Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, at this moment we will sing "Ave Maria" of Gounot.

Let us prepare ourselves to receive Her Graces.

Let those who can kneel down.

Let us open our hearts to receive Our Mother, the Most Holy Virgin Mary.


I will never fail to give you what is deepest of that which My Heart holds.

For this reason, today I am here and I will always be, not only as the Mother of Brazil, but also as the Mother of the world, the One who extends Her Cosmic Mantle upon the universe so that all fallen stars, in this universe and in others, may be re-ignited through My Redeeming Love, through the authority that My Son has entrusted to Me from the beginning, when He said to Me, “Mother, behold Your son” and He said to John, “Son, behold your Mother.”

I come as the Mother of all, the untiring and persevering Mother who goes on pilgrimage with you in these times of great challenges and tests for Brazil and the whole world. But today, I want to give you the special Message: if you keep praying for Brazil and the whole world, you must not fear anything, My children.

My Son has announced His Return to you and His Return will be fulfilled as it is written. This Return will be fulfilled mainly in the hearts of those who believe in His Word and His Presence.

Therefore, He sends Me as the Mother of all, as your Advocate and Celestial Intercessor. He sends Me to placate the errors of the world and the sins, the incoherence of many nations, the ambition of a few hearts that believe they have power and impunity in their hands.

But I invite you once again, My children, to place your consciousnesses in that which is celestial and divine, just like in the last days, through the Marathon of Prayer, My Son placed your essences in that which is highest in this sidereal universe.

Today, My armies of Light also expand on the surface of the Earth, through newly consecrated Children of Mary. This army can be strengthened and renewed through your inner vows to Me, because no matter where you are or whatever the conditions under which you may live in the end of these times, if your hearts are united to Me in prayer, I will always promise you sacred protection. Trust in that which I am telling you. Follow My Message, the last Message that I gave you yesterday.

Works of Mercy are still quite necessary in the world so that the chastisement foreseen for the world may be placated and a great part of humanity may no longer show or provoke the Justice of God, as this is not necessary, My children. My Son shed His Blood at an incalculable price for all. He suffered the great wood of the Cross. He agonized for each one of you at each step, at each moment.

Tonight, spiritually allow the Blood of Jesus to wash and purify you so that the world may also be completely purified and washed from the ambition of war, abortion, the conflicts and even disease. Because for God nothing is inexplicable, but for humanity it is so in these times. Therefore, place your gaze on God, on His Supreme Universe. Never forget that you are worthy Children of God and He always expects you to be, despite the consequences and the tests.

With your thought, but above all with your constant prayer of the heart, elevate this country, this people and all of South America.

We have come here, in these last three months, to respond to an emergency, and we will be here whenever it may be necessary. But My Message and, above all, My Love, must reach the whole world. The Love of My Heart is already living in you, but there are brothers and sisters in this world who do not have My Love, who do not know hope, who do not know the faith that you consciously live at the foot of this sacred Light-Community.

Therefore, I invite you to raise the Communities upon the surface of the Earth and all points of Light that must awaken throughout the world. Remember, My children, that there will be a minimum part of you that will carry out the great task, but all may be united in spirit and omnipresence.

My Son entrusted to you the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Spirit that always comes to anoint, renew and heal you. Therefore, today liberate your hearts from sorrows and sadness. Renew yourselves through My humble but celestial Presence, and be One with My Son, Christ, through acts of Mercy, service, prayer, adoration and, above all, Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ.

He comes to renew Himself in these times, through you, through the infinite life of the Sacraments. Because a Sacrament is not a simple act, it is more than a Grace and an opportunity, it is the great chance that all have to be consciously united to God, to receive His Grace, His Love and His Mercy.

This is why today I come to place in another dimension all those present and those not present. In the dimension of the Great Divine and Only Consciousness, from where your souls emerged from the Origin, where the Purpose was known by your essences since the beginning. A Purpose that, in these times, I invite you to embrace and come to know internally. A Purpose that will reveal itself before you, to each one of your hearts, when you surrender in trust before that which is unknown. Then, the great door of the Grace of God will open and His Mercy will descend as it has always done. It will make of your hearts peaceful hearts. Thus, you will have a heart ready for the end of times, although you may keep feeling what you call fear.

