Worldwide Communication to all the Followers of the Redeeming Work of Christ on Earth
Responding to:
In the Name of God, I declare the temporary suspension of the great and last event called "Sacred Week" so as to avoid humanitarian complications and, above all, complications of the order of the law of the Earth for those who prepare this event with so much love.
Therefore, in absolute obedience and resignation to the Divine Father, I invite you to follow this decision in trust and adherence, a decision that is part of a preventive and planetary measure that includes this Work and all its participants.
It is also to avoid disobedience and judicial and health outcomes that could compromise the continuity of the Community of Figueira.
So that the last events of the Sacred Hearts may be carried forward, I invite you to place your minds and hearts in God and humbly fulfill that which the nations and international health organizations dictate.
This decision is a divine strategy that will try to tear out the root that globally generated this paranoid global situation worldwide.
For this reason, the event of the Sacred Week will be postponed until the month of August, when the Spiritual Hierarchy will have a clearer vision of the possibilities.
I know that many of those who keep faith in My Messages have already scheduled their trips to this Sacred Meeting; I want each one of them to know that the Sacred Week will be postponed and it will be carried out in the month of August when a greater global diffusion of it will have been achieved.
I only ask you to trust and to understand that, above any humanitarian situation, the Hierarchy is protecting you and teaching you to comply with the Law of God.
All the meetings of the month of April will be retransmittions, except the vigils of prayer, which are very import events of planetary intervention, as well as the novena of preparation for the Sacred Week.
During the month of April of 2020, the meetings of the Sacred Week of 2019 will be transmitted. In this way, and from wherever you are, you will be invited to relive the passion of Your Master and Lord.
All these preventive measures will also protect you from being kept isolated for some reason and from not being able to return to your nations of origin. Before this happens, I invite you to withdraw and pray because the long days of darkness are coming for the whole world.
I bless you all and tell you to prepare for the month of August when we will together live the last Sacred Week.
I thank you for adhering to My Plan of love.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I come to give you My time because you need it, because you need to find the truth, which goes beyond forms and appearances.
You and many other human beings belonged to the ancient people of Israel, who with Moses traveled the path of freedom from spiritual and material slavery.
But the task was not finished. You, just like your brothers and sisters of the path, returned to the Earth to finish what was missing, and each one of you, and each one of the groups, were assigned a spiritual and material task, which, in the face of the Lords of Law, you were to fulfill, as dictated within the Heart of My Father.
Today I come to bring you the clarity of My Words, because the Hierarchy no longer has time, and that meaning is not symbolic.
The Plan of God was given out among beings and all creatures that, over the course of time, and even after the Ascension of your Master and Lord, were to accomplish this Project, thought of by the Father.
You who are here are to accomplish a part of this Plan, beyond your human, mental or spiritual condition; and God's appeal is that this should be concretized, that each of you should make your effort, with your surrender and your dedication, knowing that this whole Plan does not end only in what is material, but also in the concretization of that which comes from what is spiritual, and gives you the impulse to experience great changes.
I know that sometimes, or in many cases, you do not understand why brothers and sisters of the path have suddenly left.
The Will of God is happiness for all beings; it is not a condemnation or a punishment. God accepts the offerings of those who inwardly and silently surrender to God through the giving of self and through truth, and of these offerings, He makes miracles. And if it were necessary to take them with Him, to His Kingdom, is that something sad?
The joy of your hearts must be in the triumph of your brothers and sisters, and the victory of Love over evil. But you must appease your hearts, placate your spirits and, in this moment, receive the Love of God, Who wishes to lift you up to a Greater Life, toward an understanding of His Purpose and toward everything that the Father still must fulfill through you and your brothers and sisters, as long as you follow His Law and His Commandments.
You know that humanity is perverted and the planet suffers more each day through the Kingdoms of Nature.
Who will carry this heavy wood of the Cross on their backs that I today want to share with My companions?
Who will risk overcoming themselves in order to live a cosmic life and be able to embody the Gifts of God, which must urgently descend to Earth and to the human consciousness so that, as it was, much more than two thousand years ago, the people of Israel, who once walked in the desert, may finish what they came to fulfill at this time?
God will not ask the impossible of you. God will ask each one of you what you can truly give Him, this offering of your hearts and lives for a Greater Life, which cannot disappear from the consciousness of the men and women of the Earth; for if in this time spiritual life were to become disconnected from the human being, everything would be lost.
