
To have a pure life, you must have a pure heart; having the heart pure, you will have a pure mind, and having a pure mind, you will attain pure intentions.

In order for this to happen, you must not forget the spiritual essence that you are, and not look so much at appearances.

The pure heart is attained with an absolute determination to live the Love of God and to not lose sight of that.

Beyond imperfections or even traumas, the pure heart does not lose or dissolve that which it has truly learned.

For this reason, only the pure heart is a noble heart, capable of understanding life and its situation, beyond what is concrete or material.

Thus, the pure heart will be the regent of life and not of the mind. The mind must act as a facilitator of the actions that the heart decides; in this way, your life will be in harmony and not in conflict.

A pure heart is a confident heart, selfless and service-oriented, capable of stepping out of itself to make room and space for the fellow being.

The pure heart does not fear detachment, sacrifice, giving of itself a little more, although it may seemingly believe that it will not manage to do so.

The pure heart recognizes its errors, but does not blame itself for them; it works silently until it is able to transform the deepest aspects of its being.

A pure heart is a peacemaker.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Fourteenth Poem

Queen of the Universe,
Celestial Dome of God,
Sublime Aroma of Peace,
give us empty and humble hearts,
hearts capable of no longer wanting anything for themselves,
poor hearts, united to the humble Heart of God.

O Holy Mother!
give us peacemaking, faithful, meek hearts,
 available for Your Son,
hearts uninterested in the life of the world.

Most Pure Virgin,
give us pure and unchanging hearts,
hearts mature in the Love of Your Son,
hearts defeated by the Truth of Christ.

Faithful Servant,
give us selfless hearts,
capable of not having time for themselves
but rather an eternal giving of self for others.

Mother of Heaven,
give us sensitive hearts, open hearts,
hearts of immense gratitude and recognition
for all that Your Son gives us.

That, with transformed hearts,
we may help to banish indifference in the world
so that fraternity and unity
may reign among souls.

Thus, Your Son shall return, with His Heart of Light,
to rebuild this world and all of humanity.

That, through You, Divine Lady,
our hearts may represent at least a part
of the redeeming Work of Christ on Earth.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages
Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

To the soldiers of prayer: The Planetary Light-Network – Part II

Carrying on your chest the star of peace, today, may your origin be confirmed and thus the mystery of your origin may be revealed.

Discovering the occult meaning and the reason for your coming to the Earth, may your hearts pacify themselves in Christ so that the Divine Purpose may be fulfilled within you.

Children, now that you carry on your chest the sacred symbol of the Heart of the Redeemer, may your arms remain open to receive and welcome any need, and in this unconditional openness and in this immediate response, may you recognize the action of the Divine Providence.

This is the time when the new Light-Network, with all the knowledge received, will open the doors of its inner world to welcome the serious planetary situation and will live it as a part of itself in order to be able to relieve it, just as the Hierarchy relieves the planet, time and again.

To be part of the new Light-Network is not to be impelled by emotions, nor by one’s own goals. It is to say “yes” to the Hierarchy under any circumstance or situation, to be able to go beyond appearances in order to penetrate the sense of the Purpose with the consciousness.

For this reason, My children, to carry on your chest the symbol of your redemption is to open the doors of the heart in order to learn to welcome the Divine Grace and live in the Mercy of God, despite the precarious situation of humanity.

However, a Light-Network missionary has it clear and present in their consciousness that it is not their human persona that will act or serve, but it will rather give room for the soul and what is beyond it and comes from God, that which will conduct the personal purpose of each being.

To carry, impressed on the chest, the symbol of the new Light-Network, is to send a message to the Universe of true and profound adhesion to the Plan; it is to understand, accept and welcome the needs of the purpose and it is to sincerely strive for these needs to be fulfilled. Because a Light-Network missionary is already aware that each request of the Divinity does not address a situation or a person. They know that each request must be complied with and be fulfilled so that near upcoming events do not affect humanity, nor the Kingdoms of Nature.

Now the Light-Network missionary recognizes the primary importance of remaining attuned with the Hierarchy so that their path, life, and consciousness may be conducted along a safe path of protection.

