Dear companions:
It rejoices Me to know that those who say that they love Me and adore Me are gathered under the love and the mercy of My Heart.
For them I gave life and for them I will return to give them the eternal life of the spirit. For them I present Myself because I know that, despite the atavisms, there still exists the true burning fire of devotion that lights up in love in each heart.
I seek those who are simple and pure of heart, I gather them so that they may take My Message to those who still do not call Me, do not live Me and do not adore Me. And at the end, when I return as the Holy Spirit in the Glory of My Father, I will not be the judge who will condemn you but I will be the Great Brother of Love who will liberate you from sin and who will transform you into precious essences for God.
For this in this time I call only those who answer Me and those who encourage themselves to go through My Fire of transfiguration. I want My Familiars empty as is nothing and full of the love of My Sacred Heart because, at least with the few that I count on, I must rebuild the world before My Loving Coming.
I only seek those who have failed Me, those who ignore Me, those who have not trusted in My Divine and Savior Project because I love them, I love them as a part of the perfect Creator Design, a place from where they were truly born to be love and manifested life.
Dears, I hope that you never get tired to seek Me nor to call Me because My Heart observes some fallen faces and some ashamed gazes that do not want to look at Me.
To them I say: come to Me and quench My thirst that the world awakens in My Being from not living the law of love!
Raise your faces and trust that all is in the Will of the Lord!
Come to Me and drink with Me from the chalice of salvation and redemption.
My dears:
I need you, I call you and I seek you, I await the infinite transcendence of My Servers. I will thank you for your honest compassion with Me and with your brothers and sisters.
Courage, because I always wait for you!
Under the Grace of God, be blessed in love and in truth.
Thank you for listening to My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Feel the subtle perfume of My prayers for humanity. Guard in your hearts the essence of faith. Awaken in your hearts the call to hope. Aid humanity together with Me by means of the prayer of the heart.
Dear children, accept My Good News because Jesus wants to dwell in your hearts forever. My children, today I call you to pray for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and for the salvation of humanity. You hold in this world the greatest treasure that God has given you: nature, His Creation.
For this reason, dear children, pray for the salvation of each one of the elements of Creation. May your prayer reach the Heavens so that it may be heard by the Heart of God.
In your hands is the possibility of Mercy for the world. In your hands is prayer, the path towards the new and the good, the hope of a better world, which must live under the Laws of Love and Peace.
Little children, for all that to be possible you have the presence of My Helping Heart, of My maternal gaze upon each one of you. As the Queen of Peace I ask you to strengthen the path of prayer that you are lovingly realizing.
Know, dear children, that each moment of prayer helps a soul of this humanity.
When I call you to prayer I am calling you to become conscious before the need of Mercy. As the Lady of Graces I give you My Maternal Blessing and I invite you to go forward.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I will not tire of coming into your lives because as the Mother of Mercy, the merit for all the souls of the world is salvation.
Dear children, with your hearts open you will reach eternity, therefore today I invite you to consider the life of prayer as primordial. In this way your lives will be within the Kingdom of the Creator. My children, as the Lady of Peace today I ask you to pray, to pray with your hearts because the whole Uni- verse of God is attentive to the supplications of all My children.
My dear ones, sustain prayer with steady hands so that it, as Light in the world, may be able to aid those who need it the most. Open the Doors of the Heavens through prayer because everything is allowed when it is born in a pure way from the heart.
Today remain in Me and do not fear for anything; now is the moment to revere the One who has created you out of love and devotion. He is your Only and Omnipotent God.
Dear children, the time of Mercy is passing fast in the life of all souls. Do not delay in calling for the Divine Presence that is born in the surrendered and loving Heart of My Son. All are invited to live in this unfathomable Presence of Jesus. The Priest of Love, with His open arms towards the world, awaits you and tells you that now is the moment to prepare the Inner Temple for His return. The sacred words pronounced in the past by the Redeemer will become true in these current times.
My children, wait day by day for the silent coming of My Son. He is your Guiding Star; He is the Fount that will quench any thirst that your hearts have in these moments.
Drink from the Fount and wash your faces with the Divine Water that has sprung from My Son, because it will be in this offering from Jesus that you will find the Law of Love.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today I call you to revere God, the Great Creator of the Universe. Each new day must be a praise to the Lord because in this way your lives will be partakers of His Law of Love and Forgiveness.
My children forget the Eternal Father. Today I remind you that you must always return to the Universe elevated, as souls, through prayer. Wait with joy for the coming of the Messenger of God, the King of the Redeeming Love, My Glorified Son, because while waiting, you are opening your hearts for the new that comes from Jesus.