But even though many situations occur in the world, which are completely unknown to you, we still have time to build that which the Hierarchy needs and elevate to the Heavens the aspirations of each human heart, which, with compassion and fraternity, trustingly surrenders into the Hands of God.
Today, I come to bring you this message of the Father, because I made a commitment to Him, to tell you the truth and so that I can forge a spiritual and physical maturity within you that is necessary in these times, and which will help you to move forward with the Plan, without setbacks or delays; because what each one can give in this moment will help another brother or sisters in the world who is in darkness and who must achieve the Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens in order to live redemption and find peace, the peace that I bring you today, which is unchangeable.
Think of the possibility of this Grace. Meditate upon the opportunity that God gives you. Your paths can be full of many blessings and Graces, but you must be maturely responsive.
This is the time of planetary emergency. This is the time to fill everything with Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Where the Hierarchy is present, spiritual work can be carried out. Where the Hierarchy is not present, that work would require a great effort to be accomplished.
Where the Hierarchy is present, there are cyclical impulses that are given to concretize certain goals. Where the Hierarchy is not present, those impulses do not exist, because those impulses, which come directly from the Universe, are given by the Hierarchy itself.
Where the Hierarchy is present, laws, rules and protocols are followed so that, where the Hierarchy is present, it may be possible to learn to contemplate that which is smallest to that which is largest. Where the Hierarchy is not present, it is difficult to establish a protocol, a rule or a law that all are able to obey, because it will always end in something very concrete and human.
Where the Hierarchy is present, the different rays can be expressed; not only the material rays, but also the non-material rays, and this movement of the rays can be inwardly related to the virtues and the gifts of the servers that work with the Hierarchy. Where the Hierarchy is not present, the presence of the rays is not possible, because the Law is not present and the ideals or the preferences of those who participate prevail in a project that is not supported by the Hierarchy.
Where the Hierarchy is present, a government exists, an important and basic organization that allows projects to be accomplished according to what is established by Greater Laws. Where the Hierarchy is not present, a government exists that is generated and built by personal preferences, mental projections that are not based on equitable benefit, but rather on the fixed idea that tends to crystallize, or to subject a concrete form or a group of people.
Where the Hierarchy is present, there is divestment, constant surrender of personal will, trust in the unknown and love for the divine and cosmic Plan, all based upon continuous effort. Where the Hierarchy is not present, there exists personal advantages, systems or ways of governing a project that is led by the temperament, the ego or a limited vision of reality.
The basis for being in the Hierarchy is faith, and it is to open so as to be guided by the Greater conduction.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Certain Universal Laws sometimes fulfill and follow the mandate of a fundamental Law, such as the Law of Transmutation, which in this time is active and intervening as it has never intervened before.
The Law of Transmutation permanently prevents certain events from being triggered in humanity, or in a particular situation.
This Law assists in the spiritual unblocking of certain spiritual, mental and physical circuits that make it difficult for the Law of Harmony to be fulfilled.
Thus, the Law of Transmutation repels, and, at the same time, evacuates certain adverse currents that try to destroy the Plan of Love in humanity.
When this is about to happen, the Law of Transmutation enters into action to try to release and lead that which is impeding the flow of the Laws to other planes of consciousness.
In this time, the Law of Transmutation is present to grant the human hearts an opportunity to recreate their lives and their way of perceiving the reality of this cycle.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, My Solar Consciousness brings to completion the spiritual task that was carried out in the inner planes, in help and for the benefit of the recovery of the spiritual purpose of Uruguay.
It was in this inner work of souls where the Hierarchy, through everybody's adherence, was able to place its trust again. The Spiritual Hierarchy hopes that the adherence and correspondence remains alive, so that other inner opportunities can present themselves and, as a result, it not only helps the needy Uruguay even more, but also helps in the awakening of the consciousness, of all its inhabitants.
This will place Uruguay upon the path that it should always have been; which will happen from the point when certain terrestrial rules and laws are deactivated, which are the ones that compromised the country and spiritually defeated its inhabitants, leaving them in the world illusion and in indifference.
We aspire that a change of consciousness and responsibility can arrive to the Uruguayans, since the stages of the Plan that must be accomplished by the suns that are to be found here will be definitive stages in the area of the preparation for the return of Christ.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Souls sometimes choose to follow their own path, even after having been called by God to accomplish an important task.
