During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary announced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


Christ will make you pure of heart because He gave His Life for you so that the errors of humanity could be forgiven.

His Blood justified the sins of everyone and brought freedom to the prisons of planetary life.

Through the Holy Spirit, His Water purified and baptized you as bearers of His Peace.

Each of His Wounds was offered as a salvation for all the condemned of the world, and His pain and agony continue to be the path of offering for the unredeemed.

His Cross triumphed and continues triumphing up to today.

In this way, are all marked by the power of that Cross, which defeats evil and brings freedom from the chains that imprison you.

His Word came to renew you and continues to do so because the purpose of the Divine Word is to continue to free all from the captivity of these times.

Avail yourselves then of the merits of My Son so that your lives may be converted in Christ and thus, you convert the cruelty of the world into a chamber of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Christ will make you pure of heart because He gave His Life for you so that the errors of humanity could be forgiven.

His Blood justified the sins of everyone and brought freedom to the prisons of planetary life.

Through the Holy Spirit, His Water purified and baptized you as bearers of His Peace.

Each of His Wounds was offered as a salvation for all the condemned of the world, and His pain and agony continue to be the path of offering for the unredeemed.

His Cross triumphed and continues triumphing up to today.

In this way, are all marked by the power of that Cross, which defeats evil and brings freedom from the chains that imprison you.

His Word came to renew you and continues to do so because the purpose of the Divine Word is to continue to free all from the captivity of these times.

Avail yourselves then of the merits of My Son so that your lives may be converted in Christ and thus, you convert the cruelty of the world into a chamber of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My children, feel My Love and My Peace, because I contemplate your efforts, your difficulties and your deepest abysses, into where My light enters today so that your hearts may find the peace, the forgiveness and the redemption of God.

My children, feel My Grace because, while contemplating your mission and the bravery of your spirits, which day by day stand up from the falls and try not to succumb to the temptations of the world, I pour out a divine atonement upon you. Thus, by means of My Grace, may you find the path to unite to God and may you recover hope to transcend your own miseries and reach the Heart of the Father.

My Heart comes today to the Marian Center of the Child King to send a message to the world, expressing that, to those who strive to transform and transcend, help will come, and much beyond the darkness that dwells within your inner abysses, the light of your essences will shine because God, with His own Hands, will open the paths, will remove the obstacles and will liberate the darkness so that you may recognize that within you there is a truth, which is beyond appearances and illusions.

Everyone is pure to the Eyes of God, and the stains imprinted upon your souls, by the world and by human experiences, will be able to be washed, healed and cleansed by the power of My maternal Love.

Let My Light touch you, may My Peace heal you as often as necessary. May My Love liberate you and reveal to you who you truly are.

You are My children, My little and pure children, essences that arose from My Creator Womb, from the Fount of My Purity. A part of My Immaculate Heart dwells within you. For this reason, let Me reveal Myself within you, as a light that illuminates your souls, as a divine joy that springs forth from your spirits, as a new and divine hope.

My Heart embraces you, My Love supports you, because through you I help the world. By means of your efforts, I can be before God, with the merits generated by your lives, to intercede for the most lost souls, for those who do not know God and who, day by day, move away from the purity of their essences and hearts. Through your lives, I intercede for life in this world, above all, for the children and youth who have lost hope of loving and of being loved.

The future of life upon the Earth is built by means of the effort of a few. Therefore, My children, never forget that, with each effort that you undertake, every day, My Heart recovers a lost essence, a helpless soul.

Your greatest service in these times is to live in the Love of God, it is to believe in the potential of your hearts to transcend all the past experienced by you and by your families so that, in the name of humanity, you may announce the possibility of forgiveness and the Grace of redemption.

Your hearts are favored before God. Your essences are pure to the Eyes of the Father. Today, find this purity within you.

I love you, I welcome you under My Mantle and support you, with the infinite gratitude of My Heart.

I thank you.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in pure souls that pray from their heart for the establishment of peace.

