While the sacred Knowledge descends through simple words, I invite you to love supreme Truth, because, in this way, in these times, you will be guided by the Primordial Source.
Simple words allow souls to live change. When words are filled with love and simplicity, with the heart, consciousnesses receive the inner knowledge that the Divine Source emanates, time and again.
The sacred Knowledge ennobles souls with humility, in this way, it makes them real and it allows them to experience the events that will come to the world.
Sacred Knowledge brings them closer to the inner reality of these times, which needs to be understood and accepted by humanity.
Thus, in this cycle, through sacred Knowledge, souls need to awaken to the mission of reverting the times that will come through expressions of love, unity, charity and service, for those consciousnesses that urgently need to discover the need for a deep change of consciousness.
Sacred Knowledge opens the door to an awakening of what is supreme, superior and sublime.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A youth of peace...
A youth of peace is that spirit who brings, from the Universe, the principle of reconciliation, and it is who, through their renewal, transforms things, living within themselves the first rule among all rules: love.
A youth of peace is the one who unifies forms and the one who rearranges ideas, bringing, through their inner impulses, the possibility, from cycle to cycle, for everything to be renewed.
A youth of peace represents a new cell of light for these times, based on states of fraternity, on the principle of loving one's neighbor and on the opening to the inner steps that service can provide for them.
A youth of peace is the one who opens, unconditionally, to discover, within themselves, their own origin and their own mission.
They do not fear to know who they were and what the Universe expects them to be.
A youth of peace aspires to be able to recognize within themselves the goodness, the love, the service that they can express for the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for its humanity.
A youth of peace recognizes on their path the Great and Only inner Master.
Above all their material and concrete life, the youth of peace know they will need light in order to take their steps.
A youth of peace has nothing to gain and nothing to lose.
The youth of peace represents, in these times, the expression of a new consciousness that will be corrected through good acts and good actions of all of the youth of humanity.
A youth of peace needs to feel full in their actions and free in their decisions, but they know that they will always need divine discernment and sacred wisdom to make the right decisions.
A youth of peace is like a guardian of the Kingdoms of Nature. They can feel within themselves the expression of each kingdom and, making it part of themselves, a youth of peace can feel the suffering of the planet, of Mother Earth, and does the impossible in order to relieve it.
A youth of peace builds the new bridges and elevates the consciousnesses through their acts of love, mercy and charity.
A youth of peace works, in these times, to learn to build and to take care of the divine Work of the Universe; and as much as they do not know it, because of its greatness and depth, the youth of peace never loses the hope of knowing that they will help to pave the way for the advent of Love-Wisdom.
A youth of peace is that soul and that being that gathers, under the spirit of Unity, their fellow beings, other young people, and tries, above all things, for everyone to feel that, in these times, it is important to respond to the divine call which emerges from within each inner world.
The youth of peace is that pure and simple heart who will unite East and West, who will make the syntheses of the expressed spiritual knowledge and will be who expands, inside of themselves, the borders of the human consciousness so that finally the new, the renewed and the irrefutable may be expressed.
A youth of peace knows that, through their love for the Kingdoms of Nature and their healthy actions, they will be able to follow the path of redemption, leaving behind all that could harm their inner world, and seeking, through universal prayer, the only path for the elevation of their consciousness.
A youth of peace is who, through art, music, service and prayer, will be able to attract to the world the states of regeneration and of healing that humanity needs in order to reach reconciliation.
A youth of peace believes, within themselves, that there is something infinite and greater than what this planet is.
They seek to awaken to what is invisible and to all that comes from the Only Source because in this way they will feel part of something greater.
A youth of peace is who works without borders and who loves, unconditionally, all their brothers and sisters.
A youth of peace knows that they are the ploughman or ploughwoman who, in these times, prepares the Earth and all of its consciousness to meet again, one day, the Master of Wisdom and of Love, Who will give them the keys so that the young apostle may open the doors to forgiveness, to healing and to reconciliation.
A youth of peace is who never gets tired of being infinite light in the world.
This third Youth Festival for Peace represents the closure of a cycle of preparation and of strengthening of inner bases, which has made it possible, in this time, that the Festival itself might acquire a new consciousness, and that this new consciousness might generate the condition to embrace other regions of the planet and to include more youths.
I thank you for responding to the call of attracting peace to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother Earth
My dear children,
Today your Heavenly Mother finally accomplishes Her divine expectations, on being able to gather in love, in faith and in brotherhood the representative members of My Work of Peace in the world, of Medjugorje and of South America.
In this way, today, especially, the Mother of the Most High is jubilant, for having present here, in Santiago de Compostela, one of the ambassadors of peace, a daughter of Mary and servant of the Sacred Heart.
Your Celestial Mother, through this special internal meeting, gathers Her self-summoned to deliver into their hands and above all into their hearts, new projects of brotherhood and of unity that will be based on love and the experience of peace.
In these times of planetary crisis, the Mother of God will be extraordinarily gathering the apostles and servants of Christ so that, as souls, regardless of where they are, they may carry forward the Redemptive Work of Christ.
Today, your Celestial Mother expands the universe of Her Work in the world, strengthening the foundations of devotion through faith and love, built over many years in Medjugorje and in South America.
It is not by chance that before the ten years of My Presence among you are completed, the Mother of Jesus takes you spiritually by the hand to Medjugorje, so that there, humanity may also see that I am the same in South America and in Europe.
I would like that on this day you are able to reflect upon this event, and that from the bottom of your hearts, you are grateful for participating in the concretization of My victory in this Work of Peace and of Love.
