Be at the Reliquary of My Heart simply to confess your deepest miseries, like a child who can divest themselves of their shame with their father.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart to present your defects and difficulties to Me, the vices you have not overcome, your most entrenched fears, your lacks of understanding most difficult for you to shape, your resistances hardest to break, your walls, your limits.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and, even though you cannot manage to say anything, offer Me your silence, your incapacity to surrender, of letting go of the reins of your life, of exposing your heart and feeling yourself to be weak and small.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and show Me your sorrows, but also your joys, tell Me about your defeats and also your victories, so that I, child, may dissolve your illusions with My Love, strengthen your virtues with My Grace, and show you in the mirror of the Reliquary of My Heart that to be human is more than what you have discovered about yourself up to now.
Let Me show you your truth, what hides beyond your appearances, what is hidden beyond your confessed weaknesses. Human beings are not just a mixture of miseries and virtues, of flesh and spirit, but they are the spirit, overlaid and hidden in what until now you believe is your only truth.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart not to find Me, but rather to find you, and in you, God.
You have My blessing for that.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When I was on Earth, in Nazareth, and while My fragile human heart was tired, I would distance myself from everything and everybody and, alone with God, I would pray.
Many times I had no strength to pray, and anguish silenced, not only My voice, but also My thoughts. And so, kneeling before the Lord, I would become silent. I remained in silence, feeling His Breath entering My body through the air that I would breathe. I sought peace.
I did not ask the Lord for anything, and everything I had already belonged to Him; so I just became silent and waited, emptying My heart of fear and anguish, and I found strength in that deep silence that I shared with God.
Why do I tell you this today?
Because I know the depths of your hearts and I know that under the pressure of these times, you feel tired, anguished and always moved toward a greater transformation, to a more profound step into the unknown.
This is why I teach you, children, that even in weaknesses, your strength is in God. And when you have no words or feelings to share with the Lord, simply become silent and seek peace, sharing the Silence of God. His Divine Breath will reveal this peace to you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXVIII ; Peace and Wisdom for the Times of Transition
A soul that prepared for the great tribulation of the planet for a long time, felt ever more insecure and ignorant as this approached. The soul felt how unknown this planetary probation was and questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord and Eternal Father, how can I be ready to live these times? How can I go beyond my ignorance and enter Your Wisdom? How can I go beyond my fears and enter Your Peace?"
And the Lord responded: "As you see, little soul, these times are new and this probation is unknown and challenging for all life on Earth and beyond; but My Graces are to be found within you, along with all those gifts that one day, while you were praying and serving, I gradually placed within you. They will emerge and be your assistance and your peace.
Within you, however, also live a synthesis that allows you to find that which has still not been experienced: the love-wisdom not yet achieved in any period of humanity, only in the Heart of My Son. For this, little soul, allow all the most profound learnings experiences of humanity to be synthesized within you.
Live and feel the ignorance of the primitive peoples who, in their mental simplicity, did not remain there but were capable of launching into the unknown to survive and evolve. Take from there the deepest records of human possibility for breaking barriers and growing. So then grow, not only as a thinking human being but as a human being who feels life, who communes and is to be found in the Whole of Creation.
Live the purity of the indigenous peoples, the original peoples. Live the perseverance of those who, in spite of all the longing for power in humanity, chose pure wisdom and remained in its peace.
Within you, live the compassion of the East, the pure science of the study of the body, nature and the stars, which, at the same time, causes the human consciousness to recognize their greatness and their smallness.
Live the faith of the first Christians, who broke barriers and went beyond the first Sacred Scriptures; those who did not remain in words, but believed as they saw living prophecies; those who allowed themselves to be transformed and knew how to hear, more than the symbolic preaching of My Son, all the celestial revelations that He brought; those who lived the Kingdom and with Christ, discovered themselves as the Kingdom, imitating His steps, throughout the centuries.
Live the peace of simple souls, who do not tie themselves to the riches of the world, but rather sustained themselves in the joy of the Presence of God; souls whose strength was built on rock and who do not shake when the glory of the world collapses, but remain in God, even in the face of the tempests.
And so, beloved soul, experiencing within yourself the gifts that I gave humanity, at each period, in each people, in each religion, open to live something new, the fruit of all that has been learned. This is the transition of the times."
May this profound dialogue inspire you, children, to find peace and wisdom in the times of transition.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XVI - Be Healed by God
A soul was afflicted, for feeling in the depths of their heart that old pains energed, records of experiences unknown to them, and of others that they thought had been overcome. The soul felt that within their inner world there was never a time in which their old experiences passed and new experiences emerged in a harmonious way; rather, everything was mixed together and it became difficult to understand and transform that which was within.
Therefore, in a sincere prayer, this soul questioned God, saying: "Lord, time passes by, ouside of me, but within me it seems not to exist. How do I feel and suffer due to wounds that I am not even aware of existing within me? Today everything is so confusing; what seemed to have been overcome then emerges with greater force, and when it seems that I have risen, I fall again into the abysses of my fears and uncertainties, into the pain newly opened wounds, those both known and unknown. Explain to me, God: how can I heal and overcome that which takes place within me?"
And with love and wisdom, the Lord responded: "In truth I tell you that not only within you, but also in true life, time does not exist. Time is a form that I created so that creatures of this world would be able to grow in a sequence of divine laws and sciences, which keeps them in an evolutive school up to the moment of their spiritual maturity. Time happens outside of you, for your human side. Time is perceived by your body, mind and feelings, but within you, little soul, in your deepest essence, there is no time. There, you are in likeness with Me, with My Infinite; within you pulsates an eternal life.
The closer the transition of the planet comes, which is the awaited for human maturity, the closer one comes to the moment when that which hides within you will manifest, when truth will express, when time will no longer exist, but rather Eternity will be revealed. It is part of this process of transition that your little soul will see emerging the innermost registers of that which you experienced in other times, because everything emerges to be recognized, to become aware of and balanced, according to the awakening of your consciousness and the love of your heart.
Therefore, in the face of the oldest pains, simply seek the Love that there is within Me and the Grace of My Spirit so that I may have a place to act in, through you, and thus balance and heal all that which you experienced through ignorance; all the wounds opened through a lifetime distant from Me. Simply seek Me and give Me a space within you, in your mind, body, soul and heart. Thus, I will be within you."
May this dialogue allow you to understand, children, that this is the moment for seeing emerge within you all the records of other times which still need to be healed. However, in the face of what you feel, do not despair, but simply seek God and give Him a place, because only He has the Grace and the Love to definitely heal you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your soul be enraptured by the Love of Christ. Do not fear, do not resist. Give Him your shame, your fears, your deepest aspirations, your goals and everything you are, including miseries, skills and virtues.
The time is coming to be washed by the Blood of Christ, permeated by His Love and renewed by His surrender and, more than remembering His Passion, to be with His surrender, His Love and His Cross.
Thus, child, the time has come for a definition of maturity in Christ, to deepen your consecration and to not be afraid of growing in Him and for Him.
Let yourself be new clay in the Hands of the Potter, because He knows the Purpose of God for your life and can shape your consciousness according to Divine Will.
Pray and speak the Poems* with love that the Lord gave you, because through them, He teaches you the spiritual meaning of surrender and of humility; in this way, a surrendered soul communicates with Christ.
Do not fear to live the experience of surrender. In what is left for you of this Lent and this deep desert, begin to walk, in your heart, with decided steps to Jerusalem, confirming and re-confirming your surrender to Christ each day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Saint Joseph is referring to the Poems of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, transmitted by Christ Jesus in the months of July and August of 2018.
Even though in the world chaos, confusion and despair reign, in your heart, peace must reign.
Elevate your heart, child, beyond the dimensions, and focus your consciousness upon the true purpose of your life.
This is a time of battle, but a battle which is brought to a halt in silence, with a prayer, with the song that transmutes and transforms fears, with the love that transcends all chaos and the peace that balances all things.
This battle is overcome with knees upon the ground and with the heart elevated toward Heaven so that, in all the events of this world, your heart may know how to find the truth and the wisdom to act and live, always manifesting Divine Will.
Pray, cry out and enter into the Peace of the Heart of God. Know that this is the base of Calvary to which you have walked for some time. And even though the climb is painful, at its top, the triumph of love is drawn; just let your heart know how to be on Earth and, at the same time, elevated toward the Heavens, being a constant and perpetual bridge toward the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Do not be afraid to leap towards emptiness.
Do not be afraid to correct your ways and start over.
Do not be afraid to give your best for love.
Do not be afraid to set aside your own thoughts, feelings, anguishes and joys in order to overcome yourselves, for the sake of the pain that the planet is suffering at this moment.
Do not be afraid to surrender and discover the fullness that is not based on human contentment. To find higher life is also to transform the meaning of joy and fullness, to transform that which fulfills you, and allow your beings to find peace in serving God and in surrendering entirely, by discovering that you can forget yourselves for the sake of a planet that suffers, for a Plan that you should fulfill, for a Divine Love that must renew itself.
Look at the Cross every day; contemplate the absolute Love of your Lord. In Him lies the key to the healing of all sins, the transcendence of all miseries, the surrendering of all resistance.
Transforming yourselves in this time is to take a leap into the void and into the unknown. Discover a service you have not yet lived, a love you have not yet felt, a surrender you have not yet know. This begins, children, by wanting, fighting and affirming your own overcoming, every day.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let fear transform into faith. Let the anguish of not knowing how to help a fellow being transform into the certainty of the power of prayer. Let peace flood through you and thus expand into the world and permeate the souls that are in need of it.
Let the tests of these times forge within you the strength of the surrender to God and His Plan. Let your renunciations be imprinted in the human consciousness as a step toward Christic life, because when you renounce your will, you understand that there is a Greater Will and that you are in the world to manifest a Higher Plan, rather than to satisfy human desires and aspirations, no matter how good they may be.
Take a step toward Faith and pray from the heart for the situations that you cannot solve because, where God is, there will be an experience of love, a learning that will lead beings to His Heart.
Meditate on what I tell you and keep your heart in peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and you will know that it has no limits. You will know the cross was not the first nor the last offering of your Lord and Creator Who, throughout all existence, surrenders to His creatures.
Unite to the Love of God for this planet and for this Creation and you will experience for yourself the essence of surrender and of love for evolution. You will know every effort is little for all beings to have the Grace of becoming closer to God.
In His agony, Christ united His human heart to the Love of God, and even though fear and anguish sprung from His bones, gushing as blood through His skin, nothing was enough to cause the potency of the Love of God in His Heart to fade away.
His thought remained upon compassion, His gaze remained upon Mercy. After having taught humankind about the Laws and also having revealed His Justice to them, during His moment of great surrender, Christ did not emanate anything other than Forgiveness, Redemption, Love and Mercy.
That is what you must experience in these times. That is what will make you Christs of the New Time, apostles and latter day saints.
Let the world know everything that you have received. Teach your neighbor, by means of examples, about the Laws and sciences you have learned and, in the time of great trial of this planet, do not emanate judgments, but forgiveness; do not emanate indignation, but compassion; emanate mercy and do not fear. Renew yourselves and multiply the Love of God in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the sun of hope shine within those who pray, so that they may never fear the future and the unknown.
May the essence of the divine prophecies pulsate within those who have faith, so that by knowing the prophecies, they will know that their triumph is certain, and also know that Grace follows after every darkness and each difficulty.
May love be born, awakened, grown and multiplied within those who try hard, every day, to imitate the steps of the Lord, and who live the cross of these times, as He did.
May the dimensions unite through the essence of those who are self-summoned for these times and may they discover, this way, the true meaning of the human existence.
May the knowledge of truth and the wisdom of universal life be the shield for the hearts that aspire to go through the transition of times peacefully. Their spirits will be sustained in the certainty that this life is a school of passage for that which is real and eternal.
Therefore, children, strengthen your inner world. Search for the truth through the knowledge we give you. Serve and be the light upon the table of this world.
Deepen yourselves in your surrender and self-giving to God, and you will see the birth, the awakening, the growth and the multiplication of love within your hearts.
Be what it really is to be a human being, and experience the real purpose of your existence.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Mystery of Faith
The mystery of faith is that which is kept, as a potential, deep within every heart, and that, in these times, God calls you to experience.
Faith rises and expresses itself in the hearts that, day by day, try to love and know God better, that deepen into the greatness of His Love and into the infinity of His Mercy.
These hearts find the Love of God within themselves, through the persistence in prayer, through studying and deepening into His Words, they start to awaken faith within themselves. Despite being invisible, the Love of God is tangible to them, and His Mercy is expressed in their lives, at each moment.
Feeling the Love of God and experiencing His Mercy awakens in the beings an absolute trust that, when matured, becomes faith.
Faith is the certainty of the Love of God and His Presence. It is the unexplainable gift of knowing the Creator and of knowing that you are a living part of His Heart. It is the unexplainable gift of loving and trusting in His Plan, even if it is still a mystery.
To live the mystery of faith, you must seek the love of God and deepen into this love first. When you study and deepen into the Words of the Divine Messengers, you will know the Love of the Creator, more and more, and it is the same Love that transforms and removes covers of disbelief, doubts, fear, insecurity and uncertainty from your hearts, and shows, in the depths and innermost parts of your beings, how faith emerges.
The love, the knowledge of God and faith all walk together, because they each awaken and gives life to one another. The more you love God, the more you know Him, the bigger becomes the awakening of faith. The more you know God, the bigger becomes the love, because the awakening of this love is inevitable and, in consequence, faith emerges.
When faith awakens, it must be maintained, and it must grow through the prayer that unites you to God, because the time will come when it will not matter what happens around you; faith will always be present in your hearts and it will support you. It will not matter the tests and the challenges that you experience; faith will always give you strength so that you may make out of all of this a triumph in the Heart of God.
For this, my children, in this time of great tests and challenges that is approaching, search for God, love and get to know the Creator, and let your faith consolidate and grow roots within your consciousness, that nothing will be able to pull out.
Today your effort and deepening builds the consequence of tomorrow. It is now that the triumph of God starts to etch itself within your lives.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Renew yourself every day in the fount of peace and of prayer that comes from God. Do not let your being miss the change of cycles due to being distracted and imprisoned by previous cycles. Life in this time has a dynamic and firm rhythm and to accompany it, it is necessary to be in prayer and in peace.
Prayer will make you vigilant so that you may act with wisdom when necessary.
Prayer will bring peace when the events of the world erase hope from the hearts of many beings who did not know God.
Prayer will renew your strength and your commitment to the Father when fear and indifference emerge from your human bones.
Prayer will bring you to God and will guide your path of return to the Heart of the Father, even when He seems far from you.
Prayer protects. Prayer shelters. Prayer unifies. Prayer transforms.
Pray, child, and never forget to pray.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to the capital energies, believing that the meaning of life is kept in pleasures, in false joys, and in conveniences; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.
While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to self-sufficiency, believing that freedom is in personal will and in excessively carrying out what human impulses always dictate to them; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.
While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to wars and conflicts, believing that plenitude is to be found in imposing their own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs on others; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.
While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to fear, to depression, to sadness, believing that life on Earth, as they know it, is the only thing that God offers them as experience, not finding a way out of the darkness they have entered; surrender, yourself, to the Heart of Christ.
