In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We revere the Presence of Jesus, the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus.
On the center of His Chest, He shows us His Merciful Heart, as a great custodian of light that beams rays in several directions.
He, with His Arms and Hands open, offers us the center of His Being so that we may enter into Him and He into us.
Behind Him we see a very humble and simple house, of stone and straw, with small windows and a very simple and humble wooden door.
For those who have never seen it, Jesus says: "This is the Cenacle and today I invite you to enter, all of humanity, in the name of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, of the religious leaders, of all the believers in the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
The door of this house opens so that we may enter in consciousness and spirit, in soul and in divinity.
First, Jesus enters so that we can enter; we see His long tunic and His bare feet, His Chest bearing the Holy Chalice.
In that simple house we see very soft and faint lights upon the walls, creating an environment of religiosity and of communion; in that house, there are others who are not the apostles, because they have already had that experience, but rather they are other Masters, the Masters of the Himalayas.
They are present there, waiting for us, so that we may sit on the earthy floor, which is protected by a great carpet with the Last Supper represented at its center.
We take our shoes off and divest ourselves so as to enter this eternal communion.
The Master is seen to be solemn, loving and caring with each of those who are His.
He touches our heads and caresses our faces, and our souls surrender at His Feet.
And through Christ, we feel the Celestial Father, that as a great Light, lights up the ceiling of this room, as well as each one of us and of those present.
The door of the house has been closed, and present there we see Our Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, Who is enveloped by a great pink mantle, and Who is kneeling a little further away, inside the room.
Everybody looks expectantly at each other because, in the heart of the Masters of the Himalayas, the joy of this renovation and communion with Christ can be felt.
Mary, Our Mother, prays in silence for us and for the planet.
We allow ourselves to be carried away by this moment of communion so that it may be our soul that participates in this meeting and thus our whole being participates.
And now, all seated among the Masters, and the great Master Who has just sat down to share in this meeting, we see how His face shines and His eyes are like the sky; He maintains a soft and loving appearance.
All the Masters place their hands in the sign of reception while they wait in silence for the Master to begin to speak His Words, in this supper of renewal and hope.
In the center of this gathering we see our planet. The Master contemplates it with love, as do the rest of the Masters that were invited to participate in this meeting.
Below this planet, which is our home, we see a six-pointed golden star light up, and another similar star above the planet.
The planet is wrapped in that powerful golden Light that descends at the center of this room, directly from the Source, and great dark stains that surround the planet are dissolved, while its aura is enveloped by a green energy of Light that enters the core of our Earth, the oceans and the continents.
I want you to know, says the Master, as He raises His right hand pointing at the sky while He talks to each of us, that this is one of the last spiritual suppers that I will celebrate with you, because the time of the Scriptures will be fulfilled and I will not be here to talk with you; it will be the Holy Spirit that will be able to work through you, when you know how to recognize It and contact It.
This is the hour, companions, in which your talents will come into the Light and into consciousness, for in this way, you will be able to give your life for Me, as I gave it for each one of you, until the end of times.
So recognize, beloveds of Mine, that you are part of a story that has not yet finished being written.
For this reason, today I have brought you here, to the spiritual Cenacle of My Heart, poor, real and humble, so that you may avail yourselves of it.
Outside the house where we found ourselves participating in this important moment with Jesus, there are many, a great many souls present that were not able to enter, but that Our Mother, the Most Holy Virgin, brought there so that they could participate in this moment.
And Jesus says: My dwelling is very humble and simple, but My Heart is very great in order to be able to receive all of you.
On this Holy Thursday, each one of you have the opportunity of participating again in this ministry that I will convey with Love to the world, for all those who are still to awaken and recognize the Word of Christ.
This is the House of My Father, happy are those who are in it in order to recognize their commitment with Creation and with Universal Laws.
Gathered together in this house, I will again wash feet, but now I will wash the feet of the Masters, while you will wash your own feet.
I invite you to go to a place where you may wash your feet, while I wash the feet of the Masters.
To each one of you who My Mother chose to today wash their feet, I gave you a gift and a talent before you were born, so that now and in this time, you may be at the service of My Heart and My redemptive Work.
Timóteo, you have the gift of uniting borders, so that barriers between the peoples and the nations no longer exist. You need to open the paths so that I may enter where My Word is most needed.
Iajodarah, you have the gift of music, of being able to draw from the Universe toward Earth the subtle vibrations and the melodies of God. Your hands can communicate through the instruments you play, with the strength given to you by your devotion to My Sacred Heart.
Valentina, you have the gift of solidarity, of living unconditionally for others, of recognizing the difficulty of the neighbor and of alleviating the suffering of those who are enduring loneliness, abandonment and discrimination.
Ceferino, you have the gift of carrying My Message to the world and of illuminating My altars, so that the Presence of My Spirit is able to be reflected in all that is offered, time after time. You have the mission of reflecting the spirit of the sacred through images.
Camilo, you have the gift of perseverance of the pilgrim, who never tires of walking until finding their Master. You have achieved a meeting with Me and I will prepare you, from this day on, so that you may serve Me in consecration, when I indicate it. Those who perseveres never die. Those who persevere never desist, because their strength is in prayer and in the trust given by God. That is why you are here.
Samaria, you have the gift of communication, of embracing the projects of My Father and of making them a reality, just as I need it. You have the gift of communicating My Word in different parts of the world, through the languages of each people of this Earth. It is not the first time that you do this for Me. This is a continuation of something that has not yet ended, this is why your life must be for Me.
The next six that will now receive the sacrament.
Friar Luciano, you have the gift of unconditional service, of bringing relief where there is the greatest suffering, of bringing love to where there is great agony, of bringing hope to where there is great despair; so that humanity may finally understand that through the giving of self and of service for the neighbor, human beings may learn to truly love one another.
Mother María del Salvador, you have the gift of unity, a unity that brings understanding and comprehension to the neighbor. The gift of unity in order to be able to place oneself in the suffering of the other and of helping to resolve it. A unity that understands, that is patient and persevering, that emanates compassion.
