Dear children:
When your Heavenly Mother has the happiness of visiting the house of Her children, in the inner world this trust in God is strengthened and faith manifests like a flower in the rays of the Sun.
Through My Visitation to the homes of the families, the Mother of God finds shelter and rest; thus, the Heavenly Mother regains inner strength to continue walking in this world, to search for and to rescue Her most lost children.
For this reason, when your Heavenly Mother is received with great love, Her angels in Heaven, who descend with Her, transform the spaces into sacred precincts of prayer and of vibration, as an offering of devotion to God.
The Visitation of Mary to the families of the world represents the possibility of reconfirming that spiritual and inner affiliation which each child of Mine has with the Mother of God.
In the face of the predominant lack of union in hundreds of families in the world through a lack of love and solidarity, the fact that the Mother of God visits this simple house today means the spiritual opportunity to intercede, in a planetary manner, for thousands of families.
As from now, I thank you for this reception, because on this day the wounded bosom of families is being healed by the balm of the Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Before your Heavenly Mother leaves on the pilgrimage for peace to Argentina and then to Uruguay, on this day I wish to be closer to My children of Figueira and I want to announce that on the 1st of December, the day of the first daily message of that month, I would like to see you gathered at 6:30 p.m. so, together, we may bless the Sacred Manger, as well as all the mangers that My children place to be blessed in their communities and family homes.
My mission and aspiration will be that, by means of this consecration, to be able to work in the heart of the family, and most importantly, in the consciousness of the nations, which in these critical times, will need spiritual help at the moment of making future decisions.
As it was the last 25th of November, your Heavenly Mother would like to see the pilgrims and those who pray gathered again so that I may bless you and all the mangers that you place at the foot of My Altar.
This special encounter also has the purpose of strengthening the spirit of the Sacred Family of Figueira, so that the brothers and sisters of the same path love each other more, much more, as Christ loves you, without condition.
I will wait for you, children, the next 1st of December so that we may enter together into the spirit of the Nativity.
My last request is that all groups of prayer and the pilgrims of the world, for this Christmas, send their greetings of peace and of hope so that this joy and perseverance can be radiated to the families of the world that need to strengthen their faith and their union with God. These greetings of peace will be specially given to all television viewers on the 24th and 25th of December from the Marian Center of Aurora.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When My Mother Heart visits every house on Earth and they open the door of their inner home to receive Me, I pour out all the Graces of Heaven and I establish in the hearts that receive Me, the Gifts of My holy Peace.
Every house I visit, I consecrate it, sanctify it and establish a point of Light for the world, a place where prayer can be found and where souls will be strengthened after I have gone through there.
Thus, dear children, in every house that I visit I create an oratory of Peace for the world and I pour out a Gift that will invisibly sustain all the lost consciousnesses in need of it.
This way, My dear children, through all the houses that I have visited in the world, I can create a great network of Light and of prayer that radiates the fruitful principles of goodness and peace through its potent energy.
Thus, every day, when My children pray in their consecrated houses, this flow of Grace and Redemption is spiritually reactivated for the whole planetary consciousness.
I establish in each spirit that opens the door of their house to Me, an inner consecration that is distinguished by the angels of the universe who, together with the souls, work to sow the peace so necessary in these times.
The oratories that I create for My children are spaces where My Divine Consciousness can be present to work in their own family and in all those who need it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Consecration of homes to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dear children,
Through the act of daily consecration of your homes to My Immaculate Heart, Your Heavenly Mother comes to have a place of spiritual rest and inner retreat offered by Her children.
The work of Your Mother of Heaven is very extensive and deep, and just as Jesus wants to always live in your hearts, I expect, by means of your prayers, to find a place of hope and of peace, of consolation and of faith amidst the chaos, the evil, and the cruelty of these times.
It is thus that I build homes of light and of divine radiation for the great cities of the world, which are in need of an urgent spiritual and moral balance.
Children, when your beings open the doors of the homes so that I may enter, it means that you are, in consciousness, permitting the Kingdom of the Heavens to enter into your dwellings and in this way, everything the Divine Kingdom touches is transformed with time.
The consecration of homes to My Immaculate Heart not only represents the alliance of the children of the world with the Mother of God, but also an act of restoring and spiritual communion with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is through this sacred alliance of souls with God that the Father of the Universe can confirm that it is possible to concretize the Project on this planet.
