Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As a refugee Mother, I come seeking consolation, the consolation that can be given to Me by My children, for whom I tirelessly and immediately pray, so that they may be protected under My Mantle, so that all may feel the caress of the Mother of God through Her serving and humble Hands, which I place upon your faces to encourage you to continue on.

Today, in an extraordinary way, I am here at this sacred church. I am here to bear testimony of the Presence of Christ in the Tabernacle, as well as in all Tabernacles of the Earth, in which My Beloved Son is recognized and adored.

Today, I come seeking this spiritual consolation of My children, because I need it.

Today, I come to ask you for this in a special manner, because I know that through My children and through the prayer of all consistent ones, all those who respond to My maternal call, I will be able, dear children, to relieve and help the souls who are unprotected at this moment, much more unprotected than you can imagine.

The lack of protection of My most innocent children causes indescribable pain in My Immaculate Heart; because today, once again, the Heart of the Mother is pierced by a spear, the spear of human cruelty, the cruelty that some of My children practice in the world today, causing disgrace, suffering and very great despair to all the mothers who lose their children, especially the mothers that suffer and have to endure war.

Another reason for being here today, dear children, is so that you may accompany Me in pilgrimage to Lourdes, because it is imperiously necessary for humanity to achieve spiritual healing.

May the spiritual healing that Lourdes provides to souls reach as many inner worlds as possible, especially those who are suffering war and mortal persecution at this moment.

Today My Holy Land, the Sacred Land of all, is divided and dissociated. The land on which My Son stepped with His Feet, walked and went on pilgrimage to meet the most needy and most unprotected of that time, to announce His Gospel of salvation to the fallen hearts.

Today, My Holy Land is being invaded and persecuted, because it is the land of all religions and all creeds, of all those who seek the essence of God’s Love.

Today, this land is once again filled with blood and, just as it was in the flagellation of Jesus, the Mother of Jesus collects, through Her Mantle, the innocent blood that is shed, so that it may be deposited in the chalices of all martyrs of Heaven.

Dear children, I invite you to Lourdes not just for one more pilgrimage. Today, I invite you to Lourdes so that you may accompany Me in this spiritual task that is an emergency for Me, and I know that to some extent you will not be able to understand it. However, follow in My footsteps of a Mother, the footsteps of the Consoling and Co-redemptive Mother, because through the Spiritual Spring of Lourdes, I need not only that the surface of the Earth may be purified of so much evil transmitted, but also that the souls of the innocent and martyrs who are stuck on the lower planes after having lived through terrorism and persecution, may be elevated in Glory to the Heavens. And this is the task of the Mother Mediator and Intercessor of hearts.

This is why I come here in an extraordinary way to announce to you this spiritual request of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that this war may not reach dimensions that cannot be controlled later on.

In the meantime, dear children, My Mantle remains stained by the blood of the innocent, and I will take it to God as an offering for the reconciliation of those who are lost and fallen, for the redemption of those who are condemned to the fire of hell, after having committed this grave and delicate action. Because what remains on the etheric plane of the planet is an energy of evil that is very difficult to transmute. In this way, peoples and nations are intoxicated by this vibration.

This is why it is important to live the prayer of the heart in this time, and ask for all sinners and condemned in the world, so that they may have the Grace of the opportunity to be forgiven by Christ, My Son; because your Divine Mother wants good for all Her children, without exceptions or conditions. She wants this good so that all may be in peace, in the happiness of living in the Kingdom of the Heavens, although they are on Earth.

Because although My Heart today is pierced by the spear of human cruelty in this time, your Divine Mother brings you the Kingdom of the Heavens in this place, just for a moment, so that you may commune with Divine Purpose and, through this Purpose, you may live the Will of God that has been written for each one of My children since the beginning.

On this special Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, your Heavenly Mother collects the prayer of all Her children, as the last chance for the salvation of humanity so that the Law of Justice may not descend, because it is a Law absolutely unknown to all.

Despite the pain of My Heart, I ardently wish that all My beloved children may have the Grace of continuing to know Divine Mercy, so that this Divine Mercy may liberate them completely. This is My yearning, dear children.

