Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Children of My Father, I come here so that, through your sincere prayers, I may meditate upon the next steps of My Plan for this entire world.

This is why I have decided to be here so that, together with Me and through your prayers, you may prepare the important task of the Lord in the next Sacred Week.

I want you to know that here will be the last Sacred Week, at this sacred place, which has opened its doors to Me so that the Master could announce His Words.

For this reason, companions, all, absolutely all that you have lived with Me throughout the times is taken into account in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and especially at this important moment, when at the doors of Lent, souls are called to faithfully do penance, to meditate on each one of their acts, to repair each one of the wounds that have been caused.

In this next Lent, souls are called to surrender at the Feet of the Lord, so that your Master and Lord may have the authority to intercede for this world, which needs it so much and so urgently.

This is why, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, I would like you to keep very much in mind this Message of Mine. Because in this way, consciously and united to My Sacred Heart, you will be able to help your Master to bring back the fiery bases of Heaven that will re-found the planet, and correct the Human Project after the time of purification.

I would like to feel, in each one of you, the expectation for the coming of the Lord, throughout all these meetings that you will have with Me. Because I have told you once that My task is coming to an end in the Time of the Lord.

Therefore, do not miss any opportunity and moment. Because in the end of times you will have to render an account of all that you have received, each one of the gifts and virtues that I deposited in you. Because although this may seem to you an unknown mystery, your souls do know what these gifts and virtues are.

Because this is what I come to seek in the last apostles so that, with each passing day, you may learn to live My Will, learn to fulfill My Will and learn to concretize it.

In this Lent, which is drawing near, a preamble to the next Sacred Week, I invite you to meditate and in truth ask yourselves a question:

What is the Will of the Lord for my life?

Listen to your hearts, and you will obtain the answer. Pray and ask the Heavens, because everything awaits in the Kingdom of the Heavens to descend upon your lives and consciousnesses.

What would the Will of the Lord be in the time of the preparation for His Return to the world?

For I await this great moment, when the Lord of the Universe will put an end to wickedness in the world, closing the doors to evil and attracting to My Heart, a safe place for each being, all those who are lost and suffering in this humanity.

In this Marathon of Mercy, I would like you to assume, through your sincere prayer, one soul in the world who is in need of help, although you do not know them.

Pray, placing this intention during the days of the Marathon of Mercy, that those who have been oppressed and punished may have the opportunity and Grace to raise their heads and find a safe space of hope in this world.

In truth, I tell you that all the meetings of prayer would not be enough to amend the errors that the world commits today. But it is the sincere offerings of souls that prevent situations from worsening in humanity and in the nations. Have this very much in mind, companions.

Your voices should never tire of praying and supplicating, because the voice that prays and supplicates to God is a mirror of the Kingdom of the Heavens on Earth. This is what I  invite you to become: that you may be mirrors of God’s Love on Earth, free from the capital sins, free from all division or judgment, open of heart and mind to alleviate the suffering of those who truly suffer in these times.

This is the time of spiritual assistance to humanity, because while everything happens in the world, there are still projects and ideas that are contrary to the Father, which are executed in this humanity and mainly in the nations.

However, I do not call you to battle against evil. I call you to be a mirror of Love, because it is Love that dissolves evil and all injustice in the world. For the Love of God will always give you science and wisdom, even in the difficult moments of your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters.

Because while I Am here, contemplating each one of your difficulties, which I neither judge nor condemn, the Lord of Mercy contemplates the great needs of humanity, which are many in this time.

Who will offer to help the Lord wherever and however necessary, to placate chaos in the world?

This is the time for you to be true warriors of the Light. In this way, I will avail Myself of your consciousnesses and souls, and be able to renew all things.

I want you to have these Words of Mine very much in mind, so that, when you pray in these coming days of meetings, you may try to internalize and receive in your hearts, the impulses that I leave for My last apostles.

Behold the Lord of Peace, who comes to a world in chaos and suffering, and seeks, in the good and consistent souls, the response to the Great Call of the end of times.

Therefore, remember once again: what is the Will of the Lord for my life? Ask your inner worlds, there is still a little time left.

Because you must know that, just as it is written, the time of Justice will be fulfilled in the world and, before this time comes, which is not far away, I would like more souls to have the great joy of redemption.  

Live these days with Me for all those who cannot live or experience them.

Live these days with Me for all those who are desperate and suffer, who are submerged and imprisoned in wars, persecution and death.

Live these days with Me for all those who do not have the Grace of being born and for all the children and youths who are prisoners of human trafficking.

Do you now understand the reasons for living these meetings with Me?

Thus, I invite you to come out of yourselves, so that you may give of yourselves, even for those who you do not know and who cry out for a drop of Light in the world, for a rain of hope, for a kingdom of peace that they do not have today.

May My Words make you sensitive. May My Word help you to give of yourselves, because the self-giving of souls is very vast, it is an infinite and unknown dimension, which all those who dare to serve Christ can live.

Service in the world is needed to placate the errors that are committed in humanity, so that the doors of Grace may not close, so that as many souls as possible may attain redemption.

As your Master and Friend, as your Lord, the Lord of Israel, who deeply knows the Project of His Father for all of this humanity, I come to ask you to meditate upon My Words, to submerge yourselves in My ocean of Instruction, so that you may be ready, available, surrendered to Me in the last times, the definitive times.

May the channel of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which souls will be able to open through their prayers on these days, radiate and permeate the spaces that are in darkness, not only within consciousnesses, but also outside of them.

May the Light of Mercy renew you, bring you peace and the hope of seeking a just and fraternal world. Let us pray for this.

Upon My dear and sacred Hill of Apparitions, I have left the Holy Grail, the spiritual teraphim that again united Heaven and Earth, souls and God, in the institution of the Sacred Eucharist.

