My dear children,

On this radiant day, by the Solar and Eucharistic Presence of My Son among you, as Mother and Pilgrim, I approach you, My dear children, so that in perpetual prayer we may continue to pray to God through the light of the heart, for all urgent causes that need divine and spiritual intervention.

For this purpose, today your Celestial Mother and Holy Queen of Spain, with the Scepter of God,  banishes oppression, which throughout the centuries My slave children of Africa and the Middle East have experienced. 

Today, I am here as the Mother of the shipwrecked and those who have disappeared. I am here as a Mother who cries with the mothers of war and the mothers who have lost their beloved children and relatives in the earthquakes.

I come, in the name of the Most High, to close the great spiritual and regional wound that has not yet been healed since the terrible earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

As My Son told you yesterday, I come as Mediator and Intercessor to elevate to Heaven those who were discarded in the Mediterranean Sea and those who have gone missing in Turkey, Syria, New Zealand, Japan and Brazil in these recent days.

Dear children, does anyone else hear the cry of Mother Earth and all her elements?

This is why I came last Saturday, to ask the world for sincere penance, true repentance and deep reparation, so that the outrages of war and the fury of nature may no longer take place in the world.

Therefore, now and more than ever, seek inner balance, seek to be peacemakers of Christ and, with your prayers, in service, embrace and love all those who suffer, for this is the hour when the prophecies announced by Christ to His apostles, before His Ascension, will be fulfilled.

Pray for your families and for the families of the whole world so that the sacred cell of the Project of God may no longer becomes a model of lack of love, betrayal, revenge and hatred.

It grieves My Heart to see the present and sad situation of families. I ask you to truly pray.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Today I come to the world because it still needs it, because it still has not found Peace.

Thus, My children, in this culminating moment, I have need of you, beyond what is happening to you or everything you are going through. I need you close to My Heart, under My Mantle, so you can help me establish Peace in the world, so that later, the healing of humanity may be established.

Therefore, it is important to pray the Holy Rosary every day, especially in these last days of July, which will prepare you for August, in which My annual Message will come to the world as a preamble to the coming of the Celestial Church of Christ.

Today I come surrounded by the Creation of God, especially the Kingdoms of Nature, which still need your prayers and supplications, because not only humanity suffers; your younger brothers and sisters, the Kingdoms, throughout the breadth and length of the world, are also suffering the consequences of the climate change and global warming, which are becoming worse upon this planet, every day.

But there is something that can prevent it all, which is the prayer of the heart and fasting, something fundamental for this end time in which humankind will be able to be reconciled with the laws of nature through prayer and fasting. Something that I taught you in the first years of the apparitions, not only for the cause of the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for other causes that are still necessary and urgent to attend to.

In this way, dear children, through prayer and fasting, you will awaken within you the talent that My Son left you, which the Heavenly Father calls gifts. Fundamental virtues that, in this moment of humanity, need to be available for this planet and this race because, through the Gifts of God and the virtues that you can live, you will be more aware and have the knowledge on how to rebuild this planet regarding how to help the Kingdoms of Nature, regarding how to support this humanity.

I come with this message from Creation, from the universe, the stars and the suns. God expects that at least a great part of His children, in this definitive time, may begin to rebuild humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Here, in this sacred place, through the sacred tree of Figueira, knowledge and instruction descended directly from God Himself through His instructor José Trigueirinho, who Our Father has in His Glory.

Through what he taught you, in simplicity and in love, you have the first signs, as current humanity, of how through your inner contact with the universe, with prayer and fasting, you could rebuild the Kingdoms of Nature, because as long as the world continues to commit infractions against Creation, it will continue to suffer.

My children, this is what you must know today, and take into account within your hearts. Not only humankind has need of healing and redemption, not only does the pandemic need to end so that we may see what humanity has learned, but also the other Kingdoms of Nature have need of your help and love.

You could never imagine a world without the sun, without the dawn, without the morning breeze, without the tide of the oceans, without the singing of the birds, without the freshness of the Plant Kingdom, without the splendor of the flowers.

How could you live without Creation, My children?

God created the universe, this Solar System and this planet, to demonstrate to each one of you how He loves you.

When will the world become aware that it is no longer time to destroy, but rather to build?

If you had the Grace of hearing the cry of the Kingdoms of Nature, you would feel the great pain as I feel it.

But, while this happens, the Kingdoms do not cease surrendering and giving of themselves.

Mother Earth suffers from the aggression of Her children, but even so, she gives the fruits that God's creatures need to continue living and growing in this humanity.

Each one of you, as part of this human civilization, as an expression of the Will of God, beyond faith or religion, has a duty toward Creation.

You, My children, were not only born to live or to think, you were born to be aware of Creation and of the sacred Divine Purpose.

Thanks to the Most High, there are islands of salvation in the world and beautiful places of nature that are still protected from the hands of humankind, so that the human race may learn to feel and live from Creation, not in destruction, but in union.

As long as this change does not take place, the prophecies of the Apocalypse will be fulfilled, but I Who am your Mother and wish the good for each one of My children, do not want you to experience this, that you suffer or endure because of your lack of awareness of Creation and of the Law.

But you could say to Me: "Mother, no matter how much we may do something, there are people in the world who, because of their ambition and power, destroy the planet."

I do not come here to generate a parallel movement, nor a worldwide complaint. Each one today has enough awareness to be able to take care of the Kingdoms of Nature and to know that, without them, it is not possible to live on the surface of this planet. As much as you can do small things, the repercussions will be very great.

Have you ever thought about what a flower feels when watered? What the soil feels when touched with love? Have you ever asked yourselves what the sea feels when it is contemplated by you?

Everything has awareness, a knowing and wisdom. Nothing is static. Everything has a reason in Creation.

I am the Mother of the World, Mother Nature. I am the Governess of the consciousness of the planet. All those who come to Me are not only redeemed in the Name of My Son, but they also come to Creation to discover its wisdom and its science.

The planet needs to be healed of the exploitation of humankind throughout the centuries, and this will be possible because of your adherence to My call. Thus, the Earth will not be left behind, but rather, will be contemplated by the rest of Creation, so that it may be regenerated and deeply healed, just as the planet has expected from the beginning.