The angels of Heaven, at this moment, are still collecting the blood of martyrs and of the innocent through chalices, because someone, in this universe, must justify this terrible human cruelty.

And before the Most Blessed Sacrament, before the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, which today we contemplate and adore together in a special way, I come to ask, kneeling before the Eternal Father, for Him to have Pity and Mercy not only on those who have unjustly died in the world, not only because the law of condemnation and death continues to be experienced, but I also come to ask for those who are condemned and live evil, because deep down, they are hearts that have distanced themselves from the Love of God, and at this moment live the law of revenge and impunity.

Dear children, these situations and vibrations are the most difficult ones for the Hierarchy to transmute. This is why the sacred spirit of prayer will always relieve these terrible sorrows and open a tiny door of Light in the great abyss of planetary darkness.

There cannot be peace in the world while there are martyrs in the world today. There cannot be good in the world while there is impunity in the world. But keep working faithfully with the prayer of the heart. Because this is the time, dear children, after having lived in My school of prayer all these years, for you to practice this exercise with consciousness, and not just as a discipline or commitment.

It is necessary that the prayer of the heart burns within you, so that the Word of God may resound in you time and again, whenever it is necessary. In this way, you will be transformed and converted into true apostles that allow the Divine Energy to transfigure you completely, although you are still living the human condition.

Have faith in the sacred science of the Sacraments that My Son gave you. Have faith in the incalculable power of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, because each time you are before the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of Christ, your hearts will be liberated and will help liberate the world from these ideologies and terrible ways of life. Remember, dear children, that the Human Project needs to be rebuilt and repaired.

The Lady of Israel invites you today to walk barefoot, divested of your intentions and preferences, empty of heart, so that the All, the Supreme, may fill you. This will be the fundamental attitude, the essential attitude that will help you to go through these painful times. In this way, you will always be able to invoke the Sacred Light of Hope and Love of God, so that the neediest souls may be touched by this Light of Hope and Love of God.

I will go to Lourdes to wash My Garments, so that the blood of the most innocent and martyrs may be purified by the water of Massabielle, so that the divine and spiritual healing that I left to be held through Lourdes may flow as an inexhaustible spring, as a spiritual spring upon the world situations that do not have a solution today. Because the power of Love can convert and transform everything when you simply have faith in the Love of Christ.

Today I speak to you about the Middle East because it is a grave situation for God, because He placed His Word and His Message there. God, through His Heart, reflected His Call for all souls of the world there, and this must not be in vain, dear children. This has an incalculable responsibility before the Law.

But I want to tell you that your Heavenly Mother also contemplates the grave errors that take place in Africa and the oppressive slavery that some nations of Latin America live. Do not forget that My Gaze is upon all and everyone, and that the Mother of God has no preference, but rather Love.

In this time of planetary darkness, may the power of prayer and adoration burn again in you, so that the Higher Laws may stabilize the disasters of the planet, and love may not completely disappear from humanity.

If this should happen, My Heart will be completely torn, and the cry of the Mother of God will be heard throughout the universe, just as God heard the cry of Mary on Mount Calvary, when Her Only Beloved Son was nailed to the Cross.

May the Divine Blood of Jesus purify these times and this moment.

May the Rays of Mercy prevail over evil.

May the Rays of Grace transcend impunity, because no human being on this surface can live without Love, for the Love of God is life. The Love of God is the spiritual impulse that motivates you to continue on despite the times of tribulation, despite the consequences.

This is why I ask you not to forget that the Love of God is at stake in this world and it is humanity that is removing it from itself. Do not forget that you must love one another, just as My Son loves you and as I love you.

Therefore, may Love always live among you. Be a testimonial of the Love that I bring to you today and remember the innocent and martyrs, whose love and life were taken away. Thus, love more than you think you love, more than you think you know.

Love is infinite, Grace is invincible, and this is what I want to say to the world.

Let us reinforce prayer for the Middle East. I am attentive, once again, to the voice of supplications.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Let us pray for peace.

Prayer: "Universal Mother" (in Spanish, Portuguese and English)

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You will not achieve purity of heart through your skills, nor through the most sublime virtues, although these help on the spiritual path of consecration.

