During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heaven and Earth must be united through good and surrendered priests. This is the main Legacy that I have left for humanity and for the planet.

Since the days of old, there have always been good and surrendered priests: through the patriarchs, through the announcement of the prophets, through all those who, throughout the times, have given their lives to the Lord, not only to live the total consecration of their consciousnesses, but also to serve the Lord of the Universe.

God had already thought of all this, that this Human Project could unite to the Universe and to the Primordial Source through the presence and existence of good and surrendered priests.

Within all the tasks that exist on the spiritual level, the life of My priests throughout the world is the most persecuted and harassed, but the master key to overcoming all this lies within the total surrender of the priests to My Merciful Heart.

Throughout the times, I do not come to seek perfect consciousnesses. I come to seek the virtues and talents that I left within each one of them, which is what I need in these times to carry forward the emergency Plan of Rescue. For this reason, priestly consciousnesses has been spiritually attacked throughout the times.

However, I have given you several examples of overcoming. Through surrendered consciousnesses, I have given you the testimonials and the example of how self-transcendence attains union with Christ to carry forward this extremely important and sacred task. Through the priests of the world, and regardless of their religions and beliefs, regardless of their dogmas and institutions, this will allow the people of God to spiritually live the gift I have given to them.

I want you to know, companions, that without priests in this world, the world will perish. Without true and good priests, souls may continue to go astray in this world.

It is very important to Me that priestly life may reflect and mirror upon the planet the sacred treasures that I left to all souls through the Sacraments.

Tonight, I want the whole world to remember the Passion of the Lord. This profound and eternal Passion that Christ lived at the Last Supper, not only instituting the greatest Legacy of Universal Love through the Body and Blood of Christ, but also instituting the Spiritual Priesthood on the planet, renewing it through the surrender of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world and gives you peace.

This is why I give thanks because, within this Monastic Order, just as in other religious orders in the world, there exist conscious souls that pray for the priests so that My Christic Legacy may not disappear from this world.

Through all My priests, there is the bridge that unites souls to God, there lies the opportunity for them to draw near the Primordial Source and for all hearts, regardless of their sins and faults, to remember they have the Grace of being worthy Children of God. This is also a sacred task of priests in the end of times.

For this reason, I will return to Israel this year, to re-establish and re-build the planetary spiritual priesthood.

I ask all souls who pray for priests, all those of religious profession who live My Priestly Ministry, living it with devotion, faith and love, to unite to the Great Priest of the world, Christ Jesus. In this way, and just as it was 2,000 years ago, at this moment of planetary inflection, priests that still continue to live in Christ and for Christ may be spirits that receive the Legacy of Love and Redemption, through all that I Myself will offer to the world during the next Sacred Week.

I would like you to understand, companions, that there is no other way or solution. Because through the priests that I internally form when they truly surrender their lives to Me, I can work miracles, liberations, reconciliations and profound acts of Mercy in those souls that still have not attained atonement from God.

It will be priestly life, in the end of these times, that will allow souls to find the strength they need in times of emergency, through the living of the Sacrament as something unique and spiritual.

In this way, souls will be able to unite to My Priestly Spiritual Archetype, which is a living, eternal and inexhaustible state of consciousness that Christ Jesus radiates to the universe from the sublime heart of Andromeda, from where My Christic and priestly impulses can reach all humanities, beyond this humanity.

But I know that what I left to the world 2,000 years ago and through the Last Supper, having founded the apostolate to the world, is still a mystery or something unattainable for souls.

However, I ask you to love to discover, in these final times and through yourselves, the science of the Sacraments. For what I instituted 2,000 years ago must flourish again in these final times and especially in this next Sacred Week, because it will be the last great impulse that I will give to the whole world so that, through priestly life, souls may be ready and prepared to live the last and great time of tribulation, when all will seem lost. In such a culminating and unknown hour for humanity, the Light of God will return to the world through the Return of Christ.

And just as I have called you all by your names, I will also call My priests so that they may come to celebrate the Supper of Redemption with Me, together with the angels, blessed ones and beings of goodwill who, throughout the times, have valued the Precious Blood of Christ, poured out upon the world, bearing witness of the Presence of My Love in this world, through the sacrifice and surrender of My companions.

Thus, I will not only re-build the planet and prepare souls for the New Humanity; I will also come and seek My apostles, My priests, all My prayerful ones, those who live the spirit of contemplation, the seekers of peace, the adorers, all those who try to bring to the world healing for the planet, as well as those who reflect, through their lives, like a great mirror, the Grace and Mercy of God, such as those who guard and keep the Evolutionary Plan.

In this way, I will gather you, on top of a mount, but it will no longer be Calvary. It will be Paradise, the emergence of the New Earth on this horizon of the world. And together with Me, for the redemption of the human race and for the healing of this planet, everyone will again break the Bread, share it with their brothers and sisters, again eat from the Living Body of Christ, present within it, and they will drink from the Chalice of renewal and peace.

Through souls, I will renew the world and expel from this planet the forces of evil. And no nation will ever again rise against nation, division in families will no longer be known and no soul in this world will know what disease is, for they will have attained inner healing, which will come from the Cosmos to the planet through all those who attune with the Laws of Healing.

And the sign will be visible at the moment of the Return of the Lord, for I will come as the Supreme Healer, the Redeemer of the World, to return to you the peace you so much seek and yearn for. Thus, hand in hand with Me, you will enter Paradise and the Project will finally be fulfilled.

This is why we must pray with more fervor, with unknown fervor. Not with fanaticism, not with euphoria. Truly pray, from the heart, feeling each one of the words that are pronounced through the praying word.

Thus, through the merits of My Sorrowful Passion, those who have not repented will repent. And I will keep the door to My Mercy open for those who have abandoned and left Me.

