Dear children,

Today My humble Son, Jesus, surrendered his place of being in My Arms so that I could have in my arms the most suffering souls of Venezuela.

In My Heart I bring, to everyone, the spirit of temperance and faith, attributes that for these difficult times will help you acquire the necessary state of consciousness which will place you, day and night, to live great tasks. 

My children, today I can also feel the alliance of love on the part of all those who offered and endeavored to respond to My call for peace in My beloved Venezuela.

Like rain, My Grace descends on the people of Venezuela who urgently need to reconnect with God in order to get out of chaos, conflict and social war.

The Lady of Coromoto places, under her mantle, all of those who need support and protection against the forces of chaos, which are losing space and action again due to the internal union amongst the praying hearts of different nations of the world.

I invite you, My children, to double your efforts, there is still time to be able to avoid suffering and chaos in the nations of South America.

May your prayer be that column of light that unites you to God.

May your prayer be the way to speak lovingly with God so that the Celestial Father may respond immediately.

In the end, everything will pass, and the souls must only remain with the memory of love in their hearts, they must have within their memory the moments of joy that they lived during the times of great oppression.

Your Mother and Lady of Coromoto extends Her Mantle from the Sacred Savannah, sheltering under It the sacred tepuis all the way up until the Caribbean Sea.

Everything, absolutely everything, will be transfigured, and if that unity and internal strength of the prayerful people continues to be offered for Venezuela, many more unjust situations will be avoided and entire families of Venezuela, who had become spiritually destroyed, will recover the meaning and the joy of having come to the Earth.

Apply, My children, the gift of forgiveness so that the sentiment of wrath is transmuted. May forgiveness, beyond the events, lead you to the Love of God because in the Love of God you will achieve the peace so awaited for by all.

My children, I am with you at every stage and every moment. Remain united to My Heart.

I love you, and I give you My Maternal Consolation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Coromoto



Today My Hands are wounded for having come to meet those who were in danger and suffering persecution.

This is a sign, My children, that the time has changed for everyone and that the events have advanced before what was expected, and in a violent way.

The Lady of Coromoto is in vigil and in prayer waiting for injustice to finish, waiting for the power, that men believe they have, to be defeated. But the Divine Light will fight and triumph for the poorest, for the simple in heart, for those who do not want conflicts nor wars.

Venezuela today is the scene of everything that men and women on the surface can generate as they distance themselves from God and believe they can do more than the majority of their siblings.

This is the time when the Armageddon is rapidly being unleashed and the nations most sought after by evil are the focus of the big created conflicts.

It is time, prayerful children, for prayer to increasingly strengthen within you.

It is time for all beings of goodwill not to exclude themselves, but to assume prayer for peace in Venezuela and Syria.

When I asked you to pray for Venezuela and Syria three times a week, it was for you, to assume this commitment with enthusiasm, as it was in this time when more difficult moments would come, to Venezuela especially.

Today, My children, your priority of life is to pray for your brothers and sisters of Venezuela and Central America who have already been singled out by the hands of persecution and the created social upheavals that affect families and entire peoples.

My adversary unleashes his fury over South-America and, through indignation, resentment and suffering, he is gaining more territory and more reign. His most unimaginable beasts now walk over some nations and millions of children of Mine are subjected by the system and by power.

This is the war of everyone against everyone. But you, beloved children, who are more conscious, must make the greater effort to bring celestial peace to the Earth because thus evil will defeat itself when it no longer finds instruments for it to be able to operate through.

I know that, for My children of Venezuela, the captivity has been unbearable and painful. 

Everything that happens today, in My dear Venezuela, is the real demonstration of the systems practiced in the world by those who believe themselves to be powerful. But, just as it was in Fatima, the faith, the devotion and the love of those who seek peace will defeat the kingdom of My adversary.

As never before, your Mother and Lady treads, with Her Feet, on the head of the serpent and presses on it with the Power of God to dissolve, as soon as possible, all pain caused.