You will achieve the purity of heart that will always lead you to inner innocence through the truth of what you are, by manifesting and reflecting the loyalty that will always show that each one of you are transparent and crystalline like water, that there is nothing that you have to hide or pretend, because this is part of the human condition. But purity of heart will always free you from yourselves, liberate you from this cruel world, and always lead you to understand the Will of the Father.

For this reason, My children, remain in this incessant quest for inner purity. A purity which, in humanity, is conditioned and buried today by influences, interferences and modernity.

This is why, once again, I bring you the Purity of My Immaculate Heart, which is not the Purity of the Heavenly Mother, properly speaking; it is rather the Purity that emanates from the Unfathomable Fountain of God and is radiated and shared by the holy angels, even by the guardian angels themselves.

Although I know, My children, that we are in a time of spiritual battle, I tell you not to lose heart, but rather to continue on. Because few, very few, are the souls in the world that have the Grace of knowing their inner purity or even of remembering it every day. The rest of the souls in the world are far from their spiritual purity and, because they are far from their own inner purity, they distance themselves from the Love of the Father and lose the innocence that always guards them in goodness and peace.

As Mother of Immaculate Purity, I remind all My children of this Message again, because life becomes superficial day by day, and often unreasonable, cold or indifferent, to the point that most of My children do not care about any situation. And this cannot be so, My children, because you will be within an illusory appearance that will blind your eyes, block your perceptions, and distance you from the truth.

Therefore, every life situation, every situation of the planet or even of the Kingdoms of Nature must be met with attention, because everything, absolutely everything, is important to God.

For this reason, on this special day, when I bless Estonia and the whole world again, I come accompanied by the Angels of God’s Purity, because He entrusts the whole world to you so that more souls, in these times of definition and transition, may find again their inner purity and thus contact their inner innocence.

If this does not happen, My children, souls in the world will not be able to endure the end of times. Because now, in this end time, many souls live in depression, and people also feel it strongly. The cause for this depression is not living the Will of God; it is not being able to know Higher Laws, not as a spiritual rule or imposition, but rather as the opportunity to be redeemed and liberated from oneself.

Do you now understand, My children, the importance of an inner contact with Purity? For  it is one of the most important gifts of the Eternal Father.

Just for a moment, visualize that God, without His Original Purity, could not be God; because the primordial essence of purity is humility, it is emptiness of self, it is self-giving and constant, permanent selflessness.

In truth I tell you, My children, there is no mystery in all that, because this is the master key that opens all doors, not only on the material level, but also on the spiritual level.

The gift of the Purity of God is so simple and true, that souls many times cannot perceive it, because His Original Purity is in Creation, it is in nature, in its beauty, at each dawn, it is within you, so near that sometimes many cannot see it.

What is the reason, My children, for not contemplating this Greatness of God, which is authentic and original in His Children?

Do not forget that you come from the Source, because from the Source you once emerged, from the Primordial Source you were manifested through the essence of God’s Purity, His Original Purity, an incalculable mystery, inexhaustible gift, infinite Grace that reflects itself through the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima.

It was the gift of the Original Purity of God that, through the Message of your Lady of Heaven in Fatima, was able to dispel the cruelty and wickedness of war and of all contrary forces that opposed the expression of the innocence and purity of humanity.

The lack of Original Purity in My children not only separates souls from the truth and the good; it also places souls into conflict and war, in personal ideas, in all that is parallel to God, but which, in its essence, does not unite to the Father.

In this crucial time, I ask for the world to seek purity within itself day and night, because you will see for yourselves that the transformation will be different, that redemption will not be heavy, that the human condition will not enslave you, if you simply look inwards, if you look to the center of your inner universe, where the Original Purity of God dwells, and if you commune with this gift internally.

Thus, I assure you, My beloved children, that you will help the world in its great moment of redemption and conversion. This is my yearning; this is My perpetual prayer.

This is why I come here, to the world. I descend from the Heavens through the doorways of the universe and the Earth to share with My children, with My most dear children, the Purity that God has deposited in Me, even though I am a human being, even though I am the Slave of the Lord, even though I am the Mother of Jesus.

