This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.
Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.
If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now.
Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.
The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.
Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.
So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.
Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To be Human without being human
The science of these times, children, is the transcendence of the old human and the birth of the new. To be born without dying in the body. To allow matter to be reborn, transcending that which has been corrupted.
The new human is born within the consciousness. It is the fruit of inner purification, of the act of expelling the old so that what is true may emerge.
The new human, children, in truth is not new; it has always been within each human being; it is the principle, the reality, the beginning of everything and also the end, the goal toward which you walk.
The old human took hold of the truth and built upon the essence a life of illusions; it created something that did not exist and hid the Divine Thought with human thought.
Humanity, children, is a race of likeness to the Father in many aspects unknown to humankind. One of these is the capacity to create through thought, feeling and the heart, a capacity that once had only been granted to the angels. But like a great universal paradox, this likeness to God has distanced humanity from the Creator because, instead of learning with love, they created, with thought, a false human being, and a false evolution, which led them more toward the abyss than toward Heaven.
Influenced by the illusion of the time in which they lived, human beings moved further and further away from the Whole and entered into themselves. They gradually lost the ability to be in everything—which the likeness to God offered them—and they lost consciousness of unity, strengthening individuality, as human law.
Children, how can a being, created to live unity, compete with their fellow beings, create traps for the evolution of their neighbors, or want to be better or worse than the others?
The answer to these questions lies not only in the very duality of this world but also in all the illusion in which humanity has placed itself, as consciousness.
I recognize, children, that after so many evolutionary cycles as a race, the illusion is stronger than the truth; it is easier to remain in that which is old than to tear it out of yourselves so that the original may emerge. However, it is necessary that everyone be aware of what they are experiencing and of the inner battle - individual and human - that you must experience in these times in order to return to your origins, to the Original Plan of God.
When you pray from the heart and allow yourselves to live spiritual virtues, such as humility, fraternity, compassion and forgiveness, you are living from the truth, from the original human or the new human and, gradually, you will be able to remove the reign of that which is old without it causing you great destabilization or suffering.
The experience of truth, in a harmonious way, simply depends on the surrender of each being.
Everything I tell you today is so that you may be inspired to seek the truth within yourselves, and not remain in that which is old, in the illusory.
May My words lead you to seek within yourselves this similarity with the Divine, which became hidden by the layers of illusion and is ignored by the great majority of human beings.
Now, children, it is time to be Human, without being human, and to discover the truth about yourselves.
The keys to all the doors that take you to the Path of Light are held in prayer and in the practice of virtue.
I love you and I leave you My peace.
In the same way that I was able to discover the truth and the similarity to God, may all those who hear Me be able to do so. Strive and persevere.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The triumph of My Sacred Heart will also occur in the memory of this planet.
Happy are they who participate in this journey, so that history may be written in the Books of God and the New Race is able to see it as a shining triumph.
Everything is possible, children of My Father, through the intercession of My Immaculate Heart and of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, which in this Sacred Trilogy with Me, is united so that we may be able to defeat evil and dispel the darkness in hearts, which will be reborn in Me and in My Glory.
When the doors are closed to the enemy, the defeat is established and the Laws reestablish a principle from which humanity had previously distanced itself, because of being blind and deaf.
This Law that I bring you and which has triumphed in My Passion, in My Death, and in My Resurrection, is the Law of Love, of Unity, and of the Light, and today I invite you all to commune of it, so that your souls may be seen by God in full redemption.
On this afternoon, adore My Sacred Heart, which is again discovered to you, so as to feel relief from the offenses of the world and the human indifference. A Heart that reveals itself to you to show you the Love that nurtures life and the Spirit of each being.
Adore My Sacred Heart, which at this moment is exposed before all, for the Glory of God.
Adore My Heart, for those who do not adore It and for those who deny It; for those who have distanced themselves from My Father in corruption and vices, in temptation and in the forgetting of the Plan of God.
Adore My Heart, which is a portal that crosses over into the New Time, the New Time of souls, in their real and true life, in the Universe of God.
Mystify this moment as a testimony and do not forget it.
Adore My Most Holy Heart, which comes to the world to please you and to love you in the spirit and in the perfect union with God, the Almighty.
Who bows down to the ground, adores Me, and who cannot do it, also, because each act is seen by God in the humility of the hearts that serve Him in this time.
While you adore Me, receive My Rays from the Universe, that descend over you in Glory and in Light, in Omnipresence and in Omnipotence, in spiritual radiance and in life, for those who were dead.
Adore My Heart, as My angels adore It in this same moment, before the Portals of Heaven, over a city that cannot forget Me in any moment; so that it may be saved with the help of My new apostles, in this Work of Redemption and of Peace.
The world is being purified and does not adore My Heart. How can it be worthy of My Grace, if it does not seek it? How will the nations rise in the middle of darkness?
If I Am the victory for you, adore My Heart and enter into It, so that all may quickly pass and nothing ever hurt again in any part of your beings.
Stay calm, for My Heart is exposed to an indifferent world and the Legions of Light of all the Universe gather together to adore My Heart, which is the Heart of God, which is alive at this moment in each one of you, in each one of your consciousnesses, if you vivify it through this adoration.
Feel your bindings break free and the weight becoming less and less, and everything can be healed through the presence of My Sacred Heart, which is the burning flame for this world that is in darkness.
Let My Fount be poured out through My Sacred Heart in your essences and your lives.
This is the greatest Sacrament for your faith, for your support, for this end time that is drawing closer to the world.
Whomever wants to recognize that I am here, accept this, because I concretize what is impossible in the middle of the chaos and I open the doors of the Universe, so that all the children of God may enter and be saved.
This is the Communion that I establish today; relive this moment every day of your life and adore My Heart so that the world may receive the Grace that it so needs and so little deserves.
Carry My Sacred Heart engraved in your beings and ignite this Project of My Heart in each act of your life, in each gesture of love, in each work and act of solidarity to a fellow being, because there too I will be present, suffering in the silence of those who go dark for not having light.
I wanted to share this spiritual practice with you, companions, so that you always remember it, and further, you seek it in the difficult moments of the planet and of humanity.
Be like the shepherds of Fatima, who adored the Heart of God through My Sacred Heart, present in the powerful Eucharist that was given to them by the Angel of Peace.