At that hour, I promise you, each soul will be before their own reality, know who they are, know who they were and what they did in other times. And at that moment, they will have the opportunity to place their knees on the ground and ask for forgiveness, mercy and redemption, so that even their own origin may be re-established and recovered from all that once happened in other times.

For this reason, My Arrival will be not only in the world, My Return will also be in the universe. For this I am preparing you. Do not miss the opportunity to be with Me, because little time among you is left for Me. I have extended My time here more than had been foreseen.

Throughout these years, in these meetings, at each moment shared with My companions, the Father has allowed Me to stay longer than what was had been foreseen. For this is the moment for you to finish strengthening and be My apostles in action, not in theory. To be My apostles in closeness, in listening, in dialogue, in the opportunity to appreciate differences, in the Grace of living the sacred spirit of compassion. In this way, at this moment and under this planetary condition, souls may receive the last opportunity they need, with one aim: to again find the path to My Heart.

This is the reason why it is important to have priests in this world, despite the interference and clashes experienced.

The one who truly loves Me and does not exchange Me for anyone, shall not perish. This is a Law.

Therefore, before My return to Israel, when My entire history will be exposed and available for the inner worlds, correctly know how to drink from the Fount of Grace.

At this hour and in these weeks, I prepare you to enter the Sacred Week with greater awareness and determination, for I still hope that your lives may be My instruments on Earth.

At this hour, I commune with those who listen to Me in an open way.

I renew My Presence through all those who hear Me.

I pour out My Mercy through those who cry out for Me, because the great spiritual wounds of the planet must still be healed by the Christs of the New Times. This is a promise that I made to the Eternal Father.

You now have everything. I ask you for everything. And I hope you understand Me.

The hour is coming. The prophecy of John, the Apostle, is being fulfilled. It is time to act.

Now, we will celebrate My Legacy of Love, by re-living the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, through the Sacred Eucharist, when all, once again, will have the Grace of being before My Christic Legacy, for the angels that will co-celebrate this moment will be able to place My Graces in your hearts.

Do not forget that I Am the Lord of Love and Life, and that I give My Life for My friends, just as I gave My Life on the Cross, at each step of the sorrowful Calvary. At each flagellation, I did not think of the pain, the agony or all that I was going through while I was being torn apart or hit, because they wanted Me to die before reaching the Cross of the Victory of Redemption; before being able to renew the Tree of Life.

Thus, I hope that not only the priests, but also all those who consciously unite to Me, will surrender their lives for Me. It saddens me to know, at this moment, that some of those whom I have called have abandoned Me, not understanding at all the power of My Love, for one reason: not having surrendered before Me.

For this reason, if you see that this happen to someone, do not judge nor criticize them. Do not condemn that lost soul. See within yourselves, with wisdom, love and compassion, how your surrender to Me is. For the contrary currents will come, the ground will shake, and you must be firm through My Love and your trust in Me. I Am with the one who is with Me. This is a promise.

Now, through the priests, I will allow Heaven to descend to Earth, just as it descends through My Word.

Now, I will allow My Graces to descend so that souls may be spiritually renewed and healed, so that the relief of suffering of the innocent may once again be possible, the relief of those who are experiencing chaos and still do not have the Grace of Mercy or of Peace.

May this moment be celebrated by each one of them, because I need it this way.

May each moment that you will live, from now on, in your spiritual life, in your moment of prayer or adoration, be offered for all that which your Master and Lord will carry out in the Middle East, during the next Holy Week.

Do it as I ask of you, and you will later understand why. The emergency demands it so.

Let us open the doors, at this moment, of the Celestial Church, so that the guardian angels may elevate the offerings of the souls that are present at this place and in other places, so that souls may re-live with sincerity the Passion of Christ through the Eucharist.

Thus, once again, each one of you will be marked by My Light and My Peace.

Let us celebrate.

I bless you, giving you strength, courage and bravery for the next stage, so that the Christ of the New Times may emerge in you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will come through the dawn of the sun. I will come through the moonlight. These are the signs of the new time.

It is not a new religion. It is not a new movement. It is the advent of what has been awaited.

This great portal to the new time opens up in the heavenly dome. It opens up among all the doors of the cosmos.

It is the portal to the Great Conclave, which is gathered today before you, which is present today before your inner worlds. The Celestial Father has decided it so, and, in obedience and in law, we will fulfill it.

Today, My Voice echoes from Andromeda, and, through Andromeda, in all universes and consciousnesses.

Today, a culminating stage has been completed, not only for your civilization or for the soul of the planet, but also so that the portal to the Great Time may open. The change will take place.

Souls must be awake and love the unknown even more; that which has no form, that which is not intellectual. The unknown is that which is not material.

This is why today We come and make Ourselves present before you, through a great unknown portal. It is the portal to the fourth dimension.

This will be the way, this will be the path and will also be the bridge for all to cross. But it is not through a technique nor through a mental or spiritual procedure.

You will cross this portal through your inner world because it is there, in the inner world of each one of you, where the essence of the Divine Purpose lies; a purpose that humanity has outraged, violated and transgressed, up to the current times.

Do you now understand the consequences of what you experience?

However, Love is what will always prevail. It is this Love that gathers us today, the Love that congregates us today, the Love of the Greater Hierarchies, which call you all to cross the great portal so that all consciousnesses and also the planet may be transmuted, purified and liberated.

Because it is in the most chaotic moments, like the current times, that the great opportunities of liberation and redemption take place.

Do not forget that hope is latent in the Heart of the Universe, and it is this hope, permeated by Divine Unity, that I bring to you today, for you to accept it and experience it.

This is why it is important for you to practice fraternal consciousness, and not a mean one, for you to practice an inclusive consciousness, and not one of discarding, a peaceful consciousness, and not one of conflict, a consciousness of love, and not one of lie.

