

Enter into My Heart of Peace in a true dialogue with Me, because I love you, My child, and I hope that your heart returns to the safe harbor of My Spirit, where I can sustain you, so that you, in a permanent service and in donation, sustain others, who could not manage and did not know how to reach Me.

Do not forget to enter into My Immaculate Heart of Peace, do not forget to be in Me. In My silence, I have the answer and the encouragement for all of your doubts and difficulties; in My embrace, I have comfort for your spirit and renewal for your soul.

Do not remain in the world hopeless and without peace if you have a Heavenly Mother who has been given to you by God, at the Cross of His Son, at the height of His Love and His Mercy.

My Child, when everything seemed lost to the companions of Christ, who saw Him suffer on the Cross, He gave them an eternal and kind Mother, and in the same way, He does it again, when souls are lost for forgetting that they have a Celestial Mother who will support them whenever they elevate their eyes to the Heavens, and their hearts to God.

I simply wait for you to call Me and pray with Me.

The world, My child, will go through greater difficulties and tests that will seem insurmountable. Thus, learn today to enter into My Heart of Peace; build today the path that leads to My Mantle, and when this world is most in need, you will be a guide for lost souls, for you will know the way to find Me.

With love in My Heart and Grace in My arms, I extend them into the world to speak directly to the heart of each one of My children: enter into My Heart of Peace and find Me there, so that I may tell you what I most want from you in this time, and help you to fulfill your mission.

On this day I bless you, and thank you for listening to My Words and entering without fear into My Heart of Peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Baptize yourself, once and again, in the Lake of My Mercy, so the impurities of the soul may be purified, and the gift of the purity of Spirit may be reborn.

How many times do you need to submerge yourself in the Ocean of My Mercy, so the Divine Piety may rejoice in your being and encourage it to go forward?

Let My infinite Water of Mercy reconsecrate all of your being and lead you to love the mysteries of the Universe more and to understand better the designs of Heaven.

Allow My Mercy to generate in you the effect that it needs.

Surrender to it and be peaceful so that day and night your soul can count on this powerful spring that will renew your being and bring the necessary graces to be able to carry forward the Will of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Let us remember, companions, the Feast of Mercy, which is solemnly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter.

To celebrate Mercy is to accept the Presence of God in spirit, knowing that in every moment of our life we need the Presence of God to straighten our paths and to find peace.

This time, Mercy will be celebrated again in Poland, and on the inner planes this shall grant a deep healing for all the generations of Europeans who in some way have gone through the World Wars.

An atonement will be granted to the great sinners and, in this way, a history that remained recorded in the memory of the innocent will be dissolved in order to reconcile peace among consciousnesses, so necessary and just for these times and for the times to come.

Once again, Divine Mercy will act and will attract deep healing into the essences of souls.

Everything that will be offered through the Pilgrimage for Peace will help the Heavenly Hierarchy so that It may carry on with the spiritual unblocking of a process that condemned and condemns thousands of souls in this part of the world.

So that this could happen, it was necessary to first reveal the Aspect of My Divine Mercy so that hearts would know, through the merits achieved by your Master and Lord, that planetary life could be widely helped.

Now, and on this occasion, Poland will be helped again.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May the essence of Peace, which comes from the Divine Source, penetrate into the spaces with the greatest planetary need.

May this Divine and Celestial Peace, which is unalterable, deeply work in the consciousnesses of the world that most need peace.

May the Divine Peace stop wars and conflicts.

May human beings feel in their hearts the need to do good and not to destroy; the need to rebuild life, families, and peoples so that everyone can enter into the essence of Divine Peace.

May Celestial Peace, which is a renewing fount, be deposited in the consciousness of nations so that spiritual balance may be sustained in the countries that most need love and peace.

May the essence of Peace renew everything.

May the hope of being able to feel God be reborn so that everything is transformed.

May inner peace be the unbreakable pillar of those who promote peace and good in the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesse you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am on my way to meet the planetary needs, to meet the souls that are in most need of My Heart in this time.

Companions, accompany your Master on this new path of Light that will help you, as brothers and sisters, to dissolve appearances, differences and conflicts.