It is thus, companions, that today I give you this same spiritual Eucharist with My Sacred Heart, that Communion with the eternal and the divine.
I want your voices to praise God, because My Father has told Me that you, with no indifference but with simplicity, touched His Heart, His eternal and merciful Heart.
Be as children and seek your childhood, the purity that was cultivated in the birth of your souls, in the reservoir of My Heart.
God be praised for this Grace and blessed are the merciful, for they will not only achieve My Mercy, but they will be towers of light for the times of darkness, stars for the world and humanity in the four corners of the Earth.
Today the angels share this Communion with you, for whomever may want to experience it, in fullness and humility.
Drink of this Source. Drink of this Source and emerge renewed, because the past is already past and today you are in My Eternal Present.
So may it be.
Today, with My Love, I bless all these images and symbols that you have brought to My altar, so that you may always remember that I am with you, not only in gladness, but also in sorrow, in the challenges and the confirmation of your faith before the Almighty.
May these sacred objects serve as a banner and as light in your lives, your homes, and wherever you may carry them, remembering that I blessed them, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While I am still present, companions, exposing My Sacred Heart to the whole world, I also want the consecrated and those who pray in the world to adore Me, just as their brothers and sisters did today, to thus concretize the Project of the Creator.
On this afternoon, I will bless the elements that will constitute the renewal of the lives of My new apostles, through the washing of feet; because remember that just as I did for My apostles, today I will bow down to the ground in Spirit and in Divinity, to erase your tracks from the past and all inner suffering, in honor of the Divine Mercy of God.
Whoever communes today will receive an annual expiation, which for My Most Sacred Heart will mean that on this same date and next year, you must repeat it again, so that this expiation may expand to your peers, brothers and sisters, and friends, and thus My Sacred Heart may triumph.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Christ Jesus, we will sing "Adonai, Holy Spirit."
We inwardly prepare ourselves for the spiritual blessing.
Let us pray, together with the Master, the prayer of "Sacred Unity", while He consecrates the water for the Sacrament of the Foot-washing and also Communion. Let us pray together, with Him, united with His Sacred Heart.
Sacred Unity of God...(x5)
Thank you for being here with Me today, companions, and may Faith echo in your lives forever.
Let us continue singing to God in fullness and love.
I thank you!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Brothers and sisters, the Master is requesting, in this special Marathon here, in Buenos Aires, that we briefly share with you the story of each Apparition.
And today, when the Master had us all enter, in that deep adoration, into His Sacred Heart, we want to share with you that He revealed what He called "the Celestial Church," a space where His Most Holy Body, within a Monstrance of Light, is perpetually adored by the angels, in order to balance the errors and the actions that occur on this planet, in this local Universe.
In that state of consciousness, on that plane, in that celestial place, the Master summoned us all. And for those who had the opportunity, in some simple but real way, of entering His Heart in this adoration, He carried out an amnesty, what He called an "annual expiation," which on our part, if we take care of it, will last until next year, till June 5 of 2017, when He requested that each one, where they may be or how they may be, should again do this communion, to renew this amnesty, this expiation.
That it is not only for us, for Argentina in this case, but also for the planet and for the thousands of consciousnesses that are behind us in this infinite line, waiting for the door to open to them to enter the Heart of God and have a chance of redemption and of rehabilitation.
So that was what we wanted to share with you, because it was a very intense moment, as you could perceive.
He really carried out an act and a work of spiritual communion with each one of us and with the planetary consciousness.
Mother María Shimani de Monserrat:
One of the things we heard from Our Lord is that we are to carry His Heart in everything that we do. And with all of our love, we can imagine His Heart within ours, united to ours, and each day, in each task that we do, we can feel the Heart of Christ together with ours.
It is necessary to prepare ourselves, to train ourselves, so that when things get a little more intense or difficult, we can live with that Heart within ours.
It is an important practice that all of us have to learn, because this too we are going to carry wherever we may go; to our family members, to our acquaintances, to our work, to all our tasks; to carry the Heart of Christ within ours, together with ours, is something that we can all do.
So we invite you to deepen in the Words of Our Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
And that does not end today, brothers and sisters. It continues tomorrow, because it is three days of blessings.
He found our hearts very open. We hope that each one takes care of that opening of His Heart, in this task of the Marathon of Divine Mercy and that tomorrow we can really give a golden brooch for this task of peace that Christ and the Divine Messengers are doing in Argentina.
Mother María Shimani de Monserrat:
So we will see each other tomorrow morning, in the transmission of 8 am. We wait for you all.
Good work from heart to heart for you all. Good afternoon.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
My beloved children,
Contemplating the world, I see the numbness of nations and hearts before all the suffering and pain that many are living in these times.
The human consciousness has not yet learned to leave aside their own needs and comfort in in favor of the evolution of the whole planet and, more than that, children, in favor of the salvation and redemption of all of humanity that is marking out its path into the abysm.
Even those who are listening to Me and who try to respond to My Call, for not living everyday situations of extreme chaos that others live, cannot definitely awake and offer their lives to the universe in order to be true instruments of God.
Children, in spite of what I have been telling you for more than eight years, few are the ones who truly understand My Call. I am preparing you to be sustainers of the planet. I am training you to leave, in your hands, the evolution of the Earth. The time will soon come when I will not be able to intercede for you, I will only follow you and silently cry out to God for you to stand firm and not forget the time when I was at your side.
In theses times, I am trying to unite the hearts of the same nation, through the prayer with the visionaries, so that, thus united, you create a fortress that may sustain theses nations and open the path for the return of My Son.
I am trying to unite the Americas, so that, together, you may build the foundations of a new race that starts from the principle of unity that will awake in your hearts.
And now, children, I want to reach Europe, to unite all of My soldiers and create an epicenter of light that prevents the expansion of chaos and evil in the world. Through My children in Europe, I will try to extirpate the seeds and fruits of evil that try to impregnate in the consciousness of the planet.
I want you today to understand the importance of responding to My call and building the spirit of unity among the different groups of prayers and among the nations of this world.
Live, My children, as one only praying army and help Me to reach Europe with the same endeavor that you would have to help Me reaching your own cities. This spirit of unity and fraternity is what will sow the principles of a new life in the human consciousness.