I still must enter many hearts that are closed, whose homes are invaded by evil, and which have doors closed to the true light.
It is through My children, who let Me enter their hearts and homes, that I can with confidence help and intercede on behalf of those who do not want to see the God of Love.
The homes consecrated to the Divine Heart of Mary will be protected from all adversity, because they will be fortresses in the times of battle and of prayer; that fortress is built by the prayer of the heart, which is the key that opens the doors to the Heavens.
Act of consecration of homes to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Mother of God,
You can always enter my heart and my home,
enveloping them in light, peace and love.
Today, Divine Mother, I give you this home
so that Your Love may reign among us
and so that you may take us by the hand to the Divine Heart of Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call!
In union with the families of the world,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dearest children of Mine,
In this month of the Holy Rosary I want to renew you in the faith and in the sacred devotion to My Immaculate Heart. I wish that every day, even if only for fifteen minutes of your day, you venerate My Immaculate Heart; Its Light; Its Glory; and Its Grace towards all of the children of the Earth.
I promise those who will venerate My chaste and pure Virginal Heart during the whole month of October, to pour a special Grace that will bear fruit and glory in the next life. I promise those who will venerate My Sacred Heart, to give them fervor and a spirit of consolation and of Grace during the ultimate times of the Earth.
I wish, dear children, you would diffuse the devotion to My Immaculate Heart. And if this veneration takes place before the praying of the Holy Rosary, I promise to comfort the soul that will ask Me for that, because I have the permission and the authority to do it as the Mother of God. This promise shall be fulfilled because it has been preciously conceded when Christ gave Me to all as the Mother of the new humanity.
To those hearts that will diffuse the silent power of My Immaculate Heart I promise them the total and absolute protection of the banners, from My adversary. If this holy image of My Immaculate Heart were to be placed on the door of each home, I promise the existence of an unbreakable faith, capable of moving away every desire of evildoing and hatred.
But if the holy image of My Immaculate Heart is venerated by the families of the world before praying the Holy Rosary, I promise the most potent divine protection during the three days of darkness.
Whoever in the name of Jesus Christ will ask Me all, for the sake of the merits of His Passion I promise, during this month, to concede impossible Graces, and unthinkable transformations to all those who will venerate Me and who will give Me their love.
I wish that in this month of the rosary, peace may be the keynote for the souls of the world because I will especially fulfill My works requested by Christ through those who will piously implore Me from the Heart for a special Grace.
This month the most pure Mercy of My Immaculate Heart will be pouring Itself as an ocean of renewal and hope for all. I will not abandon any child, because My gaze will be on all those who will truly seek Me with sincerity.
Whoever during their life will proceed to venerate My Immaculate Heart, offended by the impure actions of the world, I promise to liberate them from every stain at the time of their death, and especially to elevate them to the Kingdom of God, as the angels elevated Me in My Assumption.
I promise each of those who will consecrate themselves for life to My Immaculate Heart, the Grace of joy and of the eternal peace for all of the times that will come. I promise in the time of their judgment to be the advocate and intercessor, because My Graces will erase all of the grievances committed due to ignorance from their consciousnesses. In this moment My Immaculate Heart shall triumph in their existence.
I thank you for venerating My Immaculate Heart.
Who consecrates you to God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Pity to the whole world.
Mercy fills the hearts in despair.
Peace unifies beings with God and with His sacred purpose.
My crying has not yet ceased, but your appeals relieve My Heart. If the answer came from a large majority, you as humanity would be opening the doors to the intercession.
I wish that, during these thirty-three days of prayer, the praying souls venerate the Immaculate Heart of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, because it will be through the purity that God granted to My Spirit that the ungrateful human beings would have the chance to free themselves from captivity.
Dear children, today I also pray with you, asking for the Divine Mercy of My beloved Son. Thus, I establish in the simple hearts the Kingdom of God and lead the brave prayer beings so that, day by day, they can discover the universe of prayer.
Let us pray for the innocent children who are the main result of the lack of love and compassion for the young.
Take all children from Syria towards My maternal Heart. Plead to the Heavenly Father so that your Heavenly Mother can save you spiritually from the time of persecution.
I am in all homes that open the doors to Me through the Holy Rosary. I am in the simple hearts of My beloved children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unites you in the Sacred Prayer Room of the Mother of the World
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My little beloved ones,
Today, from Heaven I bring Graces for all My children, Graces that God the Father has allowed to be poured out over spirits that thirst and that aspire to find a place of refuge and of renewal in My Heart.