Friar Ariel, you have the gift of constancy, of one who does not allow themselves to be defeated, of one who recognizes the Wounds of the Lord every day, out of love for humanity. The spirit of constancy is an incessant spirit that never changes, that always maintains its purpose through faith.
Mother María Shimani, you have an important gift that I gave you. It is the gift of discernment invaded by the sacred spirit of Wisdom, to always fulfill the perspective of My Purpose in humanity. You also have a special gift that My Holy Mother has given you, which is the love and understanding of those who cannot manage to transform, of those who have difficulties, and this love and understanding transforms them, redeems them and leads them to Truth.
My daughter Amerisa has the gift of beauty and of healing, of learning how to support her neighbor and of giving everybody the opportunity, through the sacrifice of the altars, to express their devotion to My Heart. You are a bridge for each one of them, this is why I have placed you in this mission. You also have the gift of healing, which allows you to feel the suffering of your neighbor in order to bring relief to the Wounds of your Lord in the one who suffers. And I saw that, in these times, through your mother, who now, after her agony, is with Me in Heaven. You have learned the lesson of love that I wanted to teach you, so that one day you may live a much greater love than what I lived for you. You are on the path of this purpose.
My daughter Romina, you already know what you are for Me. But now the time has come for living what you have so long searched for, that of living everything you have sung for Me, of accomplishing what I so want, without fearing anything, for your nation and your people.
The time has come for the consecration of the Body and the Blood of Christ, in which each one of us, in the House of the Cenacle of Our Lord, will have the spiritual and inner Grace of receiving the impulses, the same impulses that Christ left enshrined upon the planet and within humanity, through the sacrifice of His Last Supper, with the Communion.
We see Our Lord, Christ, after having washed the feet of the Masters, and after us having washed the feet of each other, thus fulfilling His requests.
We keep our consciousness and concentration on this place of the humble House of the Cenacle, where Christ invited each one of us to enter.
My Heart feels for this moment, because it is one of the last spiritual Communions I will give to the world on this day, in which My Life is life within you and you are living within Me.
Now that you are clean and ready to receive Me, I infuse this moment, as I infused it in the Apostles, so that at this moment, the spiritual legacy that I left to the world, through the Eucharist and the Blood of Christ, may descend as a Grace and as Light within humanity.
I lift up the bread and offer it to God, in the same way that your souls can be offered to God at this moment. So that this bread may be transubstantiated, I ask the Almighty that by the merits of My sorrowful Passion, He may grant the world the Grace it needs in this time, to learn to live in the absolute Love of God.
Thus, after breaking the bread, I give it to you, because this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Again, I lift up the Chalice of the redemption of humanity, so that the wine may be transubstantiated into the Blood of Christ. Thus, I again say to you and I again offer this chalice to you, because it is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant that is poured out by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
The Body and the Blood of Christ.
Happy are those who avail themselves of this spiritual Sacrament, for their lives will not perish.
Our Father (in Spanish).
Our Father (in English).
May the Peace of Christ descend upon Earth.
On this day, all has been consummated, according to what the Celestial Father needed and, from this that was consummated, all were participants, under the renewal that the Sacrament of the Eucharist brings you, for each one of your souls, until the New Time is concretized.
And the House of the Cenacle disappears from our consciousness, while the Master is here with us, bringing the merits of His Heart to humanity, so that we may reaffirm our commitment in Christ and for Christ.
Our Divine Mother also blesses us, and She is now by Her Son's side.
Now all the priests will assemble on this stage and at the request of Christ, we will intone "Supreme Son," as a consummation of this task.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: "Supreme Son".
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At this moment, we revere the most important legacy of humanity that Our Lord Jesus Christ has brought today. That legacy is the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which four angels have brought with Our Lord.
We revere this spiritual, universal and non-material legacy, that is before us today under the protection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the presence of Abraham and Moses.
Today, this legacy is radiated to all humanity, to the four corners of the Earth, while Christ, Abraham, and Moses, together with the angels, contemplate the Holy Ark.
And inside of it, we see all that it holds as a spiritual, universal and non-material legacy, and how the center of Light of the Heart of Christ emanates a powerful Light over the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where are to be found the Crown of Thorns, the Nails that He carried on the Cross, the Holy Chalice, and the Tablets of the Law, those called the Commandments that Moses received, as well as other elements that are part of this spiritual legacy for this material Universe.
And we are surrounded by the Universe that has this spiritual and inner event as its center at this moment.
In the same way as the angels, that adore and protect the Holy Ark, let us allow ourselves to be filled by this legacy and this mystery that is revealed before us.
Around this event, we see the Ancients who also showed themselves to John at the end of his life, when he saw the Apocalypse.
Here and now, at this moment, the Order of the Celestial Brotherhood is formed, which today has come before each one of us, so that its love and its vibration resound within each one, at the center of our being and essence, so that we may enter into communion with the spiritual legacy that will form the bases for the New Humanity.
Meanwhile, the Ancients that are present hold in their hands a Sacred Book that they indicate has blank pages and they are attentive, vigilant, and contemplative to register and write what each one will offer for this legacy, so as to be watchful and vigilant, guardian and protector of the Divine and Cosmic Knowledge.
At this moment, we see how Christ, simply with His gaze of Love, illuminates the Holy Chalice within the Ark of the Holy Covenant, so that through the Holy Chalice, a powerful column of Light communicates Heaven with Earth even more, that the Portals to the Universe open even further, and at this moment, with this spiritual opening done by Christ in absolute silence and attunement, we see above this space and this event a powerful Triangle of Light of equal sides that represents an aspect of God, Abba.
Within this Triangle of Light that observes us and contemplates us is God, Who also contemplates the event of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, in the Presence of Christ, Abraham, Moses, the Ancients, and the angels.
Under the Ark of the Holy Covenant, we see our planet being presented and outlined, it is filled with the rays of Light which this Holy Ark expresses, and the spiritual aura of the planet is ignited and sanctified by each one of these powerful currents that the Ark is emanating at this moment through all its sacred elements.
While Abba, through the Triangle of Light, further illumines the present space, the synthesis of each one of His Holy Names appears at this moment, during this spiritual and universal event.
The angels, in the Presence of the Father, the Almighty, do not cease to keep their head on the ground as an act of adoration and of reverence for our Creator. And at this moment, we see how different hosts of Light, armies of angels begin to surround the Presence of God.
All are summoned to this meeting to receive the balm of the Love of God and the principle of His Wisdom.
To finish uniting Earth with all the Universe, and before continuing with all that Our Lord wants to accomplish on this day, in an act of greater reverence and love for our Creator, in the face of this revelation and Divine Presence, we will intone the Name of Abba through "Primary Source" as a single voice and single heart, until Our Lord gives a sign.
At this moment, we are going to allow each one of the principles and attributes of the Holy Ark to not only bathe our planet with Light but also the nations and the peoples, the Kingdoms of Nature, the oceans, so that all life, at this moment, be in God.
We can begin.
Song: "Primary Source"
We see how our offerings have been written in the Sacred Books of the Ancients, and which will be kept in there until God asks for them.
Our Lord withdraws The Holy Chalice from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that, spiritually speaking, it may be placed on this altar and this afternoon we celebrate the communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ.
We feel this Holy Chalice very close to us, the Chalice with which Christ celebrated the Last Supper and which testifies to and expresses the most important relic of humanity, which is the precious Blood of Jesus.
Christ said to us:
My words today are represented through this experience of love because there are many of you, aware and prepared on the path of the spirit and service to humanity, that are ready to live these experiences that only I could lead, through the authority granted to Me by My Father. An experience in which I make each one of you a participant, so that your souls and essences may be strengthened in this service of the end of times, in which your giving and surrender will be the fundamental key for concretizing My Return.
For this reason, today on this simple altar I have left the Holy Chalice so that it not only radiates for you but also for the whole world, which needs it with extreme spiritual urgency.
Thus, to all those who listen, I demonstrate the validity of the spiritual communion with Me, when you simply open up to experience it.
The Ancients are the witnesses of this humanity and of this planet up to their last days; this is why they are here with you and with the world.
Abraham and Moses are a fundamental part of the history of your humanity which, at different times and periods, achieved important spiritual movements of expansion of consciousness and fulfilling the Plan of the Creator.
This is the third moment, after My Passion, Death, and Resurrection, in which the same thing could happen, as long as souls adhere to the discovery of this spiritual legacy, held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant for all the essences of the Universe and beyond it.
Today the Ark of the Holy Covenant comes to bring healing and renewal to humanity because souls are in need of healing so as to be physically healthy and thus find again the path to God at this planetary moment, in which love and indifference confront each other when the coming time will be defined for all the human race.
At this moment, Moses and Abraham withdraw, taking with them the Ark of the Holy Covenant toward the center of the Triangle, where God is, to safeguard it where it always is.
But the doors to the Heavens still remain open, for we were carried to another space of the Spiritual Church of Christ, called Celestial Church. The center of this Church is the legacy of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, that the angels safeguard, adore, and protect with an infinite love for all the sacrifice Christ lived for this humanity and for each one of us on this planet.
Although it may seem incomprehensible and impossible, we are facing Abba and Our Lord Jesus Christ, filled by His profound celestial silence and by His eternal Love that emanates from the Father, from the Son, and from the Source.
The Holy Chalice still remains close to us, because Our Lord will return it to its place when this ceremony between Heaven and Earth, between the Celestial Church and souls, has ended.
And so, we see how Christ ignites thirteen points of Light in all of the Americas and each one of those points of Light, which emerge from the interior of the Earth, bring a tone, a vibration and a melody that humanity needs to be able to enter into the coming time; and we see how in perfect harmony, those thirteen points of Light unite, emerging on the surface, beginning in North America down to South America, in the whole column of the Rockies and the Andes.
We are standing before a Network of spiritual Light that has always been present on the planet since its origins, but which had its time for awakening. Let us visualize the Americas lit up by those thirteen points of Light and let us perceive, at this moment, what our heart feels.
What Christ asks of us is that we hold the memory of this feeling, so that we may always recognize it and starting with this profound and inner feeling, we have the strength and bravery to be able to renew all things, in the same way that Christ renews us.
Thus, we see replicas of this Holy Chalice at the thirteen points of Light. We see that a spiritual Blood is shed on each one of the Chalices that the angels pour out at this moment into them, and the planet is bathed by the powerful Blood of Jesus.
In this way, all souls receive this impulse of Our Redeemer.
And in the heights of the Andes, we see the same Cross that was on the heights of Mount Calvary, and at its foot, our Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, as well as all Her children, beings of love, of prayer, and of goodwill spread throughout the four corners of the Earth.
That Cross is a Cross of Light that illuminates each one of the Chalices and we are filled by the Holy Spirit.
We see our Most Holy Mother pray for the world and for humanity, placing the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and the Americas, at Her side. And through the Americas, humanity stands up again, as Christ stood up during the Calvary.
The Triangle of God travels through each point of Light of the Americas, placing each one of Its aspects and Sacred names over them; and from the center of our planet, we feel the pain of Mother Earth being relieved at this moment by the Blood that Jesus spilled on the Cross.
We empty ourselves again so as to be able to receive all this; we recognize our smallness in the face of this great mystery, the mystery of the Love of God for humanity.
And in this scenario, with the Holy Chalice close to us, we celebrate this moment with a profound act of thanks for this revelation of Our Father, God, through His Son, the Christ.
Christ has asked that, at this moment, we wash our hands as a sign of purification and of surrender, in the name of humanity.
At the request of Christ, we will wash the hands of the brothers and sisters of the Council of this Work, in the name of humanity.
We ask that, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in this moment, if Friar Supremo is listening to us, that he also washes his hands, making the same offering that Our Lord requests, so that Love may heal all the pain. This will always be so that Love may defeat impunity.