Keep this Sacred Instrument very much in mind, precious Relic of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which, from South America, will be radiating to the world until the last day of the next Sacred Week, until the day of the Glory of the Lord, when the Christs of the New Time will be able to drink from this spiritual Chalice to live the same commitment lived by the holy apostles, that of being peace-makers on Earth.

I thank you for being here today and in advance I prepare you for the next Sacred Week.

Live Lent with an open heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

First Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the presence of all the angels of Heaven and the Ark of the Holy Covenant at My Feet; today, for you and for the days of the special encounter with Me, through the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, I bring a special and favorite portal for Me, which I hoped to open on this day, for all the souls of the world and for all hearts, for all who need the Presence of the Celestial Father through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For this reason, I am here today in a special way, to open the doors in this month of May, spiritual doors and profound doors, that the Lord comes to announce for everyone on this day; doors that open so that souls can cross them in confidence.

This special door that I open to you today is the door to My Spiritual Retreat, expressed through all My passages and deeds in the Holy Land, but also filled with the experience and history of the patriarchs and prophets, because on this special occasion for the month of May, not only will souls need these Christic Codes at this time, but nations will also need them, through souls.

The Celestial Father has sent Me, together with the Ark of the Holy Covenant, because as you already know, companions, this Sacred Ark holds many spiritual treasures unknown to humanity. This Holy Spiritual Ark, which was built by Moses himself, was venerated and adored by the sacred people of Israel throughout all times. This Sacred Spiritual Ark keeps all the experiences and deeds of the public life of Jesus and of the greatest feelings of elevated Love that your Master and Lord had for each one of the souls.

This Sacred Ark acts today as intercessor and mediator between the souls and all the sins of the world, so that the Celestial Father, through His Law, His Spiritual Government and His Omnipresence, grant in this month of May an urgent and necessary spiritual amnesty to all the essences of the world, especially for those souls who believe in Christ, who live His Gospel and who give their lives through unconditional service for the redemption of the entire human race.

For this reason, the Ark of the Holy Covenant, present today in the heart of this Sacred House, unconditionally dedicated to the Work of the Divine Messengers, has been spiritually deposited, so that this Sacred Ark, which today I have brought for all, may radiate the codes that the world needs to find its path of redemption, to find its way back to the House of the Father, offended by the sins and outrages of the world, by indifference, by conflicts and by war.

The Celestial Father has granted, for this month of May, that this Sacred Teraphim of God, conceived through the people of Israel, comes here, to South America, so that the nations of this region of the planet receive the assistance they need, immediate spiritual assistance to help untie the energetic knots of this world, which generate inflection points, dead-ends, where all souls who live here are exposed, due to the nonfulfillment of the Spiritual Government.

For this reason, I am here today in a special way, together with My companions, together with My apostles and My followers, all those who summon themselves at My Feet to reaffirm and recognize, time and again, the sacrifice of the Lord, in His deepest silence.

Companions, today, I am here, opening the great door so that My Spiritual Retreat can be recognized at this moment by the inner worlds; and if the inner worlds of each of you recognize it, you will be able to remember, companions, what each one of you lived with Me so long ago in the Holy Land and elsewhere in the world.

It is in this way that I come to awaken the last apostles, those who truly want nothing for themselves. Those apostles of the last times who dare to cross the threshold into the unknown, the apostles of the last times who are not afraid of transformation, liberation from sorrow, cure and healing from guilt so that they can be reborn in Christ and through Christ.

I want to bring, through this Message, a moment of hope, joy and happiness, because what I have experienced with you in Israel has been important for your Master and Lord and, mainly, what I have experienced with each one of Mine, of those who were present, near or far, in this latest Sacred Week.

The moment that we have lived, through the Sacred Week, has allowed your Master and Lord, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and My Father The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, the Three Sacred Hearts, to be present again here in Brazil, and through Brazil with the whole world, to spiritually take care of all the needs, urgencies and demands that souls are placing on us in these times, because we know that this humanity on the surface not only lives the great preamble of its Armageddon, but also lives unknown moments that it has never experienced or learned before, and that it needs spiritual help to be able to go through them, accept and understand them.

I come today to prepare you so that you may truly live the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and so that, as My praying warriors and My apostles, you may be whole at My Feet, at the foot of My Spiritual and Celestial Church; so that the small and insignificant offering of each one may justify all the errors of the world, especially those that the children and young people of these times experience.

And thus, your Master and Lord, can free many hearts, besieged by the creation of suicide, by the lack of love, of truth, of hope and of inner rebirth.

I come to ask My companions for one more step in consciousness, as it is the moment to take a step towards maturity, towards what the Plan truly represents and means and its fulfillment for the end of these times, through all souls who are self-summoned to stand before the Lord and live the end times with bravery and courage; seeing, through each experience and each trial, an opportunity for inner growth and not guilt, an opportunity to expand the consciousness and not a bond to what is superficial.

You must learn to consider the events, just as the Hierarchy does. I encourage you, in this month of May, when Our Sacred Hearts will bring all the necessary Graces for souls, not to miss this opportunity, to be aware at every moment and in every minute that the Source of Graces, of the Heart of Mary, of Saint Joseph and of Christ, will be open for you to come and drink and quench the thirst in this surface desert.

May this next Marathon be the opportunity of confirmation for each one, of the definition that I asked of you in Israel, because even your Lord hopes to carry out His last Plans, in the souls and in the world, in the nations and in distant places of the planet.

But for that, companions, it is very necessary to have a solid and firm spiritual support, built on love, unity and harmony, because all this will establish an unknown peace, a peace that many souls in these times are looking for and do not find.

I want to tell you, in clear Words, that Our Sacred Hearts will not only be able to connect souls to the Spiritual Retreat of Christ during the month of May, but also Our Hearts will work tirelessly to help souls reconnect to the Primordial Source.

For this reason, I would like to see in the coming days and weeks this simple and true ardent devotion that I found here today.