For this reason, today, in a simple way, I ask in prayer that all My children present here and in your homes, again open your hearts to the Mother of Heaven Who comes to help you and bring you the Good News of the Return of the Redeemer.
My beloveds, who have been far from God without perceiving this, immersed in the modernity of the world and spiritually asleep, I come today to offer you My arms of the co-redemptive Mother, who wants to give you Her Heart so that the Love of God may be a fact in your lives.
I have come here to rescue My children from the dream in which you are immersed, a dream that does not allow you to see the Light of God in your inner worlds.
For those who want to come out of the lethargy in which they find themselves, I have a Grace for your lives and that of your families. A Grace that will turn you into a server of the Plan of God for this humanity; the Grace of becoming a Marian soldier, a soul that will pray together with Me and together with their brothers and sisters for the redemption of this Earth and all of your race, so that the act of Divine Justice that is written for this humanity may be alleviated.
Dear children, My tears express My pain in seeing how My dear children become lost every day, without even perceiving it, in ignorance and suffering, and little by little, evil takes ownership of your lives.
But while I am with you, you must fear nothing; you only need to be united with Me in trust, for I will place My maternal Mantle of love and protection over you.
I want you to understand, dear children, that this planet is becoming shipwrecked in the sea of illusion and that it needs a great awakening that will dissolve that illusion and give back to the hearts of My children that sacred union with the Creator Father, that union which you have lost.
Who among you will respond to the call of My Heart?
Who among you will open the door of your being to Me, so that I may love and protect you, interact with you and change you into a soldier of My Marian army?
Who among you will allow Me to take you by the hand to the blessed Heart of Christ, the Redeemer and Savior, Who is coming?
Who among you will dare to begin a new life, full of spiritual challenges and a great hope, one in which God can change everything?
Who among you will want to arduously work so that those who are coming behind will be able to live in a New Humanity, where true fellowship, love for God and all His Creation, may be the premise for the evolution for this race?
Who, My children, who will give a 'yes' full of trust to Me so that My liberating power may touch your soul and give you a new life?
Come close to My Heart, dear son, dear daughter, for here is your little Mother of Heaven Who comes to remind you that you are a child of God in service to His Plan of Peace and of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call of a Mother and for being here today with Me!
I love you and bless you always,
Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Peace
Dear children of Mine:
My Heart is filled with Joy and My Spirit rejoices when the souls answer to My call.
To this end today I wish to consecrate all the homes of the world to My Immaculate Heart. For this I come to ask you that an image of the Queen of Peace may be placed in the entrance of each house with the goal of protecting and helping all the families. If you do this you will be saying to the enemy that your dwelling places belong to God and that nothing that is not similar to the love of the Father will be able to reign there.
Dear children, you do not know how much I long to have you near My Heart and to listen to your prayers. Because of your loving answer God has permitted Me to continue to guide you in the way that many mothers in the world do.
For this I wish, dear children, that all the mothers that have already had children, in the same way that I have had Jesus, may be consecrated to the Spirit of My Maternity. In this way in your homes will reign peace and the unity in the times that will come.
Children of Mine, you do not know how much destruction and despair there is in the bosom of the families. The enemy and its modernities have succeeded to substitute the Word of Life, the Bible with the Internet, prayer with the uncontrolled word, fasting with incessant gluttony and, principally, true love of the heart has been replaced by lying and falsity.
To avoid the law of God upon many of My children I come to ask that all the moms look to My Heart and that they may feel My example of peace and humility.
You My dears, do not even imagine how much wickedness the enemy instills in the families, to the point of reaching destruction and disunity among the beings. But My sword of light descends from Heaven to cut all the evil and to establish the Love of God, that is Law and is Life.
As long as the Marian Centers in the world which I have founded at different times, are islands of salvation, so I ask you to be a true spiritual family; a family that seeks all the time to live the commandments of God and a life of love and prayer. In this way you will relieve My Immaculate Heart.
But remember My children, that the adoration to the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of My Son will establish, over the kingdom of the Earth, an opportunity of being able to receive a Greater Grace.