While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to the human condition, in a constant struggle for power and for survival, ignoring the Truth and the Kingdom of God within themselves; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.
Do not look at what happens around you with eyes of criticism and superiority because, unknowingly, you will be letting yourself be conducted by the same forces and impulses that move the hearts of those who get lost in their own darkness.
May everything be a reason for you to surrender yourself more to the Heart of Christ, make your surrender ever more sincere.
Let compassion for the world emanate from your heart and learn to transform compassion into true Love, deepening yourself, each day, into your surrender; surrendering your heart to the Heart of Christ.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Peace, child, is the state that your heart attains when it unites to the Truth of God.
Peace is the unalterable state that is born from the certainty of a higher reality that transcends human existence.
Peace is a state that awakens or is born in hearts when they open to love and to know the Plan of God, recognizing its greatness and perfection and, as a consequence, recognizing the human smallness.
Peace is a state that the heart finds when it knows it is fulfilling its part, every day, and that it does everything it can for the evolution of beings, for the awakening of love, for the expansion of fraternity.
When the heart is not at peace, it is not because peace is lacking in the world, it is not because God deprives it of peace; it is the being itself that moves away from it for knowing it is at fault, for knowing that it does not do everything it can, for knowing that it is not giving all of itself.
Discover the path to peace through transparency, sincerity, truth, self-giving.
The heart that confesses finds peace because it returns to Truth, because it strips away its lies and vanities before God and renews itself, it becomes worthy of recognizing peace, of being within peace and multiplying it.
The world is in chaos, in pain and suffering. The souls are in agony, in definition, in fear, but it is possible, in spite of all this, to be in peace, to find it and live it, because peace does not depend on the world, it depends only on you.
Peace is not the end of wars and of a humanity living according to its tendencies and superficial needs, because a heart can have everything, all the things it desires, it may not live among conflicts and, even so, it may not know, not find and not live peace.
Peace is an inner state, fruit of the union with God and of the transparency before Him.
Therefore, child, today I invite you to rediscover peace within you, confessing your miseries before God, divesting yourself of your characters to make space for an unknown transparency, which is the door toward true freedom.
Experience being free in a world that has become its own prison. Experience being in peace and being an instrument so that God can make the world know peace through you.
Enter into a new cycle of true aspirations, of true actions, of true love, of true peace.
In this way, human beings will fall at your right and at your left, but the peace in your heart, which does not have its base consolidated in the things of the world, but rather in your inner union with God, will never be knocked down.
Persist in the search for peace, but follow the correct path. Transparency and truth are your vehicles to attain peace.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To take part in the mysteries of Christ, you will also have to discover the mysteries of His Cross.
The Lord seals the commitment with His companions by offering them to drink from the same Cup of His shed Blood: Chalice of Heavenly Will that transcends the flesh, the condition and all the human life.
To take part in the Glory of Christ, you will have to take part in His Cross, accepting from God the renunciations and sacrifices that He invites you to live in this time, not to make you suffer, but to make you discover the Grace that is hidden in the renunciation made with love and in the sacrifice lived with peace and in reparation of the sins of the world.
Christ came to this world as a living part of the divine Consciousness and, being God Himself, He experienced and lived human condition in a profound way. He was tempted by all evil that surrounded the Earth; He was proved in the fear that dwelt in His human bones, in His intimate human frailty. He endured what human beings fears the most - suffering - and converted the greatest sorrow of His creatures into an act of Love that transformed the history of this universe, as well as of all its creation.
After having lived all this, he left open to the world the path of spiritual calvary, of absolute surrender, of Superior Love. And having lived everything that no creature could bear, now He only calls you to do your part.
Your cross is not as heavy as the Cross of God; your calvary is not as long as the one the Feet of the Lord have passed through; you have no crown of thorns nailed upon your face; you are not insulted and humiliated by humanity, your brothers and sisters; you have the Father who stretches out His hands to you; you have the Son who comes to encounter you and you have the Holy Spirit of God waiting at the door of your inner house to make you reborn as consciousness, as a heart.