Walk by My side with the beautiful smile of the spirit so that everything within you may be healed and redeemed.

Dare to transcend yourselves and to enter this school of healing love so that your hearts may be relieved.

I encourage you to a change of consciousness in order that your hearts may serve the Creator of all that exists.

I leave you My Peace and My renewing Love.

Go ahead and wait for the arrival of the Universal King during these days.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


The more tired and exhausted My disciples become for permanently working for Me, it is a sign that with these offerings I can save many lives and rescue thousands of souls from daily downfalls.

Each effort and sacrifice offered to the Lord, no matter how small it seems, is recognized by the Universe, because the value is not in the big or the small, but in the authenticity and in how each service to God is offered with love.

Thus, I encourage you to love sacrifice and make it a part of the apostolic consciousness of each being, because this balances significant situations that are unbalanced on the planet.

Dare to follow this path because you will never lack rest, repose, and recuperation.

Each loving action offered to Heaven has incalculable value for humanity.

In this way, your peacemaking spirits will be present at each step, and once again the world will be granted a greater time of mercy and of peace.

I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


My companions:

Let nothing that comes from you yourselves surprise you, because just as you will see appear what is most hidden in your sibling, so will you see emerge from yourselves what is most hidden. And let this not be a reason for gossip nor comments made among My disciples, because the time has come in which the door of the dungeon will be opened so that a profound cleansing of the consciousness may be done, in order to liberate it from its constant errors.

Animated by My Priestly Spirit, you will enter and submerge into yourselves, in prayer, to liberate all that is already old and does not a part of My Plan.

You might feel an unbearable inner pain, but know that what is most resistant and hard is being broken by My hammer of Light so that, from this shell arises a peacemaker spirit, that spirit of the truth of each being which was formerly imprisoned by the aspects of life.

I know that for the majority it is difficult to face yourselves and see the truth, but be brave, as your Master and Lord was brave, so as to be able to overcome all things through love.

May you not lack love at this moment, because love is what will liberate you from these chains, from these dungeons of the consciousness, from all inner prisons.

Open your arms and let the Liberating Ray of My Heart impregnate you, so as to establish a new being within you, just as the Father thought of it from the beginning.

Only be brave and thus you will achieve peace.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Message

My Voice is heard again in the deserts of this world and My Word echoes in the hearts that recognize the Glorified Face of the Lord.

I Am the last Prophet of these times.

Just as I Am the Beginning, I Am also the End, and everything will pass through Me until the last living cell of this planet.

Because I come from an infinite mystery, from an infinite Creation, from an immaterial Source that the world cannot touch, because it only vibrates in spirit.

I come from this Great Spirit, whence comes My Voice, which is the Word of Life, which brings to the world renewal and peace; which builds in souls a reconnection with God and with His Divine Kingdom.

In this immaterial Source I was conceived in order to come to this Creation, in order to show Myself to you and to be among you, sharing the Path of God, which is the only way that will unite all religions.

Today I Am here as the Lord of Religions, to synthesize the best, the most evolutionary, the good from each one of them.

Today I come to weave with My own Hands, through religions, the last necklace of Light which will unite each one of them in a single path where someday you will be, to realize, at last, that the only religion is the Love of God, the Love of the Source, which brings infinite wisdom, understanding and comprehension.

Just as I was in the past, so long ago, announcing the Word of Life and the Gospel in deserts, today the last Prophet of God returns to deserts to proclaim His Return, which will unite all that is separated in the consciousness of the humankind of this world.

Just as the religions will unite, also will the cultures, which will proclaim the Kingdom of God and worship Its Magnificence, Its Splendor and Infinity.

This moment is drawing near, when all will become clear, when all will be revealed and there will no longer be differences, because the end of a time is approaching, and the most difficult transition is near. And those who do not seek the Religion of Love, which comes from God, will perish.

For this reason, before all happens, love without borders and without resistances.

Allow the Ray of My Heart, the Ray of Love-Wisdom, to permeate you and transform you into the model I so much await.

May religions open, spiritually and in essence, to receive the Lord of the Universe; to receive the One Who once proclaimed the Gospel in the Temples of Jerusalem and Who will now proclaim His Redeeming Word in all Temples of the Earth and in all religions of the world.

