Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I elevate your consciousnesses to the heart of the universe, so that, just like the Hierarchies, you may contemplate the existence of My Spiritual Government. This is what humanity needs to recover peace and inner unity among creatures.

The Spiritual Government of Christ is the authentic expression of the Law. The Law leads the manifestation. Just as it was at the beginning, the Law of the universe continues to act, although at this moment the planet and humanity are not fulfilling the Law.

Re-establishing the Law of the universe in this world will be one of the great tasks of the Master. Because it will be from this operation and movement that, from the spiritual plane to the material plane, the Law will re-establish unity of the human consciousness with the Source and consequently, it will re-establish unity and communion with all the Laws of the universe.

I know, companions, that while this world lives duality, attaining union with the Law of the universe will be a great effort, because you will have to climb several steps in evolution until you are united, in your inner consciousnesses, with the Higher Law.

If the world, from the beginning, had understood the Laws of the Commandments revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai, I assure you that today there would be no need for purification, no inner or external purification, because the Laws of the universe help the human consciousness to transcend itself, the Laws of the universe help the human being to live fidelity to God and, at the same time, the Laws of the universe help the transparency of the human consciousness itself.

But these attributes in this end time, the attributes that are provided by the Laws of the universe and, in this case, through the Commandments themselves, have been attributes discarded by the greater part of the human consciousness.

In this deep reflection and meditation which I bring to you, see in this present time, the result of the decisions that were made by humanity and, even more, see the result of the individual decisions that each being has made in this time. And in this way, you will understand and know who is and who isn’t in the Law. But I do not come, at this moment, to bring you something severe or rigid, because the very Laws that governed the people of Israel in those times, were lived in a rigid and very severe way.

This, companions, is not God. Through His Laws, He wants you to live His Mercy. Through His Laws, He wants you to live a communion with the Divine Plan and that, through each cycle and each time that presents itself to you, through the different moments of life, you may contemplate and observe how you can gradually concretize this Divine Plan on Earth.

Because this Divine Will, which God presents to you, is not something personal or a group thing, it is a Divine Will expressed by the unity of beings and consciousnesses. It is a Will that grants, through the Laws, the possibility for souls to live their spiritual commitment without having great delays in taking the steps the universe needs you to take, so that, at each stage, through the souls that offer themselves as Instruments of God, the cycles of the manifestation of the Plan may be fulfilled.

This Work, conceived for Christ for so many years, has lived a special guidance to concretize the Plan of manifestation. You can see that with your own eyes, as this has happened even on the material plane.

However, if from the beginning, through the founder of this Work, there had not existed this fidelity and transparency toward the Law, in a simple yet profound way, in a self-given and surrendered way, just as its founder surrendered his live to the Plan, I assure you, companions, that there would not be a single brick manifested here.

Do you understand what it means to live communion with the Higher Laws?

This is fundamental and essential for this time. Although you do not understand the depth that the Laws have, although many in this time do not know the basic Laws of the universe, Our Words and Our Messages, the Message of the Spiritual Hierarchy itself, demonstrate to you the path to live in the Law.

And it is not through complex or difficult actions, it is not through very transcended or unattainable actions, it is not through an absolutely transformed, though imperfect life. Because you will be able to live the Law through the simplicity of the heart, through not allowing yourselves every day to stop being true, first to yourselves, and then to your brothers and sisters.

This will allow you to live in the Law day by day, and by being true and authentic to yourselves, you will be able to take the first steps of transparency so that you may then live the steps of consecration, which is gradual and infinite.

Because I want you to know, My friends, that consecration is granted by living and experiencing the Law and that after this life on the surface of the Earth, you will continue to live the infinite path of consecration until your souls, and above all your essences, merge with the Source, being nothing so as to be in the All. And from this absolute nothingness, when your experiences will merge with the Source, a new experience and a  new learning will emerge, which will take place on other planes of consciousness, in other dimensions and in other spheres.

And thus, your essences will continue to evolve with all that you have learned on Earth, after you have lived your own spiritual judgment before the Lords of the Law, who rule this material universe. That spiritual judgment is not about condemnation or punishment, it is rather a profound synthesis in the consciousness, in the soul and in the spirit.

And at that hour, when you have evolved through the Law, after you have passed to the next world, you will become aware of all that you have received and lived here, even what is apparently difficult and painful, even all that which weighs on your back as a heavy cross. Because if the Son of the Father lived it in His own flesh, what is the reason that you cannot live it?

Evolution cannot be compared to a painful or unattainable path. Evolution is sustained through degrees of love. And it is in these degrees of Love, in the daily routine of your lives and all your experiences, that you will be able to understand the manifestation of the Law and its concretion on the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental and material.

Thus, I need to prepare what is deepest in you, what you know as the essence of life, for what will come in the next time, in the preparatory time for the Return of Christ.

This is the reason for My Presence here, not only to bless again My little Holy Land, but also so that, within yourselves and through yourselves, you may yield the fruits that God needs at His Altars, to be able to reach the time of redemption.

Within what is most intimate in your hearts, hold each treasure that I give you. In the innermost depth of your essences, hold each impulse that I give you, and allow these seeds of Light, which I give you today, to germinate in the coming times, and to someday be converted into the spiritual fruits that may serve as help and collaboration for the rescue of the planet and humanity, to prepare the Return of Christ.

Do not fail to be attentive to all that I have told you. You now know that this is My last time with you, because the time of the final decision will come for each one of you.

I want you to know, companions, that each step in life must be a final decision that will place you near or far from God, for the decision depends on each one of you, the decision that you may be transformed, the decision that you may be redeemed, the decision that you may be transfigured, the decision that you may be converted, the decision that you may be consecrated, the decision that your lives may be totally different forever.

Thus, I will be able to deposit My legacy in brave hearts, and I will pour out My Graces upon the hearts that supplicate, because the abundance of My Spirit is inexhaustible, and I want and wish that your spirits may merge with My Spirit, to be united to My Christic Love.

May the Lord, God of the Universe, renew the spiritual foundations of this Work and of all works of charity in the world, so that the Spirit of Peace may reflect itself upon the Earth, and so that, through all the self-given and surrendered servers in the whole world, the human fraternal attitude and the common good may be re-established in the whole world.

I leave you My Peace, so that you may be My Peace in these times of great challenges.

Remember that I Am present in all Tabernacles of the Earth. And whenever you may be before a Tabernacle, adore the Eucharistic Jesus, so that souls no longer suffer, and that the whole world may recover justice and hope.

I thank you for being with Me once again.

Let us continue forward in Holy Communion.

May God protect and bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I Am the Lord of Africa and I give to eat of My Body, I give to drink of My Blood, to those who cry out for help, for spiritual help.

From the desert of Sahara to the lands of Yemen, from the heart of Ethiopia down to South Africa, My Powerful Cross extends itself, the Cross of the spiritual freedom of souls of Africa, an unimaginable service that many do not want to experience.

Because it is not just about dirtying one’s hands or entering the greatest and inexplicable suffering of those who have nothing, but rather about My Africa having a treasure that is still unknown to the whole world, which is the treasure of the heart of My African children, which is filled with love, although surrounded by suffering; filled with faith, although disturbed by misery; filled with purity and innocence, still living in slavery.

The Lord of Africa will return to His people, first giving the great sign of His Advent through the powerful Light of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will extend itself throughout this dear and beloved continent.

Few are the ones who have committed to Me in this arduous and difficult service for the souls of Africa.

Who else will respond to My Call, leaving their emotions and restlessness behind, assuming the torch of the Light of Christ, which must shine and illuminate all of Africa through servers and missionaries?

Have you perceived yourselves as part of My Light in humanitarian service for this civilization of the surface?

Have you perceived yourselves as part of My Love at each place visited, in which self-giving must be spontaneous and authentic?

I come as the King of the African continent, Who guides the souls of this continent through the Scepter of God. Because despite what happens in these times, and the aggressions that all nations of Africa live, all souls of this continent are under My Light. This is why I will come first for each one of them, for those who served Me and for those who denied Me.

I will appear, at the end of these times, in an inexplicable way. I will give visible signs, just as I did in Israel, so that My companions may recognize Me.

I will come in a form stronger than the Eternal Light, and I will again work prodigies and miracles for those who do not have faith.

But above all, I will live a great moment with My children of Africa, when I will not only be able to embrace each one of them with the power of My Love and My Mercy, but I will also be filled with the love of each one of them, because their voice is heard in the Heavens, the voice of the peoples of Africa resounds in the Ears of God.

Therefore, trust and have faith. The moment of liberation is near, and not even one more tear will roll down upon the face of My children of Africa.

Happy are those who give of themselves for Africa; all My servers and companions who, beyond themselves, have clarity in their minds about what this great service for souls means and represents.

Happy are those who carry with them My code of Love; those who do not fear darkness, obscurity, misery or infirmity.

Blessed are those who serve in Africa without fear.

Blessed are those who have served in Africa at some moment of their lives, because the Lord has everything in His mind and in His Consciousness.

These are the precious pearls that are gifted to the Creator, through the effort and transmuting sacrifice of My missionaries, because I assure you that you partake with Me in the suffering of the Heart of the Redeemer. And each time you carry forward My service for the souls of Africa, you remove from My Heart the thorns that perpetually make me agonize.

Because not only have I made My Mercy known to the world. Today I also made known to the world the Sorrowful Heart of Jesus, to those who have clarity about the Call that I make to them, the Call for crossing the walls of egocentrism, to give of themselves to the world in a true, authentic and simple way.

I Am the One Who announces the coming of that which is new to all of Africa. Because the Lord of the Universe never tires. There is so much to do and so much to serve, that My apostles, My true apostles, do not have time to think of themselves, for their time is to place the other first, even in that which is smallest and most invisible.

If your consciousness starts from this principle that I present to you today, you will fear no other mission or challenge that I may place before you and you will be able to be living testimonies of My Presence in the world, in the places where true suffering exists, where peace, love and tolerance are lacking.

This is what I have to offer to you: that you may partake with Me in this end of times through humanitarian service and your self-giving.

Because a true missionary never goes ahead; a missionary of the Light foresees the Plan, makes it a part of themselves and internalizes it, so that this Plan may be concretized and fulfilled, just as it has been written in the Heavens since the beginning.

Because a missionary of the Light is always unconditionally prepared and available; they have their heart ready to face with Me the end of times. And the center of their principle is the unfathomable Flame of My Love, which is never extinguished within them, because it is the Flame of My unfathomable and invisible Love that guides and leads them. It is the Flame of My Love that grants them the discernment, the science and the wisdom to choose.

This is why, after this August 8, I come to offer you this synthesis.

I wait for the hearts that have decided to be available to Me until the end, wherever it may be, regardless of the place, the moment or situation. With them I will make all things new, and the light of My Heart will always be abundant for those who day by day confirm themselves to Me.

I will give you the power of My Fortitude so that you may serve Me wherever I need you. Because not only can you be the Light of Christ on Earth, through the hands that give of themselves and embrace suffering in themselves to transform it into relief, love, healing and redemption; but to the missionaries who are decided, I will also grant My Divine Thought so that they may spiritually build with Me the foundations of My Return.

If you feel stagnant, blocked or even closed, ask yourselves:

How is my service to the Lord? Is it authentic? Is it strong? Is it a decided service?

Am I really available for the Plan?

Do not fear transformation; as of now, change the concept and the idea of what it really means. If twelve fishermen converted into My apostles, what could you convert into today, in these end times?

My Graces for all have been so abundant and infinite.

My Love for all hearts has been vast and profound.

Africa and the world wait for you so that you may be bridges of solution, bridges of reconciliation, so that you may be centers of love and light in the world. Thus, you will unconditionally allow Me to work. And I will show you, I will make you feel, what that joy means and represents, the joy of serving God without anything in return.