When the soul abandons a call, that is undeniable and has a divine reason, it disconnects from the essence of its purpose and cannot evolve. It remains at the general level, as do souls that for some reason or motive have disregarded the call of God.
In this sense, the soul enters the planetary wheel of lessons, and everything that it could have avoided learning, upon responding to the call, turns into a scenario of endless experiences and continuous suffering, for having chosen the path opposite to Divine Will.
But those who make this choice, in opposition to Divine Will, and who have an eternal commitment with Me, forever lose the state of Grace, because they choose to experience the state of disgrace.
Souls do not believe that the Law is truly severe, because as above, so below, and thus, as within, so on the outer.
Nobody can hide their spiritual commitment with Me, as if wanting to hide from everybody the sun that shines upon them.
The one who misses the opportunity of fulfilling the divine summoning will never be able to be happy, because their spirit will remain in constant emptiness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Laws of Nature and of the Earth will be modified, because as they are not respected nor loved by humanity, they have undergone a polarization of their original form and, instead of being laws that assist in the correction of humankind of the surface, for all the serious things that the human race has done over the course of time, these laws have become a form of self-punishment for the planet.
This is the reason for so much adversity, even within nature, for great elementals and devas have been affected by the constant transgressions of humanity.
For this reason, the laws themselves have become a form of severe punishment against the human race through climate alterations, the severity of sea contamination, as well as the great natural areas devastated and exploited by the human beings themselves.
Everything must be redeemed and transmuted. The laws must be re-polarized so that, on a spiritual level, they may achieve the state that originally always corresponded to them.
It is time for the human being to take on the responsibility and the consequences of what they have generated and cease to blame God or that which is High.
It is time to repent from the heart so that the path of perversion and of chaos that today's human being experiences may be liberated through love and forgiveness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While in Colombia the natural riches continue to be removed from the depths of Mother Nature, in benefit of those who refer to themselves as first world countries, nature will show itself, because it is something very similar to the human being losing some part of its body. In this way, nature also loses parts, except that it does not scream in pain, although it vastly suffers. But it will show itself.
If Colombia does not prohibit the exploitation of its resources, and does not protect them from the ambition of humankind, the nation will come to know the untamable power that nature holds.
Do not give pearls to swine. The nations that call themselves powerful have impoverished all of South and Central America for centuries and, furthermore, they cause humble nations to become indebted, those that hold the best and most incalculable natural riches in the world and that are to be part of the New Humanity.
The debt of the exploiting countries is great and unknown. Let their inhabitants hold fast to prayer so that the impact and the effects of all that they do outside of the law may be gentle.
Nobody can surpass Creation, because Creation and nature exist to educate and instruct the human being, which is miseducated.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Many of My followers in South America and in the world would like to hear the word of the Hierarchy concerning that which our dear and subjected Amazon region is going through.
This is proof of the indifference of human beings and of the unconsciousness of those who take advantage of Creation and of the great regions of the planet that are exploited for the benefit of few and the poverty of the majority.
Humankind itself will realize too late all that it has transgressed and all that it has lost.
Therefore, what happens today in the Amazon region is an answer to the uncontrolled corruption and the excessive and sick exploitation of those who govern the nations, as well as a harsh consequence for those who have elected them.
In summary, all that the Amazon region is going through is not a punishment from God, it is a responsibility of the same humanity that believes to be powerful before the lower Kingdoms and the elements.
Yet, while humanity continues hurting the Amazon, the world shall know, even more, the fury and the indignation of the Kingdoms of Nature because the Law, which is stable and secure, cannot be transgressed.
Therefore, the groups of prayer must place the entire situation of the Amazon on another level of consciousness and not remain in the coordinate of judgments and of commentaries, for this strengthens the harassments of the adversary in the minds of the governors, in which he works in a hidden way.
Ask the Heavenly Father for only His Will to be fulfilled and do not hesitate even for a moment. Put your faith in the Lord and all shall pass.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Second Message
The revelation of the mystery is approaching the human consciousness. This is the moment of knowing the Truth deeply and of being able to penetrate this mystery through the revelation of its divine and cosmic knowledge.
Today I come again from the Sun because this is the universal star that rules and illuminates you, day by day.
In spite of what may happen, and before any event, the Sun, as an essence, gives you life, regeneration and healing.
For this reason, today My Message also comes from this place, from this Sun that governs this solar system and that concentrates many universal and cosmic Laws for the evolution of life and consciousness.