But believe in the Light that comes through My Heart to all. The Light that represents the Cosmic Christ, the One who let Himself be nailed upon the Cross for each one of you, and Whose Side shed Water and Blood for the liberation of all of humanity until the end of times, until His Return.

Therefore, position yourselves now under the Rays of Mercy of My Son, through the intercession of your Celestial Advocate. Entrust your aspirations to the Eternal Father, to Christ. Drink of the Fountain of Grace that is offered to you at this moment, so that your souls may be healed and your hearts may rejoice at My Maternal Presence.

Today, I bring a special renewal for all Children of Mary. Especially for My Children of Brazil, who have the Sacred Purpose of sustaining the Flame of Peace, this Sacred Flame which springs from My Immaculate Heart, and also of sustaining the banner of Peace of Christ in these definitive times.

As the song says in the call of Mary, if you place yourselves always at the disposal of God, strength will not tremble.

What do you fear in these times, if I am here and if I am your Celestial Mother, who brings you the Message of Heaven, of the Universe? Who, through the Word of Life of the Sacred Word, comes to heal your wounds, traumas and all your past, comes to renew you in Christ and for Christ, so that the triumph of His Divine Mercy may take place in many more hearts of this world and, thus, all those who are awakened say “nevermore” to evil and darkness, so that the Light and Love of My Son may triumph.

Many are the Graces that the world needs in these times, but many are the prayers that will keep rising through the response of each of My children. Therefore, we will keep praying faithfully, allowing Heaven to touch the Earth, and the Life of God and His Infinite Universe to make more miracles in souls, especially in those that need love and a lot of redemption.

This is why in these times I invite you to accept your path of conversion with perseverance and with great faith. Do not allow yourselves to fear or be disturbed, believe, once and for all, that you already have a place in My Heart of a Mother, a Sacred Place in which you will always find peace, relief and healing of all this humanity.

Be persevering on the path of great transformation and allow your essences, in these times, to be guiding stars for many souls and hearts, in prayer, in anonymity and in sacred service for Our Lord, the Redeemer.

In these times, allow His Mercy to descend upon the world. The descent of Divine Mercy is still very urgent for all this humanity.

It is time to act from the heart and with discernment, without letting your faith oscillate, renewed in Christ at each moment and at each step.

I come here tonight to thank you for the triumph of the Sacred Hearts in South America. Although difficult and even inexplicable situations continue to take place, do not fail to continue on. See how the Heart of Christ triumphs once again in silent and anonymous dwellings, in those who say ‘yes’ in simplicity.

While I am present here, I collect your intentions and the intentions of all those who are listening to this transmission, to bring them within My Heart to God and convert them into Graces, opportunities, hope and Mercy for all souls, especially those who most need God at this moment.

Now, listening to the instrumental of the hymn of consecration, I invite, to the foot of this scenery, those who will take today the step of being consecrated as Children of Mary.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may approach.


And through this consecration, I will open for you the door to the great opportunity of renewal of vows for all those who already consider themselves as My Children. Also so that, through this group of Children of Mary that I will consecrate today, a new Rosary of Light for Brazil may emerge, the souls that, through prayer, will sustain the end of these times, the challenges and experiences that this country will live.

Your voice, the voice of each Child that will be consecrated today, will be heard through each new Rosary of Light. I invite you to disseminate this blessed exercise of the Rosary of Light in families, in nations, wherever you go, in the whole world.

All must know the Grace of being part of a Rosary of Light, because at each consecration of Children of Mary, each heart, each soul and each spirit becomes a bead of Light of My great Universal Rosary through which I can pray in plenitude, bliss and joy, to present to God the great redemption of all His Children.

This is why today I bless those who are a part of My army of Light on the surface of the Earth. I bless those beloved children of Mine who will sustain in these definitive times the banner of Peace for Brazil, crying out, through prayer, for Peace and Mercy for this blessed Land of God, chosen as the cradle of the New Humanity.

As the Lady Aparecida, as the Queen of Peace, as the Lady of the Sacred Figueira, I bless and consecrate you as My Children, under the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, I want to hear you sing.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My very dear children, one hundred years after being in Fatima, today I am here among you, with this humanity, for this beloved planet which from the beginning has been a part of a project greatly appreciated by God, which must be concretized in this end of times.

Today I come here, dear children, with a special Message that is born of My Immaculate Heart, to announce it to all the souls of the Earth, especially those who are the favored ones of Your Celestial Mother.