My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in the souls that open the Doors of Heaven with their prayers, and do not fear to know the Truth and the Kingdom of God.

I come, My children, so that your spirits may know this Truth, so that Argentina does not remain in ignorance about itself and about life on Earth, but rather that it may know who it is and what the potential is that it holds as a nation and as a people.

I come, as I came so many centuries ago, to prepare the birth of the new humanity which will emerge from within each one of you. A humanity that will reveal the similarities of your hearts with God; a humanity that will demonstrate to you what you were created for and what the purpose of your lives is.

I come to raise men and women by means of My presence; to raise a people from its darkness and from its inner abysses so that, strengthened by its best virtues, it may convert into a fertile and sacred soil, worthy of receiving the Feet of the One who will come to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth and to reveal this Kingdom within beings.

My Heart of Mother, so many times flagellated and outraged by human actions and by the indifference of hearts, is repaired by the sincere prayers of My children and, more than that, beloved children, I find encouragement and merits to intercede for the world when your spirits are open and available for a new life.

I come, to remove you from illusion and suffering, and to teach you to repair the Heart of God with your own lives. I come to open your eyes to the simplicity that there is to find and live the celestial Truth and higher life.

I come to point out the way and show you the signs in the sky and within you so that your inquietudes may find responses in the Truth that is revealed to your hearts.

Argentina is a nation filled by mysteries and hidden gifts, and the moment has come for them to be revealed, and it will be the very Hand of God, My children, that will remove the veils that cover your eyes and will show you what is hidden, although it has always been here, since before the establishment of your people as a nation.

From the top of the mountain ranges to the depths of the seas, everything will be revealed. The light that shined, hidden by nature, will no longer shine within the Earth but rather before your eyes, reflecting in the mirrors of your hearts and revealing that not only upon the Earth, but also within yourselves, a greater life was hidden.

This is a time of revelations; revelations of a Truth that has existed since the beginning of the Origin of life; a Truth from which you have distanced and which will be revealed to you so that you can return to it. With the light of this Truth, the light of My Son will also be shown to you. You will first see His splendor in the Sun of His Eyes and of His Heart; then you will see His Feet, which walk toward the Earth, and then you will recognize Him as the Son and a part of God, as God Himself surrendered to humanity.

Rejoice and awaken, My children. It is time to make of your own conversion a reason for bliss and joy. It is time to make of your own awakening a reason for plenitude; to make of your own sacrifice a reason for renewal and of your own life an eternal revelation of God.

I love you, bless and thank you for responding to My call.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages


Through His Wounds, you were healed.

Through His martyrdom, you were liberated.

Through His pains, you were redeemed.

Through His agony, you were reconciled.

Through His three falls, you were converted.

Through His loneliness, you were unified.

Through His silence, you were absolved.

And through His Crucifixion, you found peace again.

On the eve of this Sacred Week, may your hearts ignite with love and devotion for Jesus, so that the merits of His Passion and Death may be the bridge toward the conversion of sinners.

Through your union with Christ, children, may the legacy of His Passion be valued. May each act of the life of My Son be contemplated as the opportunity of reconciling with life and with God.

In the face of all events that humanity goes through, and taking into account the time of perdition that souls experience today, by the merits attained by Christ, may the souls on the Earth receive the grace of reconsideration and conversion for their paths so that they may meet the Love of God.

Children, now that you will have the spiritual grace of reliving the Passion of My Son, may your lives testify the triumph of the Love of Christ in your hearts. And may this testimony help you in the elevation of consciousness and in the reparation of all that happened.

Dear children, during the next Sacred Week, may you again go through the mystery of what the surrender of the Love of My Son meant for the world. And may this mystery, filled with profound compassion, help the world to live its purification as a preparatory path to receive the Redeemer for the second time.

Make each moment of the Passion of Christ a part of yourselves, and may this reflect within your daily lives, in the sharing with brothers and sisters, in the Works of charity and of peace; thus you will be able to be witnesses of the Love of the Lord and carry it wherever you go.