The Sun will be the witness of the events of the end of times on this planet and in its humanity, and in it, all the principles will be poured so that the solar system may be regenerated again and everything may start from scratch.
The Sun that rules you is not only a physical, material or cosmic element; it is an energy that has been placed within this system of life so that all could learn from it throughout the cycles and seasons.
Each element, just as each event, has its place and its hour. The Sun that rules you will enter a new state and a new form through its divine self-purification and that of its laws that are part of this Material Universe; laws that are also part of hundreds of Suns in other regions of the vast Cosmos.
In this Sun, you will find power plants for the regeneration of human essences and of their spiritual counterparts that will still have to live their redemption, purification and, lastly, their rehabilitation.
The waves that it will emit for these times will be intense and decisive. A part of humanity will identify this as a punishment, as a global imbalance, or as part of a universal event; although this is true, the intention and purpose is another, the Universe never stops and has never stopped, it lives in a constant dynamism and a permanent acceleration.
You, as humanity and as a planet, are within this system of life and within this system of evolution that reaches the deepest of your bodies, matter, cells and atoms.
The acceleration of these times is part of the acceleration of the Universe and of this solar system that prepares to enter into a new time that, spiritually, will not be so perceptible to all but that it will be visible in the movement of the laws of material life or, even, in the hands of a clock. Time seems to run and not be enough.
The transition of humanity and the apex of its great purification are approaching in order to enter the real time of the Universe, in which only the eternal present exists.
For this reason, the Hierarchies, throughout times and generations, through all ages and decades, have prepared the preamble for the entrance of this new time; otherwise, humanity would have suffered the acceleration of time too much, within its consciousness and spirit.
Universal assistance comes to the aid of all, the approach of the Hierarchy comes to the aid of all. It will only suffice to live the rules in order to fulfill the Plan and carry it out according to the Divine Purpose.
It will be worthless to do much in humanity if the mission is not based on love and truth, on transparency and obedience, fundamental attributes for the current times, when many spiritual and human manifestations will be presented and will convince the majority that they are real and autonomous.
Following the Hierarchy has a single meaning and a single aim, a single purpose, a single goal, which is to achieve the fusion in brotherhood, unity and with faith; attributes that promote the materialization of the Plan on the surface of this planet and in others.
The humanities of this Universe are offering themselves to help this current humanity, this race that comes from the Adams and the Eves and from a continuity of mistakes and faults that have taken place throughout the times and ages; but the end of the Law of Suffering is drawing near so that the doors to healing and relief of pain may be opened.
The more you cry out for My Mercy and for the Piety of God, the more the doors will open.
The more you demonstrate that you are understanding what We say and what We speak, the more the doors to Mercy will open and each one, in spite of where or how they are, will receive what they need. Trust in what I Tell you.
The Sun, for humanity, represents this spiritual fusion between souls and God, a fundamental principle that once had to be lived in the existence of the Adams and the Eves, but that did not succeed due to many different circumstances.
Now history will be recalculated and the Plan will deepen itself in the human consciousness so that every being on the Surface of this planet may keep clearly in mind what the Will of God means.
Do not fail to open your hearts to the mysteries. Drink from this Nonmaterial Fount that I bring you today so that your lives may be renewed and you may never, never be thirsty; because communion with higher life is possible while one lives this lower life on the surface of the Earth.
The School of the New Christs will be ruled by this master, the Sun of the Local Universe; the one who imparts many more energies and principles for human life, for the planet and the Universe.
From this Solar Fount, the New Time will be born and it will fill all Hierarchies and their disciples, all their servers and collaborators.
Now it is the time to take this leap and this step towards the fulfillment of the last part of the Plan, which is a responsibility of all, which is a responsibility of each one with God and the Universe.
The signature of your spirits has been conceived, the permit has been granted and the time is approaching for this event in which all, congregated in love, will internally prepare the emergence of this New Humanity that will cease to be mental so that it may finally be spiritual and divine, just as the Father has thought it since the Origins, since before the Universe and all of its life existed.
This Marathon means the passage into a new time and into a new spiritual energy conceded by the Hierarchy.
The past will remain in yesterday, the present will begin to be part of the future and the doors will open to a new cycle so that human consciousness may participate in the impulses that will come from the great master Sun.
May My Words be converted, in you, into a source of wisdom and clarity, into a source of discernment, healing and love; because the goal of all of this impulse is a greater goal, based on the Love of God and on the unity with the Supreme Source that rules you, since the origin of your essences in the Material Universe.