The mystery of the gift of the Original Purity of God can deter weapons and wars, close uncertain doors and deter evil, by dissipating and dissolving it from the human consciousness.

The power of the gift of the Original Purity of God is still unknown. Because it is not just a gift, it is also a spontaneous and true law; because it is an impulse of His Immaterial Source among so many gifts, virtues and graces, which is contemplated and adored by the angels.

Just as today, the angels who accompany Me contemplate the Original Purity of God in the Heart of the Heavenly Mother, venerably exposed as a gift of atonement for souls, for the redemption of the world, for the establishment of peace and good among souls.

This is why I tirelessly pray night and day so that all those who have decided to attain inner purity in these times of tribulations may remain steadfast in their quest for this aspiration, and thus achieve it without retrogressing one single step, but rather moving forward, following the Footprints of Christ; because He knows it and is aware of it.

His Gaze is turned to the truth that exists within you; the truth that must be blessed by God, because God is Truth itself, and His Truth is the revelation of His Mystery for all the universe, for all Creation. This is why My Son once told you that the Truth will make you free.

Where is the Truth in My children?

Where is liberation from yourselves?

Because God has foreseen everything, everything is already written. The only thing missing is for My children to take one more step, because consecration is infinite, the flight towards the Source is eternal, the union with the Heart of the Father is permanent, until someday you are nothing, and the Presence of the Father may dwell within you, just as you may dwell within Christ through His Holy Communion with His Glorious Body and His Precious Blood.

It is in His Divine Sacrament of the Altar that you will find the truth that you seek so much, you will find the answer that you expect so much. Because the Kingdom of God is on the other side of the threshold, waiting for you, and it is the door of the purity of heart that will allow you to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, even while living on the surface of the Earth.

Thus, I give continuity to My Message of yesterday, Words that bring a synthesis for all.

Between yesterday and today, I have given and delivered to you an impulse that must not go unnoticed. Remember, and do not forget, these are Our last impulses of Light and Love.

The time will come, My children, when you must be the living word itself and the very example of Our Instructions. In this way, the promise will be fulfilled, which We made to God on that first day when We committed, as Sacred Hearts, for Our Message to touch souls and absolutely convert them into God’s Love, to leave in hearts an indelible mark, the spiritual mark of Our transverberation, the luminous sign of the Love of God.

Embrace this Message as your own, so that it may be cultivated in your inner worlds, because I assure you that you will need it to know how to proceed in a correct way in the end of times, to continue learning to accompany the steps of Light of My Beloved Son, and thus continue to build and manifest His Most Holy Will.

Thus, I bless you again, like the rain that falls today upon this nature and washes the surface of this world from the stains of cruelty, war and the innocent blood that has been shed. May this blessing impel you to continue moving forward.

Once again, I am grateful to you.

Let us spiritually commune with the Purity of God. My Immaculate Heart is the door that opens so that you may enter the universe of the Original Purity of God.

May Estonia and the whole world receive My blessing, which is the Blessing of God, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray:


May the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.
May humanity express its archetype.
May the Word be alive and build Your Temple.
May Your mystery expand in us
and may true existence be revealed to the world,
so that we may gather in Your Name,
and glorify perfect unity.



I will always have ears to hear you, dear children, because the sweet prayer that is born of the heart is wholly real and pure.

Today I come with joy from Heaven, bringing the Maternal Love of God for the souls that most need it.

But I also come to share with you, dear children, the joy that My Immaculate Heart feels for having dedicated this space for me.

You know, My children, that we are in critical and difficult times and that the prayer of the heart in your lives, the selfless service to others and to the Kingdoms of Nature, will help you to change your hearts in the Plan that God has envisioned from the beginning, but you can also count on My protective Mantle for your lives.

Today I come with a universal message for humanity.

Today I am pregnant, dear children, on the point of giving birth to the New Humanity.

That important moment for the world is approaching; meanwhile, the Woman of the Sun is in the desert, giving refuge to all of Her children under Her Mantle.

