To My beloved Africa

Dear children,

Today we will dedicate this work of prayer for the innocent and poorest souls of Africa so that, after each one of them has gone through the learning of misery, of suffering and of pain, it may receive the grace of being before the celestial glory.

Now, with My first and initial monastery of consecrated nuns in Angola, the entire Work is called by the Mother of God to collaborate in some way toward this mission of charity and of service that has just begun.

Just as My beloved Son asked Mother Teresa of Calcutta to serve and be among the poorest of the poor, today I, as the Lady of the Poor and of the Holy Innocent, ask each child of Mine who listens to Me, to be in Africa with the poorest among the poorest, especially with the most innocent, with My little children, with the orphan children and those abandoned by their own families.

I wish that the entire Work, just as all those who are awakening through it, may have in their prayers My beloved Africa so that the celestial goods that will convert into help and humanitarian service can descend from Heaven to be offered in Africa.

With all of this request, My children, the ardent wish of your Heavenly Mother is to bring love to those who do not have it and relief to those who suffer.

This is the time when injustice and inequality afflict the most innocent and poor, those who have nothing. But also, My children, this is the time of miracles, miracles that your own lives can accomplish through your donation, your support and your service to My little children of Africa.

This Work, blessed by the Celestial Father, has the mission of bringing love in order to heal the pain of the world, not only with an expression of tenderness for the one who has never received it, but also through a gesture of service and love to those poorest among the poor.

Africa was and is a continent outraged and exploited by the great nations, but in a short time this will end and those who took everything, and left poverty and misery for the most innocent, will have accounts to settle with Me and with My Son on the day appointed for the Universal Judgment; because, as My Son has said, there will be no stone upon stone in those who built their power on the surface of the Earth. Everyone will live its moment of evaluation and of judgment.

Dear children, I also ask you to include in your prayers the Kingdoms of Nature of Africa, so that, although they are extinguished and commercialized, the group consciousness of each Kingdom may receive today love and forgiveness from the prayer beings.

Africa is the beginning of a greater Work that will place each one of the servers before the opportunity of taking the great step toward  the forgetting of self, without conditions, in service and in love for others.

Remember that Africa waits for love, help and redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the Son of the Father is present, the universes stop to receive the Light of the world, the Light that dispels darkness, the Light that defeats chaos, the Light that leads you to peace.

It is this Divine Light that comes from the Universe to meet the essences created by God, so that the essences may abandon the abysses of illusion, of lies, of indifference, of omission.

The Divine Light of God, through the Son, descends to the world to find you, to summon you and to call on you to remember the Will of the Father, and all of your inner existence since the origin.

It is this Divine Light of God, through the Beloved Son, that brings you into the sacred knowledge of the Universe and of all the manifestation of the Sources of Creation.

Through the consciousness of the Divine Light, I come to elevate you, I come to withdraw you from perversion, from spiritual blindness, from the lack of discernment and of wisdom.

I come to recover the values of your people and your nation, the origins of your origins, the hospitality of each one of your souls, the solidarity of each one of your spirits that once, united with the Source, brought a spiritual and material openness to receive other cultures and other peoples, just as Germany has done in recent years.

It is by living these principles of fraternity and of solidarity with your peers, and with your brothers and sisters,  regardless of nation or culture, opening the doors to acceptance and to love, that the nations of Europe will be able to be forgiven for all that they did throughout time, no matter the seriousness or the evil generated.

Because this Divine Light that comes to meet you from the Greater Universe is the Light that brings you Mercy, a Source of Grace and of expiation that you need so that your lives may completely transform according to the Will of the Father and the commitment that each one of you must experience in this time.

For this reason, companions, be glad, experience joy through the Divine Light of God, a Light that the Son of the Most High brings to change essences into the Love of God, so that essences may be bathed in Wisdom and be filled by the Grace that comes, in these difficult times, to open the eyes of humankind, so they may recover their filiation with the Universe and their existence.