Today, you conclude the preparatory schools, tomorrow begins the school of maturity and absolute surrender.

I come here to throw the seeds into the hearts that offer themselves as a fertile soil to sow My treasures in themselves, and offer, as trees of light, to someday yield My fruits in abundance. Just as some of Mine, in these times, are yielding fruits in abundance and with effort, but this is not enough. I must gather the 144,000 from the four corners of the Earth so that they may wait for My arrival and My Return. And so that My Return may be announced to the world, just as I announce it to you once again.

The time of My reappearance is approaching, and you will find Me among the humble and the simple, among the refugees and the discarded. You will find Me among the children, the youths and the adults who cry out for hope. You will never see Me in palaces or churches.

I have said to you once, as I said to My apostles, that the Kingdom of God is within each one of you, and that is where I forever want to be.

Are your hearts willing to receive Me eternally?

I do not need answers. I need confirmation and predisposition. This is how you will understand what I say to you out of Love, this is how you will be part of My Spiritual Government and be My instruments upon the surface of this planet, so that the true Spiritual Government of Christ may descend upon humanity, mend the errors of all the wars that are experienced today, extirpate the impunity of many rulers, and relieve the great multitudes and peoples who live oppression and evil in these times.

I promise you that I will come as the New Aurora, as that dawn which appears in the firmament. In the same way, My Most Holy Mother will appear, and many will see Her unknotting the great ties of the planet in the domes of churches and in unimaginable places.

Be attentive to the signs of the heart, because all is permitted.

Today, the Lord of Africa leaves this Message to you. Do not take it as a warning, take it as an opportunity for preparation, for the last and great preparation after this August 8, when the last part of the Apocalypse will be unleashed.

In this most difficult hour which the world now lives, I will return as the Lord of the Night, but also as the Lord of the Sun. Believers and even atheists will not be able to hide My Presence.

Happy will be eternally those who will see My Return. Blessed will be forever those who have striven for Me until the end, even without knowing how to do it.

Because, in this most difficult hour of the planet, as it was at Pentecost, I will send you the Great Consoler, the Divine, the Eternal and Sublime God, to make of your hearts and souls great strongholds so that as soldiers of peace and warriors of Mercy, you may serve Christ in the end of these times, because in this way you will make My Heart triumph when you are decided.

With all My treasures in your hearts and souls, make My Presence in the world count, and honor it because, just as I called the twelve at the shores of the Sea of Galilee, today I come to call all to be by My side and follow My Steps, the steps of your own liberation.

For all those who strive, I thank you.

For all those who are confirmed, I bless you.

For all those who serve the poor among the poor, all those who serve those who must recover their values and human dignity, making of each service a moment of great fraternity, I praise you and honor you in the name of My Celestial Father.

Because the signs of your sacrifice and surrender will leave marks in the Heavens and after this great service on the planet, your spirits will return to their origin, where they will serve the Creator Source with all the experience of the love and redemption lived.

And all this legacy, that is from each one of you through your own efforts and surrender to Me, will become a new star in this vast cosmos. And those who come later, in times to come, after they have been born on this Earth and are a part of the New Humanity, will look at the sky at night and will see many stars, as you see them today in the sky. And those recently incarnated souls will recognize the legacy that you will have left in the name of Christ, your Lord. Amen.

Let us joyfully prepare for this Spiritual Communion, reaffirming the Call of your Lord in your hearts. And we will do so through a song, the song that represents My Call for each one of the souls, that song that recounts the passage of Christ as a fisherman of souls at the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

This is what I want you to sing to Me, because do not forget, I Am with you, and you can be in Me.

I Am the Nazarene, the One Who preached, the One Who announced the Good News, Who healed and liberated hearts. I Am the One Who multiplied loaves of bread and the fish, I Am the One Who walked upon the waters, and Who invites you to do the same for the triumph of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I bless you and again give you My Peace, the Peace that will always strengthen you to move forward, trusting, without fear of anything.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray:

For the sake of the Sacred Cloth,
that enveloped and transfigured Jesus,
restore us, Lord.
(eight times)

I want you to remember, each day of your lives, what your Master and Lord lived and suffered for you.

I want you to not only give honor to My Passion, but also give glory and recognition to the merits attained by the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Because, I tell you again, as I have told you many times, that in the experience I had there on Earth lies the whole Legacy that humanity needs in order to be redeemed and Christified.

Today, in a special way, and, I would even say, in an extraordinary way, I again bring you the power of the Holy Shroud, because humanity needs this Holy Shroud so as to be cured and healed.

My Heart, overflowing with Mercy, cannot bear the suffering of souls, especially the souls that suffer within their physical bodies.

Count on My prayer before the Celestial Father, for all those who in these times suffer and have to endure diseases. But I assure you that the worst disease in this world is  indifference toward the suffering of those who are unprotected and helpless.

I want to heal, in these times and through My Mercy, all souls who experience indifference, those who lose their sensitivity and even lose sight of what it is to love. I also place My Holy Shroud on all these souls that are away from God, just as I also place it upon each one of you today.

It was this humble but powerful Cloth that My Holy Mother and the holy women used to envelop My suffering Body, My Body that was martyrized and outraged by the sins of the world.

Today, your Redeemer comes to knock, He comes to open the door of your inner sepulchers so that you may resurrect in spirit.

By the power of My Wounds, by the Light of My Precious Blood, today I come to offer the most intimate core of My Being and of My Consciousness for souls to be healed internally, so that external healing may be a reality.

If people do not heal their souls, they will not be able to heal their bodies. Within the Universe of My Father lies all that you need, and a little more.

But as My Mother told you in the last Message, Creation was not recognized by the humanity of the Earth, the abundance that God gave you was not recognized.

We have decided, dear companions, that your Master and Lord should bring you the power of the Holy Shroud so that, spiritually enveloped by it, not only your souls, but also your hearts may be healed.

So that this may be possible, I invite you to enter My dimension, through this feeling of love that unites your hearts to Mine.

And, once again, I bring you the moment of the Holy Sepulcher, where the outraged Body of your Lord was placed so that it might resurrect on the third day. Your humanity and planet are, at this moment, between death and resurrection. They are among the three great moments of darkness.

My Light comes to meet you to bring wisdom, discernment and peace, so that you can cross the darkness of the end of times and so that you may never forget that, beyond and above everything, God is.

Therefore, again enter, through My Heart, the moment of the Holy Sepulcher of your Lord, so that you may contemplate that, beyond suffering, love has the power to cure everything and heal everything.

I want you to today be able to feel very close to the Sepulcher of your Master and Lord so that you not only remember what He lived for you, but also so that you may feel what the holy women and My Celestial Mother felt.

However, today, the Body of your Lord is no longer in this Sepulcher; the one body of this human race, which is understood as the consciousness of this planet, is within this Sepulcher. The soul of this planet is in the Sepulcher, living its most painful, yet unknown moment.

What would you do in the face of this situation?

Would you do the same as the holy women and My Mother did?

It is time to heal the wounds of this planet, and, in order to heal the wounds of this planet, it is necessary to heal humanity first.

Why does the situation of this pandemic seem not to have a solution?

Where is the key that no one sees? the powerful master key that is before you so that you can take it and open the doors of the universe for the descent of Cosmic Healing.

And I, your Master, your Love, your Life, your Path, but also your Truth, am like an intermediate, in the Government of this universe, between Heaven and Earth, to intercede for humanity.

So, companions, heal the soul of this planet, by first healing yourselves from hatred, from lies, from false power, from appropriation, from vanity, from the lack of humility, from the lack of fraternity, and even from the lack of adherence.

Heal your beings from all these energies. You will not manage to do so overnight, but if you try, every day, you will know how to overcome this.

This is why today I bring within My arms this Holy Shroud, the Cloth that enveloped the Flagellated Body of Jesus, the Cloth that has the image of the Wounded Body of Christ engraved within it so that this humanity and future generations may remember, forever, what a human being like you once lived and suffered, more than two thousand years ago, out of sheer Love, so that this should never again repeat in any other person.

But although the Holy Shroud exists, humanity has still not accessed the Divine Science that it holds.

Have you ever thought what it would mean for each one of you to be able to touch the Precious Blood of Jesus?

Remember, companions, what you experienced with Me more than two thousand years ago.

All of you were present in that time, some with more awareness and others with less. But see how great is the Mercy of God, that, although the Son of God had surrendered on the Cross, all were present, and, throughout the times, all became aware of the Presence of Christ, just as it was in the first Christian communities.

Today you are an extension, even a projection and continuity of this spirit of the Christian communities.

Who will open up internally to be a part of them?

Because My Spiritual Community is Universal, and, through these communities that are present, I strengthen, throughout the planet, in all My children, the Consciousness of My Mystical Body, because the Mystical Body of Christ will also be a great mirror, a great tool to be used for the Return of Christ.

Today My wish is that, before this sepulcher of the consciousness of the planet, you not only contemplate your own miseries, that you do not put yourselves first before the needs, but rather that you place your brothers and sisters first, the most deprived, those who suffer the most, the most rejected, the most repudiated, those with the greatest hunger, those with the least consolation, the sickest, the murderers.

All need to be enveloped by the power of the Holy Shroud of Jesus so that at least a minimum part of this humanity can be healed, and the endless chain of suffering may be broken in order for the Light of the spirit to emerge in all souls, impelled by the Consoling Spirit of the Redeemer.

Thus, by healing the soul of this planet, you will be able to heal the souls of this humanity, which need a lot of prayer in order to be saved.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will say the following prayer, at the request of Jesus, phrase by phrase, making our offering before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so that the power of His Holy Shroud may envelop, heal and redeem as many souls as possible.


O Holy Shroud of Jesus!
Unfathomable Light of Resurrection,
repair each cell of our consciousness.
(three times)


Go in peace and remember that I am very attentive to the voice of your supplications because the door of the spiritual atonement of My Mercy is still open for the world, do not forget this.

 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Today, I come here so that you may be at My side. I arrive at this place, just as I arrived many times at Kibeho, to announce the Message of salvation, but also to give the Message of the end of times.

This announced time is now, you are going through the end of times; a time of challenges, and also of uncertain moments, when souls do not know what path to follow or what direction to take to reach the Heart of My Father. For this reason, I am here, and I will always be, even if in the time to I may not appear.

My Love must echo in each human heart. My Words must resonate in each soul, like the precious Legacy that I have delivered to you throughout times, which will lead you, sooner or later, to discover within yourselves the virtues that I have left to you with so much love. Precious gifts that God needs at this moment so that, through His children, He may carry forward the Work of Mercy and Redemption, the most culminating moment, when all souls will have the opportunity to experience salvation.

Today I contemplate a world still in agony, a world divided by power and ambition, by war and by displacement; a wounded world, a hurt world, a destroyed world that still does not want to change.

But do not be burdened, nor become fearful, the cross that I deliver to each one of you is a definitive cross, but it is also an unknown cross that impels you to be brave and determined, that impels you to find the realization of the Divine Will.

I know that many are suffering due to what they are living at this moment, above all, those peoples who are outraged by their own brothers and sisters, places where darkness reigns and peace is dissipated. I invite you to be persevering in the power of prayer, may prayer build what would seem impossible, may prayer concretize what would seem distant. Have a determined faith at this moment, because, in this way, you will understand all that is happening at this time.

While I am here, I contemplate all necessities, which are many, and require My help. But I want to tell you something that I once said in Kibeho: that, in this end time, only those who are within My Heart and live in My Heart, will not perish, in spite of what may happen, and they will help those who cannot do this.