I encourage you, My children, to have the Divine Passion of My Son transform you into His Instruments of Peace in these critical times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

How to receive Mercy

My Children,

I come to the world at this time to teach you not only how to cry out for Mercy, but how to generate merits so that you are worthy of the celestial atonement that Divine Mercy brings to your lives and to the world.

I come to warn you of the reality of the planet, which agonizes before the indifferent eyes of most human beings on Earth.

I come to remove you from ignorance because human ignorance and indifference have no nation, no religion and no culture.

Ignorance and indifference are in the human consciousness as deep roots, which have been growing and gaining space throughout your development as humanity.

And today, these roots are fed by the modernities, commodities and facilities that this world offers you, through things that are created at the expense of humanity and the Kingdoms, and by the outrage of the Earth.

Therefore, My children, I arrive at this time to cut these roots, to lead you to a new life, to show you an option that the world does not show you because darkness has taken over the daily life of many human beings.

In order to awaken within your hearts the love that leads you to Truth, I call you to service and to charity, I call you to prayer.

Only the heart that begins to serve can understand what I tell you, and if you do not try for yourselves, you will never drink from the Source of Wisdom, which is born from experience and not from words.

My Words are divine impulses, they are like the Light that brightens a dark room so that you may find the door out of the prison of these times. Therefore, My children, listen today to My call, My Voice that is pronounced by a Divine Will, superior to all things and that transcends human understanding.

Listen to My Voice and follow it.

This world is blind, and your Heavenly Mother comes at the request of God, to bring the Light so that you can again see and bring life to those who died and did not realize it because, day by day, they fall into the abysses of ignorance and indifference.

I come to a Nation that is full of knowledge, filled with sciences and philosophies, with an aspiration to transform, but today I tell you, My children, that not only your own lives should be cared for. This world as a whole is your home, and every being that dwells within it, all the Kingdoms of Nature, are your brothers and sisters and sacred creatures of your Celestial Father.

Today I call you to leave aside the sciences and philosophies, and all the knowledge that fills your minds in these times so that you receive from God the Divine Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom.

And I tell you that there is no other way to receive what the Father offers you if you do not cross the door of humility and, on your knees and in prayer, cry out for Mercy.

It is not the riches of the world that will fill your souls, but the fullness of knowing that you have done everything so that all your brothers and sisters can have an opportunity to feel and experience love and true joy, and the fullness of knowing that you have fulfilled your part to reach the Father, before His Celestial Altar, with a clean and peaceful heart.

Listen, My children, the warnings of your Celestial Mother. Serve, pray and cry out for Mercy.

Go to those who need the most, and let charity work in your hearts, transforming your human condition, cutting the deepest roots of ignorance and indifference. Thus, you will know and understand what I tell you.

I thank you for listening to My words, and for opening yourselves from the heart to the divine impulses that I bring you today.

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstat



Take your cross and follow the Master, on this day. Follow Him on the whole path of pain, but of the victory that he will achieve for you. Imitate His example of perseverance, meekness and faith.

Carry your cross with My Son and let the Purpose be a part of you. Love the Divine Will tirelessly and, even if you do not understand it, accept it with joy. Accept everything that the Universe sends for you to learn.

Carry your cross and stay close to My Son. Imitate His Peace, His state of silence. Let your cross be a victory and the defeat of all illusions of the world.

Carry the weight of the past but believe that, on this sacred day, everything will be liberated, because the Beloved Son will bring with Him the merits of His Passion, Death and Resurrection, to offer them to the New Christs as coronation of the triumph of Christ on Earth.

Carry your cross with My Son and in trust drink from the chalice of sacrifice because it is time to give yourself for others.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Pray, when the night seems to fall over the sky of the Earth.

Pray when the difficulties are great, and the challenges seem impossible, because in this way, My children, the Grace of God will always come to assist you.

Pray so that the world may receive the healing it so much needs, and may neither the wars nor the chaos cause the faith of your hearts to wane.

