In the Celestial Universe everything has a Hierarchy and on the Earth there must exist an extension of this divine command.

Therefore, those who follow the rules will be protected from themselves and they will avoid constant futile falls that will lead them to the condemnation of the soul. It is only enough, My dear friends, that you look to your side in order to perceive at what point are the souls of the world.

A good disciple is attentive to the rules and they will always be a morning star for your path. If in truth the Eternal Father had not created obedience, the coming of Christ would have been difficult.

Therefore, from the beginning, when I was in the world I had to reunite the twelve, as they would be the living example of transformation and of obedience to My Inner Priesthood. It was in this way that throughout the times emerged the monastic orders, those that would preserve the spirit of the rule and of consecrated life.

It is necessary to accept the commands because they will always lead to a deep reflection about the aspects of life. I need disciples willing to incarnate inner obedience; this will lead you to meet with your true being and in this way you will ascend in consciousness to the Spirit of My Father.

Meditate on the vows that you have made with Me because they will preserve you for the critical moments.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus