In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Do not let the light of your heart go out.

I have come here to help you and to accompany you. I have come here for each of My children, on this special day, when consecration is the premise for each of your consciousnesses, because the final moment is approaching, and you are living it.

Decide, My child, to enter this Calvary, which Our Lord calls upon you to live and to experience.

In this pause between the battles, decide to carry the cross that He is giving you so that this Lent may be a victory, so it be a triumph for God.

You know that love will always triumph, love will never perish.

Evil does not know love, that is why evil aggresses and attacks. Its fury is unknown, but its debility is great.

As long as you love and live in faith, everything will be transformed, as difficult as it may seem.

Now, the cross that you must carry, in this Calvary to which you are entering, is the cross of humanity, the spiritual cross that very few dare to carry upon their backs, that very few risk to feel and support, just as My Son did.

Do you not think that it is possible for you to carry that cross?

This is the path of the New Christs. This is the path of the soldiers, of the Children of Mary.

Not only will prayer, day by day, sustain you, purify you and elevate you, but so will your true surrender and sacrifice to Our Lord, in order to compensate the great debt that the world and humanity have.

God does not pour out suffering upon His children. God pours out His Mercy and His Graces, but still, few can recognize, appreciate and value them.

Therefore, My sons and My daughters, be resigned and humble to be able to perceive the vast universe of God, to be able to contemplate everything that He wants to give you.

As time goes by, the greater the definition becomes. This is the time to live it and experience it.

This is the Cross of the Apocalypse.

Wearing part of My Celestial Mantle is not only a blessing and a Grace, it is a commitment, it is a responsibility, it is living fidelity to God through My Immaculate Heart.

I have prepared you throughout these years for this moment, and today I receive with love the aspirations of many of My children who want to consecrate themselves.

This material time and the events of the world prevent My children from reuniting.

Evil has carried out an unknown project upon you; it has paralyzed all of humanity because humanity is very ignorant and unconscious. But faith can renew all things. Prayer can transmute all things. Sacrifice repairs and mends the mistakes of the entire world.

My Son hopes that there be hearts that offer themselves as victims of His Love, that there be hearts that can live what Christ expects so much; that they not only receive from My beloved Son His Mercy, but also His pain, His thorns and His spiritual wounds.

This is the Meeting of the Children of Mary that closes a cycle, as it is the seventh.

In truth, My children, God did not expect humanity to reach this point and this situation, but it did, and so it is.

That is why I invite you to rise from the ashes, I invite you to rise from tribulation, from the desert; to leave sin, lies, pride, arrogance and vanity. I invite you to live obedience, fidelity, commitment, responsibility, loyalty and, above all, love, Christic Love.

My Son will base Himself upon these sacred attributes to make your lives and hearts apostles of Christ.

Your mission is in the conviction to live in Christ and for Christ, and not to live a life of material or spiritual illusion.

Children, this is the time to assume the heavy wood of the cross of humanity so that the world forever be liberated from the state it has reached, from the place where it has remained for centuries.

I can only pray for you and encourage you to go forward, to not back down and go through this turbulent time of instability and challenges; an unknown time, which no humanity has ever before lived or went through.

You are a race in transition, a project that has been left unfinished and that must be finalized. A human project that must be realized, just as it once began in the holy peoples of Israel. You are their offspring, you are its new tribes.

Christ needs to gestate His Project of Return in truthful hearts. While this does not happen, He will not arrive.

I pray to the Eternal Father for that moment to come, because, as a Mother, I suffer for a world in chaos, in suffering, in agony and in pain.

All the angelic hosts that accompany Me help the planet in all that is possible. My Mantle envelopes all nations, but still, humanity does not want to disassociate itself from evil.

Be that Light of Christ that the world needs at this time. Be that Sacrament realized and concretized by the Mercy of My Son, giving testimony to His Word and living in the Eucharist.

The signs of the Return of Christ will be very visible to all. But I ask you, beloved children, I ask the whole world, not to pretend that the prophecies are fulfilled, do not do it, do not do it anymore. May your lives be a promise and not a calvary.

May your consciousnesses unite to the Project of God and His Will in these times when the battle is very hard and difficult; but always see My Son, that Man of Nazareth who shed His Blood for you, down to the last drop.

The sacred soil of the planet witnessed this event and you cannot lose it or stop valuing it.

Now learn, My children, to support your own passion, your own agonies and uncertainties, so that the purification of the world and the liberation of souls may triumph.

On March 13, 2021, a spiritual door opens for all the Children of Mary to go through. It is the door of the mature sacrifice, of a matured cross that you are invited to spiritually carry with My Son.

I ask you not to justify yourselves or to be sorry. I invite you to carry out this work silently, united, from heart to heart, to the great Heart of Christ, the Universal King.