He wants to give you a new heart, worthy of being inhabited by Him who created you and all you have to do is follow the first Law, a commandment on top of the commandments, in which all the designs of the Father meet: to love your neighbor as you do to yourself and to love God above all things.
On the way to Love lays your calvary. You have no more obstacles than those you yourself put in your way.
Decide to give more to God, because He, having all things, left everything to you.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Tell me, do you fear anything?
The time has come for you to establish your surrender, as it is for all servers and truly consecrated to the Plan of God.
So, tell me: do you fear anything?
It is time to place your imperfection in the Hands of God and no longer try to be the potter of the clay that you are. Child, it is time for the most beautiful songs about surrendering one's life to become true now, and for you to be a living song and all those who see you may be able to listen to it and be inspired by it.
The time to establish one's own surrender comes for everyone; it is when they feel least prepared for this because surrender is not established before it is consummated. It is in the very act of surrendering the heart that the spirit anchors its foundations in the matter, and the soul matures and expresses its consecration to God. Everything that comes before this is a preparation.
Tell me, do you fear anything?
I come to make you feel My Love, and that together with the Love of My Son, may dispel from your heart, the fear of not corresponding to the Plan of God.
I come with the Love of the Father imprinted on my humble spirit, the same Love that made me surrender everything to fulfill the Will of God from the beginning; this Love that called me like a magnet, life after life, to return to God.
Today, may this Love impregnate your being, strengthen you and place you before the greatness of the Plan of God, which goes far beyond this life and that has in it its beginning and its end in eternity and unity.
May this greatness inspire you to lose fear and have the integrity to walk with the determined steps of a spirit that is guided by God. Because if you read these words today, it is so.
So, tell Me now that there is no more fear in your heart, no more fearfulness or pain, for the pain that there is in you does not belong to you and must be transmuted by the power of Grace.
Tell Me, then, with simplicity, that you will follow the Divine Will and that you will place yourself in the Hands of the true and only Potter that can mold you.
Child, it is with your imperfection that He will fulfill His Plan, just as He did with Mine, and will make you a new vase, to fill it with the new life that will permeate the Earth.
Before that, during the great Work that the Lord carries out in His, be simple and humble, and everything will be as God thought, even if one day you discover that His Thought did not resemble yours at all.
Tell me, then, that there is no more fear, and with my blessing upon your heart, rest in peace, rest in sacrifice and self-giving, for the time of your surrender has come.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When Jesus was on the Cross and said: “Father, why hast thou forsaken Me?”, it was His humanity that proclaimed those words; it was His Cells, sustained until then by Divine Power, that in the depths, feared the hour of being alone with their pain and their suffering.
After that question of His human heart, Jesus recognized in all the spaces of His Consciousness, from matter to spirit, His filiation and unity with God. He understood, at His core, the essence of love and of the human project, and experienced the fullness of being in likeness to the Father.
The fear of His Cells dissipated through the power of the love and forgiveness that emanated from Him. Jesus understood the Will of His Father and why He abandoned Him in that hour that seemed to be the most difficult when He had always accompanied Him. He discovered that the Father wanted Him to feel and experience the love He had within and which made Him in likeness to God and united to Him; and that, in truth, the Creator had not abandoned Him. He allowed Him to discover that the Father was in Him, as He was in the Father, through the love, forgiveness and mercy which, at that moment, were poured upon the Earth.
The Virgin Mary and John understood the Will of God when they saw Jesus on the Cross asking for forgiveness for those who crucified Him, and together with Christ, they learned this unfathomable love, which unites matter with spirit, which divinizes humankind.
That was how the Virgin Mary and John also experienced that profound union with God, by the simple fact of observing Christ. That union was later experienced by the apostles and disciples of Jesus and Mary through the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and in this way, all overcame the fear of death and loneliness; all filled their spirits with the courage that was born of the certainty that God was in them because they were a living part of the Divine Consciousness.