May many more souls be able to awaken at this time to this call so that more hearts unite with this stream of love and of brotherhood.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To all believers and devotees of the whole world,
Miraculously, with no science that can understand it or method that explains it, the Holy Mother of God and Mother of the Earth will be with Her beloved children in the United States, after the One Source, the action of all the Graces and all the Wonders, has sent the Holy Archangel Metatron, Father of the Divine Fire, to the Earth to paralyze a point of chaos that was generated by the hands of My adversary.
This material, mental and spiritual paralysis is temporary, because free will was modified so that a Greater Law could act in the name of a Greater and Infinite Love. Also, the inner request, made by a certain number of souls to the Holy Mother of God, granted the intervention of a possible change of all that had been foreseen in the nation of the United States.
The prayerful offering of some consciousnesses, through the Law of Free Will, generated a positive effect which allowed everything that was highly contrary to lose the power of action over many things. The Celestial and Angelic Hierarchy, under the command of the Archangel Metatron, deflected those interferences from the field of conflict, and in this way, the storm passed, and the sky is clean.
A certain number of angels, out of love and service to the Father and at His sacred request, will be safeguarding this last stage because, if not, it could never happen again under a certain planetary and universal conjuncture.
This means, My children, that the Virgin of the Most Holy Rosary, Who today exposes Her Immaculate Heart, transplanted certain codes into the hearts of those who will need them to be able to move forward on this next mission in the United States.
This means that those souls that momentarily received the luminous codes of Mary, will represent a part of Her Divine and Celestial Consciousness on the planet, in order to carry forward that which was foreseen to take place in the next days, without there being any danger.
In any case, much prayer will be needed so that the task of the Divine Messengers is carried out effectively. Thus, with the help of many inner beings that belong to this Work, a great celestial dome opened to transfer this mission under certain celestial principles. One of them will be the complete silence of the missionaries, because an act of silence is capable of modifying an event when that silence is real, austere and humble. It was an inner request some souls made in the last hours.
I ask all My children that you expand this inner adherence to all of this sacred task so that the souls that must awaken, can awaken.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you, now and always,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
The Divine Messengers have reached places on the planet where perdition and evil reign.
At this time, We send our missionaries to these places which are the most difficult, so that they may help us generate a powerful channel of liberation, capable of redeeming the most impossible things in the world.
While your Heavenly Mother makes them face these difficult realities of the human condition, at the same time the missionaries face their own inner processes so that through them they may become detached from the conditions that have made of humanity a decadent civilization.
For this reason, I ask you today to light the inner ray of neutrality in your hearts, so that all that is within and outside of yourselves may be purified in a harmonious and peaceful way without the need of coming to conflict or blame.
Each servant soul at this time will also learn to bear their own inner and outer conditions, and they will also have to deal with the different situations, experiences never lived before, to the point of knowing how to neutralize them through high degrees of love.
In this way, along with Me, I encourage you to loosen this very long chain of human mistakes. Through faith and Divine Mercy all will be resolved. Know that I am with you now and always; I do not abandon you.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who contemplates you in Mercy,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel the trust, for in My Heart all will always be well, because it is the Will of the Eternal Father.
On this day, My Divine Consciousness rests over Mexico so that it may once again be blessed by My Grace and My Love, on finding devoted hearts open to praise Me in love and in simplicity.
It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother prepares you for this third part of the mission, with the purpose of offering Mexico and the world the inner relief that they need so much.
I will call you one by one so that you, My missionaries, may stand before the sacred Face of the Mother of Guadalupe. This gesture of gratitude and thankfulness on your part for all that has been possible in this Marian pilgrimage, dear children, will spiritually allow your hearts and those of your brothers and sisters to receive My Graces when the last part of the pilgrimage to Honduras is accomplished, thus closing a cycle of great spiritual and planetary balance for Central America.
With My open arms I receive you, dear children, and I thank you for once again responding to My call.
Who protects you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, your Heavenly Mother accompanies the beginning of the humanitarian mission for Venezuela.
I have sent hundreds of angels to guide and inspire My missionary daughters of the Christic charity, who are those I have called again to alleviate the suffering generated in the whole of My beloved people of Venezuela.
Under the special companionship of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, My missionary daughters of the Christic charity, together with the missionaries of the Fraternidade will, through sacred service, enter into the hearts that are most wounded by the social crisis of Venezuela.
The most important thing for My missionary daughters will be to teach rebuilding life from scratch, so that the hope and above all the love that My children of Venezuela have lost may awaken again.
Today, from the heart of Colombia, from Bogota, your Mother of the Andes and of the Americas prays together with the blessed and devotees so that essential peace may be established in the whole of the Americas, with the goal that My Immaculate and Pure Heart may triumph.
Today I bless all the missionaries of peace who, from the city of Boa Vista in Brazil, will give testimony of Christic charity and of mercy to all My beloved children of Venezuela.
I only hope that, through this test that My dear Venezuela undergoes, the Brazilian nation and her people may also awaken to service for the wounded Human Kingdom, so that once and for all they set aside indifference.
Let us pray and let us not get tired of doing so, because prayer will make you worthy and simple in the face of all Creation, just as I am simple and humble among you, because I love you and I never get tired of loving you.
I thank you for accompanying Me in both missions.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
An important Humanitarian Mission for Venezuela…
My most appreciated prayerful children of the world,
With the Voice of the Consciousness of God, I come on this day to ask for collaboration in an important humanitarian mission for Venezuela.
Once again, love must heal all pain…
I expect, dear children, that in the month of November My missionaries of Fraternidade will carry out this humanitarian mission together with the collaborators of the north of Brazil; this mission will have the purpose of receiving many brothers and sisters and of relieving the suffering that is generated in the nation of Venezuela.
Once again, love must heal all pain…
With all your readiness and with the service to those in need, this humanitarian mission for Venezuela will be carried out in the State of Roraima, specifically with the refugees from Venezuela that are in the city of Boa Vista.