Pray when darkness approaches, when solitude seems infinite and emptiness takes over your inner world, and persevere.

From the perseverance of your hearts will be born the merits for a new life.

From the healing of your souls will be born the merits for the healing of the planet.

From the sun lit in your hearts, in spite of the difficulties, will be born the merits so that Aurora may rise again in the sky of the Earth and within beings.

From the fortitude of your hearts will be born the merits so that the weak of spirit may rise again.

From the invisible of your hearts, I build the universal triumph of God.

In the silence of your lives, I teach you to imitate My Steps and to transform the Earth in the anonymity of a celestial victory.

So that the world may know the Grace of higher life, persevere, and have faith in the invisible.

What is a mystery to you today will be tangible to you someday. But, before touching, you must believe, feel, and live under the Grace of what is not seen.

Have faith and strengthen the faith in your hearts.

Trust will make you free of doubts and you will know how to recognize within yourselves the portals of the new life, because you will already be part of it.

Build now, within yourselves, what will make you guides of the new humanity, because it is through knowing how to go beyond yourselves and the difficulties of these times that you will be able to guide others.

It is by trusting in what is invisible to you today that you will be able to guide beings to the path of their redemption, even when there is no light over the world. Because you, children, will not depend on the light of the Earth, but rather on the light that illumines your inner self.

Pray in the presence of doubt, pray on facing error, pray on facing temptations, pray on facing indifference, pray when you feel separate and distant from one another, and more than that, pray, pray a lot, when you feel distant from God.

Today I tell you, My children, that a great mystery is drawing closer to your lives.

The planet is facing the birth of the new human being, which will be painful, but also, it is facing a light that is unknown to you, in spite of it having been here since the beginning.

Pray to recognize the truth, pray so that the truth can be before your eyes, and even though it is invisible, that you may be able to see it.

The rays of Aurora that are being born within the Earth are already illuminating a part of the planet, and those who open themselves to its rays and to its light will never be in the darkness of this world.

Pray, My children, and feel that I Am part of this New Aurora, which as it is born on Earth, is also born in heaven, in the depths of the infinite, and illumines all spaces, renewing them with the balm of the Light of God.

Pray in order to know how to trust, pray to awaken faith and do not let yourselves be deceived or darkened, do not let yourselves become cold by this night that you live on Earth.

May the rays of the New Aurora warm your hearts and reveal a new path to you where Heaven and Earth unite, where that light that was ignited in the depths of the Earth finds part of itself in the infinite. And in this mystery the Creator reveals to you that the same Aurora is born in Heaven and on Earth, and that is where My Immaculate Heart is.

Pray so that, more than understanding what I tell you, you may live it.

I bless you, today and always.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


While Our Sacred Hearts are here today, present among you, your Celestial Mother opens the doors so that an infinite legion of angels may invade Earth, in order to pour out on this humanity the Graces of God, those which the Sacred Family of Nazareth once received at the Manger in Bethlehem.

Those same merits that were granted to the Three Sacred Hearts are arriving through The Most Chaste Saint Joseph and your Celestial Mother to all the families of the world.

The legion of angels that your Celestial Mother sends today towards the five continents has the divine Purpose of dissipating and disarming the plans of My adversary.

Each prayer that was pronounced today with the sincerity of your hearts, My children, allowed the Sacred Hearts to expand their Graces over this suffering and divided world.

I would like this same spiritual impulse to emerge from your hearts so that a new spiritual family may be born, first in your essences, to later emerge in the consciousness of humanity, free of separations, outrages, and indifferences.

Today the Sacred Family comes through your hearts to the families that are enslaved by work, by manual exploitation, and by the sale of thousands of innocent lives that are imprisoned by the chains of other human beings in this world.

Your prayers reached all those hearts that lost faith and trust in God because their lives were completely empty.

Lastly, My children, on this day of spiritual blessing I would like you to offer the Eucharist for the inner restoration of hearts wounded by so many outrages and exploitations.