It was because of that certainty and of that courage that the Church of Christ was consolidated on Earth. But throughout the centuries, not all human beings understood the Passion of Jesus and meditated on His example to the point where they allowed themselves to be divinized by Him; not all found the certainty of the likeness to God; not all sought fortitude in the living God within themselves.
Children, today the Creator speaks to you and instructs you through His Messengers. The Most High Lord accompanies each one in their steps and renews the story, awakening New Christs. But just as He “abandoned” Jesus on the Cross, the moment will also come to each one of you to discover, in solitude, the union with God. And for an instant, it may seem unjust, painful or incomprehensible to you that the Creator abandons you when you have the most need of Him. However, if you overcome human fear and seek that union with God in spirit, you will understand that the Father, whom you always sought in the heights, is living within every being, in their essence, in their inner universe.
When the time comes for the trial of humanity, remember what I have said to you and do not fear, but rather, love and live forgiveness, like the One Who loved and forgave before you, leaving you the example.
Your father and friend, Who prepares your paths for divine union,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Allow your heart to know the gift of faith. Let this faith break within you the barriers of doubt, of indifference, of the need to keep the appearances before the world; let it break the barriers of impossibilities, fears, vanities. Let yourself be filled by the faith that transcends the comprehension of the mind and does not find a confirmation of its existence but in the depths of the heart.
There is no scientific evidence that confirms the action of faith and often you want to explain the miracles caused by it as a way to dissolve its merits in the human life. But faith, per se, child, is a great miracle.
When faith is established in the heart, it is a sign that this heart has already won many barriers within itself and that the consciousness has already treaded a certain path of transformation and of union with God to arrive there.
Faith is born without obstacles in the simple of mind, of heart and of spirit, and in them it expands each day, transforming itself into a source of love and graces for the incredulous and the desperate.
Those who have faith and let themselves be filled by it become, sooner or later, vehicles of the divine Grace for other hearts: faith itself, covered by Grace, makes miracles.
Child, what is called miracles in this world is nothing else but the action of faith in the human heart. If the one who needs a miracle, at some level, does not make their consciousness ready to receive it with faith, this miracle does not manifest itself, because miracles are the manifestation of Grace and divine Mercy, and if there is no attunement and affinity in the heart and consciousness, these Graces do not descend.
The universal Laws are a great mystery for the human mind, which ignores them almost completely. Only those who live under these Laws understand them.
Today, child, I call you to experience the divine principle of faith for you to receive from the Highest God the Grace you need in these times, manifested in a miracle of love and transformation, for you to fulfill your mission while it is still time.
Be willing to live the faith and ask for the Grace to receive it.
May the Father fill you with divine faith, transforming not only your small consciousness but also all of humanity, which, empty of faith and hope, does not find a meaning for life.
I bless you today and always.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The man on his own is weak and cannot stand the harassment and the tests of this world. But the man who unites himself to God is invincible, because he shares with Him His Glory and Greatness.
When the human heart of Christ said: “Father, take this cup away from Me”, it was the fear of His cells that made Him pronounce these words. But soon, united to God, He said: “May Your Will be done, and not Mine.” And it was in the perfect union with the Creator that Jesus supported the insults, the humiliations, the betrayals, the flagellation and the death on the Cross.
Unite yourself to God, child, so that His Will may be done. Do not want to live in this time with your own strengths, because your human and material heart is weak and can even die of fright.
Cling yourself to the spirit and be One with the Divine Spirit. Do not think that the Creator requests a great mission from you and leaves you alone. All that the Lord asks from you is supposed to be fulfilled with Him, for Him and in Him.
The Creator never leaves His creatures, but you must overcome fear and accept His Will, always having faith that He will accompany you.