Your Hands will not be able to meet many needs, not only those around you but those throughout the world. The soldiers are reducing in the ranks of the Commands of Christ. Will anyone else perish?

It is not the time to step back, My children; allow the Spirit of the spiritual Government of Christ to guide you and protect you; give you impulse to find, day by day, the path of transcendence and the redemption of all your human aspects, because whoever truly serves and surrenders, will lack nothing.

The call of Christ at this time is straightforward and clear.

Decide to be that last flock and that last tribe of Israel that is surviving the end times, because in the midst of darkness will shine the Star that will bring the great consciousness of Christ to the world, and He will put an end to everything that humanity lives today, but first the planet will cleanse itself.

May everyone have the opportunity to straighten their paths and to not forget the Commandments, which we have told you so many times.

When you can take it no longer, My children, I invite you to stay in My arms, and I will embrace you with My Mantle and sing a song for you so that you can sleep, just as I would put the Child Jesus to sleep.

My Heart is ready to accompany you. Is your heart ready?

May this consecration and renewal of vows deepen in each one of My children. It is necessary to pray more so that peace may not be lost and, especially, so that souls may have discernment in their decisions, because nobody will any longer be able to say that God is punishing them.

The consequences are generated by your actions, by your choices, be aware of this and you will not suffer. May the star of the commitment of the Children of Mary shine upon the chest of each being, and help will come.

Today, be anointed by the luminous sign of the cross.

Today, be blessed by the Celestial Mother.

I thank you all for having reached this moment and this time.

Follow in the steps of the Mother of God, but may your steps be barefoot, divested of yourselves, and surrendered in trust to the Creator.

I bless you with the Light of My Son, and on this day I renew the vows of your consecration.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Universe sympathizes with the whole planetary situation of these times. For this reason, it sends all the possible help so that souls can find the Portal of Healing and Liberation.

Thus, the whole Universe mobilizes itself as you could have never before imagined.

All the Universe is mobilizing itself to help humanity and so that humanity can become aware of the meaning of these times and of the moment that it is going through.

Therefore, the Hierarchy gathers together, in the different planes of consciousness, meditates, reflects and makes some consciousnesses of Earth participants in the Truth so that they can later communicate to the world that which truly happens and not that which is said elsewhere upon the Earth.

It is important, My children, to avail yourselves of true information so that your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of your brothers and sisters may not be misguided.

Therefore, at this time, I invite you to use a fundamental ray, which is the ray of neutrality, so that nothing can surprise you, so that nothing can shake you and so that you may have wisdom, in each moment, in each test that will come, in each movement that will present itself.

By means of My Presence, today I bring you this movement of the Universe and of its Hierarchies so that you know that you are not alone, so that you know that we are supporting you and so that, at such an acute moment of the planet as this, you can make use of our spiritual Light, the Light that is made available by the Fount of the One Presence.

It is in this that you must place your consciousnesses, just as we, your Hierarchies, place our consciousnesses at the Feet of God; and we are filled, blessed and invaded by the Fount of Love and Wisdom, which is what humanity needs at the moment to learn how to make correct, not hasty decisions.

Thus, I want to teach you to avail yourselves of true knowledge that comes from the Source, which descends to all the Universes, planets, suns, stars and humanities, so that you may learn to raise your consciousness and your vibration at this planetary moment and so that you do not let yourselves be frightened nor disturbed by all that is said.

I am not telling you to be omissive with what truly happens, but rather that you have discernment and wisdom to be able to decide and, above all, to understand.

These are the times, just as My Son has said, in which everything will be triggered and many, so many souls will learn, in an unexpected way, through the tests and through that which the planet will present as a state of consciousness and as nature, as a part of Creation.

The planetary birth is approaching and, so that the New Humanity and the New Human Being may be born, everything must be purified because you, as humanity, know that you have diverted from the Purpose and from the Law.

For this reason, I come here to the world to announce to you the Word of God and so that you remember the Mercy of the Father in His infinite universal manifestation, because this door to His Divine Mercy is still open, this door that many more souls can cross at this planetary moment, at which the rescue is necessary for all under the spirit of salvation.

But it is also the time for souls to be able to serve their fellow beings, to be able to relieve suffering, to be able to help those who do not have instruction, because the majority is not ready for what will come in a short time.

Therefore, we call you to permanent, uninterrupted and constant prayer for this moment, in which all souls need wisdom and discernment so that they can be guided and conducted along the right path.

As the Mother of Wisdom, today I pray for you; as the Mother of Healing, I intercede for you; because the difficult times will show many hard events, and it is important that you can be prepared and instructed for these moments, in which material life will be completely shaken, both in Heaven and on Earth, preparing the emergence of the New Humanity, which will no longer have personal power or decision, but rather will finally learn to live in adherence to the Will of the Father.

By not fulfilling the rules and the Commandments, sufferings arise, the human decay arises, inequality arises. But this will end, a new time will come, but not everyone will be in this new time.

Many must learn in other schools that which they have not learned so far, because the planet keeps suffering and agonizing, just as the Kingdoms of Nature keep suffering and agonizing, and the Father will put an end to so much wickedness and suffering.

Because the Father created you to be happy, joyful and to live in His Joy from the beginning.

Therefore, all will be reconfigured so that it may begin again, as it should have been fulfilled in the beginning and yet was not fulfilled.

I extend My arms toward you and offer you My hands so that you can firmly take them and, above all, I offer My Heart, so that you can be kept within Me and protected within Me for this cycle.

The time has come for your mature consciousness to manifest so that, in adulthood, you may assume this planetary school of the end of times, a school that you never lived and never experienced in any other time nor in any other epoch.

Therefore, all will be shaken, from the material to the spiritual, from the social to the religious, from the purest to the most impure, so that, finally, there will no longer be duality, but rather balance, peace and harmony.

With courage and bravery, may each one of My children live the calvary that God has given them and may they do it for humanity, just as My Son did, so that many more souls can be saved and can find the way out, the path of return towards the House of the Father.

Today I come with these words to make you conscious and not to frighten you. I come with this degree of instruction and knowledge, of truth and transparency, just as I have come in other times and in other Apparitions, when your Heavenly Mother has had to correct humanity and reprimand it.

This is the time and this is the definitive moment, My children, and you must keep this in mind. There is no longer room for superfluous life, there is no room for what is petty, for mediocrity, for indifference, for lack of love, for the lack of compassion.

This is the time when you must remake your lives under the Presence of God and of His Power so that you may be contemplated by His Mercy and by His Grace, and in this way you can also live the Plan of Rescue, that Plan that the Spiritual Hierarchy will carry forward in this time, in this cycle.

As the events develop in humanity and the nations live their tests, the Doors of the Universe are closing, because the moment of the Apocalypse has arrived, the end of time, for the beginning of the new time, because the moment of the Return of Christ is coming, and this moment will bring humanity a great change on a universal level.

I take the time to speak slowly to you so that you can memorize My Words and not forget them, because My task with you is ending and My children must be strong and firm to go through that which you must go through in the end of these times.

I, as the Mother of each one of you, will withdraw in prayer, as I am doing now, to pray for your salvation, conversion and redemption and so that, above all, open and surrendered, in spite of what may happen and take place in the world, you can receive Christ when He returns to the world.

You must finish drinking from the Fount of Knowledge and Instruction because all that was said throughout the years was not in vain, but rather for a just and greater cause that goes beyond your lives, consciousnesses and souls.

Benefit from what is being given, because you will need it in the culminating moment of the planet. It is through love for this Knowledge and love through prayer that we will be united, in spite of where each one may be at the moment of the great events. There, Peace and Light will not lack, so that you can decide with wisdom and discernment, and you may carry out everything God asks.

I leave you this message and I invite you to relive it and share it, because it is for all My children, regardless of religion, belief or race. All are My children.

This is the commitment that My Son, on the Cross, asked Me to live for each one of you, until the end of days.

May the Wisdom of God bless your consciousness and may this Wisdom bring you healing for the emergence of the new being and the New Humanity, free from the errors, traumas, sufferings and from evil.

May the Grace of My Maternity surround you and may the Supreme Will be fulfilled within you so that, in the unity of brothers and sisters and of a community, you may hold among you the sublime treasures of the Hierarchy to sustain the planet and humanity.

I bless you and I give you My Peace, the Peace that strengthens the spirit, the Peace that elevates the soul towards the Kingdoms of the Heavens, towards the Greater Life.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In an offering to God and in union with the Most Holy Mother, responding to Her request, we will pray for three times the prayer “Sacred Unity of God” so that His Unity, the Unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may fill this moment and our souls with Its Light so that we may have the necessary strength to follow the paths of Christ.

Sacred Unity of God,

unify our lives,

unify our being,

unify us in profound fraternity.


Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us! Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

And under the blessing of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I Am the Lady of Fatima. On this day, I prepare for the advent of the anniversary of one of the most important events in the history of your humanity, which is the second redemption of humanity after the Coming of My Son.

Thus, prepare your hearts for the path of light which I will weave toward Europe; opening doors and hearts, healing souls and lives that want to be in My arms, experiencing the consecration of the heart the next 13th of March.

Today, I pour out My Immaculate Heart over the world and I expect each of your lives to crown Me as the Queen of the Earth, through the prayer of the Holy Rosary, the prayer of the heart, the prayer that will always carry you into peace.

In this time, proclaim My Word of Life.

Each day I invite you to live the Commandments of the Lord; in this way, you will generate the New Humanity for which God is waiting.