These attributes will purge the Earth of planetary corruption, which generates the great debt of this world and of all humanity, which submerges the most innocent and the poorest into the abysses, without having an opportunity of raising their gaze to Heaven to once again believe and have faith.

This is why I am preparing My Return to the world as I have promised, and I want you to know, companions, that today these are not only Words, they are facts.

Two thousand years have passed since My events with you and among you, this is why I gather all the Evolutionary Consciousnesses of the universe into a Conclave so that they may help Me and prepare My Return. Thus, you will see the Son of God come among the clouds, the clouds are the portals of the universe that will open, and that will be physical. Thus, the Spirit of God will return, will heal the Earth and its wounds, will populate the Earth with New Christs, those who have known how to say ‘yes’ to Me.

This is why the portal to the Great Time opens up today before your eyes and inner worlds. It opens up today before these oceans, in representation of all humanity and of the whole planet, as well as of the Kingdoms of Nature, which will also see the Son of God come. And that which was thought of in the Origin of humanity’s Project will be reconstituted and re-established.

Throughout time and space, the evil that was generated throughout entire generations will be dissolved, and those who persist until the end, to wait for Me to return, will see this change, in a concrete way.

Thus, all, absolutely all, will return to their origins, to the origin for which they were thought of and created, to the origin with the goal for which they emerged, to the origin with the goal for which they have existed and were emanated by the Supreme Source.

Today, I speak to you not only through My Spiritual Government, but also through the Love of God, a Love that was capable of dying for you on the Cross, even knowing that it would be denied.

Today, may those who suffer be healed, those who lack hope be renewed, and those who have decided to give up may they reach out their arms toward God, because the moment will come to express gratitude for My Return, which is near.

This is My great Message for the celebration of the one hundred Marathons of Divine Mercy, an important and spiritual moment for all, when the Son of God, the Solar Essence of the Cosmic Christ, makes you see and recognize how far you have walked with Me.

Do not see only the miseries of your tests, the banishments of your human aspects. Do not see only the suffering of the planet or the transgression made to the Kingdoms of Nature. For this Marathon number one hundred, I ask you to see the efforts accomplished, the persistence built, the unity strengthened, the faith expanded and the Mercy achieved, in spite of the darkness of this world.

Because it will be through this Universal Conclave that you will find the solution and the way out, this Conclave of evolutionary consciousnesses that know you deeply, that grasp you deeply, that have accompanied your cosmic trajectories since your origin.

This is where you will find the strength and the certainty that you will need to keep moving forward and thus fulfill the Plan. A Plan that is still to be fulfilled, first, within each one of you, so that then this cosmic Plan may be fulfilled throughout the whole world, although everything may seem to be in ruins and in darkness.

It is this Light of the Higher Councils that blesses and contemplates you today, not only as beings in redemption, but also as consciousnesses in transformation and bravery.

Within all those who are Mine, I will make the new apostles. Therefore, persist and follow My footsteps of Light, firmly follow My steps toward the Divine Purpose, because today the scepter of God is in My Hand to lead you and guide you toward the goal, the great goal of your Christification.

I want to thank, from the depths of My Heart, the consequent and prayerful ones, those who, in the last one hundred meetings of prayer, have sustained the banner of My Peace and will keep doing so, for a much longer time, until I meet you, face to face, in My Return.

And the last thing I tell you, companions, for you to hold within your hearts, is the following:

What would you do if, at this moment, I were physically facing you?

What is the first thing you would say to Me?

What would you do with Me if I told you: “son, daughter, here I am, because I have returned”?

Contemplate this scene in your inner world and attract this reality, at each new day.

When you feel that you cannot, or even that you will not manage to, that you will not have the strength to keep moving forward, think and contemplate for a moment if I were before you, what would you say to Me?

I leave you My Peace, I leave you My gratitude, I give you My Consoling and Redeeming Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!


Dear children,

On this beloved day, in which once more the Light and the Mercy of My Son descends, I invite you to renew yourselves in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so that all children who do not reconcile nor ask for forgiveness may have the Grace of awakening to true repentance and penance.

In this way, beloved children, there will be well-deserved reasons for humanity to be absolved of all its faults, of all mistakes committed.

With the strength and the power of merciful prayer, may my prayerful armies never tire of asking for Pity and Mercy, because the majority, those who do not ask for Pity or Mercy, end up condemning themselves to spiritual perdition.

My wish is that all the prayerful beings on Earth may hold on and continuously unite to the Mercy of My Son. Thus, not only will they be united to the redeeming Heart of Christ, but they will also maintain the doors of the Heavens open so that the holy angels of the Lord may intervene in all causes that seem impossible.

Dear children, keep building within yourselves the strength of the prayer of the heart. I ask you not to cease praying, no matter what happens.

May the mirror heart of each child of Mine reflect onto the world the love and the peace needed for these times of tribulation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Immaculate Lady of Peace,
manifestation of the Original Purity,
permit us to enter into Your Heart,
Sacred Kingdom of Love and Protection.
May Your Mantle of Light guard us
and transform our little beings
into servers of Your universal task.
We revere You, Mother,
Queen of Peace,
Divine Conception of the Trinity.
(three times)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In this silence that embraces you, feel the Mother of God's Heart beating.

From Heaven, I bring to you what is most beautiful that exists; for this reason, I gather you together with Me so that you can once more feel the Love of God.

Today, I come as a Mother who agonizes at seeing this planet in suffering.

Today, I come to look for each one of My children so that they may console Me, because, in this way, the Mother Earth will be consoled and each Kingdom of Nature will receive the attention it deserves, so that the souls on the surface of this planet may help the Kingdoms of Creation, because without the Kingdoms of Creation, humanity will not be able to survive.

For this reason, I have asked you, My children, to invoke and implore the intercessory power of Saint Gabriel the Archangel, because the faithful Messenger of God will be able to help each one of you and, thus, it will also be able to help the planet.