Today I am not here alone, dear children, but also with the Presence of the Father and the Son; and this Sacred Trinity, which is being established today in this Marian Center, benefits many souls in the world, resolves many planetary situations, dissolves many evils that were about to happen.

With the love that comes from My children of the world, with the love that comes from your hearts, I can transform this humanity and this planet into the spiritual and physical model that God expects. It is enough, dear children, that you follow the indications of your Celestial Mother so that My Immaculate Heart not only continue to triumph in your lives, but also on all the planet.

The Message that I want to bring to you and bring you closer to today is about the important events that took place yesterday in the Sanctuary of the Aparecida, and today in the Sanctuary of Fatima in Portugal, moments in which the souls most appreciated by My Immaculate Heart went to meet with your Celestial Mother, not only to implore and plead with Her for healing, but also to pray with Her to stop new events on this planet, just like a hundred years ago.

I want to tell you, dear children, that with the two meetings carried out, both in Brazil and in Portugal, many situations that perhaps your minds are not able to understand today, were stopped.

Thus, today I invite you to place My Words in your hearts, because it will be the place where they will truly be perpetuated and cause the sacred virtues of the Divine Family of Nazareth to grow in you.

With the meetings that took place on these two days, not only Argentina was aided, but also the whole world, but especially the places of the world where nuclear and atomic tests are done, which are at the point of being activated in humanity.

But this was stopped in the thoughts of those who idealize it, as well as in those consciousnesses who carry it out.

Humanity does not have control in their hands or in their actions. Power itself is held by Our Creator, although humanity knows absolutely nothing about it.

See how simple, dear children, can be the act of love that can be born of your hearts for the Celestial Father, and everything that He must do on this planet and with this humanity.

The souls of Asia were also helped, especially those that face annihilation and torture; and in truth I tell you, dear children, that these events also cause My Immaculate Heart to suffer.

But I gather up the strength to continue to come to the world through your prayers and your presences. This is what motivates Me to continue coming to the world, because I know that on this planet, in spite of there being imperfect souls, there are true hearts that want to work for the good and for peace.

On this afternoon, dear children, when your Celestial Mother unites this Marian Center with the Marian Center of Fatima in Portugal, I want you to be able to fully understand how important the meetings, the calls and the convocations are that Our Sacred Hearts are doing in these critical times through the Pilgrimages for Peace, of which the aim and the primary reason are to avoid there being many more disorders in the world than those which already exist, many more revolutions than those occurring, and mainly, avoiding the continuation of the human massacre of this humanity. 

I want you to feel in your hearts the true call of My maternal Heart, just as you have felt it since the last Marathon of Divine Mercy up until today; taking care, accompanying and carrying out each detail to be able to honor God Our Creator, who continues yet to be very offended and who today is repaired by the prayers of your hearts, by the pleas of your souls and by the true intentions of your spirits.

To follow the steps of the Celestial Mother in these times, dear children, means to make new decisions in your lives and experience great changes, changes that you have never experienced before in this life, for the main reason of helping the evolution of this planet and the survival of this humanity.

I would like, dear children, that from your hearts a vow of commitment to Me be born every day, so that I may perform through you the thousands of wonders and of miracles that I still want to carry out in your consciousnesses and in the whole planetary consciousness. 

Through these pilgrimages for peace, the Divine Messengers untiringly and unconditionally come to build on the surface of this planet the bases that will be used in the future for the New Humanity.

We know, dear children, that your humanity of the surface is going through a great and definitive transition. I ask, dear children, that you not fear what Our Hearts have announced, but rather you live Our Message daily, so that future events be diverted, dissipated and transformed by the light that can be born of your hearts.

I can no longer see souls suffering in the world and how consciousness of this humanity daily decides to take other steps that separate them from God, and especially, from the universe of His Love.

Thus, I invite you on this afternoon to renew your vows, so that you may be more merciful and carry this so needed Mercy to the world to be able to close the wounds of many hearts and lives, and bring the peace that the world so needs in these times.

I would like, dear children, that these wonders, these miracles of love that we can do together through these meetings of prayer, which greatly help the planet through the avoidance of catastrophes, will be able to be repeated.

May these meetings be able to be renewed, may they be able to give you the impulse to live your inner transformation, and in these times, find the path of return to Christ.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is in this way that I reveal to you that My Mission in this world, together with each of you, is much broader, deeper and more infinite than what your hearts imagine or know.