I thank those who made my coming to Argentina possible and I hope to soon be together with My children to praise God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

I want My Omnipresence to be demonstrated to the world and that the Power of My Heart, which is incomprehensible to many, is able to touch your lives to completely transform them.

One day, I will look down from the Kingdom of the Heavens and in the world, I will contemplate the fruits of so many impulses sent by God.

Today I want to calm your hearts, so that you may know that the steps are being taken in your spirits and that your souls are complying with the many impulses you have received. 

I tell you this, for I see many hearts that are distressed, because they believe that they are not responding to My call; but I tell you, My dears, that your souls are precious in the Eyes of God, Who does not find in the world those who open their hearts to live His Words, which descend through His Messengers.

While My Voice resounds in unison through so many hearts, it also enters into your essences and strengthens them.

I see in your lives today the fruits of prayer, because divine purity already has room in your essences, and many can confirm what I tell you.

My dears, although the times place you in many tests and the life in matter as well as the life of the spirit demand more and more attention from your beings, I want you to be firm on this path and to  count on My maternal assistance.

Many suffer because they do not truly believe in the miraculous power of divine transformation, which transforms the hardest clay into a cup to be filled by the Love of God and by His Holy Spirit.

My beloved ones, let the Gift of Hope be a reality for all the beings of this world, because it is possible to experience a special state of Grace in this time and become a sacred instrument of God, who permanently accomplishes His Plan.

My beloved ones, do not be afraid of healing your hearts and of surrendering your faults to Me. Do not be ashamed of what you once were or what you still want to be because of the impulses of the world; rather, just as you are, walk towards these arms that open to your hearts and invite them into a divine embrace.

May the power of My Immaculate Heart transform your souls and essences and give you the courage and valor to continue forward.

Do not fear, do not stop; only walk and abandon the past. I will gather up what you leave along the way and carry it to the Feet of the Creator as a sample of the transformation of humanity, so as to generate merits for others to receive redemption.

I fondly love you and I thank you, today and forever, for responding to My Divine Call.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



May the Glory of God live and reign in each one of your hearts.

Dear children, with deep joy I traverse the world and My pilgrim steps conduct Me to those most in need, so that they may awaken the eternal Faith in My Immaculate Heart and the Love for it.

I come as Queen of Peace to establish My Kingdom in the world, because this Earth needs to awaken for Peace, and above all because the human heart needs this universal and divine attribute.

I come today bringing the Peace of My Heart as a primordial attribute for life on Earth, because those who have become peacemakers will not perish before the tribulations that the world already lives.

By the Lord's request I traverse all the nations pacifying the souls so that before the greatest test, the last threshold to be crossed by the consciousness, His creatures may take the steps they need to take, in profound harmony.

Those who have eyes to see and heart to feel know how much the world needs Peace to balance the many conflicts that there are among the beings, among the nations, and between humans and God.

I return to the world once and once more, to give testimony, through My presence, of the existence of a Greater Universe that is alive and full and that awaits the awakening of all beings.

Despite not having the permission to show Myself to the eyes of all My children, still, I can show Myself to the heart of all of those who open the doors to Me.  My presence in your lives does not happen in the mind, My dears, but in the depths of the heart.

Each one of My little children will receive the touch of My Peace, in the form that they need it, and in the form they permit Me to do it.

To the simple souls, devout and of open heart, My kingdom will be shown, but it will not be out of favor to them but out of their own merit.  Their faith will open the doors of Heaven, and the key that blossomed from their hearts will show them the entrance to this Kingdom.

Today I want you to understand that the primordial reason for the existence of all is the awakening of true Love, the Love that donates all of itself, and becomes empty before the Universe.  My Heart, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus come, in this time of changes, to show you the path that must be traversed, that unlike what many think is a path of simplicity and humility.

It happens that My children are so separated from Divine life, that many have lost the link with the celestial attributes that were infused in them at their origin.  But today I call you to not be discouraged, because each one of the virtues to be lived is latent in the interior of each one of you, and little by little you will be able to find them, as you seek them.