And thus, humanity will understand that the spirituality of religions was not thoroughly told and that missing to all was the link of Love, to unite with the great chain of Love-Wisdom.

I was born in the Middle-East more than two thousand years ago to unite the Far East and the West, so that all religions to be born and those which were already born, could meet at the end of the path, the only Path of God which is the path of Love, the one that unifies the essences, the Love that brings the truth and understanding above all things.

I Am not only the Lord of the East, but also the Lord of the West, the Lord of Religions; because the religions of the world must be healed, be healed of their deepest wounds in order to be able to reconcile with God and thus enter in communion with Infinity.

The Father is only One.

But He is present in Three Persons: The Creator, the Firstborn Son and the Holy Spirit.

Three branches of Light that bring this Universe to the elevation of consciousness and unity with the inner universe of each being.

I come with this message because it is a message of preparation for what will come next, when the Lord of Religions visits the Far East and unites this part of humanity, as He unites this part of the planet, this place, with the Source.

May everyone be able to drink from this sacred knowledge. May everyone be able to receive these sacred impulses that are part of the revelation of the Book of God, in which is written the last part of the history of this humanity, which transits to a new time and a new dawn; which will be born to a new consciousness, leaving behind the consciousness of the past, indifference and error.

Accompany the Lord of Religions in His Predication around the world, being ambassadors of peace and good workers of God in order that you never lack the Graces, which the Lord makes sprout from His Infinite Source, in a tireless and inexhaustible way.

Today My Words are mysterious. Today My message is symbolic because all is still to be revealed and it only corresponds to you to understand a part; because you must know that you are within My Project, which you must protect from yourselves in order to not set apart from it, nor to set apart distant from the guidance of My Hand, of the Light of My Heart, of My silent Gaze.

The religions of the world will live their final stage, their definition, and the times that are coming will call you in order that all be united in love and unity; otherwise, it will not be possible to persist.

What is written will be fulfilled.

All is part of a new time and of a new experience, you only must have your faith strengthened in order for nothing to surprise you.

Because unimaginable things will happen, and your voices must be united to the Heights through prayer, so that spiritual guidance never lacks to you; because in truth I tell you that the sheep still do not know how to walk amidst the darkness so as not to lose the path of Light.

That is why I Am the End just as I Am the Beginning.

And until what My Father has asked Me is fulfilled, I will not rest, I will not cease to come to the world to prepare it for its awakening and its great moment of redemption.

Meanwhile, follow My steps for those who no longer follow them.

Accompany Your Master, taking My Hand so that I can guide you, even though you may not understand anything and may not accept anything.

Humanity has decided to stray from its final destiny, that is why I come to put you back on the path, so that you may find the only Path of God, which will take you to Love and to the Truth.

May this Marathon be the union between all the Christic essences of religions, which, whether or not they have Me present in their traditions and ceremonies, they must be able to, through My Intercession and their prayers, reach the union to the Source and the Infinite so that everyone can be redeemed someday.

Smile in this Marathon to relieve the suffering of the world.

There are many hearts which are desperate because they can neither listen to the Word of God, nor live it in these difficult times. But the door to My Divine Mercy is still open; the Ocean of My Mercy is still being offered so that souls may be submerged in it and be washed by the healing Light of My Heart.

May the advent of the new be fulfilled and may the majority of the flocks of God, in the different religions of the world, manage to participate in the great moment of the coming of their Redeemer.

And when this moment comes, I will no longer say another word, because the very facts will be the message, the very physical events on the planet will announce My Return.


The Kingdom of God will finally be established in hearts, coming to interact with the simple of heart and the peacemakers.

That will be the hour of the great and unforgettable definition of those who will be in favor or against the Designs of the Father.

Who prays from the heart will find the way out and will not be imprisoned by obstacles.

In this time, My request for so many prayers is to pour out the codes of light that so many souls wait for.

Continue forward, conquering, for your siblings, the awaited return of Christ so that He may be among you, with all of His Splendor and with His great Humility. Announce His arrival to the world!