This is why I come to recover one of the most important attributes of your nation, the attribute of hospitality and of solidarity that you once experienced with your sister nations and that today you experience with other nations of the world, so far from yours.

This, companions, spirit of solidarity and of hospitality, will awaken in you a love for service, not only for the human being, but also for the Kingdoms of Nature, which cry out for the help of humankind from the surface to be able to bear the end of these times, the most definitive times of the Earth.

To recover these values that allows for equality to live in each one, not only as a society but also as a people, sharing in fraternity all that you have, you will be able to prompt other nations of the world to also open their doors, not only of their homes but also of their hearts, to receive the refugee and the one that suffers, because in essence and in Divine Light, all are brothers and sisters, all are children of God, beyond faults or errors, beyond the successes and the facts committed.

Remember that you are children of God and that the Source of Divine Light is today drawing closer to you to bring Holland a spiritual opportunity that is today sown in the consciousnesses of many so that in the coming time it may bring about results, just as the Father hopes for and needs.

Today I come to lead your consciousnesses toward the universality of life, toward a broader understanding of the greater and higher reality, which in this time brings impulses of Light to consciousnesses, in order to make them participants in the truth, in all that will transform them and have them become aware of the planetary situation of these times.

The spirit of solidarity and of acceptance will take you out of yourselves in order to find, at each point in this city and beyond, the Love of God that is lacking in the hearts that have forgotten their inner commitment because of substituting the tendencies of these times for this commitment.

But today I open My Arms over Holland and the whole world, just as I open your hearts, so that you may feel the beauty of being in God and of participating in His Divine Love in communion, which makes you worthier children of God, more helpful, more humble, more available for carrying forward the Plan of the Father in this end cycle, which must be accomplished, companions, first within each one of you to then be accomplished in all of humanity.

It is for this reason that the time and the moment is coming for all nations and their inhabitants to consciously awaken to the Return of Christ. Thus, I come in this cycle in Divinity so that your souls can receive My subtle vibrations, so that then your whole consciousness can be a participant in the fulfilling of that promise that I once made, on the height of the Mount of Olives, when I said to the apostles and to all the people of Israel that, in the same way that the Son of God was raised by the clouds of light, so the Son of the Father would return for a second time among the clouds of the Cosmos, so that the Light of the Father may completely transform and redeem the entire human race.

The time is approaching, that event is drawing closer. For this reason, the voice of the Celestial Messengers resounds within the nations of the world so that the greatest number possible may overnight be participants in this moment of the Second Coming of your Redeemer.

While I contemplate a Holland that must renew itself in the Love of God, I contemplate many nations in the world that also need to receive the Mercy of God.

At this moment, companions, this hour that we are living together between Heaven and Earth, between Higher Will and inner will, which are fusing to be able to fulfill the Plan, it is through the joy for all that has occurred on this pilgrimage, for the real and sincere effort of each praying being and collaborator, for each gesture of love given even in the smallest details, after all the cities visited and all the purposes accomplished according to the Will of My Father, that Europe will be ready to receive the Redeemer in Body, Soul and Divinity, as will Africa someday.

My Heart beats also for that suffering continent, exploited by humankind, forgotten by the most powerful and taken advantage of by the most unjust.

But the prayers of the most innocent, of the souls of Angola and of all of Africa, through the mediation of Our Lady of Kibeho, have prepared the inner and spiritual path so that the Divine Messengers may someday arrive there.

We hear their hearts and their prayers, we hear the petitions of our children of Angola who have prayed, in their greatest misery, for those who have more so that they may be saved, as they have already been saved and are with Me in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I want the world to know the truth. For the next cycle, My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will descend in love, justice and compassion in France, and it will propagate with the Divine Mother on the Mauritius islands, from which Africa, Madagascar and the south of India will also spiritually benefit.

These are also the results of the generous and loving work of the men and women, the young people and the children who have truly worked, no matter how long, for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the victory of My Sacred Heart during this pilgrimage throughout Europe.

Here, at this hour and at this moment, before Heaven and Earth, before your souls and before all your brothers and sisters of the world, through the Mercy of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I come to close a cycle, proclaiming the victory of Love in the most lost essences of the world so that, elevated to the Celestial Kingdom by the Supreme Mother of the World and sheltered by the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the advent of Christ in humanity may be accomplished.

And the Graces of God will not only reach France in an upcoming time, but also to the Mauritius islands, so that Madagascar, Africa and the south of India may also be contemplated by the immense ocean of the compassion of God.

Let it be so.

At the Doorways of Heaven, let us celebrate communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, offering these elements of the altar that will be lovingly transubstantiated by your Lord so that the values of faith and of solidarity may not only be reestablished in Holland, but also in France, in Africa and in the Mauritius Islands.

Let us celebrate, thank and rejoice in God because Love in humankind triumphs again.

Today are presented before the altar the fruits of the work of humankind through the wheat that converts into bread to give food to the children of God and through the wine, to quench the thirst of the hearts of the world.

We stand up.

"Bless this water, Lord, so that with Your Love and Your Light it may wash the hearts of Holland, so that they may find the true path of their spiritual union with You for the centuries to come. Amen."

"In the same way that the incense protected and sheltered the Son of God while He rested in the Holy Sepulcher, through this element, Lord, exorcise all that does not belong to Your Light so that the human consciousness may be elevated."

"By the Water that flowed from My side, may this water purify and sublimate everything so that souls may be freed of self and achieve Your Peace."

At the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we invite all those who are able, to kneel for the consecration.

Remember My child, when the Lord took the bread, lifting it up to God, the Divine Light blessed it and I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

Then I took the Chalice between My hands and giving thanks to God for this sacrifice, the Divine Light blessed it, I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink from this Chalice, for it is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

And just as I taught Israel the prayer of the Our Father on the Mount of Beatitudes, today I ask you that as a new people and a new consciousness, you recite this prayer together with Me.

Prayer: Our Father.

The Body and the Divine Blood of Christ, happy and blessed may be those who avail themselves of this Sacrament because today they will receive a Grace that will endure for the rest of their lives, and will bring them an expiation because of the merits achieved by your Master and Lord on Mount Calvary up to His death on the Cross.


Prayer of offering to the Celestial Father.

May the unity among consciousnesses prevail so that the Plan of God may be accomplished in each human heart and the beauty of the Love of God may be expressed in hearts, as in all of Creation.

I bless Holland, just as I will bless France and Mauritius Islands with My visit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In honor and glory to God, by the Mercy that emerges from My Heart so that also in Holland may always be present peace, and in gratitude for the whole pilgrimage carried out, in a miraculous and resounding way in My name, and for the thousand years of Peace, you will give each other the greeting of peace.

May the Celestial Father always bless you.

I thank you

Daily Messages

 Beloved children,

Today My Luminous Heart descends in Glory and Love over the souls that are thirsty of God.  Through the mission of peace, the doors of evil and perdition were closed during three weeks of mission and of prayer done by all My groups of prayer.

I wish, dear children, that you keep in mind the necessity of continuing working through the spirit of prayer, because in the Divine Word is found the exit and the path to the salvation of the souls.

Today I traverse the streets of the Congo and see the faces of forgetfulness, loneliness and sorrow.  The eyes of My children reflect the absence of paternity and dignity.  For this, children, may each moment of service be a true and profound expression of love, may your hands and fatherly hugs be able to ease the burden of denial of all the children of the Congo.  Through your charity, the Mercy of My Son promises to act until the last moments of your presence in the Congo.

Now My Heart indicates you to offer the prayer for the reparation of all the innocent souls, those who wait in solitude for a major help.

Your Lady of Kibeho opens the arms to receive and protect the childhood of all of the Congo.  For this, may your spirit of fraternity express the healing and the grace of receiving the Light of The Kingdom of God.

In these last days of mission for the inner planetary peace, your Heavenly Mother pours the codes of rehabilitation and mercy.

My children, the time has come to help all My children of the Congo to abandon the eternal captivity.  And that will begin to happen when you allow the doors to the Kingdom of Peace to be open.

An important mission is coming to an end; a cycle is being fulfilled in the life and in the existence of all My children of Rwanda, Uganda and Congo.

The seed of peace has been sown in the hearts impoverished of spirit.  The mission will become part of the memory of Heaven.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you under the Spirit of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace


Today, My Heart listens to the supplications of the innocent and the poor.

Today, My spiritual Soul embraces those who have suffered the most from chaos and destruction. 

Today I announce Myself to your hearts as the Lady of Akita, to remind you that My Immaculate Heart belongs to the entire world and today, especially, to all of Asia.

Dear children, I remind you that once, not so long ago, the Lord sent me in pilgrimage to Japan to transmit an important call to conversion, prayer and peace.

Today, in a time of great emergencies for all, My Son Jesus has asked Me to tell you the truth as the good Mother of all, although the truth may be painful as it was for Me in the Mount Calvary.

I want to help you, assist you, prevent you and advise you that, in this cycle, it will be necessary to transform yourselves so that the world may also transform itself and become consecrated once again to the original Project of God.

Beloved children, you have seen that your planet suffers with each new movement and that these catastrophes take away the precious and innocent lives of many souls.

This is why today I ask you, My dear ones, that you open your eyes to the call of the Light that comes from Heaven. While you, without perceiving it, share My Kingdom of Peace, on the other side of the world souls die and disappear from the surface of the Earth.

God desires to spread the absolute devotion to My Immaculate Heart, and in Akita, Japan, I have transmitted an important call to transform the actions of the consciousnesses, just as since 1981 My Voice made Itself be heard in all of Africa through the Apparitions of Rwanda.

Now, I am among you. Would it be for some reason? What is it that your Most High Father wants to say to to you through My Holy Presence, in South America as well as Medjugorje?

As it has always been, humanity matures after everything has happened, but now, I ask you that, out of love, you awaken in time for the Truth that Heaven wants to reveal to you; it will be this Sacred Truth that will prepare you for the return of My Son to the Earth.

Dearest children of Mine, today I also invite you to love the sacrifice you make for the reparation of the offenses committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today, I call on you to make a little more effort, although it may seem to you that the forces of the inner will disappear.

Little ones, the world is coming to a culminating moment, because after My Apparitions, here in South America and in Medjugorje, the times on Earth will change and humanity will have to prepare for the Universal Judgement.

Now, on the eve of my special arrival to the Marian Center of Aurora, on this 13th day, the Lady of Heaven prays for the innocent and condemned souls, saying:

Prayer for the innocent souls

Prayer to be recited on Mondays and
Thursdays to help in the relief of the worldwide situation.
Most High Lord of Mercy,
contemplate within Your Powerful Heart,
the need for peace and for redemption
in all souls that live upon the Earth.
Oh, Savior of Mine!,
God of Love and of Truth,
Separate my children from the eternal punishment
and elevate, with My Offer, the lost hearts.
Oh, Wise Father of Light!,
find in each essence the Light that comes from you
and accept the offerings of love
that we deposit on Your Sacred Altar,
because together with My Son Jesus Christ,
the King of kings and Lord of absolute Love,
we promise, now and always,
to consecrate Your loving humanity.
Listen now, Lord, to Your faithful Messenger.
Observe with Your paternal Gaze,
the flight of the Bird of the Holy Spirit;
because the rays of Pity and of Compassion,
that flow out from Your Most Holy Heart,
will redeem all of the Earth
so that, together with Your Angels and Archangels
We may glorify You for all eternity.

I thank you for always responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of Akita

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