You are part of the consciousness of this world. Have you understood? This is your home.

In order for My Son's Celestial Church to descend, the world must change and not continue to struggle to live in the normal and in what is superficial.

Time is running out, it is time to become aware. For this reason, I am here, so that you may grow within.

My enemy does not want you to reach this awareness, but through the offering of your prayers and fasts, you will allow the spiritual and material condition to be generated so that this change in the human consciousness may be possible.

And now, I invite you, My children, to carry out an inner practice with Creation. I invite you to prepare yourselves and to open your hearts even more through inner contact with the intra-oceanic world.

Close your eyes.

And now, at the request of the Father and through the intercession of the Mother of God, we will listen to "Intra-oceanic Aurora".

And through this exercise, which we will begin tonight, I will guide the world and the souls to an inner healing of the heart and of the emotions, of the mind and of the body, by means of your souls.

Open your inner worlds, beyond what your ears may hear. And now, see yourselves facing the ocean, at dawn. See God within that ocean, through His Consciousness of cosmic and inner Love. Feel yourselves to be empty and listen to the ocean like great streams of light coming towards you and, consequently, towards all of humanity.

Placing your hands in the sign of reception, offer your whole being to God and, in the name of the human race, facing that ocean that lights up in the dawn, ask for forgiveness and cry out inwardly for reconciliation, for all that the planet Earth has experienced, since the presence of humankind up until today.

See the great Sun of God emerge on the horizon of the ocean that, with the power of His Presence and Consciousness, with His Light, fills everything that lives and vibrates. Feel your cells and atoms light up through the intra-oceanic presence of the Consciousness of God's Love. Feel Adonai, feel at one with the sacred Divine Unity. Feel within yourselves the Truth of Creation and that which you have been a part of since the beginning.

Breathe slowly. Each time you breathe in, feel how the light of Creation enters your being and your entire consciousness. You are facing Adonai and Mother Nature, in the great void of consciousness, to be filled and blessed by the Love and Wisdom of the Father.

Between the Sun of God and the ocean, see the Son of God emerge in the sky, Who reaches out His Arms as the Redeeming Christ, and from His Heart and the palms of His Hands, He emanates the powerful light of Divine Grace over the four corners on the Earth.

The ocean lights up in blue light and its being, each of its consciousnesses, lights up in the blue light of Aurora.

In the name of the whole human race, in the name of fraternity, of forgiveness, and of love, affirm your inner vows with Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature, so that all may be renewed in accordance with what was foreseen by Divine Purpose.

In the Light of the Grace of Christ, in the Presence of the Father and of Mother Nature, we unite with the essence of Creation, so that we may remember where we came from and what the reason is for our being here today. 

May the Laws of Creation descend, may the gifts be given to the men and the women of the Earth. May the sacred virtues awaken, and the consciousness of the human beings expand, so that ignorance may be transmuted and wisdom bring an awareness of this present moment.

Feel the calm of the ocean. Feel the peace of Creation and the establishment of harmony. 

Now bring your hands to your heart and feel the union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In reconciliation with the planet and Creation, before the ocean, in the dawn of the Sun of God and the Presence of the Divine Son, we will repeat a prayer, phrase by phrase, which will be translated so that we may all may pray it in the Presence of Adonai:

may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the word be alive and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify perfect Unity.

Thus, I bless you and thank you for responding to My call.
May Creation and all nature be renewed in humanity. So be it.
I leave you with this instrumental, so that your consciousnesses may be united with God.

Peace and redemption for the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Decree of Hope for the Heart of the Earth

Hear, O Heart of the Earth!
The cycle of definition of your destiny has come.
Walk towards your new name, towards the expression of your new life.

In this calvary that you are experiencing, carrying the cross of the end of times,
see your Heart become the stage of a battle,
fought since the origins of human life and therebefore.
See that the time has come for this battle to end,
and prepare the hearts of your children
so that they may be triumphant in Love and in Truth.

O Heart of the Earth,
your new name is drawn like fire upon the horizon,
and nothing will be able to stop the triumph of your destiny.
Radiate the faith that is born in the center of your being toward each one of your children
so that, through it, they may come to know Truth and Good.

Dissolve, little by little, the time that is around you,
like veils that cover your face,
hiding the Truth that exists beyond you.
Let your children gradually enter into the Time of God, into the Real time,
so that they may recognize, not only the seriousness of these days,
but also the majesty of your purpose.

Let your children contemplate, not only the illusion
and the somnolence that absorbs beings,
but also let them know their origin and what caused them to come here,
to become human beings, hope of the Heart of God.

O Heart of the Earth,
that is in agony and has been saddened throughout this birthing of a child,
which has been seemingly eternal and
so much awaited for by all of Life.
Even though your contractions may be painful and your body may be tired,
do not lose the hope of seeing the new human, the new life, born from you.

Behold, gradually the promise arises that the Creator made to you,
since the beginning of your existence and before;
this promise that was renewed over the course of human evolution,
that triumphed on the Cross of the Savior and that must culminate
with the cross of these times, the planetary cross.

Let the promises of God become alive,
and see the prophecies of the Armageddon come out of the sacred books.
But, beyond that, also see the sky open, and among the clouds,
the choirs of angels preparing for the Return of the Living God to your embrace. 

He will come with His Arms open to receive the children that were born of you,
and taking this new life into His Arms,
He will elevate the dimensions and soothe the pain.
He will bring His Kingdom to the world and you will no longer be called Earth, nor Jerusalem.
Your name will resound from the heights, that sacred sound,
pronounced by God since the beginning.
And with that vibration upon you, you will no longer see pain, but rather peace.

In you, your children will grow and, for a thousand years,
they will strengthen Love within themselves,
until they are ready to allow Love to triumph in all life.

Remember My words, o Heart of the Earth,
and remind your children that your story is already defined
and that, in spite of all the challenges, they must never lose faith.

I leave the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Observe within the signs of nature, the expression of the spirit of the Earth. Through the elements, sense the deepest feelings of the planet that shelters you.

The Earth lives and expresses through the Kingdoms, giving humankind knowledge of the intensity of its heart.

When the winds stir, rains fall and lightning ignites the skies, lighting up that which the clouds had darkened, feel the Earth liberating hearts and let your spirit also be cleansed by its water of life.