When you decide to place the sacred image of the Queen of Peace on the door of your houses, I promise you:
So that the promises of the Queen of Peace may be accomplished I ask lovingly of all the moms of the world to recite to Me the following prayer, in order to reach My Maternal Spirit.
Prayer to reach the Maternal Spirit of Mary
Sacred Virgin Mary,
who gestated in Your Womb the Love of God,
and from Whose Womb was born the Supreme Life
that gave Itself to us in Mercy and Redemption.
O Sacred Mother!
Queen among all the mothers of Earth,
permit that we may live Your Maternity
so that, for the days to come,
we may recognize the face of Your Beloved Son Jesus
in the faces of our children.
I thank you for answering to My call.
I bless you, I adore you and I love you,
Mary, Queen of Peace and of all the moms of the world
Dear children of Mine,
As I know that you will want to know, God will grant Me to know the world after it completes ten years of continuous Apparitions. After that, many will give living testimony of My presence among you and, mainly, the Holy Father will recognize Me as the Lady of the Great Mystery, different from that which has been happening for thirty three years in Medjugorje.
For this moment, many of you no longer will be, and My task that now is in groups will be assumed by each visionary in different continents because My last call will be that they will give the world to know My final message. This final message is this, that which I am giving to you, month by month. In this way, many hearts will be prepared for the awaited return of Christ, and everything that until now seems to be a mystery will become a living revelation for the current humanity.
For this, in the final times, I will come to ask humanity for the consecration of all homes to the Immaculate Heart; when I am no longer among you My Light that comes from Heaven will be poured upon your families, and in this way, you will be protected from the three days of darkness.
When this moment arrives, I will show Myself for the last time to millions of people, and those who have not believed in the Woman Clothed with the Sun, by the luminous turning of the light of Her twelve stars upon the Earth, will be converted and receive as a final opportunity for the absolution and forgiveness of sins.
This work, as so many others that I have realized for the good and for the peace of humanity, will be recorded in the memory of all those who, through their efforts, will admire the power of My Immaculate Heart; before the great cycle of tribulation, the whole world will have more time of peace.
But now comes the time of preparation. I call you to realize in your lives the spirit of constant prayer and of charity; this will demonstrate, after a while, visible results within your hearts.
I now wish to tell you that the gift of your group is the true love of God, a love that has brought you to be among My arms of a Mother.
Dear children, this is the love which some felt in their hearts, that which has allowed Me to be here today and to reveal to you this secret of the end of time. From your fruits will be born new seeds in the future; open the doors of your inner universes so that new souls may be able to be served from the fountain of Graces that has been poured over you in these last years.
The Father always will infuse His Faith in your hearts. While the whole world passes through the cycle of its last transition, I come to ask you to be living testimonies for those who do not believe, and especially to pray every day from the heart for those who have been lost in the hands of the enemy. In this way, because of your prayers, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
On this night, I thank you for accompanying Me. These days shared with all of My praying children were celestial gifts generated for those who have not been rescued, in this way, the Plan of God is fulfilled.
I bless you and guide you.
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
Beloved children,
My maternal request was announced yesterday for the spiritual emergence of the communication network Misericordia María. This project, which is not a earthly project, but a spiritual project, will attempt to reach the hearts of the homes in a fraternal, ordered and peaceful way, because the purpose of Misericordia María will be to open the doors to all souls so that they may hear My Message and the Message of My Son, Jesus.
You must have asked yourselves: why will the Celestial Hierarchy need to transmit Its Words through a means of communication? Because of the planetary urgency, the lack of awareness about the events in humanity, the need for peace and prayer in homes, the constant union with God, and mainly because of the redemption of the souls that in these times are linked to the networks of evil. It is a reason and an aspiration of My Immaculate Heart that My Kingdom of Peace may obtain victory over the world before the glorious arrival of My Son.
But this project of My Heart is a timeless project, this means, My dear children, that the Celestial Hierarchy will communicate Its Words and consequently pour out Its Graces for an undetermined time, because the Father has asked us, the Celestial Messengers, to do everything possible so that a great part of the consciousnesses of humanity may withdraw from modernities and enter, through this project, into experiencing their own redemption.
Misericordia María is an archetype of more direct and advanced communication that will operate through celestial principles, which will protect the development of the task, and this will avoid the influence of the external realities towards the task.