Awaken, My little ones, awaken! Because higher life awaits you, and My presence calls you to experience this sublime reality. For this I am here today among you, and I welcome you into My mantle, protecting you and leading you always.

I thank this city for opening to Me the doors of the heart.

I thank each devout soul that clamored for My presence in this place, and today I say to you:

Here I am, My dears; your Divine Mother has come to the encounter with you.

May Peace reign in your lives!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


My dears,

Today I want to confirm to your hearts that My Mantle must be a single mantle of light that covers all of humanity. I want each corner of this Mantle to be sustained by the hands of My children, those who have given themselves to My Heart, independent of religion, belief, or race.

My Heart contemplates hearts, souls, and spirits, and there, where My gaze can reach, there is no difference between My children.

My dears, My Word arrives in this time in many places of the world and, in all of them, My Message is the same, a message of peace, of union between peoples and nations, races and religions.

Humanity itself created its own separation, so that each one, in their own way, could find God, and now My Heart comes to unite all of My children under My Mantle of Light.

As the Mother of all humanity, I come to ask you to pray for one another, so that all of My children may know My Heart and thus reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

Let there be no competition, envy, nor any distinction between My little ones, because today I tell you that all the creatures that your eyes can see and your hearts can feel must equally enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

All of My children must walk together to achieve the Grace of being by My side. And it does not matter to the Heart of God who will arrive first at His Kingdom, nor does it matter to Him the number of merits generated to reach Paradise. 

My Heart descends to Earth bringing the boat of salvation for souls and for all Kingdoms, and this boat will only return to the Kingdom of God when the last of My children has entered it.

Today My Heart invites you to awaken to love and fraternity; it invites you to see the hearts of the world through My eyes and, when you see any creature before yourselves, aspire with the heart that it may find Me, that it may walk towards the Heart of God, through the Heart of Christ.

If each time that you see a brother or a sister you silently send them an impulse of love and hope, so that they may one day find the Kingdom of Heaven, the impulse will reach these hearts and will open the door for the Love of God to enter these souls. In this way, you will be intercessors of souls before God, working for all of His children.

If you never forget that all creatures, absolutely all of them, must reach the Kingdom of Heaven, little by little competition will be erased from your hearts and celestial fraternity will be drawn with a pencil of light.

Place your hearts in this simple lesson of peace and allow love to accompany your thoughts and let the heart be the guide of your lives.

Always pray for one another.

I thank you for praying with Me and for receiving Me today.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

As Mother of the Good Advice, today I tell you My children: be in My Peace, trust in My Peace, live in My Peace, so that this celestial and inner serenity that many of My children lack may come to all through the imperious strength of the prayer of the heart.

Today I am with you, tomorrow in the Celestial Kingdom of God the world must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, this is My divine mission for this time.

For this dear children, the offer on your part, by means of the exercise of prayer and of a life of sanctity, manifested in fraternity, in charity, in service and in love to the neighbor, all this will count for the merits of the salvation of the world, for the salvation of all the souls who are without God, even those who still believe they are in Him but whose lives take them away from the Heart of God.

So, beloved children, the most loving act of reparation for all faults comitted against the Universe of God is the prayer and the fraternal donation for others.

I want to tell you, My little children, that each step you give through prayer will be collaborating for peace in the world.

The Grace and the Love of God will be the strength for all the Marian missionaries who are on their way to the consecration of My Immaculate Heart.

Also, today I tell you, My little creatures, to not have fear for anything. I will be in your hearts when you allow it. Know that I am a Messenger of God who wants to let you know the infinite love of the Father in My Son Jesus.

Your hearts must be prepared for when the One Son of God returns to the meeting of all the hearts. Trust in His Merciful Love because each one of you may be in this immense and compassionate love of Jesus.

Let us pray for all the reasons that hearts need before God the Father.

Thank you for answering My call.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