When the sun shines on the horizon and the blue sparkles in the sky, painting the air of the Earth with a new day, you also experience the renewal that the elements bring, and thank the Father for the opportunity to begin again.

Like the Kingdoms of Nature within their seasons, child, let yourself be transformed by life. Revere the cycles that the Earth brings you and live each moment with gratitude, for in all things there is a message from God, for you.

Enter into yourself by facing Nature, so as to enter into the depths of the Earth and become a knower of its science and its spirit.

Life has a lot to teach you, it is enough that do not go through it with indifference and superficiality.

Contemplate the depths of the All and one day you will truly understand why you are here.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Feel the breeze upon your face and the caress of the wind; they are the sweet words of the Mother of God.

Feel the firmness of the earth and contemplate the deepest core of the ground; it is Mother Earth expressing Her unconditional Love. 

Allow the water to cleanse your body and purify all inner wounds; it is the Lady of the Waters, chaste, pure and clear.

Contemplate the strong and robust fire that illuminates the spaces; it is the ignited flame of the Heart of the Divine Mother.

These are the elements of Mother Nature, that suffer in the same way as Her children of the Earth; that cry out as do the beings of this humanity.

Here is Mother Nature in agony, silent and imperceptible, alongside Her children; who waits for the pity of humankind so that, in these critical times, Creation as a whole may be able to be regenerated.

Thank you for becoming aware of this!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Weekly Messages


When the spirit of the planet cries out, do not forget to offer some time to listen to it.

How little it is to dedicate a prayer to that wounded heart, which, in spite of its wounds, sustains and protects you so that you can grow and evolve.

Never forget that this world has a spirit that animates it and a Purpose that impels it to go forward.

This planet is a living part of the Heart of God and, as His part, all suffering lived in it is felt by the Heart of the Father. Therefore, do not see, with indifference, wars, the outrages of the Kingdoms of Nature, the abandonment of human beings toward themselves and toward their fellow beings, the ignorance of the human hearts concerning Superior Life.

Feel life as a part of a Whole, of a Unique and Creative Heart. And, for all that happens in this world, pray and repair that wounded heart. Pray as part of God, so that your prayer may be a balm that heals the Heart of the Father.

Do not cease to hear Him when He calls you, not only to console you or to grant you something. Listen to God and to His clamor that emerges from the entrails of this wounded world and offer the Father a repair for this world.

Pray and offer every instant of your life for something greater than your aspirations.

Pray and offer your time to something other than your tasks and your responsibilities.

All you do is for God, but prayer, child, is the healing balm that the world needs today, that God needs through your siblings, the Kingdoms, the nations, so as to keep Himself alive in His creatures.

Creatures need God, and God, to respond to His children, needs to be listened to.

Therefore, today I invite you, on this day of repair, to silence your heart for an instant and listen to the Heart of Father, listen to Him in the world, in the Kingdoms, in human beings, in the profound of the Earth and in the immensity of Heaven.

And pray to repair His pain, pray to repair His wounds, pray for Him to be known and to be God expressing Himself in all life, visible and palpable to all.

Today, child, I call you to find the Father in front of you and repair Him with the love that comes from Him, and that dwells in your heart.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Mapuche community of Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

As Mother Earth and Mother Universe, I come on this day to unite the essences of all My children of the original peoples through the Universal Father, so that through their sacred knowledge, they may continue protecting and safeguarding life, tradition, and culture.

As Mother Earth, I come to speak to you in the name of all the beings of Nature, so that not only the peoples listen to Me, but also all of humanity that does not look at the suffering that, day after day, the elements of this Creation experience.

Through the original peoples, humanity could recover its spiritual dignity, if it knew how to protect and take care of everything the Universe and Life has given it.

I would like the sacred Principles, which were gestated in the consciousness of My children from the original peoples, to make you understand the importance of a change of consciousness, since present humanity destroys and dissipates all it will need from the Kingdoms of Nature in order to survive.

As Queen of Nature, as Sacred Spirit of the Peace of the universe, I come to tell you that I will always be with you, in the silence of nature, as well as in the presence of each Kingdom. My Sacred Spirit will make it possible to have each one of you be a sacred essence that shines before the Creator in these times.

On this day, I leave you My maternal blessing so that everything can be healed and renewed in you, so that the traces of suffering may be erased from your paths, so that each story experienced may be repaired and bathed in the love of the wise Spirits of the universe.

I leave you My Peace and I renew you in the faith and in the Wisdom of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Curitiba, Paraná, to Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I come here for a wounded world, and, in My hands, I carry the greatest cause of God, which is the fulfillment of His Plan of Love and Redemption on the surface.

I pray for this cherished Project and every day I relive the Words of the Creator, which He spoke to Me in His Kingdom:

“Dear Universal Mother, supreme and humble Mirror of Love, Your Father and Lord of the Universe asks that you tirelessly go forth to meet souls and the most simple because through them, I will be able to heal the planet and its humanity, I will repopulate the world with hundreds of suns, many more than I have created throughout the Universes.

I will make of each sun a prodigious emanation of My Source and, through them, I will pour out the Divine Codes of My Paternal Heart.

Go ahead, most sweet Lady of the Light, Governor of all the stars, fallen and non-fallen.   Go ahead, appear and announce to the race that I deeply love them and that they are offending Me while setting themselves apart from the Universe of My Love.

Do everything in Your power, You have no boundaries, but rather thousands of angels and devas to reverse the lack of love and to transmute the indifference upon this planet.

You will always hold within Your Heart the unquenchable wisdom of My Words, because, through Your Grace, I will make of hearts luminous trophies of redemption, to place them at the foot of the celestial altar”.

In My silence, children, I hear this proclamation, every day. And I will be able to be the Mother of humanity and of all the Earth, as long as you allow Me to be. Thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today the pain of the planet and of Mother Earth, of Pachamama, is relieved by the essence and spirit of the youths of the world, who give to the Creator the offering of being in communion with all that was Created.

It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother liberates from the prisons of the Earth all the manifested Kingdoms and the great devas of Nature find again the path through which they have come to serve.

Each mineral, as well as each flower, each animal and also each elemental, feel in its consciousness the relief offered by the youth, who, with love, unite with all Creation.