For this reason, in essence, all that you live and all that you do must be done out of love, a solid love, a conscious love, a love that does not hasten, a love that advances and builds, a love that gives of itself and surrenders without knowing what will happen afterward.

Love is an unchangeable guide for you, it is the path that keeps you united to God, above all, in this definitive time, when each step and each action must be premeditated upon in Love and in the benefits that this Love builds in each one.

If only humanity placed its attention upon this example that I give you, a great many chaotic situations would not exist. But humanity has appropriated love, to the point of believing that it decides by itself if it loves or not, if it accepts or rejects.

Companions, this is not Love. Love is still unknown to you, the Love that comes from the Source, the Love that comes from the Father, a Love that always leads you to sacrifice in order to live sacred renunciation in plenitude, without expecting anything in return.

I know this is a step that many do not dare to take, but if I am here, and if I am your Master, is this Love impossible to live, by any chance? An unconditional and selfless Love, a Love that has nothing to lose, but has all to give, to build and to evolve.

If you do not reformulate this topic, every day, how will you step out of your own obstacles? And how will humanity step out of its own obstacles?

How can chaos be dissolved if souls do not deepen into the degrees of love? It is nothing impossible to achieve; just as today I teach this to you, I also taught this to My apostles. See the result in the life of each apostle, what they achieved and what they did for Me, what they did for the Creator.

Love will lead you to the void of yourselves, to a void where the All is to be found, where lacks, dissatisfactions or even disturbances do not exist.

Souls must live the Love of My Heart, to learn to live in the Heart of God, within His infinite and unfathomable Love.

If you, in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters, foster the Greater Love, if  you sow and cultivate this Love, all the time, you will allow My bases of Return to be prepared because I will have a place of repose in the heart of My companions, I will have a space where I can return to put an end to the suffering of the world.

Today, I come with My contemplative Spirit, the contemplative Spirit of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because I want to take you to this state, in spite of what you may live in the material or even in the mental level in this critical and difficult time, I want you to place your heart and your mind in the Universe of the Contemplation of God, where there is no duality, differences nor conflicts. Thus, you will elevate your consciousness and humanity toward this state of harmony and peace, and you will allow the flow of the Love of God to be more real and alive on this material plane, not only through your prayers, but also through your actions, day by day. This will be able to radiate, not only to your loved beings, but also towards all spaces and places where you may be.

Love is the key for the healing of humanity, it is the key that opens the door to the new time, a time that is different from that of today, a real-time where the Will of God will be experienced forever.

May your souls aspire to this path towards the New Race, toward the New Earth, toward the new planet, free from perversion, from the use of power, from impunity, suffering and even from disease.

The heart that loves never becomes sick. This is a Law, but it is also a principle in the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental and material. When you do not manage to love, return to the path that you have lost, be kind in love, and all will be able to be healed.

I have nothing else to say to you, but this. I know that many expect grandiose answers or even unknown responses, but it is very simple, companions, I am here and I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I come to teach you, but also to radiate to you the same that I shared, as a profound feeling, with each one of My apostles.

In this way, in this Reappearance of Christ, just as it was in the Cenacle, I come to prepare you for My Return, delivering to you very simple keys so that you do not stray from your path, so that, in your lives, you may keep in mind what is essential.

The Father taught all this to Me when I was here in this world while living the forty days in the desert. What I bring you today is this experience of love, lived and also fulfilled within Me, in this seeming desolation of the desert.

I not only invite you to find God in this desert that each one may be living at this moment, but also know that I am there, invisible and silent, accompanying each one of Mine who dares to cross the desert of their inner world to find, at some moment, the Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Rejoice, when you feel thirst for Me; rejoice, when you do not find Me, because I am strengthening yoy, I am turning you into My apostles.        

My Hand will always be extended to all those who need it. Follow My Path and all will be renewed, mainly within you, and, so that it may happen, you should not resist nor cause yourselves to sink. Do not create unnecessary conditions, be intelligent and have faith, because the desert is not forever, but it is the great opportunity for you to be freed from yourselves, for you to again be naked before God, showing what you really are and not what you appear to be, revealing what your souls are, in essence, and, in spirit, because everything else is fleeting.

I want to deliver today the strength of My Faith to all those who need it, asking the Father to make you brave and strong from within; asking the Eternal Father for you to have courage and much determination to go through these definitive times, and so that He may grant you the Grace that He granted to His Son during the forty days of the desert, where the First-Born Son lived His great synthesis, a preparation to assume the Cross.

By means of the faith of My merciful Heart, receive this blessing, and may the paths toward the Father keep being built with the examples of your lives for the redemption of your hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will entone “Apostles of Love”, allowing each one of our souls to confirm themselves on this path of apostleship and let us be available and entire for all that must be done and serve, without expecting anything in return, just as He has asked of us.

And, before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may we be able to confirm, but also give thanks. May this song, which we will sing all together, prepare us to live the Sacrament of the Spiritual Communion that will be immediately offered to all, so that this covenant with Christ may be strengthened.

Let us sing.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In withdrawal, prepare for My great moment; covering your heads enter the temple of the soul, so that your souls participate in the Communion with the Lord.

On this day of second initiation, in which you will prepare together with the Master to enter His sorrowful Passion, His current sorrowful Passion for the planet, in which your Redeemer will share with those of His the tasks that God has entrusted to Him.

Before entering the Cenacle of the Last Supper, tomorrow, you will again hear, from your Master and Lord, instructions similar to those He conveyed to the apostles of the past, instructions that prepared them to live their mission of evangelization and service for the world.

Therefore, live this moment as something unique and unrepeatable, within the preamble of My Return to the world, in which your souls are called to reaffirm your covenant with Me forever, in which your souls are called to live the Will of God through My Heart.

With this, understand that what I bring to you is unknown, because it is something that My Father needs to be fulfilled through the life of each one of you and your brothers and sisters.

While the planet and humanity continue to suffer, the need for apostles, for apostles of My Heart, is very great, apostles who are available in this final cycle to support the heavy cross of this end of cycle.

But you will not be alone to do that, My Soul and My Spirit will help you to learn to carry the cross that I offer you, a mature cross that will take you out of yourselves to be immersed in the Will of the Father.

Before the celebration of the Last Supper in Jerusalem, My apostles came to know the same things that you hear today and that was not written, but it was kept in the heart of each one of them, just as today it is kept in every heart that is open to receive My Message.

On this day of Sacred Week, we are in the middle of a transition, an internal transition and an external transition, in which the line of the end of the past and of the new future will be marked, the future that will define the next steps of this humanity.

I invite you to pray for this, on this day and all the days to come, because My Father deeply desires that His creatures know His mysteries, unveil them and know them, in order to fulfill them and carry His Aspirations forward.

When I was with the twelve, before entering the Last Supper, as the holy women with My Holy Mother, they got to know this mystery that was unveiled as a great need of God for the imperious presence of apostles at the end of times, two thousand years after I passed through Earth, two thousand years later in which My long-awaited Return would be prepared.

Today I come with this declaration of Truth, but also of Love, knowing that today the unconditional disposition of souls, throughout the length and width of the world, is insufficient.

For this reason, once again, I come to avail myself of small groups of souls that, regardless of where they are or find themselves, have the Grace of keeping in their hearts this request of their Master and Lord, which is a request of the Eternal Father, fiery bases that will prepare the Return of Christ to Earth through the transformation of the lives of people, through all those who say yes to Me.

Today I bring you more than a feeling, today I bring you more than a word, today I bring you the deep aspiration of My Heart for souls to understand that My Presence on this day, among you and throughout the last years, has not been in vain, but that your lives have committed to Me until the end.

For those who did not understand My Message and are not here, do not worry. On the great day of My Return, not only will the Scriptures be fulfilled, but My actions will also be fulfilled because I will separate the chaff from the wheat. I will call the blessed, but I will also call the indifferent to live the Universal Judgment and I know that no one is yet prepared for that.

In an immediate and hasty way, I descend from Heaven with all the Power of God to help you and assist you with My impulses of Light, so that your hearts are ready, just as My Heart was ready, seconds before the flagellation.

Have you ever said to God: Father, is my heart ready? Do you know what is held within that statement?

A prompt heart is not an excited heart. A prompt heart is a mature heart, without conditions or aspirations. It is a ready and mature heart capable of giving itself completely to God without anything in return. It is a heart capable of dying for Me and of giving value to each of My Words, and being a heart that testifies to the Presence of Christ within itself.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus:

Our Lady appeared next to Jesus, more pure and luminous than all His vestments.

She is here as the Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, together with Her Son, showing Her Immaculate Thorned Heart, which She offers to each one of us for the reparation and healing of all the women of the world, of the women of war, for immigrant women, for exploited women, for enslaved women, for women who govern, for women of the fields, for women who suffer in silence, and for all mothers who live for their children.

Mary offers Her thorned Heart in reparation for the outrages, curses and indifference that the feminine consciousness of this world has received and that has forever erased the mirror of the heart of every feminine being on Earth.

Jesus said:

She is the Mother that I have given you while I was on the Cross, the unconditional Mother among all the mothers in the world, the Mother who pleads for you each day of life and for all eternity.

For this reason, today My merciful Heart helps all women on Earth so that they can get up from where they have fallen or from where they were subjected.

This is the cycle of the Mother of God, the Scepter is in Her hand.

Blessed will be those who recognize this Legacy because the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart will always win. Amen.

For the spiritual communion of today, I will leave you in the company of My Mother, in the presence of Her immaculate Spirit because it is to God that we owe the Presence of the Mother of God and of all the mothers of the world who gestate life within their wombs and held all of you in their arms.

Surrender to spiritual maternity, may your hearts not be selfish, may you feel and see, beyond what it is, that God has created the women of the Earth as a symbol of nobility and love and not of exploitation and chastisement.

My Heart welcomes all the chastised women, slaves of humankind from the surface of the Earth, because when I come from Heaven, I will give a scepter to each one of them and the Earth will be filled with virginal purity forever.

If My Mother were able to reach the foot of the Cross, what would her mothers of the world be able to do? Always ask yourselves that, because they want your good, that you be worthy children in the Lord and that you always count on them.

For this reason, Mary, My Mother, was in the Cenacle. She gave her life for you so that Love and Redemption would triumph. She gave the most precious thing she had in Her Life and saw it nailed to a Cross, as today many mothers in the world see their children lost and suffer in silence.

But the Spirit of Consolation will come; just as Mary, My Mother, gave it to the apostles at Pentecost. And everything will pass, until My arrival in the world is consummated.

For this reason, Our Sacred Hearts are here today, so that the promises of Their Redeemer may be fulfilled, and those who are orphans may accept the motherhood of Mary.

"Mother, here are Your children." "Companions, here is your Mother."

Today we will give the attribution to the Mother of God so that the feminine consciousness of the Earth is repaired and is no longer an object of exploitation or chastisement, but is recognized by all the children of God as an instrument of love and service.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus:

Our Lady disappeared, but Christ is still here, infusing His Light for the whole world.

Now that you have been purified again, you will meditate upon all that I have told you and upon the importance and value of motherhood in the world at this crucial time.

For that reason, we will listen to a simple but profound song, in reparation of all the feminine consciousness of the planet: "Looking at You." That song will be like a tribute to the mothers of the world, so that mothers always trust in Mary, the Mother of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We will intone "Primordial Source" a few times and we will accompany Christ in His task of liberation of the planet.

We will stand.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The origin of the Earth was modified from the beginning. The Divine Purpose was not able to be accomplished and many of you already know what the reason was.

Today I do not come to remind you of the mistake, but rather the causes, something that is still to be corrected by the redemption itself of the human being, so that they may recover their filiation with the Source and live the Will of God.