Today, My children, I come to this place to broaden your understanding, not only in relation to these times, but also in relation to the mission that each of you has with Me.

I called you here not only to heal your lives, your souls and your spirits; above all, I called you, My children, so that united with Me, we may heal the wounds of this planet, heal its wounds that go beyond the Kingdoms of Nature, that go beyond the consciousness of this planet, beyond the human consciousness and reach the Heart of God, wounded daily by the outrages that His children commit out of a lack of awareness, out of ignorance and a lack of love.

Today I call you to a reparation of the Heart of God and of human life, of the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature and the spirit of this planet which untiringly sustains you, although you do not see it, do not know it, do not know about its mission or its perseverance.

Today, children, I come to share with each of your hearts, the pain I feel for this world, not only so that you suffer, so that you feel this pain in your hearts, but so that your consciousnesses wake up to know the planetary need, which is beyond your homes and the sorrow that your hearts may experience.

There is so much in this world to be repaired, to be healed and to be redeemed, My children, that I need you to hear My call and that you simply pray with Me for the redemption of this humanity.

In the face of all that is happening in this world, it is so little that I ask of you, that you pray for peace, that you not only pray for yourselves, but for all of humanity, and that you also serve, that you provide an example and testimony of the change God makes in your lives every day.

I want, My children, to expand My Kingdom of Peace beyond Fatima.


(The transmission is interrupted because of an electrical outage)


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Do not worry, dear children, for My divine and universal Presence is powerful and transformative, and everything that I can touch is liberated.

Everything is in universal order. Everything is under My immovable and non-transferable Peace.

Continue to listen to My Message.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

What I want to tell you is important for the confirmation of your spirits upon a unique path, which not only leads you to peace, but also builds the triumph of My Immaculate Heart on this planet.

For this reason, in the same way that at this moment I ask that you have an immutable peace, and that with Me, it be invincible, irrespective of interferences or the chaos there may be on this planet; within you, My children, I want to build true disciples of peace and companions of Christ, so that My Kingdom may expand out through this world beyond the sacred places I founded and that, through each of you, My Peace reach the four corners of this Earth.

In this way, children, I come on this day to reveal the importance of you being confirmed in My Plan, which in truth, is the Plan of God, a single Plan for the redemption of this planet, for the renewal of this universe, as well as for all of creation.

I want to lead you through simple things, simple actions and real transformations so this Plan may be accomplished.

For this reason, I ask that today, at My Feet you give up all human will and ambition which does not build what I hope to build within you. Like warriors of this time, that you place your swords at the service of God so that they do not fight for some other reason, but rather for the establishment of peace. And that, in Fatima as well as in Lourdes, as well as in Aparecida or in Aurora, My army be a single, invincible one, because it acts together with God for the reparation of His Heart and for the transformation of this planet.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this afternoon of Grace, I also come to bless those who will be consecrated as new children of My Heart.

Thus, you will now take, dear children, the water of this basin, blessed by the Holy Spirit, so it may be sprinkled over those who will be consecrated by a priest, as a symbol of consecration and of renewal, closing the doors of the past and opening the doors, the new doors, to the Celestial Kingdom.

May this consecration mean to live the commitment with God in a perpetual and eternal way, so that all that surround your lives and paths may also be able to receive the Grace of being consecrated someday to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.

In this place, and through this new army that is being consecrated today, I want to see true warriors of peace who, in Argentina, make the importance of this Marian Center and the spiritual task it carries out be known, when souls simply place their feet on this place, for this will help more souls in this Argentina to once again recover the light of love and mainly experience the path to their redemption.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us fetch the water. Sister Amerisa, if you would, please.

Let us prepare at this moment and in the Presence of the Most Holy Mary for this consecration of the new Children of Mary who will represent Argentina and the future which this nation must live as part of a New Humanity.

So be it.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Beloved and Almighty Lord, yesterday, through Your faithful Servant, You deigned to bless this small and humble source so that from here the New Christs may emerge.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will ask the new Children of Mary who will be consecrated to stand, place their hands in a sign of reception and let us prepare for this consecration.

We will intone the hymn of your consecration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

When a soul is consecrated to God, it can mirror the Divine Attributes of the Creator on the surface.

Divine Thought is done through the souls that are consecrated, to find again in each moment the love of the universe and all of Creation.