When I ask you to console Me, it is not only through the prayer of the heart, but also through remembering, every day, the importance of saving Creation and, especially, everything that dwells upon this planet, all Kingdoms of Nature, including the Elemental and Devic Kingdoms.

Children, I come here as your agonizing Mother, so that you may understand the symbol, but also the cry of the planet.

I know that the majority could respond to My call, but the more voices gather to ask for respect for this planet, the less these voices are heard by those who believe they have the power in this humanity; but, do not give up, My children.

I do not only invite you to serve the Kingdoms of Nature, but I also invite you to defend them, to protect them with actions of love and charity, because the human being of these times has completely forgotten that it comes from Creation and that each part of its being belongs to the Kingdoms of Nature.

So that you may understand, beloved children, what I am saying to you, understand, at this moment, that your essences come from the ponds of Creation and that a small particle of Light of each Kingdom has given of itself, out of Love for God, to constitute the formation and the expression of your beings.

In this way, you will understand, beloved children, that when the world hurts the Kingdoms of Nature, it hurts itself.

Beloved children, how can you allow humanity to always wound itself and remove from its habitat all that God has given you with so much Love, since the beginning of the Genesis?

How is it possible, beloved children, for human beings to lose their sensibility and even their earthly feeling in the face of the suffering of the Lower Kingdoms?

Has humanity realized that it destroys its own consciousness? That, by contaminating the seas at each second of this time, it loses the possibility of having water to quench its thirst?

The world has great problems with water, and, once again, the poorest among the poor suffer the consequences of those who claim to be powerful.

How is it possible, beloved children, for the human being of this time to destroy forests just to have paper?

Children, how is it possible for you, in this time, to contaminate the Earth or sacrifice the animals without feeling absolutely nothing?

I do not speak of vegetarianism, I speak of feeling, in the depths of the heart, that the Lower Kingdoms are consciousnesses that deserve to evolve, just like you. And those who believe they have power over Creation have decided not to do anything.

If the majority does not pray on their knees, only social revolutions will come, and the men and women of this time will keep becoming sick, because the mutations of these times, which modify the perfect genetics that God created, absolutely degenerate the spiritual condition of humanity, and My enemy has advanced in this field.

But do not feel indignation or guilt, because the Original Project of God will be fulfilled with the transmutation and the transcendence of humanity, of those who really fight with the banner of Christ so that His Plan may be fulfilled on the surface of this planet.

Once again, I say, especially to those who do not hear or believe the Word of God, that, if they do not undergo a deep change, their destiny will only be to perish. And how far should the Mercy of the Father or the Justice of God go? How far should compassion embrace the most miserable conditions of this planet?

Love does mean concession. Love does not mean alliance with the laws of the Earth. Love is also Justice, but it is Wisdom. Love is not punishment, it is a correction.

Therefore, I invite you to be careful and to heed My warning, because while the Kingdoms of Nature keep being transgressed and outraged, who will deter the wars on this planet? Who will close the doors that open to evil? Who will transmute these doors? Who will relieve the displacement of millions of refugees in the world? Who will help face the climate crisis of the poorest peoples in this world? Who will have the means to meet the great necessities for food?

I am not speaking of assistencialism; I am speaking of being aware and of human fraternity, of doing what God taught you a long time ago, the same that He taught the people of Israel: sharing their material goods so that all may receive spiritual goods.

I do not tire of hearing the cry of this planet. The eruption of volcanoes demonstrates to the world a great warning call. There is no one who can stop it. By any chance, will you allow the Pacific Ring of Fire to keep on expanding, as if the volcanoes were a form of entertainment for society?

Beloved children, you must respect the universal Laws so that you may learn to respect the Laws of Creation.

The string of this world is too stretched. Its tension and friction cause it to be about to break; who will prevent this? Who else will sacrifice themselves? Who will form with Me a great and powerful network of prayer that may congregate many souls, more and more, who will postulate to be the praying ones of the end of times, those called the praying ones of the Apocalypse?

It is in this way that you will be with Me, without being at fault with the prayer from the heart, because prayers are still very insufficient; extremely great numbers are the sins, in very great numbers are the faults, many are the errors and the omissions of humanity. Everything grows gradually to the point of becoming out of proportion.

Who will attain, above everything, the so necessary and extraordinary Grace that may allow a spiritual amnesty for the souls that are already condemned to hell?

This is the time of overcoming for the new Christs. These are no longer times of claims or complaints, it is a time for your lives to be totally different, just as the life of the Mother of God became different from the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Assumption.

I do not ask you for great things, My children, I only ask you to fulfill what My Son asked of you during His last Message of October 22, for you to love one another more for those who do not love one another; because if the Love of God continues to be lacking in this world, how do you believe this humanity will end up? Have you ever wondered, My beloveds? Do you now understand the agony of the Mother of God?

I no longer carry only seven swords in My chest, which pierce My Heart; now My Heart is pierced by fourteen swords, of the gravest sins of this world; and there lies, in this way, a central sin that makes My Heart ache, which is the sin of indifference. For this reason, when you do not feel with your hearts, be careful, so that your hearts do not become as hard as a stone, to the point that all that is shown to you in this world and all that will be shown does not move your inner world.

Attention, My beloveds, invoke your Guardian Angels, invoke the powerful Blood of Christ so that the Lord may purify and cure you, so that your hearts may always feel the need to pray and not to do so as a commitment or a schedule, because it is time for the Father to see that My Work is being fulfilled, in spite of the adversities.

It is time, My beloveds, for your lives to be prayer itself.

As a Mother who loves you, as a Mother who sustains you, I come to confess all these Words to you because there is still a little time left so that at least as many souls as possible not lose the opportunity of redemption.

I cry together with those who feel injustice. My Heart agonizes together with the Kingdoms of Nature, from the depths of the oceans to the top of the mountains. The cry of the planet is heard by the universe. By any chance, are you hearing it?