The correction of the Divine Purpose has still not occurred. Humanity has gone through many experiences over the course of time and it is still not redeemed. For this reason, I must return to the Earth to finish carrying out and concretizing what is missing.

If I had not come more than two thousand years ago, the planet would not be within this solar system. The heartbreaking injustice of humanity in that time was very great, and even with the Blood that was shed up to the height of the Cross, the human being has continued to make mistakes.

Now, the situation of this time compared to that of yesterday is very different. The events have become more serious and have harmed the spirituality of the human being. The expansion of the consciousness promised by the Universe will reach the Earth to enter into the human being, to de-crystallize their resistances, and through a great blow of Light that will emerge from the Divine Source, through the Central Sun of the Galaxy, a large part of humanity will have the chance to awaken.

The events of these days are a prelude for carrying humanity into a recovery of its origin and its purpose.

Thus, humanity will have a unique opportunity and could recover the place it lost when Adam and Eve committed the first errors and left Eden. The duality itself that many of you experience today, originating in the time of the Genesis, is what each one must learn to overcome, and do so.

This will bring to the consciousness an important possibility that is not only material, but also spiritual, for humankind of the surface of the Earth to genetically recover its place, that archetype or design of God that was thought of in order to be applied in this humanity, in this race, and which was modified by perversion and disobedience.

At this moment, humanity does not know what will happen inwardly. Before Divine Justice modifies the universe, continue to modify your attitudes and habits for, in this way, you will not feel the impact of the Law at this time.

The Universal Mother has spoken to you about repentance, about penitence. These are words, attributes that cannot be forgotten; you cannot listen to them as if you did not understand what this means. The Word of the Hierarchy comes with determination at this time.

It is necessary to forge the existence of the true being so that illusion may fade away from the human consciousness. Two thousand more years cannot any longer go by for the human being to be able to change, there is no time. This is the only opportunity, an opportunity so similar and unique like that which was received by the people of Israel, with the birth of the Messiah.

After two thousand and twenty years, the situation of humanity has become worse. Humanity has distanced itself from the Purpose and it believed that it was beyond anything. But in this time, it has recognized that this is not so. The events show the contrary, and this must end.

Humanity cannot continue to move backward; it was not created for this end. Setback is part of the adversity; evolution is part of the Divine Source, and the Hierarchy has concentrated on that in these special days, in which important decisions will define the next steps on the surface of the Earth.

But those who want to forge their survival will not manage to do so. It is necessary to strive in order to be within the Law and fulfill it. Suffering is not a part of Creation nor of life. Will you continue to suffer when the assistance of the universe is here?

Humanity must understand that it is not alone and that life does not end here. The universe is in a constant great dynamism, everything is part of life, everything is part of Creation. Is it not of God? For He was Who created it.

Awaken and you will not perish. The consciousness must expand and achieve its purpose. The mirages and illusion must no longer submit your lives. How much longer will you wait for the great step to be taken?

We hope that humanity understands that a great step must be taken, and that many other situations of which humanity is ignorant of and is not aware of depends on that step. Those steps must be taken. There is no place to go or where to remain.

The consciousness will be carried into facing reality. Your irritation or intolerance will not help. You will suffer; you will only suffer if you resist the great change in consciousness.

Humanity needs to be prepared for My Return. If it does not prepare, how will I be recognized? Will the Son of God be imprisoned because He cannot be crucified again?

He will come with the Glory that the Father has given Him, with the great revelation that was experienced by some of the apostles at the Transfiguration. With Him will come not only angelic beings, but also everything that is and vibrates in the universe, called the Brotherhood.

There will be no form or movement that will stop it because when the Return occurs, the universe will tremble and the planet will enter into a time where it has never been, the eternal time of the universe, where everything is known and is lived.

At this moment, any preparation could be insufficient. For this reason, the demand is very great at this time. You will need to help your brothers and sisters in their awakening. You cannot be paralyzed when I return to the world and the universe enters the planet in a very strong way. There will be nobody who cannot see it; that moment is written and you must remember it.

That is why I have come in these end times, preparing you so that, when I return, you are not surprised, because you will be able to see the true Face of the Son of God, as nobody has ever seen It before, because the Son will come from the Source and at His Feet, the universe will accompany Him, and humanity will know it because it will be a sign without warning.

Those who have never believed, will believe. Those who denied Me, will repent. And those who abandoned Me, will beat their chest and say: My God! My God! But everything will have been accomplished, because the Graces of My Source have been endless.

I come to open the eyes of the consciousness. I come to make you feel the Truth within your hearts, and this goes beyond any religion, because the Divine Source is one and universal. It is the Source of all creatures and consciousnesses, on all levels of Creation.

That Divine Source belongs to each being, because we all come from it and the goal of this experience on Earth, as well as in the universe, is that you return someday to that Source, to renew Creation with all that you learned and experienced.

I do not want you to feel fear of My Words, but rather seriousness. The Will of God acts in this place and His Power expresses through My Words, awakening the cells of the human beings so that they achieve an elevation and an awakening.

I do not want more souls to continue to blind themselves, to lose the path of the spirit, to miss the opportunity of inwardly loving and growing.

I gave My Life for you and I continue to do so, because humanity has not understood the Message. For this reason, I still have to come from Heaven so that souls can hear and recognize Me. If I were in My Church of the Earth, humanity would not hear Me.

Many were the paths that My companions decided to take, and they slowly distanced themselves from Me. In the center of My divine and solar Heart I unite all the paths so that souls may return to Me and have eternal life.

But My coming to the world, My Return, is not far. Think about that, because at the least expected moment I will come and you must be ready to go to My encounter, just as I will go to the five continents. And all of humanity, in spite of their languages, will understand Me, for I will speak a single language that nobody has heard yet. It will be the Spirit of God that will cause you to understand My Message, just as you now understand My Words.

You must be stewards of My Legacy, living it so that your brothers and sisters may also learn to live it.

I come from Heaven with the Purpose of God, because there is little time left for humanity to correct its paths and amend its errors, so that it does not lack My Mercy. This is what I hope for, that you not lack My Mercy.

Today I carry the great Scroll of God in My Hands, which the Father wrote for humanity, His sublime and ardent Desire for each of His children.

This Scroll was presented to the Archangels in Genesis, to be applied to the first humans, in Adam and Eve.

Pray with Me for the times that will come, so that this Purpose of God that is written may be fulfilled in each one of your lives according to His thought, and I will pray for you so that you may live it.

Many souls denied this Legacy, souls with great tasks rejected this Purpose without being aware of what they did. But I will take care of them and I will position them in the place they belong, that corresponds to their choice, because now they will not have the prize of the Heavens, but rather the loving Justice.

But you will continue to pray until just before My Return to the world, so that souls may be able to correspond to My Call, which is the Call of My Father through the Voice of His Son, which hopes to echo in hearts.

Today, in light of the written Will of God at the origin of this Creation, we will offer the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that through the Body and the Blood of Christ, souls may have the inner strength to live the Purpose.

Let us celebrate, contemplating this mystery.

Let us contemplate Christ, still present in this place for the whole world, bearing in His Hands the Scroll of God, the ardent Will of the Creator for His children at the origin of Creation.

Let us place our hands on our hearts and unite with Jesus Christ, making our offering on this afternoon of Mercy and of awareness. And in the name of humanity, let us give thanks that the Lord always leads us to Truth so that we may be guided to the Father.

We offer our imperfect hearts and we aspire to receive the coming of Christ to the Earth, in brotherhood and in light.

Knowing the purpose of Creation, in that time, and while gathered together with His companions, Jesus took the bread, raised it and offered all His Being for each one of us. And He asked of the Father that the bread He was offering be converted into His Body.

The Father heard Him and accepted His surrender.

And thus, Jesus broke it and offered it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And the form of Light entered into the soul of the apostles. Jesus then took the Chalice and raised it, asking the Father to convert it into His precious Blood; the Father heard Him. Then Jesus offered it to the apostles in an act of profound Love, saying to them: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by Your Lord for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

With all our hearts, in the living Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we offer the prayer that He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
Celestial Father,
Who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

I will always give you everything that I Am and everything that I have, because I know what you need for learning to love My mystery and living My Will.

At the request of Our Lord, through the brothers and sisters of the Council, we are going to listen to an intention you may want to leave in the Heart of the Redeemer for humanity.

The Lord listens, one at a time:

"May Your Will eternally be accomplished, Lord."

"May there be peace in hearts, in spite of the suffering."

"May we be able to live compassion and unity, and be as one heart and one soul."

“Father, listen to those who serve Me,

those who follow Me, those who live Me.
Father, sweet Adonai, Supreme Will, Eternal Hope,
sacred relief from suffering,
listen to us, so that Your Will may be fulfilled.
Father, do not look at the errors,
believe in all that which I can do in Your children,
because Your Love, Your Grace and Your Mercy will always win.”


I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To close this meeting and this transmission, carrying the impulse of the Love of Christ within the heart, let us listen to a song requested by Him:



At the request of Our Lord, at this moment we are all going to sing one of the Names of God, invoking the descent of the Celestial Church upon the planet. Let us sing the Eloha Shamayim song.

We may all stand up to revere this moment; Our Lord is still coming with the Celestial Church.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the foundations of My Church are established upon the surface of the Earth, great forces of evil are liberated from the planet by the elevation of the fallen stars. Be well received by the Celestial Church of My Father and the essence of all His mysteries of Love.

In the presence of His Sacred Ark, receive the impulses of Light that comes from God through the merciful Heart of His Son.

In the company of the angelic universe, prepare your hearts at this moment, to offer your souls to God and be partakers of this task that your Master and Lord will impart to the world.

The doors of My Church are already open and souls are arriving at the Temple of My Heart.

Souls arrive, just as they are, in the spiritual and material state in which they live. With their imperfections and errors, souls arrive at the center of the Temple of the Celestial Church where the Sacred Ark is found at this moment, which acts as a spiritual source of Light for all the souls that approach it at this moment.

And on one side of the Greater Altar of My Celestial Church, the Virgin Mother is to be found with the holy women and some of the apostles, praying for you at this moment, in the contemplative silence of the prayer that is refracted through the mirror of the heart.

Take your hand to your heart and feel the beat of your heart, My Heart beats just like yours, feeling the pulsation of renewal and of life.

Take the Light of My Church to your heart and let the other hand be in a position of offering. See, at this moment, the arrival of the Celestial Father in His state of One Consciousness. And in the emptiness of your beings, make the surrender that you will give your Redeemer today.

The Celestial Church continues to expand over the world so that all souls, of all nations, peoples and races, may enter My Celestial Church, and may all understand one language, one feeling, which is the language of the heart, unmistakable and perfect.

Now that you are aware of what your souls are living with Me, for all your brothers and sisters on Earth, enter the main corridor of My Celestial Church and approach the Greater Altar, where the Ark of the Holy Covenant is.

Today we are before the moment in which God thought of creating His creatures. On the Altar and through the Ark of the Holy Covenant, feel in your hearts the great moment of Our Creator Father, when He wanted to have beings in likeness to Him so that they could love Him and adore Him.

We stand before the God of Mercy. Feel the Heart of God that, in His silence, implores the world, saying to it:

"Reconcile with Me! I am your Creator, I am the Beginning and I am the End. In My House, there is a special place for each one of My children.

Today, My beloved Son has asked Me to bring you to Me, and you are before Me at this moment.

I am the God of Mercy, of the profound Divine Wisdom, the God of Compassion and Love.

Children, straighten your lives, correct your paths, the end time is approaching and you will have only Me to go through it. I am the God of goodness, the God of acceptance, the unconditional Spirit.

Today, your Eternal Father does not look at your faults, but at the gift that He placed in each one of you, with so much love. When will you offer it to Me? My Son has taught you how to do it.

