Child, let the Heart of God show itself in your heart, so that you may know that you are not just this human smallness in which you entangle yourself every day without knowing how to get out.
Let the Living Heart of God show itself in your heart, not only so that you may live a spiritual experience but rather for an emerging need that you need to meet in order to manage to be on Earth.
What do you fear purifying, if you have been called to this world for this? Why do you fear acknowledging the truth about yourself, if you lived all your evolution on Earth for this moment?
You came to the world to heal your spirit, grow and be a miracle of conversion not only in the concepts of the Earth but for the whole Universe.
You already know that the Infinite waits for you. You already know that you must become something new and unknown. Why, then, do you not surrender to what God has for you?
My little child, soul in redemption, let what God has thought be fulfilled in you. And be it in humiliation or in exaltation, be it in solitude or among multitudes, embrace what He designed for your life, because everything is so that His Will may be fulfilled.
Be it among humans or alone with yourself, let the Heart of God that dwells in you emerge from your heart. Do the exercise and live the Grace of feeling the Presence of God inside of you, because it is He Who will give you the strength to be among multitudes or in the trial of Gethsemane. It is He Who will give you the humility to be acclaimed and honored and to carry the cross with the same love and the same inner emptiness.
It is God, child, in your heart, Who will live each test, as well as each triumph. It is He Who will renew Himself though your heart. But if you do not believe and do not live this, you will be alone in this world, with your human condition, without knowing where to go, even if the path reveals itself in your own inner being.
Do not want to be alone with yourself, but rather with God. Do not want to be yourself, but rather an expression of the Father.
Christ, child, achieved all that He achieved because He was One with the Father and He knew it, He lived it and He proclaimed it. He experienced being a living part of God and told you that this was the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no Way, Truth and Life outside of God.
Do not be dead, walking through this world without knowing where to go. Be born to Life; let God, who is Life itself, express Himself in you. Give to the Father the place that corresponds to Him in your heart. You just be a simple servant, His instrument in this world.
I bless you and invite you to surrender your heart to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Everyone who arrives at the Marian Center of Figueira must be received at the House of Pilgrims, where they will cross the first Portal of their redemption, which is the encounter with humility. As from that moment, they will recognize their smallness and the greatness of God Who guided them to this sacred place, where the mysteries that were hidden from the mind, the soul, and the human heart can be revealed.
The House of Pilgrims must be the Doorway to Redemption for souls, where there are no restrictions for the arrival of hearts; there, everyone will be able to be sheltered by Me in the depths of their spirits.
In the House of Pilgrims, they will wash their feet for a new life, a new way of walking, on this eternal path of human evolution.
The House of Pilgrims is where My Heart waits for the hearts of the world, to receive their imperfections and difficulties and to transform them there.
In the House of Pilgrims, I will grant you a spiritual atonement and a Grace, so that you may restart your lives from a point which, by yourselves, you would never be able to reach.
I want the House of Pilgrims to be sufficiently large to give shelter to souls, their miseries and their sins, and also sufficiently large to shelter God, His Mercy and His Atonement.
You cannot imagine that in this humble place the Creator will heal and awaken many hearts; He will convert sinners into His instruments and will make so great spiritual miracles in those consciousnesses as He did in Me, when He transformed a humble and poor carpenter into the Father and Guardian of His Beloved and Eternal Son, the Redeemer of the world.
As the carrier of this infinite miracle of conversion, I remain in the world to multiply this miracle in souls, because this is what God has asked of Me. And it is in the House of Pilgrims, as in My small House at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, and in My future Houses, at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of the Child King, where these miracles will take place.
The House of Pilgrims will be the Mother-Source of all the Houses that will be lifted up in My Name at the Marian Centers that the world will come to know as the fruits of this Work. It is from here, from the House of Pilgrims, from the depths of the Reliquary of My Heart, that these Graces will emerge, which will cross borders, and even continents, and will touch souls.
For this reason, children, now that you have built the foundations, enlarge them physically and spiritually, and all that I tell you will come true.
I leave you My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At the end of the transmission of the Weekly Message, Saint Joseph gave us an indication for the Anniversary of His Apparitions program, which will be transmitted on the 19th of March, 2018. He said:
"I want monastics, consecrated residents from the Communities-of-Light, Children of Mary and pilgrims who had or have an experience of unity with My Chaste Heart to share with the world, to do it and, in a simple way, tell everybody how My Instruction and My Blessings have reached their lives. In this way, you will be able to perceive that the purpose of this program is being fulfilled."
Afterwards, He asked that we made a short video to spread this invitation and to prepare this special Anniversary program.*
*To access this video and all the necessary information about this request from Saint Joseph, click here.
Stay in My Arms and do not think about yourself anymore.
Stay in My Arms and simply let Your Heavenly Mother remain in you.
Stay in My Arms and calm your heart and your mind in the renewing Fount of My Grace.
Stay in My Arms so that I may embrace you with My Light.
Stay in My Arms and only trust in what I ask of you.
Stay in My Arms and only think of God.
Stay in My Arms so that a greater miracle may occur in you.
Stay in My Arms so that at each new step you feel that I am there.
Stay in My Arms and live the present, forget the past, and aspire to the future Plan of God.
Stay in My Arms and I will put peace in your heart.
Stay in My Arms and only affirm the victory of the faith in God.
