In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to a world in chaos and suffering, a world committed to the forces of evil, submerged in desperation, without finding the way out.

I come to a world in despair, with a lack of faith and fortitude.

I contemplate My children in suffering and in deep sorrow. I bring from Heaven all you need to be able to achieve redemption and live in Peace.

For this, you must surrender to the Plan of God, place yourselves at His feet to someday live in His promised Land, to live in the New World, the New Humanity.

I am in prayer for all the situations you face and experience, for the world disease you are going through, the effect of a great disharmony with the universe and the Law, generated by the life of illusion and indifference.

You must learn to leave suffering. You must learn to find the path towards the Light. You must return to the Heart of the Eternal Father, which is the Source of all life, regeneration and healing.

But you have to surrender and you also have to offer yourselves for what God wants to accomplish in each one of your lives, for what God wants to build in each of your hearts.

He patiently waits that one day you will say yes and that you will cross the portal into His Kingdom so that you will acknowledge and know about the reality that you have never seen and never known.

This is the most difficult time of all, of all the times that have already passed through this planet and this humanity. But this time is this way because humanity generates it.

Prophecies are fulfilled because humanity attracts them, concretizes them through its actions, through its thoughts and feelings.

The prophecies may not come true or be concretized, but they exist, not as a punishment, but as a warning, as an opportunity to be in time to correct the confusing paths of My children, of all beings on Earth.

The prophecy has no religion, it is part of the Sacred Word, of the Divine Word, of spiritual instruction, of the Message from the Heavens. Therefore, you should know that the prophecy might not be fulfilled if your behavior and actions become different.

If you were attuned and in union with the universe, you would transcend your material and human conditions, you would be led towards the truth and you could understand much more than what you know or think you understand at this time.

If each one of My children, on the surface of this planet, did the same, the prophecies would not be necessary.

But the prophecies are announcements that not only warn humanity but call it to be more attentive and vigilant so as not to lose the path and the universal opportunity that it is being given.

Humanity went through a year of great difficulties, uncertainties and problems, and is still experiencing it with full consciousness.

But your inner worlds can be in another attunement and at the same time in another dimension, they can be united to reality and to the Supreme Truth, and thus you will have inner tools to get through these difficult times.

Humanity has disconnected from the Source, this is why it lives suffering, this is why it lives adversity.

These are times when that divine and true connection, through prayer, is fundamental.

You cannot close the Source that gives you the Water of Life to quench your thirst in this great planetary desert. You must place yourselves, even more, you must be even more available so that this Source penetrates the depths of your consciousness and renews it.

But I know that even in what is spiritual, My children, in general, you are confused, you are disoriented, you are withdrawn from the Path that My Son, the Christ, offers for your redemption.

The signs that the Hierarchy gives are visible, unalterable and unmistakable.

What a human being can offer today on the surface of the Earth is their own condition, their own inner situation, their purification.

Therefore, you must bear in mind that not everything is from the Light. The Light is a direct source, it penetrates the depths of the being and leads it towards change, never towards convenience or towards that which is static, never towards that which is inert nor towards that which is indifferent.

The Divine Light that is unique can heal you in all senses and on all planes.

It is to that Divine Source that humanity must surrender at this time because, otherwise, healing will not come.

Humanity must make amends for its mistakes, it must rebuild what it has destroyed with its actions, not only in humanity itself, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature, in all of Creation.

I pray all the time that you can achieve this, My children, because I know that you can do it, and this is the strongest thing for the Hierarchy, because you can do so, and there are many of My children who do not do so, who do not determine it that way, who do not take the final and great step.

My Son expects that this inner construction be established in the majority of human beings, regardless of religion, but that it be a true inner construction that leads you to reflect the Supreme Source within your lives.

Thus, My Son will have His pillars upon the surface of the Earth in order to carry forward His great operation, in order to free the planet and humanity of their adverse and retrograde conditions, in order to establish the Kingdom of God in a very complex and sought after Universal Project.