Although everything is moving, gather the soldiers of prayer, so that humanity may receive the great and last impulse of love.

Do not tire of continuing forward; continue on the pathway of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


If the Father, Who is in the Heavens, withdraws into His Silence, His Daughter and Servant will also accompany Him, as well as all the guardian angels.

That silence is the only exercise of premeditation in the face of the events that lie ahead.

That silence speaks in the depths of consciousnesses, especially of those who deceived the Plan of God and were very unjust.

That silence will cause an unknown justice to descend over the world and over those souls that, with contempt, tempted the wrath of God.

The reason for this silence will speak in the heart of the humble and will strengthen the spirit of the peacemakers.

Nothing that has happened will remain without justice; on the contrary, now at this moment, the angels of the Judgement will be the ones who will act according to what is indicated by the Eternal Father, since there is a great imbalance because of the fraud of those who had previously been entrusted with the Kingdom.

The Father knows that the human being is weak, but He also knows that they can be sincere and just, in spite of sins, and when both situations are in opposition through the will of the human being, the Law of Divine Justice must be applied, and we can only pray for it to be gentle and just.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear child:

Let the voice of the heart come from the depths of the soul, so that you may always recognize the Grace of being united with God.

The voice of the heart is peaceful, it is the fire that comes from the spirit, which repairs all things.

Allow, My child, the voice of the heart to always emerge from you, so that in this way, the communion with God is established between you and the Universe.

Live every day through the voice of the heart so that from cycle to cycle you learn to overcome your fears and all uncertainties.

Allow, My child, the voice of your heart to guide you in seeking the pure and the real, so that you can always find again the sure path that will lead you towards the Arms of My Beloved Son.

May the voice of the heart be able to show you the new steps towards an encounter with the innermost spirit of each being.

May the voice of the heart awaken in My children so that the wounded world may be healed!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the strength of the love of the heart never end, because it will give you the inner strength to carry forward the Plans of God.

May the strength of the love of the heart make you peaceful, so that in these times you may accept and understand the most difficult and complex situations.

May the strength of the love of the heart gather you together and unite you as brothers and sisters, because in this way you will awaken the gifts and the virtues of the new apostles of Christ.

May the strength of the love of the heart guide you and illuminate your paths, so that the truth and the transparency between consciousnesses always reign.

May the strength of the love of the heart assemble you, so that in these times you may celebrate communion with Christ, the unique re-encounter with the Mercy of God.

May the strength of the love of the heart unify you, so that the Consciousness of Christ may accompany you till the end.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My time for being in this world and among you is ending. Therefore, children, be merciful and good, be loving and pacifiers, as My Beloved Son expects of you every day.

Learn quickly to take care of yourselves, the treasures of God; no longer offend the Father with your acts and indifference, with your lack of love between brothers and sisters. Children, do not allow omission or disrespect to swallow you.

My time among you is already ending and you will know it overnight, because just as I come from Heaven to help you, in the same way I will rise to Heaven and will not be able to come back anymore.

Children, live My messages, and no longer listen to them as if they were directed only to the world. Your transformation, your redemption, and your surrender are in first place.

My beloved children, My continuous time among you is already ending and if you do not live My words, if you do not seek My loving instruction every day, when I am no longer able to be among you, you will feel a great emptiness.

My little ones, My time among you and near to you is already ending and you must be witnesses of all that I have done in these last years, as much here as in other places of the world that I have already visited.

Woe, My children, of those who will shut themselves within themselves and will be more impenetrable than a great wall! Truly, I tell you, I will only pray for their salvation, so that these hearts hardened by pride and arrogance may break so that they may be able to convert in time.

Today more than ever a sadness  fills Me, not only because of what I see in the world, but for what I see in those who are near to Me, who in spite of so much love poured, have already decided not to change.

This anguishes Me as a Mother, as responsible for all your lives. My last request, while tears fall on My Face, is that you do not forget these words, that they at least serve as conversion for those who will say "yes" to Me with fervor and not with tepidness.

I thank you for listening to Me with an open heart!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear child,

May your heart pacify so that it may always reach the meekness and the inner light that will allow, in these times, to attract the maximum Grace of God towards this planet.

