In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Just as the Light shone in the humble Grotto of Bethlehem, a profound eternal Light shines in the essence of each of My children.
Although at this planetary moment the Sacred Project of God, that Project that was thought of by the Eternal Father, is being put at stake by humanity of the surface, in spite of all circumstances, in spite of all the situations that deviate humanity from Supreme Will, despite everything, My children, there is a profound Light in the essence of each of My children, an eternal Light similar to the one that emerged in the humble Grotto of Bethlehem, in the Incarnation of the Son of God.
However, today, I come as your Heavenly Mother to remind the world, to remind souls that, despite all error and darkness, this eternal Light can never be put out, because from it comes not only that which God expects from each creature, but also in the eternal and profound Light of each one of My children is written the path and the trajectory that they must follow after this incarnation, with all they have learned and lived on this planet.
Therefore, let humanity not forget this eternal and profound Light that is alive in the essence of each of My children, the essence that is illuminated and nourished by the Essence of Christ. Thus, fulfilling in this universe the Creative Principle with which My Own Son may make of His apostles the Christs of the New Times, who will receive the spiritual and universal Legacy so that, after this transition of the Earth, humanity may be repopulated with new principles, attributes and codes.
However, do not think, My children, that this is very far away, because if the Return of My Son is very near in these times, the moment is also very near when humanity will be liberated from spiritual captivity, the chains, the ties and all oppressions that places consciousnesses on a path that is far from God.
Therefore, at this moment, I come to spiritually rebuild all that My children need so they may not only live their path of awakening and elevation in these times, but also be placed within the Commands of Christ, following His Will, listening to His guidance and concretizing that which, in these final times, He has thought of to prepare this Earth, to prepare the inner worlds, for what is to come, what is wonderful and is to come from the Universe when this spiritual captivity on the planet may finally end.
This is why, My children, I do not come today to contemplate what you have not done right. I come at the request of My Son to contemplate the eternal Light that God has given to you since the origin of your consciousnesses, in the sacred spaces of this universe, where the Project of God once began. This Project, although it is old, is alive, because it must still be fulfilled in those who dare to live their awakening.
The greater number of souls that awaken in these times, the greater will be the interventions of the Spiritual Hierarchy to dissolve and placate the events of the Armageddon.
Do you understand what I am saying to you?
To be part of this moment with the Hierarchy is unique, not only for that which you can live or experience, but also for what you can get to know or discover about that which is kept as a mystery in this cosmos.
Many have come to the Earth as fallen stars. After such a long time of so many lessons and tests, many of these stars have converted and transformed into a part of this spiritual and eternal firmament, giving a living and concrete testimonial of the conversion that Christ has made in hearts, bringing them to the path of Love and of the Truth.
Therefore, My children, you must not lose heart at this moment. Although the events on the planet become more serious or precipitate, you must not lose heart, you must not stop. There is a Greater Life that awaits not only you, but also your brothers and sisters on the planet.
I want to tell you in clear Words, My beloved children, that there is something that awaits you beyond this material and concrete life. And that which exists beyond is not only spiritual or immaterial. It is also a part of this material universe.
Therefore, the Hierarchy, throughout the times, has been preparing you for this moment. You could not be facing the revelation of a mystery if your inner worlds were not in the correct vibration. This is why purification is necessary, because if the Little Child, the Son of the Father, was purified in the Temple to live His Great Task, could the Law of Purification be unnecessary in this universe?
The Law of Purification has been distorted by what is understood at this moment. Purification is a process of liberation. It is the first step of the school of transcendence. It is the great spiritual opportunity for hearts, before God, to become free from the ties, the oppressions and from the suffering in which this humanity is submerged.
In the Law of Purification lies the Light of the Divine Essence, and souls and the inner worlds can find it when they decide to face it and not resist it. Just imagine what would have happened if the Son of God had not undergone purification.
Could the Project of the Father be mistaken?
No, My children, not only did the Son of God undergo purification in the Temple, but also the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as well as your Most Holy Mother, were purified during that event.
I know that today I speak to you again about a mystery, but there is no better way to understand My Words than placing them in your hearts.
Pray, meditate, and become interested in having the revelation of what is kept in the Mystery of God, because life, My children, does not end here.
Our Work on this planet has a special goal: that incarnated consciousnesses may achieve the steps of ascension in daily transformation, in daily effort, in the determination to convert their consciousnesses into that ardent, deep and eternal aspiration that the Celestial Father thought of before your origins.
Therefore, it must be clear for you that this is the cause of your incarnation. Thus, for a moment you may feel and imagine what the Hierarchy feels and see from the souls of this world that are far from the path of the Truth, that have closed the door to their own Spiritual Purpose.
But now your Heavenly Mother has the last chance, through Her Word, and especially through Her Presence, to give the Grace of the spiritual awakening so that souls may not only correct their paths, but also become postulants to be New Christs, so that they may be in the place and at the moment My Son needs them.