Today, I open to take your hearts into My Heart, and to prepare this next Holy Week, as the great fertilizer for your lives, in which the Lord will place new seeds so the plants and the flowers are able to grow and are able to offer their gifts to God in such a definitive and sensitive time.

Today, I call on you to gather strength through your hearts so you can unite with My immaculate path.

I come to prepare humanity for something important. For this reason, I always ask to return to Aurora; this is the cradle of a new project of God, in which something will be fully experienced by all, when you open to the Call of the Father and live without fear the transformation of life and consciousness.

Day and night, I offer you My Immaculate Heart. Here you have it; It is in My hands for you, a Heart that lived in this humanity and which understood the human condition of all beings.

Through My Heart, I bring you the Spirit of God. It must reign in your homes and families so it may be the new Light of the world after My Son, a Heart that prepares your hearts for what will come in a short time.

Thus, it is now, dear children, that the time has come to live in the school of prayer, in the school of healing and of redemption.

My Immaculate Heart will also go to Fatima next month. My Virginal and non-material Spirit will encircle this whole place. Those who want to truly see Me, attune your prayers with the heart, for you will surely find Me there and will feel the trust for being able to continue walking.

For I Am your Teacher and Pilgrim, She Who accompanies the flocks of Christ, Who does not tire of going through this world throughout the ages to light up the paths of those in darkness.

I come to revive those which My Son has requested of Me. I come to open the eyes of those who are blind and those who have hardened their hearts because of life experiences.

I have the key for your consecration, as well as your sanctity. Each knows what they can give the Father.

In this time, live My advent Message. My Son sends Me to truly and consciously prepare you. I come to prepare your hearts for the New Earth.

Who will risk following My path?

Who dares to fully live My call?

I am forming the new lines of the soldiers of Light, I am assembling those who have fallen and those who have not fallen; I am calling all of you to live the Transfiguration of My Son.

Dear children, I come to announce that God has granted Me a time of forgiveness for the coming month of May, in which the Kingdom of Fatima will shine forth once again in the world, and its Gardens of Light will be seen on the surface. Hold tight to My Sacred Mantle, I will not separate you from the Kingdom of My Son, rather I will take you toward the Kingdom of the Father, where Unity, Love and Forgiveness reside.

Thus, I name Myself the New Aurora, the Light of the Universe that is coming to you. I Am the Maternal Supra-consciousness, the Star that comes from the Universe directly to the Earth. God has granted Me being the Star in your lives.

I invite you to copy My path of simplicity and humility; in this way, you will begin to live in God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My children,

As the Morning Star, I come to announce the Sun of a new time, which purifies your lives, which renews your small souls. This Sun that is coming, My dears, is the Most Sacred Heart of My Son, which will light up the abysses and from the depths of those abysses, will rescue up to the last of the souls that must manifest, in this time, as the image and likeness of His Most Sacred Heart.

I come to announce, My children, a New Aurora in your lives, an Aurora that will be born through the Presence of My Son in this Kingdom. I want you to prepare your hearts with love, with profound gratitude, so your souls are able to live in these coming days, with fullness and hope, the Presence of My Son in the world.

Through My Immaculate Heart, today I illumine your consciousnesses so you are able to discover the mysteries that are held in the Passion of My Son, mysteries that up until today, humanity has not yet uncovered.

My children, in your little hearts, I want you to discover the true victory that exists in the Sacrifice of My Son, and that your precious lives may be renewed, in this time, through small sacrifices, small surrenders you are able to experience to bring relief to the Heart of God.

Today, in the Passion of Christ, I want you to discover the joy of salvation, the joy of the redemption and, in spite of all suffering, the joy and hope which never disappeared from the depths of the Heart of My Son.

My children, the Heart of Christ could find the strength to stand up after each fall through the hope of the rebirth of this world, and from this Sacred Heart, you must learn the power of renewal in each instant of your life.

For this reason, today I tell you that you not place your hearts in the tests you are experiencing, but rather, you feed hope, the joy of being able to be reborn each day. Live the Passion of My Son, offering your small lives to renew the sacrifice of Christ, and thus, as He did so long ago, the offering of your hearts is able to generate merits for the world, My children, so that humanity may have a new opportunity for redemption and this world may not disappear from the universe.

Today, I want you to feed the faith and devotion in your lives, and that the power of prayer be more powerful than any evil, that the valor of your souls is able to defeat the fear that many times intimidates the souls of the world.

My children, through your hearts, I want you to be the example to the world that My Son is already returning to this Earth, because He has already returned to each of your lives, because His Sacred Heart beats in your essences and renews your lives and your souls through His Sacred Sacrifice, through His Infinite Love.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this evening, dear children, see again the example of the consecration of My Immaculate Heart through these children I have called, who serve a large part of the Plan of God.

But My Son once said, in a Message, that in His ancient Sepulcher there were precious violets that restored Him, flowers of Love in His Sepulcher that helped to raise Him and to fulfill the Plan of God on Earth.

Today, I want to call on one of those violets to be consecrated, as daughter, to My Immaculate Heart, and as from this moment, adorn the Altars of My Maternal Kingdom.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, we are going to listen to the song: "Consecration", so She may bless these brothers and sisters and all these sacred objects.


Song: "Consecration".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, carry the Peace of My Heart in your hearts wherever you may go. Just that is enough for this time.

Remember I will be at the side of those who dare to live the Passion of Christ, comforting them and consoling them, encouraging them to continue onward, because Something Greater awaits them: the Spirit of God, their Eternal Father.

I thank you!

God willing, we will see each other soon in Portugal!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

The truth is that we don't know how you experienced it, those who are behind the screen; but we here have experienced a great moment, in which Out Lady definitely entered into our consciousness.

Today, in a unique way, here in this space where we are, all the brothers and sisters from the Marian Center of Aurora who participated, were able to feel ourselves to be of one mind and one heart; and Our Lady came to involve all these consciousnesses in a single one.

We hope that those on the other side of the screen were able to feel, as we did, the Love of the Queen of Heaven and of Earth.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We would like to share in words what Our Lady transmitted today, but sometimes we find ourselves very limited by our terrestrial language. But the Love that flows from the Heart of Mary allows everything to be confirmed and felt in our being.

During the Apparition, Our Lady came as Our Lady of Fatima, as you heard. A very compelling and definite manifestation.

She brought Her Immaculate Heart pouring out blood, offering us the sacrifices She lived for us, offering us healing and redemption; but Her gentleness and serenity were with us all the time.

Mary's Words comforted our heart and our soul, moment by moment. We could perceive that behind Mary was the Presence of God, and in Her we also perceived God.

Also, in some moments, She showed us some passages of Her life in Galilee and Her accompaniment during the Passion of Jesus.

We could perceive that Our Lady was activating recordings of Light in our consciousnesses; Christic keys for our beings, which recognized them at the instant She activated them. In this way, we were communing, through Mary, with the whole life Jesus had all over the Earth.

When Mary referred to Fatima, we felt Her to be at home, Fatima and Aurora were one. And those Kingdoms She expressed today in such a particular way, those Gardens of Light came here and left something in our hearts: energies, angelic presences and also codes of Light that specifically entered our spirits.

Mary was slowly involving us with the Kingdom of Fatima and was showing us, in the future, Her task already concretized in Europe, and all the conversions and redemptions She would carry out on going through Europe.

The most special moment was when She called the brothers and sisters for the consecration, and when She directly spoke about the violets that had been in the Sepulcher of Jesus. That was not a metaphor, it was a fact that Mary was revealing to us through a scene She showed us.

At the moment when Jesus was placed in the Sepulcher, a group of women who were accompanying Mary, anointed the Body of Our Lord with oils. There was a very specific woman who carried a bunch of flowers in her hands, in her arms, and she went placing each of the flowers around the Sepulcher.

Those flowers were not only emitting a very particular and special aroma, we could feel and perceive a sweet, soft aroma that went enveloping the Body of Our Lord and all the Sepulcher.

And this, according to Our Lady, went restoring the Body of Our Lord, which was wounded, through the faith of that woman, through the faith with which she had trusted Jesus. She knew inwardly that He was the Messiah, the Redeemer; although He was dead in the Sepulcher, she trusted in the Spirit of Jesus, and that act of faith raised Him; it was one of the attributes that helped in the restoration of Jesus.

That is how it was explained to us by our Mother today. And today Our Lady was explicit in saying that when She calls Her children to be consecrated, She doesn't call on them to be consecrated physically; She calls on each of our souls. She wants to try and have us remember our commitment to Her Immaculate Heart. She wants to consecrate those who are healthy and those who are sick, those who are lucid and those who are crazy.

Today She named Herself as the Mother of humanity for those who are believers and non-believers. She knows well who we are; She deeply knows us, even though we may not trust in Her, or that sometimes, we may have turned our face from Her when we saw Her at some moment. She wants to rescue us and is determined to conquer our hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

After so many things, all I want to add is that during the prayer, before Our Lady appeared, it seems that the angels heard us and quickly came, during the first prayers we began to recite.

And today, in a special way, they were working on us with great joy, pouring flowers out over this room. And when Our Lady began to approach, we could see the path on which She came from the horizon; and we began to see another path that came from the back of this room, on which some saints were coming who were joyfully singing. In the first row of these saints, we could recognize the Holy Padre Pio, who was bringing a crown of flowers. The other saints, who came behind him, were singing and pouring out flowers over the path. They stopped by the altar and stood waiting for the arrival of Our Lady. They said they came to crown Holy Mary of Aurora.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

These are a lot of emotions to open our hearts.