From this city, your Heavenly Mother is indicating to Brazil as a nation that it must open its doors to receive the refugees.
The souls of Venezuela will need the humanitarian mission at least during the whole month of November.
It is thus, dear children, that a first group of missionaries will participate together with those who feel they are to cooperate, in the relieving of suffering during the first fifteen days of the month of November. Then the second part of the mission will arrive with another group of servers in the last fifteen days of the month.
The initial base of preparation for this humanitarian mission will be the Community of Light of Figueira, in the houses of the missionaries of Fraternidade.
Once again, love must heal all pain…
Dear children, it is in this way that two great missions will be taking place during the month of November: the humanitarian mission for Venezuela, and the mission of the Divine Messengers to Central America and Mexico.
Once again, love must heal all pain…
So you will be able to understand, My beloved ones, that the Sacred Hearts are wanting to avoid an imbalance in the Americas, most especially in the nations of Central America and in Venezuela, which are already facing the first stages of the Armageddon.
Once again, love must heal all pain…
With your hearts full of joy and of mercy, I expect that in this humanitarian mission for Venezuela, My children of Colombia, Argentina, and Uruguay will also participate. Embracing this divine task, as humanity, through this mission you will draw forward the opportunity of reversing the evil that Venezuela is facing today.
Once again, love must heal all pain…
Dear children, under the support and protection of all the angels, the city of Boa Vista, in the State of Roraima, will become a refugee camp; refugees that will, each time, come in greater numbers, expecting to relieve suffering and to cover basic human needs.
Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation will have the Grace of gathering servers from the different nations of the Americas that will participate in this sacred mission for the relieving of suffering of the brothers and sisters of Venezuela.
Once again, love must heal all pain…
I am grateful for the servers and missionaries who will support this plan of assistance and help for the nation of Venezuela.
Brazil must open the doors of its heart to receive such great human suffering.
Who accompanies you to serve for peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose and Missionary of Peace
Pray so that the Plan of God is fulfilled; contemplating, in the universe, the perfect purpose that the Creator has for each one of His Creatures.
Reuniting with the Divine Messengers and being in the presence of the Eternal Father, through the Door of Light and Peace that we open to the world, means recovering the purity and the potential of love that was given to the creatures in the beginning of all and that, one day, in the hearts of many, was lost.
The task of the Divine Messengers in this time is more profound and, sometimes, incomprehensible and invisible to the human mind, because the definitive moment for the planet has come when the evolution of all will be defined according to the answers you give to the opportunities you receive.
Many open themselves from the heart, even if only for a tiny moment, and this is enough so that the seed of a new being can be sowed within them. There lies the eternal hope of God and of His Messengers: knowing that, despite such numbness in humanity, there is also the possibility of awakening and this awakening happens in a simpler way than what you imagine.
The Divine Messengers are heading towards Central America so that those who have lost their bond with God can recover it. May those who have committed themselves with the manifestation of His Plan in the beginning be able to fulfill it. May those who must become new Christs and who walk behind the Lord, in this and in all times, be able to remember their mission.
There are missionaries spread around the whole world and the time has come to call them by their names, one by one, so that they may fulfill their mission.
New potential Christs will awaken in this time: consciousnesses that will live love and unity with God beyond themselves; that will love their neighbor and that will give their lives, sincerely, for their friends; consciousnesses that will share the bread with Christ and that will join you at this table to share the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender to God and thus make the plan of the enemy disintegrate and the souls no longer lose themselves from God.
I warn you of these events and I thank you for praying so that this Plan is fulfilled.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your left hand over your heart and before My Father, revere this moment, this third meeting with Me. That in this month of August ends a stage and begins a new one for all the missionaries of the Earth, for all those consecrated in My Plan of Redemption and of Light.
A stage on this day is closing and a new door is opening, so that you may cross it in consciousness and brotherhood.
I have come with the Celestial Beings, the Elohim, all the Shining Beings. A part of Them has descended to find you in this sacred desert and to finish instituting the Plan that once began and has not yet been able to end, the Plan of establishing the Light of the Sacred Centers on the surface of the planet, and for a humanity still very much asleep.
It is this inner Light, which is born from the Sacred Enclosures, that will help in the transition of the Earth, and all the consciousnesses that sleep in the dream of the illusion.
So, in this third meeting, companions, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses a little more. I come to bring you the synthesis of all that has occurred in this meeting of prayer, of the possibilities that you had of taking new steps through this spiritual exercise, this universal command that I invite you to live.
I come to bring you the synthesis of the experience of love in each one of you, of what after three years and in this meeting, you were able to give Me with all of your hearts, with all of your souls and spirits united with Me.
I come to bring you the synthesis and the response of this task carried out during the two days of this divine fusion that was lived between the Sacred Desert, in which I find Myself, and Aurora.
This union was radiated to all; that door was opened for all, and it does not matter where you may have been. But if your hearts were here, just as I brought your souls for this meeting, for this new stage that begins this August, a part of the Mission is fulfilled.
The response of the servers is important; this makes the Plan evolve and concretize in humanity, in spite of what may happen around you, or in the whole world.
This meeting is marked by an important Ray, that separates the old cycle from the new cycle. This is the Ray of Transfiguration, the Ray that I lived for you, and thus I was able to show you My true face.
It is this spiritual face that I want you to seek, your true face, what you truly are and have come to fulfill on this planet.
Thus I form My disciples, thus I create My soldiers: in the strength of prayer and in the living of service for fellow beings.
Today I come to synthesize this experience that you have lived in the desert with Me, naming Me the Son of the Sun, of the emanation of the One Source, of the Wisdom and the Absolute Understanding about the Truth of the Universe.
I wanted you to go through this desert, companions, so that when it is your time to cross it again, you know how to do it, without fear and with much valor.