It is not time to fight with weapons. It is time to intelligently triumph with the instrument of prayer because nothing is defined yet.

I invite you to reinforce the commitment of prayer for Venezuela, but let this be in truth.

I would no longer want to see disgraces being unleashed in other nations.

Assume this moment today, it is the time of Armageddon.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Coromoto


My Consciousness of humility is reflected in the innocent souls.  My eyes shine in the good souls.

In all of humanity, My Consciousness has Its manifestation, specially in those hearts that pray for redemption.

Dear children, today My pilgrim Consciousness traverses Venezuela together with you, trying to pour the Graces that the hearts need.  Follow the steps of Your Mother that will open the paths for the souls to receive the mercy that they need.

I am united to all the children that pray for this cause of peace in all of Venezuela.  I lovingly accompany the prayer of all those who are united to this mission.  Here, in this village, the souls need a lot of light and redemption, they need to see in their faces the joy of finding Christ again in the heart of each brother and sister.

Let us continue on this pilgrimage, because Your Lady of Coromoto carries between Her hands the flag of liberation and peace, and all of Her Children walk behind asking for mercy; thus, the most just and the most sinful shall have the Grace of being helped by the love of My Immaculate Heart.

Prayer to Our Lady of Coromoto,
Liberator of Venezuela

Holy Lady of Coromoto,
Bridge of Light to the New Humanity.

Pray with us constantly,
convert the race of this entire planet
so that, lifted to Heaven by Your arms,
we may say yes to our holy freedom.


I thank you for answering to My call!

Who leads you to the Heart of the Celestial Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


​​I bring Light to the world; a light that comes from God for all of the souls of Earth.

I am the Spokesperson of the Universe; I am She Who announces the second coming of Christ, first in the simple hearts so that later they may see Him coming in His Glory.

I am that Star of the Infinite that illuminates the paths of those who go astray, and that brings wisdom to those who understand nothing.

Dear children, I am that Sun that in the name of God awakens sleeping hearts with Its rays.

I am that invisible and spiritual balsam that brings hope and healing to all beings. I am the Regent, I am the Governing Mother of the children of God. I am the One Commissioned by the Holy Spirit to awaken the suns of God that are present on the surface of the Earth.

I am Your Mother and Lady of Coromoto. I am the Guide of all of the peoples and the Liberator from all oppression.

I am the same Faith manifested in the heart of His children.

I am the Grace and the Mercy for those who cry out and repent.

Dear children, I am the Spiritual Mother of nations. I am the spiritual Guardian of the Purpose for each country. I am the Instructor for those who want to learn through My Love and My truth.

I am the perfect company for the angels of each nation. I am She who directs the choirs of Heaven, I am She Who asks for redemption.

Beloved children, on this day, through the power of Grace and of Glory I come to renew hearts that are thirsty for peace, but awake to receive the call of God. A call that is not widely heard by all because the blindness of material life hypnotizes My children and does not allow them to find union with God.

But in you, dear children of Venezuela, I find the cry, the supplication, the true aspiration of again finding freedom among the peoples and their principles.

Today I come here, dear children, to remind you that the Love of God is the primordial power for the times that are coming. The Love of God is the shield against all adversity and test.

Today I come to remind you of the spiritual principle and the purpose of this nation, which is that of expressing the joy of loving the Plan of the Creator through culture and the peoples.

Dear children, do not tire; the world suffers worse things than those you are experiencing. In this time, offer the Almighty the incalculable sacrifice of austerity, that this represent in the Universe the ultimate offer for the redemption of all the sins that are the cause for what is happening today.

Dear children, I bring you the true inner liberty that has neither form nor appearance in the eyes of the world. I bring to you the possibility, in these times of crisis, of finding again the filiation with God and His Purpose that are beyond material life.

Dear children, I have come to Venezuela to listen to your prayers, and to accompany you as you cross this desert that you are traversing.

My children, I am the Liberator of these people. I am She who brings the Mercy of God to you and to this entire planet.