This is the time of reconciliation, so that peace and healing may come to the world.

I have mobilized the entire universe at this time, because your Father is here, seeing how His children become lost and mistreat each other, how they move away from the Law and the truth.

I did not create you to suffer, but rather that you could have eternal life through the Presence of My Son, your Redeemer. But today I have allowed you to enter My Celestial Church so that you may receive within your inner worlds all the mysteries that this Creation granted you, since before you existed.

You are before the Legacy of the Wisdom of God through the Ark of the Holy Covenant. Thus, the New Jerusalem approaches and the children return to the House of David to resume the path, which they once lost, to the Purpose of My Heart.

I only wish happiness for the world rather than justice, but My children did not understand this. Once I Myself had descended to Earth to teach you about Love through the Word, through each of My Wounds, through the absolute surrender of My Heart.

I am the living, unchangeable and infinite God. My House awaits you one day, but while you are here, learn everything the universe gifts to you, correct your mistakes, purify your faults and healing will be achieved.

I come to give you an atonement that today you will not understand, but that in a short while you will know, because it is your souls that need this Grace of listening to the God of Creation.

The Book of the Life of Creation waits to be rewritten by each one of you, through your experiences of forgiveness and redemption.

On this first day of the arrival of My Church to the hearts of the world, I come together with My Son to celebrate the first and fundamental legacy that Your Redeemer left humanity: The Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Just as your souls are doing at this moment, in the withdrawal into the heart and into the void, prepare yourselves for the offering, so that everything that will take place here, as well as everything that has happened here, may continue to bear its fruits of Mercy and Love in each soul of this humanity.

Place your face upon My Feet.

Oh my God, I believe,
I adore, I wait for and I love Thee;
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.

(three times)

Receive the symbol of the Sacred Geometry of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and carry it to your heart in gratitude and reverence."

Our Lord says that the Word of God reaches the world after two thousand years.

My Father has absolved you.

Our Lord weeps for the non-believers, for those who have abandoned Him and did not have the strength to be supported in Him, and He shows us the Light of His five Wounds, the Light of His Hands, of His Side and of His Feet. And through His Hands He presents us His golden Heart of Light, stronger than hundreds of suns.

By the merits of His Mercy and His sorrowful Passion, He blesses humanity, the five continents and all nations, so that the science of Wisdom illuminates the minds of humankind so that the healing and the reparation of humanity may be established.

In the same way that on this afternoon Our Lord delivers His Heart to us, let us also deliver our hearts to Him.

Let us celebrate.

Just like two thousand years ago, I again give you my Life and all that I am for a simple reason: that you live in My Love and that you know the Truth.

May the Celestial Father receive these elements that will serve as Graces and spiritual anointing for all humanity, recalling the Passion and the Death of Our Lord.

This was how, when Jesus was gathered together with His apostles, He took the bread, raised it up, and offered it to the Father, as an offering of His Sacrifice for humanity. The Father blessed it, and then Our Lord broke it, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given up for humankind for the remission of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen. (in Portuguese)

He then took the Chalice, and offering it to the Father to be blessed, He gave it with all His Love to His companions, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, that will be shed by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me”.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
Amen. (in Portuguese)

Recognizing the infinite Grace that we receive, in the immensity of the Mercy of God, reaffirming the Passion and Death of Our Lord for the redemption of humanity and for all the Earth, we unite in our hearts and minds with Our Lord Jesus Christ, and before His Celestial Church we repeat the prayer that He taught us, to consummate this consecration.

Our Father (in Portuguese and English).

May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Christ descend to Earth.

"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the Word and my soul shall be healed." Amen.

The most real work of these days will take place in the inner worlds. It is there where you will find My treasures to be able to avail yourselves of them in this end time.

I thank you for having entered My Celestial Church.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We are going to finish this transmission by holding in memory what our souls lived today with the Celestial Father, so that tomorrow, on the second day of the Sacred Week, our souls may be more elevated in order to be filled by the impulses of our Creator Father and His Most Holy Son.

We unite with each of our brothers and sisters of the world, in spiritual communion with Our Lord.

And we give thanks, we always give thanks.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

Under the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the planetary task that Our Lord is carrying out at this moment, at His request we will intone "Adon Olam."

We invite those who are listening to stand up so as to accompany Our Lord in this planetary task.

Song: "Adon Olam."

You knew a fragile man as Jesus, who carried the heavy wood of the Cross and that, as a human being in spite of His divine and cosmic powers, gave Himself for each one of you so that you would not have to endure and suffer. If more than two thousand years later humanity continues to endure and suffer, it is a consequence of its actions and roles.

The Almighty incarnated on Earth through His Son so that humanity would not have to endure ever again.

The Almighty incarnated as a man and as a consciousness as you did, and reduced His grand vibrations of Light in order to be able to be among the human beings of this Earth.

The incarnation of the Son of God and the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant important times for humanity. Through the incarnation of the Son, humanity was able to recover the path toward its original purity, the original purity that was thought of at the genesis of the Human Genetic Project. But that incarnation of the Son of God also brought an end to an unending chain of errors.

The Eternal Father Himself knew that no matter if He incarnated on Earth and brought an awareness of Love-Wisdom, that victory would not be completed, because there would be human beings that would have doubt about His Presence and Power, and even after the Passion of Christ, this happened in many human beings.

The incarnation of the Son of God through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity brought an end to many errors from the past that up until then, in the history of humanity, would have caused the Human Genetic Project to succumb forever, even with having had the presence of the Patriarchs and the Prophets. 

But not all civilizations and races made a mistake; the adversary took charge of being able to distort some of those races that were present in humanity.

From the Adams and Eves up until Atlantis, humanity had to learn, as they have done until today, to remedy the errors committed in order to be able to again achieve the power of Grace and Mercy.

That was the main reason for the incarnation of the Son of God, which generated and made space for His second and important task, the Passion of Christ, which took place on many levels and planes of consciousness, from the cosmic spiritual to the most material and concrete plane.

The whole consciousness of God participated in all these mysteries and events, as well as different groups of souls and consciousnesses that, even though they were not incarnated in that time, participated in these events because they needed them in order to be present in future times such as this.

For this reason, Christ not only endured on the physical plane, but also on the plane of the soul and on the spiritual plane. The powerful Passion of Christ, which for many was a defeat, changed into a victory on the inner planes since, through the power of the prayer of the Mother of God, as well as the prayer of the holy women and some of the apostles, this allowed the gathering of the greatest number of consciousnesses possible, that on different planes of consciousnesses needed the energy of redemption.

Each suffering experienced by your Master and Lord, from the evening of Holy Thursday in the Garden of Gethsemane up until the death on Friday, on the heights of Mount Calvary, were unique and unforgettable offerings for all of humanity and the planet.

Through that sorrowful and profound Passion of your Master and Lord, many future planetary situations were contained, many future generations were protected in order to not experience a deviation from the Original Project.

And even though today this has been completely distorted by indifference and omission, many more were present over the course of time and returned many times to this world as servers, servants, disciples and apostles to be present in collaboration and in service to humanity.

Certain groups of souls, which achieved the experience of Christic Love, offered themselves in a way like their Master to be immersed in this humanity and in different peoples and nations of the world, to bring a continuity to the Genetic Project of God which, at this time and at this hour, are experiencing its great opportunity for correction.

Considering the entire history of the errors that occurred, from the death of the Son of God up until the present, to be amended by the power of the devotion of all My companions, by the power of those who adore the Eucharistic Body of Christ and by those who support the life of service and charity, we are in the time and at the hour for fulfilling the promises and the aspirations of the One, which have been present through the archangels and angels since Genesis.

And so, the sorrowful Passion of Christ was not only an event and a story that humanity may know about. Many planes of consciousness participated in this event; for this reason, I had to withdraw for forty days into the desert, since My most material aspect needed to prepare for that moment, even during the three years of preaching, in which humanity needed to learn to recognize the truth and identify it in order not to be lost on the way toward the Light and the Good.

For this reason, the Passion of Christ is an occurrence that will never be erased from the consciousness of the planet; it is an occurrence that can always be re-experienced and remembered as many times as you need in order to move forward in your process of purification and redemption. This way, in these events are the codes of light that you need to achieve your spiritual, cosmic and inner liberation.

With all of this I want to tell you, companions, that you must focus your awareness on the extent of that which the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant, and how many consciousnesses on the inner plans participated in the redemption of more consciousnesses that were condemned to complete damnation.

Thus, the Passion was so sorrowful because it was to overcome all the planes of consciousness. And that Passion, lived by your Lord and Master, was to reach the physical plane and the cosmic spiritual plane with His experience, where everything that happened was to remain recorded so that humanity could learn to not commit the same errors because of it having given up the Son of Man on the Cross.

The time of the sorrowful Passion of Christ today unites with this material time and this present time, in which the whole human race is faced with the opportunity of availing itself of this occurrence, which remained recorded in the deepest core of the Earth through the Blood that was poured out by your Master and Lord.

It is now when the Armageddon is present in the world that consciousnesses must be awakened for their preparation in order to be updated on the events and to participate in the preparations for the Return of Christ.

The Cross of the Redeemer will always protect you, save you and bring you the inner strength to be able to renew all things.

This is why the Holy Cross has not been erased from the memory of the planet; because it was the tree of God that was surrendering its fruits to humanity through the sacrifice of the Son of Man.

This is the time to be affirmed in this legacy that I gave you, because more intense times will come and your consciousnesses must not hesitate. You must be firm and decided to be able to follow Me until completing that which I expect from each one of you. This is also the reason for which I am here today.

Today you are experiencing communion with My Spirit through the recognition of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, from which your souls can gather the fruits and the merits that the precious poured Blood of Jesus achieved for humanity.

Now humanity must cease its self-destruction, and instead it must rebuild in a spiritual, mental and material way, to recover its filiation with Creation through these divine merits that I give the world, merits that will always give you the freedom to be in communion with the Father.

Today I will anoint you to be able to anoint humanity, in the same way that the holy women anointed all of My Body, preparing It for My burial, which after three days would show the world the power of the Resurrection.

Through this anointing that I will offer to you today, I will also anoint the whole world. I will give you the power of the spiritual Resurrection for the definitive times that will come, and through this anointing, which My holy women will do today in you, you will remember that you can always feel yourselves to be anointed by the glorious Presence of your Master and Lord.

This anointing comes to close the spiritual wounds of humanity, mental and material wounds, so that all may be regenerated and the awaited preparation may begin for the emergence of a new humanity, free of indifference and affirmed in Love, in the Love of God.

We will bring four jars of anointing oil here so that the Lord may consecrate them, in the same way that He will consecrate all the crosses that we have brought here to affirm our commitment to Him and His eternal union with each soul.

For this reason, from where we are, we will offer our cross, so that our cross may be alleviated and the cross of humanity may be alleviated of sickness, wars, persecution, political and humanitarian crises, indifference, the lack of love, the lawlessness and the evil that many souls practice because they are ignorant of the Love of God.

For this reason and motive, we will offer our crosses so that the world may achieve healing and peace. Amen.

Bless, o Lord, the cross that You have given each of Your children, so that it not be a weight or an agony but rather a constant perseverance of the triumph of Your Love through transformation and redemption.

"Through Your Grace and Mercy, place on these crosses the merits that Your Son achieved from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the heights of Mount Calvary, so that souls may feel fortitude in these times, so that any fear may be dissolved, and Your creatures be filled by the abundant trust of Your merciful Heart. And in this way, just as today you bless and anoint these crosses with Your Spirit, bless and anoint, beloved Father, each one of their families and loved ones, so that the great network of Your Mercy and Your Peace may be united and alive in the hearts of those who believe in My Return to humanity. Amen."

