The beginning of a new cycle has come for each being of this Earth, and, above all, children, for this Work of Love that the Creator is building with His own Hands since the origin of your lives.
This cycle that begins will be permeated not only by awakening or purification but also by the maturity and the inner growth of your beings.
The time has come to consolidate the link of your hearts with God, and, after all that you have received in the name of humanity, to take a new step in the surrender of your lives, a new step toward your own inner self, a new step toward the Infinite that is held in your own heart.
The cycle of knowing the Forgiveness of God, through His Love and His infinite Grace, has arrived, so that, in this way, you may be true bridges between the hearts of humankind and your Creator.
This is the cycle to begin building what characterizes you as a race and as children of God, which is the deep union with Him through knowledge, not only of His mysteries but, above all, of His Love.
For this, you must constantly seek Him, feel Him and allow His Presence, although silent, to speak to your heart, and may it be with silence, with His Grace or with His Peace.
This is the cycle to experience God within yourself and, in this way, children, you may finally begin to unite the dimensions and attract a new time for this world.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I pray so that souls may attain peace.
I pray so that the consciousnesses may awaken to the planetary reality, to the universal truth, and thus, they may transform their lives according to the Divine Purpose.
I pray so that hearts may aspire toward unity with their neighbor, with the Kingdoms of Nature, with life, with God.
I pray so that seekers may recognize the truth in all the teachings transmitted by God through His Messengers, so that those who seek may know how to see beyond words and find between the lines the divine science of Creation.
I pray so that sacred life may no longer be hidden by human superficialities and, in the same way, I pray so that the essence of beings not be hidden by the illusory beliefs they have about themselves.
I pray for a new life and a new race so that after human learning is consolidated, beings may have the courage and hope to make the new life emerge and allow the new being to blossom within themselves which, before Christ, will begin to appear.
I pray so that humanity may not lose the meaning of its existence and so that spiritual life may cease to be a habit and a practice in order to become a reality and an experience of life.
I pray, finally, so that the Graces of God may not remain in Heaven, but that they may be poured out upon the Earth.
Today I call you to pray with Me, and thus you intercede for this world while there is still time. Pray with Me for Peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Giving birth to a new humanity is allowing your souls to express what they truly are, letting the similarity with God emerge from within and be revealed to the world and, above all, to yourselves.
Giving birth to the new humanity is loving the things of Heaven more than the things of Earth, and knowing that life in this world is just a moment in time and space and that, in order to be here, you have hidden within your spirits a story and a reality that reveals the true motive for the chaos on Earth, of duality and, above all, of the great need for love.
Contemplate this life as a moment of transition, as a school that helps you take an evolutionary leap, forgiving and healing unknown mistakes with the power of love.
The new humanity will be born to renew the genetics of all life, from a new race generated in love, and that will express this love, even with its breath. With the new humanity, life in the cosmos as on Earth will never be the same. Everything will be renewed.
The new humanity within yourselves invites you to a battle against retrograde human tendencies, against the condition of egoism and lack of love. A battle that is fought in the consciousness, mind, emotions, hearts, and even within your cells so that they give space for a new archetype of life, and comprehend that this degenerated condition of humanity must come to an end.
The new humanity within yourselves brings e new time and a new meaning for life. Embrace this transformation with gratitude and without resistance, and you will see that, where love rules, peace rules, and there lies no fear or anguish. It does not matter what happens in this world, your fortress will be sustained in the Heavens.
If you wish to open space to the new humanity, love wholly. If you do not know how to love, serve and help your fellow beings, thus, you will awaken love.
Above all, beyond loving and serving, pray, because this is the dialogue with God, and only the Father keeps you firm at this time.
Your Father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The path to the New Humanity should not be long, in spite of being very laborious for the current human consciousness.
Looking at human beings of today, many ask themselves: “Where will the New Human Race emerge from? Where is the new world? Will it emerge from one moment to the next, unexpectedly?
The New Humanity is called “new” because we speak to a human consciousness that is completely unaware of the truth about itself.
From the moment in which humanity was created by God, and this divine and archangelic Project became active, everything was already fulfilled, and perfection was already manifested in matter.
Perfection is hidden, covered by layers and layers of deep illusion, which cause the consciousness to suffer for not being able to find itself in essence, in truth.
The most illusory suffering of all is that which you experience when you are lost of yourselves because this is now the time for grace, the grace to discover the truth.
Why do you suffer because of your imperfections instead of looking for the essence, the truth?
Why do you fear losing something that has never been yours, in order to finally know that which you are, as children of God?
Many ask themselves how they will experience, in this world and in their so common and human lives, the principles of a Plan that, in reality, is cosmic and universal. Children, those principles are internal. Their expression and manifestation are that which transforms life on Earth.
Do not wait for the planet to change so that you may then find favorable conditions for your own transformation, because it is you that must change the world. And I do not speak to you of an ideologic, political or social project; I speak of small things; I speak of acts of fraternity and true love; I speak of a sincere gaze and gesture towards those who are forgotten; I speak of an act of peace for those who are affected by the chaos of the world; I speak of actions that cut the growing chain of evil on the planet because social projects are as human as everything you have built as humanity up to now.
In order to reach something truly great, spiritually great, transform the small, the simple, the profound. And it is there, with your own example, that you will move the structures of the unbelievers and you will make them reflect, those who are searching for the truth and do not find it.
It is with the example that you will mark the path; it is with love that you will ignite a torch in this world of darkness so that those who walk blindly can find a way out.
I could tell you much more than I have already told you, and renew you through My words, but when the father withdraws, the youth grows and faces life and its difficulties in a more mature way. There is no other way to survive but by practicing that which one has learned.
The fact that the Divine Messengers withdraw from your lives is not to abandon you, but to make you grow, because it is already time, children. And not only society but the whole universe will demand this growth from you so that you can endure what is to come and be a true triumph of God.
In this reparation of fraternity, unity, and love, may you cease one day to repair your own consciousnesses in order to reach the human consciousness, the Kingdoms of Nature and the planet, for there is much to be repaired beyond yourselves.
As a good carpenter and servant of the Lord, I will always accompany you.
Your father and friend, companion of all eras,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
This is the last time for planetary illusion, and this is why, children, the forces of chaos and evil unrestrainedly try to grow and multiply throughout the world. They know this is their last time. Just as the Creator knows His eternity, those forces know their end.
Children of mine, this is the time to close your eyes to the influences of the planet, because the more the end draws near, the more illusion grows, and souls, minds and hearts are more confused.
If you do not hold on tight to higher life and vanquish the tendencies of the world in order to maintain your own faith, following a true spiritual path will cost you very much. You will confuse the message with the messenger and by not seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in the time and form that you expected, you will not believe anything that you learned up to now.
Remaining in love is a mission for the brave of spirit, those who believe more in God than in themselves, those who are attentive to His Messages and not so much to the way they reach their own hearts.
The Apocalypse is now occurring, inside and outside of many beings. The Americas are being taken care of by the Divine Messengers, but the time will come, children, when it should also go through its purification. The birth of a New Race and of a new principle of life will depend on each heart that will be there and their disposition in persevering, beyond trials, to rebuild the world when the time comes.
Children, you will fully understand what you experience and the instruction we deliver you when you are awake in all levels of consciousness, and the veils are no longer upon your eyes. But today I want you to understand that the planetary events will not happen the way you expect. And so it is, that they are happening now, and very few have noticed them.
So that the chaos on Earth does not confuse you, more each day affirm faith and unity with one another. The prayer that sustains the heart is the same that will maintain the mind in sanity.
Remain with what I told you and do not forget it. When the time comes, these words will be like keys that unlock the doors of the new time.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To be Human without being human
The science of these times, children, is the transcendence of the old human and the birth of the new. To be born without dying in the body. To allow matter to be reborn, transcending that which has been corrupted.
The new human is born within the consciousness. It is the fruit of inner purification, of the act of expelling the old so that what is true may emerge.
The new human, children, in truth is not new; it has always been within each human being; it is the principle, the reality, the beginning of everything and also the end, the goal toward which you walk.
The old human took hold of the truth and built upon the essence a life of illusions; it created something that did not exist and hid the Divine Thought with human thought.