I count on you, My children, for the materialization of the Plans of God. I count on your conscious prayers, a symbol that you understand the urgency of the times.
I thank you always for responding to My Call.
In the eternal hope of consecrating the world to My Immaculate Heart, I bless you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Universal Mother
Peace for the world and an end to war.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to absolve you in the name of Love and Forgiveness, in the name of the infinite Piety that exists in the Universe and which is lived in the angels and archangels, in all the beings of goodwill, that in the Universe and on Earth live the Plan of God.
Today I come as the King of the Universe, as the living Presence of God for this humanity, still very asleep.
I come to awaken you from the dream of this material life so that your souls may be uplifted to Me, and in communion with Me, follow My steps, that are the steps that God asks you to take in this definitive hour of humanity, at the beginning of the apex of this transition, that many will not know how to face.
That is why I have come here, not only to bless you with My Mercy, but to unify you with My Plan and with My proposal of peace for the world.
Today, My wish is that you leave at My Feet what you should no longer live, what does not belong to My paths, nor to My Work.
I want you to transform in Me and I will transform in you, so that you may be new christs; a new race that will colonize humanity when the 144000 emerge, that each day more, you may approach in the spirit of awakening and of the mission that you are summoned to live in this final time.
I know that many of those who are present today do not understand what I say.
I do not need, companions, that you understand Me, but that you live Me, that you keep My Words in your heart, because they are not only words.
My Verb is vibration and energy, it is a principle of manifestation and of all Law for this Universe, of which you form part in this solar system.
That is why I need you to open your hearts and not your minds, because what I am saying today, I said two thousand years ago, in each one of the parables, in each one of the signs, and even so in My Passion, which was the most visible sign for all of you that My Work still continues, in the Victory of God, the Most High.
I have brought the guardian angels for you, so that you may pay a little more attention to them, because they serve you since your origins and they expect that you may be able to perceive them. Only the angels and no one else, that may make himself look like an angel.
Your prayer will raise you to that consciousness, to which I need you to approach, to the Ultra-terrestrial Consciousness, to the Divine and Universal Life; because humanity is very densified.
Your actions weigh heavily, your feelings, thoughts and the works that go against the Plan of My Father, against humanity and the souls.
Today I reveal to you, through My Heart, the Plan of God in this era of the Earth, in this moment of humanity, in which each one of you, companions, must be that living principle of My Presence in the world; you must be that soldier that responds to the commands and that apostle that takes the word of salvation and of truth.
In order for all that to be possible at this moment, My companions, transform yourselves, transform yourselves a lot and do not fear transforming.
The time has come for all of you and the world to be purified, not with fear, but with valor, to let go the ties of the past, dismiss what is not of the Plan of God and embrace the cross that the Father has given you in this evolutionary trajectory of humanity.
Thus, you will be with Me living My Principles; because I will help you to get up from the ground, to raise your eyes to the Universe so that you may recognize your star and so, unite again with your God.
Adore the Father, Who continues offended, and offer a reparation on this day for the whole world.
Thus you, companions, will receive what you need at the exact time and not when you look for it; because everything has its time, within and outside of you.
Today I offer you My Constancy, for each one of your souls and for the souls of the world that still do not live Me.
Today I bring you this reality, because I want to share it with you, and thus you will share it with Me, in this eternal silence that I promote today for everyone, the silence that lives in the silence and that allows the discovery of what truly happens within the hearts.
Embrace this moment as something unique and reconfirm your vows of collaboration with the Plan; that Plan that today you do not know in depth, but that I deliver to you today so that you may follow it in prayer and in vigil, in fraternity and service.
I need you to continue fulfilling what I asked you two thousand years ago.
The souls are very lost and hearts despair for not knowing the Love of Christ, your Lord.
If I come here today to ask you these things, it is because in truth you can do it, in a simple and honest way, without so many concepts, or forms. Because in truth I say to you, companions, everything is born from the heart, and it is the heart of each soul that rules things, and it is what helps everything to be fulfilled, under the Will of Adonai.
As I told you yesterday, companions, the discipleship must awaken in the youngest ones, the discipleship of Christ, Who will guide their lives and will lead them by the correct path of redemption.
Be awake to what I tell you and do not miss a word, because I will not be able to repeat it.
I say all this before everything happens, for the time has come for the hearts to be converted by the fire of prayer and by the principle of peace; and may all be more brothers, united in a great spiritual family governed by Christ, for this Redemptive Work of the end of times.
This region and this city must be the cradle of new things, of elevated patterns of behavior, of fraternity, and of brotherhood.
The young people must know My christic energy so that they may be redeemed. And just as the apostle John did, they may follow My Steps to the mount of the Cross, where I will share what I expect to share with all, at this hour of the planet.
I come to heal in you what is still not scarred; I come to heal your wounds.
Through My wounds, I purify you; through My Blood, I consecrate you; and through My Body, I glorify you in the name of My father, so that finally the New Humanity may be fulfilled.
Let us pray.
(The Our Father in Aramaic)
And today you will wash your feet, as I washed those of the apostles, who at that moment did not understand the humility of the Master of Light.
Because in the humiliation and in the renunciation of those who wash the feet of their brothers, is found the existence of love and of life, which unifies them with the Universe and thus, everything is renewed, as I renewed it on the Cross for you and for the world.
So, I want you to do it always and that you live it all the time that you can.
Because who washes his feet, wash his past, heals his wounds and re-ignite his soul in the Light of God, expelling the impure, exorcizing everything that is not of the Light, under the Christic Energy of Jesus.
Song: For the Wounds of Jesus...
Through My Sacred and Glorified Heart, companions, I give you My Kindness and My Grace and I make you participate of My Spirit, in this perfect Communion with My Eternal Father.
Thus, I bless you, renew you, heal you, and I raise you up close to My Heart, so that you may be between My Arms and may continue to feel the confidence that, since the beginning, everything was fine.
In the name of the Light, I thank you and I bless you under the luminous sign of the Redeeming Cross of Your King.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now, I can leave in peace from this place, because I know that you have heard Me at this moment and in other times, My beloved apostles in redemption!
Dear children,
May peace and hope always be attributes in your hearts, attributes that keep you protected by faith because if you are filled with faith in the Plans of God, you will be able to go through the coming tests with harmony and perseverance.