I leave here, dear children, with the joy of having accomplished this important call through you.

I invite you and I call you to accompany Our Sacred Hearts until the end of this pilgrimage, through which many more things will be avoided.

So be it.

I bless you, under the authority that My beloved Son granted Me and under the authority of the Supreme Celestial Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call.

See you soon!


Opening the door of My Heart, dear children, I give you My Supreme Grace. It is the Grace of My Heart that will strengthen you and protect you in these times.

I come once more to Sao José to bless you and I entrust you to the Most Chaste Saint Joseph so that He may be your Protector Father, the Guardian of your essences, the Shepherd of souls after Christ.

Today I would like to have you closer to My Heart, because I heard your prayers. And I also come on this day to bless Brazil in this important task it has for this moment; a very profound spiritual task, a purpose that many souls of this nation are involved with without knowing it, which is the purpose, dear children, of keeping faith alive in this blessed people that I cherish with so much Love.

Thus, today I come dressed with the mantle of this nation, bringing healing to souls, wisdom for all spirits, and on the planet of this nation I bring the Peace of God for the world.

This is the spirit and the proposition for this nation.

Now I will continue telling you, dear children, that My message on this day is to bring you the Grace of restoration and healing for all My children of Brazil, who are so in need of God and His Infinite Mercy so as to be able to persist in these times.

The planet has changed a lot, just as you know. Thus, I come on this day to you to show you once again the path toward Jesus, and the Love that He wants to pour out over all your hearts and lives.

Today, I would like to ask you for something special, dear children present here in Sao José, that you recite a prayer or at least a Mystery of the Rosary, so that Your Heavenly Mother may be able to fulfill the purpose through Her children, of reaching Central America.

Just as I appeared in this nation to protect the Purpose of God it has, in the same way I appeared in Mexico as Guadalupe to unite the races and the peoples in one same equality, in one same condition of love and of fraternity.

Therefore, I ask all of My children, not only those who are here in Sao José, but also in the whole world, that on this day of vigil you offer more prayers to your Heavenly Mother, so that My Basket of gold may be deposited at the foot of the altar of the Creator, and that it be the greatest and infinite offering of the salvation of all the souls of My beloved America.

I am here among you, dear children, as our Lady of Aparecida from Brazil and the Queen of Peace, opening My Immaculate Heart to you so that you may be able to enter the Temple, the Sacred Tabernacle of your Lord Jesus, Who contemplates you on this evening with His Mercy, erasing your debts, dissipating errors, bringing hope and a renewal through My Immaculate Heart.

Today I am not here alone with you; I am with the pilgrim soul of Brazil, with all the faithful devotees: simple and poor, rich and austere, who follow the Spirit of Peace, the spirit of your Lady.

In Heaven this is reflected as a great celebration, fulfilling again the prophecy that all the generations throughout all times, would honor and glorify the One Crowned with Stars, the Mother of God.

The angels see this event in Brazil as a new door that is opened on this October 12, not only in the Universe but also in this country that so needs forgiveness and redemption.

But it is the devotion and the faith of My children that will always allow me to come here, anywhere in Brazil, when the Will of God establishes it. When your voices pray to My Heart, irrespective of where you are, know that the prayer is powerful when it is done with the heart and with all the love of your lives. This renews your families and all planetary life, bringing an exceptional and extraordinary Grace for this end time.

Today I am among you, dear children, contemplating the nations of the world, and I invite you once more to renew yourselves within the Campaign for Peace; to be disseminators of My message, of My celestial call for these times, to now and always live the prayer of the heart, so that peace may be established in the human heart and on the planet.

I want all My pilgrims to come here today, My dear pilgrims, who helped Me to concretize My arrival in this city.

Draw close to My altar so that I may bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It is a joy to know that Brazil still loves Me, and that every day works on its faith to establish the trust in God and His Divine Purpose in its consciousness.

You, dear children, who today approach My altar, My Guadalupean altar, represent all the consciousness of Brazil.

I also ask all the Brazilians that are listening to Me in this moment in the depths of their hearts, to place their left hand on their chest so that the Voice of your Heavenly Mother may be able to resonate forever, the Mother who cherishes you and loves you, who for all Her children wants the path of the good and of peace, of hope and of faith, in spite of what happens.