Before the Light of the Holy Chalice, we remember Our Most Holy Mother at the foot of the powerful Cross, in the heights of the Andes, because She is also receiving our offering at this moment, as Mother of humanity.
My God,
I believe in You, I adore You,
I wait for You and I love You.
And I ask forgiveness
for those who do not believe in You,
do not adore You,
do not wait for You and do not love You.
(prayed in English three times)
Take it and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body, that today is given to the world for the forgiveness of sins.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Take it and drink it, for this is My Chalice, the Chalice of the New Covenant between souls and God, with the Blood that is shed by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
By the powerful Light that is emanated by the Holy Chalice at this moment, in union with Our Most Holy Mother in the heights of the Andes, in union with the thirteen points of Light that were ignited by Our Lord, let us together pray the prayer He taught us:
Our Father (in Spanish).
Our Father (in English).
The Body and the Blood of Christ.
Blessed are they who avail themselves of this legacy of Love.
May Peace descend on Earth.
Our Lord withdraws the Holy Chalice from the altar and carries it in His Hands to return it to the Ark of the Holy Covenant. And in this way, the thirteen points of Light return to where they emerged and manifested. Our Mother, the Virgin Mary, rises up to Heaven together with Her Son, as well as all the angels that participated at this moment, to be able to continue in adoration of God.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen
In all things, look for the inner and spiritual presence of your Most Holy Mother.
Wherever you may go, let your heart lean more toward the mysteries of the spirit than toward material things.
Seek the essence of the Purpose of God in the mission that He entrusted to you and always, child, go deeper into the spiritual meaning of all things.
Seek the Will of God in silence. Find His guidance in inner stillness so that your consciousness may move beyond appearances and find what is true, and so that the example of your pure heart speaks to the world about how to face the things of God, without confusing them with the things of humankind.
My blessing is upon you, as it is upon the world, because a new time is spiritually beginning for all of humanity.
Each day that goes by, the contact with higher life becomes more inner, deeper, because it is there, where superficiality does not exist, where your heart will be safe to find God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Perceive the life around you, the Kingdoms, the elements, the presence of your brothers and sisters, the light, the color, the sounds. Perceive what the surroundings create in your heart, what they reflect in your mind, in your emotions, in your heart.
Life, child, is permeated by the silent presence of the Spirit of God, but He is hidden, hiding like the King of the Universe, hid in the Womb of His Most Holy Mother. The Spirit of God only reveals Itself to those who are humble of heart and who open to perceive the mysteries of the divine presence among humankind, just as His Son revealed Himself to the simple in the manger of Bethlehem.
If you cannot feel the presence of the Spirit of God around you, close your eyes, breathe and become silent. Within the air that enters your being, that is where the Spirit of God dwells. In nature, in its sounds, in its colors, there dwells the Spirit of God.
Live in this presence and act, in each instant of your life, under the Eyes of your Heavenly Father. In this way, you will see, child, that you will no longer do those things that cause you to fall, again and again, into the same errors and tendencies of the past.
Live with the gaze of the Spirit of God upon you. But do not only live in fear of God; know that His Presence comes to help you to re-consecrate your life and to persevere in your consecration.
May the Eyes of the Fire of God that are upon you lead you to transformation.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
An Anniversary of Graces for the Planet
Today, from the altars of Heaven, your Most Holy Mother offers at the Feet of the King and Creator all the works accomplished, all songs offered, each effort made in matter and in spirit for the divine realization for the elevation and healing of humanity.
In this way, My beloved children singers, the Universe celebrates and communes of today’s meeting, which will close a cycle of apprenticeship and challenges, to begin a new cycle in which music, instruments, and voices will become essential in the moment of the transition of the Earth.
The Mother of all choirs, in the bliss of Her Spirit, today celebrates all the fruits attained from the moment in which your consciousnesses said “yes” to My call for the elevation and healing of humanity.
On this sacred day, where the Holy Chalice of Christ spiritually shines at the very top of Mount Shasta, I ask you, dear children, to offer this meeting as the moment in which to make an inner synthesis, after all the steps you have taken in faith and in brotherhood.
Thus, on this day, My children, your Heavenly Mother makes this offering to God as the symbol of the union of souls with Him, as the Grace that has descended, month after month, and within which the planet and the consciousness of humanity have been freed from many evils and extremely serious events that would have been irreparable.
In this way, My beloved singers, the Universal Mother of elevated and eternal music joins with each one of your hearts so that, being renewed by My impulse of love, your lives may be offered for the rest of your days to sing to the Eternal Father as an act of reparation and absolute surrender to His Divine Heart.
The Source of all Graces, which comes from My Immaculate Heart, will be open so that through your song you may implore for the redemption of a sleeping humanity.
For this Christmas that approaches, dear children, the Sacred and Divine Family will be among you, in each heart as well as in each home, to renew you in love and mercy.
Lastly, I would like to tell all My dear prayerful ones of the whole world that, at this Christmas, just as Jesus offered Himself to be born and live among the most simple, I ask that you, My beloved ones, offer your immediate collaboration so that the Plans of the Divine Messengers come to their complete fulfillment within the United States, because afterward, there will not longer be an opportunity.
I will be grateful if each one of you, placing your hand on your hearts, may feel and believe that the arrival of the Divine Voices of Heaven to Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando will be imperative, as they are places that need the powerful Mercy of God.
United to each singer, united to each voice and to each server of the Plan of Love of Christ, I bless you, My beloved children, in the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for always corresponding to My Plan of Love.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My very dear children,
Finally, your Most Holy Mother and Queen of Heaven has, with Her Divine Consciousness, entered the United States, thanks to the support and contribution of all.
During the coming weeks, we will begin the long-awaited mission.
In this way, through the union of hearts, the Ideas of God will slowly be set forth and thus My children will be more conscious and consistent with the Divine Plan.
On this day, your Heavenly Mother prepares the field of consciousness to mercifully allow for the codes of redemption and rehabilitation to descend.
The city of San Francisco was chosen by the Divine Messengers to be the spiritual region that will receive all the necessary help so that the entire country may benefit from that which will happen here.