But remember that you are part of a universe, of a universal life, which is not seen with physical eyes, but it is felt with the soul, with the heart, which can vibrate in the inner world of each being. From this universal life, help has always come for all races that have passed through this planet, as well as for other humanities throughout this universe.

These currents of the universe that can help humanity, and that always come to assist all life, are immutable currents. It is in them, My children, that you must place your aspiration so that your consciousnesses are more and more elevated, so that you learn not to be subjected by chaos and darkness, so that you make the Plan of Christ triumph through your lives, through your redemption.

Meanwhile, the spiritual universe mobilizes, collaborates and helps in situations unknown to humanity, with the purpose of alleviating the world and terrestrial consciousness, with the purpose of opening the doors to the cosmos so that many more may awaken and see reality, just as they knew it in other times; with the purpose that the veils of consciousness are removed so that you can remember and thus know that you are here for a Greater Will.

On this day, when the Birth of Christ is remembered and prepared for, may the families of the world be the center of prayer so that the cell of the Project of God, the most important cell, be cared for and protected from the chaos of the world.

Today the families of the world live their great banishments, exiles and crises in all forms. For if My adversary destroys them, the Project of God in the family will disappear.

But I am here, and I am your Mother, the Mother of families, the Mother of humanity, the Governess of the essences of the world.

Children, do your part, and help will come. It will not be necessary to go through suffering anymore, but necessary to find the calm of having entered into communion with Peace.

Let us pray that the angelic help rescues the world at this moment and leads humanity towards healing and peace; so that Christ, in this year, may be born in humble and simple hearts, in those who trust in His Return.

Divine Hierarchy, of Angels and Archangels,
we open the door to you, let the Light in.
In the name of humanity, we now invoke 
Your cosmic intervention. 
(repeated three times)

May the knots of consciousness be untied. Let the ties be removed from the feet of those who walk. May the pilgrims be converted into doves of light to reach the Source and merge with it in order to carry out the Plan.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayer of the Angel of peace.

Behold the King of Universal Peace. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

The sacred Child God was born of the purest Womb of the Mother of the World and brought liberation to the Earth.

The sacred Child God came from the Breath of the Spirit, from the Creator Word that manifested itself and became flesh among humankind on the Earth, revealing the power of love and of redemption.

Today I ask you to remain with eyes closed because of the magnitude of the splendor of the Child God, so that your inner worlds may bear His extremely high divine vibration and so that, from now on, My children, before the Mother of God and the Child God, you concentrate upon the center of your heart, where is found the triumph of the soul and of the spirit, the inner dwelling place where the Christ of the end of times will be reborn.

Today an opportunity and an infinite grace are being born for all of humanity, for the consciousness of the planet and even for the Kingdoms of Nature.

This Child God is the beginning and is the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega.

He was announced, prophesized, lived among humankind, healed the sick, expelled evil spirits, revived the dead, converted sinners through the powerful Fount of Love-Wisdom.

And this Child, the Sacred God, will not only be born in you again, in the communion with His Body and with His Blood by means of this sacred night of light in which darkness is defeated and the hells are conquered, paralyzing the abysses, expelling the demons from those that they intended to perverted through superfluous temptations and the dominance of human control.

The Sacred Child God today announces His Advent to the temple of the heart of each human being so that His Radiance and all the Power of His Light may transcend boundaries, limits, and all forms, transcend the planes and all of the consciousness and, within the soul of each human being, may germinate the chance to re-ignite the Christic Light within, the Inner Sun that enters into fellowship with the Universe and all of the Brotherhood, making the Christs of the new time possible on Earth.

Just as the Kings of the Orient bowed down before the birth of the Redeemer, today the angels bow down before the rebirth of Christ in the beings of the Earth and the mirages of the human consciousness are dissolved so that the truth and the light may be born; that light and that truth that were a depository in Jesus through the Archangel Saint Michael, and transcends all times and all generations by the sacred teraphim of the Sword of Light of Saint Michael, which expels all illusions, which reveals all lies, which dissipates all hells and which concedes peace to the one that invokes it, to the one that invokes His sacred name.

Thus, today not only is the Child God here but also the splendor of His Eucharistic Heart for all those who adore Him.