My beloveds, My Heart is filled with an infinite love for humanity. This is why, day by day, I invite you to grow and mature in spirit. It is because I can truly count on each one of you that I reveal these realities of the world and ask for more awareness before everything that you receive.
Many already know that these are the final times for the evil and infidelity of the human heart towards God and His Plan, but the human consciousness, as a whole, does not want to accept that these times have arrived, so as not to leave its comfort and its own will.
These resistances weigh on the hearts of each one of My servers who try to be true in their surrender, and yet, again and again, they fall before the same tests of criticism, judgments and separateness.
This is why, children, you must make an even greater effort than what you have done so far. I know, as the Mother of all, that some steps have already been taken, but they are not sufficient for the emergence of a new race.
You must be more vigilant and silent, observing yourselves more than your neighbor, because in this way you will avoid many misunderstandings and you will close the doors to disunity and lack of fraternity that so tempt the human consciousness.
My dears, never forget that while you have everything because you are beside the King of all things, there are many more brothers and sisters of yours in the world who, motivated by false representations of God, are making each other suffer in demonic and spiritually transgressive ways. Therefore, be a little stronger and braver in relation to yourselves and do not let the enemy also work through My soldiers, removing the peace which I am trying to institute in the world.
Always remember that you are here to fulfill the Greater Plan, to establish peace in these times of chaos on Earth, just like in the universe, since what happens in this world interferes with the whole Creation of God.
I urge you to fight against yourselves when necessary, because many islands of salvation for the spirit no longer exist on this Earth. I count on very few and they must remain faithful and strong because it is possible to establish the Plan of God in the human consciousness, through the victory of Christ in His beloved companions.
My dear children, know that the acute hour of the planet has started in some parts of the world now and will expand to the whole of humanity in a short time. Purify yourselves soon of all the evil that is still inside your consciousnesses and do this through prayer, as well as conscious transformation. Do this by loving the Plan of God, each day more, so that the true love for something superior may banish from your hearts the false pleasure of destroying the unity among beings.
I tell you all of this because you must feel within yourselves that an urgent and definitive change needs to happen. I just urge you to take your steps and do not waste time because, by the time the planetary purification knocks at your door, I need you to be ready and willing to help others, those who have not listened to these Words.
I thank you and leave you My maternal Love so that you may never give up taking the steps in your constant and immediate transformation.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
The essence of silence is really the act of silencing one’s own aspirations. Here lies the key to the ascension of the spirit as well as of matter.
While each one of the different aspects of the being seeks its own satisfaction and achievement, you will never manage to fulfill with perfection the spiritual goal of your souls and spirits.
In these times of purification, be ready to internally and consciously purify the most profound intentions of all the aspects that shape your being.
Build with prayer a fortress that may bear, with love, serenity and patience, finding the one thousand resistances that will emerge from the unconscious. Be ready to come to know the root of all the movements that you are not able to transform, and with great calm, illuminate, with the power of the word that elevates itself to God, these spaces of the consciousness.
Praying is the key to many doors, not only for the salvation of souls but also to prepare you for all that you must live within and outside of yourselves in the very near future.
If you pray from the heart and are disposed to transformation, everything will be possible for you. I do not tell you it is something easy to be lived because the worst battle is the one that you live with yourself, but it will not be impossible, and with a little courage and persistence you will be able to live bigger battles and help others that have not yet begun to traverse the path of the spirit.
While you do not purify your intentions, all the virtues that you live are temporary, such as silence, humility, charity and even fraternity, because, in the depths of all that, there will always be a personal intention that must be purified.
When you discover the roots of your own imperfections, you will always be able to act, feel and breathe for God, and based on His Plan, and it is from there that all that you do will become truthful and the seeds of a New Race, that fully obeys God, will begin to germinate throughout the world.
For this reason, I encourage you not to be alarmed with what you find out about yourselves. On the contrary, give thanks when you discover an imperfect aspect because you will be a step closer to the manifestation of the New Race.
Learn to live your own transformation with much simplicity and without great anguish, like someone who heals a large wound, cleaning it, day by day. And, even if you feel pain or if sometimes the wound emanates a foul scent or becomes inflammed, at some point, it will heal. The more peace and care, the faster the body, strengthened by the power of prayer, will heal the wound itself.
I bless you and lead you to the knowledge of yourselves, and to the inner peacemaking, in face of any circumstance of life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, patient and humble servant of God
The era of Faith has come, the era in which hearts will be tested by the Justice of God. You will thus learn to have trust in the Creator and will have knowledge of the essence of Divine Obedience, the one that responds to higher designs, beyond understanding or mental and inner adherence to everything that happens all around.
Those who open the eyes of the spirit and of the heart will be able to see the intention of God, held in the core of the events, and they will understand what no one will be able to understand; they will find Wisdom and Divine Justice in what to human eyes will be injustice and a curse.
The era of faith has come, because My adversary will attack hearts through doubt and through incomprehension. Many will search outside of themselves in phenomena, for confirmations they can only find within themselves.
The unwavering peace in the heart of My children will be the only confirmation that the Presence of God in His Messengers is real. So, My beloved ones, what I build inside each of you is purely spiritual and must be consolidated through the definitive transformation of your lives.
What is built in the human heart through phenomena can be destroyed as easily and quickly as their manifestation. But what I build within My soldiers has a clear purpose, which shall be manifested to the eyes of the world in the end times.
The first sign will be the confirmation of My words in the events to come. And the most important sign, both to humankind and to God, will be the faith in the hearts of My children and the peace that will allow them to guide those who are lost.
The clarity of purpose will allow you to see the events from a higher point of view, and you will not get involved with what is happening in the world, but will know that all this is happening for a greater purpose, which is the purification of the planet and the emergence of a new race.
This race that will emerge, My beloved ones, will be born from the seed I caused to sprout in your hearts, and will not be made up of new human beings that will suddenly appear. It will be you and your children, renewed by My Spirit of Love and by the Return of Christ the Redeemer, that will shape the new world.
And in this way, the Most Sacred Project of God will be fulfilled, in which His creatures will be capable of defeating the darkness that dwells within and outside of themselves, and through love, will bring about the triumph of the Spirit of God in the world and the Christic purpose of this Creation.
My beloved ones, keep within yourselves My words, study them and let them impregnate your consciousnesses, because they will bring the certainty of the triumph of God in the human heart, and it will be with these Words in your consciousness that you will manage to live a full state of peace in the times that are coming and in the times you are already experiencing.
Be firm in the life of prayer and do not allow the demands of the world to overcome the imperative need of strengthening yourselves inwardly. With wisdom, give priority to the things of God; in this way, you will be journeying on safe paths that lead to the Lord.
I love you and eternally thank you for responding to My call.
Let no doubt defeat the faith in your hearts. Let no concern cause you to lose peace.
I bless you, under the Peacemaking Spirit of God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
A soul that prays with the heart is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it intercessor between God and the humans.
A soul that consecrates itself to a life of prayer is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it instrument of God in the world, door of His Mercy for the most needy ones.
A soul that seeks, thirsty and tireless, the Source of the Universal Life is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it precursor of the New Race, seed of the New Humanity which will live peace, forgiveness and redemption.
A soul that seeks redemption and walks towards the Infinite, without losing sight of the return to the Celestial Origin is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it light in the world, guide of the lost ones, safe path, an example to be followed.
A lost soul that extends its arms to Me is, for Me, favorite, because it represents My possibility of helping many more. I will call it reason of My coming to the world.
A sinful soul that repents of heart and seeks the forgiveness of God is, for Me, favorite, because it indicates to the Universe that this humanity is still rescuable. I will call it Divine Hope in the human heart.
A soul that does not believe in God, that does not seek Him, that does not repent of its sins and carries on causing evil in the world will also be, for Me, favorite, because this soul will impel Me to be tireless and My Heart will not leave this world until the last one of them has been rescued. I will call it Victory of Christ in the world and in the Universe because someday this Victory will happen.
My beloved, I wish with these words to say to you that all of the souls of this world are favorite before My Heart, each one of them will impel Me to pour over humanity a different Grace of God.
With the same love, perseverance and joy I will seek those who accompany Me and those who deny Me everyday because My maternal eyes know what they represent to God and just see, in each soul, its Divine Origin.
When My Eyes contemplate the world, they find in each being a possibility of the living manifestation of the Love of God, as well as it happened with My beloved Son Jesus because God Himself lives inside of each being, as well as He lives inside of Christ.
On this day I descend upon the world to bless humanity in a special way, I invite you to be My assistants in this blessing. It is in this way, My beloveds, that I ask you to put inside your eyes, My maternal eyes and inside your hearts, My Immaculate Heart and in this way, see each creature with My Eyes and feel them with My Heart.
Discover the magnitude that is kept in the essence of each being and help Me to awake the purest in each heart. Help Me to show this humanity that a Living God longs to live in its interior and this is for all, even for the most lost ones.
On this day, My dears, God calls you to contemplate Him in each being and, in this way, create a condition of Unity in order for Him to awake in the human heart and, thus, a New Race, full of God, may be a reality and not only hope.
I love you and I leave today My blessing and My gratitude to My dear Son, who with His effort, makes My coming to the world possible.
Pray, children of Mine, for all of the visionaries consecrated to My Heart so that they may be strengthened and firm in Christ in the times that will come.
May the Grace of God and His Peace be today in your hearts and in the whole world.
I bless you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
My little children of Manaus and of the whole world,
As a faithful servant of God, I come to the world to light in the hearts the flame of Devotion, of Love and of Peace that day after day is being extinguished in the creatures of the Earth.
I come at the request of the Lord to remove from sleep those who are asleep and who do not accomplish the mission for which they are in this world.
My children, today I say to you that, for each creature of the Earth, God has a perfect plan, a learning to be realized and a mission to be accomplished. And it is with the accomplishment of the mission of each being that the Plan of God for this Earth is constructed; only thus is manifested the new world, thought by the Lord.
My beloveds, today I also say to you that this world that humanity has constructed has only destroyed, over the centuries, the union that existed in the beginning among the creatures and their Creator. Each day the hearts are seeing themselves more distant from the Divine and submerged in the endless illusion of the material prison that they have built for themselves.
And today I come to the world bringing between My arms Hope and, in My womb, a new race; a race that must arise from the rebirth of the souls that today live upon Earth, souls that must be renewed and redeemed before God so that, through His Holy Spirit, they may be born to a new life, a life that is the image and likeness of the Divine life.
My beloveds, I ask you to not fear to listen to My words, do not fear to follow My steps of pilgrimage, because in this time My voice echoes in the whole world, in search of the awakening of the souls, and I will not tire until the last of My children have listened to My voice. I will not be able to walk in your shoes, if you do not want to follow Me, but to all I will show the path and will make the offer, so that they may have the opportunity of recognizing this awakening and electing where to follow.
My beloveds, there are no mysteries in My presence. Those who open the heart, feel Me and I can dispel the doubts of their inner; those who open the path to Me, will see My acting in their lives and in their homes; those who permit Me, will see in themselves the miracle of My conversion; those who pray with Me, will see in the world the Power of My intercession.
Children of Mine, I will not ask you to repay anything, I will offer you all, I will give you sacrifice, but also Peace and the strength that will bring you to overcome all the trials that may come your way; I will show the path for the forgetfulness of yourself and I will fill all with Infinite Grace, Grace that is born from the donation to others, Grace that is born in service and in Jubilation, which is for the hearts to encounter Christ in those most in need.
Feel today My Love in your spirits, My Mantle over your beings, My support, My help and, above all, My Peace. Because for this I come to the world, to be with My children and to help them to cross the threshold of a new time.
I love you and I bless you today and always.
Your beloved Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear and beloved children of Goiânia, I bring the world in My hands, because it is a world that suffers and despairs. In My Heart I bring your hearts, because as Queen of Peace and Mother of the Universe, I have heard your pleas and come in response to your call.
Dear children, in a time without peace, may there be peace in your hearts. Seek the Kingdom of My Peace through prayer; in this way, your families and kin will be helped.
God's wish is that the devotion to My Immaculate Heart should be expanded in the world, and My Face of Peace comes before you so your hearts may recognize the very important task of the end of times.
Thus, My Son sends Me to the world to advise you and announce that it is time to pray with the heart. In this way, many things will be able to be healed quickly, because your essences will open to the new, to the Greater Source that comes from the Most High Father, a place from which I come on this day to announce to all My children that it is possible to redeem the life and the heart.
Open your arms, dear children, to receive My maternal embrace. Many of My children in these times need to learn about new things that come from Heaven and the Universe, which will help in the transition of this humanity so that many of My children stop suffering, stop experiencing pain and find Christ at this time.
My Son sends Me to announce He is returning; thus, you must prepare with readiness. It is necessary, dear children, that your homes be temples of prayer; in this way, the enemy will not make you fear, because My Immaculate Heart will reign in your families.
Heaven sends Me, dear children, to prepare the New Race for the Return of Christ, which is very close. Meanwhile, beloved children, pray with the heart, confess your faults to God, for He will listen to you.
It is necessary, dear children, to open the heart to forgiveness, while the world experiences many tests and challenges. God is seeking humble willing hearts, so they may be the new apostles of prayer and prepare the Kingdom of God on Earth, which will come with My Son in Glory and in the gladness of all the angels and archangels. It is necessary that you enter My Kingdom every day.
As Mother, I endeavour always that you be able to return to My Son, Who is very forgotten in these times; few seek the Eucharist, the eternal Communion with His Heart.
So on this evening, I invite you to be renewed in the Sacraments; in this way, you will prepare your souls for that path which Christ wishes to travel in your lives, guiding you, safeguarding and protecting you, so you may accomplish the final mission, beloved children, which is to reach Paradise, the Paradise of God.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My children, many do not understand the power of prayer nor do they know the grandeur of experiencing the act of praying; and today I tell you that the world was born of the Divine Verb, and the New Earth must be prepared through the pure verb of its creatures.
My children, the Divine Verb created this very perfect planet and gave it to you; It created each of your consciousnesses so you could glorify God. Each of your hearts received a Divine Attribute which is perfect and is held in your essences. It is through this attribute, My children, which is called Love, that you must create a new world, little by little, through your actions, your thoughts, your feelings and the constant prayer you must utter all the time.
My children, today I want to teach you to live a new life on this Earth, to forget forever the errors of the past, because today you have the opportunity to be reborn in God. Thus, I come to the world to renew all creatures of the Earth. So, I ask that My Verb reach every space of this world, so that all consciousnesses that dwell here may receive the opportunity for forgiveness, the absolute forgiveness of all their faults, so they may be reborn in spirit to rebuild this world.
My children, discover the power of the prayerful verb, which first creates in the invisible, and little by little, manifests the Will of God in matter. Knowing this power will only come to those who act and begin to fervently pray, those who dare to place themselves in prayer above all things in life, not caring what others think, but indeed knowing that a pure and true example changes all lives, changes all those who are around you.
Today, I call on you to give the example of virtue and of charity, of service, of love and of peace, a peace that is so lacking in the world and which few know.
My children, if today you have the opportunity of being with My Immaculate Heart, open your essences so My Love is able to place this small piece of My Kingdom in them, which must be given to your hearts so you can multiply it and transform it in this New Earth, which must be born in likeness to the Paradise of God.
My children, everything is possible for those that say 'yes' to God. I only need you to be brave, that you have the courage to abandon yourselves, to set aside what you know of yourselves until today, so you may see a new human be born, full of a purity unknown to you, radiating a truth you have never seen in this world, and which is latent within the human heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
While the majority of humanity needs healing and blessings, the Powerful Ray of the Love of God, which pierces My Immaculate Heart, is poured out over your lives, families and loved ones.
What I need, dear children, is for you to come beneath My Mantle, so My Pilgrim steps are able to guide you.
Throughout the centuries, I have just said: prayer, prayer and more prayer to change the world.
Prepare your hearts for the definitive time. My Grace reaches you, My Motherhood shelters you and gathers the flocks of My Son to direct you toward the Eternal Light, the Light of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for these sacred presents you have brought to My Altar, I bless them with Love and with Motherliness, and as I have already said, once again I bless them so they may be a symbol, a reference for peace and light for all.
Know, My dear children, that the union of your hearts with Mine will be the true unity between Heaven and Earth, between creatures and God, by means of My Immaculate Heart.
Glorify God; He is very tired of seeing so much evil in the world. He needs to pour out the immensity of His Mercy over you. For this, dear children, open your lives to God, let God be first, before all other things; in this way, you will perceive, beloved children, the difference between being in God and being far from God.
Seek God first every day, in your hearts, at each new dawn.
I will be very honored and grateful when you practice and exercise prayer in God, Communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; in this way, your essences will be in the Most Holy Trinity and you will not be alone in this time. The Sacred Triangulation of God will prevail in your lives, a mystery of peace and of wisdom for hearts that are thirsty and seek peace, the consolation they need, the Grace they search for in this era.
Dear children of Goiânia, I eternally thank you for this day, for this year and for this cycle you are living with Me.
Carry My Peace to your homes.
May the Light of Christ light up the darkness of these times.
May Love and Fraternity reign among all My children; you will thus overcome the tests and will not suffer, simply because you want to be in God.
Seek God.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We are going to share some things with everybody about what happened during the Apparition, some things which Our Lady allows us to transmit to you, in addition, obviously, to everything She said to us.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
To those brothers and sisters who are here for the first time, we are going to briefly tell how the Apparition of the Virgin happens, so you can consciously understand what is taking place.
During the prayer work, a condition is gradually created, and the planes which exist beyond this physical plane, which are the Divine Planes, the Celestial Planes, gradually unite with each other until, at a certain point, Our Lady, with the help of the angels, gradually draws nearer to this physical place.
She comes as a three-dimensional image; it is as if we saw a person on another plane. At that moment, Our Lady begins to draw closer, the angels begin to prepare and to create the condition for Her to descend.
As our Mother is a Divine Being, She has a unique way of approaching us, of confirming She is the Virgin Mary.
So during each Apparition, as Mother Shimani was telling us today at the beginning, many things happen before She descends. Today, for example, Our Lady began to approach as a sphere of Light, where through a tunnel of light blue and white Light, She was descending, was coming from the Universe toward the Earth, and in Her Motherly and Divine Consciousness, She knows where we are and begins to direct Her Consciousness to that place.