Stay in My Arms and you will see that everything will pass.
Stay in My Arms and only accept with faith what I ask of you.
Stay in My Arms and you will not lose hope.
Stay in My Arms and you will recognize Christ in each brother, in the gaze of each being.
Stay in My Arms and you will be impregnated by My Perfection.
Stay in My Arms and I will free you from the enemy, of its ideas, of its projections and threats; because if you only accept to be in My Arms, I will be able to protect you with My mantle, give you the warmth of My lap, and make you sleep in peace with My Fondness.
Stay in My Arms and all that is unreal will disappear.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let there be no lack of absolute trust that, in the name of the Lord, all will be well; because in these times, souls need to learn to survive and remain in God so that the perfect and invincible union with the Kingdom of Heavens may be established.
This trust that we can have in God every day is that which attracts the effect of miracles and of marvelous things that can happen during the path of spiritual life.
Therefore, My children, rejoice, smile, and give thanks to God, because His Plan, which would seem impossible to be carried forward, is being fulfilled under the spirit of charity, fraternity, and effort, so that more Graces and more miracles may be materialized on this planet and in this needy humanity.
I encourage you to say yes to each new service so that the doors of the Mercy of God remain open.
Good start of work for all My missionaries!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The art of singing...
Dear children,
We have reached the closing of a cycle, a cycle that from the beginning helped the consciousness of humanity by means of music, of the voices and of the instruments.
In this cycle that closes today, you had to learn to tune your patience, to uplift raise more and each time more the love of your hearts in each new music encounter, and to work the surrender of your lives for the unity and the fraternity among all the participants.
From now I tell you, that all My singing children were placed, throughout the last times, in the test of the constant self-improvement in order to be able to free the human race from everything that conditions its evolution and its awakening.
Thus, through the encounters of music, you were facing the own human condition, which is a determining factor in humanity, which hinders the free walking of the soldiers of the Plan.
In truth I say, to all My singing children, that in these encounters of music, love was never lacking although it might not have been apparently present in everyone. The love offered during all the meetings helped gestate the necessary conditions so that your Celestial Mother could work with humanity and with the planet.
To all this, to My dear singing children of the group in pilgrimage, the last challenge has come on this day: to give all for all, placing themselves in the school of sacrifice, of effort and of renunciation, so that on this afternoon the music can give the necessary fruits that will prepare you to begin a new cycle of these encounters.
I affirm that it is difficult to gather to sing such different consciousnesses form one another, it is a true miracle that in times of planetary crisis, the encounters of music have been realized victoriously.
In this way, for all this to be possible, you never lacked the help from Heaven and from the angels, so that the essence of the encounters of music and its purpose could be fulfilled.
Today I also dedicate this message to a little child of Mine, the one that has been for your Celestial Mother the testimony of perseverance and of effort, at the moment of dealing and working with the souls in this audacious mission of gathering to sing for the healing of humanity.
I send to this little child of Mine, all the Love of the Mother of God and from now I give thanks that the planet has been so, but so helped by the gatherings of music held, and that this has avoided the activation of wars.
In the closure of this cycle of encounters of music, I will ask each singer, instrumentalist and composer to reflect about everything that has happened and that, placing your hand over the heart, you confirm to your Celestial Mother how you can help better, so that these impulses continue reaching humanity.
With more consciousness about the true events that move the encounters of music, your lives will be more fraternal, selfless and available to fulfill the designs of My Immaculate Heart.
For last, remember that these encounters of music dissolved the earthly hell and placated the planetary chaos.
I leave you this reflection, waiting that in the next encounter of music, in six months, the consciousnesses will have elevated themselves in fraternity to the divine Purpose.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you in love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
After Jesus healed the blindness of a poor and simple woman, He arranged with the twelve holy women who were accompanying My Divine Consciousness that they would meet on Sunday evening in the home of one of them, to finish preparing the great task that He would undertake for humanity: His Divine Passion.
The twelve holy women, after espousing Jesus in Bethany, left in pilgrimage along another path that led them to Jerusalem. With prayers, fasting and sacrifices, the holy women, together with Mary and during the path to Jerusalem, began to experience inexplicable ecstasies that made them more conscious of the Passion that their Holy Spiritual Spouse would experience.
Throughout the pilgrimage, My Divine Consciousness reported the visions that the Eternal Father was sending to me through Archangel Gabriel about the difficult moment and about the agony that Christ would experience.
Without knowing it, the twelve holy women, who were walking while praying and fasting towards Jerusalem, began to experience the Passion of Jesus in advance.
On Sunday evening, they received from Jesus Himself and through the legacy that My Divine Consciousness would leave, all the details about the preparation for the Last Supper. They perceived the indications for this ceremony by means of dreams and by direct guidance of their guardian angels.
This allowed them to be in perpetual communion with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a fact that, in the end of times, would affect the whole feminine gender.
Before arriving in Jerusalem, the holy women declared to Mary the inner union to Her Heart of Mother and they confirmed that they would share, with Her and for Her, all martyrdom and pain that the Holy Mother would live in order to relieve Her Most Beloved Son.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Three days before the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem, Our Beloved Lord visited a pious woman of the region of Galilee. The prayers of this humble old lady were so many that Jesus, when passing near her house, innerly heard her request for those who would crucify the Son of God.