In this way, I unite you with My Holy Rosary, and today, dear children of Brazil, you are part of the beads of My prayer that I will give to the Eternal Father and will place in His Holy Hands, so that He may see, dear children, that His faithful Servant, the forever Virgin Mary, fulfills the promise of salvation and of redemption of hearts. With My Hand pointing at My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, dear children, to trust in Me as you should trust Christ.

Trust in Me, because I will always lead you to God.

Trust in Me, because I will protect you from all evil.

Trust in Me, because I will always bring relief to your hearts, I will calm your suffering, I will bring you hope and the Grace of God from the most pure Fount of His Mercy.

Trust in Me, dear children of all nations, so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph through your lives in the whole planetary consciousness.

Trust in Me, because you can always count on My angels of Light.

On this day I give you, dear children, the flag of Peace, so that it always may be seen in the shining of your prayers and in the smile of your hearts, for in this way, everything will be healed.

You are Children of Mary, some already consecrated, and today consecrated by Me, so that in humanity the Plan of God for all of the Earth may be strengthened.

Tomorrow you will wear My Blue Mantle of Light, in the first place, feeling your souls consecrated to Me in this new cycle, in which your lives will be purified, but you will count on My guidance so that your hearts are always renewed and faith and all the Love of My Heart prevail in your lives.

Do not fear transforming; fear being far from God.

I invite you, dear children, in the sacred Oratory of My Immaculate Heart, to be witnesses of My Presence in this place, in the Americas.

Pray to your Heavenly Mother so that Her Plan may triumph on Earth and in all the souls that are awakening.

For the Light poured by Your Immaculate Heart,
that converted the hearts of the world,
Divine Lady, pray for us. Amen.

(Four times in Portuguese)

Blessed am I among all women, and blessed are your hearts before God when you live in My Heart.

Blessed is the step you take in your lives.

Blessed may your prayer always be.

Blessed are your guardian angels.

Blessed be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Now sing the prayer that you have prayed.

I thank you for responding to My call and I invite you to disseminate the power of My Immaculate Heart.

Smile at your Heavenly Mother. Humanity is waking up from its deep sleep.

Hallelujah, hallelujah!


If I come from Heaven, it is because of a greater cause. It is for something that is still unknown to you, dear children, and that is called Infinite Purpose, in which all souls assemble to live the Plan of God, for example, through this meeting.

I wish your hearts would receive My maternal Call, because it is also the call of My Son, Who in this time invites you to the redemption of your lives.

I Am your Holy Mother from Heaven and I wish the best for each one of you.

For this reason, on this evening, I invite you, dear children, to follow My steps as the Pilgrim Mother on the Path of Light that I am outlining through this meeting of prayer, especially for the youngest, who are the next mission for these times.

I descend from Heaven to bring you My Graces, but also to bring you the Word of God, which is the Word of My Beloved Son, that echoes in all of the Universe, and that waits to echo in your hearts forever.

Dear children, if your hearts awaken, many more hearts will awaken and, in this way, little by little, the Plan of God in this world will be fulfilled, a Plan that is precious and immaculate, that waits to be drawn in your hearts so that it may also be fulfilled in your lives, before My Maternal Presence.

Today I want your hearts to feel comforted by My Spirit; because I am not only here with you, dear children, but also with all of those who hear Me at this moment, who reciprocate with My Greater Call of spreading peace throughout the whole Earth.

If you live in peace, dear children, and seek the Peace of God in these times, peace will be established in the world and hearts will not suffer.

But if you, dear children, do not fulfill My call, many more hearts will suffer and will not be able to awaken through your mediating prayer, which I invite you to build, in this time, in your lives, in your homes and families, in that sacred oratory of love that I invite you to live every day of your lives.

While I am present here, dear children, contemplating each one of your hearts, contemplating each one of your intentions, closing your wounds, I am also closing the great wound of the world, the wound of the indifference and persecution, of the evil and selfishness of men.

For this reason, dear children, may the power of your daily prayer remove you from selfishness, may it open your eyes, the eyes of your souls, so that you may see the glorious coming of Christ, that is close, very near, in this end time.

While I am with you, dear children, I am also with those most lost in the world, with those who receive no help, with those most in need who require your arms and hands in order to be able to rebuild a new humanity, through service, prayer and peace.

Because in these simple things that I ask of you, humanity will be able to purify, souls will be alleviated, you will receive the Love of God in your hearts and will be able to be part of the promised New Land.