Not only is the Mother of the Lord here, Who gestated grace and redemption for humanity in Her most pure Womb, but also the Archangel Saint Michael is here, the archangelic patriarch and the universal custodian of all the warriors of Christ for the end of times.

His Power has no limits; his authority has no boundaries. His presence defeats all evil by the commanding power that is born of His Heart when from Him emerges the Love of God that granted the Birth of Christ, the redemption of humanity until the Crucifixion and the Death of the Lord, and even during His Ascension to the Heavens.

For this reason, I ask you, My children, to not sleep while facing this revelation, neither physically nor spiritually, because you would be wasting many codes that are unrepeatable and nontransferable to other people.

I ask you to keep your eyes closed on facing the splendor of the Child God and the presence of the Archangel Saint Michael because in them there was a divine fusion from the beginning; a spiritual alchemy that was only known to the Essenes and which was veiled and safeguarded throughout time through the love and the unconditional service of Christ, up until these times, so that you, as current humanity, might receive this revelation on this day and at this time, when faced with a very acute planetary crises and an unbearable pain for millions of souls of the Earth because they are separated from God and the Truth.

Now I ask the consecrated to come up to the foot of this stage, and that with the light of their candles, they hold the descent of this revelation that comes from the Fount of the Celestial Father through My Immaculate Heart, for this planet, for this humanity, and for this moment.

Sacred are the Treasures of Heaven.
Elevated are the Revelations of God.
Immense are His Mysteries.
Infinite are His Projects, which must be complied with and materialized in the souls of the Earth so that the Sacred Will may be fulfilled and the cycles become renewed time and again.

Now you can open your eyes, because the splendor of Jesus, of the Child God, has withdrawn.

Knowledge exists in all the spheres of the Non-material Universe. And that knowledge, which is great Projects of God and part of His Divine Idea, expects to descend to Earth during this transition and after this transition, so that the concretization of the New Humanity may be fulfilled.

We are faced with a scenario similar to the Birth of Jesus, at a very serious time for humanity and the planet in which the human being has already learned to self-destruct and to damage the Kingdoms of Nature.

We are in a time more difficult than the time in which Jesus lived. And you know this, My children.

Thus, for God, today the presence of each one of you here and with this means of communication, is very important. Because that represents a mature response, although unknown on the part of your souls and your inner nuclei, which make the effort and surrender even though they are not ready to live the Plan of God, transcending desires, giving up pleasure and wholly seeking Divine Life for all those who do not do it on this Christmas Eve, in which the distraction of the world is very great, and the angels struggle against the demons so that the essences of human beings may not be contaminated, lost, nor perverted by evil.

For this, the Victory of Christ in this hour is very important. Not only because of His inner Presence in this place, which reignites your inner Christs, but also because of all the Hierarchies of Light that, in a single brotherhood of Wisdom and of Love, unify in a single Spirit and under the same Purpose, to carry forward the Plan of God in this transition.

You, My children, are faced with an event similar to the Birth of Jesus.

The personas that participate in this scenario are different, but the story is similar, because the planet is suffering and its souls are called to alleviate it through gestures of love, of charity, and of good, not only for souls but also for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Today I am not only here with you, My children, but also with those children of Mine who are alone in the asylums, in the hospitals, in the dark streets. I am with the children, with the divided families, with the mothers who went through an abortion and who will have an abortion in total ignorance.

I am with everyone and in all nations, in Omnipresence and in Light, facing the coming of the Child God and of the Archangel Michael, the emperor of the Celestial Homeland. Because if His hosts are here, He too is here, operating and working with the planet at the level of spirit and of human essence.

Perhaps My message today is very symbolic and abstract. But what is most important is that you keep the words in your hearts and all the vibrations that come through them which you will need for the next cycle, to learn to fight for the Plan and for the victory of Christ, although He still has not returned to Earth.

May this light that today you bear in your hands reignite the commitment of living the inner Christ so that the apostles of the end times may be present in this cycle and in this time in which emergencies and needs will be experienced that must be attended to by everyone, so as to maintain the psychic balance of humanity, and especially the peace, where it still exists.