Jesus approached this humble woman and she felt the presence of the Love of the Master; love that He radiated with intensity wherever he went by.
Even without being able to see Him physically, she felt Him in her heart; and Jesus, upon entering her house, approached her and gave her the blessing. The old lady seemed still when she learned she was for the first time in front of He who would give His life for her.
Then the Master, imposing His Hands over the eyes of the pious woman, healed her from her blindness and permmitted her to see Him, as she always had wanted to. The old lady knelt before Him for this miracle and started kissing His Feet, bathing them with an abundant flow of tears.
Jesus raised her and, when looking at her eyes, He said that He was giving her peace for her to have it forever and that she should continue praying for her Lord, because His time was approaching, the most difficult time of His agony.
The old lady, attending His request, answered that she had been praying for a long time for the enemies of Jesus for them to convert themselves some day.
The Lord taught His apostles, those who were moved by what had happened to the old lady, that the Kingdom of God is the treasure of the most humble ones at heart. And He asked them if they knew why this poor woman had been healed.
The apostles became without words and in silence, and Jesus answered them that the faith of this simple woman had healed her, the faith she felt for God through His Son; and all that in essence permitted this miracle was the detachment she had from herself to the point of not perceiving that she was totally blind.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While My Beloved Son made of each town He visited a new point of light for the planet, the miracles of life and conversion did not stop happening.
When My Son still had permission from the Celestial Father to work and attract more Mercy for the souls, in spite of the spiritual conditions of that time, His Sacred Heart did not cease to penetrate with His Light and His Mystery all souls He met on His simple paths.
Jesus taught His apostles while they visited the cities around Jerusalem that they should cultivate within themselves not only the spirit of faith, but also the persistence before all that would come.
At various moments My Beloved Son revealed to His followers and disciples that His awaited hour was approaching and, although the Lord would live one of the greatest sacrifices for humanity and for the Project of the Most High, He never ceased to show the inner power of His faith.
The faith of Jesus at that time was everything, and it meant the fundamental Purpose for the sinful and non-sinful souls to feed from the Divine Source.
In the faith of Jesus, the apostles and followers found the possibility of regaining the reconciliation with God and above all the confidence that would make each soul, at that time, worthy of the Mercy that was shed through the Presence of the Son of God.
Thus, Jesus tried through all spiritual and inner means that humanity recovered something so elevated as faith is; because this faith would place it again, as race, on the path it had lost.
In Jesus the power of His Faith was revealed, in silence. A faith that liberated the souls or that approached them again to the Divine Existence.
In those days, the Sacred Master prepared the human consciousness so that during the Passion of Christ it would recognize, at the least expected moment, who in truth was this consciousness and how much humanity should surrender to God to achieve redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Son comes to bring the spiritual relief that hearts need so that a positive hope may be reborn within them.
Your Heavenly Mother accompanies you, to motivate you to continue forward with joy and rejoicing, because this will help hearts to be able to spiritually heal themselves.
It is in this way, dear children, that on this day, a ray of Grace descends over this region of the United States to consolidate within the spirits an opportunity for redemption and the elevation of consciousness.
The planetary reality makes of this humanity a race much in need of spiritual and moral balance.
For this reason, the Divine Messengers arrive in the United States to call hearts to the truth, to the recognition of the human condition, in which many are to be found today.
For this, the Hierarchy carries out a work of miracles with the goal of preparing all consciousnesses ahead of time, for the expected return of Christ.
At this moment, each effort will be important, because this will build the alliance of sleeping consciousnesses with the Creator.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you on this day of mercy,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Today I come surrounded by many choirs of angels in order to establish, at this place, and throughout this whole nation, a purpose that may be impossible before your hearts and lives.
But if faith emerges from you, this purpose will be carried out, because it is my ardent desire that it may be fulfilled in this part of humanity which absolutely needs the Love of God to be able to redeem itself and once again find the path into the Light. The path into the infinite, which many consciousness, beyond those present, have lost at some point when separating from God, for not having known the Will of His infinite Love for each of their lives, and for each of the members of their family
It is in this way that I have decided, dear children, to arrive here, in California, to open a new cycle in this deep-sleeping humanity which must awaken to My maternal Love, to My infinite Love, to My most pure Love, which I have for each one of My children.
If I have come here, to the United States, it is because other children throughout the world have created the spiritual and material conditions so that I would be here, lovingly among you, bringing peace, the inner peace that you need so much to be resurrected into spiritual life, to the path of redemption which My Son offers you in these end times. A path that is a preparation for each one of you. A path which will take you to redemption, to conversion.
And this will be possible, dear children, when your hearts decide to trust in My Heart, because from this trust the Work of God will be realized in the hearts of North America, including Canada and Alaska. Because I desire to arrive there some day, so that hearts may once again find the Love which they have lost, the Love that I have poured out in these times over Central America, Mexico, South America and Europe.
I want you to know, dear children, this most powerful Love which is the Love that emerges from My Immaculate Heart, which comes to separate you from the obscurity that surrounds many governing minds. A Love that comes to remind you of your affiliation with the Celestial Father, a Father that patiently expects His children to be able to awaken to this call from My maternal Heart.
This is how tonight I invite you, dear children, to live the first step of the reconciliation with the Father. The Father is very offended, the Father who are in Heaven has been denied by many children in this place.