While the angels prepare and open the doors for Her to come, they also receive indications for helping our inner beings. So many things happen at the same time, in another time different than our material time.
It's a little difficult to explain how this happens, but that is what can be seen. Everything is through a movement of Light, an energy that Our Lady is generating, preparing for coming to us.
A cloud of Light appeared here, over the stage; it was coming directly from Heaven, where Our Mother is. And that cloud of Light began to expand over the public; it was a Light of serenity, of peace, that began to overwhelm our hearts and our souls until, at a certain moment, we came here to wait for Our Mother. She has always taught us that we should pray to wait for Her and receive Her.
At that moment, our Mother appears, as a Living and Resplendent Being. Today She came as the Queen of Peace; the skin a light pink, blue eyes as deep as the sea, a white veil that reached Her waist, a golden cord, a light blue mantle and a light pink robe, barefoot, with the rosary in Her hands; praying for us and for the world, and opening Her arms; each time She addressed Her Words to us, we repeated what She said to us and you listened to that.
While She transmitted Her Words for everybody, She always, through a vision, brings us the situations that are happening at this moment on the planet, in humanity. She always says to us that She does not only descend for us, who are present here, but also for humanity, because as a Mother, She is helping everybody.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
How many things happen when Our Lady approaches, right?
It has always been the same over the centuries of this humanity, except that in the previous Apparitions, the visionaries did not have the possibility of transmitting as they do today. Many times, possibly, they did not understand what exactly they were seeing; they could not explain what they were seeing.
But throughout all the history of humanity, Our Lady has helped Her children in the same way as today; only, in this time, when we are a little more adult, spiritually speaking, it is necessary that we know how the process of an Apparition works, because it is also necessary that we are able to understand the scope of what happens when a Divine Hierarchy is present.
Now, our task will be to pray, pray so that all Our Lady left here can be supported and produce its results.
Now, we are all going to say goodbye to Our Lady with something we know, something we can call ecumenical, and who knows if someday, Our Lady returns to Goiânia, because She always returns when hearts open to receive Her.
This that we are going to share with you was born as a mischief of ours, the monks, something a little hidden, and one day it seems that Our Lady heard us, our mischief was discovered, and She asked that we sing it at an Apparition; so for all of you, for the heart of each, with all our love.
Song: "Our Lady."
Blessed shall they be called in the Kingdom of the Heavens who on Earth cause the seeds of life they received to blossom.
Blessed are those proclaimed in the Kingdom of the Heavens who in life suffered the difficulties of the world and with joy, knew how to surpass the obstacles so as to cross the threshold to a new race.
Blessed shall they be known in the Kingdom of the Heavens who strove until the end of days to overcome material codes and institute divine codes in their being.
Blessed shall be those who today are self-summoned to serve in an army of peace, and untiringly, trust in the Woman Clothed in Sun, Who holds them in Her arms and in Her Mantle of Light.
Blessed shall be in My Kingdom those who are already blessed on Earth, for they have known the Word of Life, loved It, expanded It and pronounced It, so that It echoed in all the hearts of the world.
Blessed shall be those who are before My eyes, who recognize My Presence and the Divine Presence of My Son, without fearing the judgments of this Earth.
Blessed before God the Father will become those who today mature in silence the fruits of salvation and with valor, grow in faith and in love for the Plan of God.
My children, those who are imperfect today, if persistent in the Divine Purpose, will be My blessed of tomorrow. For they will accomplish the Plan of God without perceiving it, and even though it may many times be in the secrecy of their own inner world, they will cause a new race to blossom in the image and likeness of God, of His Divine Love and Unity.
All efforts made today will culminate in the glorious victory of tomorrow. For this reason, do not look to the past nor dwell on what you are today, but rather place all your faith and trust in the promises of the One Who is perfect and Who promised that, in those who give of themselves from the heart, He will carry out miracles of transformation and of eternal conversion.
Allow yourselves to see through My eyes and feel through My Heart; in this way, you will find the perfection that sleeps within each being, and with Me you will be able to see the birth of new suns, which will shine beyond this Earth.
My little ones, I come to the world to cause you to awaken and to give you all the opportunity to change and redeem the past, transforming it into a present of Glory in service to the Most High. For this reason, simply open your hearts and your consciousnesses and, in this way, the Messengers that descend from Heaven at the request of the Great Lord, will work in all the spaces of matter and of life on Earth.
You may not trust in what you know about yourselves and may find it hard to believe in the transformation of matter that is so corrupted; but your trust should not reside in yourselves, but rather in God and Those that come before you and Who descend from the Throne of the Creator with a Purpose sent by Him for His creatures.
God knows each one of you perfectly and knows the hidden potential that you must develop. Thus, simply say 'yes' daily, and like good children, allow yourselves to be led by your beloved Celestial Mother.
May the Child King, born into your essences, now grow without stopping, and mature the divine life that is born on Earth.
I love you and I lead you, causing the Power of the Spirit of God to grow in your hearts.
I thank you.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Blessed are those who gather their strengths to be with Me in these times; those who make an effort to overcome, day by day, the limits that the world and their own body imposes on them.
My children, I am with you to teach you to live the last times, and to overcome this threshold with bravery and peace in the heart.
It is for this that day by day I ask you for more of an effort. And, at the same time that I conduct you through a path of sacrifices, I accompany you step by step, radiating the Peace that is born in My Heart and that is expanded throughout the world.
In this way, a space is opened so that I may be present in your lives, even if your are giving the maximum of yourselves, never will you lack the peace and the strength to offer always more.
Today I say to you that, when I ask you something apparently unreachable, it is to show you that you are able to do much more than that which you are doing today.
On each day that passes I will ask you for a little more, and I will make you donate of yourself that which you did not know you had. And little by little you will perceive that the impossible has become simple, and the unreachable already rises on the horizon.
When the time comes to cross the threshold of a new race, many will see themselves in the plenitude of the human race, as God idealized it in the Universe.
I just want you to be simple and true and adaptable as the water; that you may be true and pure in your actions, in this way the Creator Hands will be able to act in your lives and in your consciousnesses.
Those who have said yes to Me, that they may be renewed each day in this yes, and take care to not have conditions in their surrender. If they are attentive to that which I say to you today, they will see that they still say no to Me many times, believing that they are deepening in this surrender.