This task here, with all of you in Peru, in consciousness and in spirit, allowed Me to withdraw some of My disciples from their very deep deserts, in which they were lost; because with My Grace, everything is possible, and when souls invoke My Divine Mercy, it also is possible.
So I tell you again, companions, that I leave no one behind. But I respect the time of each beloved of Mine, until he finally fulfills the service that he has come to lend Me, in the name of God.
From this desert, today a Greater Light goes forth, a Light that ascends and illumines the Planetary Consciousness; it is the Solar Light, it is the Divine Fire, it is the plea, the aspiration, the ardent devotion of the hearts that cried out for this humanity and for this planet in redemption.
Thus, I prepare you for that great moment in which you will see Me come among the clouds with the Face of My Glory and of My Divine Mercy. I will come with the Consciousness that many do not know. For this reason, I send some of Mine to the deserts, so that they may prepare as I prepared to live the Passion, and thus, live My Resurrection, which was to withdraw the whole race from spiritual death, in the past.
This Sun that I Am, illuminates the Universe and brings the Good News, the message of hope and the new path which those who have been lost will again be able to tread.
It is this Sun that I Am, which illumines and warms the spirit and the body, bringing them renewal and healing for all wounds.
Today I say, especially to all those who were in their deserts, to come to Me. I Am that Sun which illumines your paths, and that gives you eternal life.
The darkness will pass, but My Word will remain. There is nothing that separates those who are united with Me. This Sun illumines all the stars and the consciousnesses that unite with the Purpose of My father, where each one fulfills his part.
I Am that Sun of the constellations; I Am the Greater Governor, the Christ, Who was here on the planet to teach you the Truth, to teach you about Love and about Mercy.
Now that in these three days, companions, you have crossed this Sacred Desert with Me, where darkness could not triumph, but rather the Light of My Love, I ask you: shine, like this Sun that illumines you. Be Suns on the Earth. Be the Love of God, that illuminates inside and outside, and each space of this planet. Suns of My Father, stand up!
The morning has already begun, and a new night approaches. But do not fear, who is in My Heart knows everything and will be guided until completing their mission.
Suns: awaken and do not sleep! It is time to shine from within, it is time to illuminate the abysses and to dispel evil in the name of the Love of My Heart. Shine and be what you never were; be worthy children of God, and you will be making My Heart glad. Be as I was, even if you are not. Be Suns that illuminate from the heart and bring peace for a time of chaos.
The most difficult hour approaches, but I will not abandon you. Happy are they who have heard Me with attention, because they will be rewarded by My Father.
That now, the prayer that you have lived during these two days be life, be love, be unity and brotherhood. Do not look for similarities in your brothers, look for the beauty in the hearts of your fellow beings so that the curse will end, the curse that causes the world to suffer every day.
See the best that there is in each one, and help one another, because thus you will help Me. Sustain and support the one who has fallen, because you too will fall and I will not deny you, because My Father does not deny you.
If the souls could see the essence of these things, there would be no sense in the world being purified.
Do not be what you do not have to be. Be more than what you live, and live it truly.
I bless you with My Divine Consciousness, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Companions, may this moment be kept within you, because the Son of the Sun came to meet you to bring you Peace.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Account of the third meeting with Christ, here in the desert of Chilca, in Peru.
When we gathered to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, at the end, the Consciousness of Christ began to approach here, the region of the desert of Chilca, as He did the two previous times.
The sky, which was overcast, gradually opened up and the sun began to radiate its light and its heat here in the mountains. Immediately, Christ showed us, we saw that He was coming close to us in a very different way than He has shown Himself at other times, and we could see the Master was coming with His Feet resting on a blue triangular platform that was floating.
He was on this platform. It was a very intense, strong blue color and it began to descend. As it descended, the Universes, the Heavens, were opening towards other planes, until reaching the spiritual plane, where we understood, comprehended that the Consciousness of the Father, Adonai, was, and so He opened that path when He descended; He was, in this third Apparition, dressed in White, there was a subtlety, something very light, delicate, above all, very loving; with the same features as the Glorified Christ, but this time, dressed all in white.
When He appeared, when He drew closer on this triangular blue platform, the first thing He took out of His Chest was His Heart, and He offered It to us. The Heart was on the palm of His right Hand being offered, and when He offered it to us, we could perceive that He did so for all the consciousnesses of the planet, above all for those that He says are indifferent. And He was Offering this Heart for Creation, He offered this Heart for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the Consciousness of the Kingdoms; it was something that was expanding to all, without distinction.
And in this way, He began to direct His Words, in the Message that He gave for this meeting. And when He spoke, at a certain point the Elohim, when we were still seeing the open Heavens, the dimensions, up to the spiritual plane, armies, that is what we saw, armies of the Elohim, they began to position themselves to the right and to the left of Christ, above the mountains, here, in the desert.
There were many, all dressed in tunics down to their feet. They were resplendent beings like angels, but did not have wings. They were present there, and we saw that they were carrying out a task. In one moment, the Elohim accompanied all the work that Christ did through the message; because as He was talking, He was showing many things, above all, for example, what had to do with the Solar Consciousness, or what we know as the Sun.
At one point, when He began to talk about that Sun that we should be and what we should represent on the surface of the Earth, as missionaries, He brought, I don't know how He did it, a copy of another Sun that was shining on us.
Then, between Christ and the Sun, the physical sun shining on us, there was another extremely powerful Sun, and in its nucleus, in the center of that Sun, was the Consciousness of God. To say it in some way, cosmically, we saw ourselves represented, before a representation, so to speak, of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in a universal and spiritual way, that we had never seen, something very intense to see.
At the moment in which He makes that presentation through the Sun like the fundamental Consciousness of God, of Him as the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, He ascends, even while He was giving the message; He ascended and entered into this physical sun, which gives us light every day.