Part of the unpayable debt of humanity, which has dominated and destroyed the lower Kingdoms, is alleviated, and, through the energy of Grace, impossible things reach the light and redemption.

All this is possible because the Father sees the sincere heart of His younger children, who try to reintegrate to this planet the culture of the sacred and the reverence for all that is Created.

Today the Mother of God unites with each young soul that recites with fervor and loves their union with Nature. In this way, the offering of that young soul, beyond embracing the essence of the Kingdoms, helps the sphere of the Earth, and the planet feels loved.

May this communion continue on for a much longer time; may surface humankind awaken to the truth of being in deep contact with what it still does not know: with the matrix essence of the Kingdoms of Nature.

I thank My younger children for continuing to fulfill the call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


When the White Buffalo would appear on the horizon, suddenly, walking with serenity before the eyes of the pure, this was a sign of prosperity and hope. Its mouth did not speak, its language was unknown by humankind. Its silence would transmit the Will of God to them; its language was understood with the heart, by those who knew how to become silent.

When sadness flooded the hearts of humankind, they cried out for the grace of seeing and feeling the White Buffalo. Its serenity calmed them and they would feel hope that the Earth would remain fertile, alive and sacred.

When the heart of the children of the Earth was not rich in love and joy, they cried out for the White Buffalo. Its joy and Its love did not come from this world, but it nourished and healed the world. It appeared upon the horizon and represented the arrival of new cycles, where life would have a greater meaning, because the land would be fertile and so would the heart.

The White Buffalo was the Holy Spirit of the Earth, which walked silently among humankind. It came to dissolve fear, anguish, sadness, it came to unite the hearts of the children of the Earth with He who created the Earth, and all other planets, the Sun, the Moon and all Life.

The White Buffalo was the bearer of purity and re-ignited purity within the hearts of the children of the Earth so that they would not lose the hope of a world in peace and in communion with Life.

The White Buffalo was meek but invincible. Nothing could touch it and only the eyes of the heart could see It. Its mystery came from Infinity, even though its appearance was of the Earth. It made itself lesser than humankind, with the living symbol of a simple animal, but it wanted to represent the All. Within it were both the small and the great, from the animals to the Supreme God, from nature to the All.

The White Buffalo thus made it possible to understand that God is in everything.

I am the White Buffalo, the Spirit of the Earth, the Spirit of Life.

I am the representation of the fertile cycles, of the cycles of Peace.

In My presence, despair and fear are dissolved, and hearts again find the faith and the love of God.

I am, My children, the Mother of the Earth, and also of Heaven. The children of the Earth were born upon it, but they do not come from it. Their spirits come from Me, they were born of the Universal Source of Life, protected by the brightness of the stars that sparkle in Infinity, embraced by the Motherhood of God, Adonai.

I come to the world so that you may regain purity and hope, so that fear and pain be healed, and so that the certainty of being able to experience the sacred, and so that the unity on this Earth with Creation may again shine in your essences.

I am here, beloved children, now resembling humankind, with a body like yours and with a Divine Heart so that you may again find within yourselves what which unites you with the Creator, that which makes you a mirror of His Most Sacred Heart.

I came to mirror in your spirits the sacred and the divine.

I appear on the horizon, in silence, again bringing Peace. I appear on this day of a new cycle, representing a fruitful cycle in the life of the spirit.

I want to strengthen your hearts and build within you the new gardens of life.

I want to allow the new human being to be born, recovering the purity and dignity of the indigenous consciousness.

I come to bring the grace of union with the Origin, for those called original peoples and, in this way, all human hearts may rekindle within themselves the purity of the beginning, the original unity with the Heart of God.

May your lives be fruitful in love before the White Buffalo.

Regain peace, joy and hope, dissolving from spirit the evil that causes wars and degenerates hearts.

May the unity of the Spirit of God bring you wisdom, dissolving the ignorance that separates humankind from itself and from the All, that which makes them die, while being alive.

I am the White Buffalo, your Mother and Mother of all Creation. I come to bless you, embrace you and allow you to remember that the Creator has a perfect will for His children. It is enough, My beloved ones, that you contemplate upon the horizon of your inner worlds the presence of the White Buffalo, and allow yourselves to be permeated by its silence and meekness so that its love may again transform and permeate your lives.

I love you and I keep you in My Heart of Love.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all Life


In both, the message of yesterday and the message of today, Saint Joseph makes an analogy between the Passion of Christ and the Armageddon, which He called as Planetary Passion. Today, He showed us the resemblance between the performance of the Cyrenian in the Passion of Christ and the Kingdoms of Nature in the Planetary Passion, explaining to us that the different phenomena of nature which will happen in the world are not a punishment or a way to prolong the human suffering, they will be the vehicle that will give us the possibility of surrendering all for love to God.

Saint Joseph was telling us that, at the same time that nature will spiritually sustain the human consciousness, it will also create the conditions for us to get where we must get in our learning, thanks to the different climatic movements that we will live. He was telling us that for us to be able to follow the transition of the planet with the correct view.

He is trying to lead humanity to be before this Planetary Passion with the same intention and understanding of Christ during His Passion, in other words, not feeling itself punished or martyrized, but offering each step with the cross for the triumph of God in the world, overcoming the pain thanks to love.

The Kingdoms of Nature will also live the Planetary Passion, the so-called Armageddon. They will share the cross of the world with the human beings, as the Cyrenian sustained the cross of Christ and walked with Him until the Golgotha.

The Kingdoms of Nature will learn with the human experience and this lesson will remain marked within the individual and group consciousness of each species. This means that when  the moment comes for the individualization of consciousness for the Lower Kingdoms, which have shared the evolution of the Earth during the end of times, this individual consciousness will carry within itself the codes of surrender, giving of self, sacrifice and forgiveness, experienced in these times.

The Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the Cyrenian, will not be able to avoid the apex of the crucifixion: they will sustain the human consciousness and they will create the conditions so that it lives its learning. Besides that, they will conduct the humankind through the Calvary of the Armageddon and, much as, for many, it may seem that nature is the responsible for the human suffering, those who know the truth will know that nature is the vehicle for the achievement of the human learning, it is the Cyrenian who allows that humanity lives its learning and reaches the apex of the cross, in the absolute and total surrender for love to God and to the achievement of His Plan.