Thus, your Heavenly Mother precedes the coming of Christ as a preparation for the spiritual consciousness of the nation.
Because of this, dear children, all that will happen here in the United States, from the beginning up until the end, will be important, as well as all the support that manifests, which will contribute to the psychic balance of this nation as well as others, no matter how distant it may seem.
From the moment in which your hearts implored Mine, I heard you, and, with the power of love and mercy, I opened the doors so that this could take place in the face of the spiritual need of millions of souls.
Now that the Celestial Divinity looks with eyes of mercy upon all His children of the United States, a door of atonement has opened to bring a sacred and final opportunity from the Universe, the opportunity of truly loving God.
For all that has happened and for what will happen with the help of My children, I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My silence proclaims the victory and the renewal of souls.
It is the triumph of your King in the silence of His Sacred Heart, where the Mystery of God is kept for all the consciousnesses of the Earth.
Through My Heart you will find the Portal that will lead you to God, so that you may be in Him and in perfect reconciliation.
It is the silence of My Heart that renews all consciousnesses, that brings peace, love, and light for all beings that surrender before Me.
I have come here to ask you for your collaboration, following the footsteps of My Holy Mother and of My Father, Saint Joseph, in perfect Trinity with the Almighty.
We pour out Our Graces over those who would not deserve them, because it is all My followers that have allowed this greater and extraordinary Grace over this people of Brazil, and beyond it.
See then, companions, how it is that the divine Consciousness works where there are no limits or boundaries, where new doors are opened for all the hearts that seek an opportunity for redemption and conversion.
I ask you, companions, to not harden your heart, for My All-Powerful Heart comes to bring you transformation and peace.
Your Master of Love is grinding the hard grain, the most difficult aspects of the consciousnesses of this planet. What will come of all this? If you allow yourselves to be shaped by My Spirit, nothing bad will happen to you.
I Am the Sacred and invincible Heart of Jesus that comes to unite consciousnesses and nations, in this Universal Spirit of Peace, that comes to the world so as to be able to rescue it from its profound illusion and indifference.
I bring you, companions, the last chance, moments before My Glorious Return.
I bring you, companions, the possibility of loving and of forgiving yourselves and your peers.
Do not wait any longer, companions, love and forgive, and in this way, you will achieve freedom.
Doubts and all the confusion will dissipate from your hearts and minds; because you will be able to enter My Divine Mercy, which comes to banish the old being so that the new human may be born, the new consciousness, in the soul that is still asleep.
Through My Presence, I bring you Pacification.
I ask you to believe in My Message, in My New Gospel that I come to dictate for simple hearts; because if your hearts live in simplicity, you will not suffer, you will be strong, you will have inner strength and faith to overcome all barriers of this great planetary inertia.
Again, like two thousand years ago, I come to bring you the Word of God, the salvation of your consciousnesses and of all the Kingdoms of this Planet, which also suffer because of you in this time that is changing.
I want your lives to be a true example of love.
Shape your hearts in My Heart. You will feel the truth and the relief that you seek so much.
I do not come to bring you the miracles of two thousand years ago and of all times, which were realized by My Divine Consciousness to demonstrate to the world that I am present in the Eucharist, in the eternal communion that souls can live with Me.
Happy are they who commune of Me through the Living Body, through the Precious Blood of your Lord. In this Sacrament is your renewal and the justification before the Father, before all the sins that the world commits without stopping.
Through My Wounds, the Wounds of My Hands, I come to bless you, and thus to reveal to you that I Am the same Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God Who comes to the world to lead it toward the eternal life, to remove it from perdition, from profound indifference and the lack of love, of charity, and of brotherhood.
This great experience of love, which is inner and not human, must first begin in you.
Brotherhood and charity, the service that heals and opens souls so that they may find the Source of the Love of God, must first begin in you.
The keys for your liberation and redemption are in Our Sacred Hearts.
Today I come in the quietness of Spirit and not of battle. I come to bring peace to consciousnesses that must awaken to My Merciful Love and accept It as a table of salvation before the Justice of God.
Do not miss this opportunity of finding every day the Love of God. Do not lose this Grace of being renewed and vivified in faith, in the faith that My Heart brings you, with all Its Glory.
Pray for the world that is agonizing.
Pray for Mother Earth that is suffering the actions of her children on the surface.
Pray for the souls that are getting lost, for the forgotten, for those who are lost and not able to see the light.
Pray for those who are ill and those who suffer.
It is the offering of My Heart that you may come out of yourselves, to see the true need of these times.
Pray for the Kingdoms that are being lost by the hands of the mankind of this humanity, who destroy the Creation of God without a gram of conscience.
Pray for those that truly need to find the way out toward My Heart, the healing of their consciousnesses, and the redemption of their spirits.
Pray for those who suffer wars, the consequences of the tribulation.
Pray for the continents and the nations, which face the chaos of these times, generated by humanity itself that does not look to God, but rather to itself.
Pray for those who cry out for Mercy.
For those who suffer from hunger and illnesses.
Pray for those who die alone.
For those who have no fathers or mothers.
Pray for the children that cry without being consoled.
Pray for the animals that are sacrificed and for the forgiveness that man needs for not seeing in them, the love similar to God that is vivified in each Kingdom of Nature.
Pray for the seas that are contaminated and for the great Mirrors that are affected, that bring harmony to this Planet and the human consciousness hurts them, without knowing what they are doing.
Pray for the world imbalance, for the lack of equality in all the peoples.
Pray for those that have much and do not give anything.
Pray for those who have nothing and receive little, because they are suffering the consequences of these times.
Pray for the essences that are being lost.
Pray for those that are ignorant of the higher truth and have no interest in knowing it and lose their filiation with God.
Pray for those who immerse themselves in material life, for those who are sold and trafficked, like animals of the end of times.
Pray for those who do not live peace within themselves and on the planet.
Pray for those who do not know My Divine Mercy.
Step out of yourselves for a moment and see everything thus as I see it, with profound pity and compassion.