May this awaken within your hearts the enthusiasm to experience the reencounter with Me, because thus, time and again, I will renew you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And thus, you will be able to follow My Footsteps, you will be able to recognize My Footprints, because, although you do not know it, I have a path built for each essence, waiting for each soul, in this trajectory that will lead you towards Infinity.

Because the result of all this experience on Earth is that you learn to live from Love, from Higher Love.

I thank you for being with Me today and for responding to My requests.

Go in peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

God bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

I did not expect to be here right now, but it has been necessary. 

My Heart is where it is invoked. My Name is where it is called, to remind you once again that I am with you and, being with you, I am with this nation of Brazil, praying and working silently, just as I did in the Passion, therefore nobody should think that I am not doing anything.

The signs from Heaven are internal, they are inextinguishable impulses that reach souls that are open of heart to accompany all that the Hierarchy carries out. 

However, My attention is not only in this country, but in all that is happening throughout the world today. There are worse situations that happen on this planet, which many do not know of because they are situations that are hidden from the eyes of humanity, so that humanity does nothing about them.

But My Heavenly Father sees everything, through the Heart of His Son. Thus, He sends His Son into the world to prepare hearts for His long-awaited Return.

Therefore, I tell you, in truth, that all you experience in this time is not by chance; that if many of you are incarnated at this time, it is for a spiritual reason unknown to many.

Thus, I tell you not to dwell on superficial things. Do not remain in that which is superficial, in everything that is insensitive, devoid of love and truth.

Place your consciousnesses in the right place and you will help the Hierarchies; for this is the last boat that is passing through the world, the boat of salvation through My Word and My Message, through the visible sign that I leave to open hearts that, beyond themselves and all circumstances, are able to perceive the true task of their Lord.

But I left you an important Legacy for these end times, the Legacy of the Holy Eucharist, something that you must be very attentive to when you live it and practice it, because I see that the Eucharistic Celebration throughout the world is becoming transient. 

And this is the great moment for each one of you to deepen and live the merits of My Holy Passion, that is, to live every moment of Communion as something unique and true, that your thirst for Me not be sentimental, but deeply spiritual.  

Because in the face of all the mistakes that humanity is experiencing today, have you wondered how these mistakes will be corrected? Will your Master have to return to bear the Cross?

Therefore, I need of the new Christs, of those who are far from mediocrity and neglect, of those who do not cool their hearts and become doubtful in the face of any attack, but through the strength that I have given you through My Heart, know how to overcome your own limitations and all the barriers that are imposed by the system of this world, without challenging or battling.

Thus, I ask you to rethink your spiritual exercise of Communion with Me, because only through the souls who live Me and feel Me can I pour out My Graces upon the world, for those who value the Eucharist and the Sacraments.

Therefore, each of the Sacraments that I have left for you is sacred and not fleeting. For through the Sacraments which I have left to the world is the one true way of redemption;  just as is the way open to peace, through all who worship Me on the Most Holy Altar.

I ask all My children of Brazil not to seek the solution of this country outside of you. Look for that answer which is within you, in your inner world, and rethink all that I am telling you right now. Thus, many will be able to perceive how, in an ignorant way or due to a lack of knowledge, souls often  waste the Grace of God.

The world is burning with suffering. Wars challenge the migration of peoples and of many nations. Blood continues to be shed without any price and the cry of the Earth is heard more and more loudly through the phenomena of the climate, the expression of all nature. 

Who will stand firm to hold this moment with Me?

Who will not sway before the temptations and challenges of the world?

I know that souls are fragile, but spirits can be strong and invincible, and ready to live that which has to be lived, without anything in return, without acknowledgments, without vainglory.

When souls perceive through this Message, and when the hearts feel the value of the Sacraments that I have left them, then there will still be a little time, the little time that remains for the world so that, through the souls that live My Word and My Sacraments, I can justify the errors of the world that cannot be paid, before the Law. 

Therefore, if souls are conscious and generate merit, not only will they be saved, but also many more souls will be saved, especially those who in life are burning in the fire of hell due to their links with evil.

But do not forget that I come here as the Redeemer of the world, and extending once more My Arms over Brazil, I come to bless that which is most sacred to exist in this place, which are the souls that live God with joy and who faithfully follow My footsteps with effort, beyond their imperfections, beyond all that is unknown to them.

I need to establish here My Spiritual Government for the coming times. South America should be that support for the rest of the world in the times of greatest tribulation. But that does not mean, My friends, that you do not experience afflictions, for as long as you are in this world, you will experience them.

Who is truly with Me learns to overcome within themselves the Law of suffering, learns to transcend themselves, every day a little more, even while taking very small or slow steps.

The most important thing, companions, is the effort and the impetus, fundamental pillars of the determination to be the example that My Father so much expects you to be, for these times where darkness, pride and evil, the children of indifference and ingratitude, reign. 

But you have the Grace to be able to change these events with your honest path of holiness, day by day, effort by effort, so that one day, without being noticed, you will be that Mirror of God on the surface of the Earth. The faithful example of a redemption achieved and lived. Therefore, there is still much to work and build.

Your Master and Lord is preparing for an important task in the Middle East.  It will be the most important of all tasks in recent times. I hope you, in spirit and in heart, can accompany Me, so that once again not only you, but also your brothers and sisters of the world, may receive the Christic codes and the merits achieved by your Lord throughout His experience on this planet.

This Marathon of Divine Mercy will be important for those who will sincerely become self-summoned and spiritually receive the impetus they need to complete being formed as My apostle.

I need to see this as real. I need to see My apostles on the surface of the Earth, just as I have many other apostles throughout the world who live and serve Me, and that their life is only here to repair the Heart of the Lord.

Who else will postulate themselves to live this moment, to be where I need them, as I need them and when I need them?

I have to tell you all this so that you can grow quickly; for I know that you can respond Me, just as you have responded to Me in these recent years.

I want to thank you for your courage to listen to My Words, and for this, I again bless you and give you My Peace so that within you everything is always renewed and thus you may participate in the Holy Will of the Creator, of what He has preciously kept within His Heart, for each of His children.