While that is about to happen, dear children, open your hearts and keep these words in the depths of your beings, because they will be of use for you in the difficult times that will come and that all of humanity will have to live in this last cycle of the Apocalypse.

Today I am also here for the nations; for Venezuela, for Ecuador, also for Uruguay, for all of My children of those places who continue to cry out to My Immaculate Heart.

Thus, today I also say to you: My beloved children of Venezuela, Ecuador, and Uruguay, do not give up. Lift up your arms to Heaven for those who are defeated by the persecution and evil of men.

Continue praying in trust to My Immaculate Heart, because you can be sure, dear children, that I am in your homes and families, helping those most in need, those who suffer restrictions, those who suffer all the earthquakes of this world and have no calm, not even serenity.

Thus, I invite you, dear children, to pray for each one of them, so that My Plan may also be established in those lives, so that My Peace may be able to overcome and heal them, and for those who were lost, that I may be able to lift them up to Heaven, to the Universe.

I wish true peace would be established here, and this will be generated, dear children, by your decision and collaboration. This will also help the Kingdoms of Nature, which are the Kingdoms most persecuted by man through destruction.

I need you, dear children, to contemplate all the needs of the world, that you may be able to see beyond your lives. Thus, you will be able to truly respond to the Call of God and all of your hearts will be true collaborators of the Plan, torches of Light for these times of chaos.

Just as I am here today with you, dear children, bringing the presence of the Celestial Kingdom through My Maternal Grace, I am also with all of My children in the world, with those who open the doors of their hearts so that I may enter and dwell in their lives.

Today I bring you a message of hope, but also a message of warning, that it is time to collaborate with the Plan of God, for servers to multiply in each part of this world, for the servants of My perpetual prayer to multiply their voices, so that God may receive your calls in His Heart.

I need you, dear children, in order to be able to gestate the New Humanity, so that all of the whole humanity may go through this threshold of the transition. A transition that is unknown and from which nothing that will occur is known . Hearts will be surprised by what they will see as each day will go by.

For this reason, dear children, open your hearts and receive My call, because it is the last one for the world before it is completely purified.

I wish to see you ignited in prayer and in faith, because I come to leave Flames of Divine Light in your hearts, Attributes of God, precious Codes of Redemption and of Mercy, that will reform the planet and, mainly, all the souls that hear My Voice.

While I speak, dear children, your inner wounds are closed. Have faith that this is so, because your Mother can do all things, through Her Sacred Intercession for the world.

But today I also wanted to tell you, dear children, that your commitment with Brazil, of praying for its people, for each one of My children of this nation that must awaken to My call, is important. That they must learn to pray and know to unite to God in these times, just as you have lived it today, in a simple and true way.

I need you, dear children, to carry Me in your hearts, that you adopt Me into your lives as your Mother from Heaven and the Universe. In this way, I will also be able to reach all of Brazil, that so much needs it.

Your nation consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and that consecration cannot weaken. It will be through the faithful followers of Christ that Brazil will be protected and saved.

Thus, today I bring you a true testimonial of the presence of My maternal Love for you and for the world, through all the Faces that I have revealed throughout the times and, in this nation, as the Lady Aparecida.

Today you have brought this sacred image to My Altar, responding to My maternal request that today I may consecrate it, dear children, as your Pilgrim Mother for all of Brazil.

After having received the Lady of Fatima, of having worked with her simplicity and purity, I appear again in your homes, hospitals, and houses, to reach those most in need.

Through your hands, you will carry Me and take Me where I am needed, so that I may pour out My maternal Graces over all the Brazilian hearts that believe in My Presence, in My Divinity and in My Love.

For, in this way, I give to everyone; I give them My Graces, I give them My Heart, I give them My Spirit of Peace so that they may always be in God and in My Beloved Son.

My Son gave Me to you, so that I may be your Mother; I want you to be My children and to carry Me in your hearts as a living experience for the rest of your lives; that you pray with Me every day, in the simplicity of the Sacred Rosary; that you remember God each time you wake up, because He has been greatly forgotten and offended; that you pray for your brothers and sisters, for your enemies, for all those who pursue other souls in the world, for those who govern, for those who destroy all life and Nature, for the mothers who have an abortion, for the children that are lost and do not receive the opportunity of living this life.