Whoever carries the impressed sacred symbol of the Confraternity will know that they will be part of an infinite Brotherhood, of a broad Mission, and will comply, as a duty, with the part that is required of them with joy and in the certainty that, above all, the Plan of Love will be fulfilled in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the light of the heart unify the servants of Christ so that His Divine Will may be fulfilled.

May the light of the heart bring peace to lives so that they may be guided by the spirit of Love.

May the light of the heart gather consciousnesses together so that each one of them may reveal its sacred virtue.

May the light of the heart dissolve wounds so that evil may not be installed or exist in anyone.

May the light of the heart awaken an awareness within all beings of continuing to accomplish the Sacred Plan of God.

May the light of the heart build within hearts a unity and the principle of Higher Love.

May the light of the heart neutralize contrary currents.

May the light of the heart uplift consciousnesses to the permanent state of brotherhood.

May the light of the heart grant each being spiritual freedom.

May the light of the heart be able to keep the doors open to solidarity.

May the light of the heart give each being a Ray of Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear son, dear daughter,

Completely empty all your being of expectations, results, and fears, because at this time the hour of conscious purification is approaching.

Empty all your being of elucubrations and wonderful ideas, so that, looking for the Void of God, you find the universe of nothing, of surrender, and of the unconditional.

Empty your mind of projects, of ideals, and of any doubt, so that, when you are before the Will of the Father, your consciousness does not lose the opportunity of fully and confidently launching itself into the Plan of God.

Empty your inner world of what is perfect or imperfect, of what is weak or has solidity or spiritual fortitude, so that before each new test, your heart can be living everything in peace.

Empty yourself without fear, empty yourself, so that the powerful seed of humility and of renunciation may arise in you, and thus, in each new learning you can be free of yourself.

You have to empty yourself completely of yourself so that you may hear the teachings and the corrections that will reach your path in order to shape your spirit and to transform everything that is archaic in your consciousness.

Empty yourself and just say "yes" to Creation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Mary, Guiding Star of Chile

Dear children,

Today I appear to you as the Lady of Mount Carmel, Patroness of this nation and of this people.

I come on this extraordinary day to grant more Graces and help to My children of Chile, so that the souls walk on the path of repentance and of reconciliation so that, finally, peace may be established in the Chilean hearts that do not have it yet.

For this, dear children, I wish to renew the advocation of the Virgin of Mount Carmel so that all Chile adopts it as the Divine Face which is destined to protect and shelter the future of this nation.

Dear children, I come to ask you, on this day, for the establishment in this country of the pilgrim Virgin of Mount Carmel, who, after having travelled in Chile from North to South and from village to village, She can also make a pilgrimage through other nations of South America, just as other sacred images have pilgrimage in several places in the world.

My second request, on this day, is that in each home of each chilean child an alter be established of prayer in honor of the Lady of Mount Carmel. This will help to consolidate families; it will help to unify the fraternity among beings and the love among the consciences.

I would like each Chilean home to be protected by the Little Virgin of Mount Carmel, so that they never lack the necessary guidance and protection on this path of pilgrimage through the Earth in search of the blessed motherland

The Virgin of Mount Carmel represents for each consciousness of Chile, the Principle of salvation, of the redemption and of the reconciliation.

The Virgin of Mount Carmel, by means of Her intercession, brings the opportunity so that our souls unite to God, to His Divine Essence. She is the Patroness of the sailors and the Star that guides consecrated life.

To the Virgin of Mount Carmel, many Graces are attributed, that we can be receive from the moment of Uur sincere consecration to Her Holy Face.

The Virgin of Mount Carmel attracts, to the Consciousness of Chile, the path through where the most separated souls can again unite and, in Her Immaculate Heart, dissolve the root of the indifference, of the lack of love or of the absence of charity.

Chile has, through the Virgin of Mount Carmel, the possibility of attaining inner peace as well as the opportunity to close the uncertain doors that were opened in the past of this nation.

