Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Thirty-three were the signs that God gave Me in the desert.
Thirty-three were the miracles I performed.
Thirty-three were the inner locutions of Saint Michael the Archangel.
Thirty-three were the main Instructions that I left to My apostles before the Ascension.
Thirty-three were the most difficult blows that I received out of Love for humanity and for their prompt redemption.
Thirty-three are the steps of the life of all those initiated in the apostolate of Christ.
Thirty-three are the Aspirations of God that I will fulfill when I return to the world.
Thirty-three are the cycles of those who learn to walk through the apprenticeships and of those who open themselves to the path of redemption.
Today, the thirty-three main spiritual impulses that the Lord of Israel, Christ Jesus, delivered in the last times to each one of the apostles of the end time are accomplished for Me.
Now, walk in the ceaseless search for the immortal spirit that lies in the innermost depths of each one of you.
I will always wait for you, in spite of delays or advances, in spite of everything; I Am here and I Am your Lord, the God of Love".
Christ Jesus
All the effort that is made, as a sincere offer for humanity, is recognized by the Universe because it knows that this offer is for compensating something that is unbalanced.
At this moment, the planet, and mainly humanity, need beings of sacrifice, beings of renunciation who offer themselves for the weight of the debts generated by the human race not to fall upon the planet and, above all, upon humanity.
To live renunciation or sacrifice at this time means the opportunity of generating miracles and graces, for more consciousnesses to awaken and to also begin to compensate all that is out of universal harmony.
Therefore, My Heart is attentive to the inner offerings, which can be internally given for love, only to your Redeemer.
This is the time to do something for love, for other consciousnesses to leave behind the indifference and ignorance in which they live, knowing that all are brothers and sisters and that it is important that creatures help one another to leave individualism and personal property.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Everything that I do at this time, in any place, among you or in some way, must be considered as a miracle of Mine, because in such an acute moment as this one, in which your Lord comes to the world to find it this way, only the action and power of a great and unknown love will allow that something, however small it may seem, can be solved.
Thus, I surrender to the world again, but this time I will not be nailed to a Cross, but I will be within you when you allow me so, for you to give testimony of Me, under any situation or reason.
The time to give testimony of Me has come, and at this moment I will be able to verify where My treasures remained.
This is also the time for you to live experiences that you never wished to live, because I need these experiences in order to justify and compensate for the errors of the entire humanity.
This is the time to give your life for Me, and it is the time to know that I will be by your side to support you, just as My Mother was until the last moment of My expiration on the Cross.
I know that for many of Mine this moment will mean effort and determination. I will give you all I have so that you can undergo it for Me and make My redeeming Project triumph.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I know in the depths of your being; what you were, what you are and what you will be someday by the work and miracle of My Mercy.
Therefore, it is not necessary that you occupy all the time with what happens to you. It is better that you put your mind and your heart in evolutionary things, in this manner you will save time, energy and space to really be able to give yourself with trust to My Sacred Heart.
Dare to transcend the so-called human decadence. Love others as you love Me, in this way you will build inside yourself something really good, and everyone will be served of your goodness to relieve their hearts and their lives.
In simple words, you should imitate me as a model of patience and unconditionality, as well as in deeply merciful acts.
One day you will awaken and be another. All this weight will have been transmuted by your correct and elevated disposition.
Do not be afraid to conquer yourself. Follow my steps and you will attain inner peace.
I wait for you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Most souls only believe that I am present in a certain place if there are miracles.
Miracles are acts of Love that the Father emanates to His children, so that souls can be transformed and renewed.
But the true faith and trust of knowing where the Son of God is lies in the gift of the heart, because the heart thus united to Christ never fails, for the trust and firmness that He radiates is indelible for the end of these times.
This fortitude of heart will allow you to live the new cycles and will lead you to embrace the new challenges that will come to impel you and lead you towards the goal.
The path of faith of the heart is something unchangeable. That is worth much more than hundreds of words, because faith awakens fortitude, and this fortitude helps the consciousness to accept the new times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Through My Heart, find the perfect reason to unite in spirit with God and thus be able to capture the impulses of the Divine Source.
My Heart is the portal of salvation which, again and again, I offer to the most sinful so that, encouraged by My Love, they feel within themselves the call to the conversion of the heart.
My Heart is the Temple of God that unconditionally opens to receive all of humanity and thus help it to find the path toward the Light, Mercy, and goodness.
See then how many wonders of love my heart can fulfill in all those who accept the Lord and let the Source of Divine Mercy act in the souls.
