Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Aljustrel, City of Fátima, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My children,

Each time I descend from Heaven, I bring to the world a sacred opportunity so that you may rethink your attitude towards the Universe of God, so that you can truly become conscious of the place in which you have placed yourself and which does not correspond to you.

Therefore, My children, I come from Heaven to make you know that we must always seek the holy spirit of humility, meekness and unity with our neighbor, so that the pillars of brotherhood, mutual respect and fraternity may be established.

You must build these bases in this humanity through attitude, respect and sacred reverence that the Sacred Hearts also experienced, overcoming the differences above all.

Dear children, among the Sacred Hearts, the Love of God was present, which is the essence that unites all things beyond difficulties and errors.

Dear children, reverence and respect among all beings will help you to recover the values of brotherhood and of harmony that the world does not experience today.

Make an effort every day to generate true conditions of common unity among all, because in this way, you will be closing the doors to My adversary of the currents of bad education, of superfluous habits and of separations, as well as to the criticism that the majority of humanity experiences.

Dear children, I give you this consciousness because I need you well-trained and free from all superstition and disharmony; I say this because the time has come to build the New Humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves and educates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I express My infinite gratitude to all the children of Aurora because of them supporting and sustaining, through their faith, the inner expression of Aurora on the surface.

This month of May, which is approaching, will be special because your Heavenly Mother will take you to the origin and the roots of the divine history of the birth of Aurora on the surface, a history built by the plans of your Heavenly Mother, which will be shared with everyone who is present.

At this moment, Aurora needs to be recognized as the Sacred Center that it is, and also for its important spiritual task in all of Uruguay. It is for this reason that your Mother has you return to Aurora after a long pilgrimage through Brazil, so that your lives and hearts may be repositories of the codes of Light of Aurora.

Today Aurora shows its winter beauty, of withdrawal and silence, so important to all of planetary life, but it also shows its harmony and joy of always keeping its doors open to take in the spiritual suffering of humanity.

In this way, dear children, Aurora prepares its Sacred Center to receive again, in May, the Queen of Heaven and the Redeemer Who is already returning.

The brotherhood between servers and God is established again, and the bases of the whole work of Aurora are renewed so that, later, it may go out into the world providing impulses of freedom and of redemption for hearts and souls.

Aurora clothes itself in nature's winter to receive the Messengers of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you from Aurora,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children:

I come on this day so that you may believe in the existence of the universal life, the principle of brotherhood and love that is lived in the whole Universe and that leads the consciousnesses to be within the Plan of God.

To live the universal life is to practice daily the attributes and the patterns of life that lead the consciousness to be united to God. These patterns we see reflected, for example, in fraternal actions of brotherhood and of service to the neighbor.

At this time, dear children, the universal life must be appreciated so that more consciousnesses feel the magnetism of being united to the Plan of the Universe.

Your world is part of a distinctive system of life, of an aspect of Creation that experiences a certain degree of Laws and Principles called sources of energy.

Omnipresence is one of the Principles or of these patterns of spiritual life in which the consciousness is internally present in several places at the same time. This is possible when it emanates the love for God and for all His Work. It is in this way that a fluent communication can be established between human consciousnesses, whenever unity between the parts predominate.

There are no coincidences in the Universe, but rather there is an internal relation with certain Laws of the Father that collaborate in the communication between the consciousnesses and the worlds.

The spiritual Hierarchy is the principal spokesperson of all the universal impulses, it is the one in charge of the whole humanity to enter, as possible, in the same state of consciousness. Prayer is the first school to contact the Plan of the Father in the inner universe and to be attuned with the Purpose above all.

The universal life is a path of permanent effort, it is to be in the Arms of the Eternal Father all the time that is possible. Therefore, at this planetary moment, humanity should be with its gaze at the Universe for major help to reach everyone without distinction.

All those who consider themselves praying people will have the mission to maintain alive the Purpose within themselves and in the planetary aura; this will lead the entire humanity to count on the fundamental assistance it needs.

Equality, the Law of balance, manifests itself in the universal life, because all are considered members of the material universe guided by Major Universes. It is in this way that the perfect harmony fills the Universe and the whole galaxy to which you belong and that lives under the Principle of Peace, even though in humanity other things happen. This is possible when there are consciousnesses open to receive the impulses of the universal life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who comes from the Celestial Universe,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

With joy and gratitude in the heart, today remember the Resurrection of the Lord and the great victory that He achieved, in His Holy Humility, for each one of you.

It is time that you keep peace in your hearts and that you live the principles of brotherhood that He taught everyone since the beginning.