Well, we wanted to finish by sharing with the brothers and sisters that our Mother, yesterday and today, very firmly announced the Holy Week, the Sacred Week.

We want to share that this Sacred Week is an invitation of Our Lord Christ Jesus, a Sacred Week that will also be offered in other Marian Centers and will be an experience of prayer, of peace and of healing for everybody.

And we leave everybody with some questions:

Why is it that Jesus Christ returns during the Sacred Week?

What is it that the Sacred Hearts want to rescue in these times and which we are able to experience in a true and simple way?

After this great impulse of Mary's, let us place these questions in our heart so that, during this week, they can be answered by Our Own Lord.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want everybody to live in the peace that My Heart pronounces. We are in a difficult time, but peace is possible.

My Heart shines because of being in Argentina today. I have seen that My children responded to My call with more devotion.

You do not know, dear children, the repercussion this had in Heaven; for while you worked with Me today, I remained praying for you so souls could be touched by My Celestial Light.

In this way, dear children, see how simple it is to be an apostle of Christ; pronouncing a true word at the right time and proclaiming faith from your hearts for all, opening doors for those who have them closed.

My Immaculate Heart draws close to your lives today, as it once drew close in Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje. I Am the same one yesterday as today, I Am the Mother of eternity and the eternal present. I know each of your lives, your inner worlds and your intentions.

For this reason, on this night, I gather you together in My Cenacle of Prayer, the same way I did with the apostles, after the victorious departure of My Son to Heaven.

In this same way, My Son sends Me, during this era, so that I can group the flocks and take them to the stable of His Heart, in which all will live an eternal and perpetual Communion; in spite of the fact, dear children, that you are facing a time of purification, My Heart wants to strongly support you, hold you in My arms so you can feel the warmth and the Love of My Heart.

Today I announce Myself in Argentina as the Queen of Peace, just as I announced Myself in Venezuela, a short time ago. Understand, through this mystery of My Heart, dear children, how God sends Me on pilgrimage among the nations and the peoples, opening new doors of Light for all, reconciling hearts and healing lives.

Your true healing of the heart, dear children, is to be found in praying the Holy Rosary. But these times merit praying in an operative way.

Heaven needs to draw close to your consciousnesses so the Holy Spirit of God can act, can gather you as souls in the service of the Creator and aid sick humanity.

Many spirits that are on the Earth are extensively lost because of their actions and deceits; but My Celestial and Maternal Light is seen on the divine horizon and the Star of Peace draws closer to your hearts to remind you of your commitment to Christ.

My Heart does not come to evangelize your lives, but rather to open your hearts to the Greater Source.

Dear children, many of you have forgotten God. Life has taken away the time to pray with God from you and, in this way, you have forgotten about the Commandments, which were so important, dictated to Moses.

In these times, dear children, Christ sends Me to give you New Commandments, Commandments that you will find in the Attributes of the Universal Mother.

Be charitable with others. Be generous with those that most need it. Love those who have never loved and support a true faith in your hearts.

Heaven wants to pour a special Grace over you, but each of your souls has a time to be able to receive it.

Dear children, it is necessary that you create a condition with prayer, so that this Grace, which comes from God through My Heart, is able to be poured out in your lives and your families. I need you to consecrate yourselves to My Heart every day.

Know, dear children, that a good Mother always protects Her children; She prepares them to sleep at night and puts them into the arms of the Creator so that no evil may attack them; evils that are expanding in this world through the bad actions and grudges of human beings, the disturbances many hearts experience, the absence of peace that many live.

Dear children, accept My Universe of Peace, enter into My Ocean of Peace. My Son has granted Me this opportunity for all of you from the beginning, at the foot of the Cross; when He gave Me, as Your Mother, to all the children that are on the Earth. But there must be an inner permission, beloved children, so God may concretize His Plans in your lives.

Difficult times will come, but also times of Graces will come. I call on you to live in that special Grace, and that will begin, dear children, when you place your faith in God and alleviate His offended Heart through prayer, conversion and peace. I invite you to practice these simple things. I have been repeating it throughout the centuries, but very few hearts hear My call.

If you loved the Law of the Lord, there would be no suffering in your lives.

I was a Great Woman on Earth. I was a prophetess of Christ, and carried the Gospel to everyone, through teachings and love.

I know what it is to be a human being. I need you close to Me, so you are able to perceive My celestial energy. I gather you all together in the depths of My Heart. Pay attention, dear children, to the signs that will come. A Greater Grace always awaits you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As I promised, on this night, I bring celestial healing to your lives, and this healing I speak of, My children, is the healing of the soul, the healing of the spirit, which will be able to manifest in your lives only if you say 'yes' and if you open the doors of the heart to live something new, something unknown to your consciousnesses.