I mean, dear children, that Misericordia María will not be a broadcaster similar to those that exist nowadays in the world and those that confuse souls. This project will directly reach the most profound nuclei of the inner beings through the work of the Holy Spirit and thus, it will cease to be something superficial and material.
All that the Celestial Hierarchy requests, we communicate with a high degree of love and wisdom to prevent those who receive the call from interpreting it or becoming confused.
For the first time in the History of humanity, Heaven asks, through this call, for a project that is little understood by the consciousnesses. But Misericordia María will have the foundation of prayer, fasting, and the loving surrender of those who are willing to carry the task forward, under the vow of obedience and order for this design that My maternal Consciousness is carrying out.
Misericordia María wants to take the Mercy of God to the homes. Therefore, this project of communication will experience principles, to banish from the unconscious of the servers something that this world awakens by mistake such as vainglory, vanity, power and competition among beings.
Misericordia María, through the Christic principles, will gradually liberate these needs of self-realization from the unconscious, and thus it will place the Light of the Divine Kingdom in the hearts.
It will be a task of Misericordia María to repolarize the consciousnesses of the world that have been dominated by the modernity of evil, so that through its impulses, beings may awaken to God, their Lord.
Misericordia María will be the heart of the Heart of Mary, which will lovingly beat to transmit impulses of fraternity, healing and forgiveness, which is what the present humanity needs.
The Christic principles of Misericordia María are the following:
1. Transmit the true and healing love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
2. Approach the consciousnesses and the souls to the saving Message of the Sacred Hearts.
3. Rescue for everyone, the value of the Creation of God through the care of all Kingdoms.
4. Unite the groups of prayer under the same Divine Purpose.
5. Be a bridge of redemption and forgiveness among families.
6. Fraternize in the whole world through the devotion to the Sacred Hearts.
7. Express the pilgrims' experiences of faith as an inner testimony of conversion.
8. Liberate the unconscious of humanity from the influences and deceits of evil.
9. Generate in the consciousness of the whole world the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
10. Train those who awaken as soldiers of prayer.
11. Build among pilgrims the Love of Christ.
12. Activate in the consciousnesses the importance of responding to the call of God.
13. Establish within the hearts the spirit of humility and peace.
14. Eradicate suffering through the union with the Divine Mercy.
15. Congregate groups of prayer so that they respond to the call of planetary prayer.
16. Awaken in the souls the true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
17. Close the uncertain doors of the enemy in the homes, so that the celestial doors may be opened in the hearts.
18. Create a perfect unity between souls and the universe.
19. Gather the presence of the protecting Guardian Angel among the souls.
20. Be conscious of the importance of living in the Law of God.
21. Be a link between homes and the Immaculate Heart.
22. Generate a peaceful response in all beings.
23. Elevate the realities of families towards the spheres of prayer and harmony.
24. Support those who try to pray every day.
25. Accompany, like the Most Holy Mary, the soul that awakens for the first time to the call.
26. Convert human pain into spiritual healing and redemption.
27. Be the shining sun of the Heart of Mary so that all may recognize Her.
28. Work tirelessly for peace in the world.
29. Serve the Plan of God above all things.
30. Illuminate the spaces that are dark.
31. Reconcile the souls in most need with the good of Christ.
32. Merge the hearts in the Presence of the Sacred Hearts.
Dear children, these principles will allow My Marian project to be fulfilled under the protection of My maternal Light.
I thank you for supporting and collaborating in this call!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Reconciliation
Dear children of Mine,
Today I place each one of you in My embrace of love, so that you may feel My maternity within your hearts.
My children, praised be the homes of the families that open the door of their hearts to the Queen of Heaven.
Praised be the families that pray with Me every day, to reach conversion and redemption.
Praised be the families that teach their children to pray with the heart in the first years of life, for My motherly Heart will be with them.
Praised be the adolescents and the youth who find My Son in Communion because, as an example of faith, they will open the door to those who are lost, without love and protection.
Praised be the homes that day by day are consecrated to the victorious Light of the Immaculate Heart, for I assure you that God will be present through Me to guide you in faith and hope.
Dear children, today My motherly aspiration is that all homes may praise the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today I come to you to ask for prayers for the families of the world since few live the Commandments that My Son has given you.
Today My Heart also rejoices for so much beauty created by God the Creator in this region of South America. Behold, dear children of Mine, how God is withdrawn in the silence of this entire blessed place.