Be brave and do not be discouraged!

Live your purification as a liberation, as the end of the spiritual bondage of this world. 

My Graces are upon those who would like to receive them.

May peace be with you as My Peace resounds throughout this universe, through those who say yes to Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
O My Jesus
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of hell,
lead all souls to Heaven,
 especially those in most need of your mercy.   
 (three times)



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And you will see the Light come on the worst night of the world, when all seems to be lost.

The Light will come to the world to save it, to redeem it, and, thus, rescue it.

This Light will bring understanding and wisdom, it will re-establish the Laws upon the planet, guide lost hearts so that all, absolutely all, may have the Grace of again finding the Promised Land.

But this is still to be done, because the nations of the world, that is, the peoples, have made their decisions about the steps to take, decisions that are not united to God, in many cases.

Therefore, I will come as this Light on the darkest night of the world to bring to consciousnesses the re-establishment of Love and Peace, of the power that God has given me from the beginning through His Mercy and His Compassion.

I come with this Message and at this hour to prepare you. I cannot tell you more than this today, companions, because in these definitive times nations and peoples make their decisions, and this does not correspond to God, but to the choice of souls, choices that are conscious before the universe and that, sooner or later, have repercussions in all of humanity.

Therefore, in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, I call on you, more than ever, to retreat, to silence your minds and ideas, to silence your words and to consciously enter the universe of prayer so that the Law of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may work in this world and, even more, dissolve the events that are approaching in the next cycle.

Therefore, you must be quite strengthened and, through this spiritual retreat that I offer you, your souls will have the chance to consciously prepare for what will come.

You must consciously strengthen yourselves, seek, more than ever, an alliance with God, position yourselves every day before the Flame of Divine Purpose and ask yourselves:

What am I doing?

Do I collaborate with the Plan?

Do I work for peace and for the good?

Am I aware of all that I receive from the Universe?

Do I consciously respond to all that I have received as Grace?

In this Marathon of Divine Mercy, My dear companions, you should reformulate the attitude of your lives through these questions because sooner or later, to each one of you, the moment will come to take the great and final step so that the indifference, meanness and even ignorance of this humanity may be dissolved once and for all, through conscious and awakened beings that understand internally and beyond material life, in other words, participate and respond to the Plan of God.

Therefore, I ask you to pray for those who will not take the step. Do not wait for humanity to be consistent with the Divine Plan, do not delude yourselves nor have expectations. Do not seek fulfillment in the material life. Seek fulfillment along the spiritual path so that your souls may be within the Christic pathway, awakening gifts and virtues, the sacred impulses that Christ will send to all His apostles of the final times.

Therefore, take an immediate attitude, a consequent and responsible attitude, which may give signs of understanding and not of incoherence, of a spiritual maturity that the Hierarchy needs from everyone, knowing that the world is fully suffering and that few are the Islands of Salvation on the surface of the Earth.

Therefore, decide, once and for all, to no longer burden the Spiritual Hierarchy, but rather may your lives be a living solution for what the Plan needs to concretize and carry out.

Therefore, plan your lives according to the Plan of the Hierarchy. While you maintain the Plan of the Hierarchy in a secondary way, you will not understand it and you will have great difficulties to live it and carry it out.

Therefore, resize your priorities, and thus begin to resize your attitudes and all your preferences, because the great dark night will come to the world and not many years will pass before this happens.

Today, with My Gaze toward the ground, with My Face toward God, with My Spirit in retreat, I make you understand and feel the seriousness of these times, because today My heart cannot be ablaze. Many are the sins and faults of the world. Great is My Mercy for souls and few are those who decide to live it.

My Life on this planet had a great significance. In these times, value the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, so that the souls that have condemned themselves may have the opportunity of redemption.

Do you now understand, My companions, the moment and step you are being called to live? The school has changed, did you notice that? Did you understand that? Are you living it?

The Hierarchy will not stop. Many are the challenges in the end of these times, great are the sufferings that exist in this humanity.

Who will appease all the pains of the world, together with Christ Jesus, through a life of surrender and love?

I come to make you mature as My apostles, and this is no longer just words. I need it to be a reality within you. I need instruments of peace and good, because few are the good instruments that I have upon the surface of the Earth.

Do not allow the Fount of My Divine Mercy to close. Do not allow the world to parade Divine Justice, because it does not know it. Great is the ignorance of humanity, and great is the suffering of many hearts. There is still a lot to do for this world and this humanity.

Who will take the Sacred Crown from My Hands, the Crown of Thorns of Jesus, and make it a part of their consciousness, to mature in these times with Me and live the true planetary task that the Father calls on you to live?

Think for a moment about all that I Am telling you.

The world seeks to live in uncertain doors, to submerge in the ocean of illusion and even forget God. This is why, more than ever, beginning with yourselves, you must reformulate your lives, you must define the path to go by.

My Heart is always open for all, for those who seek peace.

May this meeting be a moment of reflection, rather than just one more Message. May it be the spiritual basis that all need in order to take the step, because I offer Myself to the Father for you once again, so that you may be instruments of My Mercy, peace-bringers of Christ the Redeemer.

Lastly, I would like to tell you that there is no longer time. You must strengthen yourselves in Me, regardless of what may happen or of what you may see. Your hope must not be emotional, it must be strengthened in Me through the Fire of Love that I offer to you, to someday make you free from yourselves and from the wickedness of the world.

I thank you for listening to Me and for being conscious of all this. Receive in your hands and, above all, in your hearts, the keys that I give you for this planetary transition so that, more each day, you may be more mature in Christ, because it is necessary and urgent.

Do not allow the pillars of the Work of God to disappear from the surface of the Earth.

I promised you to return to the world and I will do so. This is why I prepare you for this great moment, so that you may cross the dark night and find My Light in the abyss, the Eternal Light of God’s Love, which does not change, does not transfer, but rather multiplies in Grace, Unity and Wisdom in all souls.

