Today, day on which you are praying worldwide and clamoring for the energy of Mercy of Christ for the planet, I want to help you in the path of prayer.

Dears, the weight of the world will become internally, mentally and emotionally heavier and heavier, mostly for those who are trying to walk an evolutionary path.

On the current days of the planet, to be a praying consciousness is like paddling against a great current of inertia, distractions and quest for pleasure and for gratification. That is why, even more in this time of intense inner purification for all, you must be attentive to what I will tell you.

Throughout all the human existence, all the codes that humankind has generated with the quest for power, for pleasure, for gratification, with competition, vanity, wrath, were impregnating the human consciousness as a whole, and they even reached the depth of the cell consciousness of many beings, those who have never lived an experience of seeking the sacred, the evolutionary, the pure.

In different proportions, these energies, called capitals, are inside of all beings of the Earth, because they inside of the human consciousness and, in certain parts of the world, some of these energies completely control the consciousnesses.

Why do I tell you these things? Because - even if it may not seem it – the small and great distractions during the moments of prayer, the thoughts and the recurrent desires against the evolutionary path, all the impulses that you cannot control in yourselves and that are always taking you to the opposite of what you try to build, all of this has its roots in the human consciousness, and these roots are not so easy to extinguish as it seems, but this is not something impossible.

You must start changing your own deepest interests. For instance: during prayer, observe to where your mind conducts you and what is more important for it than the act of praying. With much peace and harmony, seek the roots of those things, in order that you can transform them. Think about the reason for your distractions and, then, think about the Middle East, about Africa, about the children, about the youngsters and the adults that suffer in the whole world. So, ask yourselves: “What is more important to me: the distractions or praying to reverse these situations of the planet?”

And do it so with everything. Talk to yourselves. When you are before a desire that does not lead you to an evolutionary path, ask yourselves: “What is more important to me: this or fulfilling the Will of God?”

Do not fear the answers, because – even if they are not the ones you expect – they might reveal to your consciousness what is in your most profound inner abyss, in order that you can clean and purify what prevents you to fulfill the Plans of God with perfection.

Review, dears, in your own interior, your priorities, your desires and your aspirations.

Ask yourselves while you pray: “Why am I praying?”. And if your mind answers you: “So that the others can see me praying”, so, tell it: “Well, now I will pray for the planet.”

Thus, transform yourselves with peace, with love and with joy, but do not cease to take a small step each day.

My Chaste Heart tells you in a simple and clear way, because I need that you understand Me definitely and take the steps that God expects from all, because there is no longer so much time left.

I love you and I guide you to the transformation of life.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the heavens open themselves for humanity each new day, a hope is lighted up in the interior of the creatures.

Whenever you pray from the heart and activate the potential of love that is hidden in your interior – in the midst of all suffering that most of humanity causes to the Heart of God -, the Lord receives a joy, a sweet relief for His eternal sorrow, because humanity itself starts to balance the weight generated by the chaos of the world.

If you knew how important it is for the manifestation of the Plans of God that you pray every month in the Marathon of Divine Mercy, you would count the days and seconds of each day to come to this sacred moment.

The Marathon of Divine Mercy is the true act of redemption and conversion for all those who pray from the heart.  When you clamor for Mercy, you are awakening your cells and atoms for the living experience of love; you are teaching your own consciousness that the most important in this moment is to transcend your own limits, for love to those of your siblings who suffer and who do not have the possibility of clamoring to God, except in the silence of their sorrowful heart.

When you pray and sing, remember to elevate the word with devotion for those who have their faith suffocated by the terror of the world.  Sing in unity with each other and all with God and Christ, because, by doing so, you create an unbreakable fortress in your own consciousnesses and deposit this code in the human consciousness.  It will be in this way that those of your siblings who are so distant today and that do not know anything else but loneliness and despair will be able to glimpse – even if it is in the spirit – the hope of one day living fraternity,  unity and love.

Make of your lives true Marathons of Divine Mercy, in which every pronounced prayer opens an infinite fount of Mercy for the salvation of the souls.  Live every day this manifestation of unity and fraternity that flourishes in the hearts by uniting yourselves for a single purpose: the one of relieving the planet and bringing a little of peace to the world.

As you feel in the Marathons of Divine Mercy, as I would like to see you every day.  In this way, you would understand and widely live the Sacred Plan of God.

I love you and I thank you for praying together with My Son Jesus for the planet.

The Sacred Hearts are attentive to each word that you pronounce on these days.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