For this motive of joy and praise, I ask you to unite in these times as one network of prayer throughout Argentina. I ask, out of love for God and everything created by Him, that you be one in spirit, in heart, and in consciousness.
Dear children, God expects from Argentina the absolute awakening to prayer and to the conversion of all those causes that offend the Creator. God has precious Designs and Graces for every nation that, above all things, is part of the universe of God.
Welcome the Holy Spirit in your homes, open the door to It so that just like in the Cenacle of the Virgin Mary, your spirits of love may be guided by Its blessed gifts. When My Heart approaches your lives, it is the Holy Spirit cultivated within My Heart that radiates to help you take steps towards the immaculate faith in It.
Dear children, this week, may your homes be consecrated to the infinite Home of the Immaculate Heart.
My children, may faith always motivate you to walk through the path of My beloved Son, through the path of your conversion.
I thank the presence of all My Children of the blessed Patagonia. Now and always, the Blessed Lady of Guadalupe blesses the beloved remaining indigenous people.
May Peace be with you and with your families.
Thank you for responding to My call for Peace!
Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the Sacred Family
Dear children,
As the Lady of Divine Defense, today I call you to pray for the protection of the Marian Centers and especially, for My National Marian Center of Luján that in these days has experienced critical situations.
Therefore, My children, with the flag of peace in My hands, I invite you to pilgrimage, out of love, to the homes most in need in this region, and through service and giving, to supply that which My children from the region of Luján may need.
Dear children, My Marian Centers are in your hands and God contemplates the honorable grace that all My children can offer and perform through service of help and prayer to those most in need. Today I not only invite you to prayer, but also to serve in the end of these times.
My Son calls you all to be merciful and the hour has now come to surrender everything to the Lord for the salvation of souls.
Children of My Son Jesus, sheep of His beloved flock, as the Universal Mother and the Mother of Perpetual Help, I am calling you to pray for the Centers of Peace and also to serve, in a selfless and true way, My children that during these days have suffered the consequences of the flood in their homes and families, but above all, within their hearts. In reverence I call you all to be conscious and collaborate in My universal task of salvation.
Dear children, My Protecting Mantle of Mercy and Love is over you. I pray for you perpetually. I pray for you asking God for your salvation, asking for His Mercy. Time runs fast and humanity must pray more to prevent irreparable events.
Therefore, My children, I am with you, walking as Mother, step by step, by your side and as the Guardian of Faith for your hearts.
Dear children, we are in the time of the purification of the mind and heart. Therefore I invite you to pray sincerely because in this way you will be protected under My Maternal Light.
Dear children, opening My arms to help all souls, especially the Sanctuary of Luján, I ask you on this day to pilgrimage serving God and giving your love to your brothers and sisters, faithful devotees of My Immaculate Heart.
I ask you to go to Luján on these days to bring the love of My Resurrected Son, and also so that your hands may donate charity and humility to those who have been affected by the storm that took place in that region.
Dear children, you will have two tasks to accomplish before God:
To serve the brothers and sisters of Luján and pray with them so that the hearts of My children are repaired. I will thank you for responding to this important call.
To meet with Me in My monthly apparition that will take place on the 3rd of this month in the city of Buenos Aires, at 7:30 p.m., when My Maternal Heart will prepare your hearts and hands to go and serve Luján in the name of Christ. This task of service will continue until when your hearts indicate to you.
Dear children, will you help Me?
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
The Lady of Divine Defense
Dear children,
With My arms extended, radiating love to all of Argentina, and in a new meeting of children and pilgrims, I give you My Maternal Blessing.
Dear children, in this time of Grace and Justice, I ask you to pray more with the heart, to keep a space for God and that your hearts and lives express themselves lovingly before the Creator. Open the doors of your homes to God so that you may be radiated with the Love of His Omnipotent and Compassionate Divine Spirit, of the Most Holy Trinity.
Dear children, when I call you to prayer, I am calling you, as Mother, to the preparation of your hearts for the new cycle.
My children, this is why I call you daily to be in Jesus and to look for Jesus in each moment of your lives, because Christ promises you the redemption of the heart, the kind rebirth of souls once again consecrated to His Sacred Heart.
In the face of the tests in these times, dear children, I call you to strengthen your union with God, as much as your lives can, because in this way you will be under the Light of the Spirit of the Love of My Son.