So that My Son can return to the world, just as He has announced so much, humanity needs to deserve it, even if it is in what is essential; and if that which is essential still does not exist, how do you believe that My Son will return?

But as His Love is greater than the errors, as His Compassion is more infinite than the indifference, as His embrace is stronger than all darkness; He comes in Divinity and Spirit, for seven years now, He comes to meet you, to prepare you for this moment.

But He also anguishes, although many times He does not demonstrate it, because He knows that you could not bear it, but He patiently waits for the moment when, by means of all the adorers and also of those who are not yet adorers, each soul may be its own tabernacle, so that He may be present in Spirit and Love, and thus He may begin to heal the world and prepare the planet for His Coming to humanity.

We must fervently pray for this, because, if it does not happen, beloved children, very few parts of the planet will survive the aggressions of climate change. God did not give you this world for you to convert it into what it is today; the Celestial Father gave you this planet so that, within this universe, a civilization of Christs could emerge; but, yes, many Christs have emerged throughout times, however, they have not been enough, because these Christs, called Saints, have had to carry the same cross of the debt of this humanity, like the sacrifice that Christ made for you.

For this reason, through My Words, through this Message, I come to make you meditate with Me upon all that God has dictated to My Heart. And today, your Celestial Mother dictates, to all Her children throughout the world, the same Words that God gave Me for this Apparition.

For this reason, I tell you again that in the Sacraments, in prayer and in service lies the keys to face and overcome these critical times.

This is all that I needed to tell you, My beloveds.

Share with Me the pain of God; after having felt the Silence of God, feel now the pain of God for the great ignorance of humanity.

May the doors of Divine Mercy open.

May the 144,000 come forward.

May the Celestial Kingdom descend to Earth.

May the Guardian Angels guide and accompany the servers.

May all listen to the Call of God to fulfill His Promises, until the emergence of a New Humanity.


And, as I always do, from the heart of Lys-Fatima, inner Sanctuary for all souls that thirst for God, I bless you again today, My children, and I give you the strength of faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in the Peace of My Son. Go ahead.


Dear children,

In the coming month of May, the month of the Most Holy Rosary, Your Heavenly Mother will offer Her maternal and Immaculate Heart which, being exposed to the whole world, will surrender out of love for Her Children so that this planetary moment may be reversed, as well as the situation that many souls are experiencing due to the confinement and quarantine.

For this reason, My children, I invite you to have an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with you so that, during the month of May, while you pray the Holy Rosary in your homes and with your families, you may venerate and contemplate My Immaculate Heart as a refuge for the helpless and relief for those who suffer.

During the days of the month of May, I wish each child of Mine, with the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to make their most sincere offering, and can feel themselves to be contained and protected by the Immaculate Love of My Heart.

I invite you to disseminate this request because My wish as a Mother is that, during the month of May, My children may feel themselves within My maternal Heart so that I can give each one what they need in these definitive times.

I also invite those who pray and their families to send photos together with the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that they may be shared during the events of the 13, 21 and 25 of May. In this way, a great family network will be established among the devout hearts of the world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My beloveds,

Today My Crown of Stars is illumined by the power and the faith of the prayers offered through the Powerful Novena to Saint Raphael the Archangel.

The Creator Father is withdrawing from the planet, having fulfilled a most important stage in the mission of rescue and liberation of souls within the chain of suffering and illness.

But still, dear children, there is much to do, there are still souls to rescue, to awaken and to place upon the path of return to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

During these nine days, those who prayed were able to experience the silent work of transmutation and vibration that the Angelic Hierarchy does, and they were also able to be aware of the great need for help and prayer that the planet has.

So, during these nine days, in which the striving prayer beings carried out the novena, they were able to accompany Saint Raphael the Archangel in his planetary task of healing and reconciliation of humanity.

Opportunities will still be given to all to be able to continue praying from the heart for the end of the pandemic so that humanity may reconsider and recognize its spiritual distancing from God.

So it was, that the Eternal Father Himself sent one of His Archangels so that he could intervene for humanity.

Children, after these nine days of having been placed into contact with the sacred Law of Healing, may your prayers continue arriving to the beloved Heart of God so that more healing and more redemption may embrace the planet.

I thank you for having responded promptly to the call for the healing of humanity!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Today, with their pleas, My praying children weave the green mantle of light of Mother Nature, and this spiritual mantle gives shelter to the group soul of each one of the kingdoms present in the Amazon and in the world.

It is thus, dear children, that the green mantle of light, woven by each one of My praying children, not only covers the Lower Kingdoms, but also the great angels of the Amazon, the devas, the elementals and the luminous consciousnesses of sacred nature, which are suffering the terror of disappearing and of becoming extinct from their habitat due to the activities of humankind.

Today, sacred nature receives a spiritual relief, as it has never received it before. And this is possible because at least a part of human beings respond to the needs of the most inoffensive beings, of all the creatures that are part of the sacred ecosystem of the Amazon.

As from now, I want to thank My children for having dedicated this Sunday to the prayerful rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, and I hope that another thousand Hail Marys can be offered in the future for the one and great lung of the planet, for our dear and sacred Amazon.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Today, in gratitude, I receive your deepest prayers.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

Dear children,

Each one of the prayerful beings of the world know about the planetary reality and about the importance of sustaining, within the world, a pillar of light of prayer that, each day more, awakens the Love of God within hearts and dissolves the conflicts in nations and peoples.

Therefore, My children, for this Vigil of Prayer of today, I invite you to renew your efforts and especially the commitment of continuing to pray for the nations so that more spiritual miracles may continue to take place in humanity and in the lives of people.

I wish, as a Mother, that every day you may be able to penetrate the mystery that the power of prayer holds, and the physical changes that the praying word generates in planetary life, as well as in the Kingdoms of Nature.