Let us celebrate, with chants of hallelujah, the Resurrection of the Redeemer in the hearts that, in this Sacred Week, opened themselves to receive the balm of peace and mercy.

My children, let us see the Sepulcher of the Lord glowing in light, awakening love and truth in the hearts that have never experienced it. Let us see the essence of this great mystery of transcending and overcoming death for love and for the salvation of humanity.

Be as the holy women were, waiting for the great moment in which Your Lord reappeared to show the infinite Love of God and to bring the Good News of redemption to everyone.

Have your hearts open to receive the mystery of love that has surrendered everything for you until today, and that will come again among the clouds to release the world from captivity and to liberate it from all evil.

Be apostles of Christ, be followers and examples of His holy word.

Be witnesses of His Mercy so that those who still sleep may have the fortune of knowing the glory of My Son.

I thank you for responding My call!

Who elevates you to the Kingdom of God in celebration and peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Glory


Dear children,

In these times of chaos and war in the world, may your hearts be able to live in the Spirit of My Peace, thus I will have where to deposit My divine gifts, those which will reorganize all the Earth.

For these difficult times that all are facing, may your loving care of elevating yourself to Heaven and staying there be permanent so that in this way My Son finds safe internal shelters where He can act and be present in this time of intense transition.

Dear children, may your eyes remain looking into Mine, so that through the celestial gaze of Your Mother you feel peace and serenity to move ahead until the Project of the Creator is fulfilled in this race.

Dear children, in the time of your purification, may prayer together with the internal union with Christ be the master key with which a new principle of brotherhood and light will be able to be established for the world.

My children, when you open your eyes to look at Me, receive from My Spirit the joy and the holy plenitude of serving God in spite of the crucial times.

Willing to live a sacred transformation, dear children, I leave to you the divine impulse so that day by day you persist through faith, and your souls finally accomplish the task that in this time you have come to fulfill.

Today I am with those most in need of spiritual support, I am with all My children.

I thank you for answering My call!

Peace and Light for all,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To My beloved people of Venezuela

Dear children,

With joy I meet you again in the blessed oratory of My Immaculate Heart.  Today I come from Heaven to deliver My Peace to you, that powerful energy that nobody can take away from you because when Peace lives and dwells in you, everything is different and this is reflected in the lives of your beings.

I know, as Your Mother, that many of you lack the true peace for not having forgiven, for not having confessed to that brother or sister to whom once you did harm, for not having found the meaning of your existence.  But today from the sacred heart of Roraima, I have come to give you this same Peace that the Archangel Gabriel delivered to Me in the first annunciation.

Children of Mine, if your lives are in Peace, your people will soon abandon this shipwreck in which they have placed themselves.  Lack of love, of charity and of fraternity has converted your holy land into a scenery of horrors and debts.  But I, who love you and pray for you, come today to offer you this true and spiritual Peace, which will liberate your beings from the constant errors that lead you to never find the Love of God.

My beloved people of Venezuela, the Father loves you, the Father has given you one of the most perfect places of the whole Earth, the Father has given you the sacred mountains and the beautiful valleys so that you would be able to express the deep devotion of the heart.  I invite you to walk through the darkness of these times with true faith and with determination to change the destiny of an entire country, through the loving offer of a few.  It will be in this way, dear children, that also in this blessed place created by God, you will make My Immaculate Heart triumph.   But while you get disturbed and disturb others, and instigate the life of others with the thought, you will not find the peace that will transform you and that will transform all of your people.

Dear children, as well as in human wars of the past and of the present, the human beings forget that they are brothers and sisters.  Whoever is a brother or a sister, does not punish. Whoever is a brother or a sister, helps. Whoever is a brother or a sister, loves and at the same time forgives and is compassionate.  I call you, beloved people, to live something that you have never known.  I open to you the perfect door to this experience of love and redemption in which the welfare of a brother or a sister will be your fruitful goal.  This will make humanity deserving of the sacred Kingdom of God.

I thank you for praying with Me!

Who unites you in brotherhood,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Power of God descend to Earth so that souls may be freed of the pressures of material life.

May the supreme Gift of the Love of God incarnate, as verb and energy, in all essences that are rehabilitated through forgiveness and prayer.

May the kingdoms of darkness be dispelled from the face of the planet so that the currents of Divine Love that come in aid of humanity, may re-establish the spiritual mission of each creature.

May the Portals of Heaven open, today, so the power of healing may descend and the new Aurora once again ignite wounded hearts through a greater reconciliation.

May the original innocence of souls reawaken, so that the spirit of brotherhood guide the purpose of the self-summoned.

Today, the Voice of the Messenger of God can be heard in the universe, because the Plan and Infinity aspire to live in the depths of the hearts that were called.