The Virgin of Mount Carmel brings to Chile the moment of the pacification of the hearts and, at the same time, the awakening of the consciousness toward a Greater Purpose.

The Mother of God calls to each Chilean heart so that, on this day, it consecrates to the Virgin of Mount Carmel and thus each one can be the depositary of the Graces that the Most Holy Mother brings from Heaven.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the Light of God convert and modify all that is necessary to redeem.

May Divine Light fill the deepest spaces of the consciousness and make each state a principle of redemption.

May Divine Light convert and transform each aspect of life and realize the Plan of the Creator.

Feel yourself to be free, child, of the chains that imprison you, for the time will come for taking the great and last step toward Divine Life.

Meanwhile, continue fighting with all the strength of your heart, for in the heart is held enough love to make of each lesson an opportunity for forgiving.

Walk on the pathway of My Son; He offers the path of perseverance and of peacemaking.

It is in the change of consciousness that the opportunity for elevation can be found, and every day, make each stage of life be a great experience of love and of transcendence.

Let us live the change in these times. Let us await Him with joy, for it will be good news.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Charity leads to immediate sanctity because, through service, the doors are opened to help and collaborate with those in most need and also with the Kingdoms.

Children, in this time, all that you do must be done in the name of charity so that, in this way, the human consciousness may not lose the impulse of giving itself to others, without conditions.

It is charity that allows peace to be established among nations and peoples because charity is moved especially by the essence of the Love of God.

In each act of charity, as in each new service, it is possible to take steps inside the Plan of God and His great work.

Charity, as the essence of the spiritual life of the apostles of Christ, represents the possibility of giving oneself through service to others and of constantly pouring out the Love of Christ.

The pacification of the consciousness is established in charity because a soul that lives permanent charity is attracting the Christic codes of pity and mercy toward itself.

Charity is a direct source of transformation for all hearts because it generates a highly positive effect for all that still must be redeemed in souls and upon the planet.

The path of charity leads you, at some point, to embrace the divine sacrifice because, after a long walk through charity, the soul learns to renounce for others and for the good of the Divine Plan.

Charity is an impulse to live inner redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who fills you,

Your Mother Mary Rose of Peace


When a spiritual and divine door opens in consciousnesses that had been asleep, other doors open through the universal impulse that the first door delivers.

At that moment the principle of purification begins to manifest, and consciousnesses are led to know the process that they will have to face in its entirety.

Thus, everything that is a part of the debts is drawn towards the consciousness of those who at last have decided to tread the path of the spirit so that, in this way, everything may be liberated.

In this sense, when the consciousnesses that already serve in a continuous manner undergo this experience, they are led to face the process of their purification in a universal way.

When the scales of life and debts is out of balance, it means that consciousnesses will go through an intense experience, which will lead them into defining themselves within the Plan of Love and of Light.

At this time, the Hierarchy offers humanity the opportunity of balancing its paths and of following the only path of the evolution of consciousness.

This will cause all to be exposed within a consciousness. We must therefore pray and become more peaceful.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Praised be Jesus Christ in your beings and in all souls of the world!

Today I wish to draw your attention to an important point that speaks to you about the spirit of peacemaking and meekness, virtues that are completely unknown to My adversary and through which not a small bit of evil can be sown in the soul that lives these holy virtues.

Therefore, children, your peace and meekness will make you more humble and at the same time more free of yourselves, so that you can serve under the fire of service and plenitude.

The lack of peace and meekness in the souls of the world distances them far from the spirit of premeditation that leads them to sacred wisdom. 

Today, for the love of God and your brothers and sisters, observe how your perpetual work with meekness is found.

Imitate My Son. A few days ago you experienced, from the heart, the profound spirit of His Passion. Thus, today you can understand that without peace and meekness, the humility that is necessary and urgent for these times does not exist. 

As your Celestial Mother, I come to help you grow in the Love of God and, from this Divine Love, you may take steps in the emptiness of self and the divestment of the old patterns of a precarious and disoriented humanity.

My children, it will not be necessary for you to martyr yourselves with your thoughts and uncertainties for not being humble and grateful. Accept the hand that is extended towards you from the Kingdom of Heaven and thus, live the new attributes that will reform the entire third dimension Earth.