Dear children, so that you may grow before the Will and the Plans of God, you must believe in the power of prayer in this decisive time, because it will help you during the different situations of your life.
Dear children, once more My Immaculate Heart comes to Argentina to find hearts consecrated to the hope of the Redeemer; humble and merciful hearts.
Let us pray, My little children, let us pray.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
When you open your hearts to God, you will open them in love to your brothers and sisters. There you will begin to understand the science of compassion and your hearts will be touched by the supreme radiance of the Humility of God.
When you open your hearts by means of the exercise of prayer, the darkness of confusion will fade, and on the path you will manage to see the Merciful Horizon of God.
When you open your hearts, it will be humanity that will open itself to the Will of God. Souls will find themselves sincere and pure before the Creator, and with an Immense Love, His Grace will be poured over all.
When you live in My Immaculate Heart, I promise you that peace will surround the beauty of your souls as an extensive garden of roses because there will shine the One and Only God.
When you are in the Heart of My Son, your souls will be pacified and will live in the Law of the Holy Spirit; the essence of love and truth will be revealed to you in life.
If humanity opened the heart to My call, much pain would already have ended, peace would reign in the homes and no child of God would have their life in danger. But still very few are those who, spontaneously, open the heart to the call of My voice.
Many are the soldiers who must be in vigil. The Shepherd must look after His flock. Remember that everyone is called to constant prayer.
Today I invite you to open your hearts and let yourselves be conducted by the new maternal guidance. Whoever accepts to be My child will be well received in the Kingdom of Peace and, in a true act, the hearts of those who still have it closed to God will be opened.
This is what is essential for today: to open the heart so that the Love of My Son may reign among you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Today I call you to prepare again and with joy My merciful arrival in the city of São Paulo. You, My children, can help Me in this mission of peace through the sincere act of prayer.
I want you to be more open so that, as instruments of My Maternal Light, My Immaculate Heart may reach spaces of this city that need much compassion and love. Still, dear children, few are the servers of Christ that, looking around themselves, can clearly see how much prayer is necessary for their poor and sick fellow humans.
Therefore, dear children, as praying souls that will receive once again the Grace of My visit, I ask you to prepare your hearts in prayer and, in this exercise, raise your hands to plead to God for the Grace of Conversion of many of My children in Brazil.
I love with fondness this nation that welcomed Me as the Only Mother for all. But still, a little bit more effort, love and dedication are necessary for the ones who are in most need and for those who are most distant from God.
You know that there are infinite ways of being a server of Christ. Today I invite you to be constant guardians of prayer so that it may never lack in your homes. The times that will come and that were described to My daughter Lúcia of Fatima are close. But all will depend on the attitude of souls before the simple life of prayer that I ask you to live as something primordial.
Your hearts are already enveloped by My Maternal Joy for visiting you once more in this needy city of São Paulo. May this visit be a new reason for you to meet the One and Only King of Life, of Truth and of the New Paths: My Son Jesus, the High Priest.
I thank you for the response from all!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
As the Lady of the Pains I ask God for all My children so that My Immaculate Heart may intercede before each one of them. Today I ask you for more prayer with the heart so that God the Father will hear My supplications for the world.
Those who do not live the conversion of life, how can they overcome the changes that will happen for purification of the souls?
Remember My children, in contemplation and in renunciation from the heart you will encounter the true mysteries of the Will of God that humanity still cannot live.
My Heart wants to bring to you each day the presence of My Son so that you, imitating the Shepherd’s blissfulness, may dissolve through fraternal love the great evil that this world lives.
From epoch to epoch My Immaculate Heart brings a message for the conversion of all. Because of this, for this time, the conversion and the detachment from all faults through true prayer of the heart will allow you to live the reconciliation in the Lord.
Dear children, I carry on My face a tear that speaks about the pain of this humanity. I await in the hope that My children who are distant from God may approach themselves to Him. I pray for all of them and place them near My Maternal Spirit so that they reach redemption and conversion.
Humanity still must live acts of deep humility to be able to relieve the offenses that God’s Heart receives. For this, My praying children may relieve the heart of the Father through unity among souls, love among the hearts and peace in all places of the Earth. This will help the conversion of many children that need it.
The time of the calling is now, so little children, redeem, redeem, redeem what is still not redeemed, so you may please the Father for so many offenses that He receives from this world.
Be joyful so your hearts approach themselves to purity.
I thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more