This is the reason why, dear children, by means of the Latin Americans and all the immigrants who live here, looking for the hope of life, looking for an opportunity to carry out their projects, I reunite you with the North Americans as one people, as one race, as one sole humanity that emerges since the beginning of Creation, to live and fulfill a purpose that is still unknown by many.
But it is through the greatness of My Immaculate Heart that I bring you the Love from Heaven, the Love that God has granted in My Most Pure Heart so that souls awaken to this Deep Love which comforts and heals any wound or illness that might seem impossible.
Through this declaration, dear children, I bring to the United States the last Grace from God. After having begged, at the Feet of the Creator, together with the holy women who accompany me in this Mission, I bring you this special and infinite opportunity, beyond your lives and hearts, because I desire, dear children, that this Grace may descend into your hearts, because this country needs this Grace so that it may not lose sight of the sacred Purpose of God that it is still shining upon the horizon of the Celestial Universe, and, that, through My sacred Words and the absolute love from My Heart, I come to bring for each one of you today.
Perhaps you were waiting for a miracle and a confirmation, dear children, that could change your lives around. But truly, I tell you, dear children, that the true miracle that My Son permitted Me to bring you on this day is that you may remember love, that you may experience it, practice it through works of service for those most in need, through an ardent prayer that may consecrate this nation to My Immaculate Heart through the charity and fraternity that make you embrace, at your homes and within your hearts, all the immigrants who arrive here, seeking an opportunity to survive, just as you are.
When everything is about to happen, in the upcoming months, dear children, do not fear, do not fear evil, because if My Heart is within you and in your groups of prayer that must be formed to bring even more of the Grace of God, I can assure you that a good Mother will never abandon you.
Because if God has allowed me to arrive here on this day and on this crucial moment for this country, I implore you, dear children, to not forget the unity among you and your fellow beings, because, this unity, dear children, will always lead you to peace and to the discovery of a profound love that will avoid many social and national conflicts.
Thus, peace will prevail when each one of you confirms it within your hearts as the emblem, as the universal flag to bring to Earth, in order to establish upon this planet an inner peace, that is very unknown to all.
With the rosary in my hands, as your Lady of the Holy Rosary, just as I told you in Fatima: “Pray, dear children, may the prayer transform you completely so that the Gifts of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may descend upon this part of humanity, and especially upon the hearts that are fallen”.
Through My Presence, on this day, I come to avoid many things that could come upon this American people, because My deep desire, dear children, is that all of you may be redeemable beings in the Eyes of the Father, before His Celestial Thrones, before all His angels and archangels.
Thus, with the motherhood of My Heart, dear children, I come to remind you that each one of you has a Guardian Angel who waits to serve and help you in order to lead you on the path of goodness and brotherhood. This is My desire on this day.
Keep listening to me with the love of your hearts and the devotion of your spirits, because this has allowed Me to arrive here, on this day and at this end time.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
I have opened the doors of My Kingdom in this place because it is from here and through the devotion of your hearts that I expect to reach this whole nation.
Through your prayers, My children, God has allowed Me to send each one of My angels to those places that are most in need, so as to take from the abysses of ignorance those children of Mine who have a commitment with God, and the moment to fulfill it has come.
I arrive in this nation, children, so that you may learn to fight for peace and not for the establishment of human will.
I do not come to ask you to fight for another government, but to open your heart to learn from human choices and demonstrate to the world that it is possible to convert these actions when the heart simply prays and cries out for peace.
I come here to ask you, children, not to allow any more wars in this world. Do not allow that more hearts suffer because of the human need to stretch their power and submit more souls because the time has come for humanity to live unity with one another, and with God.
I want to teach you to manifest this unity in your lives, children, beyond religions and creeds.
I want you to learn to recognize the One God, respecting the religions of each brother and sister, trusting that each one, when they proclaim love and unity, may lead you to One Creator, who is the Creator of all things, who grants you one universal Love so that you may awaken the true potential of the human heart, as His Son did.
All that I say to you is not a utopia, it is the truth to those who awaken faith and cry out to the Father every day, so that they may be true, transcending the human condition, awakening love, proclaiming peace on this planet.
Today, I also come to ask you, My children, that you may gather with the Kingdoms of Nature, that are so outraged by the human heart, mistreated to create conditions so that humankind may have more comfort and modernity. And you are not seeing, children, that you are killing the planet, little by little. Which is the Holy Heart of God expressed in all life.
When the Creator manifested Earth, He placed in each space, hidden in each being, His perfection and the potential of His Love.
Not only do the human beings of this world have the possibility to manifest Divine Love, but also each Kingdom, from the smallest to the greatest, keeps this potential of loving that awakens when the human hearts comprehend the unity that is in all life and commune from the existence as a whole, finding the Divine Presence in each creature of this Earth.
Today I want to awaken your consciousness to a superior love and not only to a human love.
I want you to understand, My children, that for borders to be dissolved between nations, first they must dissolve within the consciousness of each being.
It is for this reason that today I teach you to commune with life, with the universe, with Creation, so that in this way Divine Unity may descend upon you and upon the whole planet.
In the same way, My children, for peace to be established among nations, and in each human heart, first you must live this peace in your inner world, in your homes and in your families.
Before praying for the reconciliation among peoples, cultures and religions, reconcile with your families, reconcile with your friends, reconcile your spirit with God, because in this way you will open the doors so that a superior reconciliation may occur.