You must pray for all of Latin America together with Our Lady Aparecida, Who is your Pilgrim Mother of Brazil, the Incandescent Flame that re-emerges in the hearts that invoke its Universal Sacred Presence and brings salvation to the whole world.

I want you to put all of Brazil at My feet and that, in each moment you are with Me, through your Pilgrim Mother, you may open your houses and hearts so that My Presence may be able to enter your lives and, in this way, as I did in Fatima, I may be able to convert the hardest hearts. For who is with Me will not perish.

But today I also come to consecrate the Children of Mary who are part of My great testimonial of love in the world, who clothe their bodies with My mantle of Light to take peace and love to every place they may go.

Let those who will consecrate today come here, so that I may consecrate them and consecrate the holy image that will visit your homes.

I heard from Heaven, dear children, the Hymn of the Lady Aparecida. Today I want you to proclaim it out loud, so that My Spirit of Love may reach all, and the Americas may consecrate to My Immaculate Heart in these times of transition.

Hymn of the Lady Aparecida..

Dear children, when I appeared in Brazil through this sacred image for such simple fishermen, I wanted to leave the message that Brazil should always be the heart of South America, that will pound in devotion and faith, and will radiate His Light to all the hearts of the world.

Each time, dear children, that you stand before My Aparecida Presence, you will be confirming to My Immaculate Heart that I am not only your Mother, but also the Mother of Brazil Who will never be expelled and will reign with Her celestial authority forever and ever and in all the hearts that may receive Me.

I bless this image as an aid for hearts, for the relief of those who are spiritually ill and for those who suffer pain in their bodies.

I bless this image as the testimony of My Love for everyone, because I Am part of this race and to this race I will return, after My Son.

While that is about to happen, contemplate your Mother of Heaven, Our Lady Aparecida, so that I may take you to Jesus and all may be in His Sacred Heart, wounded by the world and by the sins of humanity.

Before the Father, the Beloved Son, the Holy Spirit and all the angels of the Universe, by the most holy authority granted by the Passion of Jesus and the perpetual silence of My Immaculate Heart, closing the doors to the hells, I consecrate Brazil again to Our Lady Aparecida with all the Celestial Powers and the inexplicable Graces that will break out again in the hearts like roses and petals of Light, in praise to the Creator.

I bless you, I consecrate you, My children; I consecrate this image.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May our Lady Aparecida reestablish the thousand years of peace.

And now, My children, those who consecrated will kiss this holy image in the name of forgiveness for all of humanity, so that the most impious and cruel may be saved.

I thank you for responding to My call and may youth be My great engine for Peace.

I am grateful to you forever.


Hymn to Our Lady Aparecida.

While I rise up to Heaven, sing with fervor, so that souls may awaken to the Mercy of God.

And now, that I could enter your hearts by My divine intersession, which is also the intersession of My Beloved Son, go and preach prayer in your groups and families, in your beloved and in those who are known to you, who must heal their hearts and lives so that peace may re-emerge.

Let your Mother, the Pilgrim of Brazil, travel to the places where they wish to receive Her. In this way, I will establish the fulfilling of the Purpose for Brazil, which is not in the hands of men, nor of the governors; it is in the Heart of your Eternal Father, Who you must always seek in the Heavens, in the beauty of His Creation. In this way, you will be in His Will.

Beloved Children of Mary, sparks of My Immaculate Heart, live a life of prayer every day so that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the world, and thus, I will be able to call the sheep before the Shepherd comes in the Glory of the Kingdom of God.

I will pray for you and you pray to My Heart so that I may always intercede through My Eternal Grace and My divine Purity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I rise up to the Heavens. Let the Children of Mary sing the hymn of their consecration.

Peace and Good for all!

Mother Shimani:

Well, brothers and sisters, to all those who accompanied us today, we are deeply grateful that you have adhered to this call of Our Lady. May the pilgrimage of our Lady Aparecida throughout Brazil, with this image blessed by our Lady, travel to every corner and recover each soul of this nation.

We invite you all to accompany us in the next Marathon of Divine Mercy in our beloved Aurora in Uruguay, at the Marian Center of Aurora, on the 5th and 6th of next May.

In this month of May we are going to remain at the Marian Center of Aurora and all the meetings with the Sacred Hearts will be there. So you are all invited to participate.

Thank you all very much. Today Florianópolis holds a particular beauty.

Let us all thank our Lady.

Thank you, Mother, for all that you give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