Revere the Creator as a Path of Consecration of your lives to the Will of the Father. Know, My children, that in each act of reverence you will be praising God and in this way you will form part of the harmony that the world needs and has lost because it forgot to praise the Creator.
Today I invite you to remember this act of reverence because it will lead you to live in the devotion of the heart, a pathway that opens to the encounter with faith.
Dear children, if humanity loved God the Creator, the plans would already be different. As a Mediator, I want to make you discover His Love in each one of your hearts. It is time to recognize that without Jesus, you will not be able see the path clearly. Jesus is the vision that, as Light, illuminates life in order to redeem it. And for this to happen, it is important to pray with the heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
.I come to you to give My Message of Peace for those who suffer and lack Jesus, the Consoler. My Son is eternal consolation because His Spirit heals the souls to redeem them and liberate them from all faults before God.
Therefore, dear children, search today for Jesus, the Consoler, through prayer so that your souls may be partakers of Divine Mercy. Recognize, My children, that without Jesus you will be nothing. He is the power that vitalizes you and leads you to find the spring of love, the unfathomable source of forgiveness that many of My children need.
In this aspiration, raise all pleas to Heaven so that My Maternal Heart may be able to collect them and keep them as a gift in the Eternal Heart of God.
Many of My children expect good times for life. They are the ones who do not change in the heart. Therefore I invite you to prayer, to elevate the thought towards God and thus allow His One and Only Law, the Law of Love, to act on the reality of your lives.
My children, for the new Holy Spirit of Peace to fill your hearts, first you need to erase from them all pain or separation that exists among creatures. You, as praying beings, already know that humanity is very divided before God for the lack of true charity towards others, charity that starts with the emanation of the love of the heart.
Never forget, My little children, that the Love of My Son, which must reside in your hearts, is the Love that will allow you to heal all the past. Follow the steps of My Immaculate Heart.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
When the souls open themselves up to answer My call of Peace God’s Will is manifested in all that is Creation and Life. The hearts receive the Law of Love and of Grace because your lives are touched by the merciful love of God through My Son. Christ teaches you to walk in truth, in purity, and in transparency because your lives for this time must be as crystalline as water, as pure as the soul, and as joyful as the heart.
My children, for the answer of all of you to My maternal call today I thank you for the perseverance and the for faith of all of you. While you keep imitating the path of My Beloved Son, you may aid humanity, not only through the prayer from the heart but also through the humble service of each one of your little hearts for all My children that are spread over the face of the Earth.
For this dear children, allow that from you may shine My Hope for the conversion of all, in this way My Peace and My Maternal Heart will aid everyone a while longer and the conflicts will disappear before the presence of My Immaculate Love.
Today I give you the light from the Fountain of Graces of God the Father so that all of you as ONE may walk in the redemption of life and of the heart.
Know dear children and remember that you count on the loving help of the guardian angels. They are the breath of God’s Love on Earth and they wait to be welcomed and received by each one of your little lives.
I always bring you close to My Son, the Resuscitated Christ, so that in communion and in prayer with Him you may find the new path to God.
I thank you for answering My call.
Light for the whole Earth!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Dear children,
Open the pure fountain that exists in your hearts and with Me bring the Law of Love to your brothers and sisters.
My children, for the immense support that emanates from My Heart to your lives, I come to you to cause you to grow so that, when you grow, you may be able to take the steps towards the Kingdom of My Father.
Dear children, walk as children in order to be able to get to My Son, to His arms, which are the perfect path to reach His Most Holy Heart. Through this path, My children, you will help in the conversion of the world and, especially, of many souls that lose themselves each day. For this reason, beloved hearts in redemption, accept the path of peace that, through prayer, I invite you to travel.
Dear children, do not forget the gifts of peace that your hearts are holding, share the path daily with your souls so that the Spirit of God may remain in your hearts.
Beloved children, remember that the transformation of your hearts and of your lives will collaborate with the change of the world and of humanity.
With the hope of being in My Son, you will be able to relieve the burden of the pain that the world lives.
I want to tell you, My children, that each one of you has a key to the conversion of the heart.
Live with Me, I feel you and know you deeply.
Rejoice your hearts for the presence of My Celestial Peace.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
May your hearts smile today so that the flowers of God may sprout and blossom in them.
Little children, keep with fondness the Presence of the Heart of My Son. In this way, He will make you walk towards the Kingdom of the Lord, in which you should always long to live and to remain eternally.
Today I invite you to let peace spring from the depths of your souls. Many hearts await kind souls that may be able to radi- ate peace and love to repair the pain. This is why I prepare you daily so that you may live in My school of prayer. A good disciple lives with faith the precepts of the Master of Love, and in this way, begins to travel the paths of love and hope, which are necessary for many souls that are alone.