For this effort of yours of having prepared My coming to Venezuela: I thank you now and always for responding to My call.

Who blesses and encourages you to proceed onward in the name of the Love of My Son,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Coromoto


Dear Children,

I come from Heaven to prevent a future war of famine. Therefore, with all the choirs of Heaven, I implore the Almighty for all peoples and their constant errors throughout times.

I come to ask everyone not to forget the Power of God which is the purest, holiest and highest; for all will be concretized through Him. For this reason, dear children, do not rest until you live in His infinite Will.

I come to offer you the healing of your sadness, the light to your hearts, the redemption of your lives. I have come to prevent chaos, but also to pray for you and with you; listen to My Voice, listen to My Holy Call.

Dear children, pray with Me and all will be resolved. If your families and peoples pray wholeheartedly to My Immaculate Heart, there will be nothing that will make you fear. I am your Mother and Lady of Coromoto. I am your Guiding Star, follow My footsteps and My petitions, and everything will pass.

Dear children, form prayer groups and may your words reach the Heavens so that My Son may have the joy of freeing you from this captivity. As your Mother, I come on this day to announce My Peace to you and to give you My Peace because, through My Heart, you will find the gates of redemption.

Children, forgive yourselves, for in human beings there is blindness, there is pain and misunderstanding. In spite of everything, do not forget to love so that all may soon be healed.

Days and nights I prayed to be able to come here; you called Me and here I am, I come to help you because I love your people, I love each one of you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gathers you in the Holy Heart of the God of Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Today I would like you to remember Me as the Mother and Queen of Chiquinquirá, as the kind Servant who promises all Her children of Colombia a consecration to the Almighty God.

After many pilgrims have visited My holy image in the Sanctuary, on this day I would like the Mother of Chiquinquirá to be the patroness and pilgrim of the prayer groups of Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Nicaragua. Through the Mother of Chiquinquirá, the peoples will be able to achieve reconciliation with God and union among themselves.

Dear children, may the holy image that will be blessed in Venezuela, together with the Lady of Coromoto at the end of this month, be the principal bridge of union among cultures to establish peace.

The Virgin of Chiquinquirá is the reflection of the purest aspect of the simplicity of the Mother of God, just as Our Lady of Cobre is for Central America.

The Virgin of Chiquinquirá, together with the Virgin of Guadalupe, brings reconciliation among nations and consciousnesses. For this reason, the Virgin of Fatima will go on pilgrimage through the Andean countries to offer the purity so necessary and fundamental in humanity.

Dear children, when the Virgin of Chiquinquirá begins Her pilgrimage through Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Nicaragua, a special devotion between the peoples and the phases of the Divine Mother will be established in the internal planes.

Finally, when the Little Virgin of Guadalupe goes on pilgrimage through the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, a cycle of this work will be completed that today My dear children are carrying out in the pilgrimage in Colombia.

In honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the holy image of the Virgin of Chiquinquirá will be taken to the Sanctuary by My missionary children, so that it may be blessed in the Holy Mass on Friday.

From that moment on, an absolution from the errors of the past will be granted when the holy image begins its pilgrimage through each city of Colombia and, afterwards, through the neighboring countries of the region.

Dear children, I give you My thanks for everything.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages
Message for the Annual Apparition of the Holy Mary of Aurora, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In glory, joy and celebration, today I gather you in the cenacle of My Immaculate Heart in order to give honor and thanks to the God of Redemption, who has gathered you since the beggining to live within the path of conversion and forgiveness.

Let us give thanks to His infinite Presence in the pure and simple hearts that have heard the call of the Queen of Heaven, of the Holy Mary of Aurora.

Today, the closing of a universal cycle, in the work of the Mother of God with Her children of humanity is fulfilled.

Today, the Heavens open up to find the devout and humble souls that have responded to the call of Peace.

Blessed be all who are present in this Higher Kingdom of Redemption and Love, because on August 8, 2007, Heaven touched the Earth through the blessing of the Universal Mother, and Her attributes were revealed through Her Faces in the cycle of the twenty-two apparitions in August of 2011.