Today I tell you, My children, that to consecrate this nation, first I will consecrate your lives. And through your hearts I will reach every space of this nation as well as this planet.
Through you, I will consecrate each heart, and together with My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, I will make the intercession and the Divine Grace descend upon this soil, to convert the evil that embraces it, that blinds and deceives the human heart, to allow you to live, from this day on, a new horizon before your eyes, the possibility of a new life and of a new being, that is at reach for all of you.
Just pray wholeheartedly. Surrender your souls before God. Ask Him for forgiveness. Ask Him to teach you how to be humble and simple of heart so that He may enter into your lives and transform you forever.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
For this reason, I come, dear children, as the Great universal Spirit of Peace, to consecrate souls and consciousnesses to the Divine Plan, so that this Plan may be fulfilled beyond these children. Today, My holy hand, with the luminous sign of the Cross, will consecrate each one of them.
Let those who today will become children of My Immaculate Heart come here. I wait for them.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
I want you to offer this consecration for each being of the North American nation, thus generating merits so that I can pour the Celestial Forgiveness upon all souls that do not deserve it.
Thus, I will entrust you, children, with the task of praying for those who do not listen to Me, do not love Me, who ignore My Presence in Heaven and on Earth, who do not allow My Peace to be established in the world.
I will ask you, children, to offer at least one Hail Mary every day for the most ignorant and blind souls so that their eyes may open to the true Light of God and their souls may be liberated from obscurity and ignorance.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Like the Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, I want you, My dear children, to symbolically, in this night of consecration, place your heads upon My chest, to feel the beating of My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that sometimes is full of thorns and is not alleviated by the world, but only by the hearts that, in trust and in love, pray to My Heart so that It may pour its Peace and thus avoid Divine Justice in the world.
Today, during this consecration, dear children, I contemplate each one of your souls. With My gaze of Light, I penetrate into the depths of your spirits to bring to you healing for your wounds, liberation of sins and the ascension of your souls, together with Me, to the Kingdom of the Redeemer, before His throne of Light and the Sovereignty of His Love.
By the authority that God has granted Me, I consecrate you, dear children, to a life of ardent prayer for peace in the world, for peace in hearts, for the awakening of consciousness to the truth of the Celestial Kingdom and for the consecration of a peaceful California, and of a country that attracts fraternity into the world, unity, and, above all, the Love of God, to share and radiate for all humanity.
Together, with the angels that accompany Me today, opening the Portal of Peace from the Heart of Lys-Fatima, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children, may the hymn of your consecration, in this moment, be heard by the Celestial Father. So be it.
I thank you for responding to My call and for opening your hearts to receive me here, in San Francisco, to all of North America.
Hail Mary ( three times in English).
Song: Hymn for the consecration of the Children of Mary.
Through this water I pour My Grace upon your souls, being washed by the Holy Spirit, who spreads Its Gifts within all hearts of North America.
Keep singing.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
With these words that Mary has given us, with these impulses of love that She deposited into each one of your hearts, let us promise, on this day, to Our Lady of Fatima, to bring this Love and this Peace to our brothers and sisters.
To all believers and devotees of the whole world,
Miraculously, with no science that can understand it or method that explains it, the Holy Mother of God and Mother of the Earth will be with Her beloved children in the United States, after the One Source, the action of all the Graces and all the Wonders, has sent the Holy Archangel Metatron, Father of the Divine Fire, to the Earth to paralyze a point of chaos that was generated by the hands of My adversary.
This material, mental and spiritual paralysis is temporary, because free will was modified so that a Greater Law could act in the name of a Greater and Infinite Love. Also, the inner request, made by a certain number of souls to the Holy Mother of God, granted the intervention of a possible change of all that had been foreseen in the nation of the United States.
The prayerful offering of some consciousnesses, through the Law of Free Will, generated a positive effect which allowed everything that was highly contrary to lose the power of action over many things. The Celestial and Angelic Hierarchy, under the command of the Archangel Metatron, deflected those interferences from the field of conflict, and in this way, the storm passed, and the sky is clean.
A certain number of angels, out of love and service to the Father and at His sacred request, will be safeguarding this last stage because, if not, it could never happen again under a certain planetary and universal conjuncture.
This means, My children, that the Virgin of the Most Holy Rosary, Who today exposes Her Immaculate Heart, transplanted certain codes into the hearts of those who will need them to be able to move forward on this next mission in the United States.
This means that those souls that momentarily received the luminous codes of Mary, will represent a part of Her Divine and Celestial Consciousness on the planet, in order to carry forward that which was foreseen to take place in the next days, without there being any danger.
In any case, much prayer will be needed so that the task of the Divine Messengers is carried out effectively. Thus, with the help of many inner beings that belong to this Work, a great celestial dome opened to transfer this mission under certain celestial principles. One of them will be the complete silence of the missionaries, because an act of silence is capable of modifying an event when that silence is real, austere and humble. It was an inner request some souls made in the last hours.
I ask all My children that you expand this inner adherence to all of this sacred task so that the souls that must awaken, can awaken.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you, now and always,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Every day when you pray with the heart, the Father can make many miracles through your supplications, inexplicable spiritual movements that reverberate positively upon the planetary consciousness.