Pray for the angels that are fallen and that are carried into perdition, by the forces contrary to God.
Pray for those who do not pray for their Guardian Angels, who have no knowledge or consciousness of that divine Presences.
Pray for those that do not believe that I am here present, but My Word is deeper than lack of faith.
Pray for the Justice that is approaching and so that the world is corrected and becomes a sacred people again, the hope of a New Humanity, united to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Join with the archangels that are working in this whole planetary consciousness, join their celestial armies so that peace is not dissipated from the planet.
Feel the suffering of My Heart, that carries the weight of this world that is in agony.
Pray for My Wounds that are hurting, on seeing the horrors of this world that draws away from love and truth, that does not love its peers as I love them all, without looking at their sins, but rather their divine essences that they must still discover in this difficult time of the planet.
Pray that your Most Holy Mother may continue helping and that She may pour the Grace from the depths of Her Heart, over everything that is impossible and still does not transform in this human consciousness.
Pray for those who are suffering the injustices of this world.
Pray for those who are persecuted by religions.
Pray for those who are the executioners of this world and bring suffering to consciousnesses.
Pray to My Sacred Heart so that It always illuminates you and find, above all, My Eternal Peace.
Pray for those that do not hear Me and do not open their hearts to His Call.
Pray for those who ignore My Presence and that do not avail themselves of My wonders.
Pray so that the Celestial Kingdom may approach, above all, this suffering Earth.
Pray that the world does not lose love and that this human project be fulfilled with all those who awaken.
This is the Call of the Great Master, Who announces His Second Coming to the world.
It is the Second Person of God Who speaks to you, the Firstborn Son of the Father, Who incarnated in this world and lived among you, to have you know the Source of Love and of the Supreme Unity.
But today I come to thank you with My meek Heart, that this task in Central America will be fulfilled.
You do not know what it means for Our Sacred Hearts that consciousnesses open to something that is invisible and that is perpetual in the Heart of God.
I am grateful for those who have collaborated so that the new apostles awaken in Central America, thus I am casting My nets, to attract all hearts toward Me.
This is the victory of the end of times, of all those who unite to their King, to carry the Plan of God forward among all the self-summoned.
I want to hear that song that resonates in My Heart, for it is the plea of your Master for all those who have not yet known Me within themselves.
For all of this cause, I absolve you, I give you My Peace, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On the whole Planet, I pour My Rays of Mercy and congregate the new souls so that they may avail themselves of My Heart in this perfect Communion with My Most Holy Body and My Divine Blood.
As two thousand years ago, I break the bread for you and say again:
"Take and eat, for this is My Body, that today is surrendered for many, in suffering for the human consciousness."
"I give you My Chalice and I give you to drink of My spiritual Gifts, for all those who spill their blood through human injustice and that lose the opportunity of being able to know Me."
I send you out two by two, like My Apostles, so that in these times you preach My Love and disseminate My Peace; this is work of My Mercy.
"With the Angeles gathered and the Celestial Power that governs all things, I transubstantiate these elements, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Thank you for singing to Me and for asking and praying for the world.
Go in peace and in trust.
Venerate and adore the Crucified Lord:
Today I came here, showing My Side to the world, from where what is most unfathomable emerged for all and from where it continues to emerge for all of humanity, up to the last days of the Earth.
See the Lord in seclusion, preparing for His moment to be able to rise in more hearts that are dead and do not live Me.
See the Lord together with His Choirs, penetrating the abysses of the Earth through the remembrance of His Crucifixion, for the salvation of humanity and the liberation from all its sins.
See, at the foot of the Sepulcher, the Guardian Angels in adoration, so that the Son of God may soon return to humanity.
I invite you all to venerate My Cross as a victory, as the realization of the Work of the Most High in those who know how to distinguish the wonders of the Messiah, of their Lord.
At My right, the Archangel Metatron, today dispelling the abysses of the world and the darkness that embraces sleeping hearts.
His violet Flame renews all things.
His Light illumines what is dark, in union with the Favorite Son, your Lord Jesus Christ.
Let this flame, companions, pour into your consciousnesses and souls.
I call those who have consecrated themselves to Metatron for this planetary task of liberation.
See the Aspects of God Resplendently manifested and as Light over the world.
In this time of human cruelty and of profound indifference, remove from your hearts any lack of union with yourselves, or with your peers.
Let this Fire of Metatron descend into your spirits so that it may purify them and uplift them to My Kingdom
See the burning spear of Metatron in His sacred hand, which decrees the powers of Heaven and unifies them with all souls.
See that Solar and violet Fire that descends upon the world, in this time of conflict and lack of Peace.
See the wonders that the Holy Father Metatron carried out through My Cross against the demons of the world and the infernal beasts that cause lost hearts to succumb.
He is the transformer of corrupt matter.
He is the fire that sublimates the frictions among hearts.
He is the Unifier of thought between consciousnesses and the Patriarch of the chosen.
He is the carrier of the universal message of the Triune Flame, the incandescent fire of the liberating fire of all forms.
Today see My Cross as a great victory rather than as a failure, as many believe in the immensity of their ignorance.
See the Son of God in the Sepulcher being exalted, renewed, and transfigured by the angels of Light and the legions of the Creator Parents who lived this Mystery together with Me during My Death, and even when I descended into the hells to banish the ambitious, the persecutors, and the unfaithful to the Law.
So many I withdrew from the abyss during My days of burial!
While My Father held Me in His arms and while the holy women prayed in adoration outside the Sepulcher, I did not cease to work for the world not even for a minute, awaiting My Resurrection in the silence.
Let us repeat:
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus now says that we have to do it with a little more inner faith.
Archangel Metatron... (x6)
And thus, companions, you may be able to free the evil spirits that corrode souls and the sleeping hearts that still do not accept God in the true testimony of the resurrection of His Son and of His second return to the world, at the most crucial time for humanity.
When you feel a lack of faith, implore and decree, through that prayer, to the Archangel Metatron, the Father that transforms through His Divine Fire and that uplifts souls through liberation.