Your only dwelling place is in the Kingdom of the Heavens. Each moment that is lived in this world, each moment that you experience or each place where you may be is merely a transition, it is a learning experience and a lesson of humility.
Beloved children, it is above, in the Creation of the Eternal Father, it is above in this Sidereal Universe, where your true being is, where your true face shows, a face that many humanities have known for a long time. We will work until as many souls as possible achieve this, until those who are most asleep awaken from this universal lethargy.
This is why We bring the Light of Our Divine Impulses so that they may be not just Words, but rather eternal and inexhaustible Decrees so that the souls that listen to them time and again may be transformed, knowing that in the Sacred Instruction of the Hierarchy you will always have, before yourselves, the opportunity to change, a change that will surely lead you to transformation and redemption.
If My Son managed to transform the apostles into good people, to convert them into His apostles so that they could cause His Work to be perpetuated throughout the world, what could My Son do with each one of you?
There is only one reason for all of this: you must learn to trust so that you may learn to love. And may this Love, which is not mundane, but rather the Love that emerges from the Source through the souls that serve and surrender, help you day by day to reflect the Love of God in your works of service and charity, with just one aim: for the relief of suffering, of the suffering that we see in this world and on this Earth, the suffering that paralyses and enslaves hearts.
Our Voice, Our Word and, above all, Our Divine and Consoling Love come to break this chain of suffering, so that souls may be liberated and attain peace, the joy of feeling loved by the Eternal Father. Because He, as their Father who is in the Heavens, and who is in their hearts, always has His Arms open to all, because He is Merciful, Kind and Prodigious. When you suffer, when you fall, when you distance yourselves from Him, it is because you forget not only His Love, you also forget that He is sheer Mercy, Untiring Source of Compassion.
This is why I come today not only to celebrate the Nativity of the King of the Universe, to celebrate the Nativity of all Inner Christs, those who confirm themselves day by day through their ‘yes’. I also come to lay on My Serving Hands, as the Mother of Universal Healing, to radiate My Light and My Graces upon My children, asking the Celestial Father to bring healing to the deepest and most unknown wounds in the hearts of the world, so that all My children may attain the happiness of being in God.
Unite to Me and let us work to fulfill this Aspiration of God: that souls may smile and attain the happiness of being in God, so as to be a part of His Sacred Kingdom.
May the Light of the Inner Christs be perpetuated at this moment of the planet.
Nourished by the Essence of Christ, may this Light of the Inner Christs grant the Grace of liberation and peace to the souls that need it the most. In this way, the chains that tie souls to suffering and pain will continue to break and the perfect Flower that God created will spring from each inner essence, through the origin of each one of His Children.
Contemplate, in your inner world, the Flower of God, and thus attain your freedom.
I will see you next December 31 when, through the Kingdom of Aurora, the Spiritual Hierarchy will close this year with a deep act of meditation and reflection in the face of all that is happening and, above all, in a profound act of offering to God.
This act will be offered through the fruits that souls have lived in these times. The spiritual fruits and the sacred treasures of the hearts that still keep the Project of the Father on this planet alive. The fruit of sacrifice and the surrender of love from the heart are pillars that sustain His Project on this planet.
Thus, through Aurora, in unity and omnipresence, the Mother of God will grant Her maternal blessing, preparing with Her children the next steps that Christ will take in North America and in other places of the world.
Let us pray:
may the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype.
May the word be alive and build Your Temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify Perfect Unity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will sing a song at the request of our Most Holy Mother. A song that imitates the ‘yes’ of Mary, which She invites us to live in these times. The song is called “I say ‘yes’.”
And through this song we will affirm our ‘yes’ to Mary, in Her Heart, for all that Christ needs from each one of us, affirming that through our 'yes' the Lord will concretize His Victory.
I thank you for responding to My call!
May the Light of the Nativity of the Lord illuminate the world and especially Ukraine with Love and Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come to give My greatest Love to the planet, to humanity, to Italy.
I come with the Love of God to meet and sustain you through the Love of the Father, so that you may experience your time of purification, the time of redemption that My Son aspires to see in you.
I have come through this pilgrimage to the south of Italy to give My children what they need, because a Mother, in the unfathomable Love of God, knows what Her children need in this hour.
My children, I need to have you in My arms so that you may be filled with the Love of God.
A Love that will free you from suffering, from all guilt and sin.
The Love of God is stronger than any human malice or blindness. The Love of God that I bring you today, through My maternal Heart, will give you peace and withdraw you from the spiritual captivity where you may find yourselves at this moment.
Through My Maternal Heart, My children, I take you toward the Love of God, because in the Love of God there is no darkness, no adversity and no fear.
I bring you the Love of God so that you may learn to overcome the end of times, because in the Love of God you will be in harmony, in inner balance, you will be in profound peace.
Through the Love of God, My children, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses so that in this time, your souls may be encouraged to follow God according to His Commandments and His Will.
Through the Love of God, I not only promise you salvation, the end of spiritual captivity, but I also promise you, My children, the Kingdom of the Heavens, by means of a sincere heartfelt repentance for all the actions committed in this place, in its people, in its history and throughout the last times.