But hold on to your faith and hope in this Christic light that comes from Heaven this evening, which nurtures you, which fills you and which heals you so that you can be different and believe in this great change in consciousness, which the rebirth of Christ can generate in your lives and consciousnesses.

Have absolute faith in that miracle of love so that the Will of God may be fulfilled and you may be participants, in this time, of His Divine Purpose.

From the depths of My Maternal Spirit, I want to thank all those who responded to My call through the novena, and for all of the families who were helped far and wide in the world: from the most miserable families to the richest families, from the most divided families to the most united families, from the loneliest families to the most joyous families.

The essence of families and their spirituality was helped and intervened in through My armies of light by means of this novena of light that was offered. Amen.

Before the Child God, which on this night is preparing to be born within humankind, in the depths of souls and in the consciousness of spirits, we offer the prayer of the Sacred Family as a symbol of spiritual union with the Kingdom of God.

Let us pray in Portuguese.
We take a breath.
Prayer: Act of Consecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Very good, children, very good!

Now, so that this night may end up consecrated not only here, but also in the families of the world, I will ask you to play the song Silent Night again, in Spanish, so that the Child God, in the presence of the patriarch Archangel Saint Michael, with the Power of Heaven, of the Universe, and of the Kingdom of God, before the angels that surround Him and adore Him, may consecrate the elements that will be a part of the communion between souls and God.

We stand up.
Song: Noche de Paz (Silent Night)

May the Peace of Jesus Christ, dear children, be in all the hearts of the Earth.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth for all beings of goodwill.

I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And may the rebirth of Christ be a truth and a reality in each one of your lives. Amen.

In fraternity and love, for the peace on this planet and in each human heart, in the name of the Child God and of the Sacred Family of Nazareth, you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On the eve of Christmas Eve, I come again, dear children, to give you My Immaculate heart so that you may be strengthened and continue forward, in these difficult times of tests and challenges.

Today I come to bring you My Celestial Kingdom as a blessed prayer for your lives; for as your Universal Mother, I want you to always be under My immaculate Rays, so that in this way, My Celestial Grace is able to act in your lives and families.

In this time of chaos, I come to pronounce the Peace of God, in spite of the indifference of humankind, of the injustices of hearts that many, in this time, perpetrate in light of the Celestial Kingdom.

As Mediator of the Holy Spirit, as Mother of all humanity, as a part of this race, I come to intercede for all of you; but My intercessions, dear children, will have their timing. Thus, beloved children, prepare your hearts in trust, let your arms open to receive My consolation and in your hearts, receive the essence of My maternal Love.

Today I come to free your lives and your cities through the Grace God has allowed Me to carry out here. Uruguay must build important things for the end of time, and it is in you, My soldiers, to create the necessary conditions so that the Will of God is able to manifest. In this way, My children, you will be mirrors of the Supreme Will and will invite other children to follow the steps of the Will of God.

What I speak to you about, My children, may be very distant matters for your minds; but, beloved children, through the Divine Verb, I bring you the word of simplicity and of humility, which must be incarnated in your spirits so that, in the next time which will come, you are prepared to receive My Son. He is already coming in Spirit and Life, in Soul and Divinity; many hearts of the world are already inwardly receiving Him.

And you, beloved children, when will you take the step to receive the inner Christ? In this way, My Son will be able to act, carrying out His Works of peace in this world. As good instruments of the light, unite with My Immaculate Heart. Let your true inner vision be a permanent search for the Kingdom of God in your lives.

What I need, beloved children, is that you be Sacred Families, lights for a world in darkness, stars in the universal firmament, of whom I can avail Myself to pour out My Grace in this humanity.

But how much the Kingdoms of Nature are suffering. I invite you to continue with prayer. It is necessary, My children, that your prayers reach the eternal Heaven so that God can hear you and pour out His Mercy through the Divine Messengers.

I know that many of your hearts suffer all the time. Experience the lessons with courage. Fortify your faith and walk confidently toward My Immaculate Heart, because I promise to protect you, safeguard you from all evil, open the doors for you to a new path; and in this way, My children, you will be able to recognize Christ, Our Lord.

