Beloved children,
Once again My Mercy is upon all Argentina and especially upon Buenos Aires, this needy city of the world.
Dear children, today I call you to the awakening of the consciousness in the end of these times by means of the prayer of the heart, because a new cycle is approaching and your hearts must be prepared to receive it. For some, this cycle will be Good News that will change the state of consciousness, but for others it will be deep changes that will lead them to define the path to follow in this time.
For this reason, dear children, you who live the day-to-day in this city of Buenos Aires, as do other souls in different cities of the world, must pray with fervor and from the heart so that the Grace of God and the Mercy of My Son may be propagated in the hearts most in need of love and redemption.
My children from Argentina, yesterday I invited you to pilgrimage to Luján in a different way. This time for a true and selfless service, because you must know that great colonies of souls must also be supported by prayer. For this, it is necessary to have prayer groups that, consecrated to My Maternal Spirit, may persist and walk in the faith of My Son. Each group must begin to exercise fraternity because in this way, in your nuclei of work and service, you will find My Universal Peace.
I want to form, for these times, awakened soldiers, who leave behind all amenities of life and who, as sincere disciples, may be instruments in the Hands of God in this end of times.
You, through prayer, have the key to define the salvation of all humanity. For this reason, now for thirty-one years in Medjugorje, My Maternal Heart has pronounced and cried out for prayer, prayer and prayer! This is what you must take in as a spiritual nourishment in this time, thus allowing My heart to redeem the paths that divert millions of souls, the paths of modernity and comfort.
I am here, dear children, in the name of the Most High, to open your eyes, aspiring as the Mother of Heaven, that your consciousnesses may mature and be able to help humanity itself through prayer.
My children, someone must do something for the world! Because each day it kindles itself in flames from its own actions and those who must act are all My faithful soldiers, the soldiers of My Heart.
Today I arrive at this world to open the Doors of the Heavens to your lives so that hope and Mercy may be cultivated in the greatest number possible of souls.
Dear children, God is listening to you, therefore continue to pray every day. I will be universally thankful.
May this month of November be a preparation for all of you for My next arrival in Buenos Aires, in December.
Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of our Mother, we're going to pray the "Hail Mary" in different languages, repeating the prayer twice in each language.
Today, Our Lady brings the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity.
At this moment, She asks that we connect with that Principle of the Father, and that we think about the Most Holy Trinity.
Prayer: "Hail Mary" (in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, French, German and Latin).
Dear children,
With My Arms, I hope to gather you day after day. I stretch out My Arms of Mercy and My Heart of Love to you in this time.
Today, I have need of you to go on pilgrimage, to walk from the Heart. Many souls need your prayer and your giving of selves.
I invite you to serve because we are already in the end of time.
I want you to be able to build the new paths of humanity, and if somebody begins this task, everything will be able to change. Thus, prayer is important in this time, because it will fortify you to carry out this commitment.
My call reaches out to each corner of this world; thus, your hearts must be attentive to respond to it.
On this day, My Son Jesus observes you with Love and Mercy, but many souls are still lost on the path they choose. Who will be able to help Me with them? Thus, I invite you to sincerely pray.
I need you to listen to My Words and that you hold them in your hearts, for in this way, you will prepare your dwelling place for what will come.
It is necessary that you conform to the requests of God. For this reason, My Immaculate Heart comes month after month to announce the new and the good to you, but also to announce what humanity does not want to hear.
Humanity cannot change into what it already was in the past; it must be a humanity renewed through prayer and Mercy.
Thus, today My Heart counts on so few servers. I call servers those who are available to live the prayer of the heart.
Moment by moment and day by day, your life must be a true prayer, before all the things in your life. It must be what is most important in this end time, which can fill you and guide you in this moment, for in this way, your hearts will be united with My Heart and will share in the universal task with Me.
Before My Son Jesus comes, today I come to meet with you. And I repeat this each time I am with you. Thus, your hearts must be in a state of permanent vigil so that, in the end of these times, you hear the Designs of God, you hear the Commandments of the Father and, above all, you hear the requests He has for you.