All the spiritual towers that have fallen rise up to Heaven, and the sun of the universe illuminates the paths of those who have given their great 'yes' to God.

The kings of Heaven assemble and celebrate the eternal redeeming communion with Jesus Christ, the Lord and Master of Love.

Nobody in this world will fail to hear the call, because the strength of the Love of God promotes an unbreakable union of souls with the Higher Kingdom.

Those who have again found the path they once lost, rejoice, because the Spokesperson of Heaven calls on you to be rehabilitated. Thus, from your beings release the reins and the ties of the past, so that among hearts, the spirit of peace may arise.

I gather up all your needs in My Heart. God contemplates the purity of the just and the mercy of the good. It is now time to embrace the opportunity and not retreat.

The Heart of the Great Master calls you to a greater unity, because supreme life must be gestated in redeemed beings.

Hold in your hands the divine flame that illumines you, and do not cease to look at the firmament that accompanies you.

Be bearers of the restorative and liberating message. Be stars that are part of the new Universe of God. Praise the Father as the angels in Heaven do and be worthy of receiving universal Graces.

Rebuild humanity with prayer and no longer be separate because of appearances. Recognize the Voice that comes from the Universe, the hand that caresses your face, the Mantle that protects you from all evil, the eyes that contemplate you with kindness and love, the divine smile that encourages you to continue forward and the maternal embrace that welcomes you.

Feel the Kingdom of My Peace in your lives, the calm that penetrates you, the serenity that reassures you, the luminous spark of My Heart. Be My soldiers and help to redeem this beloved suffering planet. Accept My convocation and, through prayer, profess the love of God.

Do not cease looking at or listening to Me. I am the same mother and woman that gestated Jesus, the Savior, and now I am your Mother of hope.

It is time to close the hell of this world so that Christ can return soon. In your hands is the power for your transformation, in your hands and hearts, the spring of the prayer of the heart can be born.

Receive My call with joy and rejoicing. Sing to God every day; in this way you will alleviate His scourged Heart of Love.

I am with you in the silence as well as in the joy; I am with you in the healing as well as in sickness. Purify yourselves in time and receive My maternal Love.

My wish is that renewed charismatic groups of prayer emerge from Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca and Viedma, which represent the Law of Healing for humanity. This you will achieve through your inner union.

I thank all My children of Argentina and the world for having responded to My maternal call!

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the God of Mercy, blesses you and heals you.

Peace on Earth.


Today My mantle extends itself over the world, sheltering all the helpless of spirit and of heart.  The ray of Brotherhood that is born in My chest is radiated to those who are lacking love, and matures in the heart of those who walk the flame of fraternity and of unity with the beings among themselves, with the kingdoms of nature and with God.

My children, as Queen of the Brotherhood I bring you the Peace of My Kingdom and I deposit in your hearts the brotherhood that the world lacks so much.

A heart that lives in Brotherhood is that which knows how to recognize the need in the situations of life and overcomes them with its actions and with its most pure intention.

A heart that beats in the rhythm of universal Brotherhood is that one which overcomes tiredness and discovers the love of sacrifice, when it is before the need of its fellow human being.

Brotherhood is born in the discovery of the Divine in each being.  Brotherhood clears the eyes that cannot see the presence of My Son in each heart.

Brotherhood grows and matures in the beings that aspire to love their fellow human beings above all things and that discovers in the service to the brothers and sisters the nourishment of its soul.

In Brotherhood is the key to enter into a superior life.  It is by seeking to love one’s fellow human being and to serve them that you will find the door that will bring you to the Kingdom of the Brotherhood.  It is by starting to be fraternal and a partner in this world, that one day you will achieve the merits to know the superior and universal Brotherhood.

My children, today I bring to you the Kingdom of the Brotherhood so that there may be manifested in your hearts the permanent and inextinguishable aspiration to serve one’s fellow human being and to love them, constructing a new life in the world and attracting to the beings the brotherhood that is lived in the Universe of God.

I deposit in your hearts a new seed that must be cultivated by your souls through the permanent search and the perseverance in living brotherhood and fraternity among the beings.  This will be reached when you recognize the perfect Plan of God for each sister soul, when you recognize the crystalline essence that shines in the center of each being and that was created by divine hands to manifest in the universe a principle of love and of unity.

My children, today, at the request of God, I present to you a new face of My Kingdom, that brings to you the archetype of life that all the worlds must manifest.

It is already time to awaken for the new and to let the old be extinguished from your hearts.  Do not fear to discover new beings in yourselves, because all that you need to take this leap is already available before your eyes and your spirits.  Only open the arms and the heart and receive with love the offer that is given you.

I am the Queen of the Brotherhood, the always Virgin and Blessed Mother of Christ and of all the beings.  From My womb come all things, because in this way it was conceded by the Lord to His Universal Servant.

My beloveds, I welcome you today in My maternal arms and I receive you with love in My Kingdom of the Brotherhood, so that through the “yes” of those who represent humanity, little by little, a new life may arise on Earth, so that a greater time of Peace may be conceded to the world.

I love you and I thank you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of the Brotherhood


Dear children,

Remembering the miracle of the Wedding at Cana, today I ask you that, through prayer, your hearts be converted as Jesus converted the water into wine. The mystery of this miracle is to be found in the love that you can have before the Father.

Therefore, children, on this day accompany Jesus in the conversion of humanity which is in need of Mercy and Forgiveness.

Dear children, may your lives reflect the teachings of Jesus in spirit and in essence. May your arms be open, free and prepared to receive those that are most in need of Mercy.

Little children, today I am calling you to live this miracle of the Wedding at Cana in your hearts so that your consciousnesses may live the great example of conversion that My Son realized in the name of the Love of God.

When Jesus converted the water into wine, He was instructing us about how the Love of God converts the impure into the Pure, the irreparable into the Repairable, the faults into Mercy, the darkness into Light. For this reason, dear children, may today your prayer be a new conversion of Cana, a demonstration of the love that each one of you keeps for God.

But this love that you keep must be radiated in brotherhood to all because in this way all will be uniting to the great web of love and fraternity.

Your redemption will begin when you recognize that you are a part of God and that God is a part of you, because in this simple exercise you will be collaborating in the spiritual elevation of humanity.

Therefore, it is important to pray every day, even more so in this time of urgent changes in each one of My children. But if you are under the Light of the Holy Spirit your hearts will receive, once again, the Grace of Forgiveness.

Be in My Peace and seek to be in My Maternal Peace.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call today!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

As Mother of Consolation I give you peace and all the Celestial Love of the Father.

As Queen of Heaven I want to bring you closer to the Divine Heart of My Son.

But today dear children, permission on the part of each one of you will allow for your souls to be united with Christ and Christ to be united in love with you.

It is the time to live the conversion of the heart through daily exercise in the verb of prayer.

Your lives must build the example of brotherhood and charity so that this message of donation may be transmitted to those who still do not live in the absolute service to the Creator.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart is the great consoler and helper for all souls because in My arms may be found refuge and the support necessary for each of My children.  And when everything seems hard in your lives it will be the moment, My children, to commune through prayer with My Glorified Son.

It is time for your gaze to be directed to the consoling and merciful gaze of Jesus because in Him you will also find relief for the inner calvary that you are living.

Know dear children, that the great consolation that My Heart wants to pour out is the consolation of Peace.  Because it is in Peace that many of My children in the world may be born as precious essences before the throne of God.

The true consoling relief for the afflicted ones is that of My heavenly missions on Earth.  But now to all Marian groups of prayer I place the task of reversing through the prayer of the heart all  that causes suffering to the innumerable children that need peace and love.

You are already under My mantle, but now the other children, the ones more distant from Me, must also be under the Redeeming Light of Jesus, the infinite Light of God the Father.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Daily Message of Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, transmitted to Friar Elías

My children,

Remember today that the great communion that exists for the world and for all souls is the Sacred Heart of My Son. In Him springs the Fountain that repairs all hearts and that is the infinite way to the conversion of the heart.

In the Sacred Heart of MY Son you will find the new home many of My forsaken children search for, because they have their eyes on other places of life.

To you, My children, who have walked through the holy daily prayer, I ask that through devotion you testify the existence and the presence of My Son in each human heart. Your lives must transmit the example of a true conversion, through prayer and consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

If you gave an example of a life converted and supported by the love of Christ, many of My children who are far from this truth and this Christian feeling might return to the arms of the Redeemer.

Because of this, dear children, daily union with Christ strengthens you as souls and as existence in God’s Plan of Love. The good and simple example of surrender to Jesus will allow you to shine as stars during the nights that will come to purify the absurd world.

The compassionate ears of God are observant of all the supplications of the pure hearts, those who think of the salvation of all for this time.

As the new flock of Christ, renewed in faith and in consecration to My Immaculate Heart, today I ask you and call to convert yourselves into real and true Marian banner of prayer, so that as a legion of My Maternal Heart you may build the restored and redeemed one heart in the humanity to come.

One only heart of love. One only feeling of brotherhood. One only goal in all My children: Fraternity.

Thank you for answering My call.

From the Light of the Infinite and merciful Heart of Jesus.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