Therefore, look for this pacifying spirit through the Heart of My Son, because in this way, you will build within your consciousness an unbreakable strength that will also help other souls to encourage themselves to take the same steps that your consciousness is invited to take.

Walk in the direction of the Heart of My Son, there you will also find the Gifts that will make of this humanity a possible sanctified humanity in spirit, in soul, and in body.

In this way, everything will be under the guidance and the company of Jesus, who will safeguard you at each new step.

The pacifying spirit will allow to rise again on this planet and within this humanity the spiritual values that the human race itself is losing at this time; in this way, the path may be opened even more for the christic consciousness to act in the inner worlds of essences that, in this cycle, must awaken to greater expressions of love and unity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Responsibility of doing Good

Do good in every moment and commit yourself to making it in each small detail, because in this way you will attract from the Universe the Current of the Brotherhood.

Do good just as Christ did, because even though He was denied, repudiated and crucified, until before He died for you on the Cross, Jesus did Good, and this Good that He emanated saved all humanity.

For this reason, child, may good impregnate your consciousness, your senses, your feelings and your thoughts.

Despite what may happen within or without you, do good and practice it with immense bliss, because with each act of good that you do for your fellow being, you will be entering in the School of Love and of Unity.

Remove from your deep entrails the roots of division and of permanent indifference.

Declare to yourself that you are part of the Current of Good and comply in this way with the divine Laws.

Each new step that you take, do it in the name of good, because in this way human evil, which has roots in the and in haughtiness, will be extirpated.

Dear child, follow the examples of the Redeemer, live good and do good at each moment. Banish from your consciousness every act of omission, because if you do so, you will see My Son reflected in the suffering of your brothers and sisters.

Help your Celestial Mother to rebuild this Earth in the Current of Good and thus the most terrible forms of evil will be dissolved.

Comply with, live and practice the Good of Christ, and be part of His Divine and Omnipotent Celestial Consciousness.

Do good with the aim of healing, within yourself, the lack of living a life of service to God.

Do good with the aim of banishing from human consciousness all form of acting pettily.

Fill your spirit and heart with the Greater Good, and confirm yourself at this time before the Celestial Father as a pacific, kind and merciful spirit and person.

Let the Current of Good of Christ move your structures, disarm your characters and establish the spirit of divine and unfathomable charity; in this way, you will be pious and considerate, selfless and helpful before every mission of love that shows on your paths.

But remember, My child, begin to live and to practice the Current of Good first in who you have around every day, thus you will allow any indifference or rejection to disappear from you.

You will allow the Fire of Good of Christ to purify your consciousness and to convert it into an unconditional consciousness.

Be encouraged to say “yes” to the Current of Good!

It is high time you assumed the responsibility of doing good in each detail just as to each brother and sister. It is time to detach yourself from competition, from judgments and from all criticism.

May your being be a being of good; in this way the planet and its sick humanity will be healed upon finding, in this long earthly trajectory, spirits, souls and apostles of good, beings that will sow the Earth with new Principles and values of Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today My Heart lights up with joy for those most simple and for those most poor; because of the love that emerges from their hearts while calling upon your Celestial Mother so that She, as a sweet Lady, may come to meet Her children.

Today I come here because of those who have called Me.

Once again, dear children, I congregate you in the sacred oratory of My Immaculate Heart, where you can have the divine experience, the meeting with God and the manifestation of His divine Purpose for each one of your consciousnesses.

Today I come dressed in white, crowned by My children and with the moon at My feet, to announce to the world that there is still time to repent.

God thirsts for the love of all His creatures, for the sincerity of hearts, for the truth of all the servers who can express it in these times.

God has His Arms open, showing His shining Heart, indicating to all that there is still time to enter into the Ocean of His Mercy, so that your debts may be purified, so that your souls may be healed and so that you can simply feel, dear children, something that I feel all the time, which is to be in the joy of God; in union with His divine and unfathomable Source, in perpetual and perfect communion.

So that all this may be possible and may first emerge in your lives, you must continue to pray the Rosary every day, because the announcement that I made in Fatima is still latent.