I come to offer you this Love because in the Love of God there is no suffering; you will find happiness, fortitude, and impetus for conversion.
Through My Immaculate Heart, My children, I offer you the Love of the Source of the Father that today presents itself in Italy so that this nation and all of its people may be bathed in the Mercy of God, and it is in Mercy, My children, by living the Mercy of God and by being merciful in each moment that you will perceive very clearly in complete awareness that you must change for the good of God, the good of your land, of your people and of all humanity.
In Love, I bring you closer to the Peace of God so that this change of consciousness may occur under a greater discernment and wisdom, so that you may not feel suffering or pain at the moment of changing for a greater and unique Will.
As a Messenger of God and of the Most High, as the Lady of the Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace, I ask you, My children, that if you open your eyes in order to see the call of God through the presence of His Servant, all your brothers and sisters, and your families will also, within themselves, hear the call of God, according to how God has conceived it and sustained it until this time.
Open your heart, My children, so that in this moment the Love of God may heal you deeply so that this island be an island of salvation, an island of the redeemed that congregate in the love of Christ to live the Word of God through the light of the Gospel and of the holy Sacraments that My Son offers you daily.
Re-experience the Teachings of Christ and each one of His Words so that you, just as the people who stood beside Jesus, may be able to change and transform into the spiritual and inner model that God needs from each one of His children of Italy.
Stretching out My Hands to you, I offer you the Light of My Heart, which is the eternal Light of God, of the Living God, of God the Most High, of the God of Love, Who contemplates you and Who re-ignites you in His Fount of Pity, of Mercy.
Thus, My children, feel the embrace of your Celestial Mother, which dispels the darkness, which redeems hearts, following the requests of Christ, Our Lord.
I call you, My children, as the Lady of Tears, to a moment of deep reflection, before everything is unleashed in Italy, because in this moment of reflection you will be able to live your conversion, your transformation under the good that My Son offers to you through His Eucharistic Communion.
And so, My children, from South America, the place of your Heavenly Mother, I come here to Italy to bring you the Light and the Love of God, so that your paths may be clean, your minds be clear, and you may be moved by the love of the heart that dwells within you and must awaken like an eternal fire, like an unending source that gives of itself and surrenders out of love.
Through the Love of God, My children, I bless you and invite you to follow My steps of the Faithful Servant, so that your lives may be an example of fraternity and unity with your fellow being, of service and relief from suffering.
I call you, My children, to make service to others primary in your lives so that through it you may find not only the Inner Christ in your peer, but also the Pity of God that will always lead you to Mercy and to His Source.
And I promise you that shortly you will not recognize your lives, because of the transformation you will fully be able to experience through the Portal of Peace and Harmony that I open here today in Sicily, so that all of My children and their history may pass through it, as a relief and healing of all the pain experienced in the latest times.
I call you, My children, to be the Light of Christ on Earth through a living commitment to the prayer of the heart.
I call you, My children, to establish true groups of prayer, especially in your families, so that the Heart of your Celestial Mother may be the fire that illumines your paths in these difficult times for humanity, so that your families may also receive and welcome My call.
In truth, My children, I offer you a simple but real path, which is to say, a last opportunity for your entire homeland to become sanctified, according to the Will of God and the fiery Plan that He wishes to establish here.
But first it must begin in you, My children, as I have already told you, through an example of true conversion and of untiring service for your fellow being.
In this way, you will prompt other hearts to live the Gospel of My Son, in the practice of daily life rather than in the theory of their minds.
I want to open in you the Fount of the Love of God. That is My purpose for being here today, and of someday, through the Celestial Father, coming back here so that many more such as yourselves may achieve the light and come out of the abyss of consciousness because they will be uplifted by the Love and Mercy of the Celestial Father.
Encourage yourselves to live this path so that your families may be a sacred family, just like Ours, who visits yours from Heaven to bring you the time of renewal and hope.
That is all that I wanted to tell you today.
As your Mother, I consecrate Italy, through this consecration to My Son, who opens more each day to help the Mother of God fulfill the call and so that this call may resonate in each heart of Italy, knowing that today on the 13th of May, in honor of the Lady of Fatima and the Most Holy Rosary, today a new period begins here for Italy, through the mediation of this Work that was given to God for all nations and peoples, that all may come to know the Love of God.
I bless you and consecrate you as My child so that many more children of this land, wounded but very much sanctified by God, consecrate themselves someday to the Immaculate and Eternal Heart of Mary.
Listening now to the hymn of your consecration, we will sing this hymn as if it were a prophecy, which will be fulfilled in the consecration of new children of Italy and of new groups of prayer that will be a part of My Rosary of Light in all of Europe.
I thank you, My children, for having responded to My call, and the doors of My Marian Centers in South America are open to welcome you and receive you and so that you may also find there the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.
I re-consecrate Italy to My Maternal Heart and to the opportunity of living the Will of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more