So that, finally, companions, you may be this spark of light for the world during the time of darkness and tribulation, so that more veils of the consciousness may fall from the faces of beings and the doors to knowledge and awakening may open.
Receive, then, all the assistance from this Solar Fount that will reveal itself to the world in a short while through its principles and signs, through its higher emanations and energies.
Come with Me to the Fount of the great Sun and let us commune, in essence, with the new life that will be free of errors, suffering and pain.
In the essence, the new being will be born, that will become like a Sun to illuminate the new times.
Receive My blessing and My understanding, My Grace and My Mercy for the times that will come.
Under this Sun that governs this part of the universal life, under the stars of this Universe that are witnesses of many experiences and lives, under the existence of the Material Universe and its powerful currents, attributes, rays and energies that are part of the elevation of consciousness and of the unity with God, I bless you for this new cycle, which will be sustained by your love and faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For Me, what prevails in you is not your imperfection but indeed your truth is important to Me; because in the truth of your heart you will learn, with comings and goings, to reach that truth towards inner freedom, where nothing remains imprisoned or bound.
This is how the truth of your consciousness before the Universe will allow your being to approach the Laws and, although they are unknown to human consciousness, you will be able to unite, in essence, to this great universal mystery.
Let this truth, that can be born from your being, help you radiate the essence and the Truth, beyond imperfection, because in this way you will attain Truth through transparency and you will be able to live a real life without illusions.
Through the Truth, you will be within universal balance, although you will still have to keep overcoming duality.
Then, serve yourself from the Truth so that It may take the first place within your consciousness; thus you will remain in the Father, and in the Heavenly Father you will live the Greater Will that brought you to this life.
Truth is based on the sincere love of the surrendered heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Alleluia"
In this song, the inner invocation is centered upon the receptivity of the consciousness when faced with the teaching and the knowledge given by its Master, that is to say, the Instructor; and in the openness to hear the Truth, in order to learn to follow the Law and to fulfill it.
This love for the Law will allow the soul to awaken even more to service, because it will lead it into seeking the good in all places and will give it the impulse towards the ardent aspiration of achieving, through devotion, the union with universal life.
The song also reveals that the disciple has no uncertainties about the great Hierarchy. This is because the faith of the disciple is concentrated upon learning to live and to love the Law of the Hierarchy.
This brings inner security in the steps, that must be taken, to someday concretize the experience of the mission to be accomplished in this world.
To carry out this experience, which will change the life of the disciple, the song indicates the way, saying that habits must change so that this experience of living the mission upon the Earth be real and have no oscillations.
All this surrender that will be achieved will be in the name of the Lord and for His Glory. This will lead the disciple into detaching from riches through the living of the Law.
So that this total experience may be reflected in the life of the disciple, he must gauge his strength during purification and not challenge evil.
Thus, in this resignation and surrender, he will emerge as chosen, among so many, to reflect only gratitude before the Messengers who fill Heaven with signs, determining for the spirit and profound for the transformation of the soul.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Songs of Figueira - "Come brothers"
In this song we find several keys that reveal to the consciousness the correct procedure to be able to access, in an appropriate way, the subtle vibrations of the Cosmos.
Beyond being a procedure itself, the song "Come brothers" represents an inner invocation, a call of the souls of the Earth that aspire to reach that union with the infinite and with all of its spheres.
In order for that to be possible, the song points out a few basic rules to be able to contact all that exists and all that inhabits the Greater Universes.
The first key is to change the attitude, to say "yes" through prayer, alignment and elevated singing; to change the vibration in order to be in the correct attunement and on the correct plane.
That door will open through the channel of devotion, because devotion will take us to express what we truly are, beyond appearances and methods.
When the consciousness manages to change plane and vibration through prayer or elevated singing, it is from that point that other Laws, attributes and principles, held in the inner world of each being, begin to be visible and available for the materialization of the Divine Will. Because on changing planes, the consciousness distances from errors and their consequences.
The second key presented in the song is the act of sharing, from inner world to inner world, all the good that each consciousness has, transcending the limits of their own provisioning and the distrust that may exist.
In that sense, dying to self, at each moment, the soul incarnated on Earth will be able to serve with joy to the inner siblings, and thus, the consciousness will be granted the cosmic grace of freeing itself from debts, breaking the ties and the limitations of matter, attaining, little by little, the phases of inner transcendence.