To this day, the commitment undertaken by means of the Prayer for the Nations has allowed, miraculously, for new Light-points to be established in South America, North America, Africa and Europe; and soon in Central America and Oceania.

Thus, My children, when a prayerful commitment is undertaken and assumed by a consciousness, not only do they benefit spiritually over time, but also the planet which, as a living state of consciousness, receives an opportunity, especially the nations that have witnessed the depredation of humanity, of conflict and of chaos.

For example, with the Prayer for Peace in the Middle-East, your Celestial Mother has attained the aspiration, through the missionaries of Fraternidade, to be able to enter Lebanon and thus bring inner human relief to souls, because the next Plan of your Most Holy Mother is to establish a humanitarian and religious task for this region so that Africa, the Middle-East and Europe may be even more contemplated by the Mercy of God.

All this is possible, just as other events, because the power of prayer works and acts daily in the souls that participate and accompany the important task of praying for the nations.

When one or more souls assume this commitment with the Celestial Mother, they assume it up with the Celestial Father, and the Universe can feel the loving response from those who pray and make an effort to do it every day.

Therefore, I call you to a moment of renewal of commitment so that, even more in the world, the powerful and invincible Mercy of My Son may save humanity.

I thank you, now and always, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message received in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The time is approaching when the doors of the terrestrial hells will close and where the souls will pass from a level of suffering towards a level of Light and Mercy.

This will happen through the prayer column established on the surface of the Earth, an inner exercise that will sustain any consciousness and under any situation.

The Prayer for the Nations will continue to grow as a task and as a purpose and, each day that passes, more souls will be touched and called to participate in this luminous network of prayer, preciously formed by all the beings of prayer and goodwill of this planet.

This spiritual and, at the same time, human foundation, is what your Redeemer will use to prepare nations, people and cultures in order to welcome the second coming of your Redeemer.

This is the time to have knowledge of this internal purpose that is being carried out, day by day, in the life of those who participate in this proposal, and thus each prayer becomes a possible instrument that, in humility and selflessness, is capable of carrying forward the Love of God and His Messengers, to any part of the world and under any circumstance,

Magnificent is the internal network of prayer that unites nations and peoples, a network created and sheltered by the Heavenly Mother.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Weekly Messages

I am the Lady of the Tears of Syracuse. I come on this day to tell you, My children, that no one has calmed My cry for these people of Sicily, and that I still wait for the great moment of conversion of the sinners who are on this island.

Thus, I present Myself to you today as the Lady of Tears because, through My Tears, I leave the message for this place that these people of South Italy do not yet accept redemption and that, by means of appearances, they believe everything is well and that it will continue to be so.

I call My children of Sicily to repent from the heart so that you may ask for forgiveness to the Celestial Father because thus, He will grant you His Mercy and not His divine and powerful Justice.

Thus, My children, with the prayer of everyone, the people of Sicily will attain a special grace, and this grace will also have reprecussions within the members of the Church of My Son.

I come to Sicily for the people of the South of Italy not to forget that the Lady of Tears cried and that She is still crying because Her children most in need of love do not want to hear Her.

I come to remove you from the power that you believe you have in your hands.

I come to offer you My maternal Heart as a path for your final conversion.

But I also come to the South of Italy, as the Lady of Tears, for one of the most serious crises of this twenty-first century, which is the migration of My children of Africa and of the Middle-East to Europe, through the Mediterranean Sea.

It is thus, My children, that the Lady of Tears also cries for the great indifference of all Europeans before the lack of welcome and of love for the refugees.

This is the time and the opportunity that not only Italy but also all of Europe has the grace of being able to reverse its debts through service to the refugees.

I, as the Mother of all, call you to fraternity and to step away from yourselves so that the one who suffers the most and escapes the conflicts and wars may occupy the first place within your lives. Thus, you will learn to know Divine Mercy.

Italy has always been a very blessed land by the saints and by the Eucharistic miracles because it is the nation that most needs Pity and Mercy for the end of these times.

All the praying beings, in this moment, can be important intermediaries before the Divine Justice so that, united to your Heavenly Mother, you may collaborate for all the important stages of the Pilgrimage to be fulfilled, according to the way God wishes and feels.

Let us continue, My children, allowing the unfathomable Mercy to descend upon the nations of the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Today I bring to the world the Grace of God, which is poured out like the rain that touches and nourishes the Earth. By means of this divine grace, I dissolve evil and hearts are rid of their pains, anguishes and sufferings.

Today the Grace of God descends, that powerful divine science that is not deserved by humanity but which is clamored for by the voice of those who pray with the heart.

The Grace of God is like a sun that shines in the firmament: it is like the sun that is born in the dawn of the life of each being; it is like the sun that withdraws during the night and illuminates the inner worlds.

Today it is the Grace of God the one that, like a rain of light, touches the planet and penetrates the deepest layers of the land and of the consciousness in order to restore them.

Today it is the Grace of God that works the miracles in the life of those who believe in it; it is the grace that strengthens the faith of the believers in Christ; it is the grace that transforms all of the planetary life.

Although there may be chaos, persecutions and humanitarian crises, the Grace of God somehow comes to those who suffer the most; grace flows like a great river and pours out upon souls like little sparks of light.

It is by means of the constant prayer of those who invoke Universal Mercy that Grace descends through the simple instruments that offer themselves to it, day by day.

Today it is Grace that touches the door of the heart and thus a door opens towards new opportunities to love and to forgive all experiences lived.

In the Grace of God, you will find the hope yearned for and the infinite light so much sought for; it is the fount that feeds the spirit and transforms the soul that opens to receive its divine fire.

Today, Grace repairs all human consciousnesses and, in silence, God contemplates what His Love accomplishes in the essences created by Him.