After one hundred years, the world is in the great gravity, in a great chaos that submerges many souls into hell.

I request, dear children, that with the same sincerity of your hearts and the same warmth of your prayers, today offered to the Holy Creator, you continue to form groups of prayer so that in this city and beyond it, there may be pillars of light that will be placed by Heaven and under the order of My Immaculate Heart, through the work of the holy angels.

I come to request, dear children, that you continue to pray for the equilibrium of the planet and its humanity, that your hearts do not tire of proclaiming your faith in God, nor of seeking the Church so that, through the Eucharist, your lives may be in communion with My beloved Son, every day.

I need, dear children, that you turn this city into a Mirror of My Celestial Kingdom. And that will begin first in you, living good attitudes, reflecting good examples, transforming your lives through the extremely powerful flow of the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, I ask you to follow My steps, the steps that I am pointing out today, so that God can allow Me to return here as many times as is necessary and under the principle of His divine Will.

I need your hearts to continue to open so that My angels, the angels that accompany Me today and that surround your Celestial Mother, can heal your deepest wounds and so that, after each meeting with Me, you may leave renewed with strengthened hope, with unquenchable faith, with an unknown love that will finally free you from this captivity of the end of times.

Today I come especially to gather up your prayers so that more Graces may be poured out upon the world, especially upon those corners of the world where the whole of humanity still does not know what happens. How much souls suffer in silence, through slavery and persecution!

I come to use your prayers from today to be able to close more hells on this planet; so that more souls, in likeness to yours, may awaken and get out of this illusion that blinds the world.

I come to open the portals of the Universe so that not only you, but also more souls of the whole world may feel and hear the call of God to consecrate their lives to the Infinite and make of this planet a sacred people, just as was the people of the desert, in the Company of Moses.

Through My maternal eyes, I come to contemplate the sweetness that emerges from your hearts today, the warm prayer that ennobles your spirits and vivifies your souls before the presence of the Mother of God.

Now, more than ever, God has His ears well available to listen to the pleas of His children. Some will soon achieve the graces they need, but others must continue to pray, every day, to be able to achieve the Great Grace of God. Because true prayer, which can be pronounced by your hearts, will free you, will redeem you and you will be able to achieve peace through ending the human debt, all sins that make of hearts, suffering hearts.

I come, dear children, to institute My Portal of Peace in the world and I come to make of you souls in constant renewal, hearts in adoration to God.

I want to work My miracle in the most simple so that they may testify to the world the power of the Love of God when hearts open and allow the Creator to transform them, not only through His Holy Servant, but also, My children, through the prayer and devotion of your hearts.

I want to build the impossible here, in a world of chaos and so many wars. My eyes contemplate situations that you do not know, that the whole world does not know, and those which I aspire to share with My children, those who will open to feel the pain of this world with Me.

I want to make of this place, as well as your homes and your hearts, cenacles of reparation, to repair the Heart of God, so offended and so wounded by the actions of humankind.

My children, tonight I not only share the joy of My Holy Spirit with your little hearts, but I also give you a thorn from My Heart so that you may repair it with your constant prayers. For on this night I tell you that not much is needed to repair the Heart of God. When you are simple, but true, you can open the doors of Heaven and, within yourselves, you can contemplate the Heart of the Father, which He shows to His children when they open to see it.

On this night, I come to reveal a celestial mystery to you: the mystery of reparation, so that you may learn, My children, that on transforming your lives, you are not only transforming your families and bringing a little more peace to your homes, to your friends. In this way, children, when you transform your spirits and your hearts, when you pray every day, together with Me, you are repairing the Heart of God from faults that you do not know, you are generating merits so that many lost souls may find the way out of the darkness in which they live, in this world and beyond it.

My children, I want to build the triumph of God in your hearts so that this triumph may spread from you toward the world. I only need you to say “yes” to Me and to truly pray, transforming the priorities in your lives, being aware, children, of those actions that do not build the Plan of God in this world but rather, on the contrary, destroy the grace of your spirits, the grace that I give you, time and again, when I come from Heaven to meet with you.