In this way you will see, dear companions, how the Work of the Creator Parents is unique and Omniscient, how all those sublime Consciousnesses interceded during My Passion for the salvation of sinners and all mortals.
What was the great mystery that the Sepulcher revealed during the three days in a profound silence? It was the liberation that the Beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ, brought about, together with Metatron and Michael, in all the hells of the Earth for a cycle of two thousand years.
And although evil is still present in hearts and on the surface of the planet, you must believe, companions, that your captivity will end and that your freedom will be close, for the next world.
Do not expect to quickly see results, but rather, sacrifice your lives so that the New Earth may be born in the victory and the triumph of My Sacred Heart.
How many angels from Heaven visit your dwelling places today and the dwelling places of your siblings that are not here today, but that are present in My Most Sacred Heart!
Take your cross with courage and valor, and work every day for your redemption, just as I have lovingly taught you through peace, compassion, and mercy.
Do not be indifferent about your peers any longer.
Break and crack your structures so that the true spirit of the inner Christ may be born when I am no longer here among you, addressing My Words to the world.
Be consistent with the Universe, and live your cross, perfectly happy to be able to serve God till the end of your days.
At least, companions, do it for Me and do not fail Me.
This Work, that today I gather together in you and among you, was chosen by Me with much love after My Passion, My Resurrection, My Apparition throughout time, and the revelation of My Sacred icons of the Aspect of My Mercy and of My Glory until current times.
At this present time, the Work continues in union with your Most Holy Mother Mary.
If you, companions, do not support this Plan, who will fulfill it?
We come from Heaven with Metatron to bring you Grace and Pity.
You, roll up your vestments and work on the paths that I build so that the Work may be accomplished, just as it has been foreseen in the Heart of God.
If the Work is not accomplished in each part of the world that we lovingly visit, how will the other part of humanity be saved and wake up?
I could send millions of angels for awakening hearts without your help, but how, companions, will you be Christs in collaboration with the Plan of My Father?
Do not forget all that you are receiving.
You must bear witness and judgment on the last day of the Earth, and in this way, you will know that I have spoken the truth and that I will still separate the straw from the wheat.
Remain firm, in prayer and in vigil with Me, because in the end you will see your glory in Paradise.
Our Father in Aramaic.
And now I have purified your errors so that, renewed by My Spirit, you may carry the cross of redemption and of peace, that will bring about the opportunity for many hearts of the Earth in the constitution that I am carrying out and in the effusion that I build through this Order, with My Sacred Spirit.
In the Presence of the Most Beloved Archangel Metatron, let us intone His sacred name, so that His legions may help and go to the most needy hearts, in this time of the Passion of the Lord in the heights of the spiritual Calvary of the whole planet.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of our Lord Jesus Christ, we stand up.
Whoever has a cross, of the pilgrims present here, the Lord requests that you place that cross on your breast so that He may bless it as well, in the Presence of Metatron, while we sing and invoke His name.
We are going to sing a melodic Kodoish and when the Lord says, Our Lord, we will begin to sing.
May this memory never be erased in your lives, and you should know that you can count on a divine intercession that comes to aid humanity in this period, the same as the rest of the Creator Parents.
Let the confirmation of your cross be the absolute surrender to the Creator for this sacred task.
In the name of the Heavens, give peace to the world, I bless you, your siblings, families, those in need, and all the sacred objects that represent the presence of faith in hearts.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Divine Hierarchy of Angels and Archangels... (x3)
This is the oil of simplicity for those who experience the monastic consecration to My Heart.
Today I will make the sign of the cross over everybody so that the Father, in His Mercy, in spite of what may happen in the end of times, will remember you and help you.
Song: "Christ of the Calvary".
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!
In the name of the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Song: "Hear Me, Redeemer"
Every day, when I come to the world, I seek to bring a greater understanding to the human consciousness about the reality of the planet. I seek to reach hearts, more than bringing you information about what is happening in the world, because your minds are already completely full of knowledge, of information about this world and about others.
Now, companions, it is time to open the heart like a door that will allow you to experience all that you already know.
If you do not reach the sanctuary of the heart, little will come of your knowing about all that happens in this world, because both the news and the images will pass through your minds, will generate emotions, but not a true transformation.
I leave you My Words in writing every day, for this way you can remember what I told you.
As much as many hearts do not accept it, few are truly attentive to what I say when I am here in an apparition. If after a meeting with Me, somebody should ask you what I said, you would not know how to respond.
For this reason, My Words are perpetuated on a piece of paper so that you can look at them again and again, as well as the Words of your Most Holy Mother Mary and your Sovereign King, the Christ.
You must not let these Words be perpetuated in vain, because we opened all the doors that unite you with the universe to be able to reach here.
All of life, all of Creation stops before the universal movements we carry out, because this is a unique opportunity in the face of the unpredictability of the human heart. We never know what will happen. It could be that in the apparition of yesterday you did not respond, while in tomorrow's, you will. Thus, we come day after day, to try and awaken you in the eternal hope that this Creation may become perfect.
Now pray for the world. Do not lose a second before Us. While we transmit Our Words, may all of humanity receive the balm of Divine Light. And this will be possible through your hearts.
Sing and listen to the instruments so that both the singing and the sound of those who play a melody for us may be instruments for the redemption and the liberation of souls.
May Our Words be sufficient for you to take a step in your evolution.
Receive now the blessing of your Most Holy Mother so that you may always continue in peace.
Sister Lucía de Jesús: While we were praying, Saint Joseph, together with our Divine Mother, carried out a great liberation on the planet, freeing many souls, giving them an opportunity for finding the light.
And during the whole transmission of His Words, They continued to carry out this task, and before leaving, when He asked us to feel the blessing of our Divine Mother, our Mother stretched out Her arms in our direction and poured upon us a fount of Her Light so that we may live Her Words.
(Sister Lucía de Jesús then read the message of Saint Joseph from September 19, 2015).
Children of Mine,
In these times you will be able to see how My presence and My message of Peace traverse the world by means of the sacred pilgrimages, the ones that are possible because of the loving help of all of My children.