For this reason, My silent Heart is that portal for finding a so awaited spiritual healing.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Never forget My Mercy, for you will always need it.
Each time you exercise and practice My Mercy, a miracle of love is generated in your soul and in the soul of the planet.
For through the Chaplet you invoke Mercy due to the merits gained during My sorrowful Passion, and the Father, Who is infinitely merciful, receives this request and, instead of applying His Holy Justice to you or the world, grants His merciful Compassion to all sinners of the world.
Remember that each time you invoke the merits of My Passion, by means of the power of the Rosary of Mercy, you will be opening the Wound on My Side, and from Me will pour out the Light of the Blood and the Water of Christ, over all that has been spiritually corrupted and destroyed.
Happy will be those who always invoke My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because each time it is necessary, I will submerge and baptize them in the Ocean of My Mercy and I will grant them all the most immense Love of My Heart.
I thank all who present themselves as apostles of My Divine Mercy, because their sufferings will be My sufferings, their sorrows and anguishes will be My sorrows and anguishes, and through the power of My Love, I will free them.
Happy will be those who always trust in My Mercy, for I will not abandon them at the time of their death, but rather will be at their side like the Angel of Resurrection.
I thank you for invoking the Mercy of My Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Faith of Jesus was not based on spiritual arguments or justifications.
The Faith of Jesus came from a true conviction that knowledge arose and was born of the Love granted by God to each inner core; that made His Faith simple, humble, and true as knowledge.
This Faith was given impulse by an absolute trust in the Celestial Father, this strengthened it in and of itself. It was not a Faith that would appropriate anything, not even spiritual or non-material.
Jesus fed His Faith through the Love that His own Heart had for the Divine Will. It was that Love what strengthened His Faith and granted everybody the revelation of the divine and cosmic mystery.
Through His Faith, Jesus brought the realization of the divine mandate, which allowed a change in the course of events and straightened the inner deviation of consciousnesses.
The Love and the Faith in Jesus were inseparable, one could not prevail without the other; since those inner virtues, in perfect equilibrium and harmony, were what granted the miracles.
The Faith of Jesus had nothing rational or even scientific about it. Although it was based on the lines of knowledge of the Supreme Law, His Faith was completely filled by Love, which made of Him a Being full of wisdom and understanding.
This Faith that lived in Jesus is the same Faith that Christ tried to awaken and place in the depths of the hearts of humankind.
Because, in essence, the Faith of Jesus demonstrates to surface beings that they are capable of moving beyond themselves, in order to live and to experience the reason for their existence, their purpose, and their goal, captured in the inviolable mystery of the Divine Will.
If souls imitated the Faith of Jesus, the tests that the Universe grants them would not be problems or obstacles.
To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not be self-willed, it is to have a heart available to love any consciousness, in any situation; it is to say "yes" when one is called upon to give more of oneself than one could.
To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not be afraid of recognizing mistakes and of trying and amend them with transparency so as to not make them again.
To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to believe that beyond oneself there is Something higher and divine that governs us, that we have a purpose to fulfill, and an unknown Will to embrace and love with all our strength.
To imitate the Faith of Jesus is to not fear falling and getting up as many times as necessary to affirm our union with the Eternal Father.
I thank you for imitating the Faith of Jesus!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
After everything defines, some will think that I was never here nor will they believe that in these last years I have been talking to you directly so, in spite of your miseries and imperfections, you should let the world know that I am already returning.
For this reason, stay firm without hesitating and trust in Me, because from My Heart will come the correct words when you and some of your companions may have to testify because of My cause. But in that moment, and in that hour, everything will already have been said and the world will be at the apex of its great and last purification.
Thus, as from now, do not feel regret or distress. All who serve Me for some reason, must be tested in their faithfulness, obedience and love, so that, in My servers, in those whom I have chosen, the transformation that My Word brings about and the miracle that My Message produces, may be represented.
Keep on as you have been until now, close to Me, in simplicity and love, and tell your companions to do the same, because the time to protect the Work from the enemies will come.
Those who oppose will come to know the greater heat of My Fire.
Those who unconditionally adhere will come to know the celestial marvel of My Love.
Thus, continue forward for Me and for no one else; the world is full of personalities, and to all of them the moment to disappear for being full of fantasies and illusions will come.
But you, who are with Me and that, for My Mercy, I have taught you to be so, never cease to make Me known.