Grace heals the deepest wounds and reveals to hearts unique joy and exaltation. Because within the Grace of God is the conversion of the hardened heart, is the healing of the sick soul; within grace is the redemption and the faith of the one who never believed in God.

It is Grace that is born today like the Dawn and unveils the mysteries of love expressed in the gifts of the Creation.

Grace touches the Earth today, just as the praying voice of My children touches and reaches the Heavens, establishing communion with the Creator Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On the eve of the beginning of the powerful novena of the Mystery of the Rosary for the families of the world*, I ask you, my children, to bear in mind that, in each new offering of the Mystery of the Rosary that you will perform, I, as Mother of the families of the world, will be there, next to each praying heart that will be responding to My call for love and mercy.

The inner meaning of this next novena will not only be to place the divided and distracted families of the whole world in the Merciful Heart of God, but also to prepare those who pray and the devotees for the day of the sacred Christmas Eve; the moment when the Divine Son will impart His sacerdotal blessing over all from the spiritual plane, specially over the families of the whole world, so that the Attributes of God, those that were in the Holy Family of Nazareth, may be present again in the families of today.

For this reason, My children, have absolute confidence that your prayers will remove the families, who are in danger, from dark and unpleasant situations that affect the support of marriages, as well as the emotional and psychic stability of children.

This next novena will try to be a balm of light and love that will expand through the praying word, through the intercession of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

May the graces of unity in the family, strength in the marriages and peace for all the children of each family descend through this loving novena of the Rosary for the families of the whole world so that the guardian angels may safeguard the steps of each family member.

For this response, that all who pray will be giving to the Most Pure Mother of God, I now thank you for responding to My call!

Remember, my children, to recite, only once, after the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, the prayer to the Holy Family of Nazareth.

Who blesses you for this sacred spiritual task,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


*Spiritual exercise to perform in front of the Nativity manger, during nine days, from December 16 to December 24, 2018.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the travel from Buenos Aires to San Carlos de Bariloche, Providence of Rio Negro, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

To all those who pray with Me, I grant the fortitude of My Heart, so they may go through their purification, so they may learn to overcome the end of times.

To all those who pray with Me, I give the strength of My Heart, because as the Mother Who was present on Earth, I know that My children have need of it, in order to be sustained.

To all those who pray with Me, I give the fortitude of My Heart, because as a Mother, I know that My children, in spite of what happens in these times, will feel protected.

To all those who pray with Me, I give the strength of My Heart, so that at each new step, they feel the power of trusting in God.

To all those who pray with Me, I give the fortitude of My Heart, because I know, as Mother, that My children have never gone through these times and that, for the first time, they are learning to live them.

To all those who pray with Me from their heart, I give the fortitude of My Heart, and I hold them in My arms so that they may feel My maternal refuge.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



My Children,

On the eve of the next meetings with My Son, your Heavenly Mother prepares for His arrival at the Marian Center of Aurora so that, in this month of August, we may remember all the divine impulses that, through the humble Aurora, were granted to humanity.

I would like every prayer being to know the importance of staying united with what is High during these days so that the spiritual impulses that the sacred Universe will give you may be recognized within each being, and thus the fulfillment of the divine stages of the Plan may continue on.

Aurora, with the silent strength of its power, will embrace with its fire all who come, and as part of the spiritual mission of Aurora, it will give the last impulses that will define consciousnesses so that they be able to follow the path of Grace or the path of Justice.

The attention and care of every child of Mine who comes to Aurora will show the Sacred Kingdom of Love the possibility for its universal and cosmic intervention, as from the coming 8th of August, in which an important cycle will be defined forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Wherever you go, take with you, and in your heart, the unfathomable ocean of My Mercy; pour it out wherever you go; convey it wherever the Father has you walk and pray.

I thirst for the most distracted souls, because the power of My transforming Love still does not reach them.

You must take My Unfathomable Mercy wherever you go, because thus, by some inner means, I will find a place where I may sow My Redeeming Light, so that the souls most separated from My Heart may one day recognize My Will and My Merciful Love.

Carry in your being My Unfathomable Mercy and make it known in the unfaithful world, because thousands of souls would not be able to reach Me if in truth there were no apostles of mine, servants of My Heart and of My Soul, to bring the refuge of My Mercy wherever necessary and whenever necessary.

Let no place cause you contempt or fear. Accept, as of now, the human condition that humanity has, the same that you have.

Thus, being merciful and prayerful, you will be with Me to transform this planet that is in agony day after day.

I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you for this next mission,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Today's rain is formed by the tears of the great angels of the nations of the world; a cry that spills from the faces of the angels, from seeing the seriousness of the planetary reality and, above all, from the lack of response and consciousness after humanity was warned, several times, that it should follow the path of repentance and penance.

The cry of the angel that governs Uruguay is very meaningful and great since that population condemned itself and favored that its representatives take their own nation to spiritual condemnation.

This is why, during these days, a part of the Consciousness of the Divine Messengers will be here, supporting the Center of Aurora so that it can continue sustaining itself, waiting for an inner response from those who live in this nation.

The tears that come from the eyes of the angels are not for the errors committed, but for the absence of Mercy that these people will have at this time since the Source will be retreating to give space for the descent of the Divine Justice, that which will correct and place everything where it belongs.

It is an unknown Justice for all humanity; this is the reason why the angels of heaven, the ones that govern the nations, are crying. And they cry even more for those that were conscious of all reality and that, by their own opinions and decisions, turned their backs on the Master, forgetting the essential principles of the spiritual and evolutionary life.

Today is a day in which those who pray, more than ever, should pray in order to attract to the Earth the Consoling Spirit of God for those who no longer have a return, not even an opportunity.

I wish that you could understand deep within your hearts what it means to never again receive an opportunity.

Therefore, I ask you to pray for My closest children, those who were by My side and now have left Me because they got tired of Me.

May God have Mercy for the nations of the world and for the ungrateful.