Dear children, each prayer is a new mystery of faith that reveals itself to the life of souls. For this reason I invite you to be before the Divine Spirit of the Father so that all may begin to live His Laws of Love.
Dear children, you are all called to the conversion of the heart and this begins through the deep love that your hearts may be able to radiate to others and towards the world. If humanity could love beyond life and heart, the world would change and the opportunities for salvation would reach many children.
I call you to be part of the groups of prayer consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so that God the Father, in His Infinite Mercy, may contemplate the world with compassion and love. Each prayer that is pronounced with firmness and devotion will permit that more souls separated from the Light may be elevated by the inner strength of My Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, we are still in time so that many souls, in an act of reconciliation, may be able to approach My Son. With True Love, He awaits them to show them the immensity of His Goodness and His Humility.
The school of prayer is for all the souls that aspire to enter it and for those who have not found the Light of the Celestial Kingdom that My Heart is offering you daily. Let us love with honesty and let us relieve the world from its own pain. All have been called to the hour of total reparation of that which your souls have not done well. You have been called to the hour of Redemption.
Thank you for responding to My eternal call.
Light in the hearts of the world,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Live under the Law of Love. Walk without pause towards the Kingdom of the Lord. In confidence feel the Peace of My Heart in your heart. Renounce the past to be able to live in the new.
Rejoice your soul when you sing to God. Smile to the life that has been given and entrusted to you. Live the example of humility for life. If your heart is tired, withdraw your soul within My Immaculate Heart. If your heart is discouraged, listen to My voice that comes from the Heavens. Await with hope for what will later come as Good News.
Listen with attention to the sign of the Lord, because it may now be the time of your calling and of your awakening. Find in prayer the moment for your perfection, surrender and giving. In this way the souls that are thirsty for God will avail themselves of your service. Accept with gratitude the changes in life, thus you will understand the mysteries of the universal divine plan.
Unite your heart to the heart of each brother and sister, be a link that forms part of the great chain of fraternity. Imitate Jesus and live each day in Christ Jesus so that you will be able to follow from up close the footprints that His Sacred Heart leaves. Embrace with your soul the new time, live the Hour of Peace in this moment.
Work as a worthy child of God in the unity of the hearts; do not divert your heart from the purpose so that it may always be able to see the path. Surpass, with courage, the shadows that the life of transformation brings; withdraw your heart within the Kingdom of Redemption. Allow yourself to feel in your life the divine power that rules each creature; unite to the Omnipotence of God.
Bring your life close to the Lord; feel from up close the power of His Love. When you reach the emptiness in all, you will allow the Source to fill the amplitude of your heart. Be born again with joy so that all may live under My Grace.
Dear children, today I call you to the reflection of the heart so that all may unite to the one and only principle of life, which is God.
Let us pray for those who are in the ignorance of the heart.
Peace for all. Faith for each heart.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
May today My Peace reign in your hearts. Whoever searches for this Peace will find Love. Whoever is in My Divine Love will find trust for the path. Whoever lives in the trust of God will find relief, because everyone will be under the Will of God.
In this way, My dear ones, the path to consecration is revealed.
Dear children, today I invite you to watch over the consecration in each one of you. It is a precious gift that God is conceding to your souls. The true consecration begins with our trust in prayer. From that, My little ones, the Celestial Universe opens itself so that in each hour of life, you may be able to see and feel the Will of God.
In this way, dear children, you will know how to live in peace, in the peace of the heart. Let us go together to the encounter with God; My Immaculate Heart will safeguard you on the path through which each one of your hearts has decided to pilgrimage. Walking in the Will of God you will understand that your little human wills must unite to the One and Only Will. This exercise of humility and surrender will allow you to strengthen prayer and in this way peace in the world will be able to reign for longer.
Dear children, in these times, each moment that passes in life must be a constant searching for the Will of God. In this way, all of the hearts will be able to enter in the Celestial Laws, the ones that your souls must recognize and love. Today, live under the first Law of Love. The world needs the compassionate and humble love among all My children so that each day it may be able to be relieved a little more.
The mission of each one of you will be to aspire to encounter the Divine Law that humanity has lost, the law that manifests itself between souls and God. For this reason I come not only to give to you the Inner Peace that many desperate souls search for. I also come to reconcile and redeem the hearts that have distanced themselves from God.
Our Most High Lord guards you; the Divine Love is for all of your hearts. I am here to guide you.
In infinite trust for the Celestial Father,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more