My children, at this time, I invite you to find Me with the gaze of the heart. You can visualize My blue Mantle, My pink robe, My white veil which falls over the shoulders, My bare feet which come to teach you the divestment of everything. You can contemplate My Crown of Stars, which represents the Love I have for each of your hearts. Each of your beings, My children, is one of the Stars of My Crown, which I ignite permanently through the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

See now, My children, how the hosts of Light bring to this Earth the Light of My Kingdom, and this Light permeates each of your hearts, enters into your lives and goes beyond your souls; because My Law is not of this world and I can reach all hearts that are connected with your beings, I can reach your families, those beings near and dear, because if one of you says 'yes' to Me, it is as if all of humanity receives that healing.

My children, I invite you to truly open your heart, to allow My Voice to resound within you, and as pure and simple children, you wake up to this call which for some time I have been making.

My children, each of your souls has a universal commitment to Me; thus, today you face My Heart, but it is up to each of you to decide if you will take on this commitment and become an apostle of My Peace or if you will continue in life ignoring the Light that calls you.

My children, these are times of definition for the world, and I want nothing more of your hearts than that you experience the Peace of My Kingdom, that you are able to live a life of fraternity, of unity with others, that you are able to be an example for the souls of the world that did not have the chance of being in My Presence.

My children, in this time it is necessary that there be a great change in humanity, a change in human actions, in feelings and in thoughts, a change in the relationship with the Kingdoms of Nature which have such need of your help.

Today, once again, I reveal that My Maternal Presence is in everything and that My Heart expands in the Kingdoms of Nature. Thus, when you care for these Kingdoms, you are communing of My Presence and of the Purity of My Immaculate Heart.

On this night, My Celestial Light enters into your lives. Thus, I ask that inwardly, you place at My feet all those situations that need light, that need redemption and healing, because if you trust in My Presence, I will always be able to help you, will be able to heal and guide you. In the silence of your hearts, cry out for My help, for I will lift the plea you give Me today to the Lord that, through the purity of His Servant, will grant Her the intercession for all of humanity.

My children, today I call you to a consecration of your life, so that many more are able to be consecrated to the Divine, surrendering their hearts to a Higher Life, opening to the unknown and bringing a Greater Life to the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The healing begins with the faith in God and as from there, dear children, the doors to redemption open.

The Mother of Heaven loves all of Her children, the good Mother of Heaven has no preference for anyone, She loves all hearts the same, for all emerged from the Greater Source. You are sparks of the Spirit of God, flames of devotion which can be ignited in these times to help humanity to conversion and forgiveness.

For this reason, My Son sends Me to the cities to wake up those who sleep and, as a good Mother, remind you of the commitment to Christ, the perfect union of your beings with His Merciful Spirit.

Today, I will give you a simple example, in a new consecration of three precious souls, who on their paths, found Me and recognized Me as the Faithful Feminine Energy, the powerful manifestation of God in this world and in others, in the universes and in the stars, for My Heart comes from the Greater Source.

I Am the emanation of the Love of God for the Earth. I Am the incandescent Star for souls that are in darkness. I revive in spirit all those beings who are fallen, I lift them up with My hands and help them to walk toward Christ for a greater coming together.

Bless their hearts every day; it is possible to receive a Greater Grace, to find forgiveness and peace, which many have forgotten to experience because of the realities of these end times.

But My Merciful and Compassionate Heart also received the Precious Blood of Jesus. I adored the mystery of My Son on the Cross, and Am the first disseminator of His celestial powers, through His Body and His Blood, in the sacred mystery of Communion.

I invite you, on this night of the Cenacle, to enter into My Immaculate Heart so I may bless you and into your lives you may carry the Christic seed of Peace, which must sprout in the end of this time so that you may serve God and those that most have need of God.

You are possible apostles of Love. You are the new evangelizers through prayer. Live the devotion of My Heart. Open the doors of your homes so I may enter; I only need to be with you to be able to fulfill what I came to do in this time: to be the Mother of all, of all creatures, of all souls and of all hearts.

For this response you have given to My Heart, during this night of prayer, I deeply and eternally thank you.

Now, come close so I may bless you, placing My hands on your heads and, in this way, I am able to intercede for all My children before Christ, your Lord.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is waiting for you to come. Please stand up and come here.

Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, on this night, I bless these sacred images, as I have already done so many times for My children. They are a symbol of the favored union between hearts and God, of those who trust in the mystery of My Divine Motherhood.

But I have come from Heaven on this night to bless these three precious creatures who have heard My Voice, just like all those present.

Today, over you I pour My Maternal and Immaculate Love, My Grace is projected like Light over your beings; opening My arms and reaching out My hands, I consecrate you and bless you, asking the Most High and Almighty God to intercede with Christ for all these precious souls that have found a path to My Son in this end time.

Thus, I ask the Archangels and Angels of Heaven to accompany these precious spirits, so they may assemble as a single flock and accomplish the promise of My Son, ardently and with devotion preparing for His Return to the Earth.