Even though many of My children do not realize that they are so separated from the essence of humble love and meekness, My adversary makes them believe that they already live it and, in truth, it is all an illusion.

Therefore, pray and ask God to remove from your hearts all arrogance and pride, crawling serpents that will lead you through the abysses of the world, far from the paradise of Our Lord.

The first step will be truly taken when you recognize your lack of peace and meekness. With the help of your Guardian Angel, you can renew your steps and you will be called to enter, with determination, into My school of the new disciples of Christ.

In this way, remember, beloved children, that the moment of your purification will help in the recovery of innocence which the denying humanity lost for having separated itself from the Mercy of God. 

I thank you for responding to my call!

Who helps you to find the essence of true Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



May My Peace be established in the world, and may this Peace reign in the hearts of all humankind and in the essences of all Kingdoms of Nature.

My children, I invite you to a deep process of inner peace to thus defeat all adversities of these times.  Only Peace held within creatures will allow them to live the times of great tribulation in the world. 

Know, My beloveds, that you must learn to overcome your own inner conflicts through peace; to learn to let the reign of My Peace be greater than any tribulation that the purifications and assaults of these times may cause you.

I want you to know that the plans contrary to the Plans of God will always seek to destabilize My soldiers and defeat them through tension, conflict and the weariness of their hearts.

This is a time in which learning stages will still take place, in which you may fall and stand back up again and again.  Therefore, do not tire of overcoming your own tribulations to establish peace within yourselves, thus allowing it to reach the hearts of other beings of this world; because in the time that is to come, this peace must already be established within each one of you so that in this way you may experience a greater trial, which is to establish My Peace in the moments of planetary chaos.

My beloveds, do not allow confrontations to draw you out of My refuge of Peace, because the absolute power of My Love and the compelling force of My Holy Peace are greater than any confrontation that you may experience in this world.

As Rose of Peace and as Mother of Jesus, I want to teach you to be peacemakers in the face of any situation in your lives.

Remember, My children, the example that I set for you when I saw My Son being flagellated and crucified, for even knowing that assaulting the Son of God was the greatest injustice that was being committed in this universe, My Heart never lost Its peace, for It never lost Its trust in the Creator of all things who called us by name to fulfill His Plan, and who will always guarantee that each event in our lives will bring us the exact learning experience that we must have.

For these times and for the times that will come, remember that My Peace must reign within each one of My children and that, through them, this Peace must be expanded throughout the world.

Today you are under My Mantle.  I will protect you and will welcome you always; I will safeguard you from evil and will heal your spirits and your hearts when you are weary of this battle in order to establish the Reign of the Lord throughout the world.

My beloveds, do not give up, but rather proceed with confidence.  Understand the Calvary, which many are experiencing, as the only path for the re-establishment of Mercy among beings.  But for this, you must travel this path without losing sight of the Will of God and of His great Plan of Love, which must be reflected in your essences as pure love.

I love you and I bless you.

I give you My Peace; take it to the whole world.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, Queen of Peace and of the world


Children of Mine,

On this day, a radiant Sun crossed the world, illuminated the lives and the hearts, removed the souls from darkness and rested over Venezuela. This Sun, that burns in Divine fire and comes from the Holy Spirit, comes to light up the hearts of the children of God, which are dimmed out of fear and by the lack of Faith and of Hope.

This Sun came to show that, to the one who asks, it always will be given and to the one who calls with fervor at the doors of Heaven and clamors for the help of God, He will always send help, listening with Love to the prayers of His children.

My beloved ones, I want to invite you to persist in the Spirit of Pacification, because the one who seeks Peace and lives it radiates to their brothers and sisters and brings to the world the possibility that others may discover the Power of Peace and may live it.

Confirm day by day the union with Me, because My Heart vigils this world day and night, always attentive to a sincere call, a prayer filled with faith.