He began to transfigure and became like a Solar Being, which was a total Being of much light. It was a light that dazzled to see, it was a Light that was concentrated and was generated within this physical sun that gives us light.
I don't know what He wanted to show us with that, what it was He wanted to tell us, as an example, as a symbol, but at that moment, He was representing us, He showed Himself like that, like transfigured to the apostles on Mount Tabor.
Lastly, when He descended again from that Sun, more resplendent, more illuminated, naming Himself as the Son of the Sun, because the Son of the Sun, He was saying is the Son of God, of the living God. At that moment, He returned to that blue platform, and between that physical sun that shone on us and the Sun that He had brought, that copy of that Sun, let us say, of that more immaterial Sun, He made appear to His right and to His left, all the constellations within the heavenly vault, which were in perfect harmony and balance.
That was the experience and the accounts of the Apparition.
Each mission will bring you a new learning and a new form of understanding life.
The real reason for the existence of the group of missionaries of peace is not so much the material service that you do, but rather the act of going towards the need of your neighbors to heal the roots of evil that placed them in this condition of needy.
The most important is acting with the heart, and the experience – that you place in the human consciousness – of this learning of service. With your indigenous brothers and sisters you have learned about meekness, a meekness that transcends the material reality in which they live.
These brothers and sisters of yours had everything – because they were united with all things, with the whole life, with the Creator – and everything was taken away from them, because they lost almost all their possibility to express themselves, and in many cases they no longer have a vehicle to unite themselves to God, that is, a natural environment, preserved and harmonious; they only have their own inner world.
The indigenous consciousness, in spite of everything, does not cease to teach something to the human heart, because at this time, children, even if they are not able to express themselves as a people, as a culture and as an essence, they are placing in the consciousness of humanity as a whole, the principles of perseverance, of strength, and of peace, independently of the state the world around them is.
I do not say with this that your brothers and sisters do not suffer with the state of degeneration of the planet, because the sorrow of these hearts and what they carry as pain in the indigenous essence are not understandable for the modern human being of nowadays.
What I tell you is that peace inside them – in spite of the suffering, misery and oppression – is something that remains. The fight for not being corrupted by the present forces is constant and hard for everyone, but they do not lose faith in remaining as a people on Earth, and even in being able one day to return to the origins and recover the purity they are losing.
Learn with this faith so that when time comes to rebuild the Earth you do not lose peace and the certainty of being able to keep standing and to recover the likeness with God that you have lost along so much waywardness.
I leave you My Peace and My wishes that new missions might arise.
May those who committed themselves with service and with living the Christic charity wake up.
Your Father and Companion in missions,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To My missionary of peace children
As an inner synthesis of the mission in Paraguay, recognize everything that in the last days has been transforming within each one of you and offer it to God.
Offer to the Father your expectations, your aspirations of having done more than you did, of taking to your brothers and sisters a more concrete aid, that would bring them a more worthy and healthy life.
Offer to the Father the aspiration of having taught and of having learned with the original peoples, of giving them love and charity and of receiving a learning of simplicity and purity.
Offer to the Father everything that in the last days was healed and transmuted in the human consciousness as the mistakes from the past.
Offer to the Father your efforts of each day, for following what I had told you and also every time in which you forgot My words.
I would like that this mission would mark an inner deepening of the missionary of peace task, a greater disposition of the apprentices of the Christic charity in fulfilling a spiritual role and not only a material one. May the mission, that happens in spirit, be an increasingly priority in your lives.
Each time that you learn to value what happens in the invisible worlds and understand that it is there that the real mission has its results, as Divinity, We can open other paths in the human consciousness and liberate situations each time more profound and rooted, each time more ancient and unconscious for the present humanity.
Children, there are not many missionaries of the present days who serve in matter being conscious of spiritual reflections of their mission. It is therefore that the Creator is so attentive to your movements and follows you with so much love by means of Our Presence and Our Words.
May the missionary of peace spirit expand itself in the human consciousness and may your disposition in deepening the inner transformation – as a form to give a more crystalline service each day – be as a code for humanity that will impel it; an example that gives other servers a spiritual meaning to their own service.
If you dispose yourselves to live the transformation and assume taking steps for your own redemption, you will help many others, who ramble in the world without knowing what to do and who, by your examples, will discover the essence of service, that is more than a social act, it is the path to the Christic life.
I thank you for continuing and for never giving up the transformation.
Believe, children, that the redemption is within reach of every one who says “yes”. And if, at the same time in which you walk towards the redemption of spirit, you do true service, you will open the doors for the redemption of the blind and indifferent ones.
I encourage the whole Planetary Mission Network to continue deepening themselves in essence of the service and to make contact with the indigenous peoples as a form of repairing everything they have lived in the four corners of the world.
Your Father and Companion in missions of peace,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
One who lives for God and lovingly works for Him forgets about any kind of results and deeply loves the unknown, without knowing if someday they will receive an answer.
For this reason, true missionaries are very few at this time. But the soul that is encouraged to cross the threshold toward the fulfillment of the Will of the Father, will receive everything they need to accomplish their task.
When the consciousness takes some time to respond or delays doing so because of the ordinary matters of life, the Grace of God receives the inner call of that soul that cannot act freely. At that moment, children, between the soul and the universe a late response is generated, and the universe itself will have to wait for a new cycle to be able to send the message or the instructions in some way to that consciousness.
On the other hand, when the soul, blindly and without preconceptions or ideas, spiritually adheres to the Will of God without anything stopping it, the whole universe that surrounds that soul becomes dynamic and invincible, because there is a perfect relationship between that soul and the continuous flow of the universe.