Imitate Me, even though you may not manage to do so; seek Me, even though I may not call you, because, from that spiritual communion with Me, you will receive the strength you need in order to defend My Word and My Message from those who will try to deny them.
Accept the cycles that are coming and never, not for a second, stop surpassing Me in love. Thus, for your service, you will allow Me to win over the obedience that I expect from many more hearts that are disobedient to Me.
Today I do not make you shine like gold nor diamonds; you are the most imperfect stone that has been molded by Me. Let Me continue to penetrate in the depths of your spirit, for that is where the Supreme Will will be done.
Be an example of constancy, just like some of Mine are.
Believe, above all things, in what My Love can do, in this way everything will be transformed.
I will be your breath in the times of trial. I will be your hope on the days of great planetary darkness.
I Am what I Am.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Words are heard by those with an open heart and they echo in the inner worlds.
My Words are not wasted, but they enrich the spirit that adopts them as part of itself.
My Words are unchangeable and remain alive throughout times; they build the new and make of each soul the best present for God. Because when the vibration of My Words is experienced, a great transformation occurs in the consciousness.
My Words make you relive the commitment all the time; they penetrate in the depths of the consciousness that takes them as part of itself. And all of this performs great miracles, because My Word is considered a Source of salvation and redemption for the souls; it is the permanent guide for all hearts willing to represent My Message on Earth.
It is in this way that My Divine Word never fails, with It the whole spirit sublimates and is able to consecrate itself.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Jesus Christ
I speak directly to your heart, because I know it will always know how to respond to Me.
I am present in all the Blessed Sacraments of the Earth, waiting for many more to decide to know Me in the silence.
If souls truly surrendered a little more to My Heart, I could solve all the problems you experience; but the enemy always articulates its game to confuse those who are Mine; it just has to touch the open wound for the miseries that many experience to begin to show.
Child, you must know that in the Blessed Sacrament, your consciousness will expand, and you will soon know, through Adoration, how to discern My Infinite Will.
Through Adoration, you will be able to feel the path to be trodden.
You will know how to distinguish when I desire that you do some things but not others, when you must be attentive and silent.
Those who risked becoming immediately consecrated to My Heart and proposed to live the vows that daily reformulate selfless life, all of them will have double the work of controlling, in themselves, the needs and ideas that may emerge in their consciousnesses, because a completely consecrated being waits every day for the sign that comes from the Heights.
Of all of them, I will always expect a little more, to the point of their being prepared to seek Me and find Me in their inner heart. In them I pour out My Celestial Graces. By them and through them, when they truly respond to Me, I can work and make life miracles happen.
Now, let your focus concentrate on the power of Adoration; through it many tempests will dissolve, and you will find the remedy to heal spiritual ills.
I became a Living and Glorified Body so that souls, through the Eucharist, where I am always present, could physically unite with the universe and the spring of My Mercy.
In truth, today I suffer for those who are deceived and lose the strength of sanctification. I long to be able to find apostles trained for this end time. They will be sought like sheep among wolves, but My shepherding is true and will lead them on the path of redemption.
Thus, seek Me through Adoration. You will thus be confirming My Presence throughout the Earth, because in Adoration, a bridge of union is established with the Heavens, and the soul communes with Divine Principles unknown to it, but which are placed in its heart.
When you are alone, restless or weak, find Me in Adoration. My Heart is the Blessed Sacrament for the world, and all must penetrate the dimensions through contemplation. It will be the shield that will free you of all evil. It will be the star that will illuminate the next dark night.
But in truth, the majority of souls are adoring modernities and great electromagnetic discharges hypnotize the lower consciousness. Because of the influence of these involutionary means, Heaven cannot open over the dome of each spirit and a great distance is established between matter and the very divinity of each being.
I am observing how many are deceived; the prophecy of the Apocalypse is unfolding with strength and determination over the planet, but only the wise of heart will perceive these things. In them, I place the power of My Trust, but I know they will always be more tempted than those hypnotized.
Whomever concentrates their heart and their gaze on the Blessed Sacrament will not be lost, they will know how to distinguish the seeming from the real and will have spiritual tools to overcome the time of deception.
It will not be necessary to be surprised by what I tell you; this is only a small sample of the current illusion of humanity. No matter how confused the times seem, I am present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth and the soul that thirsts for Me will just come toward Me. In this way, it will not deviate from the path, will be freed from being tempted by the demons of sensuality and pleasure, which in this cycle will be creating sub-levels of malice and of conquest in good souls.