Recognize your weakness, just as the Lord -that represents to you the Path- recognized it when He confessed to the Father and said: “Take this cup away from Me.”
But afterwards, child, recognize as well that this mission is not only yours, but God’s above all -because this human project belongs to Him- and, united to Him, affirm: “May Your Will be done and not mine.”
Child, not even God will condemn you for your weakness, as He did not do so to His Firstborn. The Lord will place you in His Arms, will unite His Holy Spirit to yours and will make you invincible before the challenges of this life. He is the One who will open to you the portals that unite the dimensions and will raise your being in the experience of true love. But, before all, overcome your weak humanity and recognize yourself as child of a majestic Creator that -in a mysterious way that is unknown to you- make yourself like Him in the depth of your being.
Find out the likeness with God, accepting His Will, and understand the Path along which the Lord leads you as you take the steps in it.
The Creator will not always lead you through a path of flowers because He led even His Beloved Son through the path of the cross, of renunciation, of sacrifice, of humiliation, of martyrdom and, at last, of the absolute Love and of Mercy, which was perpetuated on Earth and that until today intercedes for the souls.
It is for the action of this Mercy, achieved by the Son of the Most High, that you are listening to My words today.
Will you, child, be able to open another source, similar to this, so that other souls that will come after you may have an opportunity of redemption?
The Creator calls you and waits that you take a step in the transcendence of fear and that, united to Him, say: “May Your Will be done and not mine.”
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If there is something that is to be dispelled immediately from the human heart, it is fear.
Fear is the absence of God, of love, of faith. Fear is born and grows in the heart of those who have become comfortable in the human condition and still have not recognized that what has to be dedicatedly taken care of is only the deepest essence of the being, the divine principles to be found there.
The one who feels fear is because they do not trust in love.
With your actions, you must strengthen the principles of faith, the certainty that one day, love will speak more loudly in the human consciousness, because the need for peace and unity will be so great that everyone will unite in seeking a One God.
The fear with which the original peoples live is the fear of losing their culture, losing their place on Earth. Because they do not have the basics they need to live, they feel the fear of disappearing as a people, just as so many other peoples disappeared.
In the mission taking place in Chaco, as well as in all the missions that will still take place with these indigenous brothers and sisters of yours, you must strengthen the fraternity and have them feel that you understand, or seek to understand, the spiritual role of the original peoples on Earth, because, besides provisions and basic care, you will find in your brothers and sisters the need to be recognized with their culture and their wisdom, as part of this human civilization.
In the depths of those hearts, more than hunger or poverty, they think of the abandonment and indifference of the majority of human beings. For this reason, we are dedicating these messages not only to instruct the missionaries, but to also spiritually awaken humanity and, above all, in this case, Argentina, to know the role of the indigenous consciousness, since its equilibrium depends on the purity, the simplicity and the wisdom that the original peoples maintain within themselves.
You must provide a small or a great service always keeping in mind the spiritual purpose much more than the physical act because physically, you will find infinite material, social, moral needs, the lack of basic things for survival, and a much greater effort than just a few days would be necessary in order to provide all of them.
Many may ask themselves: what is the reason for doing these so quick missions, in which not even a minimum part of the great need of these peoples is supplied?
And I respond that those who manage to see with their eyes what takes place in the spirit, and not just in the matter, know that spiritual needs move based on other laws, and sometimes, a situation that spiritually speaking is much more serious than a great physical lack, is resolved with a small act of true love.
It is for this reason that we will ask you to indeed take material resources, but what really gives meaning to a mission is the experience of love, the capacity to open the doors so that God may descend and act through your hands.
Seek to be true and do not want to be heroes. Just be simple of heart, open yourselves to learn, allow yourselves to be healed from your own human indifference, your pride and selfishness. It is in this way that you will be able to call yourselves missionaries, missionaries of the spirit, missionaries that serve to fulfill the Will of God.
I love you and thus teach you how to serve.
Your father and friend, server of the Most High God,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more