At the time of Christ, many thought that the Cyrenian extended the suffering of Jesus, not letting Him die on the path and conducting Him to a greater moment of pain and anguish, that was the crucifixion. Others know that the Cyrenian was the one who, as the angels, allowed Jesus to arrive to Golgotha with the cross, and there pour out until the last drop of His Blood, out of love to humanity and to all the creation, giving the example, to all that was created, of how the Love of God acts.

In the time of the Armageddon, of the Planetary Passion, the Kingdoms of Nature will lead you to surrender all for love. Those who embrace with gratitude the cross of the world and open themselves to the magnanimous expression of Love and of Forgiveness will understand the movement of nature and will thank Mother Earth for conducting them to the victory of the Most High God.

May the Teaching strengthen your hearts and dissipate your fears.

I bless you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one Who prepares and instructs you for the times that will come


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to pray with you, for you and the world.

Today, I come to stay close to your hearts and in silence, so that you can feel and can understand what your Mother sees in this world, which does not stop to think and to seek God first, so everything can be remedied.

I call on you to live in My silence, in this same spiritual moment, in which Heaven unites with the Earth.

The universe shows you what happens in this world to hearts that truly want to see the indignation of the Mother of God for souls that do not listen, that are behind each one of you, without a path or a direction.

I come to profess this silence in the name of the Love of God; so that you not only listen to Me, but also learn to feel I am here, in each part of this world that has need of the Light, the Light of God.

I Am the Queen of Peace, and come to invite you to a deep silence, for if you are in silence, you will be able to understand what I tell you.

Dear children, the world is about to collapse, and nobody believes this can be possible.

I come to stop the anger of God over your heads, for I am your Mother, I love you and wish the best for you.

Once again, I come to give the same Message; now through My silence; because it is necessary, My children, that you grow in the Truth.

The world will not bear it if it truly does not seek to change in the small things of life.

Who will be a part of the New Earth if My hearts only give Me half of their lives?

I need you to seek the Truth and not fear finding it. Thus, I come to pray for you and for all My children, mainly for those that do not listen to the Word of God.

Now do you understand, dear children, the need for My Sacred Centers to be manifested by you?

I do not come to remove any coins from your pockets. I come to call on you to become part of the manifestation of God; in this way, your hearts will be reconciled with the One and all debts incurred throughout the history of humanity will be relieved by the Grace of God.

My silence, My children, is a Grace. I need you to seek silence.

How will you understand what My Heart suffers? How will you feel My deep core and My Most Pure Womb, which is assaulted when each mother causes a life to be lost? I am in the little ones, but I am also in you. Each time you remove a life it is a sorrow for God.

The debt becomes ever greater. Who will pay it? Who will be worthy of suffering out of love for others and surrender their heart into the Hands of God, so the Queen of Heaven may make Her offering in the last intervention God grants Her?

I come to show you the world through My wounded Heart. My Life is not only glory, but also the suffering of others, the suffering I assume from this world.

My Heart lived among you since the beginning; and throughout the times has showed itself to all, trying to reveal the sacred secret, the secret of the Love of God which can completely transform your lives.

Today, My warm voice speaks with sadness; because while the world moves rapidly without stopping, souls condemn themselves to the fire of the abyss and become embers at the feet of My adversary. Who will rescue them? Who will help Me?

I do not come only to bless you because you are My children; you must be My soldiers of the end of times, who respond to any call without an interest, without conditions and with no indifference. In this way, My works will be able to be accomplished through your hearts. But I know it is difficult for you to leave this world; it is conquering many hearts, mainly those that do not pray from the heart and who only do it as a commitment, without giving any love.

I come to teach you, My children, about simple things. It is necessary that you grow up in time. Things are not the same as those of yesterday. The world changes day after day without being perceived, and the Kingdoms of Mother Nature are what most suffer the consequences of this humanity. Have you thought about the seas without whales, the lands without trees, deserts with less and less water? Have you thought about those that live on what God gave them?

A creature without water is a soul that dies. An animal without peace is a disturbed spirit. A tree that is cut is a spirit that does not rise up. How will God be able to reach you if you cut off His Hands? How will He embrace you through His blessed Creation if you assault all the principles of the Law?

But My Message is for all the consciousnesses that, in truth, want to wake up to a great change.

These are already My last Words for the end of these times. Mother Nature asks for help and few are listening to Her. I not only need you to serve others, but that you serve Creation.

Today, My Mantle is lined with the Nature of God. With Me, in My Heart, is the Kingdom of minerals, the devotion of the plants, the love of the animals, and the Kingdom of the Angels that have given everything for this world.

Perhaps what you hear is not what you want to know. Blessed are the humble hearts that recognize the Word of God, for they will not lose themselves, but rather will be guided by the Spirit of God toward the Kingdom of Christ.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My Words are simple and always have been throughout the history of humanity. Thus, few were able to understand the grandeur of My Heart, were able to understand that it was God who descended to this world to tell you His Will, to reveal to His creatures the path to the perfection of the heart and of the human essence.

Those who recognize My Presence and deeply seek Who is before their hearts, can feel within themselves that it is the Mother of God, the Lady of the Divine Verb, Who brings this Sacred Verb to the world.

I want you to learn from the simplicity of My Heart, and that you never tire of listening to Me, even though My Words are not what you would like to hear.

Do you know why you are disinterested in what I tell you so many times? Because if you heard Me attentively, you would be carried into being completely transformed.

The Will of God, My children, is not the same as what you experience in your daily life. By any chance, do you ever simply gaze at an animal as you pass it by?

Do you feel the devotion of the trees, which in every instant try to inspire humanity in its upliftment?

By any chance, did you feel the beauty of the minerals, which support this world, which attract the Rays of the Universe for the healing and redemption of all creatures?

Who of you one day decided to attract the Rays of God from the Universe, not for yourself but rather for this sick world, so each creature would be able to reach the perfection of Divine Thought?

The Kingdoms of Nature permanently give of themselves to humanity, showing them through different attributes, which path is for the manifestation of the Human Kingdom. And this Kingdom, My children, which expresses in each of your hearts, should manifest the maximum attribute of the Kingdom of God, which is Love, that heals everything, forgives everything and redeems everything.