Children of mine, these are times of chaos in the whole world. It has been permitted by God that humanity may learn through the consequences of its own acts.  But today I say to you that this learning is not for all, because there exists the possibility of learning through Love and Peace.  You only need to walk towards this goal and in your lives sow actions that generate fruits meritorious for a life of Peace.

Peace is reached through the union with God, because if you are united to Him, you may understand His Plans; if you are united to God, you may find His Will in all the events of life and in everything you will find the perfect offer to be realized to the Lord, for all of those who live in the world and suffer even more, because they suffer in ignorance and in the lack of God.

My beloveds, to find the path of Christ, discover the resemblance that there is between your lives and the life of the Lord, and ask with fervor that He may help you to discover this unity between the Calvary of Christ and the Calvary that the whole world lives.

You must, in this time in which chaos is growing, learn to transcend the limits of the events of life and, as My Son has taught you, “to be in the world, without being of the world”.  Know that every experience brings learning and all learning brings a strengthening and an inner maturity.

A soldier will learn to be a soldier, battle after battle, and the soldiers of Christ will learn to merge themselves with Christ when, battle after battle, they may overcome themselves and their enemies, by loving them.

My dears, these are times of the discovering of love and of finding it in all, because all the difficulties of life bring to you an opportunity to love.  Just as My Son, embrace this cross that is being given to you as humanity and know that even in the time of Christ many carried a cross, but few knew how to love it and to find in it the liberation of the world.

Who will offer themselves to renew the sacrifice of Christ?  Who will find in pain the will to relieve the pain of the other?  Who will know how to forget themselves in order to truly love their enemies?  Who will be the sun of the new time that will remove from darkness those who did not know how to find the Light?  Who will accompany Me until the end, who will proclaim Peace and will live Hope in a world that is destroying itself?  Who will bring My Kingdom to Earth?  Who will summon themselves?

These are questions that your hearts must know how to answer in this time.  And to all of those who say yes, I say to you, that I will always be with you and that I will always accompany you.

Just pray, pray much and live Peace in your hearts.

This is My last call: Peace.

I love you and I bless you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


As the Star of Heaven and of the Universe, your steps are guided under the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Thus your feet walk on this pathway towards the encounter with My Son. This is a pathway built in the pacification and in the faith of the heart.

Dear children, today I call you to rejoice your hearts and not to fear for anything because your Celestial Mother is with you, by your side, observing the walk of each soul, observing the definition of each heart before the Plans of God. Because each one of you keeps in the heart something that is revered by the angels of Heaven. This precious thing that you keep is called “purity of the heart.”

Although the world forgets, day to day, to strengthen the spirit through prayer and through the Love of God the Creator, today I invite you to search within yourselves for the immaculate purity of the heart. Out of love, God has given you His Favorite Son, who left for you the path of truth and salvation.

Therefore, dear children, today revere, adore and glorify the Presence of the Son of God in your lives.

On this day of important reparation of the Heart of Christ, I ask you that, out of love, you surrender your lives to Jesus and that you find, in the Merciful Love of Christ, the door to your salvation and redemption.

My children, new instruments of Christ, new fires of His Merciful Love must awaken in this time because the souls, as sparks of the Love of Christ, will help in the salvation of the essences by means of service and consecration.

Today, dear children, I want you to remember that you are precious essences of God and that beyond your understanding and reason, there is the expression of the Love of the Father in each one of His creatures. If souls could at least remember that they are essences created by God, the steps in conscious- ness would be able to be united to His Will.

Dear children, as the Mother of Redemption I leave My crown of stars to each one of your hearts today so that, guided by My Immaculate Love, you may recognize the value of your faith and of your absolute trust in God the Creator.

Today I also tell you to fear nothing and to walk, walk in prayer, because it will be your shield for the important moments. Uniting day by day your hearts in fraternity you will be able to carry imprinted in your beings the Eternal Celestial Peace of the Lord.

Propagate the merciful power of prayer and may your lives reveal to those who are distant from God, the teachings and the transformations that Christ has made in your consciousnesses.

Be the new shepherds of prayer and, through the exercise of prayer, be the guardians of all souls with Me. Let us pray for the presence of the Mercy of God in the world.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