When prayer rises from heart and soul, God hears attentively the voice of all supplications and thus many situations can be solved. In this way, I invite you every day, My children, to deepen in the life and art of prayer that will lead you to find a path that you have lost before, the sublime and inner path of the communion with the Creator.
At this time, in which evil is triggered with its fury in the mind of the humankind of the surface, I invite you, dear children, to intensify your inner prayer so that all souls may be possible bearers of the Grace and the Mercy of God.
Today, and through this simple but inner exercise of prayer, an inexplicable opportunity to the world, especially to America, has opened, something that touched the Heart of My Son and for which I have come to announce it. And even if you do not know directly what it is about, trust and wait, because in a short time you will see it manifested.
This is the divine reason for which the Heavenly Mother is inviting you to continue praying with the heart for other positive effects as this one to be able to reverberate in the human consciousness and beyond it.
I leave you this reflection for you to meditate on the important moment of prayer for which you are called to live today. May this not be erased from your consciousnesses. May your hearts live this divine proposal to continue imploring for a humanity that is asleep.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My Voice is heard, just like the Voice of My Son, on all four corners of the Earth. They are the Voices that originate from the divine Verb and that reveal certain truths that, according to humankind, bring divisive consequences within and outside of the Holy Church.
As in Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje, and at Aurora during My first apparition, at that moment no one could recognize who I was.
The spirit of sobriety of the Church has caused it to protect the faith of followers. But in truth, very few were able, over time and without confirmatory miracles from Heaven, to believe from the first.
This kind of faith is in very few, because it is a faith that does not reject, but neither does it accept or complain; that faith that is in very few only comes with wisdom and without repudiation, because in truth, no member of this humanity knows the Plan of God.
It is thus, dear children, that God manifests His Purpose in a way that not all accept, because that purpose leads to transformation and to change.
I am not saying, My children, that the church change or not in the face of the true presence of the Mother of God. I have appeared throughout time where the Father has asked Me to, always to deliver a message of peace and of warning that the majority does not receive with fervor.
It has already been written that the Woman of the Apocalypse would come and we are at that moment; this causes certain actions and thoughts to be modified, because all has to be in favor of the Plan of God and not in favor of the plan of humankind.
When an announcement comes from Heaven, somewhere in the world, and this is continuous and sure, the first step of humankind is to omit this call and refute it to all souls. This closes the heart of followers and causes them lose the Grace of being directly assisted by Heaven.
None of the apparitions of your Heavenly Mother is accepted before time; in this way, in order to preserve and protect the trust of hearts, the Father has asked Me in other eras to make miracles, and in this cycle, the greatest miracle is that I am among you, preaching and opening the consciousness to the truth that many of My children want to hide and thus reject.
Each soul is free and will be so until the end of their days, but the Graces that I pour out in each place are unique and are not repeated.
Each place where I appear receives what it needs, according to the Purpose that the Father presents for each cycle of humanity.
My Face is being presented outside the Church so that My children see that the message is that there are hearts in need of help and the Church does not respond to them with due love.
I want to form the true union with God in souls, and this union has no barriers; that is why I am teaching all to pray, to adore, to contemplate, and to forgive; Grace is for all who search for it and love Christ with all their heart.
Do not be blind and do not close, with your human strength, the door of salvation that I am opening for all souls; all souls deserve the salvation of My Son and I will go on until the end, until I fulfill what the Father has asked of Me.
Do not offend Me anymore; unite out of love and follow Me. Remember, priest sons, that I have already called you once and you did not want to listen to Me; no one on this planet has the responsibility for what I ask; it is I, your Mother, who comes to remove you from the eternal dream and from convenience.
I thank you for accompanying My work from your heart.
Who reconciles you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
The Grace of God is what permits all things, it is what permits the manifestation of miracles in the life of souls.
It is the Grace of God that conceives the spiritual life and at the same time the renovations of hearts.
The Grace of God brings the sane joy and the jubilation for living in His Divine Plan. It is this Grace that permits you to know His Will, but before that, it has to be loved with all the heart.
In the Grace of God new paths are built and the doors open for the consciousnesses to live their redemption.
It is the Grace of God that brings the Divine Mercy to the sick world, the one that generates in the consciousnesses the opportunity to live its rehabilitation. In the Grace of God is kept the essence of the divine compassion, the possibility of experiencing mercy and piety for one’s own mistakes or for the mistakes of the fellow beings.
The Grace of God deposits in the souls the memory of plenitude and at the same time motivates the consciousnesses to take a step with confidence within the Plan of the Redeemer.
It is this Grace that can embrace spiritually whoever needs it the most, because it represents the indispensable engine for the souls to be able to liberate themselves from their debts and thus reach a state of profound forgiveness.
It is this Grace that I bring for My children at this time, a life raft before the world purifies itself; it will be this infinite Grace which will sustain the New Christs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who elevates you to the Grace of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Occupy your mind, your heart and your soul with the experience of the Higher Laws, the ones that manifest all things in the different created dimensions.
If you concentrate on the Origin, on the Root of everything that has been created, it is not necessary for you to fear or to be afraid in your life on Earth.
The one who lives within the Universal Laws, in harmony and communion, attracts to himself only facts that correspond to the manifestation of these Laws. But, from the moment the consciousness transgresses them, he comes out of their flow and protection and is subject to all common consequences of the human actions.