In this time, to respond to the Will of God, for humanity, means to have no limitations nor impose anything, because this is the time of the test of faith and of absolute trust that everything that must be accomplished is within the life and the heart of each human being.
In this definitive time, through their actions, souls will define all things, even their own spiritual destiny.
With the infinite universe of duality being present, souls must choose which path to follow and which experience to have without feeling tied to anything. Everything that happens afterward will be the result of a true choice. For this reason, the call of the universe descends so that the eyes of the soul may be open and not lose the awareness and the opportunity to serve and transform.
As your Messengers, We know that each soul is in a different school. The universe expects everyone to someday become awake and accomplish the mission that My Son has entrusted to you in the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who is in prayer for all,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, distribute a rose to each missionary and afterwards I will tell you what it is I want.
Let us pray while I wait:
This rose, dear children, represents an offering for Heaven.
And now, I ask each missionary that, with the rose on their breast, feeling it in their heart, in silence they offer Me this rose for a soul I have known in the Middle East and that needs My special help, My divine intercession. I listen to you in the silence of your heart.
After this offering, let us make the sign of the cross three times.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sublime universes, close to My Heart, draw close to your lives, missionary children, to be able to rescue the souls most in need of the help of God.
At this moment, I ask, dear missionary children, that in the silence of your hearts and in the union of your minds, you do a synthesis of all you experienced, because God your Lord taught each of you something, renewed you spiritually, showed you the suffering of the world, human indignation, persecution, death and chaos.
But I, My children, showed you how through love, the love your hearts expressed for those who suffered the most, everything can be transformed.
May this expansion of the love you experienced, under the intercession of My Beloved Son, be able to continue to be enriched in your lives, so it may multiply in those who must wake up to higher service for humanity.
On this night of Graces, on this night of Mercy and Pity, My Message, dear children, is that of infinite celestial gratitude for your effort and your perseverance in My Plans; because this, dear children, touched the Heart of the Father God. His Heart was moved by your simple offering of the giving of self, day after day, to others.
You have learned, dear children, the teachings of the Sacred Family. Each of these teachings, each of the attributes of the Sacred Hearts were present during all the days of the mission, and in spite of the tiredness and the pain, My Immaculate Heart and My motherly arms never ceased to embrace you, because I know, dear children, that it is important for each child of Mine to feel they are in the arms of Mary.
The triumph of My Immaculate Heart took place in each of the hearts of those you helped. A seed of light was sown in those consciousnesses so they could wake up other consciousnesses that, escaping the war and persecution, needed to find the essence of My Peace, without religion and without belief; the universal Peace of the Greater Universe and the Sublime Universes that must descend at this crucial time to all the hearts of the Earth.
But the war has not yet ended, nor the decapitations. Souls are also still suffering in several places of the planet. For this reason, the missions will continue so that humanity will be moved, so that humanity will awaken to true service which it must provide in these end times.
Each of My children, each of you, present in this place, has a piece in your hands that comes from your heart to be able to put this perfect Plan of God together, to concretize this Divine Project in this still unredeemed race.
Dear children, now that you have placed a soul of the Middle East in My arms, many more souls will come into your lives through the missions, seeking that impulse of peace that your hearts hold.
The true mission, My children, was done between you and My Heart. The Most High God granted the Grace to your Heavenly Mother of accompanying you in this new mission to Turkey and Greece. But this time, I will go with Saint Joseph, so that two powerful Hearts, such as Ours, may triumph in many more needy souls.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
My children, many ask themselves why I receive My missionary children with so much Love; because I want the world to contemplate the Grace of God which descends to Earth when a heart is able to serve in a pure way, irrespective of the act of service; because it is not the great actions, My beloveds, that count in the celestial scales.
What really balances the debts of this world is the love with which hearts serve, the love with which you ready yourselves to serve God, to fulfill His Plan, whether understanding it or not; because My missionary children many times did not understand how, with such simple actions, My Heart rescued so many souls.
But so it is, My children, because they are experiencing a different Law, and so that you may understand the potential of the love in the human heart, that through humanitarian missions, you understand the power you hold in your hearts when they unite with the Heart of God. In this way, you wake up an absolute unity with the Creator.
May many more of My children in the world be able to awaken to the missionary spirit; may you find the need at your side; may you serve all those around you; may you lose your fear, My children, of being among the poor, among the destitute in spirit, among those that most need to receive My Peace and the Redemption I bring them in My arms, as a Grace granted by My Son to the hearts of the world.
I hope that through this example I bring you today at this altar, prepared with such love for Me, all the souls that listen to Me awaken to the true service this planet offers you, which is to accomplish the mission of each one so that, in this way, the Plan of the Creator is fulfilled.
Let the inner missionaries awaken, those who are ready to serve with no schedule or day, without tiring, in spite of the weaknesses of the body; because you know that My Heart will support you and will also avail itself of the efforts so that you may overcome your own difficulties, including physical ones, to rescue yet more souls.
For the more the love in your hearts expands, the more you overcome yourselves out of love for others, and above all, out of love for God, a greater celestial door opens in the skies of this Earth to withdraw so many souls from the hells and the abysses of the planet which are still suffering because of My adversary.
Dear children, My joy is infinite and I would like to transmit it to your hearts. I would also like to transmit the gratitude I feel, so that you too may be grateful to God for all the Creator has granted you throughout these last years.
May gratitude, My children, propel you into reverence; may gratitude propel you into a permanent surrender of your lives to constant prayer, to selfless service; because this is what I expect, My beloveds, from those who listen to Me with their heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, My joy is also because of the basket of intentions of the children of the Middle East which you brought. Today, I will radiate them and pray for each one of them.
At this moment, let us unite with God, with His Sacred Names. Let us sing His Sacred Names to the Creator.
At this moment, My Immaculate Heart lifts up to Heaven the thousands who sank in the seas, looking for a way out, a hope, a possibility.