Let us lift up our crosses so that the Lord may bless them through the powerful Light of His Wounds. We can bring our crosses to our hearts.

Now we will move on to the blessing of the oil, of the four oils that Our Lord requested and that represent the four principal races of the planet: the race of the Americas, the race of Africa, the race of Europe, and the race of Asia and Oceania.

We open ourselves to this spiritual anointment and for this material anointment, which we will receive through the Mothers of Christ, in the name of humanity and of this Genetic Project, which must be accomplished through all the self-summoned.

Through the anointing which each of us will receive at this moment, it will also be permitted that all those who are behind us on the spiritual path and are waiting to enter this stream and Work of Love of the Christ, may have the opportunity of being participants in the Presence of the Divine Hierarchy.

So while we are anointed at this time, let us keep in mind all those who are behind each of us and are waiting for their awakening and redemption, in the same way that throughout time we are redeemed and anointed by the spiritual Love of Christ.

Mother María Shimani and Friar Joaquín.

Mother María del Salvador and Friar Luciano.

Mother María Getsemaní and Friar Ariel.

Mother Zorobabel and Friar Gabriel Pío.

And before beginning this anointing, which will attempt to bring a spiritual healing to humanity through the four races represented on our planet, each one of us, even though not present here in this place or in this Marian Center, will make our inner offering through a minute of silence, so that peace and healing may be reached in humanity.

We make our offering in silence; and we make this offering, at the request of Christ, for all those who have died because of the current pandemic. We ask for healing, Mercy and forgiveness. We make our offering for these souls.

I lift up your intentions to Heaven so that the Celestial Father may contemplate them within His Source. May this spiritual and inner anointing bring all the results that humanity needs at this time.

For those who have unjustly endured, may the Father have Mercy.

For those who are unjustly suffering, may the Father have Mercy.

For those who are enduring illness, desolation or death while alone, may the Father have Mercy.

For the small and most innocent, for those who are trafficked, exploited and sold, may the Father have Mercy.

For all the unborn children, which are millions in the world, may the Father have Mercy.

May peace, renewal and faith awaken in all hearts.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And so we say goodbye to Our Lord. And for His request for this Sacrament of Anointing, we will repeat the song that we heard at the beginning of this work: "The Power of the Blood of Jesus."

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At this moment, we revere the most important legacy of humanity that Our Lord Jesus Christ has brought today. That legacy is the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which four angels have brought with Our Lord.

We revere this spiritual, universal and non-material legacy, that is before us today under the protection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the presence of Abraham and Moses.

Today, this legacy is radiated to all humanity, to the four corners of the Earth, while Christ, Abraham, and Moses, together with the angels, contemplate the Holy Ark.

And inside of it, we see all that it holds as a spiritual, universal and non-material legacy, and how the center of Light of the Heart of Christ emanates a powerful Light over the Ark of the Holy Covenant, where are to be found the Crown of Thorns, the Nails that He carried on the Cross, the Holy Chalice, and the Tablets of the Law, those called the Commandments that Moses received, as well as other elements that are part of this spiritual legacy for this material Universe.

And we are surrounded by the Universe that has this spiritual and inner event as its center at this moment.

In the same way as the angels, that adore and protect the Holy Ark, let us allow ourselves to be filled by this legacy and this mystery that is revealed before us.

Around this event, we see the Ancients who also showed themselves to John at the end of his life, when he saw the Apocalypse. 

Here and now, at this moment, the Order of the Celestial Brotherhood is formed, which today has come before each one of us, so that its love and its vibration resound within each one, at the center of our being and essence, so that we may enter into communion with the spiritual legacy that will form the bases for the New Humanity.

Meanwhile, the Ancients that are present hold in their hands a Sacred Book that they indicate has blank pages and they are attentive, vigilant, and contemplative to register and write what each one will offer for this legacy, so as to be watchful and vigilant, guardian and protector of the Divine and Cosmic Knowledge.

At this moment, we see how Christ, simply with His gaze of Love, illuminates the Holy Chalice within the Ark of the Holy Covenant, so that through the Holy Chalice, a powerful column of Light communicates Heaven with Earth even more, that the Portals to the Universe open even further, and at this moment, with this spiritual opening done by Christ in absolute silence and attunement, we see above this space and this event a powerful Triangle of Light of equal sides that represents an aspect of God, Abba.

Within this Triangle of Light that observes us and contemplates us is God, Who also contemplates the event of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, in the Presence of Christ, Abraham, Moses, the Ancients, and the angels.

Under the Ark of the Holy Covenant, we see our planet being presented and outlined, it is filled with the rays of Light which this Holy Ark expresses, and the spiritual aura of the planet is ignited and sanctified by each one of these powerful currents that the Ark is emanating at this moment through all its sacred elements.

While Abba, through the Triangle of Light, further illumines the present space, the synthesis of each one of His Holy Names appears at this moment, during this spiritual and universal event.

The angels, in the Presence of the Father, the Almighty, do not cease to keep their head on the ground as an act of adoration and of reverence for our Creator. And at this moment, we see how different hosts of Light, armies of angels begin to surround the Presence of God.

All are summoned to this meeting to receive the balm of the Love of God and the principle of His Wisdom.

To finish uniting Earth with all the Universe, and before continuing with all that Our Lord wants to accomplish on this day, in an act of greater reverence and love for our Creator, in the face of this revelation and Divine Presence, we will intone the Name of Abba through "Primary Source" as a single voice and single heart, until Our Lord gives a sign.

At this moment, we are going to allow each one of the principles and attributes of the Holy Ark to not only bathe our planet with Light but also the nations and the peoples, the Kingdoms of Nature, the oceans, so that all life, at this moment, be in God.

We can begin.

Song: "Primary Source"

We see how our offerings have been written in the Sacred Books of the Ancients, and which will be kept in there until God asks for them.

Our Lord withdraws The Holy Chalice from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that, spiritually speaking, it may be placed on this altar and this afternoon we celebrate the communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ.

We feel this Holy Chalice very close to us, the Chalice with which Christ celebrated the Last Supper and which testifies to and expresses the most important relic of humanity, which is the precious Blood of Jesus.

Christ said to us:

My words today are represented through this experience of love because there are many of you, aware and prepared on the path of the spirit and service to humanity, that are ready to live these experiences that only I could lead, through the authority granted to Me by My Father. An experience in which I make each one of you a participant, so that your souls and essences may be strengthened in this service of the end of times, in which your giving and surrender will be the fundamental key for concretizing My Return.

For this reason, today on this simple altar I have left the Holy Chalice so that it not only radiates for you but also for the whole world, which needs it with extreme spiritual urgency.

Thus, to all those who listen, I demonstrate the validity of the spiritual communion with Me, when you simply open up to experience it.

The Ancients are the witnesses of this humanity and of this planet up to their last days; this is why they are here with you and with the world.

Abraham and Moses are a fundamental part of the history of your humanity which, at different times and periods, achieved important spiritual movements of expansion of consciousness and fulfilling the Plan of the Creator.

This is the third moment, after My Passion, Death, and Resurrection, in which the same thing could happen, as long as souls adhere to the discovery of this spiritual legacy, held in the Ark of the Holy Covenant for all the essences of the Universe and beyond it.

Today the Ark of the Holy Covenant comes to bring healing and renewal to humanity because souls are in need of healing so as to be physically healthy and thus find again the path to God at this planetary moment, in which love and indifference confront each other when the coming time will be defined for all the human race.

At this moment, Moses and Abraham withdraw, taking with them the Ark of the Holy Covenant toward the center of the Triangle, where God is, to safeguard it where it always is.

But the doors to the Heavens still remain open, for we were carried to another space of the Spiritual Church of Christ, called Celestial Church. The center of this Church is the legacy of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, that the angels safeguard, adore, and protect with an infinite love for all the sacrifice Christ lived for this humanity and for each one of us on this planet.

Although it may seem incomprehensible and impossible, we are facing Abba and Our Lord Jesus Christ, filled by His profound celestial silence and by His eternal Love that emanates from the Father, from the Son, and from the Source.

The Holy Chalice still remains close to us, because Our Lord will return it to its place when this ceremony between Heaven and Earth, between the Celestial Church and souls, has ended.

And so, we see how Christ ignites thirteen points of Light in all of the Americas and each one of those points of Light, which emerge from the interior of the Earth, bring a tone, a vibration and a melody that humanity needs to be able to enter into the coming time; and we see how in perfect harmony, those thirteen points of Light unite, emerging on the surface, beginning in North America down to South America, in the whole column of the Rockies and the Andes.

We are standing before a Network of spiritual Light that has always been present on the planet since its origins, but which had its time for awakening. Let us visualize the Americas lit up by those thirteen points of Light and let us perceive, at this moment, what our heart feels.

What Christ asks of us is that we hold the memory of this feeling, so that we may always recognize it and starting with this profound and inner feeling, we have the strength and bravery to be able to renew all things, in the same way that Christ renews us.

Thus, we see replicas of this Holy Chalice at the thirteen points of Light. We see that a spiritual Blood is shed on each one of the Chalices that the angels pour out at this moment into them, and the planet is bathed by the powerful Blood of Jesus. 

In this way, all souls receive this impulse of Our Redeemer.

And in the heights of the Andes, we see the same Cross that was on the heights of Mount Calvary, and at its foot, our Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, as well as all Her children, beings of love, of prayer, and of goodwill spread throughout the four corners of the Earth.

That Cross is a Cross of Light that illuminates each one of the Chalices and we are filled by the Holy Spirit.

We see our Most Holy Mother pray for the world and for humanity, placing the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and the Americas, at Her side. And through the Americas, humanity stands up again, as Christ stood up during the Calvary.

The Triangle of God travels through each point of Light of the Americas, placing each one of Its aspects and Sacred names over them; and from the center of our planet, we feel the pain of Mother Earth being relieved at this moment by the Blood that Jesus spilled on the Cross.

We empty ourselves again so as to be able to receive all this; we recognize our smallness in the face of this great mystery, the mystery of the Love of God for humanity.

And in this scenario, with the Holy Chalice close to us, we celebrate this moment with a profound act of thanks for this revelation of Our Father, God, through His Son, the Christ.

Christ has asked that, at this moment, we wash our hands as a sign of purification and of surrender, in the name of humanity.

At the request of Christ, we will wash the hands of the brothers and sisters of the Council of this Work, in the name of humanity.

We ask that, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in this moment, if Friar Supremo is listening to us, that he also washes his hands, making the same offering that Our Lord requests, so that Love may heal all the pain. This will always be so that Love may defeat impunity.

Before the Light of the Holy Chalice, we remember Our Most Holy Mother at the foot of the powerful Cross, in the heights of the Andes, because She is also receiving our offering at this moment, as Mother of humanity.


My God,

I believe in You, I adore You,

I wait for You and I love You.

And I ask forgiveness

for those who do not believe in You,

do not adore You,

do not wait for You and do not love You.


(prayed in English three times)


Take it and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body, that today is given to the world for the forgiveness of sins.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Take it and drink it, for this is My Chalice, the Chalice of the New Covenant between souls and God, with the Blood that is shed by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


By the powerful Light that is emanated by the Holy Chalice at this moment, in union with Our Most Holy Mother in the heights of the Andes, in union with the thirteen points of Light that were ignited by Our Lord, let us together pray the prayer He taught us:

Our Father (in Spanish).

Our Father (in English).

The Body and the Blood of Christ.

Blessed are they who avail themselves of this legacy of Love.

May Peace descend on Earth.