Through the daily Messages, I leave you the keys of the Lord, so your hearts may be on pilgrimage on the correct paths and you are within My Motherly Light; for when you are definitely in My Arms, you will be close to My Son Jesus and His Rays will be able to touch your hearts.
With the rosary in your hands, sustain daily prayer, for in this way, you will be able to be guided in each moment of your life and your hearts will hear the Steps of the Lord, Jesus, Who comes once again to meet with this humanity. You must believe in this, for it is already written and will be accomplished.
But the coming of My Son will not occur the way many believe. Today, He is asking something important of you to prepare for His Return: to be in vigil as the apostles were; but in this time, your hearts must be more attentive so as to be able to perceive where you are and where you are to go.
Thus, dear children, service balances all hearts.
The source of Mercy can be launched towards the Earth and all hearts be invaded by the Light of Jesus, and thus My Motherly Heart can be very close to you. Each moment you think of prayer, My Motherly Ray will be among you.
For this reason, I persist with this humanity, because as a Mother, I understand and know your needs. I know what each heart needs in this time.
So that your aspirations may be fulfilled, I invite you to pray from the heart, because it is necessary that the Holy Spirit be among you so your hearts are able to feel the Light of God, and in this way, dear children, all of you are strengthened in My Heart.
In this time, I have need of hearts that build the new, imitating the Steps that Christ left you. But in this time, dear children, hearts do not observe these teachings, because with their heart they perceive what all call the modernities.
In this way, hearts distance themselves from God, because they are surrounded by new things which they believe will wake up many things in the spirit, but that generate a significant distancing in consciousnesses; barriers are created between souls and God.
Prayer unties all these knots. For this reason, unite with Me in prayer, because I will help you untie those great knots that are in humanity so all hearts may find the Lord once again.
Today, I want to leave a request with you, to all those present here, before My Merciful and Loving Countenance; that you prepare My last coming to this place, to this city, so that in your hearts may blossom all the promises I have left with you throughout the months, and that you may work together with My Motherly Heart for the redemption of humanity, a request My Son makes to Me daily.
I will accompany you, in this time, to concretize My Plan of Peace on this world, and especially in all of Argentina.
You are called, dear children, to accomplish a part of the Plan of God. Your hearts have committed to Me from the beginning, when you said 'yes' to the power of prayer. In this way, you began to dialogue with My Motherly Heart and live in devotion to My Heart, thus being able to contemplate the beauties that God has created for all of this humanity; I am referring, dear children, to all this beauty of nature. For this reason, I leave you this task for the next month.
This is the time for beginning to fraternize your hearts, and thus, concretize My requests.
We will begin here, in this city, gathering together hearts through the strength of the groups of prayer, and in this way, on December 8, your hearts will contemplate Me here for the last time.
When I refer to here, dear children, I am referring to from Buenos Aires to Lujan. This is the extent of My Mantle for Argentina.
You can be the light of prayer in this time, and your hearts can be My roses so I can pour them out over each province of this nation.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Let us sing "Hail, Hail Mary".
The Mother is inviting all the brothers and sisters of the groups of Salta to bring the images that came with them, as She is going to bless them because of the response you gave to Her Heart.
Song: "Hail, Hail Mary".
I Am the Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the same as yesterday and today.
Today, dear children, you are recognizing the power God has given Me through My Countenance.
May the Light of the Father, may the Light of the Son and may the Light of the Holy Spirit bless these images that represent My Immaculate Heart on Earth and the Divine Power of God, in different ways for everybody.
Dear children, may the Light of My Son bless you on this night which is coming to an end and which invites you to be in vigil in prayer.
I thank you for responding to My call, especially all My children of Lujan.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Song: "Your Purity".
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Now, as we do in all Apparitions, Friar Elías will make some comments on what he was able to see during the process of prayer and during the Apparition, and some requests our Mother makes while She speaks with him during this time.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the moment before the Apparition, we were greatly aided by guardian angels that worked intensely outside of this area, in this field; and that the work, which they did through prayer, was gradually radiated to all of Buenos Aires.