But whomever observes carefully will be able to know and will be able to feel what is correct and what is incorrect. I have the Divine Authority to dissolve all the cruelties of space. It will be enough that more hearts bow down at My Most Holy Sacrament so that, in profound honoring and Adoration, I may uproot the influences of evil and more souls, which die from such a bitter thirst, may be revived by My Water of Life.
These are no longer remote times; they are times of battle. Heaven and hell play for the reign of the Earth. The more temptation, the more the weakness; the more Adoration, the greater will be the unwavering strength of the spirit.
For the consecrated there is no salt other than Me. I am the only complement to life which will not fail you and will not cause you to suffer. For this reason, in seeking the salt of this world, many orders are weakened and buried in the arid sands of the Earth, without finding a way out.
I aspire that those who listen to Me be intelligent. I tell you these things to avoid new falls in you.
Faith will be the instrument of your Adoration and elevation to My Kingdom. You cannot image how many times I have called at the door of hearts and have only seen the results of long passions that blind and distance those who are Mine from My Eternal Heart.
God, your Father, allowed Me to give you these warnings, because you are now ready so that in the next month, seven years of abnormal and infinite Graces will have been accomplished. I say abnormal because only the Virginal Purity of My Mother made it possible to put out seeds in the deserts without water.
Now that many have blossomed through Divine Love, give of your human love so that, through My Heart, it may be purified and sublimated in the Greater Kingdom.
Pay attention; I am not asking you for the impossible; now, in this era, this would be of no use. I come to reactivate the final Message which I once gave in Rwanda. Aurora, the inner dawn, will be the bridge of redemption of all those who once were deported to Earth by God.
I come to rescue the unrescuable.
I come to give life to that which is already dead.
Woe be to those who will not repent! It will be late for them to recognize My Glorious Countenance at the moment of the Return.
While everything happens, seek the spirit of holiness. In this way, you will please Me all the time and I will be able to rest in your hearts.
In Christic Love, I always bless you.
Do not be discouraged, you will be able to do everything through My Heart of Peace.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
My Heart rests joyfully in the essences that in spite of all persevere in My Redeemer Call.
For this today and in this time My Sacred Heart will pour innumerable Graces of Pity and of Mercy upon those who open themselves to transform life by means of the path of conversion.
This light that springs incessantly as a source that comes from the Eternal Center of My Heart is the Light of the Divine Mercy. Those who at three in the afternoon unite themselves without delay but without time to My Source of Graces also will receive My Merits achieved on the Cross. These same sacred merits will strengthen the souls so that with braveness they may face the liberation of life and achieve forgiveness for all that they have passed through. If the souls pray with fervor the wonders that I pour will be stronger and more powerful and in this way your transformation will be victorious because in sincerity and peace you will have achieved the Kingdom of God.
For this it is important to possess a spirit of decisive and constant love that may permit the unraveling of the lagoons of incomprehension that are produced sometimes in the consciousness. By means of the merciful prayer of three in the afternoon, many uncertain doors open to the superfluous deviation of life may be able to be closed so that the souls may live through God and His Eternal Love. The daily prayer of the Divine Mercy constructs solid bridges between the souls and God, bridges of light and of mercy, bridges of love and charity that will never be able to be downed by the enemy. Despite the rough and difficult tests that in these times are faced by all of the hearts, these bridges are unbreakable because they are sustained by My Merciful Love, a sublime essence that is guarded in the temple of your little spirits.
Thus I ask you that in this time you strengthen through the merciful prayer these bridges because they will conduct you towards the definitive redemption of your lives.
Under the Imperishable Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for constructing bridges of light towards My Heart!
Christ Jesus, the Great Savior Bridge
Whenever your eyes get too tired to see the infinite path of transformation, turn your gaze towards My Sacred Heart and confirm, in My Name, your continuity in My Christic Pathway.
Guard each moment that you live with Me as a treasure that you will accumulate in Heaven and you will pour as a blessing upon the hearts that most need of Redemption.
Each little sacrifice that is realized in life has greater proportions in Heavens because each time that a soul donates itself, the Infinite Grace touches a wounded heart to be able to heal it.
See how big is the Love of God for the world that, in each service realized with the love of the heart, all of those who must receive a celestial opportunity of conversion will receive wonders.
It is necessary to have courage to continue. Times change and the heart must mature through the surrender for that which it does for love and honor to God.
I Am as a bridge, uniting your heart with the Heart of God. Continue walking, follow My footprints of Light.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more