At this moment, My Spiritual Heart embraces the little children of the Middle East, orphans, without fathers or mothers, so that God may grant them a new life.
At this moment, My Most Pure and Holy Heart consoles the mothers of the Middle East, tired of so much walking through the deserts, thirsty and hungry, seeking a new life. My Heart consoles them, My Soul uplifts them in the name of the Lord.
At this moment, My Merciful Heart shelters all the sick men, the old and the young that escape from the war to go to other nations, who do not rest, who do not stop walking, seeking the Light of Infinity.
All this is possible, My children, and was possible because of the mission to Turkey, for having said 'yes' to My call, to My universal convocation; and in spite of evil still being in the world and the war not ended, be sure, My children, that My Immaculate Heart will triumph. Amen.
Now I call those who will be consecrated as Children of Mary; because they are another part of My Work of Redemption, they are part of My hands, of My hands of work and of service for humanity.
Let them come here for the blessing, before I rise up to Heaven.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We can stand.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Let us thank God, dear children, because your lives can know peace, because your lives are in this Sacred Spiritual Center, while millions of souls look for a way out and escape from terror.
The opportunity will not be lacking, My children, that your brothers and sisters, the missionaries of peace, express what they have felt in the depths of their hearts; because God left an obvious sign in each of them, a teaching, an experience, a gift that will be forever indelible when you take care of it, just as I take care of you every day of your life. Thus, I take care of all the Children of Mary in the four corners of the Earth.
In this way, dear children, we prepare for the Meeting of the Children of Mary, as from this holy day, in which your Heavenly Mother celebrates this perpetual communion with the Most High, with each of His children present in this place and in any part of the world.
The armies of Light are the Children of Mary, stars of Light present on Earth that can never be put out. For in truth I tell you, My children, that each one will experience their transition, their inner Armageddon, their spiritual, mental and physical purification.
I cannot lie to you, My children. For the New Race to be born and the New Humanity emerge on the American continent, you must help Me have the whole Earth and all of humanity cross this portal, with the greatest relief possible, to the New Humanity. That is the task of the Children of Mary, to pray for the New Humanity, to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, which you must never forget because they too suffer the consequences of the human being.
For all these Graces that I pour out today, opening My arms to you, extending My hands to each of your hearts under the divine authority granted Me by the Father of the Universe; let us renew our vows, let us say 'yes' to the call of the universe, to the existence of higher life and the concretization of the Divine Plan in each of the hearts of the Earth.
In the Presence of My beloved Son and of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, I bless you and I consecrate you as children of My Immaculate Heart in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My children, before leaving this place, I want a priest to bring Me oil for the consecration, for I desire to bestow a blessing on each of the missionaries, a luminous sign of the Cross, invincible and powerful in these times.
Meanwhile, dear children, sing the "Hymn of the Children of Mary" to Me so it may echo in the Middle East.
Just as Jesus washed the feet of His apostles and disciples, thus I anoint you with the oil of life, the oil of the consecration, the oil of love and of unity with God.
Just as I anointed the Body of My Son when He entered the sepulcher, preparing for His glorious Resurrection, thus I sanctify your hearts and I give your souls gifts so they may continue forward, working in the name of faith.
I thank you for having responded to My call.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
While I rise up, sing the "Hymn of the Children of Mary."
My very dear children,
In this next to last day of daily messages, I would like to express My maternal and sublime gratitude to all the hearts which united in prayer in the four corners of the Earth, and those who lovingly made the humanitarian mission to Turkey possible, where exiled brothers and sisters were helped.
Dear children, around the month of July of 2016, a second mission will take place in Turkey, but this time the mission will have Greece as its main entry point and as the doorway that receives the shipwrecked refugees from the Mediterranean Sea.
It will be through the new mission to the Middle East and Greece that the missionaries of peace will come to know the deep pain of the hearts that through the seas seek a way out of the terror of the impending war.
The first mission in Turkey brought very positive results from a spiritual point of view, and the most outstanding was that your brothers and sisters in the Middle East were able to remember that there are hearts that still love and believe in God. This has meant that the doors are open so that new humanitarian missions can be carried out.
The whole group consciousness that is part of the Work of the Divine Messengers was called to take a step, far from comfort, to make a sacrifice, so that this last mission in Turkey could bear fruit on the Sacred Tree of the Mother of the World. That step was taken by all, but I still know, as Your Mother Who loves you, that all the prayer groups have yet more to give and to offer to Heaven.
It seems promising that the second humanitarian mission to Turkey and Greece will be able to establish a possible base for humanitarian work and permanent service in Turkey through the international assistance of the Turkish association that supported the first mission. In order to reach this level of service, the Divine Messengers expect that in the next meeting of the Children of Mary, the impulses are sown that will again cause the group consciousness of the Planetary Network-of-Light to take a step towards the global assistance of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees
Dear children,
On this day that the missionaries are returning to Brazil after an intense experience of fraternal charity, I would like to ask everyone to prepare their hearts and their inner beings from now on to receive their account of all this last missionary experience.
Each of the missionaries who went to Turkey will bring back engraved in their memory a stage of their life; a stage that will remain indelible and that will help them to strengthen their surrender to the arms of the Celestial Father.
My dear children, a door of light and of mercy stayed opened in the Middle East so that the new missionaries will be able to serve in the main migratory crisis of the 21st century.
Dear children, beyond everything the missionaries experienced in name of everyone who with their prayers and donations supported the mission, the possibility to learn to love the human condition and above all, to give love to the hearts that live day and night in the terror of wars, will be kept as a spiritual wealth.