As the Most High Mother, I deeply aspire that you be able to recognize My Son when He returns, for He will show Himself to all those who want to hear the Return of the Master in their heart.

I thank you, now and always, blessing you with the Archangel Raphael and His Rays of healing and of transfiguration, which are born from the Fount of God for all the dimensions, the planes and existences, which the Almighty created.

Thus, I bless you under the Power God has given Me as Universal Mother, as Mother of the World, as Queen of Peace and of all hearts, so all beings may stand up from where they have fallen and walk toward Christ in trust and in peace.

My Motherhood protects you, My Light will guide your paths, My Heart will beat in your hearts as long as we are united in the prayer of the heart.

Be glad! This day is special, the Grace of Heaven is close to you and My Heart regards you with Love.

I thank you!


Song: "Revelations in Aurora."


Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

To close this meeting with our Most Holy Mother, we want to briefly reveal what happened during today's Apparition.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, as we all were able to hear, Our Divine Mother came as the Queen of Peace, as She described to everybody, with a white veil, light blue Mantle and a rose robe.

And a little before our Divine Mother came, while we were praying, the Angels and Archangels were already approaching this place and were beginning to carry out an intense task with us and with all this city.

They were freeing us from energies that were in us and in the world, which are generated by human actions, which as we all know, are not always the best. So, this is why praying fervently is important, of preparing this path with all our heart, because today, as we prayed intensely, our Divine Mother was able to deepen the task She was doing in this place.

When She was already present, behind Her we could see several doors that reached Heaven. It was as if we could see Paradise behind Her, a place full of Light where angels walked.

And from that place, an intense light was descending, which at the moment when She was speaking of healing, gradually became a green light. And that light entered into each of our beings, cleaning our hearts of all that we have difficulty with in our lives.

When She asked us to surrender those situations we needed to transform, it was as if your souls became very clear. And although you did not say anything, She could see all your beings as if you were transparent. And those who had a small opening of the heart received the intercession of our Mother.

She lifted up our offerings, which went through that portal from whence She came, and they were going to a place we could not see, but which She told us was at the Feet of the Creator.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We had the same vision with Sister Lucía. We just want to add that during a moment of the Apparition, several planets and constellations manifested which surrounded the aura of our Mother.

When our Mother asked for an intercession with the Father, the Archangel Raphael approached and worked directly with our essences and souls, with that which Our Mother calls divine; that inner point which each of us has, which connects us with God. For example, when we pray, that divine nucleus which is our inner God, is activated through prayer and we enter into perfect communion with the universe.

Our Mother emphasized this a great deal to us, and needs us to be able to consciously recover it. She was lovingly offering to help us, not only to heal our inner life, but so that we could unite with God more each day.

At the moment of the blessing, She descended a little more, approached us a little more. She lovingly called all of you for the blessing and, as She said, placed Her hands on our heads and we felt Her Motherly Love, Her protection, Her peace, Her profound harmony and hope. We felt God through Her hands, through the energy She poured out like Light; and symbolically, She embraced us all, holding us tightly to Her Heart so that, on this night and as from this moment, we could trust in Her, because She is our Mediator. She comes to recover that precious thing in us which we have lost, as She told us: joy, hope, fraternity, and mainly the prayer that will, according to our Mother, help us survive in these difficult times.

So, She universally invited us, on this night, to unite with the Universe of God through prayer, reconciliation and the union each of us is able to generate daily through striving, collaborating for this planet, for this humanity, which our Mother sees is spiritually sick and has need of healing, preparing to receive Her Son. And it is not the first time that our Mother tells us Her Son is returning.

On this night, She truly placed each one of us in Her arms, and like a loving Mother, contemplated our problems and difficulties. But on this night, She did not see our problems or difficulties; She contemplated our essences, the love we hold in our heart, and which She said we needed to pour out in this time to avoid some events and to be able to be healed in God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

While the Friar was telling the story, I remembered something.

When our Divine Mother began to make a movement, in which the Light descended from the Celestial Kingdom, and we could see that the Archangel Raphael was approaching with an intense green Light, and we felt the energy of healing reaching this place, our Divine Mother was telling us:

"I will be able to heal your souls, your hearts and your lives, but will you be ready to maintain what I will give you?"

We would like all of us to hold this question in our hearts, because in the same way that it is simple to receive this healing, it is also very simple to lose it through the actions in our lives. Because little by little, we go forgetting God, and if we don't hold on to this moment through our persistence and our prayer, this moment goes, getting lost in our lives.

So, our Divine Mother left us with a commitment, which is something simple: that we remember that energy She leaves within us and that, through our devotion and our faith, we become able to make it grow and multiply beyond ourselves, so that it may reach our brothers and sisters, so that others, through us, are able to receive what we received today.

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
