On the 5th and 6th days of August of 2013, special days of Mercy, My Face will be present to accompany all of the pilgrims through this path and spiritual exercise of the Marathon of the Divine Mercy.

This exercise, which will be able to be realized by all who may feel to help in the redeeming plans of My Heart, will have deep reasons for helping the entire planetary consciousness of humanity, which means that My Celestial Mercies will be able to be poured even on the most inveterate sinners and in this way a great wave of conversion will happen in all of those who may be attuned with My Ocean of Graces.

In this way, during the 5th and 6th days of August My Consciousness will bring within Itself the Redeeming Powers of the Celestial Father, and that soul that may be willing to be liberated from itself will manage to do so if it follows the steps and the requirements for the praying marathon.

As I have requested you to realize this marathon of prayer, I also ask that this same exercise be carried out in other places of the world together with My Visionaries, those that I have chosen with the aim that more souls get to know the love and the power of My Mercy.

To facilitate the organization and the preparation of this special encounter with Me, that which precedes the important Annual Gathering of Prayer at the Marian Center of Aurora, to all who may feel like participating in it I ask that they enroll themselves in this marathon through the Portal Voice and Echo of the Divine Mother.

All who may unite themselves to the days of deep Mercy will be able to receive the spiritual help that they need in order to take the steps that My Father expects of them in this time. To the pilgrims I will give a special attention when they arrive at the Marian Center of Aurora to share in the two days of continuous prayer.

I will thank all of those who may answer to this important spiritual impulse for this time, in which may reign Peace and Mercy.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Today I feel the sincere voice of your prayers, inner voices of love that touch My Sacred Heart, and the light generated radiates itself to the entire world in need of peace and of redemption.

Today, by means of My Sublime Grace, I pour again the light of My Shepherd Consciousness upon the world because My Flocks perfectly unite themselves to Me at the time of the infinite Mercy.

With this aim today I will announce to you the simple foundations for all of those who may want to exercise the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy.

Primary foundations for the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy that will take place on the 5th and 6th days of August of 2013 at the Marian Center of Aurora:

I ask of you as spiritual requirements:

1. To have a spirit of humility and of faith.

2. To love above all things the presence of God through Jesus.

3. To unite the hearts as a single evolutionary proposal.

4. To help humanity out of love.

5. To work during the marathon to construct a spirit of fraternity.

6. To allow yourselves to be partakers of the Law of the Divine Mercy.

7. To exercise the merciful prayer during these days under the action of forgiveness and of reconciliation.

8. To live a moment of absolute peace.

9. To dissolve from memory all preoccupations during the course of the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy.

10. To reverence each moment that will be shared.

11. To be willing from the inner world to receive healing and liberation.

12. To perceive with the heart the current of Love and of Mercy that will descend from Heaven during these days.

13. To wait with joy for the coming of the Great Master.

14. To vigil with the heart all that will be constructed.

15. To protect like angels each moment of prayer in the community.

16. To await silently for the presence of the Holy Spirit.

17. To interiorize in the spirit the Christic impulse that will be received.

18. To guard in the inner memory the union that there will be with Christ.

19. To donate life with the heart so that  the power of prayer may flourish.

20. To reunite yourselves on these days as a single flock.

21.  To sustain, out of love, the Flag of Peace.

22. To exercise the common good amongst all of the pilgrims.

23. To commune with Christ in reverence and joy.

Those children of Mine who make themselves available to fulfill, out of love, these simple requirements will be able to help Me so that the impulse of this praying marathon may radiate to the entire world, mainly to those most in need for healing and salvation.

During the two days of the Spiritual Marathon of the Divine Mercy all of those present will receive, after My Arrival at three in the afternoon the internal communion with My Consciousness through an ecumenical celebration. In the same way it will be possible to receive this source of Graces in all of the homes that unite themselves in love and in spirit to these two days of Mercy, preparing for the anniversary of the Apparitions of My Celestial Mother, of the Virgin Mary.

Dear companions, may peace remain always in your beings.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to My requests with the love of your hearts.

Merciful Christ Jesus.


Dear children in purification and in redemption:

Carry reflected on your faces the joy of purification and of conversion. But today do not despair. May your souls not doubt because My Heart of Pity contemplates the innumerable and grave miseries that corrode the entire world.

For this I descend from the Great House of My Father to demonstrate to you the Power of My Love and of My Constancy for each one of My ones. May your hearts be alleviated and stop crying for that which is still not transformed. As I have already told you, it is the Eternal and Constant, Omnipresent and Secure Love of My Heart that will free you from the weight that you have been carrying for such a long time.

I, who Am your Light in the obscurity and your Sun in the night of darkness come to your encounter in order to resuscitate that which has already died in some souls and what has already dried in other hearts. In this time My Mercy comes to repair what is broken, It comes to reconstitute and to heal what has remained wounded and no one has been able to heal in love.

But before, by the intermediary of My Light you must die to the old, to what goes beyond your consciousnesses, that which detains you in time. For this live, act and be by means of My Infinite and Pious Mercy because in this way your sins will be forgiven and the new soul will be born one more time to life, after this banishment that it has received on the part of the mind.

Through My Grace, the strength of the spirit in each being will give life to the true and to the only and in this way the new being will be filled by the love of the Son of God. You will be able to see how humanity is in a constant and endless spiritual crisis.

As on the day of yesterday I asked you to adore My Sacred Heart, today I announce to you a special exercise of Pity and of Mercy which I call the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, which will be realized on the 5th and 6th days of August of this year, preparing the important gathering of prayer at the Marian Center of Aurora.

This marathon will have the aim of asking God, through His Firstborn Son, for Divine Mercy for the entire world so that the souls may be able to be touched by the Hand of God and so that humanity may achieve peace and mercy in these times of crisis.

It will be a prayer of mediation that will fulfill the request of the Master Jesus that all of the faithful followers of the Sacred Heart pray 1500 beads of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. Those consciousnesses that accept to live this merciful challenge will achieve as souls the opportunity of reverting the deep aspects of life and the world will have some more time of peace.

My Merciful Heart will be present there among all of the pilgrims that with faith, love and devotion may do it, those that will know during these days the liberator power of My Heart.

Good spiritual exercise for all those who believe in My Eternal Love.

Under the Glory of God, be merciful all of the days.

Thank you for obeying My Words with love and devotion!

Christ Jesus. 


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