Do not forget that I Am thirsty. Quench My thirst in this Marathon.

Now, the moment has come for Me to truly see you gathered and united in the Purpose, in spite of the distances and the events.

This is the hour of your great test, for you to be with Me or not to be with Me. Today, this is My Truth for those who aspire to live the Christic school, even if they do not understand it, although they accept it.

I give you My Peace and, through My prayer. I bless you in the next prayerful journey of Mercy. Do not forget My Words, through them I left you the next step, the next path to go by.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus at the Marathon of the Divine Mercy in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

At last I have come to the place where I have been waiting for so long.

Carry on your breast the sign of My Return, because this sign will come from the Universe and nobody will be able to say they will not see it.

I will come for the just and for those who have been unjust, and from there I will reconfigure the Earth, I will repopulate the planet with new gifts, with something that has still not descended from the Universe and will come when I return to the world for the second time.

But so you may see Me again in Glory, first you must feel Me in your divinity.

I must build the new in you, I must sow the new in you, so that in this way, you will be prepared to receive Me for the second time.

Today I am here with the joy of the Spirit of God because of the receptivity of your souls and hearts, because even though you do not understand My Mystery, many of you have adhered to it and that is what makes it possible to expand the Work of My Mercy in the world.

While I speak to you, I purify you. While you feel, I consecrate you and elevate your spirits to the Kingdom of God so I can withdraw you from the superficiality of these times and enter you fully into the Kingdom of My Heart.

Everything you have done today, companions, has been of use so that I may be here among you, accompanying you.

Remember what I told you the last time when I was in Mendoza: that Argentina would live a great test of faith. This test is already happening, but I invite you to not ally with the test itself, but rather with its teaching, so that you may grow inwardly and demonstrate to the Celestial Father that you are understanding the definitive times, beyond the events and the experiences.

I need you to cultivate within yourselves the perfect balm of My Love, which will lead you to Divine Mercy and Peace, so that you may be free of any agitation and agony, and learn to go through the times in this final transition.

In this way, you will be true instruments of the Spiritual Hierarchy, present on Earth; thus you will be able to help your brothers and sisters on the path and all those unknown to you, so that they too may learn to live this final transition.

That is why you must remember your commitment to Me. Although you may have believed you never made it, your souls brought you here today to remind you of that commitment to My Eternal Heart; to fulfill at this time, what is written in the Heart of the Father, within the Universe of His Divine Will.

While My Grace descends to Earth, your spirits are uplifted to the Kingdom of God so that they may awaken in you the sacred talents that I brought you more than two thousand years ago; talents that I will need in these times to carry My Work to the four corners of the Earth.

May your spirits be able to feel the joy of this sacred reunion, of being able to participate in the Cenacle of My Love, in Communion with My Spirit and with My Essence; an Essence that dissolves errors and blame, fears and failures; an Essence that dissolves doubts and misunderstandings.

Feel part of a new spiritual family, the one that lives in the celestial Universe, because even though you are still on Earth, you can be part of it in the communion of your souls with the Spirit of God, where the Sacred Unity is built.

Argentina must be repopulated with brave armies of the Light, unconditional collaborators in the Plan of evolution, who are encouraged to awaken the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood within themselves, so that all of their consciousness is present in these times and participates together with the commands of the spiritual Hierarchy in this rescue plan of the end of times, that operates silently, working in an invisible way in the very depths of the inner worlds of beings.

May your consciousnesses on this afternoon continue to be uplifted.

Raise the Consciousness of Argentina so that the spiritual plane is purified, not only in this city, but also in your whole country, in all of your brothers and sisters, who are also worthy of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because they suffer just like you suffer, because they wait, as do you, for hope.

In this communion, where your spirits are uplifted in plane and consciousness, may a great circle of fraternity that unites the origins and times be created, the essences and the souls with the great sidereal Government, which has given impulse to the manifestation on this material plane and in life throughout time.

May the love for life be constituted again in the spirit of Argentina, so that those who will be born in the coming times may have a place of rest and of love, of gladness and of hope, just as you have had.

This will allow the suffering in Argentina to be alleviated, the social crisis and the uncertainties in hearts.

The new Mercy brings new hope.

The sheep of God are called to follow the Great Shepherd of the end of times, who in His second coming to the world will, reveal His real Countenance, as it was revealed in the height of Mount Tabor, to some of My apostles.

The time of the greatest tribulation will pass, but you must persist, live in faith and practice hope, so that all may be transcended and the most difficult spaces of the planet may be filled by the Christic Light.

I also come for those who most need Me, for those that have this as their only and last opportunity.

Perhaps you will not understand what I say to you with this, but have trust in My Merciful Heart, because the door of My Divine Mercy is still open for those who have condemned themselves in spirit and in soul.

I do not come to seek from you what is imperfect. I come to awaken in you the virtues of God, so that your higher beings may fulfill their mission on Earth and learn to purify and to transform themselves day by day, knowing that the sublimation and the elevation of the consciousness is an tireless work of the true apostle of Christ.

If your lives are converted through My Love, if Argentina accepts My Call, more places of the world will transform, many catastrophes will be avoided, and it will not be necessary for souls to learn through suffering.

My Mercy is inexhaustible and unquenchable.

Sometimes I do not know where to place so much Mercy of My Heart in souls, because the majority does not cry out for it, nor live it.

Today I can pour out My Divine Mercy, because you have cried out for it, and this will have a repercussion in your lives until the next world. Thus the Divine Will will be manifested, and you will participate in eternity after this experience on Earth.

It is your spirits that should fly to the heights while you transform your matter, purify your mind, and uplift your feelings.

Continue onward, trusting in the tributary of My Mercy, and do not tire of calling for Me; because as much as I am not with you in the coming time, My Omnipresence is accomplished where souls call for the Lord.

The Consciousness of the Son of God rose up to the Heavens to continue in His Mission and Task, to summon all those who are self-summoned for the end of times, to carry on with the Work of the Return of Christ and the descent of His Divine and Infinite Mercy.

Believe that on the invisible planes many things happen. It is there where you must focus your attention.

You must learn to perceive, you must learn to intuit what is on the higher planes of consciousness and all the celestial treasures, which can descend not only in your lives, but also on to the planet.

Thus, do not fear to embrace your cross and follow Me, because I can bring relief for your cross, I can dissolve your suffering, transmute your agony when your hearts are sincere with Mine and truly open to My Divine Laws, so that on the surface of this planet the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

Now I invite you, companions of Argentina, and placing your hand on your chest, to feel and find in yourselves the Kingdom of God, beyond what you have lived and what you have felt, what you have suffered or experienced.

Trust in the Kingdom of God that is within you and make it a part of your lives in each moment, so that this inner Kingdom which is in the depths of your essences, may be radiated to the whole world, and especially to your country, deserving of an extraordinary Grace.

Feel this Light that can emerge from within you and feel the Love of God and His Trust.

Strengthen this moment as the one moment of your lives.

Avail yourselves of the Spirit of God that descends through the Voice of His Son to strengthen hearts, to unite souls to the powerful Kingdom of God.

While the doors of Heaven continue to open over Argentina, your spirits are filled by cosmic Laws.

Feel the descent of the Divine Light and the blessing of the Sacred Spirit of God, so like your Baptism and your First Communion.

Kneeling before the Thrones of the Father, let us cry out for Pity, Mercy, and Redemption, so that more souls may be carried to Heaven; so that more spirits live the joy of remaining in the Kingdom of God and in His Glory, forever and ever.

And now that you know what in truth is within yourselves and is eternal, remember your origin, the Source from which you come, the Source from which you emerged to live this school of love and of forgiveness on Earth.

And even though you have  the veils over your consciousness, today I remove them, so that you may remember and be nurtured by the Sacred Knowledge of the Stars; a divine impulse that in the name of Light comes to rebuild the planetary consciousness and to heal spirits wounded by the errors of the past.

And now that My Celestial Church has been presented on Earth, the true Church of God that only lives in the Celestial Universe before the Doors of Heaven, may your essences surrender and give of themselves in such an unconditional way, just as I gave myself and I surrendered for you on the Cross, suffering Wound after Wound, drop of Blood by drop of Blood, so that the Love of God could triumph.

In this Love I invite you to immerse yourselves. In this Infinite Ocean I invite you to remain and to live, because it will be this Eternal Love that comes from the Source of Creation that will help you to continue forward, in spite of what may happen or what you may live.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Beginning this ceremony of consecration before the Celestial Church of Christ and of the doors of Heaven, let us intone the names of God, so that Heaven may descend to Earth through the Love of Our Master.

We may stand up.

Each one of us at this moment, at the request of Christ, in the silence of your heart, will make your offering to God, not only for yourselves, but for Argentina, and will place at the Feet of Christ your petition so that it may be contemplated and heard by the Eternal Father.

May the elements that the Father created for this material Universe be blessed, and sublimate the energies so that the Purpose may be realized.

They sing the Names of God.

Two thousand years ago I taught something very simple: it was to wash the feet one for another, so that you would not only be purified of your suffering and pain, but so that humility would incarnate in souls, so you would be able to recognize the Sacred Countenance of God.

May those who today will wash their feet and also purify their souls be able to recognize in themselves the Merciful Countenance of God, which appeases all justice. Amen.

In the river Jordan, My Cousin John blessed you with water, but I bless you with the Spirit of God, so that your consciousnesses may be consecrated and uplifted in constant sacrifice and reparation.

May these elements be impregnated with the Light of Love, so that the soul may be sanctified, find peace again, and the relief it so much seeks. So may it be.

Christ calls up an auxiliary sister.

I have waited for this moment so that you may receive My Blessing, because for God everything has its timing.

Whoever trusts and persists, recognizes the Will of God, is part of His Divine Grace.

Today My Spirit blesses you together with the angels of Heaven because of your unconditional service to humanity.

More than two thousand years ago, I taught you to share the bread so that you could have eternal life. I taught you to share My Blood so that you could learn to purify your lives.

Today the Lord of the Universe makes this offering for Argentina, so that its purpose may be established again and  find at the end of times the joy of living in the sublime Spirit of God.

At that time, I took the bread, gave thanks to God and He blessed it. Then I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them: Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for you for the forgiveness of sins.

I took the Chalice of Salvation and in that time I said to them: Take and all drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood and the New Covenant, which will be spilled for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Always celebrate this in Remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.

May the Body and the Blood of Christ be a reason for reparation and the healing in souls, joy and hope for the coming times.

We take each other's hands.

Our Father...

Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Let us repeat:

Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Also in that time, I taught you to love through a very simple but profound gesture for the life of Spirit.

Today in My Ascension to Heaven I ask you to fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Today I do not come from the desert, but from a place in the Universe, to contemplate My warriors, those who say they live in My Divine Mercy.

Finally, I have arrived here at this part of the planet to excise from the bosom of this Humanity and from some souls that which corrodes the spiritual life.

When facing the power of hell, your hearts must not fear. If My Government is present and alive in your hearts, the Plan of My Father will triumph.

The earth may tremble, abysses may open, beasts may emerge, but the angels of the Lord, who serve all souls, will come to your aid to banish everything that generates impurity in humankind. They will bring from the Universe and from the Heavenly Universes the Gifts and the Graces of God so that the souls may convert and participate in this defining Plan that begins to pulse in My new apostles.

When I am present, companions, there is no evil that can resist.

Remember that I suffered for you, endured for you, surrendered My Life for you, shed My Blood for you, to generate Liberation throughout the times.

Through the Merits of My Divine Mercy, believe that it is possible to transcend the abysses of the Earth, and through My Sacred Presence, by means of My Unfathomable Heart of Light, to close the doors to evil so that the souls may resurrect spiritually, liberated from their bonds, from the chains of involution, so that the real soul can emerge, the divine essence created by God that came to fulfill a part of the great Universal Purpose.

Today I have come here with My great Consciousness of Light.

After a long time, I approach you with My whole Being, so that your bodies do not tremble, but your hearts may warm up in My Divine Spirit.

All the angels that form part of My legions of Light congregate when I am present to transmit to you the message of salvation and redemption.

When the King of the Universe is present, the doors of the Kingdom of God are open and all the Heavenly Hierarchies gather as one Brotherhood, to impel the self-summoned to live the end of times with a brave and courageous spirit, with the spirit of a true warrior who does not battle with the sword to harm, but who works with their heart to radiate My Love to the world.

The Love of God that can live in you all the time will make you invincible, you will endure contrary currents that will come to My apostles to prepare them for the great final moment, when the great fallen angel will experience his judgment before the Presence of the Son of God, the Supreme Father, the Holy Spirit, the Archangel Gabriel and the Most Holy Mother of the World. 

As time goes by, as the end of times approaches and the hour of judgment draws near, the most impure demons tremble, seeing the Light of Christ shine on all the children of God determined to take steps in My glorious Holy Name, to defeat the evil currents and materialize the Plan of God on the surface of the planet.

Each month, when I approach you, your hearts must be more conscious, your minds must be united to Mine, so that nothing, and no one, can separate you from Me.

I offer you My powerful Heart that is the emblem of the true sword of Light that flames in the Universe to institute, in all Creation, the Love and Unity that will never separate the creatures from God, in spite of any contrary current that comes to hurt you or disturb you. Know, dear companions, that the doors of Armageddon are already open.

Work every day, not only to elevate your consciousnesses but also to redeem each aspect of your beings and to help your fellow beings to abandon the chains of evil, to redeem themselves, to transcend, to reach love and to make My Heart triumph in each being of this world. 

Be My apostles of the end of times, be this unique spirit that works for the Plan of God in the name of the Firstborn Son and the Heavenly Mother.

Do not tire of working for this Work of God that descends upon Aurora, and upon each human heart so that it may be a participant of the coming Kingdom of God, after the transition of the Earth.

Cross the threshold of this transition without fear, even though the attacks are strong, and the battles tiring. 

Believe, dear companions, that My Merciful and Luminous Heart will dazzle you, it will be the light for the world, it will be the burning flame that will light the path of each one of you during the times of great darkness.

And even though on the surface of the planet the forces of evil may have possession of many hearts, I have many, many creatures who are My servers, tireless, who are by My side, following My Steps in the name of sacrifice and humility, in the name of reparation for all the outrages committed.

In all of them is My Temperance, My Fire, My Light, My tireless Love that can radiate to the world through the spirits who say "yes" to the Voice of the Great Master.

While I speak to you, companions, My Voice exorcises all things, closes all uncertain doors and brings the Kingdom of God to the surface of a sick planet, so that the hearts may be able to connect every day with the Purpose of God, which is written in the souls from the beginning of creation until the end of times.

You, together with Me, form part of a new history that is written in the Heart of the Father, a redeeming history, a history of peace and love that is known again by each one of My apostles.

Do not try to modify the times; everything will pass, but My Words will remain.

When I am no longer here, giving you the impulse of My Heart, you must experience in your lives all the impulses that I have poured out, throughout the last times, in each prayer marathon, in each monthly encounter with Me.

The soul that has profited from all the Graces poured out from My most pure Heart, from My meek Spirit, will be safe during the end time and will have the shield, the sword and the helmet to prepare for the battle.

Thus I form the armies, armies of humility, free of pride, of all arrogance; spirits in freedom who know how to find peace when chaos is present in the world.

Do not forget, companions, the Universal Laws, which I entrust you to study so that nothing may surprise you ahead of time, and thus you will know how to prepare your fellow beings when everything unleashes in the world.

The great and last knot of the resistant consciousness of humanity will be untied by your King. And when this happens, everything will develop as it was written by My beloved apostle John.

Live the Apocalypse in awareness, unveil the mysteries through the signs that come by means of the Divine Messengers.

See around you each movement of the planet and do not be indifferent, because if you are indifferent, you will be isolated from the Truth and will not have the knowledge to be able to discern things.

Live the Wisdom that is poured out by the instructors that My Father has entrusted to you. Know how to recognize in humility the Love that exists in them.

Separate yourselves from appearances, live one brotherhood, because this brotherhood, companions, will build the true castle that will support the whole battle.

But if you are firm in Love and Unity, there will be nothing to defeat it, to tear it down, because your hearts will be in the Light, in the Unity, in the Mercy of God, codes that evil does not know in these times and has never known.

Live duality, not as a conflict, be intelligent and know how to endure the currents that come from the Universe.

Our hands are extended, not only to remove you from the desert, but to separate you from the abyss that opens on the surface of this world, swallowing many innocent souls.

Be merciful. In the small details of life, imitate Our Hearts that are already sacred to you and that come to your encounter to bring you the Light of God, the Hope.

Now see, companions, with your consciousnesses of Light.

Feel, with your hearts, how everything has become peaceful. For wherever God's Love is, nothing opposite exists, only the Truth exists, which fills the hearts so they can vivify, in spirit, the Presence of the Sublime Father.

Feel how the angels help to restore all things, bringing the Grace of God to the hearts that are open to receive it profoundly in their essences.

Lastly, I ask you, carry your cross, not as a punishment, nor as a martyrdom. Carry your cross for all the souls of the world, for the horror that the Kingdoms of Nature endure while no one, not even the majority, remembers them.

Love as you have never loved before, and your hearts will be redeemed.

Trust. Because if you love, God will be present in your lives.

My Words bring the power of the new, the renewal, because I renew all things.

I come to announce to everyone that I need you to carry My Work forward. And while you are purifying yourselves, I will help you to see the aim in your inner universe.

Today I celebrate a reparative supper with everyone. I pour My Grace over the world to bring Peace.

They have prepared a special bread for Me, that I like very much because it is the bread that symbolized, two thousand years ago, the presence of My Body, in divine matter, for all the souls of the world. Whenever you make a bread like this, know that you will remember the presence of the Son in the Last Supper and His transfiguration in Light and Love.

We offer these gifts for all the fallen souls, for those who have abandoned My path, in these last times, because I will meet them again and I will say to them: "What have you done with the talents I gave you?"

The precious pearls that I give cannot be discarded. Therefore I transform you rapidly and I bring you into the circuit of purification so that you do not lose the treasures that I have deposited in you, in confidence.

Therefore, those who are today around this Work are not the same as those who were here yesterday, I teach them to work in humility, but not in the indifference of being rested, without doing anything for the Plan.

I invite you to recognize an anonymous life, a deep emptiness, so that the silence may emerge which will always reveal the sacred to you.

There is no first or second for Me. All are in the lines of the army of the Redeemer.

I invite you to take advantage of the opportunities that I give to you in the last lines, for in them is the greatest responsibility to encourage those who come to transcend their lives and to fulfill the Purpose that God intended.

Let us celebrate this Supper for the apostles who are arriving at My table and for those who will come to demonstrate to the older ones, in this apostleship of love, that humility will always keep them united to God.

And you will do as I did with My apostles: you will wash the feet of the younger ones so that they have a greater opportunity to love.

Be humble as I taught you, do not want anything for yourselves, but everything for the others. That is a soul who lives in heavenly joy.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Christ let us sing: "Warriors of Mercy."

Mercy, Ocean of Piety...

Dear companions, I leave you My Body and My Blood as a testimony of My Faith in you, for the Purpose of God to be fulfilled in each heart that is congregated to My Spirit to live the Sacred Word and the divine example of Christification.

I thank you for enduring with Me the powerful currents that come to liberate humanity.

Know that My Heart offers Itself as a refuge for each soul that aspires to be in it.

We will see each other, companions, in the next Marathon of Mercy, in which I will visit My most beloved apostles, those who support My Work unconditionally.

See, in that sense, that the plans that I have for all are a source of Grace for the souls, an opportunity that cannot be missed.

Be conscious of this and support My holy decisions, because thus you will not be deceived.

I bless you, in the name of God's Light, under the power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Be peace for this planet and never tire of being so.

While I elevate myself, my warriors of Mercy shall sing, for the strength of the warrior is in Love.

Warriors of Mercy...

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, let us thank Christ for the opportunity that He decrystallize our consciousnesses in representation of all the consciousnesses of the Planet who live in the illusion of these times, who do not know the Love of God and who are not awake to the true task.

Let us give thanks because Christ, as a greater Governor, comes to bring us these currents so that we may know them and distinguish them and not fear them, but instead open our hearts and our spirits to be able to follow this Work of the end of times to which we are being summoned, as He said today.

Today He came with all His Celestial Government, to say it in some form.

When He appeared He had a staff in his left hand, with which He hit the ground and an expansion of sun Light embraced the whole planet in a matter of seconds, taking, liberating and expelling many evils.

He showed this deed, this exercise, not for us to know His Power, because while He did this exercise, at the same time He revealed His meek and humble Heart.

We feel that Christ came to teach us to experience determination, to put an end to a phase and start a new cycle, accompanied by His Presence.

Thus we are invited, as He said today, to follow His holy decisions.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The new apostles have been born in the essence of the heart, but they must blossom upon the path of service so that the Peace of God can be established on Earth.

I bless you and love you.

Go in peace and in joy.

Many of your brothers and sisters were helped, many were rescued from the path of damnation, many brothers and sisters close to you.

I thank you.

Friar Elías:

We will listen to the bell strikes to say goodbye to our Master, responding to His request, and we will say goodbye to Him by singing "Apostles of Love."

Let all the bells ring.

See the faithful example of the new Sacred Family, the Sacred Family of the New Era.

I thank you always.

God is honored by this day.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías:

We would like to share an event with the brothers and sisters about what Christ manifested for everybody and what he spoke about through today's message, which has to do with the Kings, those that visited Our Lord in Bethlehem.

But before that story and sharing the Message, today, when the Master appeared, He was surrounded by angels.

There were two angels, and each carried a harp, which they were playing. When they played the harp, which was a perfect sound in unison, a door opened through which the Master came, and the first thing of the Master that appeared was the blue Ray, the turquoise Ray that comes out of His Heart. With all His Love, He was pouring out the energy of Grace upon us.

After the Ray appeared, the Master manifested completely; He was accompanied by other consciousnesses, and as from that moment, while He was giving the Message for today, He said: "You will always have Me close by; it is not that I will never be with you again, but rather, that I will be closer, when you allow it."

While He was talking about the message of the Kings, He was drawing the group closer to that moment, toward that passage in history, at that moment of the Birth of Jesus, when the Kings were guided by that great Star of Bethlehem. Christ was saying to us that many consciousnesses from that moment on the planet, the moment of the Birth of Jesus, were aided; they were favored as the Kings were walking toward Bethlehem. But, according to Christ, it was not only three; there were many more that went to that meeting.

After this, Friar Elías reads the Special Message of January 6, 2014.

And during the Apparition of the Master, while He was showing us the planetary need which He was covering at the moment while He was with us, He was sending the angels to assist many souls.

At a certain point, He directly addressed this group and said:

"I am not the One Who lifts you up; it is My Mercy that uplifts you. I will listen to the hymn that you have made for Me, and I tell you this so that you keep it well in mind: I do not lift you up; it is My Mercy that uplifts you."

And as thanks, He asked that we sing "Lift us up, Lord."

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