When I speak of Universal Laws, I speak of the Law of Love, of Fraternity, of Obedience, of Compassion, I speak of the vibrations that organize the different Rays of the Creator and allow the manifestation of the Divine Plan.
When you are adhered to these Laws – that, for many, are simple and rare virtues in humanity -, you give to the Creator a live sign that you are part of His Plan and that you are willing to let yourself be transformed and guided so that He will mold you, as He molds all of His Creation, in order to manifest His Perfection and Truth in it.
When you try to live under the Universal Laws, child, they are the first to manifest themselves in your life; you will be beyond the natural laws of human existence and the Creator will be able to operate in you what, for the common beings, will be like true miracles.
You will not need to fear or to worry your consciousness with the future because the one who lives in the Universal Laws is supported and protected by them. Therefore, before being fearful, afraid or worrying, live in the Universal Laws and attract to yourself what corresponds to them. Thus you will understand what the Creator wishes from all His creatures, and you will know that His Gifts are at the disposal of all, if only the hearts open themselves and search for them.
Your Father and Friend, who teaches you to search for the Higher Laws,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Allow your heart to know the gift of faith. Let this faith break within you the barriers of doubt, of indifference, of the need to keep the appearances before the world; let it break the barriers of impossibilities, fears, vanities. Let yourself be filled by the faith that transcends the comprehension of the mind and does not find a confirmation of its existence but in the depths of the heart.
There is no scientific evidence that confirms the action of faith and often you want to explain the miracles caused by it as a way to dissolve its merits in the human life. But faith, per se, child, is a great miracle.
When faith is established in the heart, it is a sign that this heart has already won many barriers within itself and that the consciousness has already treaded a certain path of transformation and of union with God to arrive there.
Faith is born without obstacles in the simple of mind, of heart and of spirit, and in them it expands each day, transforming itself into a source of love and graces for the incredulous and the desperate.
Those who have faith and let themselves be filled by it become, sooner or later, vehicles of the divine Grace for other hearts: faith itself, covered by Grace, makes miracles.
Child, what is called miracles in this world is nothing else but the action of faith in the human heart. If the one who needs a miracle, at some level, does not make their consciousness ready to receive it with faith, this miracle does not manifest itself, because miracles are the manifestation of Grace and divine Mercy, and if there is no attunement and affinity in the heart and consciousness, these Graces do not descend.
The universal Laws are a great mystery for the human mind, which ignores them almost completely. Only those who live under these Laws understand them.
Today, child, I call you to experience the divine principle of faith for you to receive from the Highest God the Grace you need in these times, manifested in a miracle of love and transformation, for you to fulfill your mission while it is still time.
Be willing to live the faith and ask for the Grace to receive it.
May the Father fill you with divine faith, transforming not only your small consciousness but also all of humanity, which, empty of faith and hope, does not find a meaning for life.
I bless you today and always.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter into the Heart of God and find there the possibility to overcome obstacles and limits and to live that which today seems impossible and unthinkable to you.
Children, this is the time not only of miracles, but also of truths. It is the time in which the human consciousness must approach what it really is and no longer be linked to limitations that are imposed by ignorance and blindness from this world.
In many cycles and in many eras, humanity got near Truth, but showed to the Universe that it had not yet reached a degree of sufficient love to be able to remember the past, the origin, and with this, to remember everything that must be healed and redeemed in the depth of each being.
After the example given by My Son Jesus and, after His Spirit of Love continued awakening and teaching, each heart that opened itself to love and to forgive, at least a part of the human consciousness is already minimally ready to find Truth.
In order not to get confused and to commit the same mistakes of the past, - when the Creator tried to reveal the universal life to you -, you must be humble in mind, emotions, intentions, heart, soul and spirit. And this humility does not come from carelessness with yourselves or with a self-martyrdom.
The humility of which I talk to you is the simple act of recognizing that you have always been asleep in this world and, even though what you are – in truth, in spirit – seems to be larger and full of power, know that there is no greater power than the Power of God and that every power that tries to impose itself to the Divine Power is simple human force, that – with a blow from the Highest – transforms itself into dust, into nothing.
To enter into the universal life, you must first feel it, let yourself be permeated by it as children that are before a new world. Do not want to know and do not think you already know. Do not want to be and do not think you are something. Only be before the Portals for the Cosmos, knowing that the only necessary thing in this moment is the humility of the heart and the certainty that to cross these portals you must have within yourselves the experience of love, of true love, that transcends one’s own needs and that even transcend one’s own life.
Place the spirit before the Cosmos, the Universe, the Origin and ask the Father for the grace to be humble and to learn and live true love. Because the time is coming to return and to consecrate this world to truth, overthrowing the false kingdoms built on Earth with the Power of the Divine Light.
Children, this is the last hour to build, within yourselves, that fortress that will cross the portals and the dimensions; that will recognize the past, the origin, the mistakes made; that will accept redemption; that will ask for forgiveness and that will surrender to the Cosmos – in the crystal of the heart – the experience of love as a symbol of absolute adhesion to the Divine Will and, as a visible sign for the universe, that the thousand years of peace have begun.
Today keep My Words in the heart and let them approach you a little to Truth because, even if only little by little, it is time to remember.
Your Father and Friend of all eras and of all cycles,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
When the Grace of God, which is My Grace, touches the hearts of humankind, everything may revert and all may happen. It is only enough that such a Grace, which redeems and saves all things, be accepted with the greatest humility and gratitude of the heart.