Our Lord withdraws the Holy Chalice from the altar and carries it in His Hands to return it to the Ark of the Holy Covenant. And in this way, the thirteen points of Light return to where they emerged and manifested. Our Mother, the Virgin Mary, rises up to Heaven together with Her Son, as well as all the angels that participated at this moment, to be able to continue in adoration of God.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen


Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is in the silence of God where the greatest and most precious treasures of Creation are kept. Witnesses of all these treasures are the trees, in their diversity and manifestation, in their expression and beauty.

Trees are the temples that bring to Earth the Principles of God. They attract from the Universe the higher energies that humanity needs, to elevate its consciousness and be healed.

Today you are in a place where I have expected you to come for many years, one of the most important places in the world for God.

Here lies not only the witnesses of the Creation of the Father, since millions of years ago, but, even more, present here are the guardians of the original legacy of humanity which, through the sacred White Mountain, are the ones that guard and protect this sacred knowledge that comes from the Brotherhood.

Northern California is the inner receptacle of the original legacy of humanity, something that today the minds do not know, and they now hear it for the first time.

The great watchers of the Plant Kingdom are present here, fulfilling a task since millions of years ago, since before humanity existed upon the surface as consciousnesses and as beings.

I have brought you all here, in the inner planes, so that you could remember and participate in the Origin of your origins as humanity of the surface, as consciousnesses that must evolve and attain the degrees of love through Me, as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature.

These great trees are witnesses of the errors of the different civilizations of humanity, of the events that happened and marked Creation, not only within this planet, but also outside of it, in the Universe, throughout Existence.

They feel all that humanity of the surface has done, all that humanity has generated since the first moment in which it existed upon the surface of the Earth, up until today.

This suffering is transmuted by the great trees of Northern California, as well as by another part of the Kingdoms, and humanity has still not become aware that this happens.

The trees of Northern California are a great mystery for humanity of the surface. It is time for humanity to discover the value they have and the spirituality they bear as a soul group of the Plant Kingdom.

They are also the great guardians and watchers of the inner Retreats of the planet. They are present throughout the Andes, each species and each tree, fulfilling a main function, essential for God.

They are temples that hold the one thousand portals to which humanity needs to access through the true and only time that surrounds them in the Universe and in the Solar System.

Through the great trees, you will find access to the superior reality, and you will be able to experience all that this superior reality holds, which comes to meet those who seek the Peace and Love of the Universe.

Trees have experienced the suffering that the planet has lived and all that humanity has generated toward it. Even so, they are present here, sustaining that which the humanity of today cannot sustain, donating that which humanity of today cannot donate and give to the Eternal Father.

Their silence and immobility make them great and strong to sustain the axis of the Earth and the heart of this planet.

But now is the moment for all this to come to light, for no one to be ignorant, any longer, for nothing to be imperceptible nor hidden any longer.

They need the love of the humanity of the Earth in order to keep fulfilling their spiritual and inner task.

They were also witnesses of what happened to your Master and Lord, long before your Master and Lord existed among this humanity, through the incarnation in the humble manger of Bethlehem.

The great Archangels of God were who helped, and the gave Their knowledge for creation and for the manifestation of this expression and beauty of God, through the devas and the lower angels. Because the trees beat and vibrate in a most important melody that humanity of today does not know.

By simply approaching them, it is possible to recognize and feel them, and know that the great trees kept in Northern California are the old ancestors that did not want to leave the planet in order to help it in its process of evolution and healing.

The great ancestors of the Indigenous peoples of North America are here. Their wisdom, their humility and their love have allowed them to express this grand manifestation of the Creation of the Plant Kingdom, which surpasses the limits of human consciousness, not only mentally, but also visually.

The great trees have a lot to give to the humanity of the Earth. They only need to be recognized so that their essences can open up and be shown, just as today they are shown to you, in profound and unconditional simplicity.

Their offering and surrender were so great that they gave of themselves, through the wood of the Cross, to be able to help humanity, through the surrender of the Son of God. This is why they are the great witnesses of yesteryear and are the ones that bring to humanity the sacred knowledge of Creation.

The trees are a life not yet understood, and they have, in their composition, that which the human being needs in order to evolve and awaken, each day more.

In these sacred spaces of the plant universe, the sacred Hierarchy also retreats in order to be able to think and meditate upon the next steps of this humanity and this planet, just as of the whole Universe.

God is found in the simplest places, where He is visible in His different manifestations.

I want you to know that the great trees of the planet will keep being the witnesses, but, in this cycle, they will be the witnesses of the final time.

Humanity has damaged, outraged and wounded them, and the blood of their sap has a price for the whole human race. The lack of connection with the Heights and with the Universe is the reason for so many psychological and psychiatric imbalances.

They also lived their passion, so similar to that of your Master and Lord. Therefore, the reconciliation and forgiveness of humanity are indispensable for these times, so that this chain of damage and destruction of the Plant Kingdom may be cut.

Rejoice, because you are conscious of all this knowledge and, above all, of what they have wanted to say for millions of years, and yet, no one has heard them. Today is the first time that this happens, because your Master and Lord offered that all this might take place, according to the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

When human beings of the surface understand why each Kingdom exists, humanity will evolve and no longer become lost in sufferings and tests.

This is why these great trees are in the North of this planet. They are the great absorbers of the divine principle and energy for humanity. They have been fulfilling this and doing this for millions of years. It is an eternal service of love for souls and for all planes of consciousness.

Now I say to the world that this is the moment to rebuild the Planet and heal the Kingdoms of Nature, to plant trees and regenerate life, the soil, and, above all, the consciousnesses that have never been attentive to Creation and that are here to serve it, to make it grow and awaken.

The inner Retreats offer these keys for all human beings, regardless of their spiritual, mental or material condition, because the great trees of North-America are present and exist so that the men and women of the Earth never forget to return toward the Origins of their essences, which is love, harmony and inner and spiritual balance.

Although the world is in turmoil, in the silence of the Temple of Trees, of the one thousand portals, the planes of the One Divinity open so that all may receive and welcome the donation that they give, in their silence and firmness, so that healing may regenerate the consciousnesses, and the consciousnesses may find the path to enter into communion with Creation.

In silence, listen to the soul group of trees, of the great witnesses and guardians of North America and the world.

May humanity react and no longer self-destroy nor destroy its lower brothers and sisters, which in this case is the Plant Kingdom, nor may they longer destroy the elementals, devas and angels which, in their quietude and silence, watch over and protect humanities evolution as a race and as consciousnesses.

Be touched by this powerful light that comes from the great trees of North America and, from the coronary to the South of the planet, may all be transmuted, transubstantiated and elevated under the unconditional love of Creation and of its great rulers of the Universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 70th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the city of Fatima, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The world does not know the mysteries of God because it does not love them.

If it deeply loved the unknown, the mysteries would be completely revealed and that word "mystery" would no longer have any meaning in humanity. Because if the men and women of Earth deeply loved what is unknown and what is not within reach of everyone, all would be aware and would awaken to what is Greater. They would become aware of what the Kingdom of God means, and what it represents for the life of the beings of the Earth.

I Am the Lord of the Seven Chalices, of the seven important teraphims of the Spiritual Universe, held in the Legacy of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

These seven Chalices, contemplated by your Master and Lord, are the next steps that humanity must take through its sacrifice and its surrender to the Creator.

They will be seven steps of evolution for the consciousness, seven steps of awakening, seven commitments still to be experienced and practiced.

So today I bring you the Seven Sacred Chalices of the Lord that were lovingly taken out of the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that your inner worlds might contemplate them and adore them.

In those seven symbols is held the precious Blood of the Lamb of God. The seven principal states that your Master lived on Earth during the Passion, which no religion knows yet, but which today I reveal to you by means of the wisdom of My love that comes from My Eternal Heart.

Become aware of this Legacy, and just as you have placed yourselves so many times before the Temple of the Adoration of God, place yourselves today before this Legacy of Christ that was preciously held by your Heavenly Mother and the apostles, and deeply adored by the holy women of Jerusalem.

Here is what humanity needs in this time of emergency. The Blood of the Lamb of God donates itself again to the world so that its precious Codes of Light may enter essences, and souls may achieve their state of Christification and of redemption through experiencing the steps in love and in forgiveness.

And thus, My companions, today I place you before a unique possibility that is within the reach of any being from Earth, regardless of their school or of their errors.

Through the Seven Chalices, here is the possibility of the awakening of the new Christs who will be able to receive the Codes of the Celestial Universe to completely transform their lives, according to what God needs. Just as He conceived from the beginning, from before your existences, your origins.

In these Sacred Chalices is held the experience of love of the Redeemer at each step of His agony, at each step of His calvary up to the definitive moment of His expiration on the Cross.

When the Earth trembled, the hells were defeated, the dead rose and proclaimed the Name of God, the victory of the Messiah, the redemption of the oppressed, the salvation of the lost, the healing of the sick in spiritual life.

This is the time for humanity to become aware of what it still has not become aware of, because of placing its attention of the superficiality of life, becoming distant from the divine, from what really vivifies the spirit and the soul of each being.

God needs the world to receive this Legacy; it does not matter if it is the majority or the minority; what really matters to your Celestial Father is that this Legacy may truly be within you at each moment of your life, in each act of love, of service and of forgiveness. That you value these Christic Codes in your lives, especially in your spiritual life and life of prayer. In this way, you will be expanding My love into the world that so needs it and so cries out for it.

Thus, I will be able to reach those who most suffer and those who have nothing, those who are ignored by the great powers of the world, by the great leaders of the nations that only make empty promises, empty of love and of truth.

But through the Seven Chalices, companions, I bring you that which will make you remember your origins before you came to Earth, before you were born, before you learned and experimented on the surface of this planet.

This Legacy was known to the patriarchs through the revelations that God Himself gave them. This Legacy was known to the apostles at the most important moment of the Last Supper, when one of those Seven Chalices was elevated, in grace and in glory, by the Hands of your Master and Redeemer, to accept the sacrifice of the redemption of humanity and of the conversion of the planet through Christic Love.

It is time for the real Church to awaken within you, for you to forgive all the priests who have offended the Name of their Lord and all the faithful of the Earth who put their own faith at stake.

I bring you the donation of My Life and of My Spirit, the donation of these Seven Chalices as true knowledge for your consciousnesses, so that your spirits may be ennobled in Christ under the flame and the principle of His Wisdom.

This will place you above all things and you will be able to forgive and to love, not only yourselves, but also your peers, because My Celestial Church still pulses in the Greater Universe. This is the main Legacy that I gave the apostles and that I revealed to Peter at that time.

Your lives can be the very Church of God on Earth, your bodies can be the sacred Temples of God so that He may dwell there. It is time to take on this step for humanity.

With all of this, I do not tell you, companions, that you will overcome all things and difficulties.

Through the Christic Codes of My Love, you will learn to overcome yourselves every day and take small steps. As much as they are few, let these steps be real, just and merciful for your transformation.

Because the Legacy that is in the Heavens, kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, needs mirror souls on the surface of the Earth that can rebuild the Spiritual Church that Christ sowed on Earth through the physical church, present all over the world, that needs to be restored, safeguarded and protected.

The faith of the believers will rebuild the Church on Earth and the greater dome of the Universe will descend to fill consciousnesses with Divine Attributes, with all graces and all mercies.

Within the Sacred Chalices of the Redeemer are the next seven stages of your lives, which you still are to live and go through for My Cause.

You will still not understand the meaning of all this. The Spiritual Universe is revealed, little by little, so that souls may learn to recognize it within themselves and accept the Will of the Father, just as the Son accepted it in the institution of the Eucharist through the Holy Grail.

Drink, then, of this greater commitment and participate in the Wills of the Eternal Father, just as the angels of Heaven participate and, in obedience, fulfill His commands and His designs so that the strength of love and of faith can triumph in all of the Universe and on this planet.