Do not lose, My children, everything that I gave you and everything that I will still give to you, by coming to this world. But rather, day and night, with your prayers, with your actions, with the transformation of your lives, build a Greater Grace for all of this planet. The planet is at war, it is in permanent agony, which many do not perceive because they only see their small sufferings and only seek their vain happiness.

Today, My children, I want you to know a greater happiness, which transcends all that fills you with the things of this world. I come to give you celestial joy, which is beyond all human suffering and which is even found through sacrifice and constant effort.

I want you to know, children, the joy of being in My Immaculate Heart and of sharing all the blessings of Heaven with Me, so that you may bring them to your brothers and sisters, those who are beside you and those who are in the world, in remote and unknown places.

Come with Me, My children, transcending the borders between nations, through the prayer of your hearts, so that the world may find a greater time of peace through your lives.

Is what I ask you too much, that you pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, uniting the mirrors of your hearts with My Immaculate Heart? Pray with Me, children, and see your lives transformed by the Grace of My Spirit, by the presence of My Immaculate Heart.

You are part of the story of My life, which I write each day through the conversion of your heart and the perpetual awakening of a renewing prayer, a prayer that brings the faith and hope, that which the world needs so much.

And I tell you again, dear children, that I must go to the United States again; My task with that nation is not finished yet, and through your collaboration and your union with Me, it will be possible for Me to triumph again in the more awakened hearts and, above all, in the hearts that have distanced themselves from God through the action of My enemy.

I come to build in you the importance of uniting with all races and cultures so that together, dear children, we may attend to this planetary emergency, which is a responsibility of each one of you.

I Am your Mediator, the Peace-maker, the Mother who consoles souls and hearts.

Today I come with a special blessing for those who will consecrate themselves as new Children of Mary. May you now come up to My altar so that I may bless you all.

I will pray to the Eternal Father for you:

“Lord of the Heights, maximum Omnipotence,
which is mirrored and is alive in all universes,
as in all stars,
participate in this moment with us.
Hear the voice of Your faithful Servant:
make Your Celestial Kingdom descend,
transmute and purify souls
and vivify them with the Fire of Your divine Spirit
so that Your original Project, Eternal Father,
may be established in humanity, in all those who today are redeemed
at the feet of Your Celestial Servant.


I consecrate you, dear children, and I ask you from today on to be a part of My army of Light, of My soldiers of prayer, of My warriors of Mercy, so that you may carry to the world the relief that it needs and the hope that many souls have lost in these critical times.

Today I am crowned again as Mother and Lady of this city. The next step, dear children, will be that from the square of this city, to this location, we will do a procession in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, during the next meeting, so that I am able, dear children, to bring many more souls, millions of souls, into My Heart, and from My Heart to the Celestial Kingdom.

So be it.

I bless you and maternally thank you for having responded to My call, once again.

I have been able to do many things in the world and concretize here on Earth the Sacred Will of God, by means of this meeting.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be My Peace in the world so that more hearts may be ignited in the Mercy of the Creator.

See you later, dear children.


To those who consecrate themselves

To those who consecrate themselves, may you never lose the faith and the trust in all that you live, because no matter how difficult it may become someday, God will not abandon you.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you live under a spirit of meekness and of pacification, because thus, you will be protected from all adversity.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you believe that it is possible to live the infinite transformation, because in the most culminating hour of the planet, you will remember the treasures of the Grace that one day you received.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you never lose from sight the principles of the religious, ecumenical and fraternal community; may your lives be the definitive foundations for the birth of a new humanity.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you listen with attention and full of humility, gratitude, and surrender, to the words of those who guide you, because thus, you will be within the spirit of an unbreakable unity among brothers and sisters.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you remember day by day the tools that were given to you and the joy of your fellow beings, of the angels, and of the saints for having taken a step towards the Lord.

To those who consecrated themselves, may you protect from yourselves the rules that constitute the spirit of each congregation and that, as vigilants of the doors of the monasteries, may transparency and truth always prevail.

To those who consecrate themselves, may you work the rest of your lives to build on the surface of this planet, the dwelling where Christ will find repose when He returns.

I thank you for dedicating your lives to the greater and unknown Purpose, which one day will be fulfilled in humanity!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