On this day, I wish to place you in consciousness before the magnificence of the task that your Mother has been carrying out in the whole world and especially in Medjugorje and in South America. For these moments, beloved children, these two places have been chosen by the Supreme Will to represent some of the last points of light that My Immaculate Heart is igniting in the interior of the souls.
The whole of the Americas need the gentle visit of the Mother of God by means of the pilgrimages. It is for this reason that I announce to you again My pending task in the Andes and in the United States. As these are important missions, My Son has allowed for My Maternal Light to concentrate in one of the most needy places of each one of these two regions.
For this great purpose, children, today I announce to you that My Merciful and Maternal Heart wishes to arrive, in the next months, to Bogotá, Colombia, where My luminous presence will carry out, as the Bird of the Sun, a special task of blessing. For this, I also come today to ask the groups of prayer of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic to form an only weekly group of prayer to pray and to work for this divine cause. In this way, your Heavenly Mother will help you to concretize Her upcoming presence in Colombia.
In the United States, your Most Holy Mother wishes to carry out, together with Her Beloved Son, a spiritual mission of conversion before the material and liberal life. In order for this conversion of the hearts to become possible and occur soon, I will ask the groups of prayer of the United States and of Europe to weekly unite in prayer in order to concretize the aspiration of the Queen of Heaven of lovingly going on pilgrimage to the city of Miami, Florida, and to the indigenous communities present in State of Oklahoma in the United States.
Children, the aspirations of Heaven are great, and you should know that your hearts have the potential and the love to carry them forward. For this reason, I do not announce to you any date, so that you may begin to work first in the interior consciousness. When the foundations for these missions of the Sacred Hearts become ready and firm, with ardent love We will go to announce the Call and pour the Graces that are necessary to all.
The mission in Africa had the result expected by the Plan of God and for the sake of all of these blessings, your Mother of the World announces to you today Her next Plan of worldly rescue.
I thank you all for answering to My requests!
Who unifies you in the heart of the Eternal Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today it has been two years, on the 18th of August of 2011, when Aurora dawned in splendor, it received the Grace of the descent of the Virginal Mother, of the Mother of Love. She in Her humility and maternal surrender, opened Her arms to shelter all in Her Heart.
This was the day in which Heaven was united with the Earth and the celestial angels filled with light the corners of the Inner Aurora. From this day on God opened a new source of Mercy for the world, that which would serve the reparation and the healing for the souls of the entire world.
As in Merdjugorje, My Mother has prepared the path so that more flocks recognize the Only Shepherd of Love and of Mercy. For this today Heaven is reunited to praise God eternally so that His Magnificent and Loving Will continues to be poured upon the world and on all of the souls.
Now you will be able to see through prayer the fruit achieved in many creatures of God, those that have returned to the Kingdom of the Father and have reconciled themselves with the Infinite Love of God. See today, My dears, the fruit of the New Aurora, the New Sun that shines in the hearts that have only said yes to the call of the Most Holy Mother.
May this day remain guarded in your memories because God has been able to fulfill His Purpose in the most little hearts.
Let us praise the Father for His Unfathomable Mercy and Pity!
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for answering to God with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Awaken every day with the Light of My Immaculate Heart.
Remember, My child, the call of praying together for the Reign of My Peace in the hearts. May your heart of a servant not be afflicted, may it be opened to My Maternal Presence.
I love you all from the depths of the Heart of God. I illuminate you on your paths through the silence of a Great Mother. I shelter you in My Immaculate Being so that your hearts may feel the relief of My Prodigious Love.
My dear children, in this moment you must pray with the greatest fervor of your hearts so that the Lord may reignite the hearts that are empty of Him and the hearts that feel without Him.
Therefore, My little soldiers, open the fount of prayer and of renewed life that each one of your hearts has kept for such a long time. Thus they will be merging with Me in the eternal work of prayer. I wait for you every day because it is time to prepare for what is coming.
Because of all this, My little hearts, I announce to you that the hour of the permanent vigil of prayer is approaching. The Inner Light of each heart must be kindled for when God, Our Father, summons the awakening of the instruments that will serve to assist the last hearts that will be reintegrated into the Greater Light.
Thus, My little ones, your souls will confirm their vows to the Most High, because the time will come when each soul and each heart shall be one with the beloved Angels of the Lord. All this shall prepare the way for the last ones that will be converted to My Immaculate Heart.
Walk, My little ones, in absolute faith that together with the Merciful Light of My Glorified Son, every path can be traveled. The time has come to confirm the complete trust in Christ.
May peace reign in your hearts.
Who guides you, adores you and loves you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Pray with love and purity in every moment of life; through this path you will remain inside My Immaculate Heart.
Today I invite you to the inner preparation for the new cycle that is coming. For this, My little ones, you must continue praying with the mission that many of My children be redeemed by the Glorious Light of My Love. I pour over the hearts the Graces that come from My Celestial Father so that they may be strengthened and give themselves without tiredness, out of love for all the souls that are blind.
I invite you to remember the origin and the beginning of My original purity that was announced by the Archangel Gabriel. I am blessed and immaculate amongst women because I bring the Message of Peace to all hearts and to all souls.
Therefore, My dear ones, be as blessed as My Heart is, and unite in fraternity and compassion that which the hearts of some people have separated from God. Cultivate the seed for the coming time and let us pray together so that My Peace may be established in the hearts that are alone.
I call you all, and in each moment I wait to find you united to My Immaculate Heart. Unite your hearts to My Heart so that My voice of Mother may resound in them.
My little ones, as so many years have passed, in humility, reverence and love I invite you and call you to prepare the birth of My Son so that more Light may be ignited in the souls that are distant from His Most Sacred Heart, preparing in this way His celestial return. I bring all the hearts under My Mantle so that they may be elevated like roses to God. Find purity in your inner world: I will help you. Let us pray for Peace. My Kingdom will come to the assistance of the little hearts.
Who shelters and guides you always with heart and soul,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more