This awakens in the consciousness a sense for the reverent and for the sacred, merging its spirit into the song and into the honor to the inner siblings, creating in this way, an alliance with the Universal Brotherhood and opening the spaces to continue towards the infinite.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Some places in the world that express the beauty of the Creation of God are the spiritual spaces that need help the most, since upon them the perversion of human beings have been installed, making these spaces apt to that which is superfluous, non-equitable and apt toward imbalance.
On the other hand, there are simpler, not so beautiful places in the world, that manage to reflect the purpose for which they were created and, in this sense, humanity helps to sustain them.
This is the reason why the Sacred Hearts go to these space that from the beginning were manifested for all of humanity without any distinction.
A time will come when the hammer of the Law will strike with all its strength, vigor and power in order to break the malign structures of power and prestige that some regions of the planet have built for their advantage.
The Law of Justice will unmask all that is outside of it, and you must be prepared for this.
Therefore, before this time, the Lord of the Universe will come to ask for repentance from the great leaders of the world, those who make the poorest nations breeding grounds of slaves and exploitation.
The Lord of the Universe will give the riches to the poorest of heart and will take away the power from the hands of the arrogant.
Accompany Me in this purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Through the spiritual, educational, and academic formation of My Order, consecrated almost nine years ago, I will be able to be accepted, in a civilized manner, by the world and by cultured human beings, who do not believe that within My new apostles, there may be a source of instruction.
When I asked Peter to found My Church for future times I also asked him to form himself; this was for the purpose that he was to represent Me on Earth as a successor of Christ.
Today, in these very accelerated times, I come to ask for a continuity of the spiritual, educational and academic formation of the entire Order, in order that when I can no longer be present amongst you, the nations, the governments, the diplomats, the presidents and the religions of the world may provide a spiritual and physical space so that those who are Mine may testify to My Presence and that, within the laws of the Earth, there may exist a true acceptance of the spiritual mission that I have come to fulfill amongst you during these years.
For this reason, it is of great importance to Me that My faithful collaborators and followers help in the formation of those consecrated in this time and, above all, facilitate the means and the material resources so that these siblings of yours may be able to represent me in a dignified manner, in the coming future.
This will be of great help so that the Work of Mercy that I carry forward in this place of the world, and by means of the Marian Centers, may be recognized as a favorable and safe place for the devotion, prayer, and communion of souls within My Sacred and Glorified Heart.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the Celestial Universe everything has a Hierarchy and on the Earth there must exist an extension of this divine command.
Therefore, those who follow the rules will be protected from themselves and they will avoid constant futile falls that will lead them to the condemnation of the soul. It is only enough, My dear friends, that you look to your side in order to perceive at what point are the souls of the world.
A good disciple is attentive to the rules and they will always be a morning star for your path. If in truth the Eternal Father had not created obedience, the coming of Christ would have been difficult.
Therefore, from the beginning, when I was in the world I had to reunite the twelve, as they would be the living example of transformation and of obedience to My Inner Priesthood. It was in this way that throughout the times emerged the monastic orders, those that would preserve the spirit of the rule and of consecrated life.
It is necessary to accept the commands because they will always lead to a deep reflection about the aspects of life. I need disciples willing to incarnate inner obedience; this will lead you to meet with your true being and in this way you will ascend in consciousness to the Spirit of My Father.
Meditate on the vows that you have made with Me because they will preserve you for the critical moments.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My Words with the heart!
Christ Jesus
As long as you are in this world, life will be an exercise of constant transcendence and redemption.
For this, do not detain your steps on those things that form part of your indomitable human condition. Surrender to me, day by day, your little beings and drink from My Fountain of Mercy, which will free you from sin.
Let yourselves be brought to the Kingdom of Peace, and of absolute Love. Do not lose sight of My pilgrim footsteps, because I am by your side to teach you the correct use of the Law of the Lord. Affirm your life in the infinite purity of God, aspire each day to be less for yourselves and more for those who in truth need help.
The key for your constant purification is found in prayer and in faith; because through them you will strengthen the path of the living of your vows. I know with anticipation that you will fail Me, I know with anticipation that you will come to Me seeking internal strength, so that you may face your own inner battle.
I only say to you that bravery and love are needed to live in My Project, because to be blessed of spirit, you will know first the desert of you beings. But I will be in the desert to give to you drink from My Merciful Fountain of Pity.