I come to this place, as I have gone to other places of the world, waiting for the inner lights to be able to awaken in your hearts; for God has need of whole and simple servers, of builders of peace for the times when there is no peace. In this way, beloved children, you as humanity will prepare the way so My Son is able to come and share the redeeming Supper with all of humanity.

I Am the Mediator Who prays for you all the time. I need you to unite with Me so you are able to understand My petitions and can concretize them in these times of chaos.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

Those who have accompanied Me from the beginning know that, year after year, the Divine Messengers receive a celestial opportunity for placing the Christic Principle in the essence of human beings, those who open to discover Higher Truth, which will transform this race into a likeness with their Creator, with His Son, sent to the world so long ago to show you the Way, the Truth and the Life which should be not only His, but also that of all of humanity.

My children, today I leave you the question: Where is that Principle which I placed so long ago in your essences, and that year after year, I renew so it may help you overcome the limitations of material life to unite with God, with His Creator Universe?

Today I want you to search for this Living Christ in your essences and in your hearts, which I placed there so it could blossom and be the reason for the awakening of other creatures in this world.

In each of My children I want to see the new Birth of Christ. This year, I want you to remember all the Words I have given you in previous years; so that in this way, you can allow the impulse I left in each of you to be renewed, because it is alive, but yet latent within you.

I want that Christic essence to be renewed, purify you and transform you so that not a year more goes by in your lives without this Christic Principle manifesting in your beings and expanding throughout this humanity through the living testimony of each of you.

That others of My children who are sleeping awaken from the dream of material life, so their spirits, which have waited for so long, may accomplish their mission on this planet.

My children, through My Words, I want to leave a small step so your consciousnesses are able to awaken in this time. Study My Words and through them, discover all the truths that in other times you were not able to perceive, because now, your consciousnesses have already matured enough and you have opened enough to discover that My Words go beyond that simple verb you find on the paper.

Each of the Words I have pronounced in this world represents a doorway for humanity. A doorway that wants to lead you to the Celestial Origin of human essences, to a perfect union with My Son, which you must discover is the Heart of the Universe, that Heart that moves all the events of the world, that Heart praised and respected by all the Great Consciousnesses that dwell in Infinity.

This planet, My children, must recognize that a single King exists, and that King will show you what steps you must follow to unite again with the Creator of all things so you can manifest and accomplish the Divine Purpose for this world, and thus, for the whole universe.

In this coming year, I want you to discover that this Christmas is not just a commemorative date for the world; it is not just to remember the Birth of Christ. It is to have Him be born in your hearts, to make Him come alive in each of your cells, in likeness to each of you.

Each Christmas that goes by should be the birth of a new cycle for this world, a cycle in which humanity approaches the Christic union so desired by the Creator for His creatures.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

While I speak to you, I contemplate the world. Imagine for a moment, My children, what My eyes are seeing in humanity. My hands are stretched out to humanity so that all My children can take hold of My Heart; could it be that everybody will dare to take this great step in trust?

Today I am here, among you, sharing My Mercy; but there are many other children that have need of this Grace. I invite you to be carriers of My Message, a simple and living testimony for humanity; because that very simple thing will help humanity be able to change.

On this night of Graces and blessings, My Heart is grateful to all the groups of prayer of Uruguay, and I encourage beginners to join the groups of prayer, to build the pillars of Light in each of the departments so My different attributes can be lived in each part of Uruguay, and thus become a sacred nation, rescuable, blessed and redeemed by My Heart. If you take this step of disseminating the groups of prayer, you will help all of Uruguay to receive a greater time of peace and of Grace. In this way, you will gladden My Immaculate Heart and the world will again transform.

On this night of Graces, in which My Heart is exposed to all of you, I invite the new Children of Mary to kneel before the Kingdom of God. Approach My Heart so I may bless you and show you once again, as a true testimony, that the consecration of the heart will create the universal condition for the salvation of the planet and its Kingdoms.