Upon awakening and at going to sleep, renew yourselves in the adhesion to the divine Plan, and if today you are tired, prepare yourselves, My dears, because you know nothing of what I have for each one of you. But do not fear, because I prepare you in the measure that I offer you new sacrifices and I will not place stones in your paths which you are not able to step over.
I want to thank you on this day for the Love with which you have received Me in this city, and say to you that I have waited for long to come to this place and to awaken those who have been commited with Me for so long.
Come, dears, come to My encounter, because My arms await you, and the Lord waits for you for the return in Redemption to the Celestial Dwelling.
I love you and I welcome you in My mantle.
I thank you for the answer to My Call.
Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace
When the Heavens are opened towards Earth, a possibility of Redemption is opened for the world.
When My feet touch this ground, for one more time, they bring to humanity all the codes that exist in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
When I open My Arms and allow the Love that I receive from God to flow from My Heart, I pour over the creatures the true Message of the Creator, that is His pure Love and His Eternal Grace.
When the little creatures respond to the Universe, praying and vigiling in devotion, a light is lit on Earth and the Creator contemplates, then, the fervour of His creatures and understands the clamors as requests for help from all of humanity.
My beloveds, for Our Lord and God nothing is separated, the step of one of His children is the step of all. In this way also, a step that is not taken is a lost opportunity for all of mankind.
Those who pray with love and say yes to Me, renewing themselves day by day, permit that month after month My Heart returns to the world, and intercedes for all of humanity.
When I say to you that I contemplate the arising of a new race it is because I see growing, in your hearts, the seed that God planted in the origin of creation and that now His Gardeners come to make grow and bloom.
As I have already said to you, My beloveds, each one that takes My words for themselves and follows their path of Redemption; each one that answers for themselves and for all humanity to this request of Peace, if they seek Peace in the world, each one may be a peacemaker of their own lives.
The great conquests of the world are achieved through the simplest but true actions, actions that they realize with the heart and with the intention of being radiated to all of the human consciousness.
My beloved children, each one of you is part of a unique Divine Project, a project that has already been made possible through the life of My Son Jesus. Now is the moment to imitate His steps, and to live this conversion in the modern times.
Each one of you must contemplate in the heart your own path of imitation of Christ, permitting that God shows you what His Will for this time is and how you will find the christic path in the current times.
My children, you will no longer sustain a cross of wood, but a cross of vices and of modernities, an invisible cross of capital energies.
You will no longer walk to convert the sinners and heal the blind of body, but you will convert yourselves and, by means of example, you will heal the blind of spirit and the abandoned of heart.
Apostles are not made by means of the word, nor by being persecuted by the Pharisees, but you will find those who will awaken through your prayers and that will follow the christic path constructed by your intentions that are not visible, and by the silence of your hearts; but yes, you will be persecuted by all the illusions and the pleasures that the world offers you, by all the technology and by the modernities that will seek to distract your souls and push them away from the path of God, with the excuse that this is an outdated path.
My children, find in your lives the apostolate of the new time and through the study of the Gospel seek to live it today, finding the steps of Christ in your lives.
Listen to the voice of the Master that continues echoing throughout the world, continues touching the spirits and awakening the essences that must remember the commitment that they assumed with Christ, and the promise that they made to God, to be at the end of the times, implanting amidst the chaos, a race of Christs that will walk against the current of the sleeping humanity, and will bloom in the desert of love as a miracle of conversion.
In this way must your lives be the true miracle that God achieved in the Universe, a race that arises from pain and suffering and that lights up the torch of Redemption, overcoming the darkness that sought to defeat it, and amongst all the hatred and all the war that feeds the enemy in the heart of humans, the Love deposited by God in His creatures wins.
Love is unconquerable and Mercy reaches all who in the hearts say yes.
I thank you for accepting to follow this path of conversion and of life.
I bless you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of all the peoples of the entire world.
Contemplate, in My eyes, the imperishable Light that never goes out, so that it may illuminate your paths that lead you to the Heart of God.
Contemplate in My Mantle the eternal protection, so that you may risk to take the steps and, without fear, experience the transformation.
Contemplate in My Heart the flame that will sustain you in devotion and in faith, and that will not allow you to lose heart before the ordeals of the enemy.
Contemplate in My hands the perpetual, tireless and impassive help that will always await you to lead you to the Light.
Contemplate in My feet, sanctified by the glorious walk I have taken to the Kingdom of God, the secure path through which your little feet will also walk.
Contemplate, in My crown of stars, the Light of the Holy Spirit, which will appear even in the dark of night and that will appear from behind the thickest clouds that approach your lives.
In My Rosary, contemplate the unshakable faith and the eternal persistence of My Heart that prays day and night for the souls of the world.
Contemplate, in the roses under My feet, the permanent offering generated by My perpetual prayer, an offering that is adored by God and that represents all humanity.
Today, My children, I clothe your bodies with My Mantle, I cover your heads with My crown of stars, in your hands I place My Rosary and, under your feet, I lay seven roses so that you may follow My example eternally, an example that I bring to your hearts week after week, month after month.
I want you to accept this true offering of My Heart so that you can have a pure heart, a simple and humble life, a journey full of faith and absolute trust in God; and through the rosary in your hands, never forget that each step must be taken for your neighbor.
Experience the transformation as an eternal service of help to humanity and to the whole planet, which needs hearts Christified by the Love of the Holy Spirit of God; hearts ready to cross the threshold of a new race, a new humanity, based on Love.
My Presence at this time comes to show you the path which you must follow, until the moment you will meet My Son, and from then on, you will follow Him, in His glorified example of union with the Father.
My children, luminous is the end of this path of stones; I only ask you to be persistent and to follow the instructions left by the Messengers of God, for in this way, the stones will be opportunities for growth and not reasons for atavism.
My beloved, seek in My Heart and in the contemplation of My Sacred Image, the strength and faith that nourishes your spirits; thus, I will always be able to guide you and to accompany you, side by side with your hearts, on the trajectory you must experience.
Like water that flows in the river of life, allow yourselves to conform to the Will of God expressed in the instructions you have received; this way, you will free your beings from being in unnecessary suffering at this time.
Never forget to pray. Pray, pray a lot to achieve peace in the whole world.
I love you and I thank you.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more