If you observed the Kingdoms and were ready to learn with them, you could come to this expression.

But, on My Words being so simple, sometimes you do not want to hear Me. You do not know, My children, Who speaks to you; you do not know that the Kingdom of God descends to this world and a unique opportunity is given to humanity, not only to those present here, but also to all those who can awaken upon hearing My Words.

Today I show you the reality of this world, but I also bring you the grandeur of the Heavens so you may know you can surrender all that you are, because all that you are is very little in the grandeur of the Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

How much I love you, dear children! And I know everything that you can give Me in the simplicity of prayer, in the love of your hearts that give themselves completely to Mine, to thus concretize the Works of God in this world.

Let us pray, dear children. Let us pray, as the Lord indicates; and while we pray, let the children who today will be consecrated come here so I may bless them with My motherhood.

I am here present, praying with you.
Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.

(thirteen times)


And in this way, I carry your prayers to plead to God for this humanity.

Through the blessed Grace God granted Me at My Conception, I come to bless you so the Spirit of God manifests the principle of His Will in your lives.

I come to consecrate you in the Holy Name of the Son, so He may manifest the sure path toward redemption in your lives.

I come to bless you through the Holy Spirit, so that Its Gifts, true and deep, may be sown in your spirits; and thus, just like the apostles from the past, you become the new apostles of Christ guided by the simplicity of the Love of God.

May this mission be accomplished in your lives and you are able to achieve living in the Will of God and in the maximum expression of His infinite Love.

Through the Grace which My Immaculate Heart pours out, My dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will make the Sign of the Cross twice more, at the request of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the Presence of Adonai, I rise up to Heaven, as it was in the Assumption of My Body and My Soul, in honor of all My children of the world and for the salvation of all of Creation.

Sing and be glad in humility; you are the children of My Heart.

I thank you.


Feel My Presence within your hearts. After having announced My peace to the world, I wish to proclaim this peace in each one of your essences. 

Children of Mine, tonight My Heart pours out Graces and blessings to the world, because many of My children have responded to My call. Great is the joy of the Lord in the Kingdom of the Heavens due to this encounter of your souls with My Immaculate Heart.

You are precious essences before the Eyes of the Creator. The Lord has waited for a long time for you to be before the celestial portals, so that the Divine Origin may impel you once again, so that you may receive, in this time, the Mercy and the Redemption of My Son, and the reconciliation with God the Father by means of the Presence of His Servant.

Today I extend My Arms to your souls so that you may place your supplications in My Hands. I listen to each one of your hearts.

At this unique moment in your lives, tell Me what you need the most. I want to hear the clamor of your hearts and respond to your requests, whenever they are the Will of God. In your hearts, elevate your supplications to Me; I am listening.

To those who ask for Graces to their families, I will grant them, because in this time, My children, it is the Will of the Lord that all the families of the world may live forgiveness and reconciliation, to express in the future, the archetype of the Sacred Family. Through the Graces I will pour out upon your lives, little by little you will be able to convert them, and you will feel, each day, that My Heart is even more present, dissolving difficulties, supporting your hearts and the hearts of all those who surround you.

To those who cry out for healing, I will also grant it, because it is the Will of God that your spirits be healed and your souls reach redemption in this time so that, before the time of Justice, you may be living witnesses to the Power of the action of Divine Mercy.

For those who cry out for peace, I will grant it, because I want to be next to each of My children, bringing them peace at each moment of their lives. But for each one of these Graces, My children, you must open the doors through absolute faith in My Heart. 

My Voice echoes tonight not only in this place, but in every corner of this world. I hear not only your supplications, but the supplications of all My children who, throughout this world, open the doors of their hearts to Me.

Gathered around this Portal of Peace that I open today to conduct your souls to the Universe, I want you to pray with Me for all those who are in the world and do not recognize the Presence of God, but who only outrage My Most Sacred Heart by their actions and thoughts, by their feelings and their words.

Each one of your souls, My children, represent to God an opportunity of redemption for all humanity. Your lives represent, to the Creator, an opportunity for the manifestation of His Sacred Plan but, for this to happen and for this divine aspiration to become reality, you need to surrender your lives to God. And this is not difficult.

I only ask you for a life of prayer, of reconciliation; I ask you to forgive the past, to forgive the mistakes of others and your own so that in this time, you may be reborn before My Presence and be new apostles of the Lord. I do not ask of you, My children, great works of charity, but small acts of love towards the ones who are next to you, towards the Kingdoms of Nature, that are outraged and forgotten by this humanity. I ask you to be simple of heart so that, in this way, you may find the Presence of My Son within each creature.

Tonight, I tell you that it will not take much from you to reach My Immaculate Heart and live the Plan of God for this planet. Just follow the example of My Son, Who has loved each creature as Himself and God the Father above all things.

Tonight, I ask you to be a living example of the power of transformation of God, to allow Him to act in your lives, to convert your actions and the depths of your beings so that, in this way, many others may avail themselves of your examples. 

Tonight, I speak to those who are simple of heart, who understand the greatness of My Presence. And this understanding is not attained with the mind, but with the heart, that knows that this Presence is real and divine, and that it comes to transform this world definitively. 

Now, My dear ones, in this sacred place, I want to open the doors to Heaven so that they may be permanently open and that, in this place, the Kingdoms find an opportunity of redemption and restoration of their essences. For this, I ask you to pray with Me for the intercession to the Kingdoms of Nature. And, while you do so, I will intercede not only for the Kingdoms, but for each of your souls.

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(repeat 14 times)

Through the simplicity of your hearts, may My Peace be established in this place, and not only the human creatures of this world, but also the consciousness of all the Kingdoms of Nature find here a place of peace, of reconciliation with God, of restoration and forgiveness. Because in this way, My children, this world will be relieved.

I want you, before My Presence, to learn the power of prayer so that, from today onwards, you do not pray only for yourselves, but for the whole world and for all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Now I ask to come closer My children who are willing to respond to My call and consecrate themselves more profoundly to My Immaculate Heart. 

To be a Child of Mary is not a merit that you receive. To wear this part of My Mantle is a commitment that your souls make with Me for the redemption of this world.