Sincere prayer will always bring you closer to this perfect state of gratitude and of love for all that has been received. Hearts that pray must not get used to receiving Graces as if They were bread delivered into their hands.
The Grace of God is something greater, which goes beyond human understanding and reason.
The Grace of God is an extremely powerful balm of reparation and of healing of impossible causes.
That is why the Father consecrated Me as the Lady and Dispenser of all Graces, so that My children in all eras of the Earth and in all the stages of humanity do not forget that there is a greater Grace above all adversity, a Grace that My enemy does not know and fears.
My children, may your hearts be searchers for the Grace of God, not only for yourselves, but also for the world, which greatly needs It at this moment.
As the Mother of Grace, I give you knowledge of the power of this flow of the Grace of God, which is not well understood by all human beings; but if It were properly loved, miracles would keep on happening like rain falling from the sky.
Dear children, the Grace of God, just as the Grace that comes from the Most Holy Son, can vindicate souls and save them from their constant errors.
Grace is a Fount that synthesizes the powers of mercy, piety, and compassion, expressed in this case through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
May the Grace of God always shelter and fulfill you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who dispenses upon the world all possible Graces,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today My Rosary extends all over the world and, from the Inner Center of Fátima, where purity lives, I make each bead of My Most Holy Rosary travel through the abysses of the planet, through the nations in conflict, through the homes without peace and in the hearts of all those who unite with Me in prayer.
My beloved ones, I come as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary so that humanity recovers the purity which it lost from its heart, through the simple prayer of the Holy Rosary.
I come as your Holy Mother of Fátima to tell you that it is in the exercise of prayer that the heart strengthens and prepares itself to enter into the celestial mysteries. When you pray with the heart and abandon the worries of this world to dedicate yourselves only to pray, with your whole being, your hearts become mirrors of light that capture the peace that I wish to radiate to the world from My Universe of love, and reflect it as a spiritual attribute to all the planet.
Many of My children have forgotten the life of prayer, and even though they do not find peace and admit the degeneration in which this world is found, they prefer to proudly unite with chaos than humbly surrender to the life of prayer.
Children, those who pray discover the truth because they unite to the Truth itself that is the Consciousness of the Higher God, and in this way cause the illusion, which was blinding them, to fade away.
There is no mystery that cannot be revealed to the heart that prays with sincerity because this heart knows the non-limitation of God and does not reduce the expressions of the Creator and the greatness of His Creation to the small human comprehension. Therefore, children, I wish that you pray each time more deeply, so that your hearts are ready to find the reality that until today was invisible to the majority of the human beings.
I want you to strengthen yourselves not only to face chaos with bravery and in union with the Divine Purpose: I also want you to strengthen yourselves in order to enter into a reality that transcends all the material life and that in no way resembles what you know today.
I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of Fátima lighted and to read the true history of humanity in them.
I want you to strengthen yourselves in order to see the mirrors of your hearts lighted and see reflected on them the truth of your spirits, because just as chaos reveals itself to the world and the atrocities are no longer hidden, are no longer a secret, in the same way, children, the true history of this humanity will also be revealed, and not just a few will recognize it. Every living being and all those who died in ignorance will see before them this history reflected on the mirrors and it will be the moment to define their own evolution, to embrace the Divine Purpose, or to step back and remain in the absolute illusion that was involving you.
My children, prayer is more than an instrument of peace and redemption: prayer is a door to the Universe of God, it is the bridge that removes you from human blindness and leads you to the horizon of truth. That is why, children, as Queen of the Holy Rosary, today I ask you to pray with Me so I can awaken for the higher life, on this day, as many as those who pray and search for peace.
Pray so that your brothers and sisters will remember My Immaculate Heart and, so that, with a simple thought sent to Me, I can work the miracle of awakening them to love.
Pray, children, for the peace among humankind, and in the Kingdoms of Nature.
Pray for the establishing of My Kingdom and so you can be worthy to see this Kingdom emerge on the surface of the Earth.
I bless you today and always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima
The essence of awakening is found in the development of faith, because it is faith that moves you to respond to the impulses of the heart.
Faith is what makes you transcend the atavisms of the limited material understanding for you to enter in the mysteries of the higher life.
Faith is what makes you cross the thresholds of life in this world, so that – although being in it – you do not belong only to it and, yes, perceive yourselves as part of an infinite and indescribable Creation.
Faith is not born in the mind: it comes from the spirit and expresses itself through the heart. Therefore, if you want that the impulses received are not lost, let faith develop itself freely in your own interior, even if you do not understand quite well the object of your own faith.
Many ask themselves, “To have faith in what?” Have faith in the purpose, faith in the teaching, faith in the presence of the Divine Messengers, faith in what moves you to transformation, faith in the communion with Christ, faith in His return, faith in the possibility that each one has to live the Plans of God, faith in Faith.
Let yourselves be transformed by the impulses of your own faith, for which the laws of matter are not the ones that prevail. Faith that comes from the spirit moves itself based on spiritual Laws. It is therefore that the hearts that have faith can experience what is called miracles that are nothing more than the action of superior Laws in the life of those who open themselves to live them.
Discover, children, the potential of faith itself and, by means of it, its prodigies.
Your Father and Friend, in faith and in prayer,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more