The seals of the Apocalypse are still opening, to show humanity the time of the great change.

Today My womb of Light wants to gestate each one of your consciousnesses.

Today it wants to bring to the world a regeneration and a healing for humanity.

The new being must be born in you, so that the old human may be left behind and a new consciousness emerge that will be in communion with life and Creation, so as to be in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Today, your hearts and the Kingdoms that are here were able to reflect to God the gratitude so expected for the Celestial Father, for all He has created and manifested since the Genesis.

Today the Marine Kingdoms were able to reflect to the Celestial Universe the gratitude and the Love they feel for being with God.

And in this perfect unity and attunement, the Laws of Healing descended to Earth, not only to regenerate the consciousness of humankind, but also of all the living beings that inhabit this place.

My maternal womb is about to give birth to the New Human. You must prepare with Me for this moment, because the hour  will indicate a great change in the consciousness of humanity, a change that will come without warning and without registering the time.

That is why you must be prepared and attentive, vigilant, always in prayer, to hear that inner call from our hearts.

The joy that has brought Me here is immense, for having valued the Kingdoms of Nature and giving them the space they deserve within this Universal Creation.

Today I am also the Mother of Nature, which through Her Mantle of Light shows the whole Creator Universe, the Divine Thought that generated life, the universes and the stars and all that exists beyond this local universe.

Therefore I can be here among you, dear children, so that you are not only in communion with the Non-material Source, something that is indispensable for your lives at this time, but that through here, from this simple place, from this natural sanctuary of God, what humanity needs can be radiated to the world so as to be able to recover the values and the dignity, the attributes that will cause all beings on Earth to be redeemed and will make them worthy in the Lord.

My womb of light also gestates the new times, that which will be forthcoming for all and that will show itself in the next cycle. Something that is not tangible yet for the human consciousness, but that your hearts can indeed feel, because by being in communion with the Mother of God, you are in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, repairing the Laws of Creation that the human being of the surface has transgressed again and again. 

Thus, My children, today not only your spirits are benefited by the Non-material Source of Creation, but also the whole planet, faraway places in the world that experience chaos through the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature.

A bridge has been established between the spiritual universe and the material universe, simply because of your fervent and sincere prayer of the heart.

So the Mother of the World, the Mother of Humanity and the Mother of Nature can still govern in humanity, and through the Higher Laws, redeem the beings of Earth and regenerate the healing in essences that have been lost for having distanced themselves from God.

Today the Law of death stops in the world, because immortality, a non-material law, has won.

For a moment and in this instant, God grants His Grace and Mercy instead of His Justice in light of the serious outrages that the world has committed in the Kingdoms of Nature.

But this does not mean, My children, that human suffering will stop or be dissolved.

I invite your hearts and the hearts of the world to get out of this vicious circle, to set aside the suffering and the pain and thus enter into the happiness and the healing that God grants all your essences.

These times allow all events, that is why we are in the cycle of great opportunities, in which the Higher Universe can intercede for humanity and all the sacred places on the planet, invisible to physical eyes; they can also intercede for this humanity and for this Earth.

Open your inner senses and let your hearts listen to the Law of the Hierarchy, to all the beings of the Light, angels and archangels that are acting at this moment for the restoration of humanity, while your Heavenly Mother is present here with you, still pregnant, about to give birth to the New Human.

The Woman of the Light is pregnant and announces a new cycle to the world, the last cycle of redemption, in which all souls and all beings will have the door of Mercy opened so as to be able to enter and submerge themselves in the Ocean of the Grace of God, so that all that is mortal and all sin may be purified and all suffering may be dissolved in consciousnesses, so that spirits may be reborn in Christ.

Celebrate this time of great opportunities, in which the children of the Mother of the Sun hear the voice of the Heavenly Hierarchy, which calls them to work for the redemption of humanity and for the healing of all miserable beings.

Continue working like this for the times to come. Continue praying for the nations of the world as you have been doing and I, My children, together with Jesus and Saint Joseph, will be able to give you new supplications to be prayed, that Grace may descend on the world, so that everybody may have a great opportunity.