I have called you so that, in a future time, you may be a living witness that I have come to humanity, that I returned to be among My children, to bring them redemption, to announce the return of My Son Jesus and so that you could recognize Him in the moment His Feet touched the Earth.

Each day that goes by I aspire to consecrate more Children of Mary, but for this, children of Mine, I need your souls to be willing to live transformation, to be willing to live love and not only wear the t-shirt I give you, because it is only a symbol that marks the first step of all you must live from now on.

Those who accept being Children of Mary must also accept living transformation, overcoming the limits of life and of their own consciousness so that, little by little, this consecration may expand to each space of their beings and that, through you, children of Mine, humanity may consecrate itself to My Heart.

Now I ask you all to open your hearts, your souls and your spirits, so that you may be liberated from all evil, so that this divine forgiveness that I bring from the Heavens may permeate your consciousness and transform each one into future apostles of My Son.

I thank you for responding to My call, for trusting in My Presence and for living prayer in each moment of your lives. This I aspire from those who have been before My Heart.

May you continue in peace, under the blessings of the Father and the Holy Spirit.

I leave you My Love and My protection, eternally. 

Song: Consecration

I am still present and watching if you truly sing to Me from your heart. Do not forget that I always listen to you, even when you hide from everyone. I will always be present, My children; for this reason, do not waste a moment to pray with the heart, with the soul. I will always accompany you.

Now, sing to Me again, with the depths of your hearts. I will raise to the Heavens the devotion of the souls of the world and deliver it to God to generate merits for the redemption of all those who do not listen to Me and do not sing to Me.


Song: "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary."

I have come from Heaven to pray for you and with you.

Do you remember the commitment I gave you some days ago, of praying for all the Kingdoms of Nature?

Those hearts which have responded to Me were heard by the Heart of God, and many situations were unknotted, extremely serious sins were forgiven, and many essences were healed in the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart.

Peace on Earth was established for a time, souls found the Kingdom of God and good hearts blended with the Kingdoms of Nature, feeling in each the opportunity for reconciliation and forgiveness.

I Am your Mother of Sacred Nature. My Heart is present in each of the Kingdoms, each Kingdom lives through the beating of My Heart.

Your prayers have allowed the doors of Mercy on Earth to be opened, forgiving the unforgivable, rescuing the unreachable, healing what was incurable, and this has been possible through the voice of My children, of all those that invoked My natural maternal power.

I Am your Mother Earth. I Am your Mother Water. I Am the Mother of all the plants, of all the minerals, of all Creation.

My Virginity is expressed in the pure and immaculate Kingdoms.

Thus, over the centuries, I try to have humanity achieve purity, as many sibling Kingdoms have done in the fullness of service and the expression of love and truth which each Kingdom has reflected since the moment God created it.

For this reason, I ask, My beloveds, that you not destroy what God gave you; in this way, you will avoid the natural laws purifying the Earth. But you will live a little more time in peace, and the suffering will continue to be released from hearts that are oppressed.

Humanity must ask for forgiveness, must practice penitence for those who are not penitent, for those who do not offer themselves to God, do not surrender nor love Creation and the Divine Plan.

Thus, dear children, when humanity destroys the Kingdoms, it is as if it tore the vestments of My Heart and My Heart constantly bleeds, pouring out pity and love, transforming Justice into Mercy.

I invite you to open your eyes to communion with each of the Kingdoms, feeling the love each of them holds. Humanity is quite blind and is missing the meaning of the Law of the Lord.

I come from Heaven in time to avoid catastrophes and severe purifications in the whole world.

Open your eyes to the call I give you; in this way, your hearts will be strengthened and will not be afraid to serve the Lower Kingdoms; in this way, you will risk surrendering a little more of what you have never surrendered.

Your prayers, dear children, allowed Heaven to be fused with the Earth, Mercy with each human being, pity with all the souls of the Earth, in spite of what the world does in this time and the seriousness of the things it generates.

I come to bring you the Kingdom of My Peace, so that you know to live it and adopt it as something unique and immediate in your lives.

Dear children, I come to pray with you for all those who do not pray with Me.

I come to free the nations of the debts they generate in the Eyes of the Lord. So that God no longer be caused to suffer, I come as Mediator to give you an opportunity, to awaken your consciousnesses to this great call.

Thus, I assemble My Light-Network so that it may open the doors to those who feel My call, so they may be able to awaken and serve God in this time which changes so much. I invite all of you, all the members of the Light-Network to dare, in prayer, to form all the hearts that are awakening.

They too, dear children, need to serve and pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, mainly the Animal Kingdom, which is the most assaulted of them all, the one that has the most to endure and suffers for you without giving anything in exchange, without generating any evil upon you. The silence of the Animal Kingdom can tell you many things; listen with the hearing of the heart.

Your Mother of Nature presents Herself, in this cycle, to rescue humanity. You are in time to change, you are in time to take on new tasks. Dare to come out of yourselves, to take the steps that Jesus took, to take risks for those who do not take a risk, to serve for those who do not love and to work and heal for all those who suffer the consequences of what the world generates.

I come to free you from the Law of Suffering, to bring an end to the evil many hearts experience; but if you do not enter into this communion with the Kingdoms, woe to those who will suffer the Law!, I will only be able to observe them and contemplate them.

My prayers, My little ones, have allowed Me to come to announce these things to you.

I Am the Mother of the New Faces, She Who engenders the Divine Spirit in hearts.

Be consistent with what I tell you; openly transform your heart without fear; in this way, you will help Me, and My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Let us pray.

Make up your minds about what I ask of you, be mature and immediate with My call.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, we will do the prayer of the Rosary for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature; completing this cycle of Graces which She pours out over the world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary: 

Dear children, I will pray for you and with you.

I Am the Queen of Peace and come to meet with your inner self to fill you and heal you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer: Rosary for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature. 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Remember that I Am the Sacred Condor of the mountains, which descends from the Andes over these Americas, to give a stellar and universal blessing to all My children.