Humanity, children, is a race of likeness to the Father in many aspects unknown to humankind. One of these is the capacity to create through thought, feeling and the heart, a capacity that once had only been granted to the angels. But like a great universal paradox, this likeness to God has distanced humanity from the Creator because, instead of learning with love, they created, with thought, a false human being, and a false evolution, which led them more toward the abyss than toward Heaven.
Influenced by the illusion of the time in which they lived, human beings moved further and further away from the Whole and entered into themselves. They gradually lost the ability to be in everything—which the likeness to God offered them—and they lost consciousness of unity, strengthening individuality, as human law.
Children, how can a being, created to live unity, compete with their fellow beings, create traps for the evolution of their neighbors, or want to be better or worse than the others?
The answer to these questions lies not only in the very duality of this world but also in all the illusion in which humanity has placed itself, as consciousness.
I recognize, children, that after so many evolutionary cycles as a race, the illusion is stronger than the truth; it is easier to remain in that which is old than to tear it out of yourselves so that the original may emerge. However, it is necessary that everyone be aware of what they are experiencing and of the inner battle - individual and human - that you must experience in these times in order to return to your origins, to the Original Plan of God.
When you pray from the heart and allow yourselves to live spiritual virtues, such as humility, fraternity, compassion and forgiveness, you are living from the truth, from the original human or the new human and, gradually, you will be able to remove the reign of that which is old without it causing you great destabilization or suffering.
The experience of truth, in a harmonious way, simply depends on the surrender of each being.
Everything I tell you today is so that you may be inspired to seek the truth within yourselves, and not remain in that which is old, in the illusory.
May My words lead you to seek within yourselves this similarity with the Divine, which became hidden by the layers of illusion and is ignored by the great majority of human beings.
Now, children, it is time to be Human, without being human, and to discover the truth about yourselves.
The keys to all the doors that take you to the Path of Light are held in prayer and in the practice of virtue.
I love you and I leave you My peace.
In the same way that I was able to discover the truth and the similarity to God, may all those who hear Me be able to do so. Strive and persevere.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The essence of silence is really the act of silencing one’s own aspirations. Here lies the key to the ascension of the spirit as well as of matter.
While each one of the different aspects of the being seeks its own satisfaction and achievement, you will never manage to fulfill with perfection the spiritual goal of your souls and spirits.
In these times of purification, be ready to internally and consciously purify the most profound intentions of all the aspects that shape your being.
Build with prayer a fortress that may bear, with love, serenity and patience, finding the one thousand resistances that will emerge from the unconscious. Be ready to come to know the root of all the movements that you are not able to transform, and with great calm, illuminate, with the power of the word that elevates itself to God, these spaces of the consciousness.
Praying is the key to many doors, not only for the salvation of souls but also to prepare you for all that you must live within and outside of yourselves in the very near future.
If you pray from the heart and are disposed to transformation, everything will be possible for you. I do not tell you it is something easy to be lived because the worst battle is the one that you live with yourself, but it will not be impossible, and with a little courage and persistence you will be able to live bigger battles and help others that have not yet begun to traverse the path of the spirit.
While you do not purify your intentions, all the virtues that you live are temporary, such as silence, humility, charity and even fraternity, because, in the depths of all that, there will always be a personal intention that must be purified.
When you discover the roots of your own imperfections, you will always be able to act, feel and breathe for God, and based on His Plan, and it is from there that all that you do will become truthful and the seeds of a New Race, that fully obeys God, will begin to germinate throughout the world.
For this reason, I encourage you not to be alarmed with what you find out about yourselves. On the contrary, give thanks when you discover an imperfect aspect because you will be a step closer to the manifestation of the New Race.
Learn to live your own transformation with much simplicity and without great anguish, like someone who heals a large wound, cleaning it, day by day. And, even if you feel pain or if sometimes the wound emanates a foul scent or becomes inflammed, at some point, it will heal. The more peace and care, the faster the body, strengthened by the power of prayer, will heal the wound itself.
I bless you and lead you to the knowledge of yourselves, and to the inner peacemaking, in face of any circumstance of life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, patient and humble servant of God
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more