In this synthesis, that I give you today, My dear children, I wish you to be aware of the events that will be kept for a long time after I am no longer be here among you. But I shall not leave you alone. My Immaculate Heart shall be your strength and main reason to go to Jesus, the Christ.

As a mediator and Mother, in the end of times I call you, dear children, to this new cycle, to gather the inner forces of the heart in order to cross the infinite threshold towards the Heavens. There you will be able to live in peace with yourselves and among your families, even though you live in this world that suffers.

On August 8, 2007, I came to establish devotion to the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity in Uruguay and in South America, awakening a deeper devotion for the Mother and Lady of Lujan in Argentina, for Our Mother of the Thirty-Three in Uruguay, and for Our Lady Aparecida in Brazil. My Universal Heart knocked on the doors of the hearts from the Republic of Venezuela through Our Lady of Coromoto in order to rescue the consciousnesses of the original peoples of the Americas, along with the Divine Power of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

I have established the devotion to My Immaculate Heart throughout the world, for it is the portal for the salvation of the lost souls who are distant from the God of Love.

Today, dear children, may your inner celebration be deeply devotional and mystical, allowing the Love of God to transform you through My Presence on this day.

My main appreciation is for all My children, believers or non-believers, healthy or ill, happy or sad, who were called to My path of Peace and Redemption of souls.

Today, the light of the Marian Centers shines in a special way in the world, for My motherly Consciousness will appear to Its beloved children who faithfully trusted the Lady of Heaven.

Remember, dear children, that I pray day and night for your missions consecrated to God the Father.

For so much that you have given Me, I thank you, now and always.

I am the Aurora that can dawn within every being.

Peace and Mercy for the whole world,

Your Holy Mother Mary, Lady of Aurora


My dear children of Venezuela and the world:

On this day, I come to the world under the celestial powers of God, to liberate the evil that is being caused in the heart of many of My children.

As Mother and Lady of Coromoto, I desire that all the homes of Venezuela are consecrated every day to the Protective Power of My Immaculate Heart.

Now, for this critical and challenging cycle that many innocents are facing, I call you to pray the Rosary for Peace and Redemption.  On this day I bring this special request of prayer, as one time I did in Fatima, Portugal.  A request that was accomplished by the three simple shepherds of Aljustrel who, because of their surrender and love to My Immaculate Heart, disarmed through prayer the war that at that time was triggered over the world.

But while the feeling of oppression now is diffused as poison in the heart of humanity, I ask you and I say to you, that the moment to beg and ask Heaven for Mercy has come.

My steps of Light are directed to Venezuela in order to help, calm down and pacify the hearts that are most in need.

In truth, My dear children, you are already facing one of the many consequences of the end of a time.

My Immaculate Heart promises to help you in each moment; in this difficult hour, I Am with you and I have sent in mission My children from the Association Mary, so that you may feel My Sacred and Most Holy Maternal Protection very near you.

Dear children, it is in the moments of difficult trials that you must look with fervor to Christ and ask the Celestial Father for His Piety and Mercy.

You, as children of God, are the first ones to face the great trials that some nations will live; but if you are united to Me and contemplate My Consciousness for an instant, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in your lives and nothing nor anyone will remove My Maternal Love from your hearts, because My Love of Mother for you is eternal and perpetual.

My dear children, offer to the Celestial Father the fasting for peace and pray much, so that I, Your Celestial Mother, may intercede for the innocents and for their families.

I pour My blessings over all the praying ones of the Network of Light and I ask you all to pray the Powerful Novena to the Mother of the Perpetual Help, so that My Divine Consciousness may intercede for all the children of the beloved nation of Venezuela.

I thank, from now and always, all the children of Venezuela for the answer that you have given to My call.

That in times without peace we may be in Peace and seek the Peace of God!

I thank you, I bless you and I protect you with the Immaculate Maternal Love,

Your Mother Mary, the Supreme Lady of Coromoto

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