At this time in which My missionaries have already left Turkey to return to the Americas with all this life experience, I once more ask that you prepare your hearts to know the truth about what is nowadays a demoralized humanity, lost and blinded by the actions of the adversary. But I will not get tired to tell you, dear children, that My Heart triumphed through each small sacrifice performed by each missionary when they opened their heart to receive the great pain of the world.
Dear children, tonight I bring to your consciousness the importance to perceive the planetary reality.
Your Mother is today with all the missionaries.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother Maria, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees
Dear children,
With effort and love, let us move forward, walking confidently towards the Lord Who waits for us with His paternal embrace and His infinite great Love.
My request for each one of the missionaries of peace is that they encourage themselves more each day to embrace that cross that God is giving them so that, through the sacrifice and the love for His Greater Kingdom, the works of salvation and of redemption be fulfilled in this time.
In this way, My children, you will not be far from the Will of the Father, that which you must first love and then come to know within yourselves. By loving this Divine Will, dear children, you will be able to embrace the cross of complete surrender and absolute sacrifice for the new humanity so that the new seeds that will blossom in the coming time thus be born.
My dear missionaries, there is nothing at this time that is out of place or space; everything is part of an unknown law that many servers must come to know at some point; it is the law of renunciation, something that does not exist in the consciousness of human beings. It is a principle that was taught by My own Son during the Agony and during the Passion.
Renunciation breaks the structures that have always been based on criticism, on indifference and on unending error.
Through service and loving attention to your fellow beings, renunciation gives a form of atonement that balances many errors committed.
Dear children, the school of renunciation is the principle and the command of the missionaries of Christ, of those who are in the service of fraternal charity.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who awakens you to the new patterns of behavior,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees
Dear children of Mine,
Through the humanitarian mission in Turkey, a new kingdom is being built in the heart of the people who have been lovingly sheltered by My missionaries of peace.
This means the triumph, at this moment, of the spiritual life and of love in the existence of millions of people. Thus, children of Mine, you will comprehend that by fully living the selfless service, the doors of the Heavens will always remain open for those hearts that need redemption.
Now, dear missionary children, that you have learnt to perceive the human condition, may your arms be even more open to shelter spiritually in the Heart of the Divine Messengers those who expect to feel truly loved.
The humanitarian mission in the Middle East has reached an unparalleled spiritual repercussion because in all of this task of service and of Christic love you had always to work in order to surpass yourselves in behalf of each consciousness of the Middle East, in behalf of those who live the oppression of an armed war in their own flesh.
Dear children, Your Heavenly Mother accompanies you in this last spiritual stage, in which more codes of redemption, of mercy and of forgiveness will be sown in more hearts.
Children of Mine, all of this task has not only had repercussion on your through the mission, but also on your brothers and sisters of the communities, especially of the Marian Center of Aurora which has been the depositary of certain currents which had to be liberated. This is a difficult and hard reality that very few are willing to live at any time and with no time limitation for the spiritual salvation of humanity.
The work of the Heavenly Hierarchy is broader than what it seems and it is not restricted to one region of the planet where one serves, but also to planes of consciousness which during the humanitarian missions are supported by the Marian Centers founded by the Mother of Heaven.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who unites you to the Source of Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Dear children,
In the most important stage of the mission in Turkey and after having gone through experiences which have left strong marks in their consciousness, from now until the end of the mission, the missionaries will be able to make a deep synthesis and group reflection on all they have seen as the result of a great human calamity.
It will be at the end of the first mission to the Middle East that the missionaries of peace will carry in their hearts an indelible experience which will strengthen them so that in the near future they will be prepared to help in the most serious situations on the planet, situations that will go further than civil and regional war.
Dear children, for this reason it will always be indispensable that the praying ones support with devotion all the humanitarian missions because, in the name of everyone and all of this indifferent humanity, one group is taking a step towards the life of total service and absolute surrender to Divine Will.
My children, as well as Christ lived His great mission in the public life, you, dear missionary children, will live surrender even in the smallest details; in this way you will demonstrate to God, as you have done so far, that in truth the project for the redemption of the humanity will be able to be fulfilled.
I thank you for always answering My call!
Who loves you and protects you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Dear children,
Today, your Heavenly Mother faces a great spiritual battlefield to be able to rescue the souls of the Middle East, after they were decapitated by evil.
This rescue means that the Most Holy Universal Mother sends the angels so that, with spears and swords of Light, they may battle against the kingdoms of the enemy, extended throughout Syria, and so that suffering souls may be taken to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Dear children, the prayer of all devoted groups will allow your Heavenly Mother to help dissipate the kingdoms of darkness that subdue millions of souls, incarnated on Earth today, and who go through all the effects of the current war.
As a counterpart, My missionaries of peace work with the refugees, with all the hearts that managed, in some way, to escape from the prison or death imposed by My adversary. These souls who escaped with the help of their Guardian Angels had to go through immense difficulties of life, survival, hunger and health.
That is why, My children, the humanitarian mission, extended today until the first days of the month of March, will try to pour as many celestial codes of love, healing, trust and Mercy over these consciousnesses that will be helped by the missionaries in different regions of Turkey, where it will take place.
I want to tell you, dear children, that in each region that My missionaries will visit, they will find unknown spiritual and physical needs, because beyond humanitarian service, which is what opens the door to the Celestial Hierarchy, there exist planes of consciousness that need much inner prayer and assistance.
Dear children, the reason for extending the stay of the missionaries of peace in Turkey has the primary objective of being able to cover more Arab regions through the next missions that will come to reach all; but also to be able to establish the Plan of Peace in the Middle East so that finally, the Immaculate Heart of Mary replaces the plans of terror and death that occur today in this region of the planet.
This is how, dear children, the work of this mission will be wider and deeper than it appears.
I will be grateful that everyone collaborates as they can, this mission is part of My campaign for Peace in the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you to the Greater Purpose,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more