Do not forget, My children, that you are the Human Kingdom and must deeply love the Younger Kingdoms that serve God since the beginning, to help the Earth in its perfect elevation and harmony.

Thus, I consecrate you as My children, and I invite you all to also consecrate your lives to My Immaculate Heart. Do not fear what you will experience; I am always present in the silence of prayer.

Let us sing joyfully for this blessing.


Song: "Immaculate Lady of Peace."


My Spirit rises up to the universe; I pray for you and your families, with the ardent aspiration that you become consecrated just like the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Through this meeting and through those that will come, by the permission God has granted Me, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, dear children for responding to My call!

Peace will prevail.

Prayer: "Act of Consecration to the Divine Heart of the Celestial Mother."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, at the request of Our Lady, we want to share a brief experience, during prayer, that has to do with the Guardian Angels of each of us.

As we prayed and went deeper into the practice of prayer, the Guardian Angels recited the prayer of the Universal Mother behind us; as we continued to pray, they were working with our cells. I couldn't tell you nor explain how this was happening, but so it was.

The angels would enter each one of our cells, as if they were surgeons, and withdraw things that had to do with our pain and our past. They were implanting codes of Light produced by the effort of our prayer. In the way in which we generated the prayer, if it was from the heart, that prayer would create the condition so that the angels could withdraw the Light generated and place it again in us, and in this way, many things were being dissolved.

When the moment of the Apparition came, the Mother came truly kind and loving, as the Queen of Peace, and the whole time, She had Her Immaculate Heart exposed. She was speaking to Uruguay; we perceived that Her voice could not only be heard here, but in each corner of Uruguay. She was speaking to the inner world of each Uruguayan, and as She did this exercise, she was establishing the Will of God in the consciousness of Uruguay, something which was spiritual, a task that the Mother was carrying out during the Apparition.

She also showed us, during a moment of the Apparition, all the groups of prayer from here, from Uruguay, fused together as if it were a single pillar of Light which worked for the Plan. In reality, Mary said that this was Her aspiration for this country. That if we managed to fulfill this goal, this purpose, everything will have been said, She said, everything will have been accomplished, everything that corresponds to Uruguay in the Will of God.

That is what happened.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

To think that with so little, we can fulfill the Will of God. Do we really understand what the goal of the Divinity is? Will our hearts be brave enough to accomplish this goal of forming groups of prayer that pray for this nation and for all the nations of the world, who pray for the Kingdoms, who unite with the Immaculate Heart of Mary so She may carry them into the Heart of Christ? Do we dare do this?

We are a small country, that because God saw it was so small, He filled it with everything that is beautiful, and we have to defend that beauty and that Love which God placed there. We are simply asked to pray. Through this prayer, as happened today when we were all very united in pronouncing this prayer that Our Lady needs, with so little, She allowed the Guardian Angels to dissolve something in our consciousnesses which in many lives it would not be possible to dissolve.

The universe is perfect, God is perfect, and when each of His creatures lifts up a true prayer to His Kingdom, He pours out all His Graces, because He has a perfect Plan for each of us, a loving and kind Plan, a perfect Plan which makes us worthy children of God, which makes us creatures that can achieve the happiness of knowing God; and more than that, of knowing God, of being able to experience Him in our little lives.

So we invite you, as we have invited so many brothers and sisters in Uruguay, to be strengthened through prayer, to learn to permanently channel that Light, to be able to dissolve our pain, our past, our anguish, to place all of our life in the trust of the Divine Messengers and, as from today, to walk holding Their hand always.

Who of you doesn't aspire to speak with God and have God answer and show you each matter, to be able to live what is correct and luminous? Who doesn't want to speak with the Little Mother of Heaven and feel how She places each answer in our heart, and how She makes us unmistakably feel that answer?

Begin to pray. Ask about something while you are sincerely and devotedly praying, and each of you have that personal experience, that Mary places the answer in your heart. With all our heart, we challenge you to do this, because you're going to get a big surprise.

To all those who are following us through Misericordia María TV, we invite you to sing a last song with us, a song that has always filled us with joy. We're going to sing "Unite with the Heart of Mary."

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