Confess yourselves with Me, and only say to Me every day that you are with Me. Live in faith.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Many of those who should be together with Me were absorbed by the achievements of the world. For this I count on few disciples to realize My Redeemer Work on the entire world.
Some human eyes are spiritually blind and these, from remaining in a dark night, do not even see My Light that is approaching on the horizon.
I am gathering all of My flocks, those that have answered and those that have not answered Me because My Father will send for the second time His Glorified Son to separate the hard chaff from the beautiful and the good wheat. With the wheat that I may get I will, with My Hands, elaborate the new flour that will give the new Bread of Life for humanity.
In this way those who have persisted in faith to My Call, will eat of the Bread of Life and I will send to the ones who have distanced themselves from God to other points far from the Earth so that, recognizing their sins, they may serve God in reparation, conversion and redemption.
This new flour that many do not know is already being elaborated by My Holy Hands. For this, those who may want to eat of this Bread that will give you the Eternal Life again must search for it in the heart. This flour is the fruit of the wheat that has been well cared from the moment of its birth, well sown and, afterwards, well harvested. These wheat that were born and have been kept twisted by life will receive the opportunity of My Mercy. This will be before the rays of the great sun that illuminates your days radiates the Power of God upon the world, Power that will burn the impure and that will make to sprout again what has remained dry from the bad work of other hands.
For this try to have a pure heart so that the temptations and the rivalries of this world do not submerge you as they have submerged many of My flocks, those that now are sinking without direction and without harbor.
The law will allow you to correct life. Many have forgotten the keys of the Commandments. The time that approaches calls you to inner growth and for this you have Me, because My trust will never fail you, It will nourish you with My Supreme and Good Love.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
When the souls unite themselves to My Purpose of redemption, conversion and love, the wounds, opened by humanity in My Spirit, are closed by the impetus of the devotion and of the love that the souls have for My Merciful Heart.
For this, in these times, to live in the humility and in the simplicity of life without seeking any result for oneself quickly awakens the union of your hearts with My Christic Laws of Consecration and Redemption. In this way My Heart deposits upon the disciples the knowledge of the pure and of the divine so that you may always aspire to live this aim and this purpose.
As the times are changing quickly, My Peace impregnates all those who sincerely open themselves to receive it. For this reason My Heart nourishes the essences in fraternity and in love because all of them must be born to the Spirit of God as new dwelling places.
When I arrive to the world day by day I transmit to you My Sacerdotal Words, all those who open their ears to listen to Me receive from Me the invisible source of My Mercy. It arrives directly into your hearts and lives with the purpose of transforming you into servers of God.
I talk today to the depths of your hearts, seeking your true linking and union with Me in a true way so that may be filled that empty space in the consciousness, that which still needs much love and healing. My rays arrive to the world to be radiated upon all of the souls. In this way My Consciousness forms the new disciples and they, in love, encounter the true path that I indicate to them to pass through.
Without regrets nor spiritual pain I send through the world the soldiers who must announce again My Savior Words to the world but who also must consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart so that in their memories may be erased the past and enter the light of the Spirit of God.
Thus, it will be fundamental that all be more charitable because through the Source of My Mercy the evils that the world lives will be able to be remedied. Many will come closer to you because they will recognize My savior and luminous Presence, for this open yourselves so that My Heart may be able to redeem those who for a long time have been waiting to get to know Me.
Under the Divine Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My words with attention and for guarding them in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
My company by your side is perpetual, as My Love is unfathomable for all those who live Me from the heart. I Am here in Spirit in the Cenacle of Love so that My ones may learn to live under the laws of redemption.
Always guard a moment for the encounter with Me, either in quietness or amongst the souls and in this way you will allow that My rays always permeate and you will encounter a true rest in the depths of My Sacred Heart.
Today I bring to you renovating words that may be able to reignite your hearts and to mature your consciousnesses. I Am the One who renovates all from epoch to epoch and who permeates all the universes with mercy and love because My Spirit comes from the Father and the one who comes to Me will directly encounter the Kingdom of Love and Peace.
The one who seeks the law will find it, because in the law one will be able to live in order to thus be in the balance and in the harmony of the universe. For this seek Me above all things, above all, whenever you do not feel the strengths and the vigor to call Me. I Am the One who gives you the impulse to follow through the path of liberation and of transcendence. I Am with you in spite of all.
Under the Spiritual Unity of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My commandments in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more