Let the doors of the Sacred Centers be opened and let the original peoples remember their awakening. The Mother of the Americas comes to aid you. The Lady of Guadalupe unites humanity, just as it was in the beginning, it will be for all eternity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In My basket of gold I carry your prayers for the Kingdoms. Continue to pray this Rosary each time you remember that a Sibling Kingdom has need of your help, your loving service to alleviate the weight of the Law in humanity.

Open the doors of your heart so the Sacred Condor may enter into you and sow the fruits, the attributes of the Universal Mother.

I love you and I thank you!

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I rise up to Heaven listening to your voices, the sacred song of the mountains.


Song: "Mother of the Mountains."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, it seems that the intensity does not lessen in this task we are carrying out this week, but rather, increases. Let us ask the brother and sister to tell us a little about some things that happened.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

This apparition of the 12th was different; most of the Apparition, Mary was in silence.

First She manifested as Queen of Peace, but She then presented many Aspects of other times, mainly an Egyptian Aspect. The whole time, She was with an Egyptian cross in Her hand and then She showed us a number of beads that was quite different than the rosary. That number of beads had a cross that was also a different cross; we were able to interpret it as a Celtic cross; but concerning this, She didn't tell us what this cross was; She only showed us that cross and that number of beads while we were praying the Rosary of the Kingdoms.

In reality Mary asked that Sister Alejandrina continue to pray the Hail Mary in Mandarin; at that moment, a relationship between Mary and the soul of the Sister was established, because in some way, she represented that consciousness of the East.

While everybody was daring to pray in Mandarin, Mary was carrying out a task, a mission in China, mainly, which then encompassed Mongolia, New Zealand and Australia.

Mary was showing us what She was working on, while we continued to pray that prayer in Mandarin.

Mary was carrying out a work in the Sea of Japan and many of the things that were dead there gradually regained life. Mary was activating pyramids of Light in the ocean, a universal movement was being gestated through Her. In that moment, She created a Kingdom of the Oceans, which we are going to try to explain what this means.

While Mary worked with the consciousness of China, Mongolia and Australia, in an omnipresent way She also worked with the souls of China. She drew to Herself all the Chinese civilization, including from other times, many warriors, emperors; and well, all that population that lived there, in that time. In that moment, we understood that Mary was dealing with a very large debt, and what allowed this state of Grace and Mercy was the prayer in Mandarin.

At the same time Mary worked with the oceans, She also worked with all those souls. At that moment, She was offering all those souls lost on other planes to rise up to Heaven.

Close to Her, Mary created a different Heaven, a more sublime state of consciousness, which She immediately and instantaneously prepared. It was a light blue and luminous place where She, through Her offering, those consciousnesses, those souls were lifted up to that Kingdom, just by a key She revealed to us: the possibility that She would do this movement through the sincere offering of a soul, that offered Mary its heart in the name of all those consciousnesses. Then, the Divine Mother told us that God saw that gesture of love.

At the moment when Mary was drawing closer to appear here, in Aurora, there was an unexpected event; that is why Mary asked that we continue praying in Mandarin.

After all that task done by Mary, which was quite intense, She concentrated directly on the Kingdoms of Nature. She was showing us how through our prayers on all those days, with the prayer of the Rosary for the Kingdoms, She worked with each of the Kingdoms, how She was transforming, transmuting and freeing what was on the planet.

To finish Her task, She asked that we pray together with Her so She could close this cycle of Graces, as She called it.

Today, Mary manifested as an omnipresent and omnipotent Being, and this is how we understood it, because She was dealing with many matters at the same time. It was something very new for us, a mystery that She was revealing so we could come to know Her Universal Task.

Then She asked us for something, Mother.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Do you see how simple it is to collaborate with the Hierarchy when it is done with the heart? This must ever be kept in mind.

What other things, Friar?


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We remember that during the special Apparitions for the groups of São Paulo, one of those groups received an important request of Mary's, specifically a request for Africa.

Our Lady plans to carry out Apparitions in Africa, in Angola and in Rwanda, to do an important task of liberation, which She says is unknown to us.

With all Her patience and love, She invited us at that moment of the Apparitions of São Paulo, everybody as groups of souls, to begin to pray for that special request which She wants to accomplish in Africa, so that all may manifest as has been foreseen by the universe.

At first we didn't understand what She was asking of us, but time allowed us to understand many things. Mary, through some Apparitions that have taken place over some months, gradually and slowly explained to us what the task with Africa was about.

She asked a group from São Paulo to pray for Africa and She asked another group to pray so as to create the condition for Mary to be able to reach Africa. Through this group, She stated She wants to finish a task She began in Rwanda in 1982. She appeared in Rwanda, during seven years to seven visionaries, trying to awaken humanity to an important call. So, Mary wants to go to Rwanda and Angola to finish a task.

For this reason, tomorrow, at the request of Our Lady, we will have the opportunity to participate in two special occurrences. In the first occurrence, Mother María Shimani and Trigueirinho were invited by Our Lady to study that Message of Mary in which She asks to go to Africa, and in the second occurrence, She asked that they tell us about what Mary did in the Apparitions of Rwanda. Because Mary wants to prepare our consciousness, create a safe and real condition within us; that we be true collaborators in this important mission She will carry out.

That will be a special study that Mary asked us to do tomorrow. After that study, we will do the procession of the 13th of each month and we will prepare for the monthly Apparition of Mary.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, let's prepare this information for everybody tomorrow. Now I have remembered that we have some adolescents living here in Casa Redención and they have curricular studies. One of the tasks, which they had some time ago, was to make an audiovisual about what is happening in Africa. We were all surprised how our littlest brothers and sisters were able to investigate and go deeper into some things happening in Africa.

We have studied the Apparitions of Rwanda, in which before the genocide, over seven years, Mary appeared giving warnings and nobody listened.

Of those seven visionaries, six were murdered. There is one of them who still works to carry the Message of Mary to the world, and in a mysterious way, some silver threads are uniting the works that Mary carries out, and the conditions are being created for us to be able to get there, offering the Hierarchy this channel to be able to transmute all that was left there.

So we are going to count on you at this time, so that as a group consciousness, we can all collaborate with Our Lady.

Tomorrow at five in the afternoon we are going to invite you to participate in this study, which we are going to transmit globally through Misericordia Maria TV. After the study, we'll share the procession and the Apparition of Our Lady with everybody.

Thank you, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