Particularly, the work they did was to free souls that were chained. Those souls were freed and uplifted through the channel of prayer that was built.
The angels had the task of drawing those brothers and sisters at that level toward the inside of the channel so they could be freed, and that task was expanded during the singing of the Hail Mary.
The task they were carrying out was by regions, by different zones of Buenos Aires. What permitted them to carry out that task was the exercising of the prayer, until at a moment before the Apparition, they asked to be helped in that task through the singing of the "Hail Mary".
Before each Apparition, they appear like flashes of light in the sky. This refers to the Lady arriving, that Her Consciousness is beginning to expand within this coordinate of the world, in this place. A special condition opens up, in this case, here, and in this way, the different states of the universe, of the Heavens, begin to descend, by way of which She comes here.
But today, the Apparition was special; we were looking toward the picture, but Our Lady appeared on the outside, in the top part of this place. Could it be the Lady won't enter this house?, we asked. Will we speak through the glass?
She said to us: "There are no limits in Heaven, but this is what the Lord has allowed Me to do on this day."
At that moment of the Apparition, nothing in this physical place seemed to be present here; only all the celestial energy She was radiating during the Apparition. Then a profound dialogue began, some indications She was passing on to us, which She was talking about in the first part of the Apparition.
Today, She was dressed in a white robe, and tightly gripped the rosary in Her Hands, which She offered to this city of Buenos Aires. She also had a pink veil and a gaze, a very transparent and natural semblance.
She then began giving us some indications until She began to address Her Words to everybody.
One of the tasks She asked of us today refers to the service which will be done in Lujan. One request is for the two Marian Centers, the Brazilian one and the Uruguayan one: that two representatives of the Grace Mercy Order from each of the Marian Centers meet with the groups of Argentina, and that after seven days, they carry out the service in Lujan, not only through prayer, but through service tasks.
Afterwards, She asks for the images to bless them, and we asked Her what the reason was for blessing these images. She said that the group of prayer that had those images had been very faithful to Her through all this time and that She wanted to make a motherly gesture to them.
At the end of the Apparition, She made a second request that we will share at the end of this work. That request was explicitly for the groups that work with the Light-Communities.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Now we'll sing to say goodbye and the groups that work with the Light-Communities can stay so we can share the task that Our Lady asked of us. The brothers and sisters that carry these images can also stay a little while to speak with you.
Our sister Suely, please also stay after the song.
Let's sing "Divine Mother."
Dear children,
As the Lady of Divine Defense, today I call you to pray for the protection of the Marian Centers and especially, for My National Marian Center of Luján that in these days has experienced critical situations.
Therefore, My children, with the flag of peace in My hands, I invite you to pilgrimage, out of love, to the homes most in need in this region, and through service and giving, to supply that which My children from the region of Luján may need.
Dear children, My Marian Centers are in your hands and God contemplates the honorable grace that all My children can offer and perform through service of help and prayer to those most in need. Today I not only invite you to prayer, but also to serve in the end of these times.
My Son calls you all to be merciful and the hour has now come to surrender everything to the Lord for the salvation of souls.
Children of My Son Jesus, sheep of His beloved flock, as the Universal Mother and the Mother of Perpetual Help, I am calling you to pray for the Centers of Peace and also to serve, in a selfless and true way, My children that during these days have suffered the consequences of the flood in their homes and families, but above all, within their hearts. In reverence I call you all to be conscious and collaborate in My universal task of salvation.
Dear children, My Protecting Mantle of Mercy and Love is over you. I pray for you perpetually. I pray for you asking God for your salvation, asking for His Mercy. Time runs fast and humanity must pray more to prevent irreparable events.
Therefore, My children, I am with you, walking as Mother, step by step, by your side and as the Guardian of Faith for your hearts.
Dear children, we are in the time of the purification of the mind and heart. Therefore I invite you to pray sincerely because in this way you will be protected under My Maternal Light.
Dear children, opening My arms to help all souls, especially the Sanctuary of Luján, I ask you on this day to pilgrimage serving God and giving your love to your brothers and sisters, faithful devotees of My Immaculate Heart.
I ask you to go to Luján on these days to bring the love of My Resurrected Son, and also so that your hands may donate charity and humility to those who have been affected by the storm that took place in that region.
Dear children, you will have two tasks to accomplish before God:
To serve the brothers and sisters of Luján and pray with them so that the hearts of My children are repaired. I will thank you for responding to this important call.
To meet with Me in My monthly apparition that will take place on the 3rd of this month in the city of Buenos Aires, at 7:30 p.m., when My Maternal Heart will prepare your hearts and hands to go and serve Luján in the name of Christ. This task of service will continue until when your hearts indicate to you.
Dear children, will you help Me?
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
The Lady of Divine Defense
Dear children,
With immense delight and joy in the heart, I give My Blessing and Maternal Peace to all My beloved children of Argentina. For this reason, My children, I gather all of you around the Divine Sacred Heart of Christ so that your souls may reaffirm their alliance with the Universe of Love and Peace.
Dear children, today is one more moment to remind you of the confirmation of each one of you with the Universe and with the life of prayer, necessary and fundamental for humanity in this end of times.
Dear children, as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje and in the world, today I ask you to pray from the source that exists in your hearts.
Today once again I ask you to pray to prevent wars, persecutions and disorder in the life of humanity.
Today, dearest children, I ask you to pray to prevent suffering, pain and the desperation that My Immaculate Heart witnesses day by day in this world.
Today I call to pray to alleviate My flagellated Heart that is hurt by the grave offenses of humanity.
Dear children, today I am calling you to awaken your small consciousness in the face of the events that are unfolding in this world.
As the Mother of Graces, today I ask you to place your hearts under the Redeeming and Merciful Rays of My Beloved Son, because it is in Christ that you will find Relief, because it is in Christ that you will find Light and Forgiveness, because it is in My Son that you will find the Reconciliation that your lives and the lives of humanity need.
Therefore, My little ones, may the hope and the joy of serving God awaken in you, because you should know that many of My children must live the redemption of the heart.
My children, on this day of meeting with Me in Luján, a Sanctuary of love and faith, I ask that through prayer you unite to Jesus, that you call Jesus, and that you look for Him so that His Divine Spirit of Love may be with you, visit you, guide you and shelter you in everything.
Dear children, for one more month I say to you: thank you for responding to My call, to all the pilgrim hearts of Argentina!
I thank you!
Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As Lady of the Mystical Rose, today I want to invite you to contemplate God from the Heart, because it is in the heart that Peace is found and it is through the heart that the door to suffering and evil is shut.
Dear children of My Father, it is with the prayer of the heart that all souls on the face of the Earth may relieve all pain and suffering. But still there are souls that united to the Living God have no strength to consecrate life, because they are immersed in the current world.
So that all souls may be touched by the same Virginal Grace that you have been touched by, today I invite you so that in prayer are placed all of the hearts inside the Kingdom of God who, confused, need the light of My Immaculate Heart.
For these days of the Prayer Meeting with Me in Lujan (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina), I invite you to remain as guardians of prayer so that in this way your little hearts became as custodian angels who follow the purposes of Peace of My Immaculate Heart.
Today I also tell you My dear children, that My Merciful Face is working for the salvation of all the souls that, with serious faults, will receive the ministry of My devotion so that all of them may be re-lit again by the immediate assistance of the Divine Holy Spirit.
To you who already have walked a little through the path of the prayer of the heart, I call you so that, through yours, all the hearts learn to pray fervently and to be in My Maternal Heart, so that My Celestial Light protects you.
Dear children, I leave an inner mission for each one of you and for all the souls that at the end of this time answer My call. My request is that you live in the faith that prayer irradiates you with, so that fidelity may be manifested in each of your hearts, the fidelity to My Son, the Redeeming Love.
I thank you!
May you today only be with Me in the Kingdom of My Eternal Peace.
Thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more