I thank you for accompanying Me from the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace; transmitted in the Olmué Commune, Marga Marga, Valparaiso Region, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Today I come with the primary intention of carrying out the pilgrimage mission to Asia and Oceania; because if this takes place in that region of the world, many situations will be avoided and others repaired.

I need each prayerful being to become aware that each step taken from now on will help in building the next stage of spiritual and inner work in humanity.

As Mother and Guide of souls, what I need, dear children, is that the steps I ask you to take at this moment, so this mission is concretized, are not only material, but are also inner and spiritual.

This will enable the inner universe of each being to be prepared to take on this next mission with a different state of consideration and consciousness; because what is most important, children, is what will begin to be generated and gestated from now on. Further ahead, the inner, spiritual and material conditions will have broad repercussions so that everything can be accomplished, as has been foreseen by the Celestial Father.

To experience a mission in the East is not the same as experiencing a mission in the West. In spite of humanity being the same, biologically speaking, other needs, lacks and emergencies must be provided for from the moment in which My missionaries place their feet on this region of the planet. Thus, I say again, My beloveds, that everything you may do will have repercussions in the future so the mission can take place.

Your Heavenly Mother is not speaking of being authoritative or severe; your Mother is referring to the importance of placing more love and awareness in all that surrounds you daily. Correcting this, the new mission will be built and the doors to Divine Providence will be open. In this way, all will move forward under the ardent aspiration of My Immaculate and Motherly Heart.

As from now, I will thank you for being attentive about yourselves so a new victorious mission, wholly in the Lord, can be built.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Fatima, Santarém, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I emit My Divine Thought from the highest lakes in the Himalayas.

From the heights of these mountains, the sacred Condor bird flies over the spaces of the planet to place upon the lakes the new attributes that must be gestated in the consciousness of the humanity that is awaking.

On the highest peaks of the mountains and over the lakes, your Heavenly Mother prays, contemplates, and in silence decrees all the divine affirmations that in the coming times will help to concretize new principles of rehabilitation and healing in the souls of human beings, which up until now have never been received.

Through the lakes, on the heights of the Himalayas, your Heavenly Mother mobilizes your inner worlds so that prayerful souls, who become mirrors through prayer, inwardly capture the signs that come from the Divine Thought of Creation.

It is thus that the greater Universe tries to mirror, over the lakes, the impulses that will make of this humanity in transition a race of disciples of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

By capturing these impulses that come from the universe, the human consciousness that opens to awakening through knowledge will be able to receive that which it needs for taking new steps in love and in inner consecration.

From the heights of the lakes of the Himalayas, your Mother of prayer works tirelessly to balance the interior of the world and humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


An Anniversary of Graces for the Planet

Today, from the altars of Heaven, your Most Holy Mother offers at the Feet of the King and Creator all the works accomplished, all songs offered, each effort made in matter and in spirit for the divine realization for the elevation and healing of humanity.

In this way, My beloved children singers, the Universe celebrates and communes of today’s meeting, which will close a cycle of apprenticeship and challenges, to begin a new cycle in which music, instruments, and voices will become essential in the moment of the transition of the Earth.

The Mother of all choirs, in the bliss of Her Spirit, today celebrates all the fruits attained from the moment in which your consciousnesses said “yes” to My call for the elevation and healing of humanity.

On this sacred day, where the Holy Chalice of Christ spiritually shines at the very top of Mount Shasta, I ask you, dear children, to offer this meeting as the moment in which to make an inner synthesis, after all the steps you have taken in faith and in brotherhood.

Thus, on this day, My children, your Heavenly Mother makes this offering to God as the symbol of the union of souls with Him, as the Grace that has descended, month after month, and within which the planet and the consciousness of humanity have been freed from many evils and extremely serious events that would have been irreparable.

In this way, My beloved singers, the Universal Mother of elevated and eternal music joins with each one of your hearts so that, being renewed by My impulse of love, your lives may be offered for the rest of your days to sing to the Eternal Father as an act of reparation and absolute surrender to His Divine Heart.

The Source of all Graces, which comes from My Immaculate Heart, will be open so that through your song you may implore for the redemption of a sleeping humanity.

For this Christmas that approaches, dear children, the Sacred and Divine Family will be among you, in each heart as well as in each home, to renew you in love and mercy.

Lastly, I would like to tell all My dear prayerful ones of the whole world that, at this Christmas, just as Jesus offered Himself to be born and live among the most simple, I ask that you, My beloved ones, offer your immediate collaboration so that the Plans of the Divine Messengers come to their complete fulfillment within the United States, because afterward, there will not longer be an opportunity.

I will be grateful if each one of you, placing your hand on your hearts, may feel and believe that the arrival of the Divine Voices of Heaven to Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando will be imperative, as they are places that need the powerful Mercy of God.

United to each singer, united to each voice and to each server of the Plan of Love of Christ, I bless you, My beloved children, in the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for always corresponding to My Plan of Love.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

As the Mother of all the people and all the races I will still continue in pilgrimage in Mexico to be able to heal most of the pain possible that My children live at this time.

It is so that from Heaven I light the Mirrors of prayer for them to radiate very potent streams of love, healing and liberation.

In this way, children, your Heavenly Mother will be able to penetrate with Her Divine Consciousness the spaces with most suffering in Mexico and in the world, and with the inner strength of all Her praying children She can carry out the co-redemptive work with Her Beloved Son.

Therefore, beloved children, humanity will see itself liberated from millennial mistakes by means of the Mirrors of prayer that each soul lights in the moment of simply offering Me the prayer of heart.

It is in this last cycle that the Divinity of the Son of God will allow many consciousnesses to enter the inner planes, the spaces of love, where the angels of Heaven can spiritually take care of them; this is in truth a state of Grace generated by the “yes” of all of the servers.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unites you to God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