May the advent of your next steps be fulfilled. Each one, if they accept it, will receive in their lives the next seven steps that they are to take. The Universe will be shown, the learnings will arrive and the opportunity to cross the threshold of consciousness will be conscious for each one of you.

But be attentive, do not make any of your peers responsible for your not being able to take your steps. This step, which you are to take, is between you and God, between your souls and His Divine Will.

Perhaps you may ask yourselves what steps you should take. Be patient, continue to pray and be vigilant because the steps you are to take will be presented in one way or another. But you will be aware because your souls will cause you to feel when the moment has arrived to cross the Portal and to expand your consciousness in Universal Love and in Sacred Unity.

As an example and testimony for your steps, today I have chosen some souls among those present who have nominated themselves to take steps in their inner life and in service to My sacred and unfathomable Heart, who have offered themselves to adorn My altars, to revere My Presence, to be witnesses of My love as were the holy women of Jerusalem.

Here is the Living Love that was with the apostles, with the holy women and with all the followers of Christ, and that today returns to the Earth to be shared with you through the Wisdom and the love of the Seven Chalices of the Lord.

Do not fear, because I will not abandon you. But each soul has its timing and its moment to take its step in profound and inextinguishable solitude, just as your Master did in the Garden of Gethsemane.

In your hearts, gather up the precious light of the Seven Chalices, and in honor of the sacrifice of the Redeemer, open the doors of the Celestial Church for the whole world, and especially for all of Europe.

I will ask you to sing "Sacred Chalice of the Lord" so that the angels may transubstantiate this moment and these elements that will be offered to God as a symbol of reparation and of forgiveness by all the souls present, for all the souls of the world.

I am listening.

We place our hands in the sign of reception.

Song: "Sacred Chalice of the Lord."


And now, companions, in light of the power of the Seven Chalices of the Lord, radiated to Europe and the world, and to all the essences of the Earth that will have the opportunity and the grace of redemption, we will proceed in ceremony with the Eternal Father to testify to those steps through the path of the Light and the Love that My Merciful Heart offers you all the time, so that love may be established and faith may prevail in these times, for the triumph of the Plan of God in humanity. Amen.

We stand up.

Do not cry, gladden your hearts, because this is the time of the Mercy of God, the time of His Grace, the time of the light and of the healing of hearts.

Today you cry like the women of Jerusalem and bring to your souls the memory of that participation and of that experience through the union with Me, through the love that I offer you in this consecration.

I invite those who are able, in the name of these daughters that I have called, to kneel down for their consecration.

As in that time, today I will again give the spiritual communion to these women who were always with Me up to the most culminating moment on the Cross, in which My Soul was agonizing for the world, and in spite of the pain, My Soul felt a great love for those who were faithful to Me and stayed in prayer for the surrender of their Master and Lord on the Cross.

All this Legacy returns to the world, on this day, directly from the Heart of your Master and Lord, and is radiated by His hands of Light to the souls that are being consecrated and to the souls that someday will be consecrated, holding onto the aspiration of seeing God within themselves.

We renew this Sacrifice of the Lamb of God. We vivify His Legacy and through this offering of the altar, together with all the angels of the Universe, bring toward the Earth the promises of the Redeemer that will be fulfilled in humanity. So be it.

In adoration, we bow down before the Almighty God and we thank Him for His Presence through His Most High Son, and just as in that time, I wash the hands of My apostles to purify them and consecrate them to Me, just as I wish to consecrate the souls of the world to My Sacred and unfathomable Heart.

At that time, I took the bread into My Hands, and giving thanks to God for this sacrifice, I said to My apostles and to many of you: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for humankind for the remission of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

In the same way, I took the Chalice into My Hands in order to renew all times up to My second return to Earth. Lifting It up to God, giving thanks for the sacrifice of His Son, I said to My apostles: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Master and Lord, and by the martyrs throughout the times for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

This is the Lamb of God that takes away the faults of the world.

Blessed are they who are called upon to avail themselves of this Divine Sacrament.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

The Divine Body and Blood of Christ.

I leave you My Peace so that you may experience it and so that you make all of your brothers and sisters participants of My Peace, so that it may be established on Earth like an essential attribute for this humanity, for the healing of souls and the redemption of hearts.

I give you thanks for having accompanied Me during this so important moment for your Master and Lord, for humanity and for the planet, for the Plan of God in this material Universe.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Just like in the beginning times of Christianity when Christ was alive in the hearts, so that that time may again be remembered, you will give one another the greeting of Peace.

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I have many followers in the world and I place them all at My Feet. They come from different stories, from varied experiences and are taken out of the abyss and error by My humble Hand, placing each one of them close to My Heart.

Thus, in the world, many adore Me; but in truth I tell you, companions, that it is God Whom you adore, through the Heart of His beloved Son, Who comes to provide you with and give you the divine virtues that will make you free and you will thus be able to praise God much more.

And so, each one of you, just like each one of My followers in the world, fulfills an important role in this time, a sacred task, I would say, that comes to consolidate and to institute My Redeeming Project in this cycle.

And so, I am with all those who follow Me, because My Heart has no religion. In truth, I tell you, companions, that your only religion is the Lord, the Almighty. I would say, the religion of Love, of Compassion, and of Mercy.

Thus, on this very special afternoon, in which My merciful Heart has beaten so hard on hearing the last song, your cells and souls also participated in a special way in a mystical communion with Me, which had regularly not taken place since more than two thousand years ago.

Believe in this event, because through My Heart and My Divine Consciousness, and through My humble service to God, today I bring you the revelation of the universe, in which you will also participate someday within that universe of Love and Unity, which Our Father El Shaddai has created since the beginning of all the worlds, of all the suns, of all the stars.

I come to bring you the impulse, companions, that will lead you to experience a true adoration, a true communion, in these critical times, when it will be necessary to be able to express a greater degree of love so that this world may transform and be healed of all its wounds.

All My followers are important in this time. For this reason, I am present in many religions and beliefs; in those who have a religion and in those that do not, as well as in those that only believe in love and in the infinite Consciousness of the Father, which is an inner feeling emanated from their hearts that is also real in this end time.

 With this, I want to tell you, companions, that through the door of adoration, of praise, and of the glorification of God, you open the doors to My Divine Mercy and I can reach those places in the world where, at this very moment and in this time, souls suffer because of not finding the Light, the Love, and the Unity that you can also express at this moment.

Each praise said from the heart, each adoration given from your spirits to the Divine Spirit of God, allows this Creation to be recreated, allows wonderful things to be drawn to this planet that are still unknown to the world and to all of humanity.

I speak again of those virtues and gifts which will make of souls, souls transformed in God, souls transformed by My merciful Heart.

While I speak to you, companions, may your cells be ignited on receiving the Christic codes of My Heart, may your hearts shine with love and with joy because of experiencing the opportunity of redemption and of Christification.

On this afternoon, I want to bring you something that I have never been able to give to My companions. Something that is deeply within, that will not only free you of any anxiety or any sorrow that you are going through in these times, but will also renew you.

But it will depend on you, My apostles, that this legacy I will give you, like the one I gave the apostles through the Holy Spirit, be taken care of, cultivated, and made to blossom by you so that many souls, besides your own, are able to receive this same impulse in this time of chaos and darkness.

I come to place the flame of the Holy Spirit over your spirits.

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, opens the doors of the Celestial Church so that the holy angels and archangels, by means of the giving of their hands and their unconditional service, may place the Flame of the Holy Spirit over your consciousnesses and over each body.

In this way, companions, in the coming times, in which the new Christs will flourish, you will be able to recognize your sacred task, your important mission, no matter what it is, but simply to serve God with the fullness of you heart and soul.

Are you willing to be different?

The apostles yielded to be able to receive this important Legacy. The apostles, in those times, did not understand what it was about until I reappeared to reveal this mystery to them, just as I reveal it to you today, bringing it to the whole world, to the souls that follow My Heart.

Kneel down.

Placing your hands in the sign of reception, you will say to the Almighty Father:

"I am not worthy of receiving Your Graces, but I need them to know how to survive in this end time.

I renounce what I fancy, what satisfies me, what awakens in my consciousness everything that separates me from You.

Today I confirm myself as Your apostle, Lord, of peace, service, and prayer, so that in me You may establish Your Mercies, which will cultivate in My spirit the gifts for the New Humanity.

And although you will not be present on this planet during the times that will come, I will feel gladness in My Spirit, gratitude in My Soul, and love in My Heart on celebrating together with You, Lord, the descent and the glory of Your Kingdom in this humanity. Amen."

Place your hands on your heart.

Lord, I who am nothing, I surrender to You,
so that You may make me Your dwelling.
(three times, in Portuguese)

You may sit and keep your hand upon your heart, to continue in communion with the Holy Spirit and in adoration of the Divine Life that comes from the universe and from the Source, which will allow your hearts to open so as to be able to live new things.

Thus, I give these Graces to the world, even though they are inner and non-material, because My followers will need them to become worthy and deserving of the Kingdom of God and of the victory of your Master and Lord, the Christ, on His Return.

Today I expand this Grace to the five continents, and feel in your hearts the reception of the Love of God through His Third Person, the Holy Spirit.

Now over your heads, see the blazing Flame of Fire, so similar to the one received by My Holy Mother and the apostles.

Let us repeat:

Come, Holy Spirit, unify our hearts,
so that we may live Your Divine Plan.
(three times)

When you come across difficulties on your paths for living the Plan of God, recite this simple prayer that was emanated from the Heart of My Mother during the Sacred Cenacle, in Jerusalem.

Relive communion with Divine Life, with the Holy Spirit of God, erasing the past, alleviating suffering, and reconciling your beings with Love.

Now take each other's hands.

"Father, Who always renews all things, sanctify Your children, sanctify the life You created.

Glorify the essences that emanated from Your non-material Source, and with My plea, awaken the New Christs, so that this Earth, on this planet and on the five continents, love awakens in all of humanity and thus the wounds may be healed, Lord; the errors be forgiven, Lord.

Let the fire of Your Spirit impregnate everything, so that souls may shine in the Sacred Fount of Your Divine Unity."

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us place our hands on our heart.

I have also sanctified all that you have brought to My altar, because if your hearts are open, as they are today, everything is renewed, everything is healed, everything can be reconciled by the presence of the Love of God and of His Divine Unity.

From this Marian Center, may the world be radiated by the sacred Ray of Love, by the sacred Ray of Gratitude, and may the Light of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit abound on Earth. So be it.

To those who adore Me, wait for Me and love Me, I want to say that through this ecumenical song, the doors of Heaven unified East with West, thus closing the cycle and the Project of the thousand years of peace.

Although you may not understand what this means, blessed be those who already live it, for you will leave here feeling the Fire of the renewal and of the healing of your souls.

Know that I will come here while the Father asks Me to. Do not waste any opportunity, because the world must experience its transition so that it may finally learn to love, just as I untiringly love you.

I want you to lift up your hearts through the Fire of adoration and of praise, as you did in the last song, repeating those words not for Me, but rather for the One that created you, so that more than ever at this time, His Source of Light, of Grace, and of Redemption may be poured out upon the five continents. And that love, which today your hearts can emanate with this song, may reach those hearts that, in loneliness and suffering, in bitterness and in damnation, have nothing.

Let this song activate the Christs of the new time, for who praises God, pleases Him twice.

Before I leave, remember that the sacred medallions and the promises of My Glorified Heart must reach Asia, the Middle East, Venezuela, and Africa.

I thank you for being with Me today and united with My Heart. At this moment, let us praise God so that the world awakens, in glory and in praise.

I bless you, companions and apostles of My Heart, under the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We may stand up.

We continue connected with Christ, because He is present.

Seeing that Flame in us, the Flame of the Holy Spirit over us, we will activate it in adoration.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