My wish is that just as I gestate the New Human, the new is gestated in your consciousnesses  through the attributes of prayer, of unconditional service, and the love that you are able to express and expand in these times, so that all may be repaired.

I tell you again that My Heart feels a deep joy in this moment for being here with you today, and in communion with all of Creation through the Kingdoms of Nature.

I have especially come to Camboriú to change this natural sanctuary into a natural Marian Center, which benefits all humankind through its angels and devas, so that the human consciousness may be redeemed.

My wish is that, without any transgression, the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation be established, so that souls may find their origin here through Mother Nature and Father Creator, by  the intercession of all its angels and all its devas, so that the human consciousness may be healed.

My wish is that a House of Prayer be established here in My honor that follows the principles of Nature without transgressing the Kingdom that is present here, because Nature itself will be the same manifestation of God that each pilgrim who comes here may find, to enter into communion with life and with the universe.

This Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation will foster the care of the Kingdoms of Nature, an awareness about life, and the protection of all that God has manifested through the Younger Kingdoms.

It will be a place in which all the Kingdoms will be able to pray as a single consciousness and as a single spirit.

My wish is that a fountain to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph be located here, placing his holy image near the rising spring that is here, without altering anything, so that souls may wash and purify themselves of their deepest spiritual wounds.

And lastly, for this Marian Center I wish for a new Blue Cross, so that the bridge between the spiritual universe and the material universe may be established.

A Cross of Blue Light that will illumine the consciousness of the Kingdoms, so that the human consciousness may be illumined and become aware of and have respect for everything that God has given you through the Creation.

The guardians of this place will be My children of the Order, as well as the sisters who have granted this space for the manifestation of the Kingdoms of Nature.

This intangible asset that descends to the material universe is a patrimony (heritage) of all, for the redemption of souls and the healing of hearts through the intersession of the Younger Kingdoms.

I also want this small island of salvation to have a house for the pilgrims, so that they may have an opportunity to withdraw into silence and prayer in this place, to be able to listen to God and implore Him for mercy for the world, for all the Kingdoms of Nature that daily suffer the perversions of humanity.

This point of light will expand through the consciousness of all who adhere to it. 

It will be a space to meet oneself, one's origin, with the Source and with God.

It will be a space to experience healing though service to the Kingdoms.

It will be a place in which souls can find forgiveness in a perfect solitude with God.

I will thank you for fulfilling this request, because it is already descending.

And now, in the face of all that God has created for His children, I will consecrate those who today will unite with My Heart, offering themselves as My children, on the path of prayer and of service.

Let those who will be consecrated today approach, and while you start to play the song of your consecration, I invite all the rest of My children of the world to place this burning desire in your heart, so that the Marian Center Sanctuary of the Creation may be raised, and its ardent foundations, its spiritual foundations be present in this world.

Children, you are the first that will help in this manifestation. Your souls have applied on this day for this moment and to take on this commitment with My Immaculate Heart.

My first request is that you pray together as many times you can, so that the manifestation of the Marian Center may take place, to honor Our Lady Aparecida and so that Brazil may finally be the Eden of God for these times.

Now place your requests in My Heart, and in the silence of your spirits, offer your souls to God for the conversion of humanity and the reparation of the Kingdoms of Nature, so that life on the whole surface of the Earth may continue regenerating.

Enter now into My womb of light, so that I may be able to help you to experience the change of consciousness, dissolving pain, alleviating suffering, and awakening healing in your hearts.

You, My children, are the first beings in this humanity who have offered to pray for the manifestation of this Marian Center, and especially for the worldwide healing of all the Kingdoms of Nature.

Your commitment will also be to pray the Mystery of the Rosary weekly for the Kingdoms of Nature and the devas, and so the angels of the nations may continue to intercede for each people and each race of this world.

Today you are before a great and infinite opportunity. This is the work of My Grace, of the Grace of God, that emerges from His Fount for all His creatures.

I thank Camboriú for having responded to My call.

In this place may souls always find peace.

May it be so.

I consecrate you, I bless you, and I declare My Love to you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All sing the hymn of your